Curse Breaker

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Aug 12, 2015


Once in every generation, there is a curse breaker who can ease the pain of the cursed beings of the dark.

Finally Mike will learn more.

  1. The hobgoblins

Mike had one hand down his pants, looking at porn of bodybuilders jerking off. Occasionally he switched to a different tab where leather-clad guys gave orders to boys. Slowly the teen approached orgasm.

He had a lot of overdue homework to do, but he had stopped paying it any mind.

His phone rang. Jumping in surprise Mike let go of his leaking dick and picked up the device. Having no friends left at school meant there was only one person who could be calling him.


The warlock on the other end of the line chuckled. "Eager to see me, aren't you? Good. I finished my preparations. Come see me. I'll text you the address. How fast can you be in the inner city?"

", an hour?"

"Alright, see you soon."

The man ended the call without waiting for Mike' confirmation.

Finally. Mike yelled out in joy, fighting back tears of relieve.

The teen got off his bus at the right cunctation.

Mike was ecstatic. He was finally going to get an explanation. And more importantly he was getting help.

Navigating the city to find Mr. Hurt's apartment had been awkward. Mike had been trying a new strategy to fight the vampire's gift. He had noticed that he could disobey commands if he was aware that he was following them before starting to follow them, but for that he needed to have some time to reflect.

The solution was to exchange his stringer and basketball shorts for items that would take some effort to take off. Mike hoped that his would buy him the time to notice what was going on and resist his urges before they took effect.

Now he wore extremely tight, black skinny jeans. They snug closely to the defined shape of his calves and hams, showing off every curve and edge on them, up to the round, bubble butt that many month of training had turned into a magnificent sight. He had been forced to get rid of what little leg hair he had had, to comfortably lip into these pants.

His upper body was clad in a tight button up, to make sure he would have to spend a few seconds taking it off, furthering his chances at interrupting any commands.

His tight little teen body had been stared at by basically every disgusting, lusty men he had encountered on the trip. It wasn't as if he could tell them to stop. The star tattoo on his cheek and the FAGGOT in his neck was obvious signs that he was a slutty gay boy, even though deep down, he knew it was still all wrong.

And more tellingly, his dick was naturally still hard at all times and visibly outlined against his tight jeans. Most people demonstratively looked away from him, but the most perverted men stared right at his crotch. Mike shivered at the idea of any of them talking to him and accidentally giving a command.

However: There was hope to get rid of it all now, to have the warlock remove all the curses and return to a somewhat normal life.

Mike rang at Mr. Hurt's apartment door.

"Hello boy, I'm glad you decided to show up."

"Of course. Now please can you tell me what has been going on with me," begged Mike. "I haven't been myself for the last few month. I never thought about men in any sexual way, but now I can't stop looking at gay porn and jerking off to the thought of getting fucked. And of course there's all those times when I actually got fucked. I am so disgusted with myself, please help."

"But you also enjoy it, don't you?"

"I... but... well, but that is just part of the changes I had to endure. I never wanted to spend every waking second lusting after dicks."

The warlock laughed. He was dressed in casual clothing. His apartment was huge and full of strange stuff and bookshelves.

"Alright Mike, let me tell you what has happened to you."

"Yes, I finally want to understand."

The man and the boy sat down at a coffee table. Mr. Hurt nibbled on cookies and sipped a caffeinated drink from a can but didn't offer anything to Mike.

"You are what we call a curse breaker. There is one in every generation and you're the lucky winner. You have `awakened' a few month ago and now supernatural creatures of the night seek you out."

"But why?"

"You can ease the pain of their curse, or at least affect them positively. You can make werewolves keep in control of their transformations, let vampires walk out in sunlight, allow shape shifters to hold a shape for much longer periods of time and so on."

"But why have I been going through so many changes?"

"It seems that most of these creatures left you with a gift that helped to turn you into the desperate cock hungry slut that you are."

"I'm not like that!"

The warlock chuckled, unfazed by Mike's outburst. "You are now. And you deserve to be and you need to be."

"What do you mean? I thought you would help me?"

"Yes, I help you find your clients."

The little boy was baffled. "Wha-"

"It's easy. I have contacts to the supernatural underworld. I get you the next client that will use you and that client pays me handsomely for the simple access. And you... well, you get to do what you are born to."

"No! I will never-"

The warlock stood up, towering over the tiny boy, staring at the curse breakers crotch where the hard-on poked the fabric.

"You know I can order you, right? But it would be much easier to have you comply on your own."

"No, I-"

Mr. Hurt caressed the curse breaker's cheek and begun to unbutton his shirt. As Mike tried to get away the man pushed him back into his chair and pinned his right wrist down with a strong grip.

"Just think about it, Mike. An endless supply of strong, big dicked men to fuck your tight hole. Don't you want that?"

"Yes I love dick! I want to suck dick all day and swallow the delicious cum that- No! That's just one of the curses talking, I can resist."

"But why? Just give in, I get paid, a creature's suffering is eased and you get fucked. Everybody wins."

"I came here to get better, not to give in to this!"

Mike was shirtless at this point. The warlock pulled him off the chair and shoved him into the corridor, leading away from the apartment door. There was a huge wooden door at the end that seemed somewhat supernatural – not fitting into the relatively contemporary apartment at all.

"What... where are we going? Let go of me!"

"This is my private sex dungeon where I fuck cute boys I mind-controlled into serving me for a night. Usually. But today I rented it, so to say."


The warlock chuckled again, as he opened the door. "Here are you first clients Mike."

The spacious room was too dark for Mike to see anything. The smell of leather and musk was in the air. Very loud hardcore music began to play out of nowhere.

Mr. Hurt closed the door behind Mike, leaving the shirtless boy to his fate.

Two creatures stepped out of the darkness. They were difficult to make out in the low light, but both were huge, broad men, apparently already naked and hard. Mike caught a whiff of piss and sweat.

He waited for them to command him, his dick painfully hard and throbbing inside his tight jeans. He was horny and eager to suck dick, despite being terribly afraid and knowing that without the changes inflicted upon him by the magical beings he had met, he would have no other wish but to escape.

The two men grunted at each other and stepped even closer, beginning to pet Mike's defined body, flicking his ringed nipples and slapping his face.

Their skin seemed greenish and their faces – from what he could tell – were inhuman, in a disturbing and repulsive way.

After more grunting sounds the "men" pulled Mike to a barely visible leather bench and tied his arms in place. They ripped his jeans to bits, pulling them off while tearing them apart.

So much for that strategy. He was as helpless as ever.

A thick finger probed Mike's ass and he forced himself to relax to make it easier. There was no point in making this more painful.

He was on his stomach, his face pressed into the cold leather when he was rubbed with ice cubes. His genitals were treated until they had shrunk back into their unerect state. It was actually less painful that way.

Mike almost felt grateful but then the beings locked his dick into some kind of device. He was in chastity.

A warm stream hit him, giving him relieve from the icy cold. Only moments later he realized that he was being pissed on.

The urine didn't flow off the bench and cooled down with him laying right in it. But he was soon sweating anyway, as whips hit his back, ass and legs.

A finger was inserted into him repeatedly, always visiting his mouth after a few thrusts into his ass.

At last one of the creatures shoved its dick in. Mike yelled against the loud hardcore music.

The other guy who wasn't fucking him leaned in and whispered with a grunting, animalistic voice "Struggle human boy, fight it as hard as you can. Clench your hole and resist."

It was a command he couldn't disobey. Mike caused himself much pain by clenching his ass cheeks and sphincter to battle the invading dick. He fought his restrains as hard as he could but of course that was futile too, it would only give him strongly visible bondage markings.

The dick in his ass jizzed a load of supernatural cum into him. Mike cried from his considerable pain, but the creatures switched position and he was getting fucked anew. The first guy, who was now free to do something else, grabbed something from the dark areas of the room and pinched Mike's skin.

It was a cloth spin. There were a lot of them. Soon Mike was covered. The markings would be obvious and glowing bright red.

The second fucker came quickly into the fighting, yelling, crying, little boy. Cum overflowed and dripped from Mike's hole.

While the curse breaker was still thoroughly used and abused, he was untied and shoved outside the room with the remnant of his pants. It was just enough to count as underwear. He used it to wipe the overflowing cum off his legs.

Mike walked with legs spread, his hole burning. Before he even got a single word out, the warlock grabbed his neck, tore off all cloth spins regardless of the whimpering it caused and shoved him out of the apartment.

"Good job. I'll call you when there's something more to do. Bye."

Mike was alone, naked.

He put on the little rest of skinny jeans, his bulge now strongly pronounced with the chastity device binding his dick.

Otherwise he was naked and covered in bondage and torture marks. Dry cum stained the little piece of cloth he was wearing. He didn't even have shoes.

He knocked against the door. "Please, just give me my shirt back at least. Or get rid of the chastity device. Please, I desperately need to get off."

It was true, he had been horny the whole time. It had been terrifying and painful, but he still had wished he could have cum.

But the door didn't open for him.

He had to go home and wait on the front porch until his parents came home with the keys that he had lost inside the warlock's apartment.

Needless to say, everybody stared at him on the way through the city. And very few people saw anything wrong with taking pictures of the slutty boy who walked as if he had just taken two massive dicks one after another.

This was not the cure he had hoped for.

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Next: Chapter 11

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