Daddy Type

Published on Apr 4, 2024


Daddy Type - Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen {12-2018 to 03-2019}

"Growing up, my folks always gave me one present on Christmas Eve," I explained.

"We don't have anything prepared for you," Cody said.

"Next year," I said, with a smile. With that, I handed each a wrapped box.

Cody opened the package carefully while Luke tore into the paper.

"Pajamas," Cody said.

"I figured you needed something nice while you're visiting. Red and white stripes for the holidays for you and..."

"Green and white stripes for me," Luke said as he got into his box.

"Vertical stripes are supposed to make you look taller and slimmer," Cody said.

"As if you need either," Luke said. "Me, on the other hand."

"You're plenty tall enough for me," I said. I moved over and gave him a kiss.

"Need to pack these," Cody said.

"Speaking of packing, we should head for the train," Luke said.

Cody pulled me into a tight hug, then gave me a deep kiss. He said quietly, "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you. I'll see you tomorrow night."

With that, Luke and I headed out. We were on the train to work when I asked, "How'd you decide to deal with leaving town tonight?"

"I'm taking METRO to Springfield, and he's picking me up there. We have two small duffle bags and the presents, so not much for him to load."

"Cool. Put your best face on," I said.

"Huh? Every time we talk about Christmas, your face is strained and not happy. Put your happy face on and enjoy. You'll see me in about 36 hours."

"I get to sleep in your arms for Christmas," he said. With that, his face brightened into a huge smile.

"Yup. I think you on one side and Cody on the other will be the best present I get!"

Our conversation took on a decidedly positive vibe until we hit the tunnel. I stood to get myself ready to get off the train.

"I love you," I said. "Merry Christmas! See you tomorrow."

"I love you. Merry Christmas, and I'll have my happy face on."

The train got to the station, and I started my walk to work.

Early in the afternoon, Lucinda walked into my cubicle and said, "Send any of your folks that are still here home and go home yourself."

"Okay, I'm not going to argue. I can catch the early train. Thanks! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas to you!"

It was a little after four when I got home. I found a present sitting on the kitchen counter. There was a note beside it saying I could open it tonight. I was tempted to open it now, but I thought I'd wait. I figured the guys would call me when they got to the beach.

I cranked the tunes, worked out for a bit, showered, and fixed myself an early dinner. I was debating what to do next when I heard the phone ring.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Car died," Cody said.

"Where are you?"

"The next exit is Thornburg," he said. "We're waiting for a tow truck."

I thought for a moment. "You're a bit below Fredericksburg. Has traffic been that bad?"

"Yep! We gassed up a couple exits back, and Luke took over driving. Things had just thinned out, so we were just getting up to speed."

"You're about an hour from me," I said.

"And nearly three hours to the folks," Cody said.

"Want me to come pick you up?"

"I'm figuring that's the best idea. Luke's calling his folks now. It doesn't sound like a happy call."

"How bad is the car?"

"Smoking, overheated, smelly."

"Got it. Let me get dressed, and I'll head south. Once you get towed, let me know where."

"Hold on a second," he said. There was a muffled discussion, and then Cody came back on the line, saying, "His parents agreed. Driving six hours tonight and then six hours tomorrow doesn't make sense. They said, thank you for picking us up."

"See you soon!"

It took a little over an hour until I pulled in front of a small auto repair shop.

"This was not what I had in mind," Luke said.

"Well, things have a way of working out," I said. "What about the car?"

"The tow truck driver gave me three options. He said they were all honest and good. I picked this one. They were all closed. I have to call Wednesday morning when they open."

"Sounds good."

We transferred everything from Luke's car to the Jeep. I pointed us north, and we headed home. Back at the house, we got everything unloaded and went into the den.

"Why don't you call your folks and let them know you're home safe and sound," I suggested.

"Smart idea," Luke said.

He grabbed his phone, stepped out of the room, and soon I could hear a bit of conversation. He came back into the den with his phone held out and said, "They want to talk to you."

I'm sure there was a surprised look on my face. I took the phone and said, "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," Nate said. "And thank you for taking care of our boys. We really appreciate what you did tonight and everything you do for them."

"You welcome. They are great guys, and I'm happy to do whatever I can for them."

"We are going to miss them," Sarah said. "I hope they aren't interrupting your plans."

"Christmas Eve was to be alone. Tomorrow I'm going to the gang's Christmas dinner. I sent a text to my friends and added two to the table."

"That's so sweet of you," Sarah said.

"Let me give you back to Luke," I said.

I handed Luke his phone, and he said his goodbyes.

"It's almost nine. Did you two get to eat?"

"We got sandwiches when we gassed up in Fredericksburg," Cody explained.


"A little," Luke admitted.

"Sweet or savory?"

"Savory," Cody said. "Sweet's going to be in bed!"

"Cheese, crackers, and a little ham?"

"That sounds good. Doesn't have to be much," Luke said.

We put together a quick snack.

"Have you thought about how you're going to handle Christmas?" I asked.

"I had a thought," Cody said. "Could we have them come up and visit?"

"Get a hotel?" Luke said.

"We have rooms," Cody said.

"And how do we explain the three of us in one bed?"


"You could drive down Saturday and come back on Sunday," I suggested.

"We were going to spend five days together," Luke said.

"We weren't going to get Christmas together, now we will."

"There is that," he admitted.

"For now, let's go sit by the tree for a few minutes," Cody said. "Did you open your present?"

"No. I was going to do it before bed. I got sidetracked. It was a good thing."

"Good. Present time."

"I can wait till tomorrow, and we can open all our presents," I said.

"You gave us our pjs. You get this one. Go get your box and meet us at the tree."

I went and got the box and met the guys in the den. I sat between them, the twinkling lights from the tree setting a great mood. I tore the wrapping, and opened the box.

"This is so nice," I said. "I'm going to keep it on my desk at work."

"It's the picture the lady took of us on the beach," Luke said.

"I remember. I love it. I love the frame. And I love you both!"

"Since we're home, it's time for another present," Luke said.

The three of us stood, and I followed Luke down the hallway to our bedroom. We were all quickly down to our jeans, and the kissing began. I had my right-hand on Cody's back and my left-hand rubbing Luke's neck. In turn, I had Luke's right-hand on my lower back and Cody's left-hand on my shoulder. As our kissing continued, my hand slipped down Cody's back and inside his briefs. Hands rubbed across bodies, and lips moved to necks, shoulders, and chests.

"Time to finish getting nekkid," Cody said.

"I like the way you think," Luke said.

We stripped off what remained, and I climbed onto the bed. Luke climbed to my right, Cody to my left. They leaned over me and kissed. I moved up a bit and joined them in a three-way kiss. Hands started rubbing again; this time, I had one hand from each rubbing my dick.

After a few minutes of stimulation, I pushed forward and, at the same time, pushed Cody onto his back. I got between his legs and took his dick into my mouth. Luke moved behind me, his hands rubbing my back as his tongue started swiping up and down my hole.

I spent a good while on all fours, sucking dick while my Luke ate my ass. Finally, I lifted off Cody's dick and said, "Fuck me!"

"Woo hoo, a great Christmas present!" Luke said.

I heard Luke spit-lube his dick and then felt him start pushing his cock into my hole.

"Oh yeah," he moaned as my ass yielded and his shaft slid in.

I went back to sucking on Cody as Luke started sliding in and out of my hole. After my hole got used to Luke's cock, I urged him on, "Fuck me harder!"

"Just save some of that ass for me," Cody said.

"Take turns," Luke replied.

Cody rolled away from me and moved around behind me. Luke pulled out, and Cody slid in. The two of them would fuck for a while, get close, and then switch. I couldn't believe how long they fucked me.

After a long while, Cody said, "I need fucked."

"Slide in under Coulter. I'm going to nut in his butt!"

The bed moved a bit, and then I realized Cody was wiggling under me. It took some acrobatics, but he got to the point where I was able to work my dick into his hole.

Luke held fairly still as I worked back and forth, impaling myself and then impaling Cody. For me, the extra stimulation was getting me close, fast.

After about ten minutes of this, I simply yelled, "Fuck!" as I shot into Cody. My ass clenching must have been too much for Luke, as I felt him unload into me. Once I was done, Cody pulled off me, flipped, and I sucked him off quickly.

"Merry Fucking Christmas!" Luke said.

"And to all a good night. I'm bushed," Cody added.

"Let's clean up, snuggle up, and get some sleep."


"What's the game plan for today?" Cody asked.

"We should head into the city around one. Dinner is supposed to be at four."

"Get there two hours before?"

"Help Ben and Austin with setting up, socializing, and appetizers," I explained.

"I'm glad we get to go."

I smiled at that. I could remember a time when Luke and Cody weren't comfortable joining my friends.

"I didn't expect you two here, so I don't have an extravagant breakfast planned."

"I don't need one."

"I figure you and Luke should spend some time talking to his folks."

"We're going to call them around eleven. I figured we could cast it on the big TV."

"That's fine."

"I can't wait for presents time."

I gave Cody an odd look.

He continued. "I know we agreed not to buy much, and I didn't, but I do have a couple things for you and Luke. I remember; it's not about how much you spent. It's about what you give."

"Good man."

"Can we go wake up sleepy head?"

"Let him sleep in. I know you're like me. You didn't have siblings holding you up when you got to... Oh, sorry. I forgot. This is like your birthday."

"Yep. I got one present for Christmas most years. When I was little, it was children's books. As I got older, my folks gave me books from the Left Behind series. In college, I got some clothes."

"I've heard about the Left Behind series but not read any of them."

"They are well written. But of course, the topic can be a bit much for a confused gay guy."

"I'm sure it would paint a bleak picture for you. Why don't we work on breakfast a bit?"

We headed into the kitchen and got started.

"That smells so good," Luke said as he joined us a bit later. "What am I smelling?"

"Chocolate chip panettone French toast casserole and praline bacon," Cody said.

"Yum and super yum!"

"You got lucky," Cody said.

Luke gave him a look.

"I didn't realize that we had the panettone in the pantry. I figured we would have a basic breakfast," I explained.

"It smells so yummy," Luke said.

"It's almost ready," I said. "Would you set the table and get beverages?"


Luke got things ready while Cody and I finished cooking and got things on the platters.

"Did you want any fresh fruit?" Cody asked.

"I'm good with this. Fruit would be more carbs."


We grabbed the platters and carried them into the dining room. As we finished eating, Luke said, "I'm sorry that I'm not going to spend time with my parents and brothers today. I'm very happy that I get to spend Christmas with my family."

"I'm very happy you're here with me," I said.

"Time for presents," Luke said.

Cody clapped his hands. We all sat on the floor near the tree. Luke reached over, grabbed a rather large present, looked at the tag, and handed it to me.

Opening it, I was surprised. After taking it in for a moment, I said, "These are amazing."

"They are photos I took, printed onto canvas. You don't have much art on the walls, and I figured some landscape shots would look nice," Cody explained.

"I'm trying to figure out where you were standing when you took these."

"I can," he started.

I put my hand up and said, "Front yard, looking past the house, on that side."


"Back yard, hmmm... sitting at the fire pit pointed that way. Was it foggy?"

"Exactly." Cody's voice seemed amazed.

Luke turned, grabbed another present, and handed it to Cody. As always, Cody took his time carefully opening the present. He reached into the box and pulled the tissue-paper-wrapped bundle out.

"Oh my god!" he exclaimed. "Webber." He held the stuffed animal to his chest, and the tears started. Things quickly escalated to sobbing.

Luke scooted over and took Cody into his arms, holding him tightly. It took several minutes for Cody to settle down.

"How'd you know?"

"You showed Casey. Kyle heard and told me. I figured things out."

"I know it's not the little guy I grew up with, but it is Webber!" Cody's face beamed. He sat there, hugging the stuffed platypus. "This is the best."

"That box," I said to Luke.

"To Luke from C2," he read.

Luke ripped through the paper. "The Cake Bible, The Pie and Pastry Bible, and The Baking Bible," he read.

"They are all by Rose Levy Beranbaum," Cody explained. "They are supposed to be some of the best books for bakers. She is credited with several techniques that transformed modern baking."

"Thanks. I look forward to trying a lot of the recipes."

"And we look forward to eating them," I said with a laugh.

Luke pulled the next box from under the tree, looked at the tag, and handed it to Cody. Again, Cody took his time carefully removing the paper, slowly opening the box, and then pulling the tissue paper apart.

"Oh, cool!" He pulled out the first dress shirt from the box. "I'm going to look great in this." He held it up in front of himself.

"Handsome," Luke said.

"Oh, there's another," Cody said.

"I thought about what colors would look best on you."

"I thought that blue was sharp, but that green is going to make you stand out," Luke said.

"I figured you'd need some new shirts for interviews," I said.

Cody gave me a huge smile. With that, Luke grabbed the last present from under the tree and handed it to me. I opened the box and pulled out a spiral-bound notebook.

"Let me explain," he said. "You've said you like to take notes on paper. This thing is paper, but you use their app to scan what you write into the cloud. When you're done, stick the notebook into the microwave, and all your writing disappears. You have to use the Pilot pens I included."

"This looks really cool. Thanks! Microwave it, huh?"

"Yep. From the reviews, it can be done more than the five times it says but shouldn't be done like more than forty."

"So, a reusable notebook; very environmentally friendly. Cool! Thank you both for my gifts."

We all gave each other hugs.

"Should we get ready for dinner?" Cody asked.

"I need to make the food."

"What are you taking?"

"Brownies with peppermint frosting are my primary contribution. Since you two are coming, I told Ben I'd bring a vegetable."

"Are the brownies made?" Luke asked.

"Nope, I got sidetracked last night."

"I'll make them," he offered.

"That would be great."

"What veggie are you doing?" Cody asked.

"Whatever we have enough of to make something for fourteen," I explained.

He opened the fridge door and said, "Not much here." He then opened the freezer and said, "We have a number of bags of Brussels sprouts."

"That's our go-to, I guess."

"Roasted Brussels sprouts with balsamic vinegar glaze, and oh! How about chopping up the left-over bacon?"

"Works for me."

The three of us got busy. We were crowding the departure time as we finished cleaning up.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yup. I put both dishes in the back of the Jeep," Cody said.

"Are you sure it's not a problem? Us going." Luke asked.

"I let Austin know last night. His response was, the more, the merrier. They are looking forward to seeing you both. Chill."


"There is always extra food at the end of these events. Remember Thanksgiving?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Who's driving?" Luke asked.

"I will."

We got on the road, and eventually, I was parking in a space not far from Ben and Austin's place.

"Merry Christmas," Ben said when he opened the front door.

"Merry Christmas," we responded.

"I'm sure someone had a merrier Christmas than planned," Ben said.

"All three of us," Cody replied. "Christmas Eve was a very late night."

That got Ben laughing. He asked, "How's the car?"

"Won't know till tomorrow," Luke replied.

"Food goes in the kitchen for now," Ben said. With that, Cody and I took off.

We found Austin busy in the kitchen. As I sat the brownies down, I said, "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas. It's really nice that you three are together for Christmas. Plus, you'll be able to stay later."

That got Cody and I chuckling.

Darryl stormed into the kitchen with Luke in tow. He glared at me and said, "You kidnapped them?"

"No, their car broke down last night."

"You sabotaged their car? You'd do anything, wouldn't you?"

Cody and I were laughing so hard.

"Did he cuff you? Tie you down? Make you stay?"

"Ummm... no. Well, at least not to keep us home," Cody explained.

That got all of us laughing harder.

Ben, Phil, Chris, and Stephen joined us in the kitchen.

"What are we missing?" Ben asked.

"Darryl's accusing Coulter of bondage games to keep the guys here for Christmas," Austin explained.

"My car broke down," Luke said.

"Yeah, yeah, we heard that. The truth," Darryl said. "The real truth. It's sabotage!"

That got everyone laughing.

"No bondage. Just a broken-down old car," Luke said.

Darryl finally cracked a smile and started chuckling with everyone else. He said, "Merry Christmas. I'm really glad you two could join us. It's great to see you three together for the holiday."

He gave Cody a hug, then did the same to me.

"What did you get for Christmas?" he asked.

"A framed photo of the three of us on the beach for my desk. Two photos Cody took on canvas for the house and this really cool erasable notebook."

"Aren't all notebooks erasable?"

"You can completely erase this one in the microwave."


"Oh, and the most important gift. To sleep in my guys' arms on Christmas Eve and wake in their arms on Christmas morning."

"Good," he said quietly. "You deserve all the happiness those two bring you."


"Who wants a drink?" Ben asked.

"I'm driving," I explained. "Diet coke for me."

"We have eggnog," Austin said.

"Ooooh, eggnog and rum," Cody said.

"I'll do that too," Luke said.

A few other hands went up for the spiked drink.

"The appetizers on the buffet," Austin announced.

It was a great start to a great day!


Thursday morning, Luke and I sat on the train. He asked, "You're still taking Monday off. Right?"

"Tomorrow and Monday. We'll have Sunday evening through Wednesday morning together. Plus, of course, tomorrow."

"Woo hoo. Any ideas for what we could do?"

"Either we stay home or find a New Year's Eve party to attend."

"What? Where?"

"I know Alexandria has an event called First Night. Falls Church has an event. Not sure about other cities. We could go to a bar. We can watch one of the New Year's Eve shows on TV."

"We could spend the night fucking in bed," Luke said.

"There is that option too. Last year, Cody did say that was how he wanted to spend every New Year's Eve."

"How about dinner and then time together?"

"I'm good with that. Dinner out? Dinner at home?"

"Probably too late to get a reservation for a great place. What about Chinese delivery? We can get it, put it into our bowls, and have a fancy dinner."


"If you want more, we could see if folks want to come over."

"That would delay."

"Yes, it would."

"It's interesting. You're very much about us and maybe small groups. Cody's much more social."

"Growing up with so many siblings. Our house was always busy, noisy, and full. Someone would have friends over; things were always going on. It was a bit chaotic. One of the things I like about our house, our family, and our lives is that I can find solitude when needed."

"Good to hear."

I stood, grabbed my things, leaned over, kissed Luke goodbye, and said, "Love you."

"Love you too!"


"What are we ordering?" Cody asked.

"What do you want?"

"Sweet and sour chicken, Szechuan string beans, and how about some steamed dumplings?"

"Crab Rangoon, crispy hot chicken, and hot and sour soup," Luke added.

"I'll add wonton soup, honey pecan shrimp, and stir-fried spinach with garlic."

"Fried rice?" Luke asked.

"Sure, which?"

"Pineapple fried rice," Cody said quickly.

I finished entering the order and said, "Anything else?"

"Nope," Luke said.

"Do we have a dessert?" Cody asked.

"I didn't get a chance to bake anything. Y'all kept me busy." Luke said.

"How about an ice cream cake?" I asked.


"We can pick up a Carvel ice cream cake at the store."

"Woo hoo, I haven't had one of those since I was a kid," Luke said.

"Food's ready in twenty minutes," I explained.

"I'll get the cake while you two get the dinner," Luke said.

We drove over to the shopping center. I grabbed the food while Cody and Luke ran into the store. I had things loaded in the back of the Jeep when they returned.

"That looked like more than just a cake," I said as they buckled up.

"We got a bottle of champagne," Luke explained.

"What did you pick?"

"A lady was in the wine department and recommended Perrier-Jouet Grand Brut."

"Wow, drinking nice tonight," I said.

"We also got a really nice bottle of pinot noir that she recommended," Cody added.

"Really nice," I said.

We got home and got all our food into the service dishes. We'd set the table before we left, so we were able to sit and eat quickly.

"Not quite the same as last year's New Year's Eve," Luke said.

"Nope, better!" I said.

"This is wonderful. My second New Year's Eve with the guys I love," Cody said.

"Amen to that," Luke said.

"A toast," Cody started. "May the worst day of the year ahead be far better than the best day of the year past! Cheers!"

"Cheers!" Luke and I said.

"That's a great one," Luke said.

"I'm sitting here happier than I thought I could ever be. My life is more full of love than I thought possible. There are two reasons for this, and I love you both. Cheers!"

As I held my flute up, I noticed that both my guys had wet eyes. They clinked my glass and took a sip.

Luke held up his flute and said, "My only wish for this new year is to have you both by my side. Honestly, not just for this year but forever! Cheers!"

Now there were tears in all our eyes. We sat there, finishing our dinner, enjoying quiet conversation. We did a quick cleanup and then went to the den. I turned on a soft, relaxing playlist, plopped into the corner of the sectional, and my guys snuggled up to me on either side.

We'd been stroking, holding, and otherwise enjoying each other's touch for a few minutes when Cody said, "This is the best. Can we stay like this forever?"

I chuckled at that and replied, "No sex tonight?"

"Oh! Well. We have to stop this for that! I mean, man can't live without sex!"

"At least these three men," Luke added with a chuckle.

I reached over and pulled Cody's shirt up. I moved in and started nibbling on his tit. I felt the cushions move and saw Luke's face move in quickly to start nibbling on his other tit. Our hands would bump as we rubbed across Cody's bare skin.

"Um. Guys. Strip!" He urged.

I finished pulling Cody's shirt. I stood, and my guys joined me. Cody started stripping my shirt off. The three of us were working to remove each other's clothing. It didn't take long until we stood together, three naked guys.

I moved behind Cody and wrapped my arms around him. Luke squatted and guided Cody's cock between his lips. I let my hands rub up and down Cody's ass as Luke worked his dick. I lowered myself and started nibbling on Cody's butt cheeks.

"Um, guys," he started.

"That's fine," I said.

Luke and I stood. We grabbed Cody's hand and led him to the bedroom.

I pushed Cody down on the bed and climbed between his legs, working down his cock until my lips hit his pubes.

"Fuck," he moaned.

He put his hands on his head, running his fingers through his hair and pulling me down a bit deeper.


I worked up and down his shaft, my tongue wrapping around it. After a few minutes, I pulled up, holding just the head in my mouth. That's when Luke's mouth worked in below me.

"Oh, FUCK!" Cody yelled.

I tried to think if this was the first time Cody'd had two mouths on his cock.

Luke and I paid a lot of attention to Cody's shaft. Finally, I pulled off and tapped Luke on the shoulder. He pulled back a bit, and I was able to push Cody's legs apart and towards his chest. This gave me access to Cody's ass, and I started nibbling and licking.

Cody grabbed hold of the back of his knees, freeing my hands to spread those cheeks. I worked my tongue along his ass again, this time fully hitting his hole. As I ate his hole, I noticed Luke return his attention to Cody's cock. From what I could tell, they were in a sixty-nine.

I kept working on Cody's hole until I felt it was fully prepped. I reached over to the nightstand, grabbed the lube, and coated my dick. I added a bit to his hole. I repositioned myself, put the head of my cock at the entrance, and started pushing in slowly.

Luke rolled off Cody.

"That's it, Coulter; fuck my ass! Come on, put all that meat in me!"

I took him at his word and pushed the rest of my cock into his hole. I leaned forward and kissed him, my tongue working into his mouth like my dick in his ass, deep! He sucked on my tongue while I pulled back and started fucking his ass.

I kept working against his prostate, from different angles, and at different speeds. His jock pouch was getting soaked with precum. I moved my mouth to his left tit and started nibbling on it, my pounding picking up the pace.

"Tag," Luke said.

"Oh, fuck," Cody moaned as I pulled out.

Luke slipped into Cody's ass. I watched Luke's ass rise and fall as he fucked Cody. After a good bit, Luke buried his dick in deep and said, "Plug in Coulter."

I moved behind Luke, relubed my dick, and pushed a bit into his hole. I then slipped my cock in slowly.

"That's it," Luke said. "Fuck us both."

Once I was buried, I held still for a few minutes.

"Come on, fuck us!" Luke urged.

With that, I started pounding Luke's ass.

It was going to be a New Year's Eve to remember!


"What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked.

"Not a whole lot of anything," Luke replied. "I'm going to continue not working on my birthday as long as I can. Workout, laundry, relax, sleep, listen to music, anything my heart desires."

"I'm surprised you have the leave."

"I bought the extra week of leave so I could have a little more this year."

"No changes to your dinner request?"

"Nope. No party. Nothing but you, Cody, and me. Alone. Chinese delivery. Snuggle, cuddle, sex."

"You don't like parties. Do you?"

"We talked about growing up in a busy household. I like things quieter. I like things more settled. I like things more,"


"Exactly. I can deal with larger groups for a short period of time."

"Have you ever had a Myers-Briggs test?"

"What's that?"

"It's a personality type test. Some say it isn't valid or accurate, but it does seem to work for many people. Anyway, it dissects your personality through a series of questions. One of the indicators is whether you're an extrovert or an introvert. Maybe you're more of an introvert."

"I don't have trouble meeting or talking with people."

"It's more about where you recharge your batteries. Extroverts need groups, people, and social activities to recharge. Introverts need quiet, alone, or small group time."

"Could be. I know that I prefer smaller, quieter, settings in general. I don't mind big groups, like Christmas, but if I'm worn down a bit, I'd rather be alone. I should take the test."

"Eh, it's expensive, but you can find free sites that do something similar. It's more learning how you work."

We realized we were pulling into the station, so we grabbed our stuff and headed for the door.

As we walked to the car, I said, "I'm surprised you have leave for tomorrow."

"I have just enough."

Luke got into the driver's seat and got the car started. He looked at me and said, "I still need to pay you back."

"Nope. Not going there. It was a family expense, and the family paid for it."


"You can't have it both ways."

"I'm going to win," he said.

"Nope. Not happening. We're a family. It wasn't that much."

"You drove down to pick us up and back. You drove down again and back for the pick-up."

"I picked up my lovers after their car broke down on the side of the road. By doing so, I got to spend all of Christmas with them. I drove down on Saturday and dropped you off early so you could go to your parents. Then I did a bit of antiquing and exploring in Fredericksburg before heading home."

"You helped pay for the repair."


"My folks..."

"Have had a lot of expenses and don't need more."

"I make..."

"You contribute to the family to the fullest extent possible. Let me turn this on you. If Cody were to have a serious medical issue, would you make him scrape and scrounge to pay for it?"


"Case closed."

"Okay. I get it."

"Just say thanks."



I was sitting on the train when my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and read it.

`Food ordered'

`Will pick up on way home' I responded.

Once we got to the Burke train station, I followed my fellow travelers to the parking garage, then queued up to leave the parking area. Instead of my normal right, I turned left, heading towards our favorite Chinese carry out restaurant.

When I got home, I pulled the bags of food, my work bag, and my lunch box out of the Jeep. As I got to the door, it opened, and Cody leaned in to kiss me.

"What can I carry?" he asked.

"Take the food, and I'll get rid of my work stuff and coat."

He grabbed the food and headed for the kitchen while I unloaded my stuff.

"Is this going to be our norm? Private parties catered with Chinese carryout?" Cody asked.

"Any complaints?"

"Not at all. I'm good with it."

"You got the table set?"


We got the food in bowls and carried them into the dining room. I was impressed with how nice the table looked. Cody'd used my white fine china and put a vase of flowers in the center of the table.

"Did good," I said.


"Where's the birthday boy?"

"He's gaming."

Cody and I went into the den.

"Ready for dinner?"


We got seated, served ourselves, and started eating.

"How was your day off?"

"Perfect! Worked out, Cody and I played a few games, lots of music, a little reading, and now dinner and time with the two of you. How was work?"

"The usual, a few meetings, some discussions about ongoing software defects, nothing exciting or glamorous."

The conversation shifted from time to time as we finished eating.

"Time for your presents," I said.

"I told you I didn't need anything."

"We went together on this," Cody said.

He reached under the table and pulled out a small Tiffany blue bag.

"The fuck? Tiffanys?" Luke said.

He pulled the small box out of the bag. I could tell from the look on his face that he was concerned. He opened the box and finally pulled out the small silver bracelet.

He stared at it for a few minutes. I noticed tears starting to come from his eyes. His voice was shaky when he read, "LAZ + CDB + CCB. This is incredible." With that, he started sobbing.

Cody and I moved around to hug him.

"What's wrong?" Cody asked.

Luke tried, but couldn't control his sobs.

"It's okay. We love you. We got you. Let it out," I said softly.

Finally, Luke composed himself and said, "I've loved you for what, nearly seven years? You, I've loved you for three years. It's all come together, and I couldn't be happier. It's just..."

"It's not too much. It's not too expensive. It's what we wanted to do for you. The man we both love," Cody said.

"We need to get two more," Luke said. "One for each of us!"

"I'd like that," I said.

Cody gave me an odd look. I'm sure he was considering how much we'd spent.

"Ready for cake?" Cody asked.

"Cake, cake, cake," Luke chanted.

"Let me go get it," Cody replied as Luke continued his chants.

Cody disappeared for a few minutes, then returned with a green cake covered in lit white candles.

"Gonna burn the house down," Luke said with a laugh.

"You're turning twenty-two, not two hundred," Cody retorted.

The two of us sang happy birthday, and he blew out the candles.

"Yum, pistachio cake, yum, yum, yum," Luke said.

"You need to learn how to bake this," I said.

"Nope. Not messing with perfection."

We each had a piece of cake. Luke helped us clean up, even though we tried to stop him.

"Birthday boy's choice tonight," Cody said.

"I want to get plowed by both of you," Luke said. "I want a fuck I'll remember for days!"

"You're on," Cody replied.

With that, the three of us headed for the bedroom. We gave Luke a night and a fuck to remember.


"One more semester," I said to Cody as we got ready for bed. "Excited?"

"Yes, no, sorta."


Cody gave me an odd look.

"Your life's going to be changing soon. School done, on to a job, it's the end of sixteen years of education. Excited to graduate, a bit scared about getting a job."

"Yeah, that's it in a nutshell. I think Casey's a bit jealous of me."

"Why's that?"

"The way he put it, I'm starting adulthood, and he's going on to more school."

"Well, he's starting a new phase this summer too," I said.

"Yeah, but that's more like what you said." I gave Cody a funny look. He continued, "Sorta. I mean, he and Kyle will be married, but what's that really going to change."

"Fair, it honestly won't change a lot for them."

"It'll be at least two more years until they get their graduate degrees. And two more years of living with Justin and Angus."

"Do you think they'll move out once they graduate?"

"Luke and I discussed that. He thinks they will. I'm not so sure. I mean, Justin is Casey's dad and Kyle's uncle in all but blood. The wild card is Angus. I think if Justin were single, then it would be almost certain they'd stay. How well do you know Justin?"

"We worked together for several years. It wasn't until my fortieth birthday party that I really got to know him on a personal level."

"Do you think he'll encourage them to stay?"

"Besides Phil, Justin is the most level-headed man I know. I wondered why he would rescue Casey. He explained, or, I should say, admitted, he was mostly moving on instinct. But that instinct was based on concern. He saw this disheveled kid heading towards what he knew was a cruisy bathroom with a mall cop not far behind. He didn't want another gay person's life ruined by cruising. That was as far as he'd planned to go. Things just kept evolving."

"Casey once told me his guardian angel deserved a bonus for that night."

"I think they may move out, but it will not be easy on them at all."



"What do you want to do for your birthday?" Cody asked as we worked on dinner.

"Well, we could go to dinner and then karaoke. Or we could do what we did for Luke's birthday."

"Dinner, snuggle, sex?"


"No party?"

"Don't need it."

"If we went to karaoke, would you mind a cake and singing?"

"It's been done before. No, I wouldn't mind."

"Which would you prefer?"

"As long as I'm with the two of you, I'm happy."

"We want to do something."

"Okay, let's stick with karaoke. Bring a cake. Georgia will have everyone sing happy birthday. Afterwards, we come home and snuggle."


"You asked what I wanted. I told you."

"Fair enough."


"Reservation is under Brownly," Cody said to the host.

"Table for three, got it. Right this way."

"The host led us to our table and gave us menus."

"This place seems very nice," I said.

"It's new and has good reviews," Luke said. "A couple of my coworkers spoke highly of it."

We'd been sitting there for a few moments when a waiter walked by with his hands full. As he passed, he said, "I'll be right with you, gentlemen."

"Thanks," Luke replied.

I watched as he dropped the food off at another table and then returned to us.

"Sorry about that," he said.

"No worries," I replied. "We're not rushed."

"Thanks. What can I get you to drink?"

"I think we have our full orders ready," Cody said.


We placed our order, and he departed.

"I'm impressed he can take the order without writing it down," Cody said. "I'd forget everything."

"Let's see how well he does," Luke said. "I've had it work out both ways."

We talked about our days, and when the food arrived, we were suitably impressed, both in terms of accuracy and the great flavors.

Cody ran to the car after dinner and caught up with us just as we were entering the bar. He had a large box, which, I assumed, had the cake in it.

"Have you thought about what you're singing tonight?" Luke asked.

"Yup. It's a very appropriate song," I replied.

"What is it?"

"You'll find out when I sing it," I said with a smile.


We'd been sitting there for a minute when Darryl and Phil arrived.

"Gentlemen and birthday boy!"

"Only time I'll be called boy, I guess."

"Yeah, you're not the boy type," Phil said with a laugh.

As they got seated, Ben, Austin, Chris, and Stephen joined us. Austin said, "Happy Birthday," and the others added theirs. He continued, "It's going to be a big table tonight."

"Yup, fifteen if I counted right," Cody said.


"Darryl said two of your friends moved back into the area and are joining us tonight," Cody explained.

I turned to Darryl and asked, "Who?"

"Craig and Tom. Tom got transferred back to headquarters, so they are living in a corporate rental while they shop for a place."

"God, I haven't seen them since, well, since about the time I met Luke."

Cody gave me an odd look.

"They were at the Thanksgiving meal when Rob and Luke were there, before I started dating Luke."


A few minutes later, Justin, Angus, Casey, and Kyle arrived. As they were getting seated, Craig and Tom arrived, so introductions were in order. In the end, Craig sat on one side and Tom on the other, so we could catch up.

"Okay, I want all the details," Craig said.

"Since it's karaoke night, I'll do the Cliff Notes, and we can have dinner for the rest. Suffice it to say, after Rob left for the west coast, Luke appeared and asked me out. We dated for a while, and then he introduced me to Cody. I'll skip the gory details on that for now and say that I started dating Cody while Luke and I paused. Then, oh fuck, anyway, a little over two years ago, the three of us decided it was an all-or-nothing thing. We've been together through a lot of thick and thin since then."

"Wow. Mr. stable and reliable in a triple?" Tom asked.

"Yes, and very, very, very happy. I need to go sign up. Be right back."

I walked over to Georgia and said, "Evening!"

"Happy birthday. We'll do the song just before break so you can have time for cake. I hear it's a special one."

"I have no idea. I was figuring they bought it at Costco or something."

"I won't give away the details. What are you signing tonight?

"Kane Brown, Found You," I replied.

"Oh, that's sweet. A dedication to your guys?"

"Damn right!"

I got back to the table, and Tom leaned over and asked, "What did you choose?"

"Top secret!"


The lights flashed, and Georgia walked on stage. "We have a birthday boy amongst us tonight. We will stop and sing happy birthday to him just ahead of the break. In the meantime, as your hostess with the mostest, I've decided he starts our evening off. Coulter, join me."

I walked up on stage.

"I understand this is a dedication."

"That it is. Tonight's song is dedicated to Luke and Cody. They are the reason I'm the happiest I've been in my life."

"Folks, here's Coulter with a song by Kane Brown."

As the song started, I got into my soulful vibe mode. I let the lyrics explain that if I hadn't lost James, I'd have never found my guys. When I got to "sometimes the finish line is just the start of somethin' new. If I'd never lost him, then I'd never found you..." The tears started streaming down my face.

When the song ended, I walked off the stage and over to the table. I was enveloped in a hug by both of my guys. We kissed, which led to some whoops from the crowd. Cody went back to his seat, but Luke ended up sitting in my lap. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled my head into his neck.

"Now if that isn't love," Georgia said. With that, she called the next performer to the stage.

A moment later, I heard Craig whisper into my ear, "What she said. The love is clear. I get it."

I smiled to myself.


"What time are they arriving?" Cody asked.

"Around six," I replied.

"How long have you known them?" Luke asked. "I mean, you've been friends, but..."

"I met Craig and Tom through James. Hmmm... more than ten years ago. They are another couple I won in the divorce."

"What?" Cody exclaimed.

"I've told you my friends were our friends. I joked that I got most of the friends in the divorce. I think most were turned off by the fact that he cheated on me. If it had been a more amicable divorce, I probably would have had to find all new friends. Instead..."

"Instead, you got all the friends in the divorce," Luke completed.

"We never really talked about your divorce," Cody said.

"Ask any question you like; I'm pretty open about it."

"You said you got the friends in the divorce, and I recall you mentioning selling your condo, but..." Cody started.

"James and I had been together for a couple years, living in an apartment, when we decided to buy. He'd just finished paying off college, so he didn't have any savings. I had my inheritance from my parents, so I paid the downpayment and such. We married in Maryland, and when we separated, we couldn't divorce."

"Huh?" Luke grunted.

"It was before the Supreme Court ruling, so it wasn't legal in Virginia. Working with a lawyer, I was able to disentangle myself from James. I got my investment out of the condo. On top of just getting out from under school debt, he'd had more credit card debt when we got together, so I paid more of the mortgage. Fortunately, I kept records, and the division was easy. What else do you want to know?"

"What happened with Craig and Tom?" Cody asked.

"Craig's a personal trainer and wellness coach; he can work anywhere Tom needs to go. Tom, is something fairly high up at one of the three letter agencies."

"Three letter agencies?" Luke asked.

"NSA, CIA, FBI, etc. He's with one of them, and I'll be honest, I don't remember which."

"Cool. Does he hide it?" Cody asked.

"No. But he doesn't talk about work much."

"Okay, so a topic to avoid," Luke said.

"Eh, he'll be polite, and if you ask something he can't answer, that's what he'll say."

"Does Craig work at a gym?" Cody asked.

"Don't know. I didn't get to ask too much about work Thursday night. We mostly talked about you two. I'm guessing he may be freelance for now."

"I wonder how much he charges," Luke said.

"Ask him; I'm sure he'll give you a good price. He was really jealous of the basement last time, and I doubt he saw the showers."

"Cool. I could use some pointers," Luke replied.

"Checklist time," I said. "Table?"

"Set, with flowers in the vase in the center, water with ice in pitchers. Oh, and the wine coasts are on the table," Cody stated.

"Food? Let's see, the roast is done. Potatoes au gratin is ready. Brussels sprouts are ready to cook," I explained.

"Bread's ready to heat and serve," Cody said. "Oh, butter and jam on the table."

"Dessert?" I asked.

"The crème brûlée cupcakes are ready except for taking the torch to the top," Luke said.

"Where the heck did you find these?" Cody asked.

"Online. It's a dense vanilla cupcake; you put some pastry cream into it. Top with a caramel frosting dusted in sugar. You then take a torch to the top to finish it. It's really easy."

"More like, you're becoming a great baker," I said.

The doorbell rang. I wiped my hands and headed toward the door.

"Welcome, let me take your coat."

Craig and Tom entered, removed their coats, I got them hung, and they both gave me hugs.

"You remember Cody and Luke?"

"These studs," Craig said. "How could we forget?"

We led them into the den.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Cody asked.

"Bourbon Old Fashioned if you can," Craig said.

"How about a Whiskey Sour," Tom said.

"Sure," Cody said, smiled, and headed to get drinks.

I was actually impressed that Cody didn't ask any questions.

"I'll get the appetizers," I said to Luke.


"You haven't seen the house since that first Thanksgiving," I heard Luke start.

I got to the kitchen and found Cody staring at his phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, just looking up the recipes. It says two jiggers' bourbon, a splash of water, three dashes of bitters, and a pinch of sugar. What's a dash?"

"Eighth of a teaspoon," I explained.

"Got it, thanks."

"You get the Old Fashioned, and I'll get the Whiskey Sour."


I heard footsteps, a door open, and then more footsteps on the stairs.

"They're going to check out the gym," I said to Cody.

"Drinks are ready. Why don't we join them downstairs?"

I carried the appetizers to the den. I joined Cody at the top of the stairs, and we went down.

"The showers are fucking amazing," Craig said as I handed him his drink.

"I wasn't sure if you saw them that Thanksgiving."

"No. If I had, I might have pulled Tom into them and barred the door."

"We have more offers to housesit when we travel," Luke said with a laugh.

"Oh? Who else?" Tom asked.

"You met Casey and Kyle Thursday night," Cody said.

"Big stud and little stud? Yep. Cute couple," Craig replied.

"They offered to clean up after they used it too," I said with a laugh.

"But of course," Tom said.

"What else have you done?" Craig asked.

"We redid the master bedroom closet to make it more accommodating for the three of us," I replied. "I furnished the last bedroom. A few pieces of furniture were added. I figure the bigger changes will wait a few years."

With that, both Luke and Cody gave me an odd look.

"What? You two get a say in this house. You fret about money, so I'm waiting till things level out a bit, then we can discuss."

"A nice way to handle it," Tom said.

"Let's head upstairs for food," Cody said.

We had a great dinner, and more of my friends got to see why I was head over heels in love with my guys!


"Who's going to be at karaoke tomorrow night?" Cody asked.

"Justin, Angus, Darryl, Phil, Luke, and I were it, last I heard. Everyone else begged off," I replied.

"Kyle, Casey, and I are in the same boat for different classes. Pre-spring break class crap!"

"Well, at least it will make your spring break easier," I said.

"True. True. Did Luke talk to you?"


"About going to visit his folks and telling them everything."


"He's been talking to me a bit, and I think he's getting himself worked up again."

"Okay, we can talk to him tonight after dinner."

"That's going to be fun."

"Yep. But we will get him through it."

"Luke," I called out. "We need to head to the train station."

I could hear him hurrying from the bedroom towards the front door.

"Love you. Thanks for the heads-up. See you tonight," I said. Then I gave Cody a kiss.

"Love you too," he said.

I joined Luke, grabbed my stuff, and we headed out.

I debated talking to him about his parents but decided I didn't want to agitate him before work.

"Much going on at work?" I asked as I drove us to the train station.

"They are starting a new project next week. We're having a meeting today to discuss who will be assigned what roles."

"Hopefully, you'll get something you like."

"I'm hoping to get the project lead. It's not supposed to be a huge project, so I think I could run it."

"I'm sure you can."

"What's going on with you?"

"Sales has two prospective customers. We'll need to do demonstrations and then support the sales pitch."

"That doesn't sound like fun."

"It's not bad. We have the demos down pat at this point. Based on the questions asked, we'll tailor the sales pitch."

"Makes sense."

"What do you think about Cody?"

"What do you mean?"

"He was telling me he's worried about job hunting."

"Well, you learned that there are plenty of folks willing to help him prepare and support him. He just needs to ask."

"That's what I told him."


Now I had something to discuss with both my guys. I pondered how to approach this.

Work on Wednesday was more of the same, and I joined Luke in the third train car for the ride home.

"I got the lead spot," Luke said as I sat down.

"Congrats! That's wonderful."

"I think a couple of my coworkers are jealous."

"You've been doing good work. You're getting recognized. They aren't."

"They do good work," he said.

"I remember a discussion you and Cody had. You were complaining that you got the biggest slice of the project."


"What's changed?"


"They may do quality, but they don't balance it with production. You're doing quality work. You meet your deadlines. More, as good, or better, on time. What more could your boss ask?"

"Thanks for the compliments. How was work?"

"We finished up and practiced the demonstrations for the prospective clients. We worked with sales on pricing and a draft proposal. It went well, but it made for a busy day."

"What were you thinking of for dinner?"

"Cody's supposed to have a pot roast with all the trimmings in the slow cooker. I figured we'd have peas or green beans with."

"That sounds good."

We talked a bit more about dinner until the train pulled into our station. Luke drove us home with a more pleasant conversation.

"We're home," Luke called out as we entered the house.

We took off our coats and hung them.

"I'll put our staff in the den," Luke said. He took my bag, and I headed to the kitchen.

"What the... Luke, call 9-1-1!"

I could hear Luke come running.

"What's wrong?"

He handed me the phone.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

"We came home and found our roommate passed out on the kitchen floor."

"Is he breathing?"

"Yes, and I found a heartbeat. I tried to wake him, but he's not responding."

"I've dispatched help," he said.

"Is there anything we should do?"

"Have someone at the front door to lead them."

"Will do," I said. "Go open the front door."

Luke took off.

"Anything else?"

"Please stay calm. The ambulance should be in there in under five minutes."


Luke came back into the kitchen. He kneeled next to Cody. Tears were streaming down his eyes.

"I'm going to deal with the food," I said.

I grabbed some storage containers and moved everything quickly. I could hear the sirens.

"I'll meet them; you stay with him."

I was at the door as the crew hurried towards the house.

"What's wrong?" the first responder asked.

"We came home and found our roommate on the kitchen floor passed out. He is breathing, and I found a pulse."

They followed me into the kitchen, and Luke moved out of the way.

After a few moments, I heard Cody's voice say, "Huh, what?"

Luke looked at me and gave a small smile.

Another responder came into the room and said, "I have the stretcher in the hallway."

"Are you able to stand?" the initial responder asked.

"I think so."

"We're going to get you to the hospital to ensure all is good."

They got Cody onto the stretcher and wheeled him out to the ambulance.

"Fair Oaks or Fairfax?" I asked.

"Fair Oaks," she replied.


I made sure everything was turned off. Luke and I grabbed our coats and ran for the Jeep. It didn't take us long to find a parking space and get to the emergency room. We got to the desk and found someone to help us.

"Relationship to the patient?" the woman asked.

"We both hold power of attorney," I explained.

She looked at us with a bit of confusion. I handed her the documents.

"His family disowned him, so we're the ones that are prepared for situations like this," Luke explained.

"Got it. Let's go through all the details," she said. "Insurance?"

"He doesn't," Luke started. I put my hand up.

"I have a copy of his card on my phone," I said.

Luke gave me a look.

"We'll discuss it in private," I replied.

"Umm, okay," he said quietly.

"He's got a pretty high deductible," she said.

"Here's my credit card," I replied. I turned, looked at Luke, and said, "You and I can settle up on the bill later."


The woman gave us another odd look.

"When can we see him?"

"He's being evaluated, and someone will come out and get you when things are set."

"Got everything you need?" I asked.

"Yes, thanks!"

Luke and I went and found a seat in a corner.

"How does he have insurance, and why don't I know about it?"

"He wanted something to protect us from huge bills. He got a plan through the Affordable Care Act."

"I should be."

"He didn't want you to divert more money to him. He feels he's a complete burden on us, but more so on you."

"How much?"

"It's about two hundred a month."

"How long?"

"He's had it for seven months."

"Add seven hundred to the bill," Luke said.

"I won't argue, but I will point out..."

"You make more than I do. Yes, it will hurt, especially."

"How much free money do you have after the car?"

"Okay. Okay. I get it. But I want to help!"

"You do, you are; this will resolve itself once he gets a job."

We sat there quietly for a good while, and finally someone came out and said, "He's getting ready to go home. Would one of you like to come back and be with him?"

"You go help Cody," I said. "I'll go get the Jeep."


I walked to the parking garage, got the Jeep, and drove it to the door. A few moments later, Cody came out with Luke.

"What happened?" I asked after Cody got belted. I started us on our journey home.

"The doctor gave me a referral to a cardiologist. Based on their initial findings, they think I have something called ASD."

"Which is?"

Luke pulled out a sheet of paper and read, "Atrial septal defect is a hole in the wall of the septum that separates the top two chambers of the heart."

"A birth defect?""

"As the doctor explained it, everyone has an opening when they're born. It usually closes or becomes very, very small soon after birth. If it is larger than normal, you may or may not have problems," Luke said.

"Evidently, they heard a murmur and other abnormal sounds," Cody said.

"How bad is this?"

"They want me to take it easy. I could faint again, but nothing is sure. The cardiologist will do the official diagnosis."


"If, like this doctor thinks, the hole isn't too big, then there's a procedure they can do to patch the hole. If it's big, heart surgery."

"I'm praying for small," Luke said.


"What about school tomorrow?"

"I don't have to change anything. This may never present itself again."

"Or you could faint while driving."

"I asked, and the doctor said I could do everything, including driving, which are normal activities."


We got into the house, and I realized we never had dinner.


"Yep," Luke admitted.

"Can we have something light?" Cody asked. "I don't think I want to eat a meal this late."

"Definitely," I agreed.

We got a nice snack together, ate, and cleaned up.

As we got ready for bed, Luke looked at Cody and said, "You're in the middle tonight."

He gave a smile and crawled in. I think Luke and I kept a tight hold on him all night.


"How bad are things?" Justin asked.

"We hope, not that bad," I said. "He has a cardiology appointment tomorrow to find out. The ER doctor thinks it is the ASD issue. If it is and the hole is small, then a procedure and he's done. We're keeping a very positive focus on that option."

"Makes sense," Angus replied.

"Need any help?" Darryl asked.

"I think we have it," Luke replied. "I'm glad he signed up under ACA."

"Why's that?" Phil asked.

"It's not the best insurance, but it will cap the out-of-pocket costs for us," Luke explained.

"How are things with your folks?" Justin asked.

"Same. I haven't told them about us. Which makes this hard."

"What do you mean?" Angus asked.

"They knew about the car and sent me a small check to pay for it. I had to lie about how much it cost, how much I could cover, etc. If they knew about Cody, it would add to their worries, and then they'd be hounding me about money."

"Got it."

"I need to talk to them soon," Luke admitted.

"What are you singing tonight?" I asked Angus. I wanted to shift the conversation a bit.

"Don't You Forget About Me," he replied.

"Hitting a good Scottish group, are you?" Phil asked.

"There aren't many that are popular in the US, so my selection is limited. What about you?"

"Crash My Party," I replied.

"Don't know that one," Angus replied.

"Country song by Luke Bryan," I said. "Hit the charts well a few years ago."


"Sign up time!" George's voice boomed.

When I got up to the table, he asked, "Where's your other husband?"

"He, Casey, and Kyle are all impacted by school work."

"Ah, the life of a college boy. What are you doing tonight?"

"Luke Bryan's Crash My Party."

George looked past me at Luke and said, "How romantic."

"He can definitely crash my party anytime."

I got back to the table and chatted with folks until the show started. It was just before break when George called me to the stage. He handed me the mic, and the music started. I started singing with my attention clearly focused on Luke.

I finished the first verse, chorus, and second verse. When I got to the chorus, I moved forward and stepped off the stage. Standing just in front of him, I sang directly to him, garnering some hoots. When I got to the bridge, I sang, "If it's two in the morning and you're feeling lonely and wondering what I'm doing. If you wanna call me, call me call me." I could see tears forming in his eyes. As I finished the final chorus, I made my way back onto the stage and finished the song.

I got seated, and Luke came over. He leaned over a bit, hugged me, kissed me, and then motioned to have me push back from the table a bit. He then sat in my lap and laid his head against my chest.

I sang into his ear, "You can crash my party anytime."


Luke and I walked into the house and were greeted at the door by Cody.

"Before you ask, it is ASD. They did an echo... echo... echocardiogram. It showed a problem. The doctor sent me for an x-ray, and they found the hole. He would like to have a CT scan to have a better image, but he's sure it's there. It's not huge, so I'm going to get a catheter-based repair."

"What's that again?" Luke asked.

"Why don't we go sit in the den and discuss?" I suggested.

We followed Cody into the den.

"They want to schedule me for this procedure. They'll go in through my groin. They use a catheter and guide a patch to the hole. The patch attaches, and covers, and then, over time, tissue will grow over it, and I'll be fine."

"When?" Luke asked.

"He'd like sooner rather than later," Cody admitted.

"How long will it take you to recover?" I asked.

"He said I should be able to come home the same day and then have a few days of good behavior, then build towards returning to normal."

"Spring break?"

"That was my thought," Cody said.

"I can arrange to work from home," I offered.

"Me too!"

"I won't need a constant nurse," Cody said.

I looked at Luke and said, "Let's check our schedules. We can figure out which one can be home each day based on those."

Luke nodded at me.

"I'm taking the day of the surgery off," Luke said.


Cody started to say something, then stopped.


"What?" Luke asked.

"I was going to say, you don't have a lot of leave, and you don't have to be there. Then I thought about it and realized why you wanted to. Thank you."

"Maybe I can work longer on other days," Luke said. "Cover the hours that way."

"That makes sense," I agreed.

"I do want to cover one other topic before we deal with dinner."

Both guys looked at me.

"Your folks," I said to Luke.


"How do you want to deal with them? When do you want to deal with them? All those things," I said.

"I've really given it thought. I'd like to talk to them myself. You keep saying they've handled everything to date really well. I just think it's not fair for the three of us to try to deal with it."

"Fair," Cody said.

"As to when, I'd like to do it before your surgery. I don't want to have to hide things from them."

"That leaves this weekend or next weekend," I said.

"I know."

"I'm tentatively on the schedule for the Monday of spring break," Cody said. "I have to call them first thing Monday morning."

"I could drive down next Friday after work. Or maybe Saturday morning?" Luke said.

"We'll drive down with you," Cody said.

"Huh um... but I..."

"We'll drop you off; you talk to your folks. If things go well, we can join you. If things don't go well, we'll be right there to support you."

"Thanks. I'm getting hungry."

"How about we go out for Tex-Mex?" Cody said.

"Works for me," I said.

Luke nodded his head.


"What do you want to do this weekend?" Cody asked.

"I can ask you the same question."

"Sex, snuggle, and sleep."

"I'm game. We may need to do a little grocery shopping."

"Aw. We do need to eat, I guess. We going to let him sleep in?"

"Of course. You hungry? We could put a little snack together. Otherwise, we could prep breakfast."

"What do you want to do for breakfast?"

"How about buttermilk waffles, sausage, and eggs?"

"Yum. I'll help you get the batter ready."

We got busy and had things ready to go. We were back on the sectional, talking quietly, when Luke joined us.

"I saw you had things ready," he said. "Sorry, I made you wait."

"We chose to wait," I said. "You didn't make us."

He smiled at that.

"I'll get the waffle iron plugged in," Cody said.

"I did that," Luke replied.

"Then let's get cooking," Cody said.

We got breakfast put together and ate.

"Have you thought about what you want to do today?" Luke asked. "If not, I have a few ideas."

"Cody suggested the three `S'es," I explained.


"Sex, snuggle, sleep," Cody said.

"Now that's an agenda I can get behind!"

"What were your ideas?" Cody asked.

"The weather is supposed to be nasty with rain and wind. I'd thought about going to one of the museums. I think your idea is better. We could invite some folks over for dinner tomorrow night."

"Today: sex, snuggle, sleep it is! Tomorrow: how about Justin et. al. for dinner?"



"Welcome," I said.

"I'll be glad when this storm unsticks," Angus said.

"You and me both. It has been a very wet winter."

I took everyone's coats and hung them up.

"The guys have appetizers out on the counter in the kitchen. What can I get you to drink?"

"Wine?" Justin asked.

"I have a Pouilly-Fuse or I have a Rotgipfler."

"What's that?" Justin asked.

"Austrian white wine."

"I'll try that," he replied.

Angus held up his fingers, indicating two.

"How about a beer?" Kyle said.

Luke had joined us and said, "We have a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, a Goose Island Bourbon County Stout, and Yuengling's Traditional Lager, or their Black and Tan."

"Black and Tan," Kyle said.

"Since I'm driving, how about a soda?" Casey said.

"Follow us."

"How's Cody?" Justin asked as we got to the kitchen.

"Cody's fine," Cody replied. "I'm tentatively scheduled for a procedure to put a patch on the hole next Monday."

"How long will you be in the hospital?" Angus asked.

"Maybe twelve hours," Cody replied.

"Heart surgery, and it's outpatient?"

Cody went on to explain the procedure.

"As you see," Cody continued, "the biggest fear isn't the patch; it's the spot in my groin where they put the catheter in."

"Someone's going to be ready to burst when he's finally able to have sex," Casey said with a snicker.

"I hadn't thought of that," Cody said.

That got a chuckle out of the group.

"What's what?" Kyle asked.

"The phyllo dough cups are filled with fig jam and goat cheese, then baked. The thing in the middle is a brie en croute with mango chutney. The last are speck ham wrapped around mozzarella."

"Speck?" Kyle asked.

"One of the Italian smoked meats that is similar to southern country ham," I explained.

"Yum," he replied.

We all filled up our trays, grabbed drinks, and went to the den to chat for a bit.

Casey, Kyle, Luke, and Cody seemed deep in conversation on one side of the room when Justin quietly asked, "Worried?"

"Yes, he is." Cody replied for me. "They both are. I keep saying this is a piece of cake."

"He's right; I am. But I think, for me, it's the right level of worry. Any medical procedure comes with some level of risk. I don't think I'm overly worried."

"Changing the subject, you do have the most unusual selection of beers and wines," Angus said.

"Not just beers and wines. Luke and Cody have always been adventurous, trying different foods and drinks. Since coming back from Christmas last year, they've been researching and exploring more." That got me a raised eyebrow. "As I understand it, Luke's dad indulges in one very nice mixed drink each night. They joined him and are now exploring on their own."

"Very cool," Angus replied.

"I'm also proud to say they are following his dad's example. One and only one drink an evening."

"Always good to think about how much you drink," Justin said.

"Also helps them keep their boyish figures," Angus said with a laugh.

"What's for dinner?" Justin asked.

"Bangers and mash, rumbledthumps, and Scottish meat pies."

"Wow, home!" Angus exclaimed.

"Oh, and then there's dessert. I made tablet ice cream, and Luke made Scottish shortbread."

"You've made me a happy man," Angus said.

"We thought you'd like it."

"You do everything?" Justin asked.

"Not at all. Luke made the tablet and the pie crusts. We teamed up on the ice cream. Cody cooked the bangers and mash, plus the meat for the pies. Finally, I made the rumbledthumps."

"Cooking together, how family," Angus said.

"Damn right!"

Cody came over, joined us, and asked, "When do you want to serve dinner?"

"Everyone ready?" I asked.

I got a few nods.

"If you'll give Cody and me a minute, we'll get dinner on the table," I said.

"How can I help?" Casey offered.

The three of us quickly got things on the table. Cody called everyone to the table, and we sat down.

Justin took his glass and raised it for a toast, saying, "First, thank you to the three of you for putting together this fantastic dinner. Second, I want to toast family."

"Family," everyone said.

We started passing around the food.

Folks had been eating for a few moments when Angus said, "My compliments to the chefs. This is some of the best Scottish food I've had in a long time."


"What type of ice cream did you make?" Kyle asked.

"Tablet," I said. I got a raised eyebrow. "It's a Scots food, originally taiblet. It's made from sugar, condensed milk, and butter. You can add vanilla if you want, but I don't. It's harder and grainier than fudge, but not as hard as hard candy. I make my mom's vanilla ice cream recipe and then add crumbled tablet to it."

"Sounds wonderful," Kyle replied. "And then shortbread?"

"Yup, it's a traditional recipe with just flour, sugar, and butter."

"I may need to use your gym after dinner," he said with a laugh.

"Feel free."

That got a laugh from the table.

"The food is very good," Casey said. "I'll say I'm looking forward to dessert too."

"My mam has competition!" Angus said. "That's a high compliment."

"Following recipes," Cody said.

"More than that," Angus replied. "There's a lot of love in this food."

The three of us smiled.


Luke and I got home and found Cody at the door.

"What's the game plan?" I asked.

"I need to be at the hospital at six thirty. My procedure is at eight. If all goes well, you'll drive me home in the afternoon."

"Works for me," Luke said. "I'm going to work from home that Monday."

"Huh?" Cody grunted.

"I convinced him to let me take you to the hospital. He can come over as you hit stage two in recovery, and we'll sit with you till you're ready to come home."

Cody gave a big smile.

"I'm trying not to be worried," Luke said.

"Have you talked to your folks?" I asked.

"Not yet. I admit. I'm delaying things."

"Understood and no pressure," I said.

"I need to call. Let them know I'm coming, but..."

"But your cute butt is scared shitless, and you're putting it off," Cody said. "You don't have to do it now."

"Yes. Yes, I do. I've wanted to do this for a long time. I need to do this before your procedure. My mom would never forgive me."

"Well, let us know," Casey said.


"You've got a busy time ahead of you," Justin said.

"Yep, quick trip to Virginia Beach, Friday night and Saturday. Cody's procedure on Monday."

"I'll be over on Tuesday," Casey said. "And I'm available any other day you need."


"Cody didn't tell you?"

"Not yet, at least. We've had a lot going on."

"Kyle's going to visit his brothers over spring break. I figured I could spend some time with Cody while he recovers."

"That's nice of you. Luke and I have plans to work from home. I'm off Monday and working from home on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. He's working from home on Monday and Wednesday. Any time you want to come over, spend, and socialize will be great."

"Cody mentioned going through his closets with me and seeing what I thought."


"I guess he's starting to think about work clothing and doesn't want to take up too much space."

"He's not a clothes hoarder. There's space in our shared closet in our bedroom. There's space in the closet in `his' bedroom. But I can understand wanting to have it better organized."

"Does he have everything he needs?" Casey asked.

"One suit, a few shirts, a couple slacks, but it really depends on where he works and the dress code."

"Makes sense. After I got adopted, Justin spent a lot of time and money filling out my wardrobe."

I had to chuckle at that.


"I like the term adopted."

"He prefers that over being rescued. We all know that's what it truly was."

"What are you singing tonight?"

"Popular," he replied.

"Darren Hayes?"

"You know it?"

"Yep. I have it in my library and on a few playlists."

"What about you?"

"Black Velvet," I replied.

"Who's that by?"

"The version I'm doing is by Alannah Myles. There was a country version released two months after hers that was by Robin Lee."

"You're not doing the country version?"

"The Alannah Myles version is the original, and it is more sultry. I thought it would play better."

"I look forward to hearing it."

We had a good evening out with friends. I feared that we would pay for it – being tired when all was done – but the social piece was important to keeping moods bright.


"Turn around!" Luke said as we hit I-64.

"No," Cody said as he merged the Jeep into traffic smoothly.

"Stressed?" I asked.


"We can tell," Cody said with a laugh.

"It's gonna be okay."

"We should have told my folks you two were coming."

"We discussed that," I replied. "You chose a different path."

I was trying to be calm as he wound himself up again.

"Where are you two going?"

"Nowhere, really," Cody explained. "We'll park at the end of your folks' block."

Luke's mood vacillated for the next hour as we drove down the Peninsula and into Virginia Beach.

"Stop here," I said as Cody turned onto the street.

Cody pulled the Jeep over to the curb and parked. I unbuckled and turned to face Luke.

"This is totally up to you. When, how, everything, just remember that Cody and I love you and are here to support you. If you want us to go in, that's an option."

"No. Solo is best. Let's get this over with," Luke said.

Cody put the Jeep in drive and pulled us up in front of the house. Luke climbed out, grabbed his duffle, and walked in. Cody threw the Jeep in drive and drove us around the corner.

"How long do you think this will take?"

"Could be minutes. Could be hours."

"I wish I was sitting next to him."

"We offered that. We offered you two, all three, a neutral site, our place - you name it, we put it on the table."

"I know, I remember, it's just..."

"You want to spare him any pain, any hurt."

"Yeah. Should we just drive around?"

"No. Either way, it looks funny. I don't want the neighborhood to think we're casing the place."

"I have one place I want to go," Cody explained.


He drove us through the neighborhood and into a different sub-division. We meandered around a bit, and then he slowed as we turned onto a particular street.

"Your parent's house?" I asked.

"Not anymore, I'm guessing."

He pointed at a house where younger kids were playing in the front yard. A guy who looked to be in his early thirties was out watching them.

"Slow up," I said.

As we got to the driveway, I rolled down my window.

"Excuse me," I called out. "I'm looking for the Brownley's house."

"Don't know them, but this was their house. We bought it last October."

"Oh, okay. Thanks!"

I rolled up my window, and Cody drove us off.

"Wonder what happened?"

"Your guess would be as good as mine. Transferred to a new job? Decided to downsize?" I kept the list positive.

We were just getting back into Luke's parents' subdivision when my phone buzzed. I wasn't sure I wanted to look at it.

`Come pick me up' I read to Cody.


"Might not be all bad."

It was a few moments later when Cody pulled us up in front of the house. Luke was standing out front with his bag. His eyes looked red. He climbed in as soon as the Jeep stopped.

"Where to?" Cody asked.

"Hotel," Luke said.

We drove in silence for a few minutes.

"I think you were right," Luke said. "Mom didn't seem surprised. Dad wasn't happy..."

"I'm hoping I hear a but in this," I said.

"They both said to give them time to digest things; that they still love me; they." With that, he started to sob.

"Pull over," I said quietly to Cody.

Cody pulled the Jeep to the curb. I climbed out and got into the backseat next to Luke. I took him in my arms and held him tight. Cody put the Wrangler back in gear and drove us to the hotel. Cody switched with me and held Luke while I went and checked us in. Keys in hand, I went out, gathered my guys and our stuff, and got us into the room. Luke flung himself onto the bed. Cody and I put our stuff down and crawled up on either side of him. We held him quietly until it appeared that he was asleep.

We both climbed off the bed and sat by the window.

"Exhausted," Cody said quietly.

"Too much stress."

"What do we do?"

"Comfort him, support him, and keep him calm."

My stomach growled loudly.

"Feed him," Cody teased.

"Let's get room service."

I grabbed the menu, made my choice, and handed it to Cody.

"What about him?"

"I'm awake," Luke said.

"I was hoping you'd get more sleep," Cody commented.

"I will. I will."

"Why don't we go out and get food?" Luke said.

"You up for it?" I asked. "It's Friday night, so a lot of places will be packed."

"Let's find a diner or something easy."

I pulled out my phone, found one close by, and we headed out. We got there to find it busy, but we were able to get a table. We ordered and were sitting there quietly when my phone buzzed. Before I could grab it, Luke's and Cody's chirped.

I read mine: `Please stop by tomorrow around 10 so we can talk'

Luke and Cody both looked up from their screens.

"They want us to come by at 10," Luke said.

"Yup, same message."

"Great, I'll be wound up for another twelve hours."

"I'd look at it differently," Cody said. "You gave them a shock. In just a couple hours, they've shaken it off enough to want to talk more."

"And this time, we're gonna be there with you."

Saturday morning, I convinced the guys that room service for breakfast was the best idea. Being semi-rested, I really didn't want to deal with more than necessary. As we waited for food, we got cleaned up and dressed. Ready, I drove us to the house and led the way to the front door with Luke and Cody side-by-side behind me. It not being my house, I pushed the doorbell. Sarah opened the door a few seconds later.

"It's still your house," she said to Luke.

"I didn't feel right opening the door," I said. "Just a habit to ring, I guess."

She laughed at that.

"Come in."

The three of us walked in.

"I'm not an executioner," she said. "Your faces are so painful to look at."

"Where's Dad?" Luke asked.

"He's out with your brothers. They had something planned for today before you let us know you were coming. This is just the four of us. Sit."

"You knew? Didn't you?" I asked.

"I suspected something, but I wasn't sure what," she admitted. "Looking back on different events, I can't understand how either of us missed it."

"Huh?" Luke grunted.

"When Cody's dad beat him, Coulter was here within hours. Taking over all the responsibility for Cody. Rent free for you. Some of the things that happened at Luke's graduation. You took care of them at Christmas. All those things add up now. I guess you only see what you want to see."

"I do love them," I said.

"I can tell. I can see it in the way you look at them. The way they look at you. The way the three of you look at each other. It's just..."

"It's different?" Luke asked.


"This didn't just happen; it formed over time. We've had time to get used to it," I said.

"And Nate and I'll need time to get used to it," she said.

"Just remember, love doesn't subtract or divide," Cody said.

"What?" Her voice was quiet but obviously confused.

"How many sons do you have?" Cody asked.


"And each time you had one, your love got divided more?"

"Of course not," Sarah said, sounding indignant. "I love them all."

"Love doesn't subtract or divide," Cody repeated. "Love adds and multiplies!"

"I see where you're coming from," she said to Cody. She turned to look at Luke. "I love you. Your dad loves you. Like we said last night, it's going to take time for us to adjust and wrap our minds around this. Do not doubt that we will."

Luke's face softened a lot at that.

"Thanks, Mom."

She stood up and put her arms out. Luke stood, and she hugged him.

"So, I have not one but two sons-in-law."

"Yes, ma'am," Cody responded.

"I know you both well enough to know you'll take good care of him."

"Yes, ma'am!" we agreed.

Things were quiet for a few moments.

"When are you heading back?"

"Soon," Luke said.

"You can't stay and visit?"

"Unfortunately, Cody's got a procedure on Monday," Luke said.

"He's got a what?" Sarah's voice rose quite a bit.

"It's a long story," Cody said.

"I've got all the time in the world," Sarah said.

"I have a birth defect. It's called an atrial septal defect. I have this small hole between the upper two parts of my heart."


"Every baby has it. In most cases, the hole closes. In mine, it didn't close completely, and it caused me to faint. That's how we found it."

"They are going to put a catheter up through his groin. They'll use that to move a small patch to the hole and close it," I explained. "He'll go in Monday morning and be home in the evening."

"Why am I just finding out about this?" Sarah was looking directly at Luke.

"Money," I said.


"When Luke's car broke down, the two of you stepped up and helped him. We figured you'd want to do the same with this."

"We will!"

"I have insurance," Cody said.

"And Luke and I got the rest," I said. "You have your own costs at the moment."

"But," she started. I put my hand up.

"You have five sons, and I'm sure you will do your best to help them all. But as each forms his own family, it will..."

This time, she put her hand up.

"You're right."

We talked for a while longer about Cody's health and our plans to take good care of him. Finally, the four of us stood. She moved over to Luke and gave him a big hug. She then pulled Cody to her and hugged him as well. She gave me an odd look, I held out my arms, and I got a hug.

While the hug continued, she whispered in my ear, "I knew you took good care of them. I knew you cared deeply. I guess I never realized the depth of your love for them both."

I whispered back, "I'd sacrifice everything for them. They complete me. They nurture me. They love me."

We broke the hug, and she walked us out to the Jeep.

"Love you," she said as we climbed in.

"Love you, Mom!"

The Jeep was quiet for the first few blocks. Then Luke cut loose, "holy shit that went so much better than I expected."

"I told you your mom had an inkling of what was going on."

"Is that what you two were whispering about?"

"Basically, yes."

"Basically?" he asked.

"She said she knew I took care of you. She knew I cared for you deeply. She never realized the depth of my love."

"Wow. This is gonna work out. Isn't it?"

"I think it's going to be fine," Cody said. "You've got great parents!"

"That I do! Two men who love me and parents who accept me and them. WOW!"

"You'll want to give them time to adjust," I said.


"It's like when someone comes out. Giving their family time to adjust is important. You had years to get to your point; they need time."

"But my mom..."

"Yes, I understand. But don't forget your dad."

"Oh. So how do I give them time to adjust?"

"Be yourself. Call them and talk to them like you normally do. If they ask about Cody or me, answer honestly."

"But if they don't bring you up, then just let it slip by."

"Yes. Over time, it will start appearing in conversation more and more."

"Got it."

We talked more about the dynamics and how best to give Sarah and Nate time to adjust as we drove home.


"Ready?" I asked Cody.


"I want a hug and a kiss," Luke said.

Cody walked over and wrapped Luke in a big hug. He then tilted his head down a bit and kissed him deeply. As he broke the kiss, he said, "I'll see you in the recovery room." With that, Cody turned and walked toward the door.

I quickly hugged and kissed Luke.

"We're going over in the Jeep," I said. "But depending on how things go, Luke will bring you home in the car."

"Huh? What?"

"It might be too hard for you to climb into the Jeep after the procedure."

"Makes sense," he replied.

"Luke was stressed. I guess I should say Luke is stressed."

"He's not the only one," I admitted.

"You just hide it better."

"It doesn't matter what's going on. When someone goes into the hospital for a procedure or surgery, it is stressful for everyone."

"I guess so."

We got over to the hospital. I helped Cody go through the registration process, and we sat in the waiting room for a short period of time. We were led back into the surgery center and shown to a curtained-off area. As Cody changed from his street clothes to the surgical gown, I took all his valuables and put them into my messenger bag.

I sat next to the bed as Cody lay there. He met with his doctor, the anesthesiology team, and the post-op team. Finally, it was time for him to go in and for me to return to the waiting room.

I leaned over and gave him a kiss. "Love you," I said. "See you soon."

"Love you," he replied.

I started to tear up as I walked back to the waiting room.

I pulled out my phone and set up a text message group – Luke, Sarah, Casey, and Mindy. I sent `Just went into surgery'.

`In my prayers' came from Sarah.

`Thinking positively' came from Mindy.

I heard a familiar voice say, "You need someone to distract you." I looked up and saw Casey.

"What are you doing here?"

"Cody asked me if I was free to come sit with you. I know Luke's at home alone, but he didn't want you here worrying by yourself."


"This can't be easy."

"It's not. It also is bringing some flashbacks."

"When Cody was in the hospital after his father attacked him?"

"That and times I was at the hospital with my mom."

"I doubt that many hospital visits bring back fond memories."

"Births are the only thing I can think of. What's up with Kyle and his brothers?"

"He hasn't really gotten to see them since they graduated college, so he's spending some time with each of them."

"Where are they?"

"Kevin's at NC State, and Kenneth's at Wake Forest."

"One trip, what about an hour apart?"

"Yep. He's spending time with Kevin now and then going over to Winston-Salem on Thursday for time with Kenneth."

"Wonderful. You didn't want to go?"

"It's his time with his brothers. He needed some bro-time."


We continued talking. We'd been at it for a while when I said, "I can't think of a time where you and I have gotten to talk like this before."

"No. It's usually in a group."

I looked up as someone walked up to us.

"The surgery went very well," the doctor said. "He'll make a full recovery. Someone will come out and get you when he's in stage two of recovery. I'll check in in several hours to ensure it is safe for him to go home."

"Problem?" Casey asked.

"We always make sure our entry point isn't going to cause any problems."

"Thanks, doctor," I said.

"Very welcome. On to my next patient," he said. With that, he walked off.

I grabbed my phone and called Luke.

"Hey. How is he?"

"Surgery was a success. I'm guessing an hour before he hits phase two."

"I'll head over in thirty minutes," Luke said.

"Sounds good. Casey's here with me."

"Of course," Luke said with a laugh.

"See you soon," I replied.

He said, "Love you." And disconnected the call.

Casey and I talked a bit more. Luke joined us a moment before a nurse walked up. She said, "He's reasonably awake."

"Can we all go back?" I asked.

"Family?" she asked.

I just nodded.

The three of us followed her back to the post-surgical ward. Cody was lying on the bed. His eyes brightened when he saw us. I know my heart lifted when I saw him.

Copyright 2024 BndgDawg ( Do not reproduce or distribute this story without the author's permission.

This is Chapter Sixteen of the third story I have written. I look forward to positive comments, constructive criticisms and otherwise pleasantly worded feedback. Flames and attacks will be ignored and addresses blocked. (

My other stories on this site are Double Trails (Beginnings/Rural - December 8, 2016) and Homeless (High School - July 30, 2017).

Next: Chapter 17

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