Cutting the Apron Strings

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Sep 3, 2020



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Cutting the Apron Strings


The trial had lasted a full week. The attorney for the plaintiff, Jay Harper, was giving his final arguments. The attorney for the defendant, Marie Brenner, was preparing to give her closing statements, and then it would be in the hands of the jury.

Jay Harper had to eke out a living. His clients were generally poor, defenseless, downtrodden people, who had been taken advantage of by wealthy men and women. Marie Brenner, on the other hand, was loaded. Her client base boasted many of New York's rich and famous residents, as well as large insurance companies.

A few months earlier, Jimmy Manheim was on the way to his job in a paper mill, when he and the defendant collided in an intersection. Richard Blake was in a Jaguar and Jimmy was in a beat-up old Chevy. The car was too old for collision insurance, and Jimmy could only afford the minimum liability insurance.

Both drivers claimed that the other had gone through the four-way stop sign without stopping, or even slowing down. There were no witnesses, and no security cameras at the intersection. Jimmy ignored the damage to his old car, but he was injured and required months of physical therapy. Unfortunately, his health insurance didn't cover that. He was suing for medical expenses only.

After the two attorneys rested their cases, they stepped out in the hallway. They knew each other well. They had been at the opposite ends of a law suit on many previous occasions. The plain fact is that they disliked each other, but each wanted to convey an air of civility. Their conversation was brief, and they went their separate ways.

The jury reached a verdict quicker than either lawyer expected, and they returned to the courtroom. Marie knew that she would lose. There was no clear evidence to prove who was at fault. In cases like this, the jury felt sorry for the underdog, and ruled in his favor, or more accurately, they ruled against the insurance company. Where evidence existed, Marie never lost.

As expected, the jury awarded two million dollars to Jimmy. This case was peanuts to Blake's mega insurance company, and they had no intention of appealing.

Jay was delighted, not only for his client, but for himself. This case made his year. He owed his secretary back wages, and he could take care of that now.

On her way out of the courtyard, Marie brushed by him. "Congratulations," she said, and ran off.

The two adversaries had no way of knowing, but they had a lot in common. They were both widowed, and each had raised a son as a single parent. They both hoped that someday their sons would join their practices. The young men were well on their way. They were both first year law students at Fordham University. Furthermore, they were both engaged to be married, and had set their wedding dates right after graduation from law school.


Colin Harper met Logan Brenner in their first class at Fordham. The class was torts' and they sat next to one another. Before the instructor arrived, they introduced themselves. They knew right away that they would be friends. They rushed to their next class, contracts', so that they could sit together again.

By the end of the week, they arranged to double date with their fiancés on Saturday evening.

By the end of the first month, Logan was begging Colin to rent a small apartment with him. At present, they both lived at home.

"I'd love to," Colin said, "but I don't think my dad can afford it."

"Not to worry," Logan said. "My mom is loaded. I'll tell her the apartment is for me, and you can live with me rent free."

"I couldn't do that, it would be dishonest."

"Don't be so saintly," Logan insisted. "I want us to do this thing."

Colin wondered why Logan was so hot to live with him. They were good friends, sure, but Logan was pushing this too much. The thing is that both boys shared the same secrets. They were living their lives in an effort not to disappoint their parents. Neither was doing what made them happy. Both of them hated the law, and each had a secret yen to go way out west, own a general store or something, and live a quiet life with some soulmate.

Their biggest secret was that they were both gay. They got engaged to please their parents, who thought that each girl was a perfect match for their son. Logan believed that he could live a fraudulent life, but Colin knew that he would never go through with the marriage. He was already planning his "escape" out west. He wanted to tell Logan that he couldn't live with him, because he was going to leave school, and get out of New York. He tried several times, but he always chickened out.

One Friday evening, Jay made a fancy dinner for him and Colin. Jay had a secret passion. He loved to cook. There was a time in law school when he seriously wanted to chuck it all and become a chef, but he decided to finish law school, and hold culinary school as a backup plan.

In the middle of dinner, Colin's phone rang. Jay heard him say, "Great, I'll meet you there in an hour."

"Who was that?" Jay asked.

"Logan. I'm meeting him at our favorite bar in an hour."

Colin had introduced Logan to his father, but he had no idea that Marie Brenner was his mother. Marie didn't know that Jay was Colin's father. Surnames were never divulged.

"Really," Jay said. He sounded surprised. "It's Friday night, date night. Aren't you going to take Brittany out?"

The one thing Colin wanted desperately to do was shout out to his father that he was gay, and would never marry Brittany. Furthermore, he wanted to tell him that he was dropping out of law school. He tried hard. He really did, but he couldn't get up the courage.

"Not tonight, Dad," he lied. "She has a bad cold."

Colin didn't have the fortitude to confront his father, but he vowed to unburden himself to Logan. He risked losing his friendship, when he came out, but he was so tortured that he felt that he had to take the risk. He vowed he would do it in school on Monday. Tonight, he wanted to have a good time with his best buddy, and he didn't want to do anything to spoil it.

Late Monday morning, Jay got a call from Marie Brenner. He was totally shocked. He said hello almost in a whisper, as if he was afraid of hearing what she had to say.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked, trying not to sound too facetious.

"I was wondering if we could meet for lunch."

Jay wanted to ask what for, but he was so shocked, he was silent, until finally, he asked, "Why?"

"I have a client who needs help, but he can't afford my fees, and if I took his case, I would have to act against one of my insurance company clients. His profile is more like one of your clients."

"Wow," Jay blurted ingenuously.

Marie ignored it. "He's a really nice guy. I feel sorry for him, and I think you can help him."

"Sure, okay, I'll meet you."

They made up when and where to meet, and hung up. Jay could not believe that Marie had a soft side.

When Marie went to court, she dressed in a business suit, pulled her hair back, wore intelligent looking glasses, and her appearance expressed the conservative, successful lawyer that she was. She had no court appearance today, but she had a much-needed office day to catch up on some paper work.

Jay did not recognize the beautiful woman who was approaching his table. She was practically on top of him, when he realized it was Marie. She was casually dressed in slacks and a sweater. Her hair was loose, and stylishly long. She had on some light make-up which she never wore in court, and she was not wearing glasses. He jumped up to help her get seated.

"Thanks," she said.

Marie gave him the client's name so he would know who it was when he called. She also filled him in on the nature of the case. Their business was concluded before their lunch was served.

Unbelievably, they chatted amicably after that. They discovered that they were both widowed, and both their sons were first year law students at Fordham. Marie wondered if the boys knew each other.

Jay was so taken by the beautiful woman he was having lunch with that he dared say, "Look Marie, we can be as adversarial in court as we have to be, but do you think we could be friends on the outside?"

Marie had always been taken by Jay's good looks, so she said, "Sure, let's give it a try."

"Great. Let's meet for lunch whenever we're both in the office, and available."

"Sounds like a plan," Marie answered.

They were both late getting back to work.

Before their last class of the day came to an end, Colin whispered to Logan, "Don't go right home. Meet me at the corner coffee shop. I need to talk to you."

Logan got concerned. "Is everything all right?" he asked.

"I don't know," Colin said fearfully. "We'll see."

The two young men seated themselves at a table. They each ordered black coffee and a Danish pastry.

"Well, talk to me," Logan said. "You've got me worried."

"Logan, there's something I'm too afraid to tell my dad, so I'm going to practice on you, and then, I swear to tell him."

"Talk already. You're driving me crazy."

"I'm quitting law school," Colin said as succinctly as he could.

All Logan could manage is, "Why?"

"I don't want to be a lawyer. I never did. My dad pushed me into it."

Logan started to say something, but Colin stopped him. "Wait, I'm not through," he said.

"What more shocking than this can you tell me?" Logan asked.

"I'm gay," Colin said, averting his eyes from Logan's.

"Okay, you win. That's even more shocking. What about Brittany?"

"I'll break the engagement, of course. That's another thing my father maneuvered me into. I can't go on living the life my father wants for me, and sacrifice the life I want for myself."

"What will you do?"

"Don't laugh. Promise?"


"I'd like to go out west to some small town, and buy a small retail shop, a general store, a bakery, it doesn't matter. There's a small hitch. I'd want to share that life with a soulmate."

"Let me sum things up," Logan said, "you want to quit law school, own a small retail shop in an even smaller town, and finally, you want to share it with a soulmate."

Colin nodded, and suddenly Logan erupted. "You fool, "he cried, "you absolutely fucking nut job."

Colin cringed. He couldn't believe that his best friend was so unsupportive. He stood up to leave, but Logan grabbed his arm.

"Where are you going? Don't you know how much I love you. I want all the same things you want. I'm gay also. What happened to your gaydar?

What happened to mine?"

Colin stared at Logan in absolute shock. He was literally struck dumb.

Logan continued, "I can make two of your three wishes come true, but I can't find the small business in the small town."

"We'll find it together."

"I know another thing we're going to do together," Logan smiled. "We're going to invite our parents to brunch at a nice restaurant, and we're going to tell them as a team. That way, neither of us will be scared."

"In the meantime," Colin said, "I seriously want to kiss you, and then make love to you. I'm still a virgin."

"Haven't you been boffing Brittany?"

"I've been avoiding it at all costs."

"Me too," Logan said. "Let's go to my apartment. My mother won't get home for hours."


They entered Logan's apartment, and ran hand in hand to his bedroom. They undressed quickly, and as soon as they were naked, they embraced, holding each other tightly, and rubbing their erect penises together. Finally, they separated and checked themselves out. They were both cut, as was Colin's dad, Jay. Colin was about four flaccid inches, and Logan was closer to four and a half. It didn't matter. At the moment they were both hard, and about seven inches each.

"You're beautiful," Logan said.

"Not as beautiful as you," Colin whispered, and he grabbed Logan for another extended hug, and lots of kissing.

Suddenly, Logan dropped to his knees. With one loud scream of, "I love you," he started to play with Colin's balls and cock. When he could stand it no longer, he started to swab Colin's cock. His tongue ran sensuously up and down Colin's shaft. He felt Colin cumming, so he engulfed as much of Colin's cock in his mouth as he could, and drank the essence of the man he loved.

Afterward, they lay side by side recuperating. They never stopped fondling and kissing. When they were breathing normally again, Colin leaned over Logan. He didn't take Logan quickly, but he began to give his love a trip around his body that he would remember the rest of his life. When Logan begged for mercy, Colin swallowed him, and drank his essence just as Logan had drunk his.

After the love making, they got dressed quickly in case Marie came home early. They also agreed to have the meeting with their parents this coming Sunday for brunch. If it was Sunday morning, neither parent could use work as an excuse not to make it. Actually, each parent was pleased that their sons wanted to spend some time with them. The boys selected a restaurant they both liked, and agreed to meet there at 10 AM.

"I guess I better head for home," Colin said reluctantly. He got up and gave Logan yet another kiss.

"Thank you," Logan said, "for the best day of my life."

When Jay and Colin arrived at the restaurant, Marie and Logan were already seated and they were scanning a menu. Logan spotted Colin and he jumped up to hug him. It was a manly greeting, and neither parent thought anything of it. Besides, they were too busy staring at each other.

Marie," Jay screamed in shock and surprise. "You're Logan's mother? What a great surprise." He bent over and gave Marie a hug.

Now Logan and Colin were surprised.

"You know each other?" Colin asked.

"Yes, we're friendly enemies in a court room. I can't believe this coincidence."

"Sit down," Marie said, "so we can order brunch. I'm starving."

The two law students waited until coffee was being served before confronting the two lawyers. Logan and Colin gave each other the go-ahead with their eyes.

"Mom, we have something to tell you," Logan said, and simultaneously Colin said, "Dad we have something to tell you."

Logan had been the man of his house for a long time, and he wasn't as frightened as Colin. By prearrangement, it was agreed that Logan would do the talking.

"Mom, Mr. Harper," he said, "Colin and I are quitting law school."

Both parents were too shocked to speak for a moment, and then Marie spat out, "You can't quit law school. I won't let you. I've groomed you to join my practice."

"This is pure nonsense," Jay said. It was all he could manage.

Even though, Logan was supposed to do the talking, Colin felt that he had to say something to Jay.

"Listen, Dad, Logan and I have discussed this over and over again. We both hate the law. It's not how we want to spend our lives. It's how you and his mother want us to live."

"There's no discussion, Colin," Jay said, "I won't let you."

"You can't stop us," Logan said defiantly. "We're both over twenty-one."

Finally, Marie lost her cool. She actually cursed. "And what do you two fucking idiots intend on doing?"

"If you let me finish explaining things, you'll know what our intentions are." Logan tried to stay as calm as possible.

The two parents shut up and looked at Logan expectantly. "We'd like to buy a small retail shop of some kind, way out west somewhere, in a very small town, and spend our lives together. We're gay, and we love each other very much."

For a moment there was utter silence, and then both parents said, "You can't be gay."

"Sorry, guys, but we are, and nobody can change that," Logan said.

Suddenly, Marie's eyes grew beady, and staring at Jay, she hissed under her breath, "Your fucking faggot son has corrupted Logan."

Jay hissed back, trying not to be too loud, "It's the other way around, lady."

Logan and Colin stood up, and silently left the restaurant. Jay and Marie were continuing to accuse each other of everything under the sun, including starting World War II.

Jay realized that both sons had left him and Marie alone. He grabbed Marie's hands. She tried to pull away, but Jay held on strongly.

"Stop it Marie," Jay said. "You know that both of us don't mean a word of what we're saying. It's just that we're hurt, and we're lashing out." Marie tried to stifle a sob.

"We can't stop them from realizing their dreams," Jay said, "and we shouldn't. Let's help them, like good lawyers should. We'll negotiate and compromise."

Jay took out his cell phone and called Colin. "Please answer," he prayed.

"What do you want?" Colin said, not too kindly.

"Look son, we're sorry. It's just that you gave us quite a shock. Please come back to the restaurant with Logan, and we'll discuss it."

The boys were right outside, and they returned in no time.

"What's to talk about?" Logan asked.

"Well, for starters," Jay said, "have you considered that you want to settle in cowboy country? Those macho, alpha males might not take too kindly to a gay couple."

Logan and Colin looked at each other and did show some concern. It was not a big deal being gay in New York City, and they hadn't thought about the consequences in another locale.

Jay continued. "You've both lived in New York all your lives. Surely, you must be aware that New York is dotted with small neighborhoods within the greater city. Many of them are ethnic. Have you considered looking for a shop in one of those places? There's Tribeca, Chelsea, Soho, Yorkville, and Riverdale, for instance, right in the city. But the other Boroughs, Long Island, Westchester, New Jersey, and Connecticut are right in your back yard. They're loaded with small towns, where your sexual orientation will get a so what attitude."

Logan grabbed Colin's hand, "That does make sense," he said.

"Good," Jay said. He reached in his wallet. "Here's the business card of a friend of mine. He's a commercial real estate broker. I've often had to consult with him when one of my cases involved real estate. You'll notice I didn't say I'd call him. Since you both claim to be all grown up and adult, you can call him yourselves tomorrow."

Colin jumped up and gave Jay a hug. "Thanks, Dad," he said.

Logan jumped up and hugged his mother. "You're the greatest," he said. He grabbed Colin's hand and they asked to be excused.

"Sure," Jay said, "but whichever apartment you use, close the bedroom door please. Marie and I don't have to come home and hear all that weird going on."

The boys laughed and ran out. Jay took Marie's hand. "They're very happy," he said.

"Yes. I'm disappointed of course, but I'm happy that they're happy. I like Colin a lot.

"I've got something to tell you," Jay said. "I'm not fond of the law either. I've always wanted to be a chef, and I've been exploring the possibility of making a life change before it's too late. The boys have inspired me. I've been taking some culinary courses at night. If I stick with it, I can get certified in about two and a half years."

"Wow," Marie said. "Think twice. I just discovered you're a whiz at negotiations and compromise. You're much better at it than I am."

"I know," Jay said laughing. "Do you have any hidden desires to confess to me?"

"No. I love what I do. I'm perfectly happy."

"You know we made a good law team today," Jay observed. "I wonder what kind of team we'd make outside the law."

Marie didn't answer. She took out her phone and called Logan.

"Whose apartment are you going to?" she asked.

"Colin's. He's closer."

Marie smiled at Jay. This time she took his hand. "Let's go to my apartment," she said. "I'd like to explore a possible partnership outside the law."

"I'm all for that, but those two brats invited us to brunch, and stuck us with the check."

"I'll get it," Marie said. "You don't know it yet, but you're taking me out to dinner tonight."

Actually, nobody went out to dinner. Both couples exhausted themselves making love all afternoon. Logan fell asleep in Colin's bed, and Jay fell asleep in Marie's. The four of them slept like babies sleep, after they have been well fed, and have had their diapers changed.


With the assistance of Tim McNamara, Jay's real estate friend, Colin and Logan zeroed in on Soho. Mac pointed out that Soho was very gentrified, and inhabited by many young professionals, who preferred to do their shopping at momma-poppa stores, than in the big chain stores. They ended up buying a medium sized hardware store. They found an apartment in Soho that wouldn't break their bank, and rented it.

Three years later, Jay was a certified, honest-to-goodness chef. He got a job as a sous chef in a very fine restaurant. He and Marie had been living together for almost two years. When they first realized that they spent every night in one of their apartments, Marie begged Jay to move in with her.

"No way," he said. "Let's negotiate and compromise. We'll give up both our apartments and rent one that's ours, not yours or mine. Furthermore, you'll marry me. I don't intend on living in sin."

"See how good you are at negotiating," Marie pointed out. "Are you sure you want to give up the law."

"Yes," Jay said. "I've got you to make me happy, but since you can't cook, I'll just have to keep on cooking for both of us."

"I give you permission to make your customers happy also," Marie said, and smacked a wet kiss on Jay's cheek.

In the end, the four family members were doing what made each of them happy. What's better, rarer, or more important than that?

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