Curly and Josh

By moc.liamtoh@hsoj_dna_ylruc

Published on Jan 11, 2001


Note from AKW: Hi Guys and Girls, Apologies for my outburst in the update, it wasn't directed at all the cool people, it was directed at a few morons. Now as I told you last issue, I have not written this one. This issue is the sole creation of the lovely, fantastic, sexy, Miss Sarah. She is an excellent person to agree to do this for me, especially since she has been a little unwell herself. I haven't read this issue before it was sent in, so the first I will know about it is when it is posted on the site, and I have to be surprised like the rest of you. I'm sure it will be excellent because it came from the brilliant mind of Sarah, and she knows I'll cry if she doesn't do a good job (hehehe). Enough from me, except to thank Dusty-one and his pal Hunter, the fabulous Dawn, the remarkable Erin and, of course, Miss Sarah. Email me at the usual address. Enjoy, Love and Stuff, AKW

Sarah's Note: Sorry it took so long everyone! I was in the hospital and I couldn't e-mail the story to AKW. I feel so bad. I hope you guys like the chapter. I worked my ass off on it! Plus if you like it! Look for my short story coming out later, a while later! It's called WHAT GAY MEN WANT! Guess what movie it's based on! Anyway ENJOY!

AKW's disclaimer: OK here it goes kids, this story contains themes of a sexual nature between men (well it doesn't yet, but that is the whole point!) if this sort of story is illegal where you live, move somewhere else, or don't read it! If you are under 18 you can't be here so go away! (Get someone older to print it out and give it to you, can I encourage this? Probably not!) This story is (quite obviously) about the guys from N*SYNC, but it is just a story and implies nothing about the actual sexuality of any of the members, no matter how much you hope. I am not a member of NSYNC, nor do I know any of them, so I don't pretend to know their sexual orientation

Sarah's disclaimer: I OWN NSYNC!!! HAHAHAHA! I KNOW THAT JUSTIN AND JC ARE A COUPLE! A romantic couple too! Not just a couple of idiots! :0) Okay I lied I don't own them! But I wish I did, Does that count???

Last time on Curly & Josh:

"Josh, I've done some serious thinking and I've come to the conclusion that in some part of my mind I've always been in love with you, but recently I've began to explore that love and realized how deep it is, I'm not sure if this means that I'm gay or Bisexual or what, but I know that I want to share myself with you." Justin said lovingly. Tears began to well in JC's eyes prompting Justin to attempt to sit up and wipe away his tears. He yelped in agony as the pain in his ribs flared.

"Are you alright matey?" JC asked "Stay down or you'll hurt yourself. Do you need me to get a nurse?" he asked fussing over the boy.

"I'm fine Josh, I just don't like seeing you cry..."

JC smiled at Justin. "I'll never cry as long as I'm with you."

"Can you be anymore sappy?" Justin laughed. JC blushed at this comment.

"Don't worry though, it just makes me love you even more."

"Justin?" JC asked, "Do you think I would be being too forward if I kissed you now?"

At this comment Justin turned slightly red.

"No Josh. I wouldn't think you were forward. In fact if it didn't hurt when I sit up, I would have kissed you already."

"Thank God!" he exclaimed running to Justin's side. He leaned down slowly and brushed his lips with Justin's. Justin raised his hand to the back of JC's neck to deepen the kiss. JC took this as a sign of permission and furthered the kiss. His tongue parted Justin's lips ever so sweetly. Justin's tongue responded by gliding over JC's smoothly. He moaned into the kiss, loving the feeling of JC's tongue in his mouth.

"A'hem." Came a voice from the doorway. Justin and JC broke apart quickly looking towards the door. There stood a young nurse with pretty strawberry blonde hair. "Sorry to interrupt." She apologized. "I just have to get Mr. Timberlake's vitals, then I'll be out of your way."

At the topic of vitals JC looked at Justin worriedly.

"Don't worry Josh. All it means is she's gonna take my temperature and check my blood pressure. It's okay." Justin reassured him.

"Oh." He replied. "Go ahead then." The nurse went to the side of Justin's bed.

JC felt a little uncomfortable. She had Justin caught him and Justin making out. She could tell someone, and that person could tell the paparazzi. That could ruin their career.

"Almost done." She smiled as she started to take Justin's blood pressure.

"So What's your name?" Justin asked casually.

"Allison." She replied. "Allison Lavelle, but you can call me Allie. Everyone else does."

"Well Allie About what you saw When you came in, you won't tell anyone will you? I mean it's all kinda new, and we don't think the public is ready for two members of NSYNC to date each other." Justin said shyly.

"Don't worry." She grinned. "I'm a fan, and I understand where you're coming from. If I was as famous as you and was dating someone of the same sex I wouldn't want anyone to know. I promise I won't tell."

"Thanks." JC replied, thankful that their secret was save with Allie.

"Well I'm all done here, so have a good night's rest." She started walking out the door. "Oh!" she said turning around. "By the way, the doctor said if you're up to it you can go home tomorrow. If all you vitals and blood work turn out fine."

"BLOOD WORK?!" JC exclaimed.

"It's okay Josh. Bye Allie. And thanks."

"No problem." She smiled leaving.

"Now answer my question." JC stated. "Blood work? Why do you need blood work? You're not bleeding!"

"Josh Shut up and kiss me!"

The next day Justin was released from the hospital. Outside there were about 103 girls with flowers and stuff animals and cards for Justin.

"Jesus." Justin whispered to JC, as a nursed wheeled him out the entrance. "You think the media could have kept quiet about the hospital I was staying in."

JC laughed in response.

"JUSTIN!" a girl yelled. "JUSTIN I LOVE YOU!" Justin just rolled his eyes. It's not that he didn't appreciate the admiration, but he was in the hospital. All he wanted was to be left alone during personal matters.

"It's okay baby." JC smiled sweetly opening the car door for him. "Pretty soon we'll be back at my Aunt's house. Your family already left on that flight back to Orlando, even your dad and Lisa went to Orlando. They were worried that you were mad cause they left so early."

Quickly JC shut the door, thanked the nurse, ran to the driver's side of the car, and jumped in. "Plus by the time we get back the guys will have left for the airport." Turn engine on. "Scott left the house." Shift into drive. "My Aunt Kate is still gone so we'll get the house all to ourselves!" Pull out of parking lot. "Isn't that great?" Drive to Aunt Kate's.

"Yeah." Justin smiled. "That's perfect."

"Mmmm Josssh" Justin moaned. "You are way too good at this."

They had been lying on the bed fooling around since they had gotten home. JC just smiled into his kiss with Justin. Dragging his lips he moved down to Justin, softly sucking on his neck. JC stayed there for a moment, sucking the same spot, knowing that there would be a mark there later. He didn't care though, and knew Justin wouldn't either. Justin was his now, and he could claim him anyway he wanted.

"God Josh! I want you so bad." Groaned Justin. JC didn't know what to do. Sure, he wanted Justin too, but Justin ribs. What to do??

I'm a bitch, so I ended here! Have fun whoever's next! I had fun!

Sarah JJ

OK, Thank-you Miss Sarah, hope everyone enjoyed it, I'm sure I will when I get time. The next issue will be written by the fabulous Erin, who I need to thank for being willing and able to help at such short notice, you are fantastic and I love you! Love and Stuff, AKW.

Next: Chapter 7

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