Daniels Magic

By Eric Rangel

Published on May 22, 2006


Legal Disclaimer:

I do not know or claim to know Daniel Radcliffe and I don't mean to impla any knowledge of his personal live or sexual preferences. This is FICTION and nothing more. If your under 18 or if it is illegal to read such materials in your country, state or province, or don't like to read fan-fictions about same sex romances then DO NOT read this story.

The author retains all rights to this story, and should not be published without authorization.


-Senores, necesitan acompanarnos, estan bajo arresto... (Gentlemen, you must come with us, you're under arrest...)

I felt like I was going to pass out, I was sure that a huge black hole had landed in my stomach; Dan was as white as the floor beneath his shoes, I took a very deep breath and turned to face the agents, I said almost in a whisper:

-Oficiales, tienen que escu... ( Officers, you must listen to m...)

When I turned around to face them I saw astonished that they were standing behind the couple of men in the next Immigration Desk, when I realized that the Officers were arresting other guys, I turned immediately to face the agent in our desk that miraculously didn't saw anything of that and were writing in the computer, he turned and ask Daniel:

-Cuanto tiempo piensa permanecer en el pais senor? (How many time you plan to stay in Mexico sir?)

Daniel turned to me and I was still shocked of the near arrest, he took my hand and squeezed a little, so I came back.

-Solo un par de semanas (Only a couple of weeks)- I said almost in a whole big word He typed the information and returned us the passports and with a great smile said:

-De acuerdo, Bienvenidos a la Ciudad de Mexico! (Ok then, Welcome to Mexico City!)

I was shaking from my hair to my toes when I stretched my arm to took the passports from his hand, and I said to him, almost crying:

-Gracias (Thanx)-

I picked up my baggage and when I started walking I realized that Daniel's hand was still in mine, I turned to him and tried to smile (I didn't did it very well, I assure you), he tried to return a smile as weak as mine, I squeezed his hand and let it go while I passed my arm around his shoulders and pressed him against me while we were walking out of the airport.

As soon as we got out of customs I saw that my driver, Jaime, was standing on his toes trying to get a better look of the people coming out, he waved at me and indicated with his hand to go to our right, we did as he told us. I was still hugging Dan when I realized that he was so shocked that he were walking in one of the most crowded airports in the world without his sunglasses!, making possible that anyone could recognize him at the time. I start walking faster, with this he turned to me with a interrogative look in his gaze, I looked down to him and whisper:

-Put your shades on, somebody could recognize you!-

He looked immediately alarmed as he was starting to look desperately in his head, shirt and pockets, then I remembered that when the Immigration Agent asked him to take them out he putted them over the desk, surely they were still there. I gave him mines, and he putted them on as we reached the parking elevators.

We were alone in the elevator so I use the free space to talk to Jaime:

-Jaime, I know your discretion is excellent, but this time due to the special and sensitive situation, that I'll explain to you later, no one must know that this boy is here. And I mean my home, the city or the country, ok?- he was nodding with a very confused look in his face- He is Daniel Radcliffe...-when I said that Dan immediately looked at me alarmed -- It's ok boy, this man has all my confidence; isn't that way Jaime?-

-I'm proud of it sir-

-So you must stay quiet about all this, you can't tell this to ANYONE, am I clear?-

-Absolutely sir- he answered with a little bow

We walked out of the elevator at level 5 and with my hand free from my suitcases I kept holding Daniel's shoulders and he looked very comfortable with that. We got to my car and Jaime opened the back door for us, Dan climbed first and I followed him; Jaime put the suitcases in the back and returned to the driver seat. He turned to saw me in the mirror and before he can ask me, I answered:

-Home, please-

He nodded and started driving. As we were going out of the parking lot the afternoon sun hit me right in my eyes, I closed them and turned my face to cover it with my hands; looking at this Dan took my sunglasses off and said giving back my shades:

-Hey, we're out of the airport now, nobody will recognize me now, and your eyes will be melted with this sun-

-Well it wont be a big lost compared if the world lose the most beautiful blue sight I've ever seen- I said smiling at him He was looking straight into my eyes and I felt the very same inquisitive look that I saw in him the moment I found him in the street, but this time a huge smile came out of his thin lips and completely awake this time he laid his back at my side and rest his head at my shoulder I put my arm around him and he replace his face placing it on my chest, then he putted my sunglasses back again in a very playful way. After a moment (very short, for me) he sprang up in the seat and looked amazed through the window,

-Oh my god, I never thought I'll see skyscrapers in Mexico City- he said while we were passing in front the Torre Mayor (Major Tower)

-Hey, come on, what do you think that you'll find people riding in horse back to get to their jobs?- I said with a fake offended look on my face He laugh in a way that let me think that he was actually waiting to see that, I preferred not to comment that, and instead I instructed him:

-We are in Paseo de la Reforma (Reforma Avenue) and here you'll see some of the most modern and amazing towers of Mexico City, including- I said this pointing to the left window- the Chapultepec Castle- with this his jaw almost dropped to the floor.

-Is that a REAL castle?, among that enormous forest???-

-Yes, that is Chapultepec Forest, and in that Castle lived the former Emperor of Mexico, Maximilian of Habsburg. But you mustn't be surprised with a castle, I mean, you're from England!-

-Well yeah, but over there we hardly saw a Forest with a Castle just in middle of the City!-

I laughed at his innocent commentary and told him:

-I think you'll find amazing "The City of Palaces"- and when I saw that he had not idea of what I was talking about I explained to him- that's how Mexico City were known in the Colony time, like 300 years ago.

He looked very interested in my improvised history lesson and were hearing very carefully at every word; I was talking but he turned to the glass again when we reached the double level of the Peripheral Circuit of the city, I explained to him that this is one of the most important ways of communication in the city, and that's the reason that the city government build a second level to help traffic.

Finally we got home, I live in a very cool neighborhood, called Gardens on The Mountain located in one of the multiple mountains that round Mexico City, when we arrived Jaime pulled into the garage and climbed down to open the door, I climbed out and helped Daniel out. I guided him through the door and to my SALA and he was looking all around at my home. I sat on my favorite couch and he crushed in the one in front of mine.

-Well, we're finally safe, you can bet-

-Yeah I can sense it- he answered with a very relaxed look in his face

-What do you think?, like it?- I asked him pointing with my forehead at the space in which we were

-I love it!- he said- I won't never miss my home! I was really touched by that commentary, does he actually plan to stay here for a long time?, I preferred not to start making illusions.

-Come on, we arrived in a perfect time to show you something I love from my place- I said to him as I helped to stand on

-Close your eyes, don't spy!- I said to him and after hesitated for a millisecond I took his hand and guided him through my living room to the main balcony just in front.

-Ok, you can open your eyes now-

He did as I told him, and saw my favorite part of the day displayed in all the majestic of the sky: the sun was about to hide under the west mountains and were bathing all city with an amazing red and warm light that makes look the city like an ancient photograph. The sun were partially covered with a cloud that were painted in red, pink, yellow and gold tones; the whole image were really breathtaking. I took a deep breath smelling the afternoon and enjoying the view, I was going to turn to ask Daniel what did he think when I were took by total surprise: before I can realize what was happening I felt his warm lips pressed against mine, his arms were around my neck so I putted mine around his waist and start kissing him so softly that I swear the time flowed very slowly that moment. I could feel that he was giving me his entire soul in that kiss, we were embraced so tightly now that I could feel his heart beating in my chest. The moment last an eternity, I start caressing very lightly the back of his head as I tried to impress the taste of his mouth in my mind; then I felt that something wet in my right cheek, it took all my will to break the lock of our mouths and see what was that. Just as I supposed it was a tear; I took his face in my hands and wipe the tear with my thumb,

-Are you ok?- I asked at him feeling that my heart will stop at any minute with that ocean blue eyes staring at me-- I'm deeply sorry if I did something wron...-

He interrupted my words with his mouth and we restarted kissing so long and so slow that I forgot everything and anything, I was living just for that moment. Another eternity later he slowly pulled apart and told me:

-You never heard of happy tears, you fool?-

I smiled and hug him so hard that I was sure that we were one single being, with our souls connected by our mouths.

Behind, in the distance, the sun disappeared in an explosion of gold and red.

Well first of all I'm deeply sorry for take that long to upload this, the past two weeks I've been REALLY busy, but it's here now, hope you like it and keep writing at danielsmagic@gmail.com I love to read your comments and opinion, I promise that the next Chapter will be uploaded soon!. Keep readin'!

Next: Chapter 4

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