Dangerously in Love

By Rule Hater

Published on Feb 22, 2003




Once again, this story is a piece of fiction. It does not in any way represent the behavior of those who are mentioned in here.

If you are less than 18, or reading such stories are illegal wherever you are, please do the right thing by retreating. A word is enough for the wise.

Now, to recap, basically, in the last 3 chapters of Dangerously in love, Beyonce Knowles, secretly nursing a lesbian urge, comes across a potential secret Hollywood lesbian underground, and has unleashed the dragon of love within her. She is currently awaiting a proposal from fellow singer Ashanti. Also, Rachael Leigh Cook and Rosario Dawson are about to reconcile their friendship in the best possible way after a two-year misunderstanding.

I am very grateful for all the positive feedback I have received for the last three chapters. I never in my wildest dreams imagined this series would make this kind of splash, and I look forward to writing many more chapters.

Beyonce Knowles woke up with a smile on the morning of Saturday. She was scheduled to return to Los Angeles that morning, and she knew she had best get up on time in order to prepare for her departure. She was to meet with EA Games during the week to sign a contract for a video game of the popular spy spoof series "Austin Powers", record some voice work, as well as take some pictures, which would somehow be transferred into digital images. She marveled at the wonders of technology and was really thankful that she would become familiar to another demographic.

It seemed like ages ago when she came to New York. She had definitely had a good time here. All of a sudden, it hit her - Ashanti. Because of the good time she had been having, she had totally forgotten that she was to meet with the beautiful crooner today to find out if she was interested in having a sexual relationship with her. How could she have been so stupid as to schedule her return to LA for that exact same day? She would have scheduled a later flight were she returning by a commercial plane, but her dad had ensured that the label provided a private jet to fly her down to California.

She just had to call Ashanti and apologize for the unforeseen circumstances. She was returning to New York anyways in less than a week for the 45th annual Grammy Awards, and she would see Ashanti there. Ashanti was certain to be there of course, as she was nominated for a whopping five awards. Beyonce was not nominated for any awards this year, but she was scheduled to present a statuette during the ceremony, and Kelly was nominated for two awards alongside Nelly for the hit record "Dilemma".

As she reached for the phone to call Ashanti and apologize, it began to ring. She had bought a new Motorola cell phone after destroying her former Nokia earlier by flinging it away in a rage. As she cringed to the annoying ring tone of her phone, she picked it up, hoping it would be Ashanti. However, it was her rumored squeeze, rapper Jay-Z who was at the other end.

In actuality, there was a little truth to the rumors as Jay-Z was trying to woo her, but she maintained from scratch that she was not interested in dating him, as he was much too old for her. She felt he was a nice guy though, and considered him a big brother. The rapper was calling to ask if she wanted to have dinner with him that evening, but she declined, telling him that she was about to skip town for a few days. They chatted a bit more, as Jigga, as he was popularly known, went on and on about how he was going to show the whole world that he was the best rapper ever, and how he would surpass his major rivals and sworn foes, Nas and 50 Cent. Beyonce, who was looking for an opportunity to get off the phone as fast as possible, inwardly marveled at the huge egos of these rappers, before politely telling him that she had to get off the phone to prepare for her journey, but would give him a call from the plane.

She dialed Ashanti's number, and nervously waited for the phone to be picked up. She had no doubt in her mind that the reply would be positive, as Ashanti had definitely reacted well to her advances, and she knew that if she was more persistent, she could have completely broken Ashanti's defenses that evening, but she had deliberately decided to respect the singer's wishes and move at her own pace. Besides, she knew that Ashanti must have been frantically reliving their tender kisses in her mind all this while, therefore building an incredible amount of impatient desire. Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice on the other line

"Hello", came a female voice

"Hi, Ashanti, this is Beyonce" she replied

"Oh my God is it really Beyonce Knowles?" came the response, "this isn't Ashanti, it's her little sister Shi-Shi. I don't believe I am talking to Beyonce. Wow."

"Hi" Beyonce replied cheerfully, "is your sister there"

"Oh yeah hold on a minute" Shi-Shi said

"ASHAAAAAAANTI", Beyonce heard the girl scream from her phone, "You've got a phone call, it's Beyonce Knowles"

Beyonce heard what sounded like a pair of legs frantically running down a flight of stairs.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to answer my phone?" she heard Ashanti chide her little sister.

"Hello", came Ashanti's breathless voice

"Hi" Beyonce replied with a smile

"Sorry about that, I don't know why my sister keeps answering my calls"

"That's OK" said Beyonce, "I was just calling for two reasons. I wanted to see if you'd given any thought to that thing yet"

"Yes" grinned Ashanti, "I can't wait to see you tonight to give you my answer", barely containing her excitement.

"Yeah, that's the second reason I was calling" Beyonce said, "it turns out I have to go to LA for something incredible important. I leave in a few hours"

"Oh" said Ashanti, obviously disappointed, "When are you coming back?"

"Well, I'll be here for the Grammys next week, I guess we just have to wait until then" said Beyonce.

"Yeah", Ashanti responded, "Unless......what time do you leave?"

"11.30" Beyonce said, "that's two hours from now"

"You're leaving from JFK right?" Ashanti inquired

"Yeah, why?" quipped Beyonce

"I was thinking maybe I could come over to the airport and meet you there before you go and we can...you know" she said

"Absolutely" Beyonce said happily, the prospect of making love to the pretty young thing in an airport turning her on immensely.

"I'll be there in an hour" said Ashanti. "I can make it if I drive really fast"

"OK then, see you at 10.30" Beyonce said, after which the two girls exchanged good-byes and hung up. This could turn out to be a very interesting day, Beyonce thought to herself.

Somewhere else in New York City, two other famous girls were having a telephone conversation. Rachael Leigh Cook had been awoken quite early by the sound of the telephone, and she wondered who could be calling her at such an hour. In actuality, it was not that early, it only seemed so to Rachael. She had been out clubbing with Tara the previous night, and they had stayed out dancing and drinking for hours, before returning to Tara's place to have a good time with a stripper they had picked up at the club. She decided to go back to sleep, figuring that whoever it was would call again at a later hour. However, her phone rang the second time, and then the third time, and she figured it must be important. She decided to pick it up.

"Hello" she said, ready to cuss out whoever it was if it turned out to be someone playing a prank on her.

"Hello, Rachael, it's Rosie" came the voice on the other end.

"Oh, hi Rosie" she said, becoming more alert. "What a surprise"

"Yeah, I just wanted to call because..." she zoned off

"Because of what?" asked Rachael

"Well, since Thursday, I've been doing a lot of thinking. About a lot of things- myself, us and what I basically want" Rosario said.

"What conclusion did you come to?" Rachael asked

"I don't know if I came to a conclusion yet, because there has been so much to think about" Rosario replied, before continuing, "there's only one thing I am sure of, its that I want you. I want you so much"

"I want you too Rosie" said Rachael

"First of all, I thought I was mad at you because of what happened two years ago, then I realized I was mad at myself for ruining it by kissing you. When you came by and kissed me, I did not know what to do, it felt so good, and I wanted so much to continue, but I needed to sort so many things out"

"Like what" asked Rachael

"Well, I had tried so hard to move on, and when you kissed me, you triggered old feelings, and I could not handle it, so that was why I pushed you out" Rosario said.

"Well, I understand" said Rachael

"When I decided to get over that fact, I found out you had been with another girl, I felt so bad" Rosario said

"I told you, I did not plan for it to happen" said Rachael

"No, its not that, I guess its more of jealousy. Not jealous of you, just jealous of Tara" Rosario replied

"You shouldn't be" said Rachael, "the circumstances were different"

I know, but it still hurt that I had pulled a move on you and you rejected me, and when another girl seduced you, you weren't able to resist her" said Rosario. "And because it was such a hot girl like Tara, I felt bad because maybe you didn't think I was as beautiful or sexy as she is"

"Don't be silly, Rosie" said Rachael, "you are amazingly beautiful"

"So why Tara and not me?" asked Rosario

"Because like I said, the circumstances were different" replied Rachael. "With Tara, it was just sex, but with you, I had feelings for you, so it was harder to make that leap, but if you want, I won't have sex with Tara or any other girl"

"It's OK, I don't mind you with other girls, I even think it's sexy. It's just that..." Rosario paused

"Just that..." Rachael asked

"Well, I haven't even been with a woman before, and I would have loved it if we started this journey on the same page, but you are way ahead of me" said Rosario

"But it doesn't matter" said Rachael

"I know it doesn't, but it will still be something that will bother me" said Rosario

"Well, you can sleep with Tara if you want, I don't mind, and she'll love it" laughed Rachael

"Tara is hot and everything, and I was going to try and sleep with her anyways" joked Rosario, "but I don't want it to be someone you hooked me up with out of sympathy"

"I'm sure you will come up with someone", said Rachael, "any girl would die to have you"

"Well, we'll think of that some other time" said Rosario, "I need to have you now"

"Me too" said Rachael just as her doorbell rang. "Oh, someone is at my door"

"Go ahead and answer it" said Rosario.

"Alright, I might have to call you back, depending on who it is" said Rachael, as she walked to the door and opened it. Standing there, with a phone to her ear, was none other than Rosario Dawson, who walked in and planted a kiss on an astonished Rachael's lips.

Rachael dropped her phone and wrapped her arms round Rosario's back, kissing the actress back. Leaving the door open, the two women passionately kissed as they made their way to Rachael's bedroom. Rachael had a million questions in her mind to ask, but they could wait until later. All that mattered was that she was kissing Rosario now, and they were going to finally make love, after desiring each other for years. She was so happy, so happy that was sharing this moment with her darling friend, and subconsciously thanked Tara, as without the blonde actress, none of it would have come to place.

Tara Reid was at that exact moment being thanked by another two of the hottest young actresses in Hollywood - Fastlane star Tiffani Thiessen and her recent guest star, "Not Another Teen Movie actress Jaime Pressly. All three sirens were at Tiffani's house, and they were thanking her for stopping by.

Tiffani and Jaime had been lovers for about two months, after Jaime filmed a guest spot as a lesbian burglar on Thiessen's hit Fox series, Fastlane. Tiffani had been into women ever since her days as Kelly Kapowski on the incredibly popular teen comedy series "Saved by the Bell", when she had been intimately involved with co-stars Elizabeth Berkeley and Leah Remini. When she joined the cast of Beverly Hills 90210 as bad girl Valerie Malone, she immediately began a relationship with the beautiful Jennie Garth. She and Jennie had been best friends and lovers for over eight years, and she was currently starring in a show alongside Jennie's husband, Peter Facinelli on her new fox show.

The lack of a regular female co-star was one of the few things she did not like about her new job, but other than that, she was having a good time. She played the role of Billie, an LAPD detective, who oversaw two men who usually went undercover to solve crime cases. The pay was good, the scenes were mostly exciting, although she bemoaned how most of the exciting fight and car chase scenes were given to Peter and the third co-star, Bill Bellamy. She also enjoyed the fact that she was able to look at her co-star and say to herself, "I wonder what you would do if you found out I was screwing your wife".

When the producers of the show had informed her that there would be an episode where she would have to go undercover as a lesbian and shoot a few lesbian love scenes, she was thrilled, and hoped the actress cast would be attractive enough. When it turned out to be Jaime, she was over the moon. Jaime Pressly was an attractive blonde who had this aggressiveness about her, and she hoped an opportunity would arise for them to continue their sapphic scenes in the absence of the camera crew. If necessary, she was going to have to resort to the age old trick of asking her to rehearse to make sure they got it right.

That had proved absolutely unnecessary, as she had gotten the vibe from Jaime as soon as they met. They had made a connection and had a really good conversation, and Tiffani invited the "Poison Ivy" star for dinner, where they had flirted with each other.

The first scene they shot together was actually one in which Tiffani, Jaime, and a third actress, Colleen Porch, who played the role of Jill, a crime partner to Sara (Jaime's character), were in a hot tub, and after Colleen's character had gotten into an spat with Billie, she left the tub, leaving Billie and Sara, who eventually share a kiss. Tiffani had felt so much chemistry with Jaime, who was subtly coming on to her underneath the water. Jaime's hands were on her thighs, caressing them softly, and Tiffani decided to do the same. When they eventually kissed, Tiffani was surprised as to how real it felt. Viewing the episode much later, she was terrified that viewers would guess how turned on she was as Jaime's fingers were doing incredible things to her under the water. Jaime's lips felt so sensual against her, and as soon as the scene was over, she asked the director for a thirty-minute break, as she needed some rest in her trailer.

As soon as she got to her trailer, she ran to her drawer to bring out her trusty vibrator for some succor. She took off what was left of her clothes, and leaning her back against the wall, she inserted the vibrator into her pussy and went through that awesome experience again in her mind. She visualized kissing the young blonde, as their hands traveled up each other's thighs. In her mind's eye, she envisioned Jaime walking into the trailer, and seeing her in this sexy state, moaning out her name. Jaime, in her fantasy, would take her clothes off, and then walk up to her, caressing her thighs and crouching down, taking her pussy in her mouth. God, it felt so real, she thought, as she opened her eyes, and indeed there was Jaime on the ground, Tiffani's clitoris in her mouth. Tiffani thought she was in a dream.

Jaime looked up and into her eyes and smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Tiffani whispered

"Well", said Jaime, "I am no fool, and I could tell that you wanted me as much as I wanted you, so I decided to come over to your trailer and ask if you wanted to rehearse the next scene. As I was about to knock, I heard the sound of you moaning my name, and I had to creep in and see what you were up to. When I saw you like that, I couldn't help myself, I just had to help myself"

"Come here" said Tiffani, as Jaime rose up and their lips met in a kiss.

The kiss felt even better this time around. Though Tiffani had spent the majority of the morning kissing Jaime in a hot tub, she preferred it as they were in the secrecy of a trailer, and not in front of hundreds of cast and crew. Bill and Peter, who had insisted on being present while that scene was being shot, had looked as though their eyes would pop out, and who could blame them.

Meanwhile, the two naked women embraced each other as they continued to kiss. Tiffani's hand roamed Jaime's body, making its way to her neck, her back, her breasts, and immediately settling on her ass. Jaime meanwhile, took one of her hands to Tiffani's crotch and began to finger the sexy brunette. Tiffani let loose and gasped ad Jaime continued to finger-fuck her. Jaime then descended and put her mouth to Tiffani's cunt, using her tongue to pleasure her labia. Tiffani cried out loud

"Oh yes, Jaime, make me come" Tiffani screamed out loud, "Your tongue feels so good in my pussy"

Jaime continued to do her job, both hands, crouched on the floor, her face buried in between Tiffani's legs, while both hands were stretched upwards, circling Tiffani's breasts. Tiffani felt an orgasm make its way as Jaime brought one hand down from her breasts to her backside, inserting a finger into Tiffani's ass hole.

"Oh yes, finger my asshole and suck my pussy" cried Tiffani, "I'm gonna come now, now, nowwwwwwww", as Tiffani's whole body shuddered.

"Wow, that was great" said Tiffani, as Jaime generously helped herself to her juices.

"Now" said Tiffani, as she opened up her drawer and brought out a 9-inch monstrosity, "bend over, I'm gonna fuck the brains out of you"

And Jaime had obeyed, taking the strap-on dildo inside of her, screaming as it made deft strokes inside of her. The two girls had taken turns using it on each other, and were in the trailer for hours that day, before they had to return to shoot some more scenes that day. Shooting the rest of that episode was a blast, as they found every available opportunity to fuck. Tiffani was addicted to Jaime, and she had enjoyed the relationship so much because it was mutual, both girls taking turns in being the domineering and submissive partner.

Shooting the episode took all of one week, and after it was over, Tiffani was abashed that she would not see Jaime everyday again. As they were having a final farewell fuck in Tiffani's trailer, Tiffani suggested that Jaime move in with her, and to her delight, the blonde girl had agreed.

Jaime had moved into Tiffani's apartment, and they had hosted several fuckfests, inviting several of their friends for sexual activity. Jennie Garth was a regular guest of course, as were several other actresses both girls had been fortunate to have sex with at one time or the other. They had been keen to have Tara over, but the "American Pie" actress was always too busy to have time to come over, which was why they were shocked when she dropped by out of the blues on that Saturday morning when Tara dropped by unannounced.

Tara had been out the previous night with Rachael Leigh Cook, and they had ended up at her place with a stripper they had picked up. Rachael had left in the dead of the night, and the next morning after she woke up in bed with the stripper, they had made serious love again before the girl had to go. Tara was still horny, and as she flipped the channels, she stumbled upon a rerun of Beverly Hills 90210 on FX channel, and as she saw Tiffani onscreen, she remembered her constant invitation to visit and decided to honor it.

She had driven down to Tiffani's apartment, and Jaime had opened the door for her, dressed in only a white T-shirt and panties. The two girls had hugged, and Tara was invited inside.

"I hope you don't mind that I dropped by unannounced like this" Tara said to Jaime

"No, that's OK, don't be silly" said Jaime in her incredible throaty voice, "It's a nice surprise, Tiffani's in the shower though, you wanna go join her?"

"No that's OK" said Tara, "we could wait for her to get out"

"Sure" said Jaime, sitting next to Tara on the sofa, "so how've you been"

"I've been OK" said Tara, as she intimated the other blonde actress on what her plans were for the next year.

"So do you live with Tiffani now?" Tara asked

"Yeah, we decided to move in together last month or so" Jaime replied

"Oh good for you" said Tara

"So, are you with anyone now" asked Jaime

"Well, I'm seeing JC, as most people know, but it's not that serious" replied Tara

"So" smiled Jaime, "it's been a while since we both got together"

"Yeah, I know, wasn't it at Alyson's birthday party?" said Tara mischievously

"Uh huh" said Jaime, "you were so wild that night"

"Yeah" grinned Tara, "I still am, wanna find out?'

"Like hell I do" said Jaime, as she grabbed Tara and kissed her.

Tara put her arms round the other actress and they feverishly kissed each other as they collapsed onto the sofa. Tara took Jaime's T-shirt off and began to suck oh her boobs. Jaime gasped as Tara's mouth expertly teased her breasts, hardening her nipples beyond belief. Jaime ripped Tara's shirt open, using all her might, as tearing the buttons in the process. Tara did not seem to care, as she made the process easier by flinging the shirt apart, and unbuttoning her jeans shorts.

Soon, both girls were naked, and Tara was seated on the couch while Jaime knelt on the sofa facing her, each of her knees on each side of Tara's legs. Tara's fingers were inside Jaime's pussy, and he head was buried in the chest of the shorthaired raven. Jaime was moaning as Tara's fingers pleasured her, and she was pulling on Tara's blonde hair. She felt an orgasm begin to come, and she said softly

"Oh yes Tara, I'm about to come, finger me harder so I can come for you baby". She felt herself buck as the climax hit her, and she whooped in joy as the pleasure lasted several seconds.

"Way to go guys" they heard a voice say a few feet away, "I don't believe you guys started getting it on without me"

"Well, Tiffani" said Jaime to her roommate, "maybe next time you won't spend so much time in the shower"

"That has never been a problem for you before, has it?" replied Tiffani, who was buck naked, "and by the way, you are not the only one who's been getting any action this morning"

"You haven't been masturbating again have you, I warn you, you'll go blind one of these days" joked Jaime, as Tara giggled.

"Haha" laughed Tiffani, "I happen to take offense to that, I happen to have been with one of the hottest women right there on the bathroom?"

"And who might that be?" Jaime asked

"Me" said a naked Jennie Garth as she walked into the living room. She made a feeble attempt to cover her nakedness when she spotted Tara, whom she did not know, in the room, but when she saw that Tara was naked as well, she loosened up.

"So" said Tiffani, "I am in a room with three hot naked blondes, what do I do now?"

"Well" said Jennie as she slapped Tiffani on her bare ass, "you can do me"

"I won't say no to that" said Tiffani as she began to kiss her 90210 co-star.

Jaime stood up and walked behind Jennie, and put her arm round the actress, inserting her fingers into her pubic region, as she continued kissing Tiffani Thiessen. Tara, not wanting to be left out, went in between the two women, squatted, and began to eat out Tiffani's hungry pussy. The brunette began to wiggle, as she continued to make out with her married best friend, whose pussy was also being adequately serviced by Jaime.

With both hands on Tiffani's butt, Tara adeptly used her tongue to circle Tiffani's labia, inserting and removing it from her hole, and gently probing her clitoris. Tiffani's body language showed that she was enjoying this, but she was so caught up in the kiss with Jennie, that she could not scream for joy like she wanted to. Jaime, meanwhile, had her fingers deep inside Jennie's pussy while her mouth roamed Jennie's face, nibbling on her earlobes, descending to her neck, before going back up her face.

Tiffani and Jennie felt their orgasms begin to come at the same time. Their lips still locked, they squirmed and bucked and shuddered, as they both were hit by the wave of climax. They both released each other and moaned as their orgasms came. Tara dutifully licked away at Tiffani's juices, while Jaime removed her finger and presented it to Jennie, who licked off her own juices from Jaime's finger.

"Wow, that was awesome", said Tiffani

"I know, said Jaime, as she reached for Tiffani's breasts and began to suck.

That left Jennie and Tara, two virtual strangers, alone with each other. They were obviously both miffed at the fact that they would go one-on one with each other despite never having said a word to each other in the past. Tara decided to break the ice

"I'm Tara", she said helpfully

"I'm Jennie" replied the other actress

"Well, wanna fuck?" asked Tara, smiling

"I usually don't do this on the first date" replied Jennie, "but I'll make an exception this time"

Tara stepped forward and kissed Jennie, and Jennie immediately responded. The two girls then made their way to the sofa, and sat, still making out with each other. Tara lay down, and Jennie lay inverted on top of her, taking her pussy in her mouth. Jennie's crotch was right on top of Tara's face, and Tara decided to complete the 69 by sucking on Jennie's vagina as well.

The two girls continued to suck on each other's pussies while moaning and squirming.

"Oh yes Tara" moaned Jennie, as she continued to suck on the 27 year old actress' cunt, "I love the way you're sucking me, oh yes".

Jennie's dirty talk turned Tara on, and in a while, she was ready to come

"Oh yes Jennie" she cried, "I'm about to come now, suck my pussy, yes" she said, as her juices came into Jennie's mouth.

Jennie, savoring the taste of Tara in her mouth, felt her orgasm begin to come. Her mouth full of girl cum, she began to moan in a muffled voice

"MMM, yeff, makke me cumm, yeff".

In a little while, the former Kelly Taylor had finished with her orgasm, and she sat on the sofa next to Tara as they kissed, watching Jaime and Tiffani suck each other into another set of remarkable orgasms.

Jaime and Tiffani eventually reached their orgasms, after which they went to join Jennie and Tara on the couch. It was a very sexy sight, four of the most desirable actresses in Hollywood in a heap of flesh, breasts and glistening sweat, bodies entangled together.

"What a morning" Tara thought to herself as the four girls fell asleep in each other's arms.

"What a morning" Beyonce was also saying to herself as she wrestled a mob of eager fans at John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York, where her private plane was scheduled to leave for New York. It was about 10.45, and she had told her chauffeur to hurry as fast as possible in order to give her plenty of time to have fun with Ashanti before she left the airport. She was sure she would be able to ask the captain to delay the flight for an hour or so.

She managed to find a private place, and she called Ashanti on her phone to figure out where she was. She was actually not far from Beyonce, and was also swarmed by a hoard of fans, who wanted her to sign their autographs. The two girls eventually found each other and hugged. As they were about to speak, two uniformed men approached them.

"Miss Knowles", one of them said, "we have been waiting for you. The plane is about to depart, and we ask that you board now"

Beyonce looked at her watch. The time was 11.00 a.m.

"I still have about thirty minutes" she said to them, "I will come to the runway really soon"

"Actually" said the other man, "there has been a change of plans, and we will be leaving a little bit earlier"

"Doesn't anyone ask me before they make decisions anymore?" asked an exasperated Beyonce. "First of all, they decide I am to go to LA to shoot a bloody video game without asking me. Then I ask to leave on Saturday night, and the plane is booked for 11.30 in the morning. Now you are just telling me the time has been changed"

"Actually Miss Knowles..." said the first man, before he was cut off by Ashanti.

"You know what", Ashanti said, "we are wasting time bickering like this. It's OK, I'll let you go, I guess I'll see you in a week"

"At least I have to say goodbye first. Could you at least excuse us?' she snapped at the men.

"You have only 5 minutes" said the first man as they walked away, "or we'll leave without you"

"Can you believe the disrespect?" Beyonce asked Ashanti. "I'm not trying to feel like a diva or anything but can't they show common courtesy?"

"I understand" said Ashanti. "Why don't we go somewhere private?"

The two girls decided to go into a nearby female restroom, and as they entered, Ashanti kissed Beyonce on the lips.

"I've given this a lot of thought" she said, "and I have realized that this is who I am, and I want to go on this journey with you" she said

"That's great" said Beyonce, as she kissed Ashanti again.

Ashanti pulled away and continued, "I am so happy I found you and that you are the one I am doing this with, and I am sure it will be so awesome"

"Well" said Beyonce, "we still have about two minutes, we can do something in the little while we have"

"Sure" said Ashanti, "I'm really going to miss you. I wish we could be together all week, I can't believe its going to be so long until I see you all week."

Beyonce was getting really pissed. "This girl should shut the fuck up and stop wasting time" she thought to herself. She silenced Ashanti with a kiss, and then inserted her finger into Ashanti's pants.

Removing Beyonce's hands gently, Ashanti said

"You know B, I think we should take it gently, I don't want our first time to be in an airport bathroom"

"I guess so" said a frustrated Beyonce, "I guess I should start going now"

"Alright then, take care, and have a nice journey" said Ashanti, as Beyonce exited the bathroom and walked towards the runway, where the small plane was waiting for her.

Beyonce was happy that the plane at least looked halfway decent, because ever since her friend Aaliyah had died in a plane crash on August 26, 2001, she had been really cautious of planes she boarded. She was still a little bit annoyed by Ashanti's flaky behavior. She had looked forward to some form of release before she left New York, and she hoped she would have some privacy on the plane so she would have some time with her new vibrator before landing in Los Angeles.

The man who had been rude to her earlier was standing by the plane, and as she was about to board, he rudely said

"Miss Knowles, this lateness is not permissible. Next time, we will leave without waiting".

Beyonce tried her best to remain composed because if she did what her instincts told her to do, she would be faced with an enormous lawsuit, so she calmly said

"Why would you go without me? What would be the point of the journey?"

"Well" replied the man, "you know she did you a favor by agreeing to travel with you, and you are repaying the favor by coming late. She does not like to be kept waiting."

Concluding the man was a little bit insane, she decided to board without questioning him further. As she entered, she heard a female voice, in a rather bitchy and nagging tone

"I don't believe this. I don't believe this stupid label would disrespect me so much to ask me to share the plane with another person, I don't care if she's from Destiny's Child or not. I am Jennifer Lopez, don't they realize that?"

"What is going on?" Beyonce asked the second man, who was standing next to her.

"Well the label wanted to cut costs, and since you and Miss Lopez were travelling on the same day, they decided you should travel together" he replied

"Once again" said Beyonce, utterly annoyed, "Why the hell didn't anyone inform me?"

"We are sorry Ma'am, for the lapse" apologized the man, "We promise it will never happen again."

Beyonce was extremely annoyed. She did not believe she would have to spend four hours stuck on a plane with Jennifer Lopez, the biggest diva this side of Barbara Streisand. Her demanding nature and bitchiness was legendary in the industry, and Beyonce tried her possible best to stay away from her. She was one of those people whom she ran into often, especially as they were under the same label, but she had never had any reason to speak to her until now.

She walked into the cabin area of the plane where Jennifer was seated, in a red wife beater with a black mini skirt, talking into her cell phone. She completely ignored Beyonce's presence and continued to talk

"Yes Ben, I want you to make sure you are there with a limo to pick me up from the airport, and make sure you get real roses this time, I don't like the nonsense you got me the last time". She paused before continuing, "Yes, and the reservations have to be done correctly, because I cannot wait ten minutes before getting a table again. If they don't recognize you, at least they should recognize me. No, I don't care that you have the number one movie in America"

Beyonce realized that she was not going to be asked to sit down anytime soon, so she helped herself to a seat. She had as much right as Jenny from the Block did to be on this plane, and she was not going to be intimidated. She listened as Jennifer continued her conversation with Ben. Obviously from the look of things, Ben seemed to be the bitch in the relationship, as Jennifer kept scolding him. She wondered to herself why men kept proposing to her. Didn't her track record with men tell them something?

Finally, Jennifer said to Ben

"Darling, I have to go now, the Destiny's Child girl is here, I don't believe the stupid label keeps doing this, now I have to share a plane with some 21 year old bimbo"

Beyonce was seething with rage. Who the hell did Jennifer Lopez think she was anyway. She was an untalented usurper who had gotten ahead using her rear end, and for the record, none of her albums had even approached Destiny's Child's last two albums in sales, and the combined grosses of all her movies did not add up to anywhere near what "Austin Powers in Goldmember" grossed. She was seriously tempted to give J. Lo a piece of her mind, but decided to withhold her anger.

Rosario and Rachael lay in bed naked together, fresh from an intense lovemaking session. Rosario was thrilled, it had been her first time with a woman ever, and it had been even better than she had imagined it would be. She held the pint-sized actress in her hands as she relived the beautiful sex she had just undergone.

For the past two days, she had not gotten much sleep, as she was thinking about a lot of things. Ever since Rachael had kissed her, she could not stop thinking about her, and the news that Rachael had been with Tara came as a bombshell to her. She was sure she had totally flunked the audition she had had on Friday, due to her inability to concentrate.

That night, she found that she could not sleep so she decided to take a short walk to clear her mind and think about the issues in order to know what to tell Rachael the following day. For hours, she had found herself aimlessly roaming the sidewalks of New York (no pun intended) and before she knew it, it was daytime. She had stopped by a nearby Starbucks to order a coffee, before realizing she was close by Rachael's house, and decided to call Rachael to ask if she could come over.

The instant she heard Rachael's voice, she knew that she wanted her, and as soon as she opened the door and saw Rachael in her nightgown, she could not help herself as she kissed the adorable actress' lips. Rachael had kissed her back immediately, and they had passionately found their way to Rachael's room. As soon as they entered, Rosario ripped Rachael's clothes off as her body roamed the petite star's body. Lips still locked together, Rachael also used her hands to undress Rosario until the two of them were dressed in nothing but underwear. Rachael decided to show Rosie the time of her life and make her first time with a woman memorable. She pushed her on to the bed, and then kissed her, her tongue gently roaming all corners of Rosario's mouth. Rosario was extremely turned on, and her panties were soaked out of desire for her lover. As her hands began to roam Rachael's body, Rachael asked her to put it away.

"I don't want you to do anything" she said, "this is your first time and I want to make you feel good.

She lay on top of Rosario, their naked bodies touching each other and their breasts in close contact, and their nipples actually aligned, causing a ripple of electric-like shock to go through Rosario's entire body. Rosario thought she was going to faint out of the sheer eroticism of the moment. Rachael's face descended all the way down Rosario's body, and her tongue made sure it did any spot in trying to please the dark skinned actress. She kissed Rosario's smooth neck, and made her way down to her breasts, taking the heavenly creatures into her mouth and sucking on them, while her hands made their way to Rosario's pussy. She inserted her fingers into Rosario's snatch as she moaned and gasped in pleasure.

She then brought he face down and decided to accompany her fingers in pleasuring the actress. She continued to finger Rosario as her tongue expertly licked her clitoris. Rosario cried out loud, as she had never experienced this sort of pleasure before.

"Oh my God" she cried, "Rach, it feels so good, your tongue feels so good against me, oh yes, I love you Rach"

"I love you too" smiled Rachael as she continued to lick away at Rosario's pussy.

"Oh I'm about to come Rachael" screamed Rosario

`Are you going to come for me" asked Rachael, briefly toying with the idea of calling Rosario a slut, but she wanted to keep this affair, at least this session, pure and special

"Yes I want to come for you Rachael, I want you to lick me until you make me come and I want you to have it all"

"Great" said Rachael as she continued to pleasure her friend until the orgasm began

"Oh yes, yes" screamed Rosie as the orgasm hit her, "Yes, oh yes, oh yes Rach, yes, yes, it feels so gooooooood"

Rachael licked the juices that her friend had secreted, and then went up to kiss Rosario.

"Did you enjoy that?" she demanded to know

"Oh yes Rach, that was the best feeling ever, you have to let me make you feel as good as you made me feel"

"You don't have to" replied Rachael

"I really want to" said Rosario, "I want to lick your pussy as well"

"Well, if you say so" Rachael said in a mockingly resigned tone.

Rosario grabbed Rachael's naked breasts and massaged them, while kissing her navel. She descended on Rachael's crotch, apprehensive about her first taste of pussy. She loved the look of Rachael's well-trimmed pubic hair, and she sniffed it, wondering what it would smell like. The smell was addictive and mildly intoxicating, and Rosario spent about ten seconds whiffing at the beautiful smell before she dug in.

It tasted so good, she thought to herself, as she mildly licked it, before she resorted to larger laps at Rachael's labia. This was something she could do all day, she thought to herself, as she heard the sound of Rachael's soft voice egging her on. She only hoped she would be half as adept at pleasuring a pussy as Rachael was, as she did not want to be a disappointment. Following Rachael's cue, she inserted a finger into Rachael's hole, and the muffled moan of pleasure she heard was a good sign that it was well received. She continued to thrust her finger in and out, while licking away at Rachael's engorged clitoris.

Rachael's muffled moans were gradually increasing in volume and intensity, and in no time, Rachael began to cry out loud. Rosario was puzzled, yet extremely turned on, by the vulgar and coarse words coming out of her friend's mouth. Rachael was screaming

"Oh yes, Rosario, I love the way you are sucking on my cunt, my cunt is so fucking wet for you, oh yes fuck me, lick me harder, lick my clit"

Rosario was so turned on that she had to use her second hand to finger herself as she continued to simultaneously lick and finger Rachael. Very soon, Rachael was about to come to orgasm. As her shouts became even dirtier, Rosario beamed with pride that she was able to lick a girl to orgasm.

Eventually, Rachael came, and the two girls, totally worn out, lay side by side, Rosario holding the much tinier actress in her arms. Rachael was the first to speak

"What are you thinking?" she asked

"Nothing" said Rosario

"Liar", joked Rachael

"Alright, Alright" Rosario admitted, "I was just thinking about what an incredible morning this has been. I could not have made a better decision"

"Yes" said Rachael, "though I am really regretting on how much we missed out on over the years"

"You were worth the wait", said Rosario, as she kissed Rachael

"So" Rachael said, after the kiss was over, "have you come up with someone you are interested in now?"

"You are more than enough for me as it is", joked Rosario

"Like I don't know that" said Rachael.

"I actually don't mind a Pussycats Reunion" said Rosario

"You know, those were Tara's exact words" laughed Rachael. "I bet she'd be extremely pleased. Speaking of which, Tara has the hots for Beyonce Knowles"

"Really?" said Rosario, "I am not sure if Beyonce is into girls, but I'll see what I can do to hook them up"

"So, there's really no woman you have in mind to sleep with apart from me and Tara" said Rachael

"Well" said Rosario, "I mean, I'd sleep with any attractive women, but there's no one in particular".

Rosario hated having to lie to Rachael so soon after they reconciled their friendship, but she just could not tell Rachael the truth. She felt a little bit weird admitting to Rachael that since about 1994 or thereabout, she had fantasized endlessly about what it would be like to go to bed with Halle Berry.

The plane took off, and Jennifer finally got off the phone. Out of simple courtesy, Beyonce decided to say hello, as she figured it was a polite thing to do

"Hi Jennifer" she said, and waited for a response. After none came, she decided to try again.

"Hello Jennifer" she said again.

"Oh hi" said Jennifer coldly, "what do you want?"

"Are you always such a bitch?" asked Beyonce

"Who do you think you are", said Jennifer, "talking to me like that?"

"No, it is you who should ask yourself that question" replied Beyonce

"If you're not careful, I'll throw you off this plane" Jennifer snapped

"You do not have any right to throw me off", said Beyonce

"I have the fucking right to throw off anyone I want, I don't even know why I agreed to this in the first place", Jennifer said

"You know what" said Beyonce, "you can go fuck yourself as far as I'm concerned"

"What did you say to me?" asked Jennifer in a very angry tone

"I don't care how many tabloid headlines you make or how many pretty boys you get engaged to" said Beyonce, "I am not going to bow down and worship you like everyone else"

"Do you know who I am?" asked Jennifer

"Yes I do", said Beyonce, "you are a stuck up untalented bitch, who has starred in a bunch of forgettable movies and made some mediocre albums. I don't care how many fans you have, the fact remains that you are not going to bully me into respecting you"

Much to Beyonce's surprise, Jennifer smiled. Beyonce wondered what was happening, and wondered if she had inadvertently said something funny, when Jennifer said "I like you".

"What?" asked Beyonce, still surprised.

"The reason why I act like that is because everybody is so fake, and I wanted to see if someone would stand up to me one day, and girl, you really gave it to me"

"Well" said Beyonce, "I didn't mean to offend you"

"It's OK" smiled Jennifer, "I deserved all those things"

The two of them began to talk, and Jennifer went on and on about how much she loved Ben, and regaled Beyonce with the details of how he had proposed to her. Beyonce did not want to burst her bubble by saying she had read the story a million times in every magazine on earth, so she pretended to be interested. Beyonce commented on Jennifer's ostentatious diamond ring, and Jennifer took it off to show it to Beyonce.

However, as she took it off, it accidentally slipped and fell to the ground, and both divas bent to pick it up at the same time. They found themselves crouched on the floor, reaching for the ring, and Jennifer stared into Beyonce's eyes, and the two actresses smiled. To Beyonce's utter surprise, Jennifer moved towards her and placed her lips on hers for a kiss.

Beyonce, trying to disguise her delight and utter pleasure, kissed back, and the two actresses fell to the floor, lost in the delight of the kiss. J. Lo was actually a really good kisser, thought Beyonce, as the two actresses sat next to each other on the floor, making out while Jennifer's hands caressed Beyonce's hair. Beyonce took her hands to the older woman's chest and started to play with her breasts.

Jennifer then took her hands and attempted to remove Beyonce's sweater, and Beyonce raised her hands up in order to make this easier for Jennifer to achieve. Beyonce was now totally bare-chested, as she had neglected to put on a bra while dressing up at her hotel that morning. Jennifer's hands automatically made their way to Beyonce's breasts, and she began to caress them, while Beyonce, still kissing Jennifer, ran her hand up the superstar's thighs, making her way up to her crotch area, and much to her delight, "Jenny from the Block" was also "Jenny without underwear". She took her hand to the Latina's pussy, and saw that it was incredibly wet. She inserted it into her pussy and began to finger her.

Jennifer briefly took a hiatus from playing with Beyonce's breasts to take her clothes off. She removed her wife beater, and then pulled down her skirt, rendering herself completely naked. Beyonce decided to follow her cue, taking off her own pants and underwear, so that none of them had any clothes on.

Beyonce brought her mouth to Jennifer's chest and began to suck on the singer-actress' breasts. Jennifer moaned as Beyonce's mouth expertly sucked on her jugs, and she had her hand in Beyonce's hair, egging her on. Beyonce went down, bringing her mouth to Jennifer's crotch, licking it while grabbing her world famous ass with her hands. Perhaps it was because of the global mystique surrounding it, or perhaps just due to its sheer size, but Beyonce loved the feel of Jennifer's ass against her hand, and decided to crawl to Jennifer's back so she could see the magnificent ass in all its entirety.

It looked even more beautiful in its nakedness, and Beyonce found herself doing something she had never imagined herself ever doing. She kissed it and then inserted her tongue into Jennifer's asshole. As she licked it, Jennifer moaned louder than she ever had before. Beyonce removed her tongue and then decided to go back to Jennifer's cunt. She began to suck with all the experience she had gained these past few days. Jennifer gasped and cried as moaned as Beyonce devoured her pussy, expertly lapping away at the sensitive spots, spotting her clitoris, and using her tongue to figure out exactly how Jennifer would enjoy it the most. Jennifer continued to yell out an assortment of words, some in Spanish, some in English, and most in another language Beyonce had never heard before that she was perfectly sure was a variety of Gibberish.

Jennifer came in no time, and as she did so, screamed a giant "Yes", which was so loud that a member of the crew knocked on the cabin door and asked what was wrong. The two singers shooed him away, and Jennifer kissed Beyonce on the lips. The two immensely successful entertainers took turns in pleasuring each other until the plane got to Los Angeles and the captain announced that they would be landing very soon, and advised them to put on their belts.

Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce Knowles put their clothes on, and Beyonce gave Jennifer her underwear to keep as a souvenir, and when the plane eventually landed, the two actresses departed from it. Ben Affleck was standing by a limousine, holding a bunch of flowers and grinning sheepishly while waiting for his fiancée. As the two actresses parted, as Beyonce spotted a chauffeur holding up a sign with her name on it, the two actresses hugged and made a promise to meet each other again

"This was great" said Jennifer, "surely you are going to be in New York next week for the Grammys"

"Yeah definitely, I guess I'll see you backstage" replied Beyonce with a smile.

"OK. Call me" said Jennifer as she walked towards her waiting boyfriend.

Beyonce stared at the singer's derriere as she walked away. That was a bootylicious ass if ever there was one.

COMING SOON: What happens during Beyonce's photo shoot for the Austin Powers video game? How did Eve and Alicia's trip to LA turn out? What happens with Rachael and Rosario. Find out in the next installment of "Dangerously in Love"

This is a property of Rabbit Publications. This story may not be reproduced in any shape or form without the consent of the author.

Many men, many, many, many, many men Wish death 'pon me Lord I don't cry no more, Don't look to the sky no more Have mercy on me, Have mercy on my soul Somewhere my heart turned cold Have mercy on many men, Many, many, many, many men Wish death upon me

Next: Chapter 5

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