Damned Teen Wolf Diaries

By socrazii92

Published on Mar 18, 2016



Chapter 4: Three and The Snake/Maybe, Maybe Not

(Jeremy POV)

It's been 2 weeks since my last encounter with Kol. I don't know what happened to him but he just disappeared. It's not like I miss him or anything but I just find it odd after what happened. To make things worse somehow Connor got loose so now I can't find out anything else about the mark. On the flipside since Kol disappeared, Matt and I have been getting closer. We actually had our first actual date that didn't end up in my bed or my bathroom. We were able to sit and really talk about us. Just thinking about it brings me back to that moment...

(10 days ago)

Matt- Jeremy look, I know we agreed to avoid a relationship and I'm cool with that but I can't just half ass this anymore

Me- I know Matt and I'm sorry I've been so selfish about everything

Matt- Jeremy I...

Me- No let me finish. It's not cool for me to just drag you along for fun knowing that you have feelings for me. I can't keep ignoring how you feel so I want to make it up to you

Matt- Oh really? How so

Me- Your feelings are contagious. So instead of ignoring what I've been feeling ever since we started talking, I want to embrace it

Matt- Wait a minute, is that your twisted way of trying to say you want to be exclusive

Me- Yea

Matt- Well uh you know I'm just a dumb blonde jock so you might have to be a little more direct

Me- Oh come on you're gonna make me ask you now

Matt- Well I asked the first time so it's definitely your turn

Me- Ok fine. Matt Donovan, I'm insanely in love with you and it would really be nice if you would be my boyfriend

Matt- Hmm I'd have to think about it

Jeremy punched Matt in the shoulder causing them to both laugh...

Matt- Of course

(Back to the present)

Finally I've come to my senses. No more rendezvous with Kol, no more teasing from Damon, and Connor was definitely the long shot outta the equation. Matt and I didn't waste anytime going public with our relationship. Of course no one had a problem with it. If anything it actually brought us all a bit closer together. Everybody was hanging out more and getting to really know each other, even the wolves who were always distant, started hanging around us whenever they weren't on patrols. Everybody was beginning to get worried though, Caroline and Alaric still haven't come back from trying to find Elena. No one was able to get in touch with them. Then Bonnies cousin got put into a coma from who knows. Then outta nowhere James, and Jamie disappeared. A few days ago Alice was going frantic over some vision she had about her boyfriend Jasper being stopped in his tracks on his way here. Edward and Emmett went to track him down, somehow yesterday only Emmett made it back. So while Matt and I were fresh on our high, things were getting out of hand. We tried to get Bonnie to see what she can find out but she refuses to leave Dorians side until he awakens. Somehow she feels responsible for him but I guess since he is her blood he's just as important to her as we are. Damon called an emergency meeting at his house. Hopefully he figured out what the hell is going on. I tried to wake Matt but I guess since he had to close the grill down by himself last night he's deserves to get some rest. Having already took a shower I threw on a pair of dark blue jeans, a gray v-neck, and my black converse. Then I kissed Matt on the lips and walked out to my car. The drive to Damon's was a short one. Walking into the huge boarding house, everybody was waiting in the den. Everybody was either really worried looking or sort of scared...

Me- What's up with the emergency meeting

Damon- Well we're dropping like flies, and I need to know what everybody here knows so we can avoid losing anymore people

Me- Well I can't tell you anything

Emmett- I swear I caught a scent. It was a older man, 2 younger men, and a snake. I followed it all the way to the Young farm and then nothing

Derek- Same with the wolves. The scent will be strong for a few minutes then once we think we've found it, it just disappears like it never was there

Stefan- We need Bonnie. Clearly we're dealing with witches

Me- She won't leave Dorians side

Damon- So somebody switch her places and tell her to get her ass here

Me- Damon you know Bonnie isn't just gonna leave here cousin in the hospital alone

Damon- That's easy. Tyler can do it

Tyler- Woah, Damon come on I'm one of the strongest here, you need me

Damon- Yes but we need Bonnie even more. Besides the kid's infatuated with you, something tells me seeing you there would make him happier than seeing Bonnie anyway

Tyler- Wait do you smell that

Stefan- Smells like

Jacob- Wolf blood

Everybody hopped up and ran out front. I saw everybody frozen with shock as they stood staring at whatever was in the front yard. I made my way to the front and was instantly disgusted. All of the wolves and Tyler dropped to their knees as we come out to find at least 13 of the Guerra wolves impaled on spears shaped in a star. Everyone was taken completely frozen...

Mason- We need to find who did this

Edward- At least now I'm sure it was a witch

Jacob- How would you know that

Edward- Because something like this would take lots of thoughts. I would've been able to hear their thoughts. I can't read a witches thoughts

Derek- And you're sure Bonnie will be able to find them

Damon- Magic leaves a trail. She'll be able to track it

Mason- Tyler let's go

Scott- Where are you going we can just leave them like this

Mason- We're not. I'm gonna take Tyler to the hospital so we can get Bonnie. Then when I get back with her, we're gonna find the son of a bitch who did this and make him pay

Mason and Tyler got into his truck and pulled off. The wolves collectively started taking the wolves off the spears. Alice, Stefan, and Emmett tried to track down a scent to at least see if the witches would slip up. Stiles and Danny both stood next to me and Damon watching as the wolves had to remove their own kind from spears...

Me- Damon

Damon- Yea

Me- Be honest, do you think we're all gonna make it though this

Damon- Jeremy, I'd be lying if I said I thought you have nothing to worry about but until Akasha is dead, nobodies safe

Stiles- You know you have the most interesting way of inspiring confidence

Damon- Calm down. You're human. You guys always make it outta the hairy situations

Me- Seriously Damon, are we safe

Damon- That's a dumb question Jeremy. We're never safe

Me- So can you train us

Damon- Train you

Me- Yes. You guys can do all this amazing stuff to defend yourselves while we're completely vulnerable

Stiles- We? What is this we thing

Me- If I'm not mistaken you're both human. We have to be able to defend ourselves out here

Damon- I could just turn you

Me- You know I don't wanna be a vampire

Damon- Ok fine. Be here 6:30 tomorrow morning

Stiles- Sorry that's not gonna work for me

Damon- (Shows his veins and fans)

Stiles- On second thought 6:30 is perfect

Me- And can I talk to you in private

Damon- Jeremy I can't fuck you right now

Me- (Punching him in the arm) Damon, I really need your help

Damon- Fine

I followed Damon up to his room. Knowing we're alone didn't help and it suddenly became hard for me to speak. I guess I feel embarrassed...

Damon- Jeremy? Earth to Jeremy, you alright

Me- Oh sorry I just got caught up in my thoughts

Damon- Really? I'm surprised you think that much

Me- Damon stop

Damon- Oh come on you know I love teasing you a little

Me- A little

Damon- Ok maybe a bit more than a little

Me- Just maybe

Damon- Jeremy what the hell do you wanna talk to me about

Me- Ok just don't tell anybody. (Shows him the mark)

Damon- Oh my god

Damon grabbed my arm so hard I thought he was gonna rip my arm off...

Me- Ow Damon be easy

Damon- Jeremy who the hell did this to you

Me- So you know what it is

Damon- Do I? I've given out more of these then you can imagine

Me- Then you know how to get rid of it

Damon- Who gave it to you

Me- Kol, ok. He came to see me after the party a few weeks ago and some things happened

Damon- Jeremy, you can't get rid of it. These marks were intended to be just as eternal as us

Me- But Connor said that it can

Damon- And you assumed he was telling the truth

Me- He said that if I killed Kol it would go away

Damon- No it doesn't work like that, or at least not exactly

Me- So how does it work

Damon- It's like being sired without actually turning. You're gonna do everything he says and resisting will literally kill you

Me- But I resisted him in the woods

Damon- No over time. If Kol told you to do something and you didn't, your body will become harder and harder to function. Then you won't be able to move. Then slowly your blood stops flowing and you turn into ash

Me- Theirs gotta be a way to get rid of this. Magic always has a loophole

Damon- I think there's one but I know you won't like it

Me- What is it

Damon- You gotta die Jeremy

Me- What that's not a loophole, that's a cop out

Damon- You don't get it Jere. You have to die then come back

Me- What? No, you mean

Damon- Yes Jeremy. You're gonna have to become a vampire to get rid of that mark

Me- No. No, no, no, no, their has to be another way

Damon- Sorry Jere

I couldn't believe it. All the time I spent trying to avoid becoming a vampire and now it's the only way to save my life. Just as things were getting good it had to all go to shit. I must've been stupid thinking that I could actually have a long happy life with Matt outside of all this craziness. I looked at the mark and my mind was detracted by the sudden appearance of a strange tattoo that appeared on the palm of my hand...

Me- What is this

Damon- (Looks at Jeremy's hand) What are you taking about

Me- You're telling me you can't see the tattoo

Damon- What tattoo

Damon looked at me funny...

Damon- Are you smoking weed again

Me- What? No. Can you really not see this tattoo

Damon- I don't see a thing

Me- Oh shit. It's like Connors

Damon- Like Connors what

Me- His tattoo. I was the only one who could see his tattoo

Damon- So you think it's supernatural

Me- What else could out be? We have to go see a professional or an expert or something

Damon- I know exactly where to find one

I followed Damon back outside and Mason had just pulled up with Bonnie. She got out of the car and she didn't look happy at all...

Bonnie- Damon, what was so important that you couldn't just call and ask over the phone

Damon- Well I actually need a big favor and a small one

Bonnie- If it involves magic, then no. Ever since Dorian has been out my magic is weak. I can do small things but nothing too elaborate

Damon- Look all I need is to see if you can track down this new mysterious presence that can't seem to stop attacking our people

Bonnie- What? Who's been attacked

Me- It's actually quite a list

Damon- They used some type of cloaking spell to keep us from sensing them. I figured that type of spell might be able to be tracked

Bonnie- I can't track it if it was powerful enough to block all of your senses but I might be able to do something else

Damon- Well what is it

Bonnie- I could try regular tracing them. Did they use their magic on anything or anyone

Me- Whoever they were managed to kill 13 wolves

Bonnie walked over to the row of wolf corpses and held out her hands...

Bonnie- Inveniere potencia reparon malifica. Inveniere potencia reparon malifica

While Bonnie continued the spell, the wolf corpses went up in flames. Strangely they weren't actually burning. The fire then followed a specific trail making a line. Instantly the wolves phased and followed the trail as Bonnie stopped the chant...

Stiles- Wow. That's so cool

Damon- Yea. I thought you said your magic was weak

Bonnie- It was. I don't know how it worked so fast

Me- So now can we get to my problem

Bonnie- What else

Damon- Yea I almost forgot. We need you to take us to that creepy professor guy who you've been exercising your magic with

Bonnie- Why what does he have to to do with this

Damon- Absolutely nothing. But he might be able to help with Jeremy's personal problem

Bonnie- Ok. He's at his office for about another hour before his next class

Damon- Perfect. I'll drive

Danny- What are we supposed to do

Damon- Wait here and try not to burn down my house

Those were Damon's final words before we hopped into his car and took off. On the ride over Bonnie practically hassled me for the details on how I got the mate mark. Telling her was more embarrassing than telling Damon. When we pulled up at the school, we instantly made our way up to the office. Then when we busted in none of us were expecting to find Professor Shane receiving oral from someone who looked like a basketball player seeing how he was dressed in his sweats. All of us looked away as the student ran out and Professor Shane pulled his pants up...

Prof. Shane- Umm Bonnie, you should've called. I don't think we're scheduled for a session today

Bonnie- It was kind of an emergency

Prof. Shane- So what can I help you with

Me- This tattoo appeared on my hand but I'm the only one that can see it. The same thing happened when a vampire hunter showed up at one of our parties, but his tattoo was halfway up his forearm

Damon- Something tells me you know exactly what this is Professor

Prof. Shane- It's the brotherhood of the five. The tattoo isn't just a tattoo, it's a map

Me- Leading to what

Prof. Shane- That i don't know. I suppose you'll just have to finish it and find out

Me- Don't care about finishing it, I just wanna know why it's here

Prof. Shane- The brotherhood of the five was created by a witch to hunt down and kill the originals. Her fail safe? She made it so that anyone deemed worthy that should come into contact with a hunter, would become a potential so if the hunter failed, the potential would step up and complete the task

Damon- So if Jeremy supposedly has the mark then Connor...

Prof. Shane- Is most likely dead. Congratulations Jeremy, you're officially not a puny little human like me anymore

Bonnie- What's that supposed to mean

Prof. Shane- Hunters, well the five, are strong enough, fast enough, even smart enough to go toe to toe with a vampire and win

Me- So how does it affect this mate mark (Showing Prof. Shane his mark)

Prof. Shane- Oh. I'm not sure. It's in a hunters nature to kill vampires, and anyone with a mate mark tend to align with them. I'm not completely positive Jeremy but you could be the first to ever go through this. Being a hunter you'll have the urge to kill any vampire you come across, but the mark wants you to obey them to please them. If it's the mark of a masculine then maybe you may have the strength to resist it

Damon- And if it's marking him for a submissive little bitch

Prof. Shane- You'll being in a constant battle of fighting nature

Bonnie- And there's no way to get rid of either

Prof. Shane- Well being a hunter is natural as you're a witch, the mark however can be removed

Me- How

Prof. Shane- You have to kill the vampire who marked you, that simple

Damon- No, not that simple because not only is his vamp daddy an original but he's missing

Prof. Shane- Well maybe a certain Bennett witch can locate him for you. Shouldn't be hard with all the bodily fluid Mr. Gilbert has flowing through him. I'm assuming this original wasn't subtle

Me- Thanks

I stormed out of the office and I could hear Damon and Bonnies footsteps following me. Seriously, we came here for answers and got even more bad news. Why when good shit happens to me, a load of bullshit gets dumped on me? I hope Matt can somehow make it better...

(Emmett POV)

Alice, Stefan, and I were running through the woods trying to pick up any scent we could. When we smelled fire we were drawn to it. Oddly enough, once we found it, it was following in a straight path. We looked between each other, puzzled...

Me- What the hell kind of fire doesn't instant send this entire forest in flames

Stefan- Bonnie

Alice- It's a tracing spell, maybe it'll put us right on their trail

Me- Only one way to find out

Stefan and I ran along the flaming trail as Alice decided to hop from tree to tree to be sure that we weren't headed into a trap. As we proceeded the direction we were going seemed oddly familiar but I can't quite put my nose on it. Then we broke through the tree line and it came to me. We were on the Young farm property. Now I know it's no coincidence that we're here. Alice was now beside us and once we were close enough we stopped dead in our tracks. I could smell more bodies in the distance Edward, Jamie, Caroline, Alaric, even a faint whiff of Jasper. I looked over to Alice and she was hit with a vision. I watched as the fear grew in her eyes...

Alice- Oh no. We have to get out of here now

Stefan- Alice what'd you see

Alice- We have to go, now

For the first time I saw her run away. Unfortunately, it was too late. As the ringing in my brain started, I saw Alice tumble to the ground screaming as she held her head in agony. Stefan was next to drop down to his knees holding his head as blood began dripping from his eyes. I turned around and there they were. 3 men. I couldn't tell if they were Haitian or African but I knew it was then causing all the chaos and if this was my last moment, I wasn't going out without a bang. With every bit of energy I could muster up, I ran up to the middle one and grabbed his neck. He looked me dead in my face and brought me to my knees with his hand...

Papa Tunde- You are a strong one demon. But I'm afraid not strong enough

He pulled out a weird white knife and lightly pressed it to my chest. As soon as he pressed the tip in, he was distracted by a load growl. He looked up and I saw Jacob leap over me and right onto the witch. Then Scott, Seth, Jackson, and Mason jumped the other 2. Their screams filled my ears. I looked down at my chest and the knife was still there, then when I tried to grab it it disappeared into my chest with a pain that I've never experienced in my life. It was like the equivalent of being set on fire, stab with 1000 knives at once, shot with a mini gun, and having ever single body part dissected. This was the worst experience of my life. I could feel all the pain and still see everything going on around me, but I also couldn't move. I tried to fight the pain but for the first time in a long time something was stronger than me. Stefan, Alice, Jacob, and Seth surrounded me trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Then the pain became completely unbearable as I slipped into unconsciousness. It was obvious what the knife embedded in my chest was hexed. The pain it caused wasn't normal. But that was just the physical aspect of it. Now that I was unconscious it was time for the psychological pain and what other time of pain than the night I was turned...

(Back in 1935)

Back then when I was human, I lived like I was immortal and without consequence. I drank like their was no tomorrow, I gambled like I was the richest man alive (which I was far from), and boy did I love to fuck. Of course back then I was quite the ladies man. Their wasn't a single women in town I couldn't have if I wanted. Even the married ones would drop hints about when their husbands would be at work. Life was great and that night it took a complete 180. Word got out about my rendezvous with the town's women and a few of the fellas decided that it was time for a little payback. That night at the blackjack game, I had lost more then ever. I found out that they fixed the game on me. Then when I was outta money I was going to quit but then one of the guys made a bet that I couldn't refuse...

Guy- How about this? You win all your money, and possessions back if you pull the high card

Me- And if I lose

Guy- Well we'll work that part out

Now given the luck I've had with those kind of bets I thought "why not". Of course it was all planned. I pulled a 10 then the rest of the guys pulled out face card after face card. I couldn't believe I had lost to 10 guys at once. I watched as they all sported identical wicked grins. Everything in me wanted to hightail it outta there but I knew I had nowhere to go. They collectively lead me out of the bar and down the road in the west end of town. They led me into a barn and the last guy to come in locked it. Before I could ask what was going on, I was knocked out. When I began to stir awake my hands were bound above my head and I was standing surrounded by the guys while I was completely naked. The first guy to approach me held a homemade paddle in his hand...

Guy- So just because youse a handsome feller you think can just waltz through town fucking every piece of pussy we own huh. Oh you're gonna learn boy

He moved behind me and I felt his hand grab my ass. I could tell by the hungry looks in their eyes what was going on. It was sick revenge for what I had done. Reasoning with them was useless, my mouth wasn't gagged or anything but I knew talking them outta their weird way of revenge wasn't going to help. My only option was to keep my mouth shut and don't give them the satisfaction of hearing me scream in pain. That night changed me forever. They each took turns paddling me. It was 3 hits per dude. My ass stung with every swat, they marveled about how red my ass was, I even felt blood drip from an open cut on my ass. Then I heard them say something about a toy. I couldn't even imagine what he was talking about. Then one of then came in front of me holding what looked like a huge penis. I couldn't tell what it was made of but it was thick as fuck and longer than my own (which was 13in). They didn't even consider goin easy and rammed it up my tight virgin hole. They were going crazy at how much I was trying to jump away from it. I squirmed and jumped so much that eventually the beam the rope was tied to broke. I tried to hurry up and run but they wasted no time dog piling on top of me. They continued the sadistic assault on me hole with the toy. It ripped my insides open before disappearing then ripping them open again. I could feel blood flowing out of my ass as they continued humiliating me. Then just as I thought it was over with the removal of the toy, I heard a belt buckle coming undone. Tears filled my eyes as I pressed my face into the hay covered floor. I felt the dick shoot into my ass with ease. The small dick didn't do much pain but it still served it's purpose. I felt like a no good, used, 50 cent whore. Worst pain was when I realized I liked it. I actually enjoyed having another man ram his dick inside me. Of course I couldn't let that be known or else I'd be here all night. The each took turns fucking me into the barn floor then ejaculating all over my face. When they finished, they preceeded to kick my ass. The whirl of punches and kicks felt like nothing compared to the pain of earlier. Once they had enough, they spit and some even pissed all over me and left, leaving the barn door open for anyone to walk by and see. Wanting to just get away, I managed to get to my feet and hobble outta town and into the woods. I knew of a lake nearby that I could wash all of this filth away in. In the woods I struggled to stay on my feet. I was falling all over the place. I tried my best to keep quite knowing the dangers that are around but one misplaced step sent me tumbling down a hill and into a stream. I laid there, not wanting to move. The water covered my entire body and surrounded my face. It was cold, and I was alone with nothing but nature to keep me company. When I found the energy, I wiped my face clean. The water must've gave me away because once I got up on my feet, the bear attacked. As much as I wanted to fight for my life, there was no point. The bear had clawed away most of my chest and face. What scared him away? Carlisle. He killed the bear right before my head was his meal. That night I became a vampire...

(Back to the present)

I could faintly hear voices telling Danny to come on, and pull harder. Something good must be happening. I literally felt the knife being yanked from my torso as I sprang back to life. I was on the pool table and everyone was looking at me with concern...

Me- What

Edward- I could hear your thoughts the entire time Emmett

Jasper- And I could feel everything you felt

Edward- Emmett I'm sorry about what happened to you

Me- Look it's past alright. Those fuck heads got what they deserved in the end

Danny- (Getting up off the floor, with Tundes knife in hands) Well that was fun

Me- Danny

Edward- He was the only person who knew how to find the knife without ripping out anything else

Danny- A thank you would be...

Instantly cut him off with a kiss. Everybody went childish and "Awwed" while I enjoyed tasting his soft succulent lips. When our lips separated our foreheads were pressed together and we were looking each other eye to eye...

Me- How was that for a thank you

Danny- Good. Good. Pretty great actually..

I kissed him again then hopped of the table. Looking around I could see everybody who came up missing. Jasper & Edward was here, Jamie was going to town on a blood bag, Caroline & Alaric were both taking to Damon, the only one missing was James...

Me- Where's James

Edward- We found James' body in the barn with the rest of em

Me- The rest of who

Alice- The bodies. Those witches were drawing on vampires for magic. Their were hundreds of them in there

Me- And nobody thought to grabbed James

Edward- He's dead Emmett. James was dead already. How he got there, I don't know but he was there

Damn. James and I grew pretty close over the time we've been here. I never thought he'd just be dead like that out of nowhere...

Me- Did anybody else die

Alice- Except the witches, no

Me- Did they find Elena

Edward- No. They never even left town before that Tunde guy got a hold of them

Me- Did I miss anything else

Danny- Bonnies cousin woke up outta his coma

Me- Good maybe these witches can finally do what they're supposed to do

Jasper- Calm down Emmett

Alice- Yea that's not fair. The guy barely knows how to use his magic and Bonnie can only do so much on her own

Me- Yet we seem to be taking all the losses. The wolves just lost half of their pack, James gets killed without no one even noticing, what's next one of the humans get whacked next

Stiles- Umm guys. Somebody might wanna take a look at this

Again, everyone is outside. This time it's not wolves or vampires, it's the hunter. His head was on one spear, with his torso on another, and the rest of the limbs on separate spears...

Me- I thought Tunde was dead

Jacob- He is. I ripped that dudes head clean off

Damon- I believe now we're dealing with queen bitch

I spotted Danny slipping into the house. Since he first arrived I wanted to talk to him and seeing as how everyone else is outside now, this seems like the perfect time. I followed him into the den as he sat down. He just leaned back and took a few deep breaths. I sat next to him and he looked over at me with a weird look...

Me- What

Danny- Nothing. Today has just been a hell of a day

Me- You ok

Danny- Yea I guess. Why you worried about me all the sudden

Me- Shut up. I can't help the way you make feel

Danny- I make you feel some type of way

Me- Oh please. Don't try to act like you haven't been eyeing me since y'all first arrived. I'm just ok with being the first to admit it

Danny- And what exactly are you admitting

Me- That I think you're smart, funny, and sexy as hell. Oh and that you should let me take you out

Danny- Like on a date

Me- What else could I be taking about

Danny- Taking me out and sucking me dry

Me- Well I thought you'd be doing the sucking but I guess I could oblige

Both of them just stared at each other for a moment before erupting in laughter...

Danny- Alright. I guess I can let you take me on a date

Me- You said that like you were actually turn me down

Danny- Me, turn you down? Yea you must still be tripping from that knife. (Gets up and walks away) Oh and fyi, I like to do the sucking

I grinned hard as Danny did the same before walking out of the front door. Finally I did it. That was easier than I thought. He's so easy talk to. I thought I'd have a hard time moving on from Rosalie, who chose playing mommy to Reneesme over me. Turns out I still got it. Despite all that's happened today, Danny made it better and he doesn't even know it....

(Dorian POV)

I don't know how long I was out. Apparently, it was long enough for whoever found me to think I needed medical attention. I opened my eyes to see Tyler standing up by the window, arms folded across his chest, with a sleeveless shirt, and basketball shorts on, with a streak of sunlight draped perfectly down the left side of his face as he states out if the window into nothing...

Tyler- You know, it's not polite to stare

Me- Well being polite has never been my thing

Tyler- Ha, so how you feeling

Me- Ok I guess

Tyler- Well a nurse should be in here to check on you, then we'll be outta here

Me- How long have I been out? A few hours or sum'n

Tyler- A few hours? Dorian, you've been been I'm a coma for 2 weeks

Me- 2 weeks

Tyler- Yes. The doctor said you had something called thiopental in your blood. Oh and they said you might have head trauma since it was evident you were thrown dead smack into a tree. How'd you even get out there

Me- I drove Klaus' car. Then outta nowhere I hit this guy in the middle of the road. I tried to help him...no actually I did help him into the car then...

Tyler- Then what

Me- Akasha. She did this to me and I think she took Connor

Tyler- But that doesn't make any sense. Why wouldn't she take you if you're the one she's after

Me- Maybe she doesn't even know what she's looking for? I mean it's possible right? If she can't find me than there is certainly a reason

Tyler- Well at least there's good news

Me- Maybe we can use it against her

Tyler- How would we do that

Me- Lure her into a trap. If she doesn't know who she's looking for we can maybe send out a decoy and when she comes after it, we kill her

Tyler- You make it sound easy

Me- It's just an idea

Tyler- Well maybe we can talk about it with the others and figure sum'n out

Me- Sounds like a plan. So where's Jake

Tyler- Woah now you're worried about Jake

Me- No. I just thought with everything going on he wouldn't wanna leave your side

Tyler- (Laughs) I can take care of myself. Plus they need him to help with the witches

Me- What witches

Tyler- I don't exactly know

Me- Oh

Tyler- But I do have a question for you though

Me- What

Tyler- When were you gonna tell me you were crushing on me

I got so tongue tied it was crazy. Who even told him that...

Me- Umm, I kinda wasn't

Tyler- Why not? We live together and we share a bathroom

Me- Well you have Jacob and I didn't wanna make either of you uncomfortable

Tyler- How though? We've barely even talk to each other

Me- The Klaus thing. I know it wasn't you but it was your body

Tyler- So you have a crush on my body

Me- This has to be the most awkward conversation I've ever had

Tyler- Na. It's not that bad. Just think of what it's going to be like when you have to tell Klaus

Me- Actually he knows

Tyler- When did you tell him

Me- 2 weeks ago I guess. He kept coming onto me but I resisted him. Then he kept teasing me about it

Tyler- Well at least you might not have to face him again

Me- Why

Tyler- Oh he's gone. All the originals are. We don't know where but at least their outta our hair

Me- I still find all the horrible things you guys say about Klaus hard to believe

Tyler- Well believe it. Trust me he's not a good guy. He may not be 100% against us but he's definitely not with us

Me- I get it. Besides I don't trust anybody 100% anyway

Tyler- Smart

Me- Mmm, sometimes

Tyler- And just for future reference, you having a crush on my body isn't a problem

Me- Really

Tyler- I mean I do have a boyfriend so what does it matter

Klaus- (Standing by the door) Sure it'll matter to Jacob though

Me- Klaus

Tyler- What are you doing here

Klaus- Oh please Tyler do calm down. I'm simply here because I heard a certain little witch has awaken and I wanted to make sure he was ok

Me- I'm fine

Klaus- Why yes you certainly are. Makes me wonder why young Lockwood would choose such a boring, brooding wolf over you

Tyler- Leave my love life outta this

Klaus- Well technically for a few months it was my love life as well so I may bring it up as I please

Me- Klaus what are you really doing here

Klaus- Things may be getting a little nasty in Mystic Falls soon. Which is why my family and I have decided to blow this little coup and go down to New Orleans. Jazz, Food, Culture, a really vibrant place. I was thinking you'd like to accompany me

Is he serious? He wants to drag me down to New Orleans with him out of the blue...

Me- Klaus, even if I wanted to I can't. I can't just leave all these people up here fighting for me and run away

Klaus- Which is exactly why you should come. If the queen is looking for you here, then why stay

Tyler- He just said...

Klaus- I don't believe I was addressing you

Me- I can't. Not right now. Maybe after, I can come and see you

Klaus- Your heart beat says otherwise. Tell you what, I'll give you a week. Think about it

With that he placed a soft kiss on my lips. Then he was gone. I looked over at Tyler and he looked pissed...

Tyler- Dorian he's not a good guy

Me- I know but he obviously cares about me

Tyler- No he cares about your power. He always does this. When things go south he rallies his troops and get outta dodge

Me- For somebody who doesn't give a damn about me you sure speak like you do

Tyler- I never said I didn't care about you

Me- Tyler you can't stand there and act like it's not a good plan though

Tyler- What? You actually want to join the psychopathic asshole who've tried to kill all of us at least once? On what planet does that sound like a good plan

Me- Obviously Klaus is attracted to me. Even if it's just for my power. Now if he did all this stuff to try and kill you guys, think of what he'll do to protect me

Tyler- But..

Me- No buts. With Klaus is probably the safest place for me

Tyler- We have way more numbers

Me- But he has more experience. Who knows what assets he could also have in New Orleans

Tyler- So you're gonna just leave us up here to fight your battle then

Me- My battle? I didn't ask to have some old ass vampire/witch lady after my life. Neither did I ask to be a witch

Tyler- I didn't ask to be turned into a hybrid or a werewolf for that matter but I'm dealing with it. You, have to deal with it

Me- No I'm choosing to deal with it. Just because I'm considering leaving doesn't mean I'm not dealing with it

Tyler- But you don't have to leave. You don't need him to protect you, you got all of us. You don't have to go anywhere

Me- Why do you want me to stay so bad

Tyler- You know what, I don't even know. (Walking out of the room) Find your own way home

Me- No problem

I'm so confused. One second he's telling me my feelings mean nothing to him, the next he's flipping out because I'm considering Klaus' offer. I mean the guy is hot but definitely not worth the headache. As I laid there contemplating my next move, Dr. Fell walked in with my belongings and my release papers. I signed them even though I'm sure I'm not even old enough too. She gave me my things with a prescription for any headaches or things like that. When she left I threw on my clothes and walked out of the hospital. As soon as I was prepared to walk I saw Bonnie pulled up. I lit up with excitement and instantly ran to her car then go in. She reached over pulled me into a hug...

Bonnie- Oh my god I'm so happy you're ok

Me- Thanks. Are you ok

Bonnie- Yea I'm fine. Professor Shane has been helping practice some new magic

Me- So I get to learn new magic

Bonnie- Actually no. I don't think I should teach it to you until you master spirit magic

Me- Well you got any new spells for me to learn

Bonnie- Just keep practicing the ones I gave you already

Me- So what did I miss

Bonnie- Not much. The new pack arrived to help keep an eye out for Akasha, the originals aren't a problem anymore

Me- Klaus just came to see me

Bonnie- Really

Me- Yea. He asked me to go to New Orleans with him. Crazy right

Bonnie- Yea but not a bad idea. I mean if he wanted you to come then it's likely you'll be protected 24/7

Me- So you think I should go

Bonnie- Yes and no. Yes because you'll have protection. No because then I'd lose my new awesome to a sociopathic original hybrid who've tried to kill me before

Me- So in other words I should think about it

Bonnie- I would

Me- So where are you taking me

Bonnie- Home. I have something I need to go take care of

Me- Advanced witch business

Bonnie- Something like that

Me- And I'm guessing you don't need any help

Bonnie- Well we're bound together by these rings so if I need help you'll feel it

Me- What kind of rings are they

Bonnie- They're Gemini rings. Normally worn by siblings. Spelled by a witch, they can be used to channel and exchange vision with another witch

Me- So if someone were to stab me or something

Bonnie- I'd feel it. It wouldn't kill me but I'd feel the pain

Me- And vice versa...

Bonnie- Yes which is why we should be careful while wearing them

Me- Got it

Bonnie- Now what's this I hear about you and Jamie going out

Me- Well we were supposed to go out on a date but I've apparently been in a coma for 2 weeks so I have no clue as to what is supposed to be happening with that

Bonnie- Well do you like him

Me- I don't know. He's cute and that's all I know

Bonnie- Well Jamie is a really good guy. I had to physically remove him from the hospital to get him to go to school so he definitely has a thing for you

Me- Well I'll definitely reschedule our date

Bonnie- So you're completely over Tyler

Me- No not at all. Oddly enough, he got mad when I was considering leaving with Klaus

Bonnie- Why

Me- I don't know. It was so weird. One minute he tells me he doesn't care about my crush on him then the next he's lashing out because I think Klaus' offer would be a good idea

Bonnie- Well Tyler really isn't the best at communicating his emotions. Maybe he does have some type of affection towards you

Me- Well it's nothing but a crush anyway plus he has Jacob

Bonnie- Yea you're right. You don't wanna be a home wreaker

Me- I do wish he'd just tell me whatever he feels though. It'll be a hell of a lot easier

Bonnie- Well maybe you two can talk it out

Realizing we had arrived at the Lockwood Mansion I have Bonnie a hug and got out of the car. Since their wasn't a car around I assumed the house was empty. Walking in my assumption was correct. I figured that a hot shower was I'm order. When I opened the door to my room I was startled by the person who waited on my bed for me...

Me- I thought you left town

Klaus- I was but I couldn't help but stick around to listen what Tyler would have to say about my offer. Honestly I'm not surprised by his outburst. Tyler has never liked me and I doubt he ever will, even though i cured him of his wretched werewolf curse you'd think he'd be more thankful

Me- So what are you doing here

Klaus- Just wanted to see you before I actually do leave

Me- Well you've seen me. Now if you'll excuse me I need to shower

Klaus- I can join you if you like

Me- No thanks

Klaus- You have a strange way of saying no, sounds a lot like a yes

Of course I was just kidding. A shower with Klaus would be pretty amazing, I imagine. He must've saw clear through my little white lie because instead of jumping out the window, he moved closer and closer to me until we were face to face. The desire burned bright between us both. He placed his hand on my chin and tilted it up as he slowly pressed his lips to mine. The kiss we shared sparked with passion as I closed the small space between us. He lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist, while I threw my hands around his neck. I could feel my hard on growing due to the friction with his abs. Our lips never separated as he walked us into the bathroom and turned on the shower. His hands crept up the back of my shirt, lifting it higher as he caressed the smooth skin of my back. I threw my hands in the air as he pulled off my shirt, briefly breaking up our kiss. He attacked my neck with his lips. For a moment I thought he was about to feed on me but the sweet kisses he placed along my collar bone was all too reassuring. He had me pinned against the wall, eyes rolling to the back of my head with his soft lips making contact with any skin he could get them on. Then he sucked on my neck, determined to mark me as his, while I clawed away at his clothed back. I started to pull his shirt up his back and when it was as far as it could go he pulled back and allowed me to yank it off. Finally I was able to see his naked torso. His lean build certainly helped with his muscle definition. Our bodies were very similar,only my muscles was slightly more defined. He finally let me down and started to unbutton my jeans. I unbuttoned his as well, eager to see the piece of pipe he was packing. With both of our pants unbuttoned he embraced me and started teasing my ear as his hands caressed my back down to the waistband of my briefs. He slid his hands right inside my briefs and palmed both of my ass cheeks...

Klaus- Mmm. So soft. Tell me do you wish for me to take it slow or shall I plow you into the wall like I did the first time

Me- I don't know. I'll let you decide

I pushed him away then turned around and dropped my pants with my briefs, then got in the shower leaving my exposed ass on display for him...

Me- So what do you wanna do to it

He vamped behind me and I felt his hard on slap my ass...

Klaus- How about I show you

I was expecting him to ram it inside me but what I felt was so much better. He pulled apart my ass and licked from the top of my ass down to my hole then forced his tongue inside. I couldn't help but moan with the intense pleasure he was giving me. He rotated his tongue inside me making sure to lick every single spot he could reach. In addition to eating my ass he grabbed my hard dick and stroked it. Klaus had me arching my ass to grant him as much of my ass he desired. I couldn't wait for him to fuck me now. He French kissed my tight hole like a hungry wolf. When he finally stood up behind me he kissed me right on the mouth allowing me to taste my own juices. What I didn't know was that he was aiming his huge dick for my hole. When he started to rub his head up and down my ass crack, I reached back and spread them for him. His dick head rested against my hole as he gripped the back of my head and deepened the kiss. I felt him pushing inside me slowly which caused me to moan into his mouth. His dick felt at least an inch wider than Tyler's inside me. When he pushed in a few more inches I almost screamed out but with him kissing me it wasn't possible. He must've started getting impatient because when he started to push in some more he didn't stop. I was moaning and groaning into his mouth as he penetrated my tight ass. Having not seen his dick before, I couldn't tell when it was almost over. The penetration felt like it took way too long. When he finally was completely buried inside me, I swore I felt him in my stomach. He wrapped his right hand around my dick and stroked to match his pace. His hand other hand was toying with my nipple. Soon enough the pleasure took over and it was the best fuck of my life. Then his long slow strokes was replaced by hard fast ones. I couldn't even control my moans anymore and broke the kiss....

Me- (Moaning) Mmmm shit. Oh my god. Ah ah ah. Oooh damn

Klaus- Yes that's it moan for me

I didn't even try to keep the noise down. Honestly it was really hard to focus on anything other than the fucking of a lifetime I was receiving. Klaus was like an animal. I'm suprised he hasnt broken me yet. He was kissing and sucking my neck without slowing his thrust at all. He was setting my body on euphoric override and I didn't know how much longer id be able to take it. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I shot six loads of cum against the shower wall. I felt my walls tighten around his monster cock as he forced his way in and out of my ass. My legs began to feel like jelly and I was starting to feel lightheaded. As my legs gave away Klaus spun me around, picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I couldn't resist the urge to attack his lips as I threw my arms around his neck. He held me up with one hand as he used his other to guide his monster back into my tight wet hole. I moaned into his mouth as he drilled me into the wall with each thrust jamming my spot. Klaus definitely knows his way around my body. I feel his hands caressing my thigh, up my ass, then up my side and back down. I was in the most euphoric state ever to point that I began to lose conciousness. When I began to stir awake I could see the moonlight peaking in the room. I noticed that I was still naked under the covers and I also had company who had their chest to my back, their soft cock to my ass, and their arm around me with our fingers interlocked. Then I heard his sweet velvet smooth accent...

Klaus- Good morning beautiful

Me- Morning? What time is it

Klaus- About 5:30, 6 I'm not sure I was too busy listening to you sleep

Me- What happened? The last thing I remember us in the shower then

Klaus- Then I fucked you unconscious

Me- Really

Klaus- Yes and might I say in a thousand years I've never encountered anyone who could last that long with me

Me- So what are you still doing here. I thought you were headed to New Orleans

Klaus- I am love but I couldn't just sneak out like some prostitute. Besides you look so beautiful sleeping I couldn't bare the thought of leaving you without a proper goodbye

Me- So you're gonna allow me to fall completely head over heels for you and then up and leave

Klaus- Yes. But it doesn't have to end here. Come with me

Me- Klaus there's nothing I want more than to leave with you...

Klaus- But...

Me- I can't. Akasha will rip through the entire town looking for me and I can't allow everyone to die for me while I run away with love

Klaus- So noble. My brother Elijah would adore you

Me- Why can't you stay? Help us kill Akasha

Klaus- Allow me to share a little secret, Akashas death will only lead to the death of every witch, vampire, and werewolf to ever share her blood. Killing Akasha will mean death to more than half of the supernatural population

Me- But their has to be a way to get rid of her

Klaus- You could try contacting a witch

Me- For what

Klaus- A very ancient witch named Ayana. Perhaps she will aid you in defeating Akasha

Me- How do you figure that

Klaus- Legend has it she's the first witch to use the immortality curse. Maybe even the one to use it on Akasha

Me- See all the more reason for you to stay and help

Klaus- I'm sorry love but someone in New Orleans is plotting my demise, tis a matter that I must take care of

Me- So what does that mean for us

Klaus- Dorian you are young, beautiful, smart, and driven, and though I must leave you now I can promise you that this will not be the last you see of me

Me- Will you at least keep in touch while you're away

Klaus- I think it'll be easier for you to move on if I didn't. That way you can fall in love, lead your life however you see fit without my involvement but do believe me when I say do intent to be the last love of your life

And like a ghost he vanished. I can't say I enjoyed the emptiness I felt now he was gone. I know I shouldn't be sad so I don't know how else to feel. I know I have to be strong but I cant feel any weaker. Its in this moment that I realized that I was in love with Klaus; the worst monster of them all. I know Bonnie might drill me for it and Tyler might hate me for it but I don't care at least now I'm certain about what I want. The only part that sucks is I can't have it and I have no other choice but to move on...

(2 Days later)

(Scott POV)

After the incident with those pycho witches, I was able to get Detons sister Ms. Morrell to help. She put up some type of magical perimeter around Mystic Falls that would detect any supernatural entities entering Mystic Falls and gives us its exact location (via wolf telepathy). Now with us wolves taking shifts to protect the town and the new "security system", things were beginning to calm down. Jackson, Derek, and I were just getting used to being able to phase into full wolves. It was pretty cool. Being able to move at speeds that rivals vampires, the extra strength, even our skin is more durable almost as much as a vampire. We could even tap into each others thoughts when were shifted or phased. In our natural form we could only hear the thoughts that were extremely loud. It was a whole new world. Somehow Seth thought is was cooler to be able to just shift in a wolf-man than phasing into a full wolf. I loved the way his brown werewolf eyes wear the

same throughout his entire transformation making him all the more gorgeous. Over the past 2 weeks our relationship has been so intoxicating. Derek even had us move into the basment so we'd have our own space. The sex was amazing as well. Seth couldn't have been more perfect for me. He was so pure and just full of happiness all the time. With him imprinting on me our minds and emotions were always connected. Yet I wouldn't have ever wanted to be connected to anyone else. That's one reason why I hated school, Seth and I have no classes together and only see each in the hallways and in gym. Even though I really liked Mr. Saltzman for 6th bell History, that last hour of the day was the worst as it always seemed to feel like forever until I was back next to Seth. I had to admit I was jealous of Stiles. Out of all of us he made the transition look easy. He was already bonding with Jeremy and Matt, even started at little romance with Jackson. Even I couldn't

see that one coming, as much as they used to not get along. I kept finding my mind drift to Allison. Something about her death seems to keep bothering me. I still can't believe she was killed by her own grandfather for helping me. [Ddddddd-ing] There's goes the bell. I vaguely listened to Alaric as he explained the homework for tonight. The pull was like gravity, and the closer I got to him the more complete I felt. As I rounded the corner, there he was shoving a few books and notebooks into his bag then glancing up to meet my gaze. I made my way over to him...

Me- Today felt like forever

Seth- I know what you mean

As we hugged, he kissed my on my cheek then planted one right on my lips as we separated...

Me- So what are we doing today

Seth- Actually um, I'm thinking about going to the swim team tryouts today

Me- Oh ok then I guess I'll see you at home then

Seth- Or you can come watch, maybe even cheer me on

Me- Actually that doesn't sound like a bad idea. You borderline naked wearing nothing but a skin tight Speedo

Seth- So that means you're coming with

Me- Sure plus Stiles will be there with Jackson so at least I'll have company

Seth- Cool then afterwards we can go grab a bite at the grill before our watch

Me- Cool but you're paying

Seth- Of course I am

He held my hand as we walked towards the pool. I could see some people eyeballing us as we walked past. Some looked angry, a few were surprised, others were downright confused but it didn't matter. Seth completed me and no one could shame me for that. I could hear him thinking about how happy he was about us moving here and him meeting me, it bought a smile to my face that only Allison could bring...

Seth- Scott

Me- Yes

Seth- Do you still love her

Me- What? Who

Seth- This Allison chick I mean did you leave her behind in Beacon Hills or something

Me- No why

Seth- Because she's been creeping in your mind like all day

Me- Seth you're the only person who matters to me

Seth- And I believe you but your thoughts say otherwise

Me- I honestly don't know why. I haven't thought about Allison since we've been together. Today is just....I don't know

Suddenly I thought about it and realized the date. I can't believe I've been so wrapped up in Seth that I forgot what today was...

Seth- So enlighten me, what is today

I just about gulped at the question...

Me- Umm, well it's kinda Allisons birthday

Seth- And....

Me- And it might also be our anniversary

Seth- Oh well that explains allot

Me- Seth I'm sorry are you mad

Seth- Look Scott, I know we've only been together for two weeks and I know, as much as you don't want to admit it, you're still adjusting to the move. I also know how hard it is to leave your old life behind so now I'm not mad. The way you lost Allison probably won't stop haunting you so I can't be mad about that. If anything I'm here for you and I don't care how long it takes I'll be here to help you deal with it

Me- Seriously, could you be anymore perfect

Seth- No not really

His laugh followed by that innocent smile was refreshing. He kissed me before running off into the locker room. I looked down a hall and there she was. Black leather jacket, white tank top, black leggings under a plaid skirt, and black combat boots with her bow in hand. It felt all too real. Like Allison was really here. Suddenly I blacked out. I can't tell where I am but it feels like Beacon Hills. I can feel a presence with me but it's not still. Whipping my head to each direction doesn't seem to help until I looked forward and standing in front of me is Allison...

Me- Allison

Allison- I'm here Scott

Me- But how

Allison- I'm here Scott

Me- What are you doing here? You're dead

Allison- Not anymore

Suddenly with her getting angry, her eyes turned white and her teeth were all razor sharp as she she clawed at me. As I jumped awake Danny was standing over me and Seth right above him....

Danny- Scott you ok man

Me- What the hell happened

Danny- You just collapsed man

Me- I feel alright. Just a little lightheaded

Seth- You sure

Me- (Standing up) Yea

Danny- Alright. Take it easy bro. See you at home

Me- See ya

As I looked at Seth I could tell he was worried...

Seth- Scott...

Me- You saw it

Seth- What the hell was that Scott? You told me Allison was human

Me- She is or was. I don't know what's happening Seth

Seth- Come on. We're gonna go find out

Me- Wait, what about swim team tryouts

Seth- What's going on with you is way more important plus I still got two more days to tryout

Me- Ok

Seth grabbed my hand and lead me out to the parking lot. I can't stop thinking about that image though. Allison, the girl I used to love: completely white eyes, razor sharp blood stained teeth, and claws to rival my own. It was terrifying. As we walked through the scattering students, we approached the parking lot and we were catching Bonnies cousin Dorian getting into opening his car door...

Seth- Dorian

Dorian- Hey what's up Seth

Seth- We need your help

Dorian- My help with what

Me- I keep having these I don't know visions of my dead ex girlfriend

Dorian- Umm ok. Get in the car

Seth sat in the front with Dorian as I sat in the back....

Dorian- So when you say visions

Me- Well it was just one but for some reason she just keeps popping up in my head

Dorian- You sure these aren't just repressed feeling coming out to play

Me- No. I let go of all of that baggage when I moved here

Dorian- Ok. I can see if Bonnie knows a way I can find out why she's "haunting" you

Seth- Thanks for helping us

Dorian- Well you are part of the pack that's keeping us all safe. It's the least i can do. (To car) Call Bonnie

Car- Dialing Bonnie

Me- Ok how did you get this car. I mean not to be noisy but I don't think you have a job

Dorian- Kind of a "sorry for making you fall for me then disappearing present"

Me- And I thought I had problems

Bonnie- What's up cuz

Dorian- Hey do you know of any spell that can search through someone's mind

Bonnie- That's easy. Just touch them and concentrate

Dorian- Seriously

Bonnie- Yea I gotta go. Professor Shane says in making a lot of progress and I gotta get back to it

Dorian- Alright thanks

We pulled up to the Lockwood Manson and Dorian led us up to his room. As Seth locked the door, Dorian and I sat on the bed...

Dorian- Ok just give me your hand and clear your mind

Me- Umm ok

I gave him my hands, he grabbed them both and closed his eyes. After I few deep breaths I could feel Dorian mind connect to my own....

Dorian- Oh my god. She died for you

Dorian let go...

Me- Did I do something wrong

Dorian- No but I do want to try something else

Me- What

Dorian- Maybe you could talk to her

Seth- How are you gonna do that

Dorian- I'm a witch. Scott just give me your hand but this time concentrate on her

Me- Ok

We have it another go but this time Dorian began to chant...

Dorian- Phasmatos Obscuras, Ex Luces Est Nes Umbres. Phasmatos Obscuras, Ex Luces Est Nes Umbres. Phasmatos Obscuras, Ex Luces Est Nes Umbres. Phasmatos Obscuras, Ex Luces Est Nes Umbres. Phasmatos Obscuras, Ex Luces Est Nes Umbres

Suddenly I felt his magic stop...

Me- Where is she

Dorian- Scott that spell should've worked

Me- Where is she then

Dorian- Scott, Allisons not dead

I didn't know what to do, say, or think. Allison couldn't be alive. I watched her push me out of the way and the bullet went straight through her sternum. Their weren't any last words, any goodbyes, not even a last kiss....

Seth- Scott

Me- I'm sorry Seth. I just....I watched her die

Dorian- Well I can assure you she did not stay that way

Seth- Can you find her

Dorian- Maybe. If I had something of hers

Seth- Scott

Me- No. I don't have anything that belonged to her

Seth- Well we have to do something

Me- Why

Seth- What do you mean why? Scott she's bad news, I can feel it

Me- You don't even know her

Seth- I don't have to. I can literally feel the bad energy when you think about her

Me- And what are you gonna do if we find her, kill her

Seth- Yes! Except I'm gonna make sure she doesn't come back

Dorian- Ok. Timeout here. I think both of you should just calm down

Seth didn't like Dorian cutting in and growled at him flashing his bright hazel werewolf eyes at him. Dorian didn't hesitate and raised his hand...

Dorian- Motus

Seth flew across the room and crashed into the wall. My first instinct was to tear Dorians hand off but I held back and instead ran to Seth to help him up...

Me- Seth you ok

Seth- (Pushing him away) I'm fine. I'll let myself out

With that he left out the door of the patio and jumped down. I could feel him phasing and as I looked to see him, all I could see was him running straight into the woods....

Dorian- I'm so sorry Scott. He just kinda scared me there

Me- It's ok. He's just upset, probably doesn't help that it's a full moon tonight

Dorian- Well could you tell him that I'm sorry

Me- Sure. Thanks for helping us out

Dorian- No problem

I was almost out the door when I heard him say...

Dorian- You know, he's just trying to protect you. I don't really know what type of psychic connection you two have but I didn't want to scare him

Me- Scare him? Unlikely

Dorian- Actually more likely than you think

Me- What do you mean

Dorian- I saw her Scott. Allison. Not the human her but the "her" you saw

Me- I still don't even know what I saw

Dorian- But I do. The ghostly white eyes, blood stained teeth, and full of rage

Me- You know what she is

Dorian- Ever heard of a Wendigo...



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