Curse Breaker

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jul 13, 2015


Once in every generation, there is a curse breaker who can ease the pain of the cursed beings of the dark.

In this generation that is Mike - a regular teen. As curse breaker, he holds great power. The wildest beasts will seek him out to rid themselves of the negative effects of their affliction.

Unfortunately for him, he doesn't know about any of this.

  1. The Ent

Mike was walking home from the gym past the forest where he had met the pale, tall stranger that had fucked him in the creek.

He still had all his tattoos and piercings from the mall, even though his parents wanted him to get rid of them. He agreed with the on some level, but couldn't bring himself to do it. Which was odd, because they only caused him trouble wherever he went.

It was as though Mike was not fully in control of his own mind anymore. Pondering the issue didn't get him anywhere so he tried not to think about it.

By now, the boy had developed a nice level of teen muscle, with his legs and biceps bulging ever so slightly. His smooth torso had gained definition overall as he had put on a few more pounds without adding fat.

This was the only advantage of his constantly extreme hormone levels. The training relaxed him and helped him clear his mind for a little while.

On the flipside, Mike's level of horniness hadn't decreased at all. He was distressingly hard most of the time, wishing a dick would slide down his throat or into his ass. He hated himself for these thoughts, but had decided to stop fretting as there was nothing he could do about them.

Some days he thought that maybe he was just a disgusting perverted cock whore, but on other days he was close to crying as he realized how much he would have panicked at the very idea of being near any homos, just month ago.

Another thing he had noticed was that he couldn't resist commands from men. Or lie to them. Or even hesitate. When he was told to do anything he just did it. The thought that he could have resisted didn't even enter his head until after the fact.

Something weird was going on with him, he was sure about it. But he had no way of working it out.

There was much to think about for Mike. His trouble at home and at school included.

So it's no wonder he didn't notice the roots slowly growing toward him, as he strolled along the edge of the forest.

When he felt the wood encircling his smooth, lightly defined claves, it was already too late.

The Ent had detected the curse breaker years ago and slowly made its way across the country, hiding in woods along the way. Now it could finally ease the pain of its curse and blossom again, without the limitations imposed by its condition.

Mike was thrown to the ground as the root clutched his leg tightly and dragged him into the thicket of the forest.

Of course the boy screamed in panic, but there was nobody around to hear him.

Being hauled across the dirt road, the boy lost his gym bag. His shirt got stuck on sharp stones in the ground and Mike tore it off to keep himself from getting scratched. The vine that worked its way up his leg stripped off his shoes.

After a minute of fighting the vine to no avail, the boy was dragged into a huge bulk of vines and roots that enveloped him. The Ent pulled the teen's pants down and moved its tendrils into place.

Mike was held by his ankles and wrists, stretched as far as his body could take it. He stopped screaming as his position made it difficult to catch a breath.

Another vine was wrapped around his neck, pulling his head back to make his spine arch. The thickest vine held his hips and circled around his body, growing closer and closer to his hole.

The curse breaker was frozen in shock. The vines enveloped him in tight grips. Something oozed out of them and drenched him. It was a strange mix of tree sap and... cum?

Whatever the plant was secreting smelled like jizz but was just as overwhelmingly sticky as sap. And Mike's chest was already bathed in it. Slowly, the stuff made its way down his tender, lean body.

The Ent had never been so excited to find a victim before. And so he didn't hold back at all. The cum-sap flowed so freely, it would surely have permanent consequences for the trapped boy.

There was nothing Mike cold do as the thick vine around his hip slipped into his ass crack and poked his hole.

He had refused to give in to his urges of anally stimulating himself over the last few days and so his ass had tightened again as if he were still a virgin.

The tree creature knew nothing of subtlety and poked harder and harder until it slipped inside the trembling kid. Mike's muscles were tense – strained to the maximum as he struggled to pull away. But this only tightened his hole further without keeping the vine from entering.

The sap on this tendril – as thick as a minor branch – was especially fluid and filled the boy fast. Sticky juice ran from his hole as it lubed him up inside.

Mike's mind was in overdrive. This was not possible.

All the strange occurrences that had ruined his life – they were supernatural. They had to be. It was the only explanation. But why were these monsters torturing him?

More vines enveloped him, stinging and biting his most vulnerable spots. His pits, his taint, his thighs and of course his nipples were assaulted by the stinging vines.

The little curse breaker fought against them, but it was utterly futile. He could barely move an inch from his stretched position.

As the leaves of the Ent gently tickled his everything, mike thought his torture would take a less cruel turn, but the Ent was of a particular – very mildly poisonous – kind. An unbearable itch spread over the teen's skin.

He was desperate for a scratching, but his only relive was in his ass where the thick vine pumped more juice into him, easing the anal burn.

After only seconds of this torture Mike thought he was going to go insane.

But mercifully the Ent came inside him quickly, filling his guts painfully with its viscous fluid. The entire plant trembled.

Mike's ass overflowed as he was filled to the brim and his stomach was stretched from the inside.

But at last the curse breaker was dropped to the ground, all vines retraction.

Without looking back, Mike ran.

He ran to the road and didn't stop until the forest was behind him. He looked down on himself. The itch was excruciating and he scratched his skin all over. He was also naked again, but that was secondary.

At least the sap quickly seemed to evaporate, drying into his skin and leaving a sex-reeking teen behind. Unfortunately the extreme stickiness stayed behind, which made it all the more difficult for Mike to scratch himself.

And what was more, unknown to Mike, the smell of cum and sex seeped into his skin with every scratch. Ever getting rid of it would be nearly impossible. From now on, everybody who met him would think that the boy had just been gangbanged and forgotten to shower after.

His parents would often disbelieve him when he claimed not having taken part in sexual activity with men and punish him for it.

But Mike didn't know this yet, he was just happy to have escaped and ran home in the nude, scratching his skin red.

Another gift the Ent had left behind were bondage marks around the kid's wrists and ankles. Over the next few days they faded away, losing their texture, but they never fully went away.

From afar it looked as if Mike had brandings of perhaps white-ink tattoos, but a closer look left no doubt on people's minds that he had recently been tied up in a clearly sexual manner.

Lacking a good explanation for his smell and the markings, Mike was met with disdain from his guardians who assumed he was visiting regular orgies and thought it best to keep him busy with all manner of housework.

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Next: Chapter 7

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