By Damya

Published on Aug 22, 1995



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Archive-name: d-old.friends

Author's Note: ALL comments/replies appreciated.

I yawn grumpily, not thrilled by having my precious sleep interrupted by the blaring ring of the phone. I could let the machine get it, but if someone's calling me at...let's see, the clock says: 6:00 A.M., it's probably important. (It had better be important at this hour!) Stretching, I reach for the phone. My voice is slightly husky from the yet-unshed remnants of sleep as I answer, "Hello?"

"Tina, (sounds of crying), I need to see you-could I come over?" said Cara, my long-time best friend.

Concerned, I reply, "Of course you can come over,Cara, but what's wrong, why are you crying?"

"Oh Tina, I can't talk about it over the phone. I'll explain when I come over. (sounds of shaky breathing) I'll be over in a few minutes."

"That's fine, Cara."

"Th-thanks, Tina..."

"You're welcome, Cara. Bye for now."

Shaking my head in resignation, I lament the loss of my quiet Saturday morning. I slowly slide out of bed, put on my fuzzy bear slippers, and trudge to the bathroom. The cold morning air chills me and turns my nipples into little stiff peaks. I glance in the mirror and decide against changing from my white silk nightshirt to actual clothes. After all, I'm not expecting REAL company, just Cara, and I've known her since we were 5 years old. As this thought flits through my mind, I begin to wonder once again what is bothering Cara. When I had spoken to her the day before, everything had been wonderful.

Just as these thoughts began to meander through my sleepy brain, I hear the doorbell ring. Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I walk downstairs to let Cara in. I open the door and she stumbles into the house, her hazel eyes red and wet from crying. Shushing her gently, I lead her back upstairs to my room and make her sit on my bed. She begins to cry in earnest now, and the great sobs wrack her shapely 5'8" frame. I hold her silently and let her cry on my shoulder until she is exhausted. She finally draws in a shaky breath and looks up at me. "Are you ready to tell me what's happened now?" I ask quietly.

Nodding her head slightly in affirmation, she brushes her chin-length auburn hair back from her and takes a deep breath before replying, "Yes..."

I wait patiently for her to compose herself. Finally, her head still on my shoulder, she says,"Tina, last night Jake told me he has been seeing someone else for the past 3 months. And now he wants to marry her."

Jake is, or I suppose in this case, WAS, Cara's serious lover of 9 months. They had recently been discussing the possibility of marriage, and Cara had been waiting for him to propose to her one day soon.

Shocked, I could only say, "I'm sorry, Tina. I know how much you love him..."

Her reply was to ask me,"Oh Tina, how could he DO this to me? I thought things were perfect between us. We'd worked out our other problems about him not spending enough time with me, and now this all of a sudden. I had no idea..." On this last sentence her voice cracked and she started to cry again. I wrapped my arms around her more tightly and slowly stroked my hand over her hair, soothing her. To my surprise, she abruptly pulled away and looked at me with this intense expression on her face. "Tina," she said,"one of your buttons is undone." Absentmindedly I looked down at my chest and saw that she was right, the top button of my nightshirt had come open and was giving her a clear view of the top of my breasts. Shrugging nonchalantly, I rebuttoned it, not understanding why she had made such a big deal. After all, I had changed in front of her dozens of times when trying on clothes at stores. Having fixed my shirt, I turned back to her. She still had that intense, slightly-dreamy expression on her face, and I realized she was staring right at my chest where the top button had just been open. A little confused now, but still not suspecting what was coming, I simply looked at her. "Cara" I asked,"what's the matter?"

Tina opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She shut it again, and then opened it once again. This time these are the words that came out: "Tina, I don't want to scare you, but I've always wanted you. You're so kind and smart and funny and sexy and...I need you right now. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to touch me? I've been wondering for a while now what it would be like to touch you. You turn me on so much sitting there like that in your nightshirt, so uncaring about modesty... Tell me something, are you wearing anything underneath it? I love Jake, but I need you right now. Please let me touch you, Tina. I promise not to hurt you... Please?"

I could only gasp in surprise and stare at her mutely. I had no idea what to say- I had no idea that she had wanted me... I thought about it for a minute before beginning to speak,"Cara, I said..."

My response was suddenly cut off by Cara's mouth. Her lips were warm and firm against mine, but tender and gentle, coaxing me to open my mouth. She understood my confusion and uncertainty. I tried to push her away, but she held me closer, and out of nowhere her hand was slipping under my shirt, pushing it up to expose my naked breasts to her hot gaze. Still confused, but becoming slowly aroused, I held my breath as she pulled the shirt over my head and moved her hands to cover each breast. I moaned into her mouth, caught off-guard, and she took advantage of this to slip her tongue into my mouth. She stroked her tongue against mine, playing with it, twining and entangling with it. She plunged it in deep into my mouth and slid it slowly over my teeth, all the while her hands massaging my breasts. She took her thumbs and began to caress my sensitive nipples. My back arched slightly,unconsciously, pushing my breasts further into her hands. I moaned once again, my head starting to spin with pleasure.

Cara pushed me onto my back and quickly undid the buttons of my flimsy nightshirt. I moaned unhappily at even this small interruption of her talented seduction. Her mouth covered mine once again, momentarily, before beginning to kiss her way down my face, my jaw, and my chin, all the way down to my throat. There she sucked gently but firmly and traced figure eights teasingly over me. I clasped her head to my neck and moaned happily as she continued her delicate torture. She stopped and moved further down until she was at my breasts. She paused for what seemed an eternity, and stared, feasting her gaze, before hungrily licking and bathing them in her warm saliva. I moaned, eager for her to take me into her mouth. She did, her mouth warm and wet and utterly delightful against the sensitive peak of my nipple. I hardened inevitably in her mouth. She licked, and sucked, and nipped me until I began to drown in the sensations pulsing through my body. She shimmied down further along my body and came to rest at my inner thighs. Her mouth brushed light kisses over me there. I held my breath, wondering and waiting to see if she would put her mouth on me. She blew a warm, moist breath on me. Suddenly, her tongue was probing me, tasting me. I shuddered as she began to lazily trace litle designs on my clitoris. She licked at me agressively, clearly enjoying the taste of my juices in her mouth. "Oh, Tina, you taste even better than I'd imagined," she said to me, the desire evident in her voice.

"Mmmmm...ohhhh...ahhh..." I moaned as she continued to play her mouth upon me. She thrust her tongue in and out of my pussy, and I liked that as well. I unconsciously clasped her head to me, reluctant to have her divine ministrations on my pussy interrupted. She laughed affectionately and reached up and teasingly tweaked one of my stiff nipples. I moaned in response. Her tongue sped up and established a rhythm that soon had my hips thrusting upward into her mouth and my pussy juices flowing flowing copiously.

She stopped to look up at me for a moment. I moaned, unhappy at this tiny interruption. She smiled again and said,"Tina, your pussy's so wet it's glistening. God, you have a beautiful pussy... And you taste so good. So, how do you like having your pussy licked by a woman?"

"Oh, God, Cara, I didn't know it would feel this good, or that you would be this sexy... Please, will you make me come. Will you let me come all over your face? I'll be your best friend..." I replied, the last part spoken wrily.

Her only response was to dive back down between my legs and begin torturing me again. All too soon, I could feel the pressure building, until finally, in one glorious moment, all my muscles tensed and my pussy tightened and spasmed as she slid a finger into me. I clamped down around her finger with the force of my climax. I sighed, exhausted.

"I feel better, Tina, how about you?" Cara asked me cheekily.

"Mhmm, much better, thank you, Cara. But what about you-do you want me to help you out?"

"Nah, not today. But I will take a raincheck. It's so nice to have a friend who's always there for you and willing to, ahem, help you out of a tight spot."

As she said this, we both looked at each other and burst into laughter.

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