Cyber and Life Are Close

By John Parker

Published on Mar 17, 2021



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Ronald Bowen Tech Services, that's my company. I have a small office in a big building in Austin, TX; not exactly in Silicon Hills (saves a few bucks). Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge is viewable from my office and I use it to jog on almost day. Tech work, especially problem solving (and it almost always is) can be intense. My office is small, but I have two of the best young techies in Austin working for me. One is a brilliant young brunette woman named Janet, the other is Robert, also brilliant and young. Janet is lovely, Robert is, well, woof woof! I don't play where I work, never did, but anywhere else he'd be fair game. So, I just told you, I'm gay; don't know if Robert is or not. Doesn't make any difference, if he were on his knees pulling my pants down, it wouldn't happen. Robert won't be coming back here, eat your heart out, I do almost every morning when he comes in. Half my time I spend training them, when I can. They are both going to be incredibly wealthy in time.

Our company is small, but very successful, we (actually, I) do contract work with all of them: Microsoft, Apple, HP, Dell. Most of our income, however, comes from crisis management. I was jogging the bridge when my phone rang. Once across the Colorado River I stopped and read. "Call me I need you, NOW!" I recognized the name, but have never met him. David Parker is the owner of a high-end men's wear company. He doesn't manufacture, he just distributes. I wear all his stuff, his clothing and my body just work together.

I called, breathing heavy after my run. It went right to him, no secretary. "Returning your call."

"Mr. Bowen..."

I stopped him. "Mr. Bowen is my father, I'm Ronnie."

"Ronnie, do you know who I am?"

"Positutely!" Techies just aren't genteel!

"Ronnie, my system has either crashed or been hacked, and it's the total basis of my business. I've been backed up in the cloud, but we can't even get that to work."

I knew he was in Dallas. "Can be there by eight in the morning."

I got to work at seven and Ronnie was already there. The security guard wouldn't let him in, and my German Shepherd, Duke, (He kept night watch on my suite, roamed the office. He knew how to set off the silent alarms, and was actually attacked trained. It's illegal for a private citizen to have one, but he was a wounded police officer that had to be retired.) Building security was good, but I've got stuff in my office that could impact the stock market. Charles always let Duke out each morning. Duke wouldn't let Ronnie move an inch. "Good morning, Chuck." I said to the guard, giving Duke a scruff on the neck. He's coming with me, get him credentials, 24/7 pronto. Duke followed us. Duke was my dog, obviously, but no one owned Duke, Duke owned you.

Tell me what's wrong, David?"

"Every fucking thing, Ronnie! I can't take orders, I can't bill, I can't ship, I don't know my available inventory. My business is dead in the water."

Ronnie knew my business address, sat at his laptop and within seconds my whole business, all of it, was right there in front of him. I knew he was the best, but it scared the shit out of me that my livelihood was all there in front of him.

"First thing I need to tell you is that your firewall was a piece of shit. I've already replaced it."

"I'm pretty sure by the end of the day you will be able to bill and ship, but it won't all be done. You can't let new customers in yet, but I think I can make established accounts accessible. This is going to take me a few days, David, and it won't be cheap."

"Like being out of business is cheap?"

"This won't go down easy, David, you have been hacked, but it's an inside job. Anyone who has access to this system you should get in here now, with their laptops."

Including me there were only four (except for Ronnie, but the world seemed to be open to him.) Ronnie said, "Who is 0988?" Otis, my chief tech, raised his hand. "Seize his lap top, David. He did it. He didn't do it, but he created a portal to the dark web so someone else could."

"I quit", Otis said.

"You're not going anywhere, except maybe to jail." Duke sensed what was going on, growled, and Otis was at risk of getting his balls bitten off. "In your office, until security comes to get you. Duke will be there with you."

Ronnie worked all day, I didn't have the slightest idea what he was doing, but I trusted him, I had to. Duke was back and had his head in Ronnie's lap the whole time.

"I'm done for the day," Ronnie said. When your fingers start hitting the wrong keys, you have to stop. Got to find me a place to stay."

"Since I live alone, why don't you come home with me? Used to be four, but now it's just me. I see you're wearing my casual stuff, but the restaurants I like wouldn't let you in to eat like that. How about I order dinner for us? Uber Eats will have it there by the time we get home."

It was a great offer, and I accepted (Crossed my mind I could still bill it. I can be such an asshole some times.)

When we got to David's the Uber Eats driver was in the lobby. David gave him a generous tip. We got to his condo. It was huge, and elegant beyond belief; but totally consistent with his business style. The meal was Indian, and excellent.

We discussed the way he conducted his business over dinner so I could make it all work back together again. After dinner we shared a Cognac and the conversation changed to a discussion of our lives. Later he said, "You can have that room."

"Do I have to?"

"What do you mean, Ronnie?"

"How fucking obvious do I have to be, David?".

He wrapped a strong arms around me, and put his mouth against mine, We were on the floor in seconds undressing each other. Everything he had on was mine, and I'd made a lot from it. When I got his jeans off, he was wearing a black net thong that barely contained him. (That's not mine, I said to myself). We enjoyed each other's bodies a lot, but when I got to that thong it was something new. I've had my mouth all over men before, but that mesh on my tongue was new and exciting.

"We can keep this up, but cleaning your sheets is going to be easier than cleaning your carpet," Ronnie said.

We crawled in my bed. I'm 62, not in bad shape, but I am 62. Ronnie is maybe 50, but you'd never know it. His body is firm and buff with a beautiful otter pelt on his chest and abs. His cock, which Is now pretty happy, is a little over six inches. His balls are average, but up tight. We fully enjoyed each other for about an hour, all ventral, we ended with a sweet 69 that we went to sleep with. In the morning he had fallen out of my mouth, but I was still in his.

"Get up and take a shower, Ronnie, I'll get breakfast." I don't cook. Breakfast was coffee, OJ, and Jimmy Dean sausage and egg biscuits. When I brought the tray back to the bedroom, Ronnie was wearing a pink jockstrap. It looked really nice on him. Yesterday it would have surprised me (pink?) but today I knew.

While eating our not too classy breakfast I asked Ronnie, "What now?"

"Well, David, you've got three choices; expensive, very expensive, and ridiculously expensive."


"I can probably get you back up to where you were before, expensive. Your system kind of sucks, you're losing lots of money; I can rebuild it as I go; very expensive. Then I can build you an uncrackable fire wall with my patented software. It's three layers with different encryptions, if anyone gets beyond level two, level three seizes their system and destroys it. It's probably illegal, but if you're in a back yard you've not been invited into, you deserve to get bitten. I've got a ten million dollar liability policy on its use, there is no risk to you. Ridiculously inexpensive. Otis couldn't crack it, no one but me could, and I could from anywhere in the world. Not a threat, David, you sell high quality and so do I. The big guys know I have it, want it, but I won't sell it. My clients, about a hundred and fifty, have to sign a no-share contract, if they try to send it to whomever, it plays a musical rendition of "Mary had a little lamb," and the software self-destructs on their system. Only happened once, when someone tried to reverse engineer me. It tells me. I don't know what happened, but it couldn't have been pretty." Damn, you're good."

"Tell me something I don't know, do you me last night or what I'm doing for you?"

"Both. Let's go ridiculous, that didn't stop us last night."

I spent most of the day with Ronnie, He told me what he was doing, but it all flew over my head. Duke would roam the office, then come back. I was used to Duke in my lap, but he dogged Ronnie. We had lunch together. Ronnie told me where he was and it would probably be two more days. "David, I can't stay with you tonight (that didn't make me happy), my son will be in town tonight. He's going to be going on a tour to San Antonio. We'll need to get a room."

"Why, you know I have more room than any man needs."

"Well ..." That's all he said.

"No. You are both staying with me!"

Around two o'clock, Ronnie tapped on my door. "David, this is my son Reginald/Reggie." Talk about two peas in a pod! We exchanged greetings and I told him my driver would take him to the condo and he was free to use anything he wanted.

Around five, Ronnie said that the day was over for him. I work the hours, but nothing like him. We went back to the condo, I had my secretary order dinner for three, Italian tonight. When we got home, Reggie was there to greet us, stark naked. He was a beautiful young man, early to mid-twenties. We all shared a beer, and chatted. His father and I had shared a lot of sex last night, but he had me pumped.

The bell man rang, "Uber here."

"Send him up."

There was a knock. Without any hesitation, Reggie went to the door. The Uber driver came in and damn near passed out, he could hardly construct a complete sentence. "Thanks," said Reggie, "What's your name" "Hunter." Reggie looked at me with a wordless question, I nodded okay.

"Can you come back in a couple of hours?" He still couldn't talk clearly, "Yeah.".

Reggie brought the bags in and said, "There was a dress code for dinner, gentlemen, and you guys haven't met it."

Ronnie was assertive and confident, but Reggie was totally alpha.

Ronnie and I went into the bedroom to get naked. I'd never eaten in my dining room naked before. Reggie had served up everything. I got a bottle of wine. It was dinner chatter. When we were done, Reggie wrapped his arms around Ronnie. "Want some dessert, dad?"

"Ronnie looked at me, Reggie wouldn't have given a shit."

"Like I didn't know,, enjoy each other, I'll clean up here."

"David, you will join us?" said Reggie, verbally it was a question, but it came across as an order.

Ronnie and Reggie walked arm in arm into the bedroom. I cleaned up. When I walked into the bedroom, I expected to see a lot of sex, what I saw was two men who could be twins, but twenty- five years apart. They were laying with arms across each other, just looking at each other. "I love you, Reggie." "I know, you always have. I love you too. dad." I somehow felt I didn't belong here.

"Get your damned ass in here, David, we've been waiting for you." You know who said it.

A man's body is a varied playground and we each had our preferences, Reggie was into rimming, I was into balls, and Ronnie worked tits, all of us liked cocks and kissing. We all gave what we got, three very happy male bodies. It was special watching Ronnie and Reggie, technically it was incest, but it really was love. We ended, well not quite ended with a triangle 69, and we timed ourselves so we all got off within seconds of each other. We snowballed all of the cum until it was gone. We cuddled for a while. Reggie never lost his erection, but Ronnie and I recovered ours. We went to sleep together in a sweet daisy chain. Ronnie entered Reggie, then I penetrated, Ronnie. I wrapped my arm across both men, taking Reggie's cock in my hand. We were in the position, but we didn't really cluster fuck. We were just reliving what we just had. It all fell apart over night. I awoke first with two beautiful men next to me, both ass up. I gave them both a slap.

Why don't you guys shower together while I get breakfast, again a gourmet's delight of toaster waffles and precooked bacon. I called to tell them it was ready, too much to take into the bedroom. Damn were they pretty, and both wearing designer briefs that made what they had more enticing. I had two texts, one from my secretary and the other unlabeled, "Sorry I couldn't make it back, I was busy, and I had to get ready for my trip to San Antonio today." It had to be Hunter. I smiled and turned to Reggie and said, "Enjoy, San Antonio, I think it will be better than you expected."

We said our good byes. Ronnie and I went to the office. He cleaned everything up and told me that everything still worked the way it used to. "I've got to leave today, don't want to. Once you have a techy you trust, I'll send Robert up to train him/her. I don't really know about his proclivities, but he's better eye candy than any Belgian chocolate." I added, "Never, but if he is, let me know."

A couple of days later my secretary brought me a document. It read, "Ronald Bowen Tech Services, $40,000. Stamped "Paid in Full." On the bottom, hand written, it said , "I-35 runs both ways."

"How do I book this? Did you pay it?"

"Debit/Credit, Alice, enter both, it doesn't make any difference."

I-35 does run both ways, and we used it a lot.


I called a board meeting, it was small, only four of us, but legally we had to have a board to incorporate, and they can't all be employees. It was me; my more than secretary; my accountant, who was actually my CFO in disguise, but not on salary: and my men's wear procurer. He was paid on commission, handsomely. He was gay as the day is long, sweet, and a total fag. Legally it was a board, but I called all the shots.

"Gentlemen, and Laura, we a going to expand our line. I've done some research (no details) and the men who like our casual line are into exotic underwear. We're going to expand our casual line, but first the undergarments."

If you liked this please tell me, if you didn't then you have to tell me. .

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