Cursed Series

By Jesse Christian

Published on Apr 17, 2020



By Jesse Christian

My name's Jackson Wright. I'm 17 years old high school student and I think it's pretty safe to say I'm a jock. I'm 6'6", 170lbs, muscular smooth toned body and a dark crew cut, I've long been one of the schools star athletes which was cemented when I became the quarterback for the school team. My three closest mates - Bill, Tyler and Cody - all play as well and we're pretty much inseparable, along with our loudmouth buddy, Danny.

Not to be a dick about it but we've all been pretty blessed in terms of looks and physique, helped by us putting in solid hours at the gym. And it's paid off. Pretty much any girl in school will blow us or spread her legs if we so much as look her way. I've got a girl friend of sorts, Rachel. No plans for us to get married but she sure does love sucking my 8.5" inch cock and she's good at it too. She's also a hot fuck though her insistence on always using rubbers is a bit of a buzzkill.

I was living large and had my whole life ahead of me when things took a sudden turn due to one kid - Josh Reeves. Josh is not the kind of kid someone like me should have ever had to worry about. He was a kinda porky, ginger kid with freckles and a bowl cut. Didn't seem to have any friends. Dressed weird in black clothes. Acted weird. There were always rumours he worshipped Satan or some shit. So yea - we might have picked on the kid a bit. He was an easy target and it's high school; somebody's gotta get it.

It doesn't justify what we did but high school's survival of the fittest - if you're not going to be an alpha, you're gonna end up being someone's bitch.

One day during gym class, we were divided up into teams for a casual game of basketball. I was captain of one team, of course, and chose my players while Cody chose his. Cody and I have a real competitive streak with each other; always have. We could almost pass for brothers but Cody has clipped blonde hair, silver stud in one ear and already has a good sleeve of ink on his biceps that he has to keep covered up during school hours.

So we were choosing our teams and we were getting down to the dregs. The only two left were Josh and some other douche. Luck was against me though and Cody got to choose first and he went with the other douche so I got lumped with Josh. Not only did he look like a freak, the dude was uncoordinated as fuck and could barely catch the ball.

It was a good game, especially cos Cody and I were evenly matched, keeping the scores pretty much level. I knew Cody always wanted to win so he could hold it over me so I was determined to make him my bitch today. The scores were tied with only a minute until class was ending when I watched with complete horror as the ball ended up in the hands of - yep, you guessed it. Josh Reeves. Unsurprisingly, he fucked it up royally. Tried to score a point but only made a dick of himself. We lost the game.

As we got changed afterwards, Cody was crowing, strutting around like he owned the joint. I don't know why it got to me but it just did and I needed to take it out on somebody... Josh Reeves was that somebody.

Turns out a few of the guys felt uncomfortable around Josh and things got out of hand pretty quickly. One thing led to another and before I knew it, he was cowering in the showers with us standing around him, shaking his belongings under the hot jets of water. He looked so pitifiul, pasty white and naked, all curled up, with his tiny flaccid dick.

"You wanna see what a real cock looks like, freak?" I shouted as I pulled out my meaty cock and pissed on the pitiful loser. "Take that, ya pussy!" Like I said - not something I'm proud of but boys will be boys.

The school bell rang and we got the hell out of there. I went on with my life, not even thinking of the incident. But I guess it was preying on Josh's mind because he had a plan for me.

A couple of weeks later, I took Rachel to the woods behind the school for a quick lunchtime blowjob and hopefully a fuck. I was horny as hell and couldn't focus in the afternoon if I didn't nut at lunchtime. Luckily Rachel was normally good for it. I was hoping to tempt her into a raw fuck when we heard a twig snap nearby.

Rachel immediately jumped up, tidying herself up, terrified she'd be revealed as the cock-hungry slut she really was.

"Relax," I said. "It's probably just one of the other guys doing exactly what we're doing."

I tried to push her back down on my cock to finish me off but she wasn't having any of it.

I sighed as I heaved my cock away. "I'll check it out so you can see it's nothing."

I wandered off deeper into the woods, not noticing that Rachel had already given up on our lunchtime fuck and had headed back to school.

"Yo! Who's there?" I shouted out as I walked down the path where the trees grew tightly together, blocking out a lot of the sunlight.

I couldn't hear anyone and figured it was probably just a rabbit or something that had passed by.

I turned back towards school and there he was - Josh Reeves standing right in front of me.

Before I could say or do anything, he blew a handful of thick black powder into my eyes. I gasped as I choked on the strange dust, momentarily blinded. It was stinging my eyes like crazy and I tumbled backwards as I felt a strange burning sensation creeping down my body, from where the powder had hit me in the face, all the way down to my crotch.

Josh advanced on me whispering something unsettling and eerie in a language I couldn't understand. His fingers curled like spiders as he made strange symbols in the air in front of me.

"What the... fuck..." I mumbled as a wave of fatigue and a druggy haze swept over me.

My eyelids suddenly felt heavy as lead and I knew I was losing consciousness. My tongue was thick in my mouth and I realised I couldn't speak or say anything.

The last thing I saw was Josh standing over me, smirking with that sick fuck grin.

"We'll see who's the pussy," he whispered chillingly.

And then...


Nothing but cold cold darkness.

And then a sliver of sunlight, breaking through the tree canopy.

My eyes swayed back into focus as I woke up, lying on my back, staring up at the sky.

I gasped as adrenaline shot through my body, realising I had just been attacked in some weird way. I was horrified when I realised I was stark naked. Not a stitch of clothing on me, except my sneakers.

I felt my body, checking for scratches or injuries. But there was nothing. My perfect physique was untouched and intact until.... I reached down to my cock. It wasn't there!!

I sat up in disbelief, sure I was dreaming, and looked down to see right between my legs where my girthy pole normally hung was a vagina. I had a fucking pussy!!

I lay there in stunned silence for a moment just staring at it, almost terrified to touch it.

And then I slipped my fingers down between my legs to see if it was real.

A tingle passed through my body as I touched my bald cunt lips for the first time. Waves of horniness washed over me as I suddenly realised I was more aroused than I had ever been before. It was like the hole between my legs was begging to be played with, to be teased... to be fucked.

At the same time, I was in a state of total panic. How was I going to get out of here? I needed to get back to school but I was stark naked. I looked around, desperately. But there was nothing to cover myself up with.

Then I saw a life saver - my iPhone, lying in the dirt. It must have fallen out of my pocket when that witchy freak had taken my clothes (and given me a goddamn sex change!)

I quickly flipped through my contacts. I couldn't let Rachel see me like this. So I opted for Cody.

"Come meet me in the woods behind the school. There's been an emergency. Bring clothes!" I pressed SEND and waited nervously for a reply.

I must have been out there for ten minutes, trying not to look down at my pussy, hoping if I didn't see it, maybe it would just go away. But everytime I looked down, there it was; staring right back at me, tingling and void, desperate to be filled.

I had almost given up hope when I heard footsteps and Cody walked into the clearing.

He caught sight of me and immediately started laughing.

"Dude WTF??"

I cupped my hands over my crotch as I stood up and walked over.

"Someone pranked me. Did you bring clothes?"

He couldn't stop laughing. "I thought you were joking. Why would I bring clothes??"

"Well go back and get them! I need to get to class and can't do it naked, can I?"

He wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes as he finally noticed how I was standing.

"Why you covering yourself up, bro? It's not like I haven't seen it before."

I was scared he'd ask this. Maybe if I had kept it hidden, none of this would have happened but I stupidly chose to trust him.

"Something weird's happened, bro. I've... Someone's done something to me?" "What? Did Rachel bite your cock off?" he grinned.

Slowly and reluctantly, I pulled my hands away to expose my vagina.

The grin dropped from his face immediately as he stared at my body in disbelief.

"Is that..." he trailed off, not even wanting to say it aloud.

"I don't know what he did. But that witchy freak cursed me on something."

"Is it real?" he asked as he stepped forward, unable to take his eyes off my cunt.

"I think so."

Cody went silent as he knelt down to look at it. "Wow," he whispered as he moved closer. "Can I touch it?"

"I don't think you..." but before I could finish Cody gently stroked the outer lips.

I shuddered in strange delight. Why did it feel so good? This can't be how women normally felt about their vaginas, otherwise they'd be the ones wanting to fuck all the time, not just us guys.

"It feels real," he whispered hoarsely, transfixed by it. He gently ran his finger up and down my slit then slowly started to penetrate my hole.

"Bro don't!" I weakly protested as his finger slipped inside me. I tried to close my legs but Cody wouldn't let me. He pushed back on me and I let him keep doing what he was doing.

I moaned with pleasure. It felt so good.

"Faaaarrrrk," he said his finger plunged in and out of me. "You're getting wet!"

And I was, my pussy was tingling even more as it moistened. I shuddered as I got fingered by one of my best friends.

I felt so humiliated. I wanted it to stop but at the same time, he was making me feel so good. "Please..."

He swiped his thumb over my clitoris, sending chills of pleasure all over my body.

Cody seemed possessed at this point. He didn't see me as his friend. He was hypnotised by my pussy, under some strange spell.

He slipped in another finger as my cunt got wetter, really teasing and pleasuring me now. My juices were dripping around the edges.

"You're leaking," he said with a hungry grin. "Let's see if it tastes like a real pussy too". And before I could stop him, Cody ran his tongue up my pussy lips to collect the juice that was spilling out of me.

"Oh fuck bro!" I cried as I threw my head back. Fireworks were going off in my head as his tongue explored my crevice. Cody suddenly dived in, as if my pussy was life and devoured me like a starving man.

I clutched his head as his tongue went deep up inside me, darting in and out, tickling all the tingling spots in me. At least all the ones he could reach. I was so caught up in what he was doing with his mouth that I didn't notice he had reached down and unzipped his jeans. His pulsing 8" cock was a little shorter than mine was but definitely thicker. He jacked it as he feasted on me.

"Fuck Jackson - you have the sweetest pussy I've ever tasted."

He suddenly stood up so we were eye to eye. We both looked down to see his meat was gently kissing my outer labia, ready to slide inside.

No way. I couldn't let this happen. I couldn't let my friend fuck me. I wasn't gay. I wasn't a girl. This couldn't happen.

"Please don't put it in there," I begged him as we stared at each other, inflamed by lust, no longer thinking humans, but horny animals, driven by hormones.

He just pushed forward, sliding his giant thick cock into my tight virgin pussy.

We groaned in unison, both enjoying the feeling of our bodies grinding against each other. Without realising it, I had my hands on his hips and was pulling him in close to me.

He slowly slid every inch of his baby-maker into my hole. We were eye to eye, lip to lip, but we stopped just short of kissing. That weirdly would have been a bridge too far.

"Ready?" he asked before he suddenly started thrusting in earnest, hammering my hole for all it was worth.

Each stroke made my pussy tingle even more, sending pulsating waves of energy through every atom of my being.

"Oh god! Fuck me!" I groaned, loving the feel of his cock in me even though I was ashamed to admit it.

"You like that, buddy?" he grinned, going deeper with every stroke.

I couldn't admit to it. I wasn't a girl. I wasn't going to admit I liked being fucked!

But deep down I knew I loved it. This was better than any fuck I had ever had with Rachel or any of the other girls at school. I felt more full and more aroused than I knew was possible.

I pulled him tighter, encouraging him to fuck me harder and faster.

We got into a great rhythm, our genitals slamming together as we stared into each others eyes in tight intimacy.

I started quivering as I felt an enormous orgasm building inside my hole. I could feel my cunt spasming, contracting around his thrusting cock.

"Oh shit!" he howled as he felt my vice-like pussy clamp down on him. "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna blow inside you, bro!" He plunged as deeply into me as he could and groaned in pleasure as his orgasm sent him to heaven. "ARRRRRRRGH!!!"

I could feel his penis pulsing and firing inside me as volleys of white hot cum shot deep into my body. My friend's seed was inside me!!

He clung to my body as he slowly floated down from his post-orgasm high. Our sweat was mingling together as his head rested on my shoulder. I held my friend tightly.

Finally he let his cock slowly slip out of my hole, a few drops of his seed dripping to the dirt below.

"I can't believe I just fucked you! You gonna be my bitch now?" he smirked.

I stared at him in horror. "Cody - we can't do this again. This was..."

"Haha it's ok, Jacks. Don't worry about it. I guess I better get you some clothes," he laughed as he zipped up, putting his giant schlong safely out of sight.





Next: Chapter 2: Cursed 2

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