By Stroker Al

Published on Jul 25, 1996



Reply-To: an179397@anon.penet.fi



July 24, 1996

Dear Readers,

Greetings from Stroker Al.

This is the first installment of a story that I have not completed yet. It is not my usual practice to post unfinished work, but because of the diary format of this tale, I decided that it might be fun to make an exception this time. I enclose below the prologue to the story, which will be followed immediately by the first diary entry in another posting, labeled (2/?). My plan is to post subsequent diary entries as I write them. That way I keep writing, you keep reading, and maybe we'll both enjoy it more. Anything's better than these long waits between posting new stories.

If you don't want to start an incomplete story, wait a couple weeks until I've finished and look for a posting marked "Dairy Diary" (Complete!), which will indicate that I've finished the story and have compiled all the diary entries into the fewest number of segments that can be successfully posted. From that point on I will only post the story in its complete form.


Stroker Al

PS: I have another story, "Alterations" in the works and nearing completion, so be patient. Also, its my goal to complete the Friday 13" series sometime this summer. That should involve about 3 more stories. Watch for them

"Dairy Diary" (1/?)

By Stroker Al

"Sean, wake up!"

And awaken he did, jerking his head up and blinking his tired eyes to behold his monitor screen streaked with rows of meaningless repeated characters. Ultimately it was only the throbbing waffle-iron imprint the keyboard had made on his face as he dozed that clued Sean in to the origin of the electronic hieroglyphics in front of him.

"Sorry , Ken. " he muttered to his boss, who stood behind him with hands on hips and shaking his head at the sorry state of his finest, most brilliant program developer. "I'm nearly finished with the SATYR upgrade. I only dropped off for a second. Really!"

"Well, that's not nearly long enough, young man. I am ordering you to stop this instant. Shut down your terminal. Now!" Ken barked.

"But Ken...." Sean tried to protest.

"No 'buts', young man, " Ken cut him off sharply, and then softened his voice and expression with a concerned smile. "At least not the kind of 'buts' you're always tossing around here to give yourself an excuse to overwork yourself to death. Go home. Now."

"There are segments of SATYR that need tighter reorganization," Sean pleaded as earnestly as he could, though unable to disguise the thick exhaustion in his voice.

"That's what I pay the editors to do, Tiger. Get out of here."

"I can do a better job than any of them."

"Not if you keel over dead from a heart attack at 25. Now stop being a goose and go start your vacation. Or else how are you going ever be able to lay Nimrod another golden egg like SATYR?"

Sean tried and tried to think of some argument to throw back at Ken, but could not. He was so worn out that even his sharp wit was failing him. To his horror, he started to blubber right there in his chair at his desk in front of his boss. Ken, however, was nonplused by this rare display of vulnerability and remained standing next to the sobbing young genius, moving only enough to allow one arm to encircle Sean's trembling shoulders.

"There there, Sean. You were way overdue for a good cry. Now remember, we all agreed to this weeks ago: you and I and the board and corporate heads. Your vacation accrual is not just a benefit of your job. It is a mandatory part of fulfilling your contract with us. You need rest, relaxation, fun, fresh air."

He hesitated for a moment and then continued in an even softer voice. "Your coworkers inform me as well that you haven't scored a piece of ass in months."

The remark caused Sean to catch his breath in mortification at having been betrayed by his lazy, gossipy fellow programmers.

"It's only the opinion of a boring, middle-aged ostensibly straight married man, of course, and you can take it with a grain of salt, but Sean, it seems to me that for a young single man of your intelligence, fine looks and, heh heh, 'ample' income, your, uh, austerity, seems, well ..... unnatural."

"I resent that!" Sean cried, leaping up from the chair, trying to look indignant but coming off as merely embarrassed. "My personal life..." he began,

"..or lack of..." Ken interjected discreetly.

"...is none of your business or any one else's at Nimrod!" Sean finished uselessly.

"Ordinarily, no, you're right," replied Ken.

"So you think getting fucked three nights a week in the back room of The Utility Pole like Martin Kruger does makes him a better programmer?" Sean spat bitterly.

"Goodness, no," Ken answered, visibly shocked, yet showing only the vaguest trace of distaste. "Nor does it make him a worse one, apparently. But you have to admit, Sean, he does seem a bit cheerier than you do most days. And I don't think it's so much a question of what specific things a person does as it is how much energy he puts into them and how all these interests and activities balance each other out."

Ken paused and looked questioningly at Sean. "The Utility Pole?"

"Every weekend," Sean sneered. "Well, almost. Anyway, he's a shameless slut," he grumbled.

Taking mental note of this tidbit of info for later reference, Ken nevertheless was not to be sidetracked by Sean.

"Anyone talking to Martin can tell right away how enthused he is about his life on or off the job," Ken continued. "You, on the other hand, Sean, appear increasingly to have no life whatsoever. That worries me, and not just because I'm your boss. It should worry you too."

"But the quality of my work..." Sean tried to protest.

"No. I refuse to fall into the trap of discussing this further. Now you've met us halfway on this so far, so let's see it through, okay? Personally I think you'd have had more fun on Mykonos for two weeks than you're going have on your uncle's farm in Wisconsin, but getting you out of Chicago at least is a start."

Sean nodded, but said nothing. Pouting, he began to gather his things from the desk, while Ken stayed and watched him.

"Remember, that letter you showed me from your uncle is not going to be enough verification by itself. You had better actually BE there at the farm when my secretary phones tomorrow evening, or else. "

"Yes, Ken. I'll be there,' Sean shrugged, pulling on a ragged canvas jacket.

"And you are to write in your journal every day just as the staff shrink instructed you to do and mail us the carbons, or so help me young man, I'll see to it your contract is not renewed. I mean it!"

Sean stopped and turned to Ken, laughing out loud. "As if Nimrod is going to let any other company snap me up."

Ken just shook his head, a little sadly. "Sean if you don't get some rest and put a stop to your obsessive behavior, you're not going to be of any use to us or any other company. Or to yourself. Do you really want SATYR II to wind up being your swan song?"

Sean just looked at his feet for a minute and sighed, then continued gathering his things.

"And two weeks was merely our compromise, son. If you want to stay away longer, don't hesitate. You have hundreds of hours built up. I know its hard for you to accept this, Sean, but Nimrod could survive one quarter without you if it had to."

Sean tried to push past Ken to the door with an armload of folders and equipment, but his boss stopped him. "Leave the folders on the desk, please. And the laptop."

"It's mine!" cried Sean, hugging the little faux briefcase to his chest.

"Nonsense. I happen to know that yours has been in the shop for weeks. Put it down."

Sean just stood there, ready to burst into tears again, so Ken had to gently remove the laptop and folders from his arms and put them back on the desk himself. "It's useless, my boy. We wouldn't accept any work you generated while on vacation anyway. Besides, you'd only spill salsa on this one as well."

Sean thrust his fists into his jacket pockets and fled the room without turning back. Ken watched him push through the main office past through a throng of well-wishing coworkers, and somehow knew that upset as Sean was now, that he was going to be all right.


By Stroker Al

Curdistan, Wisconsin

Saturday, Aug. 10, 1996 9:00 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Or should I write, 'Dear Dr. Halberstam, Ken, and board members of Nimrod Inc.'?

As Alice, our coke-sniffing cunt of a front secretary has no doubt already reported to you, I arrived safely at dear Uncle George's farm late this afternoon. If I seemed rude to her on the phone, well perhaps that was because her call interrupted my first sit-down country supper with my Uncle and his family. Everyone knew it t'wer for me since nobody 'round these parts phones at suppertime. Thanks to Alice, my biskits n' gravy curdled right there on my plate!

I heartily recommend Trailways buses to any of you who are planning an interstate journey of this magnitude. Imagine, I traveled an entire two hundred miles today and it only involved three bus changes and six hours on the road. And with all that, the friendly efficient personnel only managed to lose ONE of my two suitcases. The 'station manager' in Curdistan believes that it's on its way to Eau Claire and hopes to have it back to me within mere DAYS.

But Sean, my lad, I can imagine you saying, weren't you going to drive your own car to your uncle's place ? Didn't you want the freedom to pick up and go somewhere else if Curdistan got too hayseed for you?

Well, plans change, my dear know-it-all mentors.

My car wouldn't start, for one thing. Perhaps that was because I didn't even try the ignition. And perhaps THAT was because the damned thing is still in pieces strewn across the floor of the garage I rent from three months back when I decided I was going to replace the engine block myself--again. Call me stubborn, but when you love machinery like I do, its hard to entrust it to someone else, even if you don't have the time to do it yourself.

Oh hell, I can take or leave auto mechanics. The real truth is I couldn't AFFORD to have someone else fix the fucking car this time. That's right Ken, I'm BROKE.

How can that be, you ask? A 25-year old, single queerboy making seventy thou' a year and he's broke? Let me count the ways.

First there's my co-op that I bought outright, which was a big mistake, but there you are. Then there are my student loans from MIT (yeah, I know. I was just too busy to apply for scholarships), and then there's the fact that I eat out at restaurants for every fucking meal every day all year around. There's cab fare, books, magazine and paper subscriptions, blah blah. You get the picture.

Well almost. That's all pretty standard stuff. You wanna know where the real money goes? Obviously a bunch goes toward new computer hardware and software, but believe it or not, you know what the biggest chunk goes for? Porn videos and sex toys.

Oh yes. I've amassed the most incredible collections imaginable of both, the cream of which is on its way to northern Wisconsin in that bloody suitcase. But I left a few good ones behind for you to enjoy, Ken, in case you ever feel like dropping by my building while I'm gone. There's a key taped under my desk just for you. You can come over and beat off with 'the boys' and your wife will never know . Or bring ol' Martin over with you to keep him out of the bars. He'll let you fuck him.

Think about it, Kenny. I've got pre-condom videos, pre-video films; I've got every title you ever rented when your wife was out of town, and as you'll notice while scanning my packed shelves, I even preorder new titles from about 6 different gay studios. Hell, I've even got straight vids, if you like that sort of thing, Ken. You haven't seen Julie Christie get raped by a computer in "The Demon Seed" until you've seen it in on my 42 inch screen.

So now you understand why Mykonos was out of the question. Besides, If I could have afforded to go somewhere to chase boys on my vacation, I'd have picked a place like Hong Kong and gone cruising for closeted young Asian financiers.

Alas, Uncle George's dairy farm seemed to be my only option at the time, though now that I'm actually here--yikes!--what was I thinking? I'm racking my burnt out brain to come up with some other place I could go, like to hang out a few days with one or two of the least excessively nerdy guys from other cities I've met at software conventions or something, but sadly there isn't anyone really that I could stomach. I'm stuck here now, in any case, at least until the next Saturday's bus. That is unless I can find some farm hand whose bathed this month to drive me back to town in exchange for a blowjob.

It's time I described my sophisticated hosts. Half the Erickson clan greeted me at the bus station (also known as the side door of Milt's, Curdistan's only grocery store) by holding up one of those ridiculous signs, as If they were afraid of missing their city boy cousin amidst the mob of other people that were bound to disembarking at Curdistan. "SEAN?" the sign said, complete with question mark in red magic marker on cardboard cut from the back of a cereal box. Country corn flakes no doubt.

My Aunt Fran did all the talking from the start, as soon as she released me from her suffocating bosom.

"George was all set to come just himself to pick you up, but the boys and I decided to come along at the last minute." she chattered.

I gathered from all the excitement that the arrival of an such an esteemed guest as myself was rare. You should have seen her sons all line up with their overalls all brushed off and their hair all neat and combed, one by one offering me a big, freshly washed hand to shake. It had been more than 12 years since I'd laid eyes on any of them, so I couldn't tell them apart, but all that straw colored hair and the ruddy red corn-fed faces sure brought back memories.

After politely waiting out my tantrum over the missing suitcase, Fran tried to reassure me that with four grown boys at home they were bound to have plenty of 'duds' I could wear. Hardly what I was worried about, Aunt Franny!

Next we boys "piled" into the back of the pickup and rode the 15 teeth-gnashing miles of pothole-shredded dirt road back to the family farm. En route I was cajoled into trying to identify each of my cousins by name, and to their endless amusement I got every one wrong. It didn't help that the truck had no shocks, which made their faces blurry and my brain feel like it was being purreed, but I think the real trouble was that, close up, these three all looked older than they were. I assumed, wrongly, that Sam, the youngest at 22, must be the fourth cousin who hadn't come along to greet me. Turned out that Sam and Joel--both younger than I, mind you--had the biggest beer guts and bald spots of the three. Then there was Ben, a mere four years older than I, but already making thirty look like a thing of the distant past.

"Where's Nathan?" I asked after a pause just long enough for me to retrieve the missing cousin's name.

"He had to hop out on the way here." Joel said. "Get the cows off the road. Mend a fence. "

Looking at these three laid back brothers It was hard to imagine anyone in the family could have been troubled to lift their lard ass out of the truck to attend to any chores. I couldn't believe the damage that butterfat, hopps, and Jesus, I don't know, cornsilk(?) appeared to have wrought on these farm boys, despite their eternally youthful ice blue eyes, yellow hair and dutchboy pink cheeks.

You see my cousins take after Aunt Fran more than Uncle George. They've got her German stockiness and the Scandinavian looks that her husband lacks. Uncle George is fairly small, dark and wiry, like me and like my father was. I'd forgotten till today just how MUCH like my father he seems.

Well, not everyone sees the family resemblance, however. Get a load of the first wisecrack I overhear from the locals as the family is walking me past the barn that sits between the garage and the farmhouse. "Who's the Jew boy?" says a voice softly, but distinctly from up above through the opening in the hayloft.

I'm the only one who appears to hear this remark, and without slowing my pace, I turn to look up and I glimpse two guys sitting next to each other on a pile of hay. The redheaded one on the right in the blue work shirt is looking towards the other, familiar-looking, shirtless blonde one, apparently waiting for a reply which never comes, at least in my hearing. A second later we on the ground have moved out of visual range of the men. Fran is still gabbing away, seemingly oblivious, about dinner and home made ice cream and watermelon.

Dr. Halberstam, do I look Jewish to you? Sure, I'm thin, pale, with thick, wavy dark hair, but I hardly have an olive complexion or Semitic features. Well, it must just be an indication of how deep I've wandered into WASP country here, folks. The second I realized that the Zeke in the hayloft was referring to ME, I had an impulse to turn around, unzip my fly and wag my uncircumcised dick at him. Not that such a yokel would have necessarily grasped the subtlety of my gesture.

Instead I keep smiling and nodding and walk up onto the great porch of the house with the family where we stand for a moment, the reason for which is unclear to me until I hear the footsteps approaching in the dust behind me.

"Put on a shirt, Nathan, we got company," Fran says, not entirely successful at disguising the anger in her voice.

"I'm aware of that, Mama, " the young man replies evenly, at which point I allow myself, to turn towards him as casually as possible. By the time I am facing him, he has bounded up onto the porch . Just before my eyes can adjust to his features at such close range a glimpse of the redheaded bubba heading off in the distance away from the barn reaches me. Then next thing I focus on are two round brown nipples on a broad, bronze chest and a muscular golden-furred forearm extending a large, callused hand to me.

"Sean, do you remember your cousin, Nathan ?" George asks me.

Yes, I say, shaking his hand, but I really mean no. I don't remember him at all. Not like this.

"S'cuse my appearance," Nathan says, grinning and rubbing off the sweat that dots his washboard stomach. "I've been out mending a fence."

"Oh yeah, in the barn, " I hear Joel mutter to Sam. "More like..."

"Oh, no problem, " I say, overlapping Joel and missing what he says because I can't just stand there and look stupid in front of this golden stud.

Whoa, Ken! My cousin Nathan makes Martin Kruger look like Nick Nolte or someone. The reason the sight of him shirtless up in the barn looked so familiar is because he looks as young, trim and gorgeous today as Ben, the oldest, did as a teen the last summer I visited the farm. I remember following Ben around everywhere like a pest with my little faggot heart aflutter because he always went shirtless back then. For Ben to attempt such a display now, I must say, would be a scary thing.

But NATHAN! !!!! Woof woof! How did the boring butterball that I pretty much ignored as a child, ever grow up to become such a hot looking man? He's five years younger than Ben but he looks like he could be his son! I am crushed when he finally releases my hand and his beaming, melting gaze goes neutral. He's one of those guys that shines on everybody, it seems, and naturally shuts down to low gear when not focused.

Well, anyway Fran ushers us all inside and has George show me upstairs to my room and I notice her, with lips pursed , tossing a bunched up shirt at Nathan and waving at him to join her in the dining room. By the time I'm washed up and back down stairs, their occasionally heated discussion is long over, but I have managed to overhear two or three key words from Franny in between blasts of the bathroom sink faucets: 'Worthless' 'Ignorant' and 'dishonest.' I guess that these adjectives are aimed at the redhead rather than Nathan, whose low, patient tones fail to yield up a single specific word of his own to be distinguished by hearing.

When I enter the dining room they are just finishing setting the table together and the subject has changed to county fair judges. Nathan has his shirt back on. Damn.

Which reminds me, dear diary, that now that I've filled my obligation to you, I have an obligation to my penis to attend to. I'm going to set you aside, turn out the lights, throw down the bed covers and toss off a nice big load in honor of my cousin Nathan's big round old-fashioned doorbell nips. I just want to buzz them and buzz them and buzz them. Even if nobody answers.

Damn, I'd love to hook my electric tit clamps up to those babies and give him a charge. Of course I can't, because the Trailways Bus boys are no doubt using them as I write. And my Acu-jack, I'm sure, while watching my videos and spunking up my Cyber Slut 'zines.

How in the hell am I supposed to get off in the dark here, all by myself? I tried leaving the light on and jacking in front of the mirror, but there's no fucking privacy in this place. There's no curtains or shades to speak of, except for these lacy things that probably aren't even as substantial as your wife's panties when you put them on, Ken (and I KNOW you do. Maybe you'll want to discuss THAT in YOUR next session with the good Dr. Halberstam).

You can see me up here through these big windows for hundreds of yards, and even from the road, and everywhere I look I see another cousin or guest or neighbor out there doing something.

But I simply have to wack off, spank my bone, dear Nimrodders. Maybe eventually I can find a vacuum cleaner with attachments or something to help me out, but I don't want to freak out my relatives on the first night. So its lights out, covers down, flat on back, hands on dick, and somehow or other I'll get my rocks off.

Goodnight, Kenny.

P.S. How's my little SATYR darling baby? How's my precious? You be damned careful with my little sweetheart

Curdistan, Wisconsin

Sunday, Aug. 11, 1996 10:20 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Hmmm. Perhaps I've been a little hasty in my eagerness to get the hell out of Curdistan ASAP. Sometimes perceptions change. Like yesterday I was in agony, but today I feel like Scarlet O'Hara did after Rhett Butler hauled her upstairs and ravished her. Ken, you wouldn't believe the major wad of jizz I ended up shooting in the wee wee hours of this morning!

That's right, all you Nimrod teammates, you're going to be treated today to the tale of Sean Erickson's down-on-the-farm sexual initiation! And remember, it is your duty as concerned board members, share holders, highly placed executives, personnel officers, supervisors and mental health resource people to read EVERY WORD.

We all agreed at our last meeting, you'll recall, that my vacation, along with its detailed documentation, is intended to benefit the whole of Nimrod Inc. as much as it is me, a key team member. Well let's huddle, team, and listen up!

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't do it--jack off alone in bed, in the dark, I mean. I just kept going limp from lack of concentration. I need STIMULI to keep my weenie wankable, folks, and I'm afraid my imagination alone has just never been able to cut it. Somehow, maybe around 2 am, I drifted off to sleep, but it was never very deep, and by about 4:30 am I was suddenly wide awake again with just my unrelieved woody and blue balls for company. Damn, how I was missing my ACU-JACK !

I knew I had to get my rocks off soon, or I was going to be a mess all day. So I got up and started rummaging through the medicine chest and cabinet under the sink in the bathroom for some kind of makeshift sexual aid.

For example, an electric tooth brush holder covered by a condom makes a nice vibrator in a pinch, I've found. But my advice is to avoid Sunbeam brand, with that nasty little metal prong that sticks out too far. It'll punch a hole in your prostate if you're not careful.

No such risk in the Erickson household, however. They're a manual tooth brushing family, a few members of which I notice are way overdue for new brushes. Take note: when the bristles start bending outward, its time to replace the brush.

Next, I threw on some boxers and sneaked downstairs to scope out the kitchen for appliances and utensils. Amazingly, there seemed to be nothing I could use. I must confess for a few minutes I was eyeing Fran's classic black and white Kitchenade mixer (a wedding present from Dad, for God's sake!) but ultimately decided that no combination of attachments, speed, or angle of operation was going to help me achieve my goal safely or quietly enough.

I was about to give up when I noticed the spray nozzle and flexible hose in the sink. I'm not a water sign in the zodiac, mind you, and thus have rarely explored the enema branch of the rectal stimulation flowchart, but by this time I was getting desperate. I was actually crouched on the kitchen stool with my boxers around my ankles and my bare butt over the sink, and testing the water temp with my wrist, when I heard the rooster crow from outside for the first time that morning.

That's when the idea hit me. Or rather, the recollection. It was the same memory flash I'd had weeks ago in the boardroom when you paper-pushing fuckers had me backed into a corner with ransom demands for me to meet in exchange for the continued life of my latest fledgling of a program. I'll never forget how you threatened to scrap SATYR II if I didn't cooperate!

The recollection itself was of something I'd always dreamed of doing If I ever got another chance to visit Uncle George's farm again. The incident that triggered this long standing desire occurred one morning 12 years ago when I was being threatened by someone else: my then-handsome, big blonde cousin, Ben.

The rooster (the same one, maybe, for all I know. How long do those things live?) had awakened me that morning, and I couldn't get back to sleep so I had wandered outside and headed for the cow shed to look at all the big, friendly, spotted Hollies, who were already mooing to be milked.

Inside the shed, among the cows, I found 17-year old Ben, whose first chore of the day was supposed to be the milking. He was looking mighty happy at that moment, leaning back against a stall wall, buck naked on a tipped back stool with his legs spread, but his expression changed the moment he noticed me, his pesky, snoopy little moon-eyed cousin who'd been following him everywhere all week. Now I'd caught him doing something that he knew he'd really catch hell for if his folks ever found out.

What I saw throbbing between his legs astounded and fascinated me. It was brand new then, and Uncle George hadn't even had time to fully hook it up yet. But of course Ben was an Erickson boy, like me, and you should all know by now that if there's a way with a machine, an Erickson boy'll find it.

You could say that I owe my entire career to the once beautiful and buff young Ben's ingenuity and initiative with his Dad's new milking machine. Before my widened adolescent eyes, technology and technician were coupling in a way I'd never imagined possible. Young male flesh and sparkling new machinery were humming together harmoniously as the pungent, milky byproducts of my cousin's excess young sexual desire were being pumped and siphoned off and away to places unknown.

No subsequent vision of automation and autoeroticism has ever surpassed my memory of catching Ben getting his dick milked in the shed. I fell in love from that moment with all things mechanical. But nature, too, had its share in the machinations that eventually led me to my stellar place in the Nimrod constellation, and deserves credit. After all, didn't the rooster know the exact moment to crow and wake me, so that the lowing of the dairy cows could summon me to the shed just in time to witness for the first time a young male experiencing orgasm? And this was not just any male, mind you, but my heartthrob of a cousin, the focus of my first crush of puberty.

Subconsciously, I think the pulsing sleeve that I saw engulfing Ben's erection became my first standard for assessing sexual equipment. It would be years, in fact, before I realized that my cousin wasn't the best hung man on the planet (a fact I'd have possessed long before If I'd only been paying a little less attention to the machine when my drained cousin finally disengaged himself from the milker. To be fair to myself, I must report that I HAD noticed Ben's bulbous pink balls swinging so low that they seemed in perfect proportion to the mighty, jutting rod, as well as the arching rubber hose that sprang from the sleeve and connected to the electric pumping mechanism a few feet away. But big balls turned out to be the rule among Erickson men, while big meat was significantly more rare.

As a result, I only returned my focus to Ben the moment he started threatening me. He was going to beat me up, he said, and rub my face in cow shit if I told anyone what I'd seen. My heart sunk. his reaction had been so crude, so unnecessarily defensive. The last thing on earth I would have wanted to do was get my hunky cousin in trouble. On the contrary, I wanted nothing more than to join him and share in the ecstasy that I'd seen flash so blindingly like lightning across Ben's face just before his features contorted into anger at my intrusion. Oh, to have been both hooked up to milker by adjacent sleeves, with the pump churning away! But that was never to be.

Instead, he threw me out of the barn and sent me running back to bed. Somehow he even arranged for the remainder of that visit to have me banished from all farm buildings except the house. He must have told Uncle George a whopping huge lie to get a reaction like that from him.

But let's return to the present, shall we? To this morning, twelve years later, when I neither needed nor wanted the now all-too grown up Ben's paunchy company. Thank goodness it hadn't been his chore to milk the cows in years, and that he apparently sleeps through every rooster crow.

Inside the shed, my eyes zoomed in immediately on the object I sought, and my candy-striped boxers tented up from the instant resurgence of my erection. There are several of the milkers now, mounted up straddling the dividing wall between rows in such a way that each machine can serve 6 stalls at once. A bizarre thought flashed in my head of all four of my cousins and uncle George joining me, each in their own stall.

I had no qualms about what I was going to do, but only a moments hesitation over which stall to use. It would need to be one that housed a docile, non-territorial animal, or else, I feared, I might get disturbed or attacked somehow at an inopportune moment. Being a city boy, and unfamiliar with bovine behavior, I had no idea whether or not my fears had any basis in reality. In any case, I felt a little doubtful about my ability to assess the temperament of cows. I ended up picking the stall with the animal that seemed the cleanest to me. She was healthy looking, smelled okay, and seemed to have been brushed recently. She also appeared to have the largest amount of fresh straw and water, like some kind of favored pet.

She didn't seem to mind when I pulled up her stool and sat down with my knees apart in front of the dangling hose and milking sleeve. I unsnapped my boxer fly and let my hard on poke its way through out into the morning air. Then I guided the sleeve slowly down over the head and then the shaft of my cock, until the rounded edge of the mouth rested against my dense brown bush. I adjusted the tension control knob on the sleeve until my dick felt snugly gripped on all sides for its full length (7.25 inches erect, Ken, if you're interested! Or how about you, Alice? Do the mailroom boys all have me beat?)

Finally I was ready. I stood up, butt against the wall, facing the cow but trying to ignore it, and I reached up and turned the fucker on.

Whoa, Nellie.

Good-bye ACU-JACK. I'm spoiled now, folks. It was ten times better than even I had imagined. How could something so impersonal feel so good? Quite easily, it seems. It proceeded to knead my dick like a loaf of baguette dough and hummed so sonorously that my teeth were almost chattering. I started doing deep knee bends as it stretched and stroked my dong, and soon I was rubbing up and down my exposed pale white inner thighs with the dewy damp palms of both hands and feeling my dense, wiry black leg hairs bristle. The power wanking continued as I rubbed my own alligator-pale belly and then ran my roving palms upward to massage my pecs and tweak my throbbing little nippy outdoor morning tits into a state of further excitement.

It was more intimate with me than most lovers have been. Its urgency was palpable. It was going to make me give, and give till it hurt. It didn't know or care that It was stroking a guy's dick instead of a cow's teat. All it was after was the milky white payoff that was coming, inevitably and powerfully. It was designed, after all, to squeeze off the biggest load of liquid possible.

Well folks, the ante was upping, it was squeezing and stroking longer and harder as the dry minutes passed and no fresh boy cream had yet splattered onto the bottom of the reservoir milk tin. That's when my big bad balls must have started kicking in, I imagine. Yep, Ken, gay boy that I am, I still come from a long line of major sperm- producing breeders. According to Aunt Fran (whom I overheard in our kitchen after my mom's funeral, of all things), my dad got three girls pregnant in high school, all on first dates and even while using rubbers, and ended up marrying the third, who unlike the first two, refused to go off and have a discreet abortion. He knew and cared jack shit for farming, but the poor guy was as fertile as a corn field. Truly, from all evidence gathered throughout the last few generations, involving everything from wet dream-soaked sheets, girl talk, frequency of conception, and even a couple of brimming laboratory donations, the Erickson's seminal vesicles have shown a propensity for working overtime to keep up, like neighbors at harvest time, just so those billions and billions of spermies will have a nice, slick vehicle to slither around in.

In the same kitchen gossip, Fran mentioned that Uncle George knocked her up with Ben the first time they did it. She even bragged that she had been poor George's first fuck, and, thanks to her determination and vigilance, and barring unfortunate accidents, she was going to see to it that she would also be his last.

Finally the pumping reached a fever pitch. The damn thing was going to squeeze some juice out of me or else. I couldn't resist standing up on the stool and stroking its stainless steel hub and fiddling with one of the loose hoses as my excitement mounted.

Then my climax arrived, as the milking machine rocked me, and I got more fucking excited than I can remember getting in ages. Groaning loudly, I blew and blew and blew a load of mancome out of my prick that just wouldn't quit. The tight sleeve and hose noisily sucked my hot sticky wad right up the snakey hose and down into the metal reservoir with several audible splats.

Say, Alice, have you ever, as they say, sucked one of your hundreds of boyfriends 'dry,' ? How about you Ken? Board members? No, I don't mean blood sucking, people. Well, I thought I'd been sucked dry before, but let me tell, you THIS fucking machine REALLY sucked me dry. My prick was about ready to crumble off into dust by the time I shut it down and detached my schlong from the milker. My balls had practically collapsed in on themselves, too.

Then, wouldn't you know it, right after I've tucked my limp and drained dick safely behind the snapped fly of my shorts, I discover that I'm no longer alone.

"You're up early," says a pleasant, playful and familiar voice.

I look up to see the boyish grin and clear blue-sky visage of my adorable cousin Nathan as he approaches the second row of stalls were I am. It is impossible to read from his genuinely pleased, serene face whether or not he got a glimpse of what I had been doing with my dick . He doesn't seem the double entendre type to me, but naturally, after my disappointing history of cow shed encounters, I am cautious.

"So what do you think of Debby?" he asks me, opening the gate and stepping into the stall. I stare dumbly at him.

"You NAME them?" I manage to spit out stupidly, turning to look back at the dangling hose and sleeve that I have just desecrated with my male member.

He scrunches up his face with apparent incomprehension and suddenly bursts out laughing. "Not the milking machine, Sean! My COW!"

I go 20 shades of scarlet while he looks me over as if to savor each one.

"You're a funny guy, Sean." he says. "Now, could you hand me that stool?"

Awkwardly, I hand it to him and he sits right down, slaps a bucket under the cow's udders and starts to manipulate the teats until jets of fresh milk come squirting noisily down into the pail.

"I think she's a real beauty, myself. She's a prize-winning dairy cow, too. The family won't drink from any other cow's milk."

"Really?" I reply, glad to not be the focus of conversation for the moment.

Nathan starts to tell me about raising Debby, and about her long string of county fair triumphs, including a number of second place ribbons for milk quality, when the cow suddenly moves forward a step, kicking over the bucket, getting straw in it and spilling half the milk.

"Hey girl, what gives?" Cries Nathan, moving the soiled bucket out from under her. "She's nervous. I'll have to use the machine. That always calms her down."

He turns and grins at me. "Something's spooked her. Maybe it's your cute little red striped drawers, Sean."

A slight thrill passes through me, but I don't know what to say, so I just look down in that infectious aw shucks manner of the other Erickson boys.

"I baby her, of course," he says, hooking up two of the sleeves to her udder, including the one that has just drained the jizz from my cock. MY mouth drops open but I can't bring myself to speak.

"But, like all champions, she's a little warped. She's always liked the machine better, and she gives twice as much milk when we use it. " he says, patting her flank as he rises to turn the machine on.

We stand there and silently watch the machine pump her for a few moments as I helplessly listen to the sound of fresh milk squirting into the stainless steel reservoir and mingling with my come.

"Warped." I repeat stupidly.

He smiles at me and puts his big arm around my bare shoulder like I'm his best pal. "Yep, I'm afraid so. I mean who in their right mind would prefer that machine to my hands?"

"I can't imagine," I say.

He laughs and laughs and it becomes clear that he's totally on to me. "You know, Sean" he says finally, after Debbie has stopped giving and he has removed the brimming reservoir pail from its housing "sometimes you remind me an awful lot of my daddy." He gives the milk a shake to see how much cream (and cream-like substance) is floating on top. A lot, it appears.

"This ought to be plenty for breakfast," he smiles. "Why don't you go wash up now and I'll see you at the table."

"Wait, you can't....there's...." I stutter, trying to reach for the pail, which he swings easily out of my range, grinning slyly.

"Oh come on, Sean, non-homogenized milk for one week isn't going to kill you ." he laughs as he heads back to the house with the pail and without me, as I stand there open jawed in disbelief.

That's enough for now, dear diary. I know you're all famished to hear about breakfast, but it will have to wait till tomorrow.



(end part 3 of ?, Dairy Diary)

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