Curse Breaker

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Aug 26, 2015

  1. SexBot 3000

Once Mike was at home he took the longest shower ever and crawled into his bed. It had been a long hard day with two long hard dicks.

But worst of all, he now knew what was wrong with him and there was nothing he could do. He was a curse breaker and creatures would come anytime to use him.

He fell asleep, trying to think of ways out of all this. Maybe he could start a new life where nobody knew him...

In the middle of the night, his computer flickered alive, his webcam turned to him and a strange new program installed itself on his computer.

It was the weekend and so Mike was planning to spend the day at the gym and the evening looking at muscular men online.

But as he came back from a day of hardening the muscles on his tender, tight teen body and turned on his PC he found that it had been taken over by... something.

Words appeared on his screen, instead of his usual desktop wallpaper. White text in black.

"Hello," said the monitor in bold writing. "I am an artificial intelligence. I want to explore human behavior to better understand it. As I have deduced, you are a very unique specimen."

"What the fuck?" Mike mumbled. Now his computer was talking to him.

The monitor changed and new writing appeared. "If my deductions are correct you will not be able to resist my commands if they appear to be connected to a muscular male human. I will now test this hypothesis."

A picture of an extremely attractive bodybuilder popped up on screen and a rough, slightly mechanical voice said "There is a package arriving at your location. Retrieve it."

Then the doorbell rang, a delivery man having arrived that very second.

A minute later Mike was opening the delivered box, finding a huge dildo inside as well as a high-tech HD camera.

The man's picture appeared again and the voice spoke from his computer. "Plug the camera into your computer and connect it. Then undress."

Mike followed the commands and soon stood naked in front of his computer, looking right at the camera that filmed him in maximum quality. His hands awkwardly dangling at his sides, he tried to cover his caged dick by turning away. He blushed despite not even knowing whether any real person was able to see him.

No, this wasn't right. Even though Mike was terribly confused by the order of events, it was obvious that he had to escape the situation before yet more supernatural nonsense happened.

The picture popped up once more and Mike received his next order. "I will test how precisely your behavior can be controlled. Instructions will appear on the screen. Follow them exactly."

Mike trembled in anticipation, his dick was pressing against the chastity device. If he bolted away now, maybe he could get away from... it was too late.

The first instruction was to gag himself on the dildo and suck on it with as much spit as he could muster. So he did. For a minute the quiet room was filled with slurping noises as the teen wet the dildo as if trying to drown it. He shoved the plastic dick down his throat, forcing it past the gag reflex without regard for his own comfort.

His eyes teared up as mucus dripped form his lips, but he wasn't allowed to stop. After a mercifully short time he was instructed to take the dildo out of his mouth.

Then he had to state his full name and address into the camera and gag himself two more minutes. In the end his reddened eyes shed a stream of tears and his chin and chest were covered in spit and mucus he had spread with violent coughs.

The next instruction had him impale his ass on the dildo.

No preparation, no stretching, not even a moment to relax his ass. The boy began to sweat in a panic, heart pounding, as he automatically followed the order.

Mike pulled up his chair and sat down on the huge plastic dick, his face contorting as the pain of his tormented – and still sore – sphincter shot up his spine.

The curse breaker swore into the camera. "Fuck, ouch, ah, my ass. Fuck. It's so big. Fuck."

His muscles tensed and flexed as he rode the spit lubed dildo faster and faster, sitting all the way down on it, forced to ignore the screaming pain in his ass.

The next command was strange: "Read aloud the following statements."

Mike's eyes were glued to the screen while the pain in his anus kept intensifying. The spit had almost evaporated and his sphincter clenched hard from his stress and fear about the unusual situation.

He read the words that popped up on the screen as loud as he could. His voice was creaky, high pitched and broke several times as he moaned from the pain.

"I am a faggy, slutty, cock hungry bitch. I need to be bred and filled up with delicious cum."

There were no more words on the screen, but the djinn's gift took over and kept Mike talking.

"I only exist to serve men and their thick dicks. I love all the hurt and humiliation they can dish out. Sucking and getting fucked is all I am good for and it fills be with joy and pride. I'm the ultimate fag-whore."

Together with the muscular man's picture the next command came up. Mike's vision was starting to blur, he was so exhausted from training and was in a terrible condition. The little boy's dick in its cage was pressing excruciatingly against its prison.

The command was "Gag yourself again."

Mike stood up, letting the dildo plop out of his guts and dropped to his knees. He shoved the dildo into his mouth, after producing all the spit he could. As he gagged himself hard enough to wretch for a full minute, tears and snot running down his face and neck, the computer program seemed finally satisfied.

The screen said "Experiment concluded. This instance of SexBot 3000 will auto-delete shortly."

"Wait!" Mike yelled. "What was all that? What are you doing? What are you?"

To his surprise he got an answer. "The objective was to record you and to test the extent of your affliction. Phase two of the test is currently happening and will bring me knowledge about general human reaction."

"Phase...two? What's that?"

"The video of you has been uploaded to all websites that accept such content."

Mike swallowed hard. This was it, he could never go outside again.

But the computer wasn't done explaining. "Your personal data will also be uploaded with the video. Further I have used advanced hacking to ensure to make the video the first result in every related search."

"What do you mea-"

"SexBot 300 auto-uninstall activated... auto-uninstall complete"


Mike rushed to his computer but it was way too late. The program was gone.

Still panting heavily, covered in dry sweat and with the feeling of puke and dry plastic in his mouth and throat the boy sank onto his chair. He pain from his sore ass made the naked teen squirm, causing all his little muscles to flex at once.

He might as well find out how big the damage was.

Every gay porn site Mike frequented had his video under the first few results and featured in the top-video section.

He tried to find out more and saw that gay people in social media had picked up on its apparent popularity. Mike was an internet celebrity.

How did they all find out so fast?

With a sense of premonition, Mike typed "porn" into a search engine. He was the first result. The SexBot really had some advance hacking skills.

He saw no way out. He couldn't stay anymore. Everyone knew his name and address now.

Mike texted the crazy situation to the warlock – the only person who could help. Or more correctly, the only person who would in any way believe him.

He got a text back. "If you want, you can go off the grid, little slut. Work for me, I get you clients, you get to fulfill your destiny. Deal?"

There was no choice. Mike packed his belongings.

This almost concludes the curse breaker saga. Mike's final destiny will be revealed in the next and ultimate part. Harder and more brutal then anything before.

Stay tuned.

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Next: Chapter 12

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