Cut Off!

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 31, 2009




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Don't you dare!" my wife shrieked when she saw me grab my jacket off the coat hook near the front door. "Don't you dare go out that door! You're not playing poker tonight, I've already told you...." That was when I shut the door.

She got in a final jab as I was getting into my pickup. "You go to that poker game and you can sleep on the couch from now on, Jake, I'm warning you...." I slammed my pickup door and jammed the radio on full blast. Drown her out...mostly.

I don't know why Sally was so damned down on my poker playing. It was Goddamned nickel-ante pot, the pot rarely got more than three dollars in it, and my biggest win to date had been forty-two dollars. My biggest loss over a night of playing poker had been thirty-seven dollars, and had been last week. That loss (okay, I'd lost less than ten dollars a week for the last month, before then, too) had seemed to spark something in Sally. She heard I was down that much and she did a very wifely thing (in her own eyes, that is), that I was to stop playing poker on Saturday nights from now on. I was losing too much money.

I got down the road, hit a red light, and I slapped my hands on the steering wheel, then laid my head with my forehead resting on the wheel between them. Jesus! Can't a guy have some fun without his wife without getting the third degree and the bedroom freezeout? What the fuck did Sally want out of me, anyhow? I'd lost a good bit of money last time, yeah, but hell, anyone can have a bad night of poker! I wasn't a bad player, I'd had a bad run of cards last week. For all I knew, tonight I'd have a streak of straights and flushes and full houses to make up for it! I didn't play to win, I played to hang out with my friends! Sally dropped more money on her shopping expeditions with her friends on average, and with the crap she'd bring home from it, she might as well have pissed it away on poker!

A horn honking alerted me that the light had changed. I gave a finger to the guy behind me when he cut around me and gave me a dirty look as he passed. He sped up and left me behind entirely in response, which suited me, I wasn't looking for a fight.

I got to the house and parked, slammed the door of my picked and stomped into the house.

Hung up my coat over the others and looked at the five guys ready to play poker. Walked over like a miniature T-Rex hulking over the seating players. "All right, let's play poker." I said as I spread one leg over the top of the chair and let myself down onto the seat. "Who's dealing?"

I played like a growling bear, snarling at conversation, blowing off sallies at myself, and concentrating on my cards. I won, but I think now I look back on it that my friends were throwing me their hands. I was up about forty dollars when they had had enough, either of losing or my attitude, I mean, winning wasn't cheering me up, then what the hell was my problem?

"Come on, Jake, what's up your ass?" Frank wanted to know. He was a construction worker like me.

"What makes you think I got a problem?" I said angrily.

"Because if you were any more of a hard-ass, you'd be back in the Marines." Ted put in.

"Aaaahhh!" I grunted.

"Yeah, Jake, come on, lighten up." Marvin added. "That or tell us what's bugging you."

"If you can't tell it to your buddies, who the hell can you tell it to?" John finished.

I looked up. Maybe I was spoiling for the chance to talk about it. "Ah, it's Sally."

"The wife." nodded Marvin.

"I don't know what she's so mad about." I went on in this vein for a while. I concluded with, "And tonight, I come to play poker like I've done for the last five years, and she tells me I can't come. And if I do, I'm going to have to sleep on the couch until I do give it up."

"Ahhh!" came a sound from my friends, a group sigh. "She cut you off."

"Yeah." I said. "Just because I want to play a bit of poker once a week with my friends."

"Hey, everyone here's gone through the old freeze-out." Marvin commiserated. "Your wife is trying to use sex to control you."

"Yeah, I figured that much out all by myself." I said snidely.

"You have to deal with it." John agreed. "First question is, should you be apologizing to her?"

"She wants more than an apology." I pointed out. "She wants me to stop playing poker with you guys on Saturday nights."

"We can't have that." Frank agreed.

"Then you are going to have to outlast her." Ted opined. "When a woman cuts her man off, she cuts herself off as well."

"Outlast her?" I said. "God, Sally never has wanted sex as much as me. She can go without for a month or more. I need my sex more than that! What am I supposed to do, settle for jerking off? Hell, that's why I married her to begin with!"

"Didn't we all!" laughed Ted. "Why else is a guy going to marry, if he didn't want a free source of pussy?"

I had to laugh at that. "Boy, didn't we make a rotten deal?"

We all laughed and I did feel better. "Okay, I went on. "I have to wait until Sally realizes that I'm not going to be blackmailed into changing for her."

"Not in this, anyway." Frank added.

"So...what the fuck do I do about...what to fuck?" I concluded.

I expected them to make noises that didn't mean much and leave me hanging. What I got instead was, "Jake, you are probably the last one of us who has had to face this. We've all been through it before." John said.

"Hell, Ted and I are still facing it." Frank added.

"So was I until just a week or so ago." John agreed.

"And I went through it last year." Marvin put in. "Carol still puts the clamp on her pussy every so often, for a week or two. But she has to give in."

"So Frank and I can help you through it, go through it with you." Ted offered.

"Help me through?"

"Sure." Frank said. "The three of us, right after poker breaks up."

"And every other night after that." Ted put in.

"Well..." I figured it would be a beer-and-talk session. "Sure, why not?" I said. Enough beer at night, and anyone can settle for a quick whack-off to ease the nuts and get some sleep.

Better than crawling on my belly to Sally and then trying to sneak out to poker for the rest of my life. A month or two without sex and Sally would start wanting counseling or such, and then we could work something out. Like I get to keep coming to poker nights and she shuts the fuck up about it. Something reasonable like that.

So the poker game went on a bit more reasonably. I dropped twelve of those forty dollars I had won, but still ended up ahead. Enough that I could give the money I'd won to Sally for a shopping trip, that'd do a lot to get the broomstick out of her ass about a friendly game of poker.

I had drunk a good bit by then, but was able to drive home if I needed to. I'd always called Sally to come get me when I drank too much, but that wasn't an option right now.

"You ready for your first meeting?" Ted asked me when we wrapped up.

"Meeting for what?" I asked, then I remembered. "Oh, yeah, you and me and Frank."

"Yeah, the meeting." Ted said. "Going to be an important part of your life until you wife turns back on her pussy faucet for you."

I laughed and said, "Sure, why not? When and where do we go?"

"This is my house." Ted reminded me. "We'll meet right here."

"Oh, sure." I bid good-bye to Marvin and John, and then went into the living room after Ted and Frank. They sat down on the couch and I started to sit on the easy chair.

"No, no, over here." Ted patted the space between them. "Between us."

I shrugged. "Sure, why not?" I said and plopped in between them. A bit of a tight squeeze, it wasn't a big couch, but we all fit, though we were practically thigh-to-thigh.

"So!" I said when we were all seated. "Who's got the beer?"

"No beer." Ted said. "Not now."

"Why not?" I asked, curious. "I figured we were here to drink beer and gripe about our wives."

"Not a bit of it." Frank said. "We're here to help you get over being cut off by your wife."

"Yeah." I said.

"And beer and talk doesn't do a damned thing about that lump in your pants." Ted said. And he reached down and clasped my crotch.

"Guh!" I grunted, too surprised to do anything about it.

"Looks like you been doing without for a few days there." Frank observed.

"Uh....yeah." I said. Sally and I had started our fight on Wednesday when she'd first laid down the law. Monday had been the last time we'd had sex, actually. I stammered this out to Ted and Frank.

"So you got five days' worth of jizz built up in there, huh?" Ted said. "Damn, and no jerking off either?"

"No." I groaned. "Shit!" Ted's hand was fondling my basket, and he was good at it, too! I hadn't had a hand on my crotch since...God, since Sally and I had dated. She'd been ready for sex then, not at all like now. She'd get into my pickup back then and scoot over next to me and her hand would come down...God! That was what had made me marry her! The euphoria of those nights, I'd wanted it every night! And I'd thought she did, too.

"Mind if I take this sucker out and get a good look at it?" Ted asked me.

"I guess so." I gasped.

"I'll help you." Frank offered and the two of them got my pants open and my dick out of my briefs.

"That is one mean looking dong you got there." Frank admired. Ted was doing more than admiring, he was working it for me. I was beyond arguing. Hell, with my wife cutting me off, I was ready for anything that got me off that wasn't my own hand.

"That's a beautiful cock, all right." Ted crooned as his hand slid up and down my shaft. "I don't see why Sally would stop loving this thing for any reason."

"I know." I groaned.

"My turn." Frank said. "Jake, you can guess by now just how Ted and I have been dealing with the way our wives cut us off every so often. It goes for all of us in the game. We've been wondering, waiting, for you to end up in the same place we've all been. Now you're here, we can cover for you the way we've been covering for each other. Help a buddy out until his wife comes off the rag and regains her senses. If nothing else, you can argue with her better if you don't have the build-up in your balls confusing your brain. So we ease your nuts and you ease ours, and we all go back to our wives with a little more self-control over ourselves. Question is, are you in?"

"I hope you are." Ted said, and he leaned over and he breathed on my cock. Just sort of lightly blew his breath over my cock, letting me feel the warm wind on my skin. "I can make this pud of yours really happy." And he blew again, harder.

"Oh, God!" I groaned. "Yeah, sure, I'm in, anything, get to sucking it, shit, yeah!"

"We will, any time you need us to." Frank put in. "And you got to do the same for us. Help out your buddies."

"Sure, yeah, anything." I said.

And Ted's mouth closed on my prick and I moaned. Hot, wet lips, God, when had Sally last gone down on me? When had been the last time she had been more than a barely wet pussy after I'd worked on her on and on and on, and then she was on her back on the bed with her arms and legs raised up like an upside-down sawhorse and about as responsive. I couldn't make her orgasm any more, she lay there, limp and with a sort of "get it over with so we can sleep" attitude and I would close my eyes and fantasize about anything I could and manage to finally come, and she'd let go of me and rush to the bathroom to flush herself out so she wouldn't get pregnant, and then back to bed with only her indifferent back to me.

When had I last had fervent, hot, eager lips slurping on my cock? Too long, it had been too fucking long!

I had both my arms on the top of the couch and my legs sprawled out. Ted was down on the floor so he could get a better angle on me. Frank was on his knees on the couch and I saw him fumbling for his crotch and I knew he was looking for the other half of that "help a buddy out" from me.

It took him a moment to get his fly open and I had that long to think. When was I happy these days? When was my life anything but hard, nasty work and a wife who didn't want to even touch me any more? When was I happiest, except with my buddies.

So when Frank got his cock out and flopped it at my face, I leaned forward and slurped it down. It was hot and raunchy from his long time sitting at the poker table, sticky like my own was, but that didn't slow Ted down and I wasn't letting it slow me down. His basket was clean except for what was nothing but a bit of concentrated man sweat. Who couldn't handle that?

It gave his cock a salty flavor as I worked his cock. Hell, I knew what to do; I'd had to teach Sally all about it. She'd been a virgin until she met me, I'd been able to teach her just how to please me. So I knew just how to please Frank.

Frank threw his head back and moaned as I sank his schlong into my mouth to the very base. Every man likes to be swallowed all the way down, and hold it there until he can get his senses adjusted to the feeling of being taken, completely submerged, wrapped up, immersed within you.

Sucking dick while you get sucked was a new one to me, I had done some 69'ing with Sally but she didn't like me doing that much, and this was totally different. This was just doing what I wanted done to me, and Frank was reaping the benefits. Ted was skilled at making a man's prong hum, and he was sliding up and down with marvelous control and efficiency, I was having a solid, steady flow of pleasure boiling up from my loins and the joy of sucking another man's cock was just sort of the icing on the cake. I was loving it all the way up until Ted broke off.

"Oh, God, I need some, too!" He groaned.

"Get up here and I'll take care of both of you." I offered generously. Newest member of a club ought to go out of their way to please!

"No, I want to fuck Frank's butt." Ted said. "I've been dreaming of your ass for days now, Frank."

"Whatever it takes to help out a pal." Frank conceded. "But can I get those lips of yours on mine still?" he asked me.

"Sure thing, buddy." I said.

We had a bit of a dance on the couch, I had to get up and let Frank get down, after he removed his clothing. Ted did the same, but I kept mine on, still feeling like Sally was going to bust in the door any second now. She wouldn't of course, but I felt like she would, it kept me covered up.

But when Ted began to shove his thick prod into Frank's ass, I was more than willing to lay myself on top of Frank in a 69 and we sucked each other as Ted plunged into Frank's ass. I felt the heat boiling up from Ted's crotch and the sheer raunchiness of this meeting of male bodies was so fucking hot, I knew I had to get my own butt and cock into this game soon as I could.

Frank was good at sucking cock, but not quite in Ted's league and the combination of my cock in his mouth, his cock in mine and Ted's prong shafting him at the same time, Frank was soon way ahead of the two of us in the rising of his climax. He groaned, thrashed and I felt the hot gush of salty spunk flood my mouth and it was good, damned good, drinking down a buddy's jizz while he sucked on you. Sharing with your buddies and easing your troubles by spreading them around, what could be better than that?

So Frank squirted his load into my mouth and I ended up wiping it dry as I raised up.

"Come on, Frank." urged Ted. "You still got me and Jake to finish off before you can rest."

Frank was panting but he took my prick back into his mouth soon as he could. Now he was our compliant middle-man, taking our cocks and working his body to make us writhe, and Ted and I were sharing our buddy, sharing Frank and I looked at Ted and grinned and he grinned and me and he leaned toward me and I met him halfway and we kissed over Frank's warm body.

I'd always wanted to share a bitch with my buddies, feel them warm and strong beside me, but this was even better, I had them loving me directly, with no woman to be intermediary, just the strong and uncomplicated lust of men, so unlike the convoluted complexities of women, we were fucking because we were horny, no more explanations needed and no long period of warm-up required, we were men and we were fucking and we were.... "Oh, God, I'm coming!" I gasped as I realized what my triumphant thoughts were leading to. The high intoxication of climax, it made you feel invincible and immortal all at once, just before you ended up thrashing about like a tortured soul in Satan's hands as you squirted!

I sprayed and Frank moaned and damned if the guy didn't have a second climax right then! I sure wanted to feel what he was feeling at least once, damn it! He was spurting into mid-air and Ted was getting it splatted on his stomach and the big man moaned and closed his eyes and clenched his teeth and I held onto him while he filled Frank's butt full of his hot spunk!

"Oh, oh, oh, oh!" Ted moaned. "God, that's such a hot ass you have, Frank. Better than my wife's cunt any day of the week!"

"Amen to that!" I hastily concurred, my eyesight still blurry from my orgasm. "This is one meeting I'm going to make every time you want to."

"Every other night." Ted said. "I think that's best for the three of us. If Marvin or John want back in, we can adjust it. Me, I'm an every-other-day man."

"I could go every day." Frank said.

"Me, too." I admitted. "Usually."

"How about you come over to my place tomorrow after work, then." Frank said as he dressed. Ted stayed naked, it was his house and his wife was visiting her mother until morning, she always cleared out of the house for our poker games. We agreed and I drove home pretty much stone-cold sober, nothing like getting your blood boiling in a fuck session to clear the head of alcohol.

My pillow and a blanket was on the couch, I didn't argue, just crawled under the covers and went to sleep. Next thing I knew, Sally was shaking me awake.

"Time to get ready for work." she reminded me.

"Oh, sure." I said and got into a sitting position.

"You slept in your clothes?" she asked me.

"Yeah." I said.

"They smell like it." Sally wrinkled her nose. "Why didn't you get undressed?"

My clothes smelled of Ted and Frank. "I like the way they smell." I said. "And I'll sleep in my clothes on the couch if I damned well want to." I announced.

"Be that way, then." Sally huffed off to go fix breakfast. Me, I went upstairs to get out of the clothes and take a shower. I laughed when I realized that Sally was mad because she had expected me to break down and apologize to her this morning. And she was pissed because I hadn't! Trust a woman to keep renewing a fight over and over again until she could win it. And usually I, the man, caves in rather than keep on fighting over and over. It's a woman's favorite tactic, and it usually works, a man wants his home life settled and quiet, so he can rest there after a hard day; and he'll say or do anything to get it that way.

But not me. As long as Sally kept me cut off in the bedroom, I could count on my buddies to pitch in and help keep me strong and serene through the days to come.

Maybe when she was ready to apologize, I'd try cutting her off. See how she likes it!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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