Curve Ball

By J J

Published on Nov 24, 2005


Please remember that these stories are entirely fictional and in no ways implies anything about the characters portrayed.

"I think I need a nap." Muttered Andy Pettitte, a starting pitcher for the Houston Astros.

"Count me in." replied Roger Clemens an All-Star pitcher for the Houston Astros.

The two of them were on either side of Roger's newly turned pro son, Koby Clemens. They sat in the front seat of Roger's Ford 150 pickup truck. They had just had a fantastic sex romp with two police officers who pulled Roger over for speeding. All three of them were exhausted and just wanted to go to their houses and sleep.

"Tomorrow we start going on another road trip huh?" asked Pettitte who knew the answer but was trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, we gotta head out to LA to play the Dodgers for a few days." Replied Roger.

"Do you guys know anyone from the Dodgers that ...uh... we could have fun with?" asked Koby who was now getting very into being with guys.

"No one on the team... But its LA kid, and your daddy is fucking Roger Clemens. Don't worry, we'll have our choice of who we wanna fuck." Replied Pettitte.

The three of them went their separate ways, resting up for their big trip to Los Angeles. Pettitte went home to his wife and kids, and Koby and Roger stayed at the Clemens household and lounged around. Roger grabbed a shower and Koby followed quickly, trying to look inconspicuous when Roger's wife/Koby's mother came home. That night Koby went out with some friends, then came home and packed his things for his first major league road trip.

The next morning Roger and Koby got up early to meet the team at the airport for their trip to Los Angeles. The trip out was eventless; basically everyone was just conserving their energy for the game that they had to play that night. Roger was starting so he didn't want to get any little quickies on the plane. Koby knew he wouldn't play at all since he had just been drafted a few days ago, and hadn't even started playing for his minor league team yet, but his dad had brought him along for the ride.

The team didn't even get to go to its hotel before the game, because they were running late. Instead they went directly to the Dodgers' clubhouse and relaxed for a few hours before their game was to start. The players who were playing that night stretched and warmed up to take batting practice. Koby took all of this in, knowing that some day he would be in their places.

Eventually the game started but Koby was still wondering around in the clubhouse. He took a quick glance at his cell phone, and found that his father had texted him before the game: Hey bud, have fun today I know it'll be special. Koby didn't think twice and kept on going.

"Hello there, would you be nice enough to point me in the direction of the field?" an unusually familiar man asked Koby as he was walking toward the stands, where he was to watch the game.

"I'm actually going to my seat right now, you can follow me if you want." Replied Koby. "How did you get back here anyway?"

"I had a uhh special invitation from one of the players. I was about to ask you the same question." Answered the man who had a strong face and perfectly styled medium-short brown hair. He was wearing a business suit that slightly enhanced his figure. Koby knew that he had heard his deep voice somewhere before.

"I'm the son of one of the players." Said Koby as they both were ascending the stairs towards the main drag inside of the stadium.

"Really? Which one is your father?" boomed the deep voice of the man as they passed some concession stands.

"Roger Clemens. Actually I was drafted by the Astros a few days ago." Koby replied.

"You must be Koby then. I know your dad very well. He was the player who invited me here. He's told me a lot about you, says you're a good kid." The man added.

"This might sound funny but I feel like I've seen and even heard your voice before. Have you ever been over to my dad's place?" probed Koby.

Koby knew that this man was someone his dad had fucked. Why else would be he coming around at his father's beck and call. The odd thing was that Koby was becoming very attracted to this powerful looking guy, although he was wary. Koby didn't want to get lured into something he'd regret.

"No I haven't, my name is Bob Costas by the way. So I'm sure that you've seen me before...somewhere. Your father told me he had something he wanted to show me."

"I think I might know what he was talking about." Suggested Koby who was looking into Bob's eyes hoping he had made the right assumption. "Have you two ever uhh you know... fucked?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. If you didn't already know, your father is a sex animal. He'd fuck anything that has a pulse." Stated Bob.

"Yeah, I figured that much when him, me, and Andy Pettitte took on two policemen just to get out of a speeding ticket."

"Fucking Pettitte too?! There was five of you!? You're into it too?" Bob could only come up with questions.

"Pettitte was the first and only person to fuck me so far, yes there were five of us and it was amazing, and yes I enjoyed it quite a bit." Replied Koby.

"Do you wanna you know go somewhere more private?" asked Bob.

The two of them were standing at the end of the tunnel leading out to their seats right behind the visiting dugout. The roar of the crowd had increased as the first inning waned on. Koby and Bob could clearly see Roger on the mound pounding the ball in as hard as ever. They knew this game could last hours, more than enough time for a nice romp.

"I could probably get us an empty room in the visiting clubhouse." Koby said.

"That'd be wonderful."

The two of them retraced their steps this time walking quicker. Within minutes they reached the door to the clubhouse, guarded by two securitymen. Koby calmly told them who he was and that he wanted to watch the game inside instead. The guards let him in no problem. Who were they to refuse the son of The Rocket.

Once inside the two of them fanned out through the nearly empty locker room. There wasn't enough privacy there, people constantly coming and going. They looked for a deserted room, preferably with a lock. After a few tries, Bob opened a door that led them into a room with a bunch of seats and a large projector. It was the room the team went over game tapes in. This would be perfect.

"Hey kid!" Bob yelled across the locker room. Five faces turned to stare at him, apparently a lot of people were referred to as `Hey kid'. "Koby! I found one."

That was all he needed to hear, Koby can hustling across the room in record time. Bob led Koby into the dark, empty room. Bob found the lights and switched them on; they were in the deserted screening room. This was where the players studied game tapes before games. The room was littered with desks and chairs. There was a large projector in the back and the screen in the front of the room was half pulled down. As soon as they had taken in the room, Bob closed the door and found the lock.

"Here we are little man, you ready?" Bob asked, looking quiet jumpy.

"I'm always ready Mr. Costas." Koby said as he leaned down slightly to kiss Bob on the lips.

Bob opened his lips and shoved his tongue down Koby's throat. It was apparent that Bob was the more dominate of the two. Bob had shed his suit jacket during the passionate kiss. And Koby was working on the older man's tie, fumbling because his hands were shaking. He was gonna have sex with this extremely sexy and famous sports announcer. Koby was already throwing wood, and it was very obvious through his jeans.

Bob's hand found Koby's throbbing crotch and began to rub it through the denim of his jeans. Koby had just gotten of Bob's tie and nearly ripped off his shirt. Koby found Bob's chest was built but not very defined. It was tan with a small smattering of dark hair and larger dark nipples. Bob's shirt was still tucked into his slacks, but was fully unbuttoned and hanging there. Koby was a ravenous animal as he attacked the man's nipples.

"Fuck kid, you know how to get a guy going." Breathed Bob as Koby pulled off his right nipple, leaving it shiny and slippery with his saliva.

"Take off your clothes."

Koby obeyed his orders. He pulled his Astros shirt over his head and quickly unbuckled his belt and shed his jeans. The 18 year old son of Roger Clemens was muscular and built, but not as defined as he'd like to be. He was nearly hairless except for his crotch which was covered in dark brown hair. He hadn't worn underwear today because he was hoping to get lucky. His cock was already standing at attention.

"I know you won't be able to truly enjoy this until you cum at least once, because you're young and can't appreciate the greater pleasures in life. So sit on that desk and let me have you." Bob demanded.

Koby was speechless. But he did as he was told and sat on the desk, as Bob pulled up on of the many chairs in the room. Bob situated himself on the chair between Koby's spread legs. Bob leaned forward and closed his mouth around the teenage rod. His mouth was warm and wet, and his tongue went right to work. It slid down the underside of the shaft as Bob slid his lips closer and closer to Koby's bush. Within seconds he had devoured Koby's entire member and was contracted his throat around it while massaging it with his tongue.

As Bob's throat contracted again, he hummed softly; the vibrations caused Koby to nearly lose it. He was close now. This man was obviously an expert cocksucker as well as sportscaster. Koby made vain attempts to fuck Bob Costas' throat, but the Bob had held him in place, having nothing of the sort happening. He might have been in somewhat of a submissive position but he was nothing near submissive.

"Fuck Mr. Costas!!! I'm gonna blow my fuck load in your mouth!" Koby yelled.

As soon as the words had escaped the teenager's mouth his cock began to shoot rocket after rocket down the sportscaster's throat. It wasn't the most intense orgasm of his life, but it was one of the most enjoyable for Koby. He had never had a blowjob that expertly executed before, not from his father or from the few girls he'd been with. He admired the cocksucking man between his legs or his skill of pleasure.

As soon as Bob had swallowed the entirety of Koby's load he pulled off the deflating prick. He pushed his chair back slightly and looked into Koby's eyes. Bob was still dressed in his slacks and shoes and had his shirt hanging from his waist because it was still tucked in although it was fully unbuttoned. He stood up and stepped out of his shoes, and then took off his belt. Slowly he slid his slacks off, revealing a pair of white briefs that was very well filled out. Bob was now standing in the film room of the visiting locker room at Dodger stadium in only his socks and briefs.

"Mr. Costas, how did you learn to suck dicks like that?" asked Koby.

"Please, call me Bob. And you don't think your father was the only athlete I've ever fucked? Pro athletes are among the horniest people I've ever met." Replied Bob.

The sight of Bob in only his briefs and socks, or perhaps just the sound of his voice caused Koby's prick to begin to fill with blood once more. Bob saw this and smile to himself; he knew this kid was one horny motherfucker. Now he knew that he could take his time and show this boy what sex is really about. He motioned with his right hand for Koby to come over to him, and Koby did at once.

As soon as Koby reached Bob, Bob got on his tippy toes and shoved his tongue down Koby's throat again. Koby relaxed his body and embraced Bob as their mouths made love. The small amounts of hair on Bob's chest scratched Koby's, and Koby felt safe, as if nothing could harm him in the grasp of this man. His hands explored Bob's compact body. When his hand's found Bob's ass, he grasped a cheek in each hand but Bob pulled away quickly, maintaining his dominance.

Koby looked down at the shorter man. Bob could see the wanting in the teenager's eyes as their embrace broke. It was written all over the boy's face, he wanted Bob's cock. Bob stood his ground and stared the boy down, waiting for him to beg.

"Please Mr. Cos ^Ö I mean Bob, let me have it. You know I want it, I need it. Please let-" he was cut off.

"Get on your knees and beg for it. Then, maybe then I will let you have it." Bob said in an even unwavering voice.

Koby got on his knees as he was told. The crotch of Bob's white briefs not four inches from his eyes. He looked up at Bob, his eyes pleading with Bob's to let him have it.

"Please Bob I'm begging you to please let me suck your cock. I need to suck your cock." Begged Koby.

"Is this little cockwhore asking for a fucking dick to suck on?" replied Bob.

"Yes! I'm a cockwhore! Let me have it! Please!" begged Koby as he clasped his hands together in front of himself.

"Only as long as you do exactly what I say and nothing more." Replied Bob firmly.

"Of course Bob."

"Ok, then you may not use your hands and you may not touch yourself." Ordered Bob.

With that Bob reached into the flaps of his briefs and pulled out a soft albeit very thick cut cock. It hung limp out of the flapped fly of his briefs, and Koby leaned in, first licking the head, then swallowing it. He took some more, but not all of it. He swirled his tongue around the head, then let his tongue slide down the shaft as his lips did, just as Bob had done to him. He could feel the blood pumping into the penis. It was thickening in his mouth and he loved it. Finally he took the entire length of the quickly stiffening member in this throat hummed softly just as Bob had done to him.

This was a very good blowjob for a beginner. Bob was loving it, especially since it was coming from one of his all time favorite athletes, not to mention the best lay he had ever had's son. Maybe it wasn't just the blowjob that was turning him on; it could have been the thoughts running through Bob's head as he was receiving the blowjob that had made him throw wood so quickly. All he could think about was what might go down after the game, with the older Clemens and perhaps Pettitte or some other Astros if he was lucky.

Koby could only wish that he was as good a cocksucker as Bob was, and he really did. But Koby did his best and found that he was much better at it than he thought, because Bob's cock was nearly fully hard. Koby pulled off momentarily to catch his breath, and when he was about to dive back on he grabbed the shaft to guide it into his mouth.

"I SAID NO HANDS YOU FUCKING SLUT!" yelled Costas as he swung his hips violently to the right, jarring his nearly fully hard member from Koby's grasp. Then swinging his hips even more ruthlessly to the left, he smacked Koby in the face with his cock with a loud CRACK!

Bob's prick was still hanging from his fly as Koby resumed sucking it without the use of his hands. Now there was a deep red mark where the impact between Bob's penis and Koby's face had taken place. The cock slap had only turned each of them on even more. He began to face fuck himself on Bob's now throbbing dick. He repeatedly impaled his mouth on the thick fuckstick. Koby kept his hands clasped behind his back to keep from the temptation of using them.

"Ok boy, lets see what other tricks you know." Bob said as he pulled his hard dick out of Koby's mouth.

Bob continued to pull down his white briefs and step out of them. He was now only standing in his socks. His dick swung up and slapped him on the navel. It was probably only about 7 inches long, but it was nearly as thick as that around. The set of balls he had hanging there were simply impeccable. They were each only slightly smaller than racquet balls.

"Lay down on the ground." Command Bob.

Koby did as he was told and laid down on his back. Bob came over to him and straddled his head. He squatted down, lowering himself onto Koby's face. As he was doing this his ass cheeks began to spread, giving Koby a front row ticket to Bob Costas' puckering hole. The closer it got, the more Koby's mouth watered for it, especially once he could smell the fucking manly aroma coming from it.

"You know what to do boy, and it'd better be good." Ordered Bob.

With that Bob dropped his ass the rest of the way, onto Koby's gaping mouth. There were muffled noises coming from the teenager's mouth but Bob ignored them. Bob's hands involuntarily went to his cock and began to wank it, but he caught himself, knowing that it would be better if he didn't.

Koby' tongue shot up into the shit hole with force. Bob winced at first with the pain but it immediately subsided into pure pleasure. He moaned out loud and bounced slightly on the tongue that was bathing his insides with saliva. He wanted more of it up there, and sat down harder on the boy's face. But this didn't phase Koby, because he only wanted more of Bob's ass.

The more Bob pushed down on Koby, the more Koby thrust his tongue into Bob's ass. Bob's cock wasn't the only one that was throbbing now, Koby's was ready to burst, but he dared not to touch it because of what Bob might do.

"Fuck my ass harder with your tongue! Hasn't anyone ever taught you how to give a decent rim job before? Aww fuck it! I'll just pound your shitter til your daddy is done pitching, then I'll pound his shitter til you swallow his cum." Said Bob.

"Oh please fuck me!" pleaded Koby.

"You don't even have to beg."

Koby quickly got up to his knees and put his hands down on the floor. He was on all fours doggy style. His knees were nearly quivering. This would only be the second time in his life that he was fucked. He had been somewhat depressed because he hadn't gotten fucked by one of the police officers that stopped them the other day but now he had his chance.

Bob's cock was still covered in Koby's spit so all Bob did was spread Koby's cheeks and spit a few times all in there. He inserted his middle finger and began to fuck away. He quickly added his index finger causing the teenager to grunt a little.

"This is only two of my fingers kid. My cock is six and a half inches around. And I won't take it easy on you cause you're young."

Koby gritted his teeth as Bob inserted his ring finger and continued to pound his ass with 3/5 of his hand. Each time Bob thrust his fingers in, more precum oozed from Koby's dickhead.

Without any warning, Koby felt the hot, moist dickhead pushing at his sphincter. He pushed back slightly and the head popped in. It felt enormous. It felt as though he was already filled to the rim and all he'd taken so far was that fucking enormous flaring head.

"Come on boy! I told I wouldn't take it easy on you!" yelled Bob was he pushed nearly four inches in at once as if to punctuate his statement.

"AHHHH FUCKING ASSHOLE!" scream Koby in pain.

It felt as though his ass was being torn apart at the seams. He had taken Pettitte's cock, but his wasn't couldn't compare to the thickness of Bob's. Suddenly Bob shoved the last three inches in and Koby was nearly blinded by the pain. He began to hyperventilate and thought he was going to pass out.

Bob then pulled his cock all the way out so only the head was left in, and then slammed it all back mercilessly. He giant balls slapped Koby's ass, and Koby let out more painful wails. Koby's head sunk and he realized he was crying, but something caught his eye... his cock was still hard, slapping his stomach with each of Bob's thrusts.

Koby then tried not to focus on the pain of Bob's cock, as he thrust in again and again. Soon enough the pain was gone, and Koby was on the verge of cumming again. Bob seemed to have sensed that Koby was about to blow, because the next time he impaled the young man on his cock, he did so with an added ferocity.

This was all he needed, Koby's face scrunched up and he let out a scream, "Fuck yeh! Fuck me harder!" His cock exploded all over his belly and the hard tiled floor of the projection room. Shot after shot coated his underside and the cool hard floor beneath him. When the last bit of cum dribbled out of his gaping piss slit he seemed ready to collapse on top of his load, but Bob was still fucking him as if nothing had ever happened.

"This isn't over yet kid, I still gotta get my load off."

Koby had to use all of his strength to hold himself up in the doggy style position. Bob pounded his grossly thick dick in and out over and over again. There was a loud thwack thwack thwack thwack of his huge balls slapping Koby's ass. Within a minute Koby was hard again, for the third time in under an hour. With each thrust Koby's cock slapped his stomach, arousing him even more.

Every time Bob thrust in, it sapped a little more of Koby's energy. As much as Koby wanted to collapse and pass out, the more he felt like he was about to blow another load. Being fucked up the ass by Bob's enormously thick cock was like being jerked off from the inside. The two were covered in sweat, dripping all over each other.

Bob reached around and grabbed Koby's nipples and pulled and twisted as hard as he could. This was all Koby's worn out body could take, he let out a loud, low moan and closed his eyes. It felt as though his balls were being turned inside out. It was his third orgasm in about an hour, and there wasn't all too much left for him to ejaculate. This time only a few dribbles flowed from his flaring cockhead.

Meanwhile his ass was spasming out of control. It was as if his ass was jacking off Bob's cock. Bob's hefty balls had drawn up closer to his body, and it was evident that Koby's spasming ass was pushing him over the edge.

"Oh kid! Take my fucking load up your ass! Your tight fuckin ass..." he trailed off, lost in his impending orgasm.

Bob's thrusts came harder and faster than before, and Koby felt the cock quickly plump up inside of him. Within seconds of that, Bob's cock unleashed the mother load. Koby felt his insides filling with Bob's seed, the warm liquid squished around as Bob continued to pump in and out with the same fury.

Soon there was too much cum in Koby's ass and Bob's still shooting prick slid out, coating Koby's ass with Bob's semen. Eventually Bob's orgasm slowed to a dribble and then stopped. Koby had long since collapse on the floor in a sweaty, cum covered, hyperventilating heap. Bob sat down, recovering slowly from his orgasm.

"We should really get you cleaned up, it's gotta be at least the fifth inning by now. Who knows if you dad is still pitching." Breathed Bob.

Koby just moaned. Bob scooted over to were Koby was resting and began to lick off all the semen that he had spewed on Koby's ass. As soon as he had gotten most of it off, Bob got up and started to get dressed in his suit once again, although it was evident that something had gone on because the two were still soaked in sweat.

Bob threw Koby's clothes at him, and slowly Koby rose and started to dress himself. When they were both dressed, Bob fixed his hair and they walked out into the locker room together.

"Bob, that was the best ever. Thank you so much." Whispered Koby as the two walked towards their seats again.

"No problem kid, you're a pretty good lay yourself. I can't wait for round two later tonight... by the way, sorry about that, I got a little carried away." Replied Bob, referring to the still red mark, where he had earlier cock slapped Koby across the face.

"Oh it's ok. Although when my dad finds out he might want to give you a taste of your own medicine." Joked Koby.

"I can't wait." Said Bob as the two found their seats behind the dugout.

If you want me to continue please email me.

Next: Chapter 5

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