Daddy Type

Published on May 19, 2023


Daddy Type Chapter 3

Chapter Three – {08-2015 to 12-2015}

Tuesday morning, I was sitting at my desk when my phone started vibrating. I picked it up to find Stephen sending me pictures of furniture.

`What's this?' I sent.

`Consignment MCM bedroom great $$$' I got in reply.

I admit it, I'm one of those guys that texts in complete sentences. It took me a moment to figure out what he was saying. I went back and looked at the pictures.

`Is it all walnut? Looks like the headboard is for a double. How big is that dresser?'

`Vintage. Solid. Walnut. Double.'

`How much?'


`Where is it?'


`Can you put a deposit on it, and I'll pay for it tonight?'


`What time does the place close?'


`Super. I'll get it tonight.'

He sent me the address.

`Need help?'

`Nope, I'm good. Thanks!"

I forwarded the pictures to Rob, and he thought it was a great buy. I told him I'd pick him up at the house on my way home from work if he didn't mind being manual labor. He sent a funny emoji back that I took as a `don't be stupid' comment.

With that, I got back to work. On the train ride home, I thought about which bedroom I would use and the placement of the items. I got to the house and found Rob more ready than I'd expected.

"What's all this?"

"I dug around in the mechanical room and found some old blankets to wrap the stuff in, rope to tie it in, and some other things to pad it so it gets home without more marks."

"Smart man!"

We put all the stuff in the back seat of the truck and headed west. About twenty minutes later, we were in Manassas.

"Dinner first or furniture?" I asked.

"What time do they close?"

"Eight, so we have about two hours."

"Let's be fair, it's going to take at least thirty minutes to load, so we should get there no later than seven thirty."

"That still gives us an hour and a half to eat, get there, and get started."

"How about that Arby's over there," he suggested. "Sandwich would go fast. Then we're home and the furniture's in before it's too late."

"Works," I agreed. I switched lanes and then turned onto the side road leading to Arby's.

After a good sandwich, I drove us down to the consignment shop. They had the furniture at the back door, so it was easy to wrap and load. Like Rob had estimated, the process took thirty minutes.

We were pulling into the driveway as I said, "I want to sweep the room before we start taking things in."

"Already done," Rob said. "I used your vacuum with the hardwood attachment and then cleaned around the floorboards and such."

"You're very handy to have around."

"Thanks," he said with a smile.

"Set up the bed, then the dresser and the nightstands?" I asked.


We each grabbed parts of the bed and walked into the house. Rob was ahead of me and headed beyond the first bedroom.

"I was thinking of this one."

"Nope," he replied. "This one."

"I followed him down to the smaller bedroom."

"Okay, Mr. Decorator, why this one?"

"It's a double bed, a dresser, a hutch, and two nightstands. The bed will fit there," he indicated, pointing to a spot under the window. "The dresser on this wall and the hutch here. That way, if the next set you get has a queen bed, it will fit better in the other room."

"You are worth keeping around," I said.

He just let out a nervous chuckle.

"I know. Gone, but not forgotten in December."

We got the furniture in and in place.

"Now you need a mattress and box spring."

"And sheets and pillows and towels for that bathroom and some throw rugs for the room and..."

"And we can go shopping this weekend and make this room look good."

"Sounds good."


I picked Rob up at the house after work on Friday, and we headed out for dinner and some shopping. We hit a local eatery and then headed to the mall.

"Where first?"

"Macy's," I said. "I have coupons."

Rob followed me into the furniture section and to the back corner.

"It doesn't have to be extravagant," I started. "I don't have family or lots of visitors. Something for a short-term visitor."

He looked at a couple of mattresses and then flopped down on one.

"Too hard," he said.

He got up and looked around a bit more. He flopped onto a second one.

"Too soft," he complained.

"Yes, Goldilocks," I quipped back at him.


"Well, the next one will be just right!"

"What do you have now?"

"Stearns & Foster."

"Then let's look at them."

"Remember what I said about not being too extravagant..."

"Oh, that bad?"

"They can be. Here's a nice one from Sealy."

He flopped down on the one I pointed to.

"Comfy," he admitted.

"Good. Let's get it."

"You don't wanna try more?"

"It's not for me. It's for guests."

"Got it."

We found a salesperson, ordered the mattress, and scheduled a delivery.

"Now what?" Rob asked.

"Sheets, towels, other stuff."

We spent another hour picking up things to outfit the room, then headed home. We put all the stuff in the guest room.

"Wanna go out?" I asked.

"Not really," Rob answered.

"Watch TV?"



"Damn right!"

He grabbed my hand and led me into my bedroom. We stripped off, and I climbed onto the bed, waiting for him to join me.

"On your stomach," he said. "And where's the baby oil?"

"Don't have any. You want something for jacking or for massage?"

"Massage," he indicated.

"Grab the shea butter cream from the vanity."

"What do you use for jacking off?" he asked, as he walked into the bathroom and grabbed the cream.

"Albolene. It is fuckin' the best! But I haven't had to touch it in a while."


I felt him climb on the bed and straddle me. His hands started a nice deep massage of my shoulders.

"You're good at this."


As he worked his way down my body, I felt his hard dick rubbing against me too. The combination was a mixture – erotic relaxation. He spent a lot of time massaging my lower back, which allowed his cock to rub against my ass for a while. Finally, he continued working down my legs and finished with my feet.

"Flip," he directed.

I rolled over onto my back, my dick pointing skyward.

"This was supposed to relax you," he teased.

"Relaxed and got me really horny at the same time."

He started with my feet and worked his way up my body. He ignored my dick as he moved up and worked my stomach. I'd gone down a bit while he worked my legs, but his ass sitting on my crotch got my dick hard quickly.

He leaned over and kissed me deeply as he finished the massage.

"That was wonderful."

"There seems to be one part of you that isn't relaxed."

"Someone's ass has been teasing it."

He rubbed his ass over my cock some more.

"Like this?"

"Yeah, like that."

"Well, we'll have to do something about that," he snickered.

He pivoted around and took my cock between his lips. I felt them slide slowly down till he bottomed out. I put my hands on his hips and pulled back. He got the message, and soon I was able to start eating his hole.

It didn't take long until his hole and my dick were ready to meet. He flipped around and slowly sank down until his ass was resting on my pubes. He started to rise and fall, grinding his ass when he hit bottom. His ass showed its talents as it milked my cock.

"Time for a good fuck," he said. He lifted, and my cock slipped out. He quickly got on his back and pulled his legs to his chest.

I rolled over and got into position, sliding into that hot hole.

"Fuck me."

I pulled back and plunged in.

"Come on, Stud, fuck me!"

I started a steady rhythm of in and out.

"Fuck me."

I picked up my pace and forced a bit.

"Fuck ME."

I leaned in a bit more, adding my weight to the thrusts.


I pushed his legs back more, hiking his ass for better access. My thrusts were hard, deep, and almost brutal.

Rob's eyes looked pleading as he spoke again. "Daddy, fucking POUND my ass!"

I didn't want to hurt him, but I started throwing the most brutal fuck I'd ever given into his ass. I wasn't going to last long, expending that much energy.

"FUCK!" he screamed as his cock sprayed cum across his body.

His ass clamped down on my cock.

"Damn!" was all I got out before I flooded his hole.

My body collapsed on him.

"That was fuckin' amazing, Daddy."

"Damn right, young man!"


"When did Macy's say it would arrive?" Rob asked as we ate breakfast on Saturday.

"Thursday afternoon between three and seven. I'm coming home on the early train to get here in time."

"I could just come over and deal with it. No classes on Thursday afternoon."

"You're so sweet! Thanks, I'll take you up on that."

"We can try out that mattress that night."

"Horn dog!"

"And you love it!"

"I do so, what would you like to do today?"

"Hot, humid, nasty outside. Stay in!"

"Workout? Movies? Something else?"

"Should workout. Hmmm... I've got a good book. Wanna cuddle up and read?"

"That works, except I don't have a book."

"Go into the den and see if you can find something."

I went and grabbed my book and got settled in the family room. A few moments later, Rob walked in with a book.

"Is this based on the movie or is the movie based on the book?" Rob asked, showing me the front of I, Robot?

"Having never seen the movie, I don't know how much it follows the book. But the book was definitely first."

"Never seen the movie. I thought you were a huge SciFi fan."

"I am. Did you see Starship Troopers?"

"Yeah. Not my favorite."

"It's based on a novel by one of my favorite authors, Robert Heinlein. He never let his books be turned into movies while alive and the two they did after his death didn't really follow the book. So, I don't watch movies based on books I like, it frustrates me."


"That is a series of short stories, all based on Asimov's rules of robotics."



Sunday night, we were curled up on the sectional watching a bit of mindless TV.

"Back to school tomorrow," I said as an ad came on.

"Yup. Are you okay dropping me off on your way to work?"

"Of course. Back to the school routine I guess."

"I don't have that crazy summer schedule; I'm only taking four classes. I'll be free a lot of weeknights depending on how much homework the profs drop on us."

"We can play it by ear," I said. "See how the day goes. Text me if you want to come over."

"That sounds good."


Monday morning, we got up and started right as the alarm clock went off - showered, dressed, coffee, packed breakfast and out the door. I dropped Rob off at the corner on Patriots Circle as usual – part of my routine; I'd truly gotten used to him staying at the house.

"I'll text you this afternoon," he said as he hopped out of the truck.

"Sounds good, handsome. Have fun with your first day of classes."

"Thanks, have fun at work."

He closed the door before I could respond. I got to the train station and settled back into my routine.

My phone dinged mid-afternoon, so I grabbed it and read the text.

`Need Daddy time!'

`Same spot, same time, traffic permitting.'

For some reason, my mind felt lighter and the day a bit brighter knowing he'd be with me that night.

"So, what's got you needing Daddy time?" I asked as I got off the elliptical machine.

"Do I have to have a reason?"


"I just enjoy being with you."


"Classes were just that, classes. None of what I have left should be too bad."

"Easy final semester?"

"Well, yes and no."


"I mean, they're all 400 series econ classes, but I killed all the hard stuff and most of what I have left should be straightforward."

"I don't think there is such a thing as a straightforward or easy econ class," I said with a laugh.

He got a chuckle out of that.

"Anything else?"

"I have a new roommate and I'm not sure how it's going to work out."

"Why's that? Have you had a chance to get to know him? You weren't there yesterday. Haven't been there much today."

"He's sexy as fuck and, from what I can tell more right-wing than Dick Cheney."

"How'd you figure all that out."

"Let's see. Stickers on everything, proudly promoting his position. I did get to meet him and he's smoking hot. I doubt I will be able to be around him much."

"It's a room, a bed, so ignore him otherwise."

"Yup. Keep my mouth shut too!"

"There's that."

We finished up our workout and grabbed a quick shower. I got dinner started while he did a bit of reading for class.

"Austrian economics," I mumbled looking at the cover of his book.

"Yup, this looks at micro and macro from the eyes of the leading Austrian economists."

"You're not just learning how Mozart paid the bills?"

"Funny. Very funny."

"I got through both beginning micro and macro because I had to. Not because I enjoyed either of them."

"It's like a lot of subjects – geometry, calculus, computers, languages. Folks tend to find them great or awful."


Dinner was followed by some snuggle time watching TV. I was a bit droopy as one show ended.

"Bedtime for me," I said.

"Bedtime for us."

He stood, offered his hand, and helped me up. With the bedtime prep completed, I walked up to the bed, enjoying the sight of Rob laying there with the sheet back. That view did what it always does – instant hard on.

Rob rolled onto his stomach and worked his way down my cock quickly. He pulled back, lavishing attention with his tongue. I put my hands on his head, letting my fingers play with his hair as he gave me an incredible blowjob.

As the physical excitement grew, I pulled him off my cock.

"Daddy," he whined.

"We're not close to done."

I nudged him to get closer to the center of the bed and then climbed on over him. I let my dick drop into his mouth. I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and worked my way down the shaft. I pulled back up and started licking his precum from the slit, really enjoying the flavor.

I wrapped my hand around his cock and worked the head in and out of my mouth for a bit; then removed my hand and let my mouth do all the work. I knew I was doing something right based on Rob's moans.

I moved one hand around his balls and pulled gently as I worked down his cock again. I pushed my tongue against his shaft as I pulled up. I licked the slit again and was rewarded with a large amount of precum. I then licked down his dick before taking his balls in my mouth and sucking.

Rob pushed up on my hips a bit, freeing my cock from his mouth.

"Dad, you're gonna make me pop! Fuckin, world class!"

I chuckled around his balls and pulled off... "Suckin, world class!"

"Well, my ass needs some world-class fuckin!"

I put my hands under his legs and pulled them towards me. This gave my mouth great access to his hole. I plunged my tongue in hard.

"Yeah!" he said before taking my cock back in his mouth.

"Get it nice and wet, boy! Daddy's gonna pound your hole!"

I returned my attention to his hole, prepping it for a good fuck. I let his legs hook into the crook of my elbows and worked my tongue back into his hole. I used my tongue to push more and more spit, lubing him up good.

"Ready, boy?" I asked after a few minutes.

"Always, Daddy!" he said, coming off my spit-soaked dick.

I pivoted around while he pulled his legs back, using his elbows to pin them to the bed.

"Fuck, that hole looks hungry."

"Hungry for Daddy dick!"

I put the head against his hole, and Rob reached down, guiding me in, smooth as silk. Sinking into Rob's tight, hot hole was a treat.

I put my hands on his legs to gain leverage as I fucked my cock in and out of his hole. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room. Rob reached up and started tweaking my tits.

"FUCK!" I bellowed.

"That's it, Daddy, pound my hole!"

"Keep playing with my tits boy. I'll rip you a new one."

"Fuck yeah, Daddy!"

I continued sawing in and out of his hole. He was squeezing his ass, milking me as I pushed in, and releasing a bit as I pulled back.

I'd fucked him for maybe ten minutes when I wanted a change. I pulled out.

"Flip boy!"

He rolled over onto his stomach; those two firm globes beckoned.

I straddled him, my legs outside his. I leaned forward and kissed my way down his spine. I used my hands to spread his cheeks and worked my tongue down his crack. I fucked his hole with my tongue, letting my spit rewet it. I put the head of my dick in and laid on top of him. I enjoyed feeling his body under me as I slowly worked my cock in and out.

I worked my feet around and hooked them under his. My knees were bent, giving me better leverage to fuck his hole. I kissed his neck, behind his ears, and finally turned his head so I could get to his face.

"This is the way life's supposed to be," he said.

"You getting fucked?"

"Your body on top of mine, your dick inside me, I feel safe and protected."

"Except from Daddy's ravaging dick!"

"Such a price to pay!"

I had to laugh, but that caused new sensations that felt good. I worked around a bit and found his prostate. I started battering that hard, little nut as hard as I could. I lifted off his back, hooked my hands under his hips and pulled Rob into the doggy position.

I rooted around again to find his prostate, started rubbing it good, and then reached under to start stroking him a bit.

"I'm not gonna last long," he warned.

His ass started clamping down on my dick as I pushed in and pulled out.

"Fuck!" I groaned as my dick started spraying cum in him. I sank deeper into his hole.

"Yippee!" He yelled as his cock sprayed the bed.

I collapsed on his back, and he then crumbled onto the bed.

"We're gonna need a new sheet," he admitted.

"Fine, I can do the laundry tomorrow morning."


"Let me roll off you; I don't have enough energy to get up," I said.

I did as offered, slipping my dick out of his hole. Free, Rob climbed out of bed and trotted into the bathroom. I got the strength to stand, removed the fitted sheet, and slipped a fresh one on.

After a quick clean up, I cuddled up to Rob and drifted off.


Tuesday morning, I had just pulled up to the usual drop-off spot when Rob said, "I'll see you Thursday."

"Oh, okay." I was a bit surprised.

"We have a flag football game tomorrow night and practice tonight. It's just intra-mural, but we do try to win."

"Makes sense."

He climbed out of the truck and walked off. I drove over to the train station and headed for work. I was surprised at how down it made me feel. Knowing I'd be free that evening, I messaged Darryl and Phil about dinner. Darryl agreed, but Phil had plans. We agreed to meet at a Thai restaurant near Darryl's office.

After a busy day, it was good to see Darryl.

"How are things going?" Darryl asked after we were seated.

"Good. I've made progress on the yard, working on some projects in the house, and learning the neighborhood and surrounding area."

"It's obvious you've gotten laid," Darryl said as I was taking a drink from my glass.

I almost spewed the liquid across the table. The look on my face made him laugh.

"See, I knew it. You've gotten laid. You look so much more relaxed."

"It's true, I have."


"Nothing long-term." It wasn't a lie.

"I'm just glad you've gotten laid!"

"What about you?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Nothing too much. I can't seem to attract a guy worth dating."

After dinner, I walked over to Darryl's car while I waited for the Lyft driver to arrive. My driver dropped me off at the train station, I picked up my truck and drove home. I was a bit droopy walking into the empty house.

Wednesday evening, instead of driving home after work, I drove over to campus. I got to the intramural athletic field and found a place in the stands. I doubted Rob would see me sitting alone. There was a scattering of people on the stands on both sides of the field, which I assumed were mostly friends and girlfriends.

It was kind of fun to see the young studs battling it out for dominance. It was also refreshing compared to the highly organized, typical college football that looks semi-professional. The teams were both competitive and friendly, making it plain fun.

With the game over and Rob's team victorious, I walked down to the edge of the field to congratulate him as the guys huddled up for a post-game victory cheer.

"COULTER" he did seem genuinely surprised.

"Great game and congrats!"

"Thanks! You saw the whole thing?"

"Yup, it was great. I'm going to have to come see more of your games."

There were several guys standing around paying attention to our conversation.

"You gonna introduce us, Rob?" one of them asked.

He introduced me to all the guys that were nearby, with the vague description that I was a family friend that lived nearby.

"We're heading over to Brion's Grill," one of the guys said. "Care to join us?"

"Sure! I've got room for three in the truck."

We got a big table with Rob sitting next to me. I got to know a few of his friends and was a hit for buying the first round of drinks; a mix of sodas for the underaged and beer for the rest.

Afterwards, I dropped Rob's friends off in front of their dorms and started to drive over towards his.

"Where you going?"

"I was taking you to your dorm."

"Wanna fuck a football jock?"

"Fuck yeah!" I growled back at him.

So, instead of taking him to his dorm; I took Rob back to the basement and fucked my football jock in the gym! Woo hoo...


In mid-October, I was sitting in my den, on the computer for work when my cell rang.

"Hey, Phil! What's up?"

"Halloween's two weeks away and a lot of the guys are complaining that they haven't seen you in a while. You haven't been to karaoke in the last few weeks. You've been so busy with the house. How `bout joining the gang for some fun downtown. Dinner, bar, and dancing, for example. We need to get you out and find you a man."

"Umm... well..."

"You dirty rat! You really are dating, aren't you? You didn't tell your best friend?"

"Well, I wouldn't call it dating. He's moving in December, so it's just a fling."

"I want all the details!"

"His name is Rob. He's an economics major at Mason."

"Grad student? A late start to college?"

"Nope. He's twenty-one and about to..."

"TWENTY-ONE! Holy F..."

"He's a great guy, a lot of fun, and fuckin' sexy as hell."

"Bring him! Ask him if he has a brother! You know me."

"The original horn dog. Yes, I know you all too well. Anyway, let me confirm with Rob and see what we can do. I'll be there if nothing else."

"Wonderful! Maybe you aren't too far away from the `boys' as Stephen likes to say."

"Not at all! Or at least, not too far from this one."

We finished up the call, and I sent Rob a text asking about Halloween. His reply seemed enthusiastic and pleased that I'd introduce him to my friends.

I picked him up on campus after class that afternoon, and we grabbed a bite to eat before heading home.

"I'm so excited about meeting your friends."

"I have a feeling they are going to love you and tease me mercilessly!"

"Aw. Poor Dad!"

"So," I decided to change the topic. "Costumes?"

"Batman and Robin?"


"Daddy and boy..."

"No, no, no, how about football players?"


"Hear me out, we can do the full gear. If it's cool, we wear a shirt; otherwise just shoulder pads, pants, and shoes if it's warmer."

"That could work, but where do we get the outfits?"

"I'm sure we can find some somewhere. We can rent them from a used sporting goods store."

"That sounds good."

We talked about it for a bit longer and then, at home, decided we had better things to do.


Friday evening, I arrived on campus to pick up Rob and found him out front with another handsome young gentleman.

"Coulter, this is Luke. Luke, this is Coulter."

I thought for a second, this was one of those rare times when Rob called me by name instead of Dad; as usual, when we were with others.

"Nice to meet you, Luke." I gave Rob a questioning look.

"I've wanted to introduce you two for a while. Plus, Luke would like to go with us for Halloween, that is, if you and your friends don't mind."

I looked at Rob, stunned. I knew he wasn't out on campus, and I was surprised that anyone knew, and he'd include them in anything.

"Luke's known about me since he started here." Rob continued. "In fact, he knows all about you, Dad."

"Ok! Well, I see no reason why you can't join us. I'm assuming you're over twenty-one, so the bar isn't an issue. Plus, Phil asked me to bring your brother when he invited us, so I guess having another hottie show up isn't a problem."

"Cool," Luke and Rob said in unison.

"Are you joining us for dinner tonight?"

The boys looked at each other, shrugged, and finally Luke said, "Sure!"

I drove us to a little Greek-Italian place in town, and we had a great time. It was nice to get to know one of Rob's true friends. After dinner, I dropped Luke off on campus and took Rob back to my place.

I remembered to text Phil and add another to the reservation the next day.

Two weeks later, it was unseasonably warm for a late October night, but I was thrilled. I'd found the pants for our uniform through an online costume shop, and they looked almost authentic. Instead of the real thigh or knee pads, there was padding built in to simulate the look. The other big difference was that the crotch laced up, adding extra emphasis to the pouch. With our pants and rubber-cleats on, we each grabbed our jerseys, just in case it got cooler, and our shoulder pads. We each put an Under Armour compression shirt on for the drive to the restaurant, and loaded the rest of the stuff in the back of the truck, and headed off.

We swung by the campus and picked up Luke. He was standing outside the dorm in a dark blue, form-fitting outfit. As I got closer, I realized he was dressed as a SWAT officer. The outfit accentuated his short, jet-black hair, blue eyes, and light complexion.

"Lookin' hot," I commented as he climbed into the backseat of the Ram.

"Thanks!" He craned his neck to look at us over the seats, to get an idea of our costumes, but it probably wasn't that easy with us being seated.

I pointed us toward the city and took off. It being a Saturday evening, there wasn't a lot of traffic, so getting into the city didn't take long. It did take a few minutes to find a parking space. We grabbed our stuff and walked to the restaurant. Phil had made a reservation for twelve at eight. The three of us hit the bar to await the others.

Rob and I got beers while Luke asked for a soda. I was impressed when the bartender carded Rob.

"Youngster," I said jokingly.

"Yup, and you love it!"

We were standing there for a few moments when I heard Phil's voice from behind me.

"He better have a brother!"

"Sorry. I have one sister. That's it."


"Phil, Rob. Rob, Phil."

"Nice to meet you..."

"I'd say the pleasure is all mine, but I think that's a lie. This is gonna be torture!" That caused us both to chuckle. "You and I are going to have a serious discussion," Phil said to me.


"Yeah, about finding a hunk like this and hiding him from us!"

"Not to hide anything else; Phil, this is Luke. Luke, this is Phil," I said.

"He's not my brother," Rob explained. "But at least I brought a friend along."

I mentally chuckled for a moment. Luke and Rob were so dissimilar that it would be hard to imagine them as brothers.

"And what a hot friend he is. Nice to meet you, Luke."

I could tell Phil was truly going to enjoy the eye candy for the evening.

As others arrived, the introductions continued to amuse me. Rob and Luke charmed them all. I could tell that while my friends were initially taken by their looks, it was their personalities that held them.

We were seated, Rob to my right and Luke across the table between the two single guys in our group, Darryl and Phil. The conversation was lively; folks getting to know them, folks catching up with me, etc. We'd gotten through appetizers when Darryl got an odd look on his face.


"Slut!" he hissed.

"Am not!"

"No, I mean, Slut just came into the place."

"Is he talking about your ex?" Rob asked, quietly.


"Which one?" Rob asked Darryl.

"Blue shirt, khakis, grey hair, and lumpy."

Rob turned his head to look back. "Got it."

"They're seated back a bit from us," Darryl explained.

Considering my back was to him and the changes I'd made, I doubted he would recognize me easily.

"He's looking worse for the wear," Darryl said. "You know, it was his loss and boy did he lose."

"That's kinda the attitude I've taken; it was his loss."

"And my gain," Rob put in.

"Thanks!" I leaned over and kissed his cheek. We were in the gay section of town, in a gay-friendly restaurant. No one would pay any attention.

"I think he recognized you," Darryl said. "He's been staring at us since he sat down. All the friends that he lost after he cheated on you. You gave him enough profile to see it was you, even with that facial hair."


Before I could do or say anything else, Rob reached over and pulled me into a deep kiss. The passion and intensity he put into it was amazing. When he stopped, he pushed back from the table a bit and said, somewhat loudly, "I'm going to the loo, babe; back in a minute."

With that, Rob disappeared behind me. Feedback came quickly.

"That look was beyond priceless!" Phil said.

"Rob's doing you proud," Darryl added. "In fact, I think James is turning a bit red."

Rob wasn't gone long. He came back and sat down, pulling his chair a bit closer to me.

"You don't have to do this," I said, in a hushed voice.

"I'm enjoying it. We haven't discussed it much, but I know you were hurt by his cheating. Hopefully, I'm letting him know you more than bounced back from it all!"

Our food was served, we ate, finished up conversation, and then all agreed to walk over to the club for an evening of dancing and fun. I'd done my best not to think of him being behind me. I was thinking forward, not back!

I stood up, reached under the table to grab my shoulder pads, and then turned around. I could see why Phil had called the look `beyond priceless.' I had to be honest with myself, where I was at that moment was all the payback I would ever need. I knew my improved body would be a surprise to him.

But Rob wasn't quite done adding to the situation. He grabbed the waistband of my pants and stopped me. He grabbed my shirt and started pulling it up.

"Stop," I said quietly.

"Not in your life. Show those abs, baby," he said, in a whisper.

With that, he pulled my shirt off, threw it over his shoulder, then grabbed the shoulder pads and put them on me. This, of course, caused a lot of folks to stop and stare. I wasn't comfortable with all the attention, but it continued as he handed me my shirt, pulled his own off and handed that to me as well; and then put his pads on. With our costumes ready, he took my hand and led me out of the restaurant.

Darryl and Phil, both of whom had been stuck behind us, just about doubled over in laughter after we got outside.

"Rob, please make sure I never piss you off!" Phil said.


"That was without a doubt the most calculated bitch-slap I've seen in a long time. I'm impressed with the skill you show at such a young age!"

Rob smiled, Luke looked stunned, and I just howled!

We walked around the neighborhood for a good while – after dinner time isn't the start of club time. After much discussion, Rob and I agreed that dancing in shoulder pads wouldn't be particularly fun. We dropped them off at the truck and put our shirts back on.

Even with our time walking around, it was too early, at least for getting to a gay club, when we arrived. The bouncer checked everyone's ID. Rob's he looked at quickly; but Luke's he stared at more intently. Evidently, whatever he was looking for he found, or didn't find, and we walked in.

At the bar, Rob and I got beers, but Luke again ordered a soda.

"How old is Luke?" I said in Rob's ear.

His deer-in-the-headlights look told me all I needed to know.

"How much underage?

"He's nineteen."

"Shit! Well, at least he's sticking to sodas."

"I made him promise that he wouldn't drink any alcohol when he asked to come."

"I take it he's got a good fake ID."

"It's not fake, it's his older brother's. They look very much alike."


Our group stood to one side of the dance floor for a bit, but as the music got better and the crowd piled in; several of us got out and danced. After about an hour of dancing, Rob disappeared for a moment. I figured he'd gone to the restroom, but he was back too quickly.

"Requested a song," he said with an unusual expression.

About five minutes later, the upbeat house music faded, and a slower tune came on. Rob pulled me close and started a grinding dance as a remixed version of Alexandra Stan's Thanks for Leaving came on.

I boned up as Rob rubbed his body on mine, so fucking erotic to have this stud humping me in public.

"He's in the corner watching," Rob whispered in my ear.

I didn't have to ask who. Rob turned and ground his ass into my crotch as Alexandra's voice sang, "My heart's been re-listed, you have been evicted, you're out, I'm spring cleaning, so thank you and thanks for leaving!" If I hadn't been so aroused, I think I might have cried. She was so right. Thank you for leaving!

As the song ended, the upbeat music returned. I took Rob by the hand, pulled him to me, and kissed him deeply. I led him off the dance floor and to the bar.

"You dirty, dirty boy," Darryl said to Rob. "That was the most erotic thing I've seen in a long time. It was like porn on the dance floor."

"Well, I'm still half-hard from it," I admitted.

"I can understand why. Who planned this revenge?"

"Just call Rob, Mr. Payback."

"Payback it was, Slut stormed out of the club," Darryl explained. "He didn't even stay to enjoy the entire show."

I burst into laughter at that.

We all left the club around two a.m. and headed our separate ways. Luke, Rob, and I headed back into the suburbs; but the energy in the truck was too high to call it a night. I pulled us into the parking lot of a 24-hour diner that was popular with the gay, after-club crowd. We found a booth and ordered some decaf.

"What's good?" Luke asked.

"Pie! After all that dancing, you can justify the calories of pie!"

I got my favorite, pecan. Luke ordered lemon meringue, while Rob got chocolate cream.

With our stomachs full and our energy drained, we dropped Luke off at the dorm and went back to the house.


Late the next morning, I woke up to find Rob curled up in his normal position, head on my chest, leg across mine. The unusual part was his hard dick pushed against my leg. I guess my movements woke him and he saw what had my attention.

"I am a growing boy!"

"You're growing alright," I laughed, wrapping my hand around his hard dick. "But from the feel of it, you're all man!"

He pushed me over onto my stomach and climbed on. His tongue started at the top of my spine and slowly worked down. I shivered a bit from time to time as his hands and tongue teased my body. When his tongue hit the base of my spine, and then, he elicited another shiver when he worked his way along my ass crack. Rob's hands went to my cheeks and pushed them apart allowing his tongue to slip deeper into my ass trench, eventually hitting my hole.

I arched my body to give him better access. He took advantage of this to push his face in a bit more, letting his tongue fully swipe up and down my hole. Occasionally he'd let the tip work in a bit further.

As he continued rimming out my ass, his right hand returned to my hard cock – stroking it slowly.

"On your back."

I rolled over onto my back, my dick pointing towards the ceiling.

"Now that's a great picture," Rob teased.

"I'm glad you like!"

He crawled between my legs and started licking my cock like a lollipop. His tongue would tease the tip and then swirl around the cap. Each time he took a swipe at my cock, it sent a deep shudder through me.

"Aw, that feels good," I moaned.

He licked up and down the shaft while moving one hand to cup and play with my balls.

"Flip around so I can get to you, too!"

Rob quickly moved around so I could get to his cock and ass while taking my dick deep into my throat.

I let his cock rest against my chin as I focused my attention on his ass. My tongue zeroed in quickly on his hole, pushing in and working it open. I was pushing spit into his hole with my tongue, preparing him for a hard fuck.

As my tongue kept up its mission, lubing his hole; Rob's mouth was applying an ever-thicker coat of spit to my shaft.

He must have decided he was ready to get fucked as he pulled away from me. I began to lift up, but he pushed me back down. He swung his body around and positioned his ass directly over my dick.

My cock slipped between his cheeks and then bumped against his crack. He reached under himself and guided it into his hole. I slid easily into him and felt my pubic hair rubbing against his skin.

Rob'd just started bouncing on my dick when the phone rang. He kept up his motions as the call went to the machine and Darryl's voice left a message explaining how much he liked Rob and Luke.

When fucking, I prefer "driving"; I find my pace helps me shoot; but Rob's muscle control, movements, you name it, were doing a number on me. It wasn't long before I was blasting a load in his ass and he was coating my chest with his.

After he pulled off, Rob and I cuddled in a sticky heap.

"It sounded like Darryl was jealous."

"Maybe. Maybe not. I think he really likes the eye-candy, but I'm not sure he's up for a relationship with a twenty-one-year-old."

"I know one person that is jealous."

"Who's that?" I asked.


"What? He's jealous of me?"

"No! He's jealous of me," Rob explained.

"Well, he's a nice young man, but for now, I'm dating you."

"You know, I am leaving."

"I know that, and I'll deal with what comes next once you do."

"Okay. Okay."


I decided to host the `Orphan's Potluck Thanksgiving,' inviting friends that weren't going home, didn't have family to go to, etc. Both Luke and Rob were staying in town and decided they'd help me pull everything together. I picked them up Wednesday after Luke's last class.

"What's the game plan?" Rob asked.

"This afternoon is shopping, and this evening is a bit of cooking. First stop is Willards to get the turkey."

"Butcher shop?" Luke asked.

"It's a barbecue joint," I said. "I ordered two smoked turkey breasts."

"What's for dinner?" Rob asked.

"I figured we'd pick up something from Willards."


We'd driven for about ten minutes when Rob turned his head towards me. "Where the heck is this place?"

"I'm avoiding I-66 since it's crushed with folks escaping town. It's not that far out, but using these back roads will avoid the traffic."

"Smart man," Luke commented from the back seat.

A few minutes later, I pulled up to the front door and we climbed out.

"I have an order for smoked turkey breast under Bochanan," I said to the lady behind the counter.

She went off to get the order while I pointed the guys to the menu.

"How about some brisket for dinner?" Rob suggested. "Since we'll have turkey tomorrow."

"Sounds good," Luke agreed.

"Give me a quart of brisket," I said when the lady returned. "Also, whatever three big servings of spoonbread would be."

"Spoonbread?" Rob asked.

"Something my mother made. They only have it here as a special, but when they do, I get it."

"What about sides?" Luke asked.

"I have stuff we can throw together at home."


Food paid for, we headed out and swung by a little bakery that I had found.

"What all are you getting here?" Rob asked.

"Baguette, croissant, and whatever else tickles our fancy," I explained.

We walked in and up to the counter.

"That looks good," Luke said, pointing to a cake.

"Pick one out," I said. "I don't really have many sweets in the house at the moment."

He and Rob huddled together looking at cakes while I got the other items.

"Which one?" I asked.

"That one," Luke said, pointing to a coconut frosted cake.

The lady boxed the cake, I paid, and we took off.

"Anything else?" Luke asked.

"I wanted to swing by the Korean grocery since we're out this way."

I drove over, found a space, and grabbed my bags. We headed into the store. We were going through the produce section when the questions started.

"What's this?" Luke asked.

"Jackfruit," I explained. "It's in the same family as figs and mulberries."

"Dragon fruit," he said aloud, holding it up.

"It's the fruit from a specific Asian cactus," I explained. "Grab a couple and I'll let you try them."

He put a few in a bag and we moved on. I laughed a bit as the two guys explored the unusual selections at the store.

Back at the house, Luke helped me get the food into serving dishes while Rob set the table. The three of us sat and talked.

"How's school going for you?" I asked Luke.

"Not too bad, I'm trying to finish up my core courses this year so I can focus on the business core and information systems courses in my junior and senior years."

"Sounds smart," I agreed. "Any pre-reqs that you need?"

"Nope, I checked."


"I know I said it earlier, but thanks for inviting me over," Luke said.

"Glad to have you over. My friends will be glad you're here tomorrow too!"


"Eye candy!"


Unlike Halloween, where my friends had monopolized Luke's time, I got to know him more. We sat in the den and talked until bedtime. I got Luke all set up in the guest room, and then Rob and I retired to the master.

I will admit, that night wasn't my best performance. I kept worrying we'd make too much noise and wake Luke.

"How many guys are coming today?" Rob asked as I poured him a cup of coffee.

"Let's see." I started and paused. I counted folks in my head. "Fifteen, not including us."

"How are you going to seat eighteen?"

"I've got two folding tables down in the storage room. Dining table chairs, folding chairs, tablecloths, and then set the table. We're going to rearrange the living room to make it all work and we can all sit together."

"Paper plates?"

"Nope, my everyday dishes are white and so is the `wedding' china. That's sixteen place settings, and Darryl's bringing two more."

"What else do we need to do?"

"Heat up the meat. Otherwise, have space for folks to put their food when they arrive. Serve buffet style and find a place to sit. Do you want breakfast first, then work out or flip it?"

"Since Luke's not up, let's get a short workout in. Hopefully, he'll wake up and we can all have breakfast together."

I grabbed my mug and followed Rob back to the bedroom. We did a quick change into our workout gear and went downstairs. We were both almost done exercising when Luke appeared at the door.

"Morning," I said, putting down my weights.

"Morning," he replied.

"I take it you're not a morning person."

"I need coffee and a shower before my day really gets started."

At this point, Rob finished up his routine and turned. "There's still coffee in the pot."

"We can get you set up with a mug and then we'll get cleaned up," I said.

I poured Luke a mug of coffee, turned on the oven, and slipped the breakfast casserole I'd made Wednesday morning into it.

With coffee in hand, Luke disappeared back into the guest room to get his shower while Rob and I did the same. The three of us reconvened in the kitchen about twenty minutes later.

"That smells good," Luke said.

"He's the king of breakfast casseroles," Rob teased.

It earned him an odd look from Luke.

I explained, "They are easy to make. I can control the calories, the carbs, etcetera, and I can slice off a chunk, heat it up, and run for the train each morning.

"Sounds smart," Luke agreed. "What's in this one?"

"Hot Italian sausage, sweet Italian sausage, eggs, and leftover bread."

That garnered an odd look from Luke.

"I had a small amount of leftover hot sausage and mixed it with the sweet, to fill out the casserole. I like to have fresh bread, but I tend to end up with bits and pieces that start to go stale, so I chop them up and throw them into a zip bag. That way, I can make a casserole or croutons."

"Got it."

I pulled the casserole out at this point and served up slices.

"Want any juice?" I asked.

"Coffee is fine, thanks."

After breakfast, the guys helped me rearrange the furniture and set up the tables. We got the tables set, and then I went through the house to make sure everything was cleaned up.

"The place looks fine," Rob teased.

"It's the first time a few of the guys have been here," I explained. "And the rest haven't been out here since the day I met you."

"It's fine," he reiterated.

A gave him a smile and then a quick kiss on the cheek. I noticed that Luke had a bit of a look on his face when I did it.

It was about noon when I slipped the turkey into the oven to warm it up.

"Dinner's at three," I said. "Either of you want a snack?"

"Whatcha got?" Rob inquired.

"Well, I could make a sandwich. I've got fruit. There's some junk food. A good bit of leftovers."

"I'm really not hungry," he explained.

"I'd like an apple," Luke said.

"I've got Cortland, Empire, and Winesap."

"Um, apple..."

"Sweet or tart?"


I handed him a Cortland.

We sat in the den and watched a football game for a bit. The doorbell rang just before two. I went to the door to find Chris and Stephen. I gave them each a hug, hung up their coats and led them to the kitchen.

"It needs to stay warm," Stephen said as he handed me a casserole.

"The lower oven is at 200," I explained.

"I hear you aren't that far from the boys after all," Chris teased.

"I guess not."

I led them into the den.

"Rob and Luke, this is Chris and Stephen."

Before I could continue, the doorbell rang, and I went to answer it.

"Happy Thanksgiving," Darryl said, as I opened the door.

"Happy Turkey Day to you."

"I'd hug you, but my hands are full," Phil said.

"You know where the kitchen is," I said. "The lower oven's warm. The upper oven is on higher."

"Who all's here?" Phil asked.

"Chris and Stephen arrived just before you. They're talking to Rob and Luke in the den."

They walked off as the next guests parked and walked to the house. People continued to arrive off and on over the next twenty minutes.

I was in the kitchen with Craig and Tom when Chris walked in.

"What all have you done to the place since the summer?" he asked.

"Let's see. I furnished one of the guest bedrooms, furnished the living room, remodeled the shower in the basement, finished setting up the gym, and did lots of yard work."

"I want a tour!" Chris said.

"Grab Rob!" I said. "He can give you the grand tour. Hell, he's part of the reason I'm as far along as I am."

"Hooked?" Craig asked.

"I could be, but he's leaving for California and graduate school next month."

"That would make it hard," Craig admitted.

"I knew from the start. He's been a great help."


"Changing my attitude about men, about myself, about life in general. He helped me get over James, over a lot of the pain and helped me move on."

"Are you really over James?"

"Yes and no."

Craig looked at me, waiting for more.

"Yes, I'm done with him. That happened when I saw what he was doing. No, I'm not over the hurt. He fuckin' cheated on me. Something was missing and instead of talking about it openly and honestly, he fuckin' cheated!"

Craig moved over and gave me a brief hug.

"Thank you," I said.

"So, what's next?"

"More dating."

"Younger guys?"

"Guys, older, younger, it doesn't matter. Kind, trustworthy, loving, sweet, considerate, all those positive things you want in a guy."

"Sounds good."

"Let's get the rest of the things ready," I said.

While Craig helped me get the food organized, I heard the doorbell ring a few times. Friends would come into the kitchen with their food, typically escorted by Rob or Luke.

"Can I do anything to help here?" Luke asked.

"I think Craig and I have it all under control. But you could take that pitcher and fill all the water glasses on the table."

Luke disappeared to complete his task.

"That one is awfully cute," Craig said.

"Rob introduced us. He's a Mason friend."

"Same age?"

"No. He's nineteen."

"Didn't he go out with..."

"Yeah, I found out later he had a fake ID. At least he stuck to soda that night."


"I think that's it," I said.

"Let's get everyone together."

"FOOD!" I called out. "Everyone to the living room!"

Craig and I walked in and joined the gang.

"Everyone grab a plate, head into the dining room, and fill your plate. If you want something other than water let me know."

Folks started moving around, grabbing a plate, getting it filled, and settling in to eat. I was tickled that Rob and Luke mixed into the group and were clearly enjoying the conversation. Plates took a long time to clear because of the conversation.


"That was fun," Luke said after the last guest left. "I'm glad you included me."

I smiled at him. "Glad you came and, from the comments I heard, a lot of my friends were glad to have you around as well."


"Like I said before, eye candy. Actually, eye candy that could keep up in a conversation."

"I'll admit some of the things they were talking about went over my head," he said.

"Agreed," Rob put in as he joined us in the den.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Work stuff, gay stuff, relationship stuff," Rob said.

Luke nodded his head. "Not areas where I have a lot of experience," Luke added.

"Makes sense, but it is how you learn."

I was sitting on the sectional when Rob sat down next to me and snuggled up. Luke's face gave a momentary look that I interpreted as jealousy, and it went as quickly back to neutral.

"When's your guy getting back," Rob asked Luke.

"I didn't know you were dating," I said, before he could respond.

"I'm not," Luke replied. "It's a friend that followed me to Mason from school."


"He's a freshman. He went home for Thanksgiving. He'll be back on Sunday. When do you put your tree up?"

I said, "Not for several weeks." It was clear from his response that talking about the freshman was not an option.

"My folks always put ours up the day after Thanksgiving."

"My mom worked for a church for much of my early life. She felt that Christmas had become too commercialized and too early."

"Early?" Rob asked.

"Christmas runs from December twenty-fifth to the end of Epiphany. So, we only put the tree up just before Christmas and we took it down at the end of the twelve days of Christmas. I keep that tradition going."

"Cool," Luke said.

"Can you drop us off on campus tomorrow," Rob asked.

"Sure," I said, with a bit of curiosity in my voice.

"Luke's got a car and we're going to do some running around while you're at work."

"I'm catching the early train home tomorrow. I get back to the station just after two."


We watched a bit of television until about nine, when I started to yawn.

"Bedtime," I said. "It's a school night for me."

"Early," Luke said.

"I was raised on a farm. Early to bed, early to rise, so I'm usually asleep around nine-thirty, ten at the latest. I'm up between five and six."

"Evil," he commented.

"Not a morning person, huh?"

"No. I go to sleep sometime after midnight and get up when forced to by class."

"Understood. Stay up and watch television all you want."

"Night, Luke," Rob said as we both got up.

Again, that ever so slight change in expression on Luke's face.

"He is jealous," I said, as we got ready for bed.

"Yeah, he wants to get to know you better."

"I am getting to know him better."

"Not the way he wants," Rob said with a chuckle.

"Well, I'm dating you."

"I think I said this before, I'm leaving soon for the west coast."

"I think my reply was, I'll deal with what comes next once you do. For now, I'm focused on you, handsome."

"Aw, thanks."

We did our nighttime routine and climbed into bed. Rob snuggled up next to me, and I tried to get my mind to settle down for sleep.

I could tell that he'd drifted off based on his breathing, but I couldn't get my mind to stop. I'd justified our age difference by saying Rob was what I needed for the rebound from James. Now my brain was thinking about Luke, and that was just messing me up.

I started trying to focus on what I would need to do at work on Friday. The more I did, the more my mind settled, and I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up Friday morning a bit before my alarm, reached over and shut it off. I tried to disentangle myself from Rob, but I woke him.

"Morning," he said.

"Roll over and go back to sleep if you want."

"I'm fine. Eight hours is plenty for me."

"I need to get ready for work."

"You should have taken today off."

"I was going to, but I have stuff due and didn't realize I'd have extra company."

"I don't count," he teased.

"You count, but you're family, not company." He gave a bit of a nervous laugh and smiled at me. "You get the shower started; I'll grab the coffee."


"Huh, oh... yeah, just in case." I pulled on a pair of shorts, padded down to the kitchen, poured two mugs of coffee, and returned.

In the bathroom, I found Rob getting things ready for a shower.

"I was thinking I should wake Luke."

"Why, he said he likes to sleep in."

"Have you drop us off on campus to get his car. Then we aren't housebound for the day."

"Makes sense. I'll be home a little after three."

"You did say, early train."



"Whatcha thinking?"

"Well, if he sleeps till noon..."

"Then you two don't need his car. It's up to you."

"I'll let him sleep."

I got cleaned, dressed, grabbed my stuff, and headed to the train. The crowd on the platform was sparse compared to a typical day. Like the train, the office was nearly empty. I guess I really should have taken the day off. There were only three of us in the office, and it was quiet.

By eleven thirty, I'd completed everything that was on my plate, but that left two hours till the train. I grabbed my phone.

"Hey, Luke up?"

"Yeah, he's just getting out of the shower," Rob responded.

"Good. How `bout you two drive over to Alexandria? We can have lunch, do some stuff, and enjoy the rest of the day."

"Umm... no car."

"Take a Lyft to the train station and get my truck, I'll give you money..."

"Drive the truck? Into Alexandria? You lost your mind?"

"Ok, Lyft to campus, it is closer, and use Luke's car..."

"Okay, we'll figure something out. Text me the address."

He hung up. I sent him the info and got back to work. About forty minutes later, my phone chirped.

`Out front in 5'

I saved my stuff, logged off, and undocked my machine. I packed my bag and headed out front. There was a small four-door car sitting in front of the building as I walked outside. I saw Rob waving at me from the backseat.

"No truck?" I asked as I climbed in.

"I can't drive a stick," Luke admitted.

"And I'm not driving that beast into Old Town."


"Where too?" Luke asked.


"Where too?" he repeated.

"Oh, turn left at the next intersection."

I led him through Old Town and down to the waterfront. We found a parking space, climbed out, and I fed the meter for two hours.

"What's this place?" Rob asked.

"It's a nice little pub and restaurant. Nice seating upstairs, good food, relaxing place," I explained.

We got seated and ordered.

"What's the plan for this afternoon?" Rob asked.

"I'm winging it. I was just done with work and figured it'd be better to do something over here today."

"I haven't been to this area," Luke admitted.

"It can be fun. Bars, lots of restaurants to choose from, historical places to see. There's a nice farmer's market on Saturday morning. There are tourist shops on King Street. For a bit of history, we could go to Mount Vernon. For less history, and more art, we could hit the Torpedo Factory."

"Huh?" Luke stopped me.

"The building was a torpedo factory during the war; now it is an art space."

"That sounds interesting," Rob said.

Luke looked a bit dubious.

"What interests you," I asked Luke.

"I'm glad not to be stuck in the dorm."

"We could walk the pier, walk through the Torpedo Factory, walk up King Street and look at the touristy shops, walk down the trail along the Potomac."

"Walking around is fine," Luke said.

Our server arrived with our food and stopped the conversation for a moment. We sat there quietly for a few moments, enjoying the food.

"Food's good," Rob said.

"Yeah, thanks!" Luke concurred.

"Glad you like it. I haven't been here in a while. We used to come here pretty frequently."

"Your ex?" Rob asked.

"Yeah. It's not convenient anymore and I also didn't want to run into him," I admitted.

"Makes sense," Luke agreed.

We continued with basic chit-chat while we finished our food. After lunch, we walked over to the Torpedo Factory and looked at different artists' stalls. Then we walked around the waterfront for a bit before heading up King Street. We got back to the car just as the meter was expiring. Luke drove us back to the house.

"Movie?" I asked as we got settled.


We settled on a movie, and Rob snuggled up to me on the sectional. As the three of us watched the movie, I noticed little looks from Luke that cemented the jealousy thought. I stopped paying much attention as the movie's action grew.

"What's on the agenda for tomorrow," Rob asked after the movie ended.

I replied, "no agenda. Don't really have anything planned. What would you two like to do?"

"Hanging out is fine," Luke said.

"How about a hike?" Rob said.

"I'm good with that," I said. "Pick out a trail."


"What time tomorrow morning?" Luke asked.

"I'll be up at six," I admitted.

"It's a Saturday," Luke said. His look told me that six was way too early.

"You don't have to be up then, but that's when my body wakes up."

"How about breakfast at nine?" Rob suggested.

"That I can do," Luke said.

"See you then," I said. "Have a great night."

"Night," Luke responded.

In the bedroom, we hurriedly got undressed with clothes flying all around the room. I grabbed hold of the covers and threw them back. We climbed onto the bed and kissed deeply. I let this go on for a bit, while I let my hands explore his body. I'm not sure what had Rob so hot, but I knew weird things were going on in my mind. I pushed them down deep.

After kissing, groping, and grinding for a few minutes, I decided it was time for some sucking. I pinned Rob to the bed and moved down his body with my tongue. It took only a few seconds to get to Rob's crotch, grab hold, and suck his dick into my mouth.

"Oh, FUCK!" Rob groaned as I manipulated his balls with one hand and sucked his cock at the same time.

I used my body to thwart his efforts to move. I knew he wanted a chance to get my dick in his mouth, but I wasn't ready for that. I'd swirl my tongue around the head of his dick for a few moments, then plunge down the shaft, applying Hoover-class suction. I pulled down on his balls, tightening his sack and stretching the skin on his dick. I let my mouth come up his cock, licked down the shaft, then nuzzled his balls. My five o'clock shadow made him squirm, but when my tongue hit his balls, he let out a deep moan.

"DAMN, Dad," he said. "That feels awesome. I want a chance to return the favor!"

I lifted for a moment. "You are. You are! Just let me have my fun!"

I pushed his balls up, put my hands under his knees and hoisted his legs into the air. I spread his legs slightly and then plunged my tongue between his ass cheeks.

"SHIT!" he said. After that, his moans became much less comprehensible.

I licked and nibbled at his hole, enjoying the musky smell and flavor. I let a finger from each hand slip in with my tongue, spreading his hole open. My tongue worked in even deeper.

"Dad, fuck me! Please!" Rob whined.

I pulled my tongue out of his hole for a moment. "You want what?"

"I want FUCKED!" he commanded.

I pushed two fingers into his hole.

"Dad..." he whined. "Don't tease me. Fuck me!"

I grabbed the lube off the nightstand and squirted a bit on my dick. I pushed the head against his hole and my dick slid in. He started pushing his ass back on my dick, letting it slip in even further.

"That's it," I encouraged.

I repositioned my hands on his legs and used them as leverage to start slamming his ass. His dick got harder and harder as I fucked him.

"That's it. Come on! Fuck me!" he encouraged.

I had to admit, his tight hole wrapped around my shaft felt fuckin' great! I started bucking as his ass clamped down on my cock.

"You're milking me good."

"Damn right! I want that load buried deep in me!"

Rob's actions were starting to churn the cum up in my balls, but I knew he wanted a hard pounding.

"Get on all fours," I ordered.

Rob quickly complied, and I plunged my dick back into his hole quickly. I loved fucking him doggie style - grabbing hold of his hips and starting to slap his ass with my body as I fucked.

My thrusts were met by his pushing back, and the pace and pressure intensified. Rob reached up with one hand and started jerking himself. It didn't take long for the combination to affect him.

"I'm gonna shoot," he warned.

I slapped his hand away from his dick and pushed down on his shoulders, causing him to fall face first into the pillow, his ass in the air.

"No, you don't!"

I pulled my dick all the way out of his hole and paused a moment, which elicited a pillow-muffled moan from Rob. I waited a few more seconds, then plunged my cock in till my pubes hit his ass.

"Umph..." Rob grunted.

I repeated the process several times, getting the same "Umph" out of him. My balls started to churn, and I knew it was time to finish my fuck. I pulled out completely, pushed him over onto his back, shoved his legs into the air, and thrust back into him. I grabbed him by the hips and began pounding his hole in jackrabbit, quick thrusts.

"Oh, FUCK!" he bellowed.

I grabbed the pillow and threw it over his face. "Not so loud! We've got company!"

I could feel my balls contracting, my body tensing, and my thrusts becoming faster and faster. I nearly went rigid as my cock shot blast after blast of cum deep into Rob's ass. Rob responded by shooting his load over his chest, up his neck and onto his face.

"Damn, Dad," he said. "That was intense."

"Damn right!"

We cleaned up quickly, curled up in bed, and I fell to sleep in short order.

Like I'd told Luke, I woke up a few minutes before six. Rob's head was on my chest. This was the way I wanted to wake up every day. That wasn't going to happen. Rob and I weren't going to last. I had to face reality and be prepared to move on.


I picked up Rob on campus after work and drove us home.

"You look droopy," he said as we got into the house.

"I guess I am. You're leaving in two weeks."

"You knew this all along."

"I know, doesn't mean it's easy."

He walked over and gave me a big hug.

"I could fall for you so easily," he said quietly into my ear.

I pulled back just a bit in his embrace and gave him a light kiss.

"Well, you know exactly how I feel. You have a future in front of you in California. I will have to move on and hope I find someone who stirs emotions in me the way you do."

"I'm sure there are plenty of guys out there that can do that," Rob replied. "I sense there's something else though."

"The court finalized my divorce today."

"That should make you happy!"

"Honestly, I feel like a fucking failure. The fight was for gay marriage. I guess I didn't expect to be one of the first divorces."

"Just remember, a relationship takes two, and he didn't communicate; he cheated."


"What's the game plan for this evening?"

"There are several options. We could eat dinner and then watch a movie. Or we could work out, eat dinner, and then watch some tv. Alternatively, we could order dinner and I could see how many times I can get you to cum before the food is delivered. If you cum before the delivery, you have to answer the door naked!"

"What? Wait, what happens if I don't cum?"

"I answer the door naked."

"You're on Mister!"

I stared at him in disbelief. But it was out there. Hmm... what to order that would give me time. I pulled up the app and started browsing. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Pizza's good and fast!"

"I was thinking Thai or Tex-Mex."

"Hmm... I could do with a spicy enchilada," he said, groping me.

I pulled up the specific restaurant I wanted, knowing their times weren't the fastest. I clicked on the items I wanted, then handed my phone to Rob. He selected his.

"Ready?" he asked.

"One thing, no dawdling. You have to get naked and participate."

"When have I ever refused sex?"


"Go!" he said, hitting the order button. "Says forty-five to fifty minutes."

I grabbed his arm and led him to the living room. I was pulling my shirt off as we went. It wasn't the first time clothes went flying around the house. I pushed him onto the sofa and climbed on top of him. I pushed his arms up and started licking his pits. Leaving them wet, I moved down to his tits.

"Oh!" he moaned.

I knew his tits were wired to his cock. I could feel his cock twitching with each bite and lick. It wasn't many seconds before I realized he was soaking my leg with precum.

I rubbed my fingers over them as I started licking down his abs to my belly button and started licking. He started to squirm a good bit. Almost to his cock, I pivoted my body, so my dick dangled over his mouth. I got my legs onto the arm of the sofa, my groin over his mouth. His lips opened and I let it slide in as my mouth worked down his. I put my arms on either side of him and started doing pushups, going down on him while fucking his throat.

I was using all my skills to get him revved up. I made sure it was a sloppy blow job, you know, very wet. After a good number of ups and downs, I would release his cock and drop down to pay attention to his balls. My saliva was starting to flow down into his ass trench.

True to his words, Rob was putting a lot of effort into this. My cock was feeling mighty fine! I pulled it out of his mouth, pivoted around again, and lifted his legs. My wet dick met his wet hole and slid in deep.

"FUCK ME!" Rob bellowed as I bottomed out. "Don't care if I lose! Fuck me!"

I started doing pushups again, all the way in, all the way out.

"Pummel it, make me know I've been fucked!"

I picked up the pace of my fucking as he urged me on. Harder, faster, I rooted around till I found his prostate. My cock rubbed that little nut hard, poking it. The groans and moans I was eliciting made me feel I was doing good.

"Oh, fuck!" Rob said as his dick started to spurt.

The doorbell rang!

"Fuck!" I cut lose as I shot into his ass.

I finished cumming, and I looked down at him. His spooge ran all the way up to his chin.

"Up off of me!" he said.

He started toward the door.

"Grab my jock!" I ordered.

He did grab it and slip it on, not that it covered much, and of course all the cum. I collapsed on the sofa. I heard Rob say, "Thank you," and the door closed. He walked back into the living room with our food.

"That was something else!" he said. "He was kinda cute."

"You know you have cum all over your chest?"

"Yup! And I think he was more than curious!"

I nearly split my gut laughing.


I pulled onto Mason's campus after work to pick up Rob. It would be our last night together.

"What did you ask Santa Claus to bring for Christmas," I asked as Rob climbed into the truck.


"What do you want for Christmas?"

"I didn't really have anything to tell Mom when she asked. Moving from one dorm room to another, you don't have room for much."

"Makes sense."

I drove us over to the house. When we got inside, Rob headed to the bedroom to put his bag away. I had a crockpot dinner ready for us, so it didn't take but a moment to get things plated. We took our plates and walked into the dining room.

"Wow. The table looks great."

"Well, you won't be here for Christmas, so I did this."

There was a little, potted, decorated, blue spruce sitting in the middle of the table. There were a couple of presents wrapped under the tree.

"Very cute."

We sat and ate, talking quietly about our day and avoiding the fact that he'd be leaving.

Our plates clean, I picked up one of the boxes and handed it to him.

"Merry Christmas."

He opened the box to find a small, golden bear.

"He's cute and... oh! The golden bear!"

"Yup, he represents your new school's mascot."

He squeezed the bear a little bit.

"I like him!"

"Here," I said, handing him the other box.

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"Yes, I did."

He opened the box and pulled out the bundle wrapped in tissue paper.

"Oh, wow, this is nice."

"Peter Millar does a line of collegiate clothing and UC-Berkeley is one of the schools. I thought the navy polo would look good on you.

"And shorts to match!" he exclaimed as he pulled them out.

I pointed to the discreet logo on the back pocket. "You may be overly logoed if you wear both at once, but I thought you could show school pride."

"Thank you," he said, standing up. He came around and kissed me. "See, this is what I said before; you're a very considerate man. You really thought about me when you picked these out."

I kissed him again.

"There's one more present," I said.


"Well, it's hard to put a bow on, but..."

With that, I stood up and started taking off my clothing. He just stood there and watched as I finally got down to my jock.


The jock I was wearing was Mason's school colors. I reached under the table and pulled another jock from one of the spare chairs.

"Here, this one is for you to wear."

"It's in Berkeley's colors," he said in surprise.

"You get them both, but they get some mementos added to them before you leave."

"Oh, fuck! Gonna have to keep them in a Ziploc bag!"

I laughed at that.

"Let's get to the mementos!" he exclaimed.

With that, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the basement stairs.

He stripped down and dumped his clothes in a corner. He slipped on the jock and walked over to me. I noticed that the pouch was already straining.

I took him in my arms and kissed him.

"Can we turn up the heat?" Rob asked.


"No. I just want you to get nice and sweaty."

I adjusted the thermostat for the basement, raising it to eighty-five. I heard the furnace kick on.

"Thanks," he said.

He sat down on the bench and positioned himself under the weights. I was a bit confused.

"Spot me," he said.

Getting into position, I thought about how many times I'd done this for him over the last six months. There wasn't a lot of weight on the bar, so he was able to do the weights easily. As he pushed the weight up, he licked his lips. As he lowered it, I squatted some more, so my jock-covered dick touched his mouth.

Rob racked the weights, then his tongue came out and started licking. My dick was straining in the pouch as it slipped between his lips. As he did a good job of soaking my jock, I leaned forward. The head of his dick was sticking out of the top of the band, and I started licking it clean. I repositioned it back into the pouch so it would get well soaked with precum.

I started chewing on his cock through the jock. Rob used his hands to work my cock out of the pouch, taking it into his mouth. He sucked on it a bit and then released it, pushing on my thighs to move me back a bit. I stood to let him do what he wanted. He scooted back on the bench till his neck was at the edge, then pulled me forwards so my cock when easily down his throat. I put my hands on the bar and started doing push-ups into his throat.

The room was getting warm, and I was starting to sweat. Between the heat and his sucking, my balls were starting to tighten. I pulled my cock out and let my balls drop into his mouth. I jerked on my spit-lubed dick a few times.

"Fuck yeah," I let out as I started to shoot. I moved my cock back inside the jock.

Rob's let go of my balls so I could slip them in as well.

"That's it, Coach," Rob said. "Spooge up that jock for your boy."

My load was soaking into the fabric, and I leaned heavily on the bar.

"How long till you get hard again," he asked.

"I have a plan for that; get on the incline bench!"

He moved over. I got in between his legs and pushed them up on my shoulders. I pushed my face between his cheeks and started rimming his jock-framed hole.

"Eat me out good, Daddy."

I spread his cheeks with my hands and got my tongue in there. I feasted on his hole, musky and a bit sweaty. I feasted on his hole. Periodically, I'd let my fingers slip in to help open him up. Finally, feeling that he was open and wet, I pulled my hard dick out of the jock and pushed it in him.

"That's it, Coach; pound my hole."

"It's my hole, boy, and I'm gonna fuckin' prove it."

I started long dickin' his ass. All the way in, all the way out, then slam back in and repeat. Each time I slammed in; Rob would grunt. I pushed his legs up more and started a downward angle fuck into his hole. I'd found his prostate and was rubbing and hitting it hard.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..."

I kept up my brutal assault on his ass. His dick was hard in the jock and the growing wet spot showed I was revving him up good.

"Daddy, Coach, oh fuck!" Rob suddenly yelped.

His body convulsed as he unloaded in the pouch. I didn't stop fucking; however, as I wanted to get a second load built up myself.

"Dad! Oh, fuck, Coulter!" he yelled.

I knew it was rough on him, but I was getting close.

"Clamp that ass, boy!" I commanded.

He did as told, and those muscles started pulling the cum out of me. I ripped my dick out of his ass and aimed at his jock. I shot at close range, coating the outside with a reasonable load of cum.

"Damn, Dad, that was hot," Rob said.

"We ain't done yet, I'm up two loads to one!"

"Oh, fuck!"

It was after midnight before I relented. Three more loads were fired, one of his and one of mine in the Mason jock and one more of his in the Berkeley jock.

"Shower?" I asked.

"Nope, I want to sleep in your arms smelling like the all-out fuck session we just had!"

"Well, I think the jocks are well stained."

"Not quite," Rob said. He grabbed the Mason jock and wiped it all over my body.

"There! Perfect!"

As we made our way to the bedroom, I slipped into the kitchen and grabbed two Ziploc bags. He took a good sniff of each as he put them in.


I was getting ready to drive him back to school when he handed me a wrapped package.

"Don't open it until Christmas."

"Are you sure? You don't want to see my reaction?"

"I know you don't have family and I want you to have something to open on Christmas Day."

"Okay, okay..."

He gave me a big hug. As we drove over, I asked. "When do your parents arrive?"

"They should be here shortly. Mom got a room at a bed and breakfast out in West Virginia last night, so they had a two-hour drive in today."

"How long is the drive home?"

"Nine long, evil hours."

"That bad?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna be grilled about everything. Who I date? Why didn't I date? When am I gonna date? What I'm looking for? All that."

"Your mom?"

"No. She gets me, but we don't discuss it. It'll be dad."


I pulled up directly in front of his dorm since the area was open for loading students' stuff.



"They're early."

I followed his eyes to a couple standing next to a small SUV. I could see the family resemblance and where Rob had gotten his good looks – a bit from both.

"Want me to drop you off somewhere else?"


"Well, it's been really nice. Please email me!"

"I will. I will keep you up to date on things."

He climbed out of my truck and headed over towards his parents. They saw him and started chatting. I turned the truck around and headed home, tears streaming down my cheeks.


On Christmas Eve, I joined the guys at karaoke. I'd made it a few weeks while I was dating Rob, but not as regularly as before. That night, I chose Natasha Bedingfield's _Unwritten._When I got back to the table, Phil leaned over and spoke quietly into my ear.

"That's a change for you."

"What do you mean?"

"First your playlist was all `I'm over your ass...' Then it was lovey-dovey stuff. This, this didn't fit."

"Well, I've moved on. I had a good time with Rob, and I'll keep dating; so, like the song says, the rest is still unwritten."

"Good for you," he said as he patted my back.

I volunteered to host the `orphans' Christmas; with six guys attending. I put up a tree, lit it, and put the family ornaments on it. This time I picked up a honey-baked ham and everyone else brought the sides.

Christmas morning, I opened the box from Rob privately and was glad I'd done so; he'd bought me a cock ring. I sent him a text message thanking him for his gift. His response was that it was a reminder that I needed to set up the playroom!

The day after Christmas, I pulled out my phone and was surprised to see how many missed contacts I'd had on the app from that first weekend when I met Rob. I cleared the queue and started swiping through the profiles. I didn't see anyone that struck me right, but I wasn't in a hurry.

By Sunday afternoon, the interest started to pick up. By Tuesday, I found this one dude was getting persistent – messages, likes, nudges; so finally, I broke down and set up a date for Wednesday. We agreed to meet at a restaurant for dinner, get to know each other, and go from there.

I got to the restaurant and looked around, not able to identify him from his pictures. I grabbed a drink at the bar, felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned.

"Hi! I'm Paul."

"Oh, hi Paul." I was stunned. If the picture he used was even his, it was from a different point in his life. "Let's grab a table," I said. The funny thing is that I found him cute, just not what his picture led me to expect.

The conversation over dinner was one-sided, awkward, plain ole creepy. He wanted to know everything about me. I mean everything! At the end of dinner, I thanked Paul for meeting me and tried hard to disconnect.

"How about going back to my place?"

"No, thanks. I need to be getting home. It's a work night and I have an early morning."

"How about a drink at the bar? I'm really enjoying getting to know you."

"Like I said, I need to get home as I have an early morning."

"Can I join you?"

"Not tonight."

"Are you free for New Year's Eve?"

"I have plans with friends."

"Well, I can call you to set something else up soon!"

"That's fine. It was good to meet you," I said, putting my hand out for a shake.

"Thanks," he said. I could tell he was upset.

I walked back to my truck and climbed in. I was a few blocks from the restaurant when I began to suspect that I was being followed. The streets were quiet, but this one car was right behind me. Instead of turning into my community, I turned onto the campus and made a few odd turns, confirming I was being followed.

I continued through the campus and pulled into a gas station. As I filled my tank, I noticed the same car sitting in the parking lot of the shopping center next to the station. As I was about to get into the truck, I got a break. A police car pulled into the station's lot. I walked up to the officer as he got out of his cruiser and asked him a few general questions, nothing about Paul. I used the pretense that I was new to the area and getting to know things. He was engaging but looked at me oddly from time to time. Finally, I noticed the car leaving.

"Officer, thanks for the information."

I got in my truck and drove back through the campus, ensuring that no one was following, ending up safely at home. I found numerous missed calls and several voicemails from Paul's number on my cell. I debated deleting the messages without listening and blocking his number, but instead I listened. The first thanked me for the evening, the second message seemed exasperated that I didn't go home directly, the third apologized for the second, the fourth livid that I would talk to a police officer; and the fifth apologizing for the fourth. With that, I stopped playing the messages, deleted them all, blocked Paul's number on my phone, and got ready for bed.


New Year's Day, I started thinking about Rob's nudges on a playroom and realized I really did want a little play space. Like he'd said, it was going to be about fun, it was going to be about sex, it was going to be about thrills. Playing with him in the gym made me realize how enjoyable sex could be. It didn't have to be a routine that fell into a rut in bed once a week. The more I thought, the more I realized that was how things had become with James, mechanical.

I researched slings online and found one I liked, so I decided to build my own frame to hold it. I went to Lowe's and got a stack of four-by-four-by-eight-foot timbers to build a cube. Once the frame was built, I put some solid screw hooks in and attached the sling.

I decided to buy a fuck bench instead of building it myself. The one I chose was basic, but adjustable; something I wasn't sure I could do myself.

Finally, I put in a few different lights to allow me to adjust the lighting levels to fit the mood.

I only needed someone to enjoy the playroom with.

Copyright 2023 BndgDawg ( Do not reproduce or distribute this story without the author's permission.

This is Chapter Three of the third story I have written. I look forward to positive comments, constructive criticisms and otherwise pleasantly worded feedback. Flames and attacks will be ignored and addresses blocked. (

My other stories on this site are Double Trails (Beginnings/Rural - December 8, 2016) and Homeless (High School - July 30, 2017).

Next: Chapter 4

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