Curly and Josh

By moc.liamtoh@hsoj_dna_ylruc

Published on Dec 14, 2000


Disclaimer: OK here it goes kids, this story contains themes of a sexual nature between men (well it doesn't yet, but that is the whole point!)if this sort of story is illegal where you live, move somewhere else, or don't read it! If you are under 18 you can't be here so go away! (Get someone older to print it out and give it to you, can I encourage this? Probably not!) This story is (quite obviously) about the guys from N*SYNC, but it is just a story and implies nothing about the actual sexuality of any of the members, no matter how much you hope. I am not a member of NSYNC, nor do I know any of them, so I don't pretend to know their sexual orientation.


Hi Guys and Girls, This is where you would normally expect a message from the author, well I'm not him, I'm his fiance (yes a girl, that means he's, Oh my God, BI!!!). Sorry to interrupt the flow of the story, but my better half is currently working flat out in the lead up to Christmas, so I have stepped in to fill his shoes. I hope I can live up to your expectations, you can continue to send your mail to the normal address, he will read it and send back replies as soon as he is able to do so. The following are people he would like to thank and a message he left with me to add:

Thanks to all those who wrote, sorry it took so long for the next issue to come out, thank you the lovely, beautiful, fantastic (I may have added those) Mel for writing this issue, the story I told you about a couple of weeks ago, by the fabulous Erin (secret emotion) actually got posted in the Bisexual part, but it is a J&J story and is excellent so go and read it. Thank you to Sarah and Erin for agreeing to help me out! Thank you to the truly fantastic AJ, just for being cute. And a message to the very sneaky Red, for writing to me as a "fan" and not telling me that she wrote also, I'm currently trying to work out just how many stories you do write then I will recommend them all in the next issue! Love and Stuff AKW

He also said some other stuff, but I wasn't really listening to him as usual, I have one more thing to say before I piss off and let you read the story and that is to AJ, watch yourself boy, or I'll be after you (hehehe) He's mine and you can't have him! "Love and Stuff" Mel.

JC woke to the sound of a ringing telephone, he had a dry mouth and felt dizzy, he looked at the clock and realised it was early afternoon. "I shouldn't have had so much to drink last night." He mumbled to himself, pulling the handset from its cradle.

"Hello." He mumbled almost inaudibly.

"Joshua it's Lynn, Justin's been in an accident and he's in the hospital, they won't tell me anything over the phone, I can't get there, I need you to go there and see if he's OK, I'm so worried..." Lynn ranted frantically into the phone.

JC was now wide-awake and in a state of panic. He couldn't comprehend what Lynn was telling him, it didn't make sense, all he knew was that Justin was hurt and he was terrified. "Lynn, slow down, what do you mean I'll have to go, I'm hours away, I mean I'll be on the first flight to Orlando but..."

"No Joshua, he's been in an accident about 5 blocks from your place, him and a girl, they couldn't tell me who but the only girl he knows near there would have to be..."

"Heather!" JC finished, with a horrifically sickly feeling, "I'm on my way!" He said, hanging up the phone and running down the stairs.

"What's wrong?" A familiar voice questioned. In his morning daze and shock of hearing about Justin and Heather he had forgotten that Scott, the boyfriend of Carla, Aunt Kate's daughter, had stayed in the guest room last night after an all night drinking session.

"Justin and Heather have been in an accident." JC said not caring that he was wearing only his boxer shorts in front of Scott, tears streamed down his face and he felt nauseous with anxiety.

"Hey calm down dude." Scott said, "Justin was here not 3 hours ago and he was fine."

"What was he doing here?" JC asked running back upstairs to dress.

"Looking for you, I told him you were still asleep and he left."

"Was Heather with him?"

"I don't think so, I didn't see anyone."

"Could you call Heathers' mobile for me, and just check that she's OK?"

"Sure can!" Came the reply. A few minutes later Scott walked upstairs with the portable phone. ""She's fine man, wanna talk to her?" he offered.

"Yeah." JC said taking the phone. "Heather have you heard from Justin at all?"

"Yes Joshua, what's wrong?" she asked worriedly

"Apparently Justin came here this morning looking for me and now Lynn just had a phone call saying he's been in an accident, him and a girl, and they're in hospital, I thought the girl was you, thank God you're OK."

"No, not me, Erin." She replied "I picked them up this morning and they took my car, they were coming to see you, are they OK?"

"Not sure." He responded bounding down the stairs and slipping on his runners with no socks "I'm on my way to the hospital now." With that he grabbed his car keys and headed for the door.

"Ring me and let me know." Heather responded, ending the call.

JC sped all the way to the hospital, a tension headache throbbing in his temples by the time he arrived. The receptionist could tell him nothing but to wait for the Doctor to come and see him. As he waited in the uncomfortable plastic chairs in the waiting room his headache gave way to a nose bleed as it always did in stressful situations. By the time the doctor came to see him blood was drying on his white tee shirt.

"How are they?" He asked hurriedly.

"Mr Timberlake has sustained only broken ribs, scratches and bruising, as well as a mild concussion, he's a very lucky boy." The doctor began officially.

"And Erin?"

"She has a broken ankle which is not too much of a concern, but she received a nasty blow to the head and, as yet, hasn't regained consciousness. All of her vital signs are strong but we will have to wait until she regains consciousness before we know any more."

"Can I see them?" He asked, stress lifting like a cloud from his body.

"You can see Justin, but Miss Chalmers is in intensive care and can see only family. Be prepared for Justin to be a bit dazed, he's still in shock and has been given pain killers for his ribs and strong sedatives to help him sleep comfortably."

"OK" JC said, walking toward a room the doctor pointed at.

"Hey Curly." JC whispered

"Josh" Justin said in chemically stunted excitement, melting JC's heart with just that one word. "How's Erin?"

"She's doing OK buddy." JC improvised

"Hey, how come you've got blood on your shirt? You weren't in the accident." Justin asked.

"Nose bleed" JC replied.

"Why did your nose bleed for?" Justin asked with childish innocence. JC laughed at his poor grammar and his ability to worry about other people, even when he was so doped up he sounded like he was talking in his sleep.

"Doesn't matter matey, you rest a minute while I go and call your Mum." JC said to him.

"OK Josh, but you will come back won't you?"

JC was so taken by Justin's apparent helplessness that he nearly cried. "Yes J' I'll be here when you wake up, I promise." He finished, walking out the door.

JC called Lynn who was in a cab on her way to the airport with Paul. He explained that they were OK and under observation. He set off back to Justin's room to ask why they had flown down form Orlando, but when he got back to the room, Justin was sound asleep. JC sat quietly, lost in thought, watching Justin sleep and thinking how cute he looked. He was thinking how much he loved Justin and wanted to tell him so. He was so overwhelmed with emotion at that moment that if Justin had been awake, he probably would have told him so. But he continued to sleep and JC's emotional roller coaster took him from being elated that Justin was Ok, to being guilty because if he'd told Justin over the phone then he never would have come and brought Erin with him and finally to feeling depressed that he couldn't tell the boy how he felt for fear of ruining their friendship."

"You should have told him." A voice said kindly, rescuing him from the prospect of a crying jag. It was Heather. "You said you were gonna call me and let me know." She playfully scolded, poking him in the chest. "You've had a blood nose, you must have been super-worried."

"Sorry sis', I just forgot. Yeah, I still am worried to be honest."

"Oh poor baby." She said hugging her brother. "I've just spoken to the doctor, apparently it looks OK yeah?" she asked

"Yeah, they should both be OK, hey how come you didn't tell me they were coming and why were they here?" He asked.

"I didn't know until this morning, they rang me from the airport and told me they had come to visit you, so I went and picked them up." She said, omitting any information about the phone call she had with Justin the day prior, or the info she had obtained on the drive from the airport that morning. She hated keeping secrets from he brother, but she felt that it wasn't her place to explain for Justin.

"Oh." JC replied, he knew there was something Heather wasn't telling him, but he couldn't work out what.

"He said you'd had an argument or something and he wanted to talk to you in person, not over the phone. Anyway I'm sure he'll tell you in his own time. I'm going out to ring Mum and Dad to let them know what's going on, is there anybody else I should call?" She asked quickly, before JC had a chance to ask any more questions.

"Um..." JC began. "Yeah could you call the guys and tell them, and Britt and Chrissy and I don't know if Lynn had a chance to ring Randall and Lisa either."

"OK no problem." She said, hurrying out the door.

JC woke up some time later, realizing he must have drifted off to sleep. Lynn, Paul, Heather, Scott, Randall, Lisa, Karen and Roy all sat on the opposite side of the bed talking softly. JC thought that this must have been to not wake Justin, but he quickly realized that Justin was awake and talking to the group, they had been quiet so as not to wake him.

"Oh look out, Sleepy head's awake." Karen said, laughing at the image of her groggy son.

"How long have I been asleep?" JC asked, yawning.

"Oh only about 6 hours." Heather replied with sarcasm.

"How are you feeling Curly?" JC asked Justin.

"Sore, but OK I guess, and Erin's OK too, she woke up and spoke to Heather and Mum, the doctor said she will be OK, she will have to be here for a few more days for tests and stuff, but she's OK."

"That's great." JC replied enthusiastically, noticing that the sleepy, doped-up quality had gone from Justin's voice. He was glad that Erin was OK too, because she was like a sister to Justin and a good friend to JC. But what JC was most impressed with was that Justin appeared to be acting and talking like himself again. He hadn't really admitted it to himself before but seeing Justin in that condition had given him the shock of his life. "I might go and say hello then." He suggested

"You can't, she's been sedated again, and visiting hours finished 45 minutes ago, so the ICU nurse kicked us out, we shouldn't really be here either, but we were only here until you woke up. Joey, Chris, Sarah and Britney left before, to go for dinner, we were only here until you woke up then we were going to pick up Christina and Lance from the Airport." Paul said

Everybody got up and began kissing Justin good-bye.

"No fair, JC pouted "I just woke up and now I have to go, I don't even get to talk to my best mate."

"Oh" Lynn replied "We thought you'd stay all night, that's why I was leaving, I didn't think the night nurse would appreciated 2 of us here."

"Really?" JC asked, surprised "Will they let me stay?"

"Sure Sweetie, I don't think it will be a problem, we'll just explain to the nurses on the way out, besides the guys will all be staying at Aunt Kate's tonight and Lynn, Paul, Randall and Lisa will be staying at our place so there won't be much room for you anyway." Karen laughed

"See you both in the morning." They all promised before leaving.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence JC turned to Justin and asked tenderly "So are you gonna tell me why you were at my place this morning?"

"I told that guy...what's-his-name...that I just came down to say hello. Who is he anyway, and how long have you two know..." Justin trailed off.

"JC was puzzled by Justin's question, and he could tell that he, like Heather, was holding something back. "His name is Scott, he's Carla's boyfriend, you remember my cousin Carla don't you? Anyway he said you came by to say Hi, but I don't believe that for one second, and what do you mean? We're not friends, if that's what you mean, I hardly even know him, that why I haven't introduced you, if that's what's making you mad."

"That's not what I mean and you know it." Justin replied forlornly "He hinted that you and he were...more than friends, you know..." he finished off suggestively.

"Now JC was not only confused but scared as well, he had mistaken Justin's look of jealously as a look of disgust at the thought of him being gay. "I'm not sure what Scott told you, but I'm promising you that nothing like that is going on, we just went out last night and got a bit wrecked, that's why I was still in bed when you turned up."

"OH" Justin said happily, but his happiness soon turned to a scowl.

"What?" Asked JC

"Then you're not gay?" Justin asked timidly.

"Who said I was?"

"Well...Heather kinda did." Justin admitted

"Well she had no right." He responded "She should learn to keep her mouth shut..."

"Josh" Justin said, stopping him mid-sentence. "It's OK, I'm fine with it."

"You are?"

"Yeah, in fact I've got something to tell you." He said, turning red with embarrassment.

"What's that?"

"Well, I came to tell you this morning that I think I'm in love with you and would like to give a relationship a try, but then Scott answered the door and I jumped to the wrong conclusion and drove away angry, that's why we're here now." Justin stated matter-of-factly.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" asked JC, with a look of surprise so big, you'd swear he'd just won the lottery.

"Josh, I've done some serious thinking and I've come to the conclusion that in some part of my mind I've always been in love with you, but recently I've began to explore that love and realized how deep it is, I'm not sure if this means that I'm gay or Bisexual or what, but I know that I want to share myself with you." Justin said lovingly.

Tears began to well in JC's eyes prompting Justin to attempt to sit up and wipe away his tears. He yelped in agony as the pain in his ribs flared.

"Are you alright matey?" JC asked "Stay down or you'll hurt yourself. Do you need me to get a nurse?" he asked fussing over the boy.

"I'm fine Josh, I just don't like seeing you cry..."

OK, that's it, what did you think? Do I cut it as a replacement? Remember it's my first attempt (hopefully more to come) and send your emails in. Apparently there are a few special "Celebrity-guest" writers doing the next couple of issues, so I hope they have as much fun as I did. "Love and Stuff" Mel.

Next: Chapter 6

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