Damn Moonlight

By Jeff Moses / Chainedcoot

Published on Oct 16, 2017



This is a work of fiction. It includes scenes of oral intercourse between young men 18 and older. No resemblance to persons living or dead is intended. If you are underage, or if possession of this text is illegal in your area, leave now. Some of the activities described in this story may cause injury or transmit diseases, including HIV. Play hard, but play safe! (And as always, comments are welcome!)

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Damn moonlight. If the bedroom had been dark, it wouldn't have happened, maybe. But Cody was lying on the floor now, already asleep, while Steve lay on his side in the bed, staring at the moonlit body of Diane's little brother. "Little, my ass," Steve thought. In that moonlight Cody's skin was a brilliant white, the shadows an impenetrable black. Steve's eyes floated down the curve of the nearest pectoral muscle to the long shadow cast by the nipple, then across the valley of mid-chest to the other nipple, then down to the paired hills of his abdominals and the knife-edge of blanket that hid the rest of the body.

"Steve, this is my little brother, Cody," Diane said. "Cody, this is Steve. He drove me up here for break after my car went kaput. You and Steve are going to have to share your bedroom."

"Glad to meet you," Cody said, shaking Steve's hand firmly.

Steve smiled. "My pleasure." Cody's eyes were level with his, but the boy was huskier, and the strength of his handshake was impressive.

"Told you that heap was on its last legs, Sis."

"I know, Cody. I know! I just needed it to make one last trip."

"That's the way it always happens," Steve said, smiling. "The more you rely on something, the less likely it is to work."

"And I wasn't about to stay at college during spring break," Diane continued. "I wouldn't want to miss a chance to pick on my little brother!" And she lunged at Cody, tickling him furiously.

"Come on, Sis!" Cody laughed, struggling to evade her, while Steve watched what was obviously a long- standing sibling tradition. "I give!" As Diane clapped her hands over her head in triumph, her victim turned to Steve. "Follow me, and you can put your stuff away. Hope it's okay there's only one bed," and he led Steve upstairs and ushered him into his bedroom with a bow. "So, you and Diane dating?"

"No. We work on the yearbook together. She's my boss."

"You poor guy!"

"Nah, your sister's great! Terrific sense of humor, and she's got a lot of great ideas."

"Huh! You sure she's not some other Diane? Your boss, I mean. She sure didn't act like that when we were growing up!"


"Cody do this, Cody do that, wash those dishes again--real bi--tyrant."

Steve laughed. "Apparently, she's different at home."

Cody's face turned serious. "Well, after my mom died, she sort of had to take over the house. My dad was actually dangerous in the kitchen!"

"So it was just the three of you, huh?"

"Well, my aunt lived with us for a couple of winters, 'til Diane finished high school. But mostly, yeah, it was the three of us. Girls can really get on your nerves, after a while!"

"Supper in ten minutes," Diane called from downstairs.

"So, you staying for break, or going back to the college tomorrow, or what?" Cody continued.

"I was going to just stay on campus. My folks live way up in Oregon. But Diane said I could stay with you three, if I wanted, so I thought what the heck--I've never been out in the country like this. She said it wouldn't be a hassle."

"Shouldn't be," Cody smiled. "Not much call for Christmas trees in April."

"I never thought about a Christmas tree farm. When Diane said you were farmers, I thought--"

Cody shrugged. "Used to be a real farm, but it was getting to be too much for Dad to handle. I think when Mom died, it sort of knocked the wind out of his sails, you know? So we sold off most of it. Probably sell the rest in a few years."

"You're not going to take over?"

"Fuck, no! I'm going into engineering. Got accepted at State and everything."


"Bathroom's at the end of the hall. Then we better get downstairs."

Diane's father wasn't much of a talker--polite enough, but quiet. So Diane and Cody did their best to keep Steve entertained over a "light" supper of split pea soup, salad, lamb chops, baked potatoes, broccoli, acorn squash, a little left-over macaroni, blackberry pie and ice cream. "You youngsters can stay up a bit," Diane's father announced. "I'm going to hit the hay."

"Good night, Daddy," Diane said.

"I'll help with the dishes," Steve offered.

Before Diane could decline, Cody said "Hey, thanks! I'm working on a new high score in 'Call of Duty!'"

"You're going to turn into a nerd, little brother!" Diane warned, but Cody was already pounding up the stairs. "We're not much for late nights, I'm afraid," she said to Steve. You don't have to--"

"No problem," Steve replied. He helped her gather the dishes and scraped the left-over food into the compost bin while she filled the dishpan, then dried as she washed.

"Thanks, Steve," she said, shaking rinse water out of the last pan. "I hope you don't mind if I turn in.

There's tv, if you want. I don't know how I can get so tired, just sitting in a car for five hours."

"I know," Steve agreed. "It's sort of hypnotic, once you're on the freeway. Think I'll turn in, too." He headed for the stairs. Behind him, Diane began turning off the lamps in the living room.

"Hey! I did it!" Cody said, as Steve stepped into the bedroom. "New high score!"

Steve slapped Cody on his back. "Good work, man," he said. Cody's back muscles were stone-solid, he noted. "I've never been too good at video games."

"It's all about reflexes," Cody grinned. "Coach Sims says it's not really strength that wins football games: it's reflexes. Fast reflexes."

"Oh, I think strength has a little to do with it. Bet you're hard to bring down."

"Depends on who nails me," Cody said. "Hey! How good do you have to be to play football at State?"

"Damn good, I think, for varsity, at least. Yoiu doing well in high school?"

"Damn right. We almost went to state, but Glen's knee went out. Our best wide receiver. Sort of threw the team off, you know?"

Steve nodded. "Bummer," he said. "My sport is spectating, I guess." He smiled.

"Can't do it without fans," Cody laughed. "You need an audience."

And then, it was time for bed. After the usual nighttime rituals--brushing teeth, taking a last piss, and--in Cody's case--fifty quick pushups, they climbed into bed. Cody fell asleep almost immediately, and Steve lay next to him, staring at the boy's powerful chest, fighting the urge to touch it. He watched, waited until Cody was snoring, then lightly rested his hand on the boy.

Cody awoke almost instantly. "Sorry man," he said. "I was wondering if something like this might happen, but...not interested. I'll sleep on the floor."

"You don't have to--It's your bed! I'll sleep on the floor!"

"Nope! You're the guest. Don't worry about it!" And before Steve could answer, Cody had slipped off the bed and, pillow in hand, grabbed a blanket that had been hanging on the footboard and set himself up on the floor. "Night! See you in the morning."

As Cody settled in, he wondered what it was, that queers were always making moves on him. Mister Lance, at the hardware store. Eddie and Hansel at school. Now, this guy. "Do I give off some kind of queer vibe?" he worried, and dropped off to sleep, wondering.

Gazing at Cody's moonlit form from above, Steve's eyes did what his fingers, lips, tongue could not.

After a light breakfast of French toast, cereal, bacon, hash browns, orange juice and coffee, Diane's father stood up. "Got a list for you." He handed a piece of paper to Cody. "And whatever Diane needs."

"Yessir," Cody smiled. "I already got her list."

"And get some more orange juice and dish soap, too," Diane said to Cody, while her father walked out of the house. "Take Steve along, why don't you? Give him a chance to see the town."

Cody hesitated for a second, and looked at Steve. "Okay. If he wants to."

"Or he can stay here and help me with laundry," Diane laughed. "You guys get out of here so I can work!"

Steve and Cody climbed into the pick-up truck and pulled out of the yard. They were silent as Cody turned onto the road and headed for the state highway.

"Those all yours?" Steve asked, staring at the fir trees flashing by.

"Yep. Gonna take those first couple rows out next year. Three, maybe. Depends on how tall folks want them. Dad says there's not nearly as much demand for the really tall ones, any more. Kinda sad."

"Well, houses are getting smaller. Ceilings getting lower, too."

"That's dumb. What's wrong with high ceilings? Keeps the summer heat down."

"Yeah, but they use more heat in the winter."

"Ceiling fans." Cody turned onto the state highway, and they were quiet for a while. Rhythmic shadows of trees and flashes of sunlight seemed almost hypnotic. Eventually, Steve made out a GasMart sign hovering above a collection of small buildings. "If you need a fill-up, I'll pay."

Cody glanced at the dashboard. "Should be okay. I'll keep that in mind for later in the week, though."

"Glad to help."

Suddenly, Cody pulled over. "Answer me something, okay? What's with the queer--whatever you call yourselves; what is it with you guys?"

"Gay, now. Gay's safe--won't offend anyone." Steve smiled. "What's with straight guys?"

Cody frowned. "Straight's the way it's supposed to be! You ever fucked a girl?"

"Twice. You ever fucked a guy?"

"Jacked off with a couple of guys when I was a kid, is all."

"Well," Steve smiled, "I tried girls, and I like guys better. Of course, I'm older than you, had more experience."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I've had girls and guys, you've only had girls."

"I guess," Cody growled, as he put the truck into gear, then put it back into neutral. "Haven't done that in a while, though," he announced. "Girls are all looking for husbands, these days. Nothing to do but my right-hand gal." He grabbed his crotch to demonstrate.

"Better than nothing," Steve agreed. "Look--about, you know, last night. About that. I didn't mean to--"

"You were just hoping I'd sort of sleep through a grope? It that it?" Cody challenged.

"You ever see a pair of tits you wanted to grope?"

"You calling my pecs tits?" Cody said, astonished, and with a hint of anger.

"No! It's just...You have a really good-looking chest." Steve wanted to bite his tongue off.

"Thanks, I guess." The two of them sat quietly for a few seconds, staring through the windshield. "Beat the shit out of someone who tried that. I mean, I would."

"Just saying 'No, thanks,' should do it. Like you did last night."

"But...why do the gays...why do you gays do that, just try to...you know?"

"Did you ever make a pass at a girl you didn't know?"

"I'm not a girl!" Cody snapped.

"Didn't say you were. Hell, if you were like that, I never would have..."

"Diane'd have a fit. She wants to get into your pants, I bet."

"Maybe--I don't know." Steve smiled. "I don't want her in mine." Catching the beginning of a frown on Cody's face, he quickly added, "Why spoil a good friendship?"

Cody was silent as he drove the truck into town, and as they gathered the stuff on the list. He managed to slip behind a skid of fertilizer so he could watch Steve talk to Mister Lance, just to see if something happened. He wasn't surprised when Mister Lance went out of his way to show Steve around, leaving the other customers to Mister Munson, the owner.

"Nice guy, huh?" Cody said to Steve as the truck pulled onto the street. "Mister Lance?"

"The red-haired guy? Yeah." Steve leaned back on the seat, the hint of a smile flickering on his lips.

Cody spent the next two days working as much as he could with his father. He wanted to ask his dad if he'd ever been approached by one of them, and what he'd done, but he didn't dare.

It happened on the third night. The moon was full, and Steve was staring out of Cody's bedroom window, awed by the stars that seemed to fill the clear night sky.

"Hey! Steve!" Cody's voice whispered behind him.


"You want to suck my cock?"


"I'll let you suck my cock. You got to get on your knees and keep your hands off, though, okay?"

"You sure?" Steve turned from the window and watched Cody slide out of bed and stand. "Looks like you're awake down there!" he said, nodding at Cody's impressive erection. "Something's up!"

Cody sighed. "Shit, man. I jack off, almost every night. Sometimes twice, even. But I wasn't going to do it while you--you know?" He took a step forward and Steve was frozen by the look in Cody's eyes. "But after you...I got to thinking why the hell not, you know? It's not like it's going to kill me, and you want it, right?"

Steve nodded. "Admitted. I wouldn't dream of hurting you!"

"You wouldn't have a chance!" Cody braced himself against his dresser, arms crossed, the muscles in his upper arms bulging.

"Obviously," Steve said, suddenly worried. Was this some sort of setup?

"Okay, I'm ready." Moonlight struck again, turning Diane's brother into a Greek god in tee-shirt and boxer shorts.

"No," Steve thought. "No setup." Not something that beautiful. "Just relax, man. Let me do the work."

As Steve dropped to his knees and crawled over to him, Cody dropped his boxers. Steve reached out his tongue and circled the head of Cody's cock, then ran it down the underside to the balls. Cody jumped.

"Sorry!" Steve said, pulling back.

"It's all right--I just wasn't expecting it--my balls, I mean."

Steve leaned back on his haunches. "If I do anything that...you know, that you don't like, just say so."

"You better believe that! Stop chatting and start licking," Cody said, eagerly.

"Yes, Sir!" Cody's dick was actually a little thinner than his own, but it was as rigid as flesh can be. And long. Definitely long; longer than his. Steve licked his lips as he moved to Cody's cock, then began sucking his way down the shaft, teasing it with his tongue. After a few strokes, he slid his mouth off of the shaft and turned his attention once again to Cody's balls.

"Yeah," Cody hissed. "Do my balls!" The feeling seemed to be sending electric shocks through him.

"Gladly," Steve thought. He knew he had one chance to convince Cody that he was at least a suitable alternative to a girl, and he was glad the boy was vocal. He worked Cody's balls a bit longer, then returned to his cock.

Suddenly: "Sit by the bed!"

"Huh?" Steve said, baffled.

"Go sit on the floor against the bed! I want to fuck your mouth against the bed!" Cody's voice was sharp now, deeper. As soon as Steve was in position, Cody straddled his body, trapping Steve's arms at his sides. He pressed his cock against Steve's lips. "Open up!"

Steve did, and Cody's rod drove deep into his mouth. Again and again the rigid cock slammed into his throat. "Take it, cocksucker!" Cody whispered, sharply. "Make me feel good!" Steve pressed his lips as tightly as he could to the boy's shaft, pulled his cheeks in, worked his tongue against the bottom of the pole. "Oh yeah, cocksucker, take it all!" Cody panted. At last, he grabbed Steve's head and pulled it into his crotch, and wave after wave of cum burst from his cock. Steve's own cock was aching for attention, but with his arms pinned against his body by Cody's thighs, there was nothing he could do. He felt the boy's cock begin to soften, felt his hands releasing their grip on his head. Cody stepped back, and Steve grabbed his own cock. "Hey! That's creepy!"


"I don't want to watch you jerk off!"

"Okay. If you don't want to--"

"Take your hands off your cock, dammit!" There might have been a hint of panic in Cody's voice.


"Listen up, cocksucker! Don't you dare cum in my bedroom!" The words tumbled out, rushing from Cody's mouth. He grabbed Steve's hair and pulled.

Steve instinctively released his cock and reached for Cody's hands. "Okay, Cody! Okay!"

"Why'd you want to cum, anyway? Isn't my cock good enough for you? Didn't I fuck you long enough? What's the deal?"

"What're you talking about?"

"Girls cum when guys fuck them! So you should, too!"

"But I--"

"You know what? I'm going to keep fucking you until you cum--no hands!"

"Okay," Steve replied, with a touch of skepticism. Cody, he thought, was like a spirited horse who needed careful tending.

"You think I can't?"


"Open up!" "Already?" Steve thought. But there was Cody's cock, apparently reloaded. Steve willingly obeyed.

Cody's second round was not as aggressive. He seemed to be taking his time, experimenting, exploring. "Balls! Suck on my balls again!" he commanded.

Steve slid his lips along the underside of Cody's shaft, then parted them to embrace his nuts. Cody's balls were big enough to fill his mouth. He worked them with his tongue as well as he could, though, and heard Cody sigh.

"Oh, yeah, love my nuts, cocksucker," the boy whispered. "That's so fucking hot!" He felt his second load gathering, but hesitated to give up the pleasure he was receiving. He held off as long as possible, until "Damn!" he said at last. "Take it, baby! Take my load!"

Steve barely managed to get Cody's cock into his mouth before it shot. "How the fuck can he do this?" Steve asked himself, as he felt the boy's load pumping into him. "Not that I'm complaining," he added. If this went on much longer, he might actually do what Cody wanted and just squirt all over the floor. At last, the boycock began to soften. Steve sucked the last few drops from it as Cody stepped back. "Please, Cody! Please, man--let me work my cock! I'm so hot--"

"No, cocksucker! I told you what's supposed to happen! Lie down, on your back!"

Steve scrambled to do as he was told, lying on top of the comforter Cody had been using.

Cody promptly knelt, one knee on each side of Steve's head, and dropped his balls onto Steve's face. "Work them real gentle. Make my little jewels feel good!"

"Cody's going to make someone very, very happy," Steve thought as he tongued the boy's nutsack. He could smell Cody's butt crack, feel the warmth of it, and he suddenly wanted desperately to lick the boy's asshole. "Hey, Cody?"

"What? You're supposed to be sucking on my balls!"

"Move forward a little bit. I want to do something I think you'll like."

"Okay," Cody said, and then gasped as Steve's tongue began tickling his taint. "Shit, man! What are you..." The question dissolved into a moan. Steve reached around Cody and gently massaged the boy's ass, carefully guiding it forward and spreading it until, a few minutes later, his tongue touched the edge of the boy's asshole. Cody responded with a moan that turned to a gasp, and then a squeak that became a sigh. "Oh, fuck," he whispered. "Don't stop! Don't you ever fucking stop that!" He shifted a bit further forward and Steve's tongue rewarded him by circling the hole, then working its way to the center. "Oh, God! You're magic, man. I never--oh, shit!" And the boy lifted his body, spun around, and plunged into Steve's mouth, shooting once more.

In turning his body, Cody had bumped his ankle against Steve's painfully stiff cock, and the effect was immediate: Steve's cock began to shoot into the open air, and cum rained down on both of them. For a while, Cody's crotch stayed against Steve's face, the pulse of his third orgasm fading. At last, he slowly raised himself off and sat on the bed. "Did you shoot?" he asked, in amazement, although the answer was rolling slowly down his back.

"You did it, man--you brought me off without either of us touching my cock!"

"Told you I could!"

"Cody? Nobody ever did that before!"


"I swear. Nobody."

Cody stood and grabbed a tee shirt out of his laundry hamper. "Pretty good, then, huh?"

"Damn good." He watched Cody wipe cum from his body, watched shadows play across it in the moonlight. Why couldn't the moon be like this back at school, dammit?

Cody tossed the shirt to Steve and jumped into bed.

Steve wiped himself off and crawled to the edge of the bed, his face almost touching Cody's hip. "Cody?"


"Can I just touch your chest?"

"Give me your hand." Steve brought his hand up, and Cody took it. He began using it to stroke his chest. "Like this? Like sort of a rubdown?"

"Yeah," Steve said. "You know, I think you're the hottest man I've ever...met, I guess."

"I kind of was pretending you were a girl, you know."

"That's okay! I've got...you know, in some cultures guys...See, if you don't have condoms and you don't want to make a baby, some guys fuck their wives in their mouths. Or...behind."


"You know. In the butthole."

"You want to--" Cody's hand stopped, and gripped Steve's painfully.

"I would like you to fuck me in the butt. I think you'll like it."

"You want me to fuck your asshole?"

"Yeah. If you want to, I mean. Just to...like an experiment, sort of."

"My cock could never fit in your asshole! Could it?"

"You'd be surprised. Admitted, it is pretty big. Pretty fucking big!" Steve smiled. He'd never met a man who didn't like to have his cock praised.

"Let me think about it. Tomorrow, maybe."

"Okay," Steve replied, and yawned.

Cody yawned an answer. "I should let you get some sleep, huh?"

"You stay on the bed. It's your bed, after all!"

"Maybe..." Cody adjusted his pillow and shifted to his side, facing Steve. "I guess...there's enough room." He watched Steve lie down. "G'night," he murmured.

"Good night," Steve replied. Moonlight filled the room. Steve carefully turned to his side. Just in case.

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