Curly and Josh

By moc.liamtoh@hsoj_dna_ylruc

Published on Nov 16, 2000


Disclaimer: OK here it goes kids, this story contains themes of a sexual nature between men (well it doesn't yet, but that is the whole point!) if this sort of story is illegal where you live, move somewhere else, or don't read it! If you are under 18 you can't be here so go away! (Get someone older to print it out and give it to you, can I encourage this? Probably not!) This story is (quite obviously) about the guys from N*SYNC, but it is just a story and implies nothing about the actual sexuality of any of the members, no matter how much you hope. I am not a member of NSYNC, nor do I know any of them, so I don't pretend to know their sexual orientation.

Hey kids, Here it is, another issue of Curly and Josh, I need to thank about 1000 people, everyone that sent me mail was fantastic and I really appreciate it, I have hopefully returned all of your letters, and to those I have promised this to, I will deliver eventually, I promise!!!!! I would like to especially thank the wonderful Sarah who is truly excellent, The wonderful Erin, who really should submit her story no matter what she thinks and the spectacular Red who I will get around to introducing very soon. Keep the email coming, let me know if you like the more serious turn this issue has taken, let me know what could be better and let me know what you like. Love and stuff AKW. Now on with the story...

When the 3 of them arrived back at Justin's place, they had barely stepped out of the car when Erin, Justin's cousin, ran toward them smiling broadly. Erin had been living with Justin and his family for the past 2 years because her fathers job moved them around a lot and her parents had felt it best that she finish her last year at senior high before moving again, Erin had subsequently graduated and began a course in Journalism, causing her to remain with them. Erin and Justin were as close as brother and sister, this was mostly due to the fact that they were the same age and had similarly easy-going attitudes.

"Hey Just!" Erin squealed, she was so happy to see them that she was close to tears.

"Hey Erin, I missed you." Justin said, throwing his arms around his cousin.

"I missed you too." Erin said, breaking their embrace to hug JC.

Erin was followed down the walk by Paul, who was smiling happily. "Welcome home guys." He called cheerfully "Go on inside and I'll grab your stuff."

JC helped Justin unpack his stuff, and then they decided that they needed some sleep after being on the plane for so long. They apoligised to everyone, then headed off to Justin's room for a nap.

They lay down together on Justin's bed and fell asleep almost instantly, when Justin awoke it was late in the evening and he was alone. He got up and went down stairs and found Lynn, Paul and JC sitting in the living room, talking to Joey, Chris and Sarah. Justin stood in the doorway, stretched and yawned, signaling his presence to the others.

"About time, sleepy." JC stated playfully

"Yeah, we nearly starved to death waiting on you." Joey replied with a smile.

"OK well I'm here now." Justin said irritably "Anyway, why didn't somebody wake me, now Josh has missed his plane."

"No I haven't Curly, I'm gonna stay here tonight and catch a flight tomorrow, it's easier." JC responded, "Now you go and wash up and the guys and I will go and get something to eat."

"Kay." Justin mumbled shortly, heading up the stairs.

"Oh, and Jus', how about a smile when we get back, huh?" Chris remarked deviously.

Justin said nothing, he only turned on the stairs, flipped Chris the finger and continued to the bathroom. He didn't like being nasty to Chris, but he also didn't like being called Jus'. There were only 3 people who could get away with that, his Mum, Erin and JC. When he had showered and returned to the living room he felt much happier. He found that Sarah was the only one still in the room. "Where is everyone?" He asked

"Well the guys went to get food and Lynn and Paul went to pick-up Erin from a party, it's just you and me I'm afraid."

"Oh, well what can you do?" Justin replied in mock disappointment.

"Bastard!" Sarah joked, hurling a cushion at him.

Justin caught the cushion and sat down, smiling to himself. He had only known Sarah since she had started dating Chris 10 months previously, but he had already formed a strong friendship with her. Making friends with girls was always easy for Justin, and Sarah has been no exception. She was good- looking, 5'6" with long red hair and green eyes, she was constantly tanned and had a body which put most women to shame. But this was not the reason Justin liked her, she had the most captivating personality, her voice captivated him, every word she said sounded important even if it was only small talk, she had the ability to hold Justin's interest for hours. Sarah was also one of the only adults he knew who treated him as an equal, not as though he was a child in need of constant care.

Lynn, Paul and Erin arrived home about an hour later, followed soon after by JC, Chris and Joey with enough Chinese take-away to feed them for a week. They all sat and ate Chinese and drank wine well into early morning, talking and catching up with everything. At about 3am Chris, Joey and Sarah left, Paul and Lynn went to bed and Justin, JC and Erin cleared away the mess and then sat down to watch some TV. Justin lasted about 20 minutes before he excused himself and went to bed. JC and Erin talked for another hour, the JC went to shower and Erin also went to bed. When JC got back to Justin's room he found him curled up in the fetal position in the middle of the bed, with the lights on. JC chuckled at the way Justin was sleeping, and at his inability to sleep alone without a light on, then he climbed under the covers of the king sized bed. Justin stirred, rolled over face down, with his arm across JC's chest. JC envied his friends ability to sleep at any time, he could fall asleep anywhere, nothing seemed to bother him. JC, however, couldn't sleep. He had come to a realization whilst talking to Erin, and it has scared and depressed him. Chris had asked him at the start of the last tour whether something was going on with him and Justin, they always slept in the same bed, were never apart, and the rest of the group were worried that the two guys were having a relationship which may have ultimately affected the group. JC had assured Chris that this was not the case, but thinking seriously about it for the first time that evening he had wished that there was.

Just hearing Erin talk about love and her definition of it, and seeing the way Chris and Sarah were with each other, willing to sacrifice everything to be together, he knew that this is how he felt about Justin. JC had never really been in love, and he didn't know how it should feel, but he knew how he felt and he couldn't tell Justin for fear of rejection, this made him want to cry. He had never felt any attraction to a guy before, but he was attracted to Justin now with a force that felt as though it could last forever, but what if he was wrong and told Justin, ruined their friendship and then it turned out not to be love. He just wished he knew what to feel, but his only romantic experiences had been with girls in high-school and they were lust not love.

Josh had always felt a bond with Justin, as if they were who they were because of each other, he could always be himself with Justin and not be judged and he treated Justin the same way. He had not known what this had meant previously, but now the pieces of the puzzle were beginning to fit, and JC did not like it, he was scared. How could he feel this way about his best friend? What would people, most of all Justin, think when they found out?? JC finally exhausted himself with questions and found sleep with tears pouring down his cheeks.

"Wake up Mr. sleepy" Justin called from the hall "Your flight leaves in 2 hours, get up."

Judging by Justin's happy disposition he had been awake quite some time, JC woke up and called back "I'm up, I'm up, I'm up ages." In an appalling Irish accent, reenacting a line from a movie the two of them had seen while on tour in Europe.

This elicited a laugh from Justin, which brought back for JC all of the feelings of confusion he had last night. He tried his best to disguise his growing depression and headed off to shower. After his shower he joined Justin and Erin in the kitchen for breakfast. "Morning Erin." JC said

"Morning Josh, sleep well?"

"Yeah, all that wine certainly helped" he lied

"I know what you mean, the aspirin's on the counter if you want it, I'd better get going" she replied, pushing her chair back and placing her bowl in the sink. "Bye guys." She said kissing them both.

"Bye" the guys replied.

After she had left silence filled the room, Justin began to feel uncomfortable and could tell that something wasn't right. "What's up Josh?" he asked worriedly.

"Nothing." JC lied again

"Yeah, Ok then, I could just pretend I believe you but I've known you long enough to know that something is bugging you." He stated, hurt that JC wouldn't talk to him

"No, really Curly I'm fine. I just need more sleep honestly" JC knew that Justin didn't believe him and he hated to lie, but he couldn't tell him the truth without ruining their friendship so he just let the boy walk out of the kitchen in a bad mood.

Soon after breakfast the two guys climbed into Justin's red Mercedes and headed off to the airport. Justin deliberately turned the radio up loud to avoid small talk with JC, he was so pissed off that his supposed friend wouldn't talk to him that he drove recklessly all the way, almost daring JC to comment, that would give him a reason to start an argument and sort everything out, but JC remained quiet and they arrived at the airport without incident.

After checking in JC headed toward the departure lounge and began to board. The guys said restrained good-byes and as JC handed his ticket to the waiting stewardess Justin called out "Real friends can talk about anything, maybe you should consider that before you come back next week!" he turned his back and walked away. Tears welled up in JC's eyes as he snatched back his ticket and boarded the plane.

So, did you like it?? If not why not? If so let me know why! I know its probably slower than you thought it would be but I did say I was gonna go slow. Give me some more hints guys, I love your emails telling me how much you love the story, my head is just getting bigger and bigger, but let me know what direction I should be taking. I love you all, yes every one of you.

Next: Chapter 3

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