Danis First Time

By moc.loa@60lrigTinaD

Published on Dec 5, 2006


I was overwhelmed with the response that I received when I told how I met Josh and we had our first encounter. I really hoped that there would be more to tell about our relationship and fate came to my rescue. The following recently happened to us and I could not wait to pass it on to those following our adventure.

Josh and I had become very good phone friends and we talked often. Getting together was difficult. Our schedules and the fact that both of us are married made it hard to find sufficient time to enjoy each other like we had after our meeting at the hardware store. We did find a couple of times, like the day I took him lunch at his construction site and while he enjoyed the food I brought him, I enjoyed feasting on his hard cock in the front seat of his car. I still wonder how he explained that to his coworkers who I know had seen the action even if we were parked a little way from the building. It was just a couple of quickies because we just couldn?t find the right time or the opportunity to be alone together. That was until my company gave us a helping hand.

I was scheduled to attend a business training session in another state and was looking forward to getting away and taking Dani with me. It would be warm and I could get some work in on my tan lines and enjoy the beach for a couple of days. I talked to Josh later that week and told him that I would be out of town, but I would call and leave him a phone number since we talk quite often on our cell phones. While I was making plans for the trip I saw the training was scheduled for Wednesday through Friday and I decided to make my get away to the warm a little longer. I told my wife I was going to see some old friend while I was down there and would fly back on Monday. She did not have a problem with this since she knew I had several old friends living in the area. My intention was to relax in the sun and do nothing for the weekend. I called Josh the next day and gave him my plans and where I would be staying. I asked him to call me on my cell if he could find some time.

The next week was a whirlwind of activity getting all my work off of my desk and packing for my Tuesday afternoon flight. When the plane took off it was like someone had flipped my switch to off. I was so relaxed; I actually slept for most of the 2 hour trip. After renting a car and driving to the hotel, I got my things unpacked and put my clothes together for the next few days.

I had picked a hotel with suites so that I wouldn?t feel like I was cooped up in one room and it was right on the beach. I opened the French doors in the living room and took in the majestic ocean view and felt the warm breeze on my face. I realized that it was not all that late and I thought I could really go for a drink. Being out of town and no one I knew to run into I thought maybe Dani should go for that drink since I would have to wait until Friday for me to become her. I went to the bathroom and took a quick bath with some lovely bath oils and made quick work of any wayward hairs that may have found their way to the surface. I got out of the tub and wrapped my self in a big fluffy robe hanging next to the tub and wrapped my hair in a towel. Standing at the mirror I began the all now familiar task of putting on my make up. I used a darker shade of rose eye shadow with a dark pencil to make sure my eyes were the strongest feature to notice. Finishing up with some bright red lip gloss, I put on my long blond wig and arranged it to perfection. Slipping into my favorite pair of 2 inch mules I walked into the bedroom to get dressed.

Picking out a new matching set of green (that was so dark it was almost black) undies, I placed them on the bed.. Since I didn?t have the time to glue my forms in place I used some tape to create some realistic cleavage, put on my new push up bra and inserted my forms. A little make up job and the cleavage looked very dramatic and believable. Then I found a pair of new suntan thigh highs. I pulled the stockings up my smooth legs, hooked my garter belt in place, attached the stockings and topped it off with the very silky, lace panties. I slipped into my black 4 inch pumps and just had to walk around the room looking in the mirrors for a minute. It just never fails to amaze me how I can take on the appearance of Dani and make it look so real. Slipping into the dress and giving the tight material a tug to get it down and in place made Dani feel complete. After attaching my bright red nails I grabbing my purse, touched up my lipstick, a few jewelry pieces, arranged my hair one more time and headed down to the bar.

Entering the large lounge area of the hotel I was glad to see that it was not all that busy. Two or three couples scattered around the table and 3 single men sitting at the bar. Since they were all sitting towards one side of the bar I made my entrance, smiling at them as they checked me out, I found a high back chair at the other side. The bartender came over with a big smile and put a napkin in from of me and said, ?Hi, I?m Troy and I?ll be taking care of you tonight. What can I get you to drink?

?Thank you Troy, I?m Dani and I think I?ll have a chocolate martini.?

?Good choice?, he said as he walked off to make my drink. He brought my drink and placed it in front of me. ?Can I get you anything else, miss??

I knew in my heart that once again they only saw Dani and I was not going to get beat up for being out in public wearing a dress. ?No thanks, this will be fine.?

I had been sipping on my drink for a few minutes and I notice the three men taking turns at checking me out. Troy came back towards me asking, ?Dani the gentleman in the blue shirt would like to buy you a drink, okay?

I thought for a minute and replied, ?Troy, be a sweetheart and tell him I was on my way to my room and just stopped for a single drink. I appreciate it, but when I finish this I?ll be going.?

Troy delivered my message and the man looked across the bar smiling and shrugged his shoulders as if to say ?oh well, I tried.? Troy came back and we made some small talk about the nice weather and what had brought me to town. I finished my drink, told Troy thank you and laid a twenty on the bar. As I left I put just a little extra wiggle in my ass for the men at the bar. I took a side trip and walked outside to large patio area and felt the warm air gently blow in my face and swirl around my nylon covered legs. I love the feel of the air when it blows under my dress and gently caresses my body. I took out my cell phone and called Josh. I got his voice mail and left him a message that Dani was dressed to the nines and was thinking about him while she watched the moon come over the ocean.

Returning to my room I kept thinking how great it was to be out in public and be accepted as what I wanted everyone to see. I sat on the balcony watching the moon and letting the warm breeze wash over me for a little while. I had a genuine feeling of raw pleasure. Going back to the bedroom I undressed and put all of Dani?s belongings into her suitcase and placed it in the closet. I would need to be focused on my training and being my other self for the next couple of days.

The week went pretty fast, training during most of the day and dinner and a cocktail party on Wednesday and Thursday nights. I finally managed to reach Josh on Thursday night and we talked for about 35 minutes about nothing in general, I told him how much I missed him and said we had to find some time to be together. On Friday our training did not wrap up until after 4 and I met some folks for drinks before they left for the airport.

I went back to my room knowing that I had the next two days to be Dani and just enjoy myself. I ordered room service for a light dinner at 8, got my suitcase and placed my weekend clothing in the drawers and closet. After taking a long hot oil bath I put on my robe, did my hair, make up, glued my forms firmly in place and painted all ten nails a bright shade of red. I had just put on a really pretty, newly purchased long matching negligee and robe with 3 inch mules when I heard the knock at the door. A very cute young lady in a hotel uniform delivered my food. Placing it on the small table in the living area I gave her a good tip and noticed what a nice smile she had. I wondered what was going on in her mind when she saw the name on the order and the women in the fancy lingerie scribble a signature on it. I handed her a nice tip and she left smiling and saying thank you.

I opened a bottle of wine and enjoyed a wonderful meal watching an old romantic movie and feeling the warm ocean breeze through the patio door. I called Josh on his cell phone and shared my wonderful evening with him. I told him what I had planned for the rest of the weekend. He told me he missed me and wished we could find some time together. I went to bed early and had great dreams of being a young debutant finding her way in the world.

Waking early I was anxious to start my mini vacation and carry out a plan that I had been thinking of every since I made my reservations. I got myself made up and I then went to the drawer and took out the new one piece bathing suit that I had bought just for this trip. I went into the bathroom and did an extra special ?tuck?, which I followed up with tape and an almost too small lycra spandex string thong panty to keep everything where it belonged. Stepping into the bathing suit and pulling up the straps to make it tight everywhere else I went to the mirror for the moment of truth.

Looking at the girl in the mirror I couldn?t believe how flat and ?normal? I looked. Lord help me if I had to go to the bathroom and I thought if something got me hard it would probably kill me, but for now I was just plain thrilled to look so normal. My breast forms filled the top very nicely, the nipples made a quiet appearance and the key hole top showed just enough clevage. Putting on a very conservative looking cover up with some designer clogs I headed for the beach. I found a beach chair with an umbrella and settled in. A couple of walks in the water (up to my waist), a short nap and reading my book made for an incredible morning as I was just Dani without any distractions. The beach was not very busy yet and I had some really nice looking young men looking my way, but I must have been putting out a ?bitch? wave because they left me alone for the most part. I went back to the hotel and was planning to just continue my day shopping in some of the local shops. I was deciding what to wear when the phone rang. It was Josh.

?Well, are you ready for your big shopping day,? he asked?

?I just got back from the beach and going to get ready. What are you doing??

?Just setting around thinking about you.?

?Yeah right.?

He started to say something and then that damned cell phone of his starting cutting in and out. ?Josh, I can barely hear you, what did you say??

Through static I heard, ?I asked you if you could use some company today??

?Josh what are you talking about??

As his phone cleared up I heard him say, ?Damn it Dani, just open the door!?

?Open what door, Josh, what are you talking about??

?The door to your room sweetheart, I want to come inside!?

I think I crossed that room in one step as I opened the door, I could not believe my eyes. There was Josh standing right in front of me in a pair of faded designer jeans, a white beach shirt, sandals, sunglasses on top of his head and holding a small bag. I don?t know how he stayed in an upright position as I jumped into his arms at 70 miles an hour and wrapped my legs around his waist. I planted a big wet kiss on his lips and held on.

Wrapping his arms around me he pulled his head back and asked, ?Does this mean you?re glad to see me??

?I can?t tell you how glad I am to see you. What are you doing here? How did you get here? Why are you here? When did you get here??

?Settle down girl, I can only answer one question at a time. My wife?s mother is having some surgery so she went to help them around the house for the weekend and I told her I was going hunting. After I talked to you last night I decided that this would be a good chance for us to spend some time together. I caught an early flight this morning and I?m going back tomorrow afternoon. So are you glad to see me??

I grabbed that beautiful face and kissed him hard. Soon we were just all over each other.

He reached out and took off my cover up and his face was glowing. ?Damn girl, I can?t believe how hot you look in the bathing suit. How the hell did you do that? I mean where is IT??

Answering quickly I blurted out, ?Oh, it?s no big thing.? We both realized what I said at the same time and started to laugh. We were kissing very hard and I reached down and opened his jeans. Dropping quickly to my knees I was face to face with his beautiful cock. I opened my mouth and swallowed it quickly. Josh threw back his head as he grabbed me by the back of mine and moaned deep from his throat.

?Damn, Dani that feels so-o-o good!?

I had him backed against the closed door as I started to move my head back and forth and suck on his cock. My hands were on the cheeks of his ass and squeezing him as I used my mouth. It didn?t take long for him to tense up and start to loose it. ?Oh shit, I?m cumming. Dani, I?m cumming?.

I didn?t let loose of him. As stream after stream shot into my mouth I continued bobbing and sucking him as dry as possible?. When he was done and starting to go soft, I pulled back to just the now super sensitive head and began to every so gently scrape my teeth across it. He was jumping all over the place with excitement. Placing his cock back inside his jeans and closing the top button I started to rub my face across his crotch. He reached down and pulled me to my feet. His kiss was deep and passionate and I just melted into his arms.

Josh reached down and picked me up in his arms. As he carried me into the bedroom he kissed me and just gave me a look that made me want him. I was so hot after the morning at the beach, Josh coming all this way and the blowjob that I wanted him real bad. He placed me on the side of the bed and stood in front of me. Reaching up I unbuttoned his jeans and opened his shirt. I knelt down and took off his sandals and pulled the jeans off. As usual he wasn?t wearing underwear; he says it makes him feel trapped. I stood up took off his shirt as I gently pushed him back on the bed. Straddling his waist I began to rub my smooth crotch against his cock while I reached out and played with his hardening nipples. Leaning down I alternated taking each of his nipples into my mouth and sucking on them. I started to feel life returning to his cock and started sucking a little harder. I straightened up and pulled the straps down on my swimsuit. In the half lit room my attached forms looked like my own full breasts swaying with my movement. I leaned down again to kissing him on the lips while rubbing my nipples against his; he started to meet my grinding action with his own.

I got up and stood by the bed and removed my suit. I leaned down and put his now rock hard cock in my mouth making sure it was god and covered in my saliva. Leaving the small thong to cover my crotch I straddled his body. Pulling the string in back to the side I placed the head of his cock at the entrance to my ass. As I started to lean back and lower myself I felt the head start its way in. Pushing back slowly the head of his cock popped past the ring and I had to stop and hold my breath for a minute. Working up my courage I took a deep breath and released my weight. Sliding all the way back on his cock it all went in at one time until it was buried deep inside. Still being tucked and taped with the pressure of that wonderful 7 inch cock I was so full that I thought I was going to burst. I gasped for air and tried to clear the stars from my head. I regained my strength and began to rise and lower my ass in short strokes. The more excited I became I lengthened my motion until I was slamming almost all the way out but definitely all the way back in. Josh was rising up to meet my strokes and both of us were moaning and crying out. Soon I could see that Josh was ready and I rose up one last time and drove myself back hard on his cock as he rose up at the same time and filled me with his hot cum. I didn?t physically cum but my body began to shudder and shake and I couldn?t stop. I remember wondering to myself, ?Is this what happens to a girl when she feels an orgasm??

I feel forward on his chest while we both tried to get our breath. It took a couple of minutes for us to regain our composure and be able to speak intelligently.

I rolled off his chest and we curled up back to front and just held each other for a long time. I turned back to face Josh and we kissed softly. Josh looked up, ?I don?t know about you but I am hungry as hell?.

?Me too and I really do want to get out and enjoy this beautiful day!?

?Well, let?s get going then.? Josh headed for the shower and quickly cleaned up for our excursion while I laid in the bed glowing. When he was done he got a beer and turned on the football game while I went to the bathroom and got cleaned up. I grabbed a quick shower and got dressed. Picking out a denim mini skirt that really showed off my ass and a pull over shirt that hugged my forms to look like a hottie without a bra. While I put on a pair of red lace panties with a matching garter belt with white thigh highs. When I had it all together I finished up with 3 inch strappy sandals and a red blouse open and tied at the waist.

Walking out to the other room I asked Josh, ?Well, do I look good enough for you to take me out??

?You look absolutely amazing?. He put his sandals back on, I grabbed my bag and we were off. The elevator had mirrored walls and as we entered holding hands we looked just like a young couple on vacation. Josh leaned down and kissed me on the way down and told me ?I really am glad I decided to come?.

?Me too?, I told him as we left the hotel and headed out for the rest of the day.

We found a small Mexican restaurant for lunch and had a couple of drinks as we played with each others legs under the table. Making our way into the tourist part of town we looked through the shops, bought some souvenirs, stopped for another drink and walked on the beach.

The sun was going down as we went back to the hotel. It had been a beautiful day; we played like young lovers and were ready to settle in for a nice romantic night. I changed into a nice bedtime teddy set while Josh ordered dinner. When I came out of the bedroom the same young lady was delivering our dinner. As she passed me going out of the room she gave me a big smile, winked and wished me a wonderful evening.

We ate our dinner by the patio doors and drank a bottle of wine. After dinner we curled up on the couch and watched a real tear jerker movie on the rental channel. I had my head on Josh?s chest as he rubbed my back and attempted to stop my crying at the saddest part of the movie. When it was done he turned off the television and asked me if I was ready for bed.

?Yes, I want to go to bed with you.? Josh went into the bedroom while I went to the bathroom and freshened up my makeup and made sure that everything was in its place.

When I came into the bedroom, Josh was lying on the bed partially covered with the sheet with his hands folded behind his head looking up towards the ceiling. His tanned, athletic looking body was a sight to behold. He is what I would have to call ?model gorgeous?. I came over to the bed and lay down next to him putting my hand on his hard stomach and leaning in to kiss his lips. He responded by pulling me close to him and returning my kiss with his tongue finding mine. We stayed that way for a long time just kissing and feeling each others body. Josh made the first move when he rose up over me and began to kiss my face, my shoulders, my stomach and finally arriving at my panties. He gently pulled on the lace until he had them to my knees. Kissing each leg he raised it and pulled the panties free but not before he kissed each of my ten toes by placing it in his mouth and gently sucking. Returning to my midsection he gently lifted my stiffening cock and began to stroke it with a gentle up and down motion. Bending down he took me in his mouth and starting to suck very lightly while he took more into his mouth a little at a time. In the mean time his hand had found my balls and he was gently squeezing each one. At the same time he hit bottom on my cock, he had it all in without gagging. He then began to move his head up and down more quickly while he wrapped his hand around the base and started to make small up and down strokes. This was the first time I had ever had a man give me a full blown ?bj? and it felt ?great?! My breathing was starting to get faster; my hips were grinding into the mattress as I put my hands on each side of his head and began to slowly fuck that beautiful mouth. Starting to moan deeply I told Josh that I was about to cum, but he never missed a beat as he continued to suck and move his head. I was so overcome with lust that without notice I began to spurt long streams of cum into hi mouth. Josh drew back with just the head in his mouth and started sucking and swallowing as my body shook in deep tremors. When I had stopped and regained some of my composure, Josh came up and kissed me deeply and as he did so he pushed a large amount of my cum into my mouth with his tongue. I held it and then gave it back to him. After trading it a few times he closed his mouth, smiled at me and swallowed it.

?Josh, you told me before that you had never done that, but you were so good.?

?I wanted to please you like you have done for me and I did what you said. I know what I like and I just did that. Showing that beautiful smile he said, ?I have been waiting to do that for awhile, I hope it was good for you??

?Honey, you have no idea how GOOD that was for me?. I started to kiss him deeply and we just held each other for a long time. Finally Josh gave me a questioning look and asked, ?Dani, can I ask you to do something for me.?

?Josh, you know I would do anything for you. What is it??

He became very serious and started to talk to me in a small boy sort of speech. ?You know when we first met and we made love, I told you that I had had the opportunity for a bi relation, but never went through with it? That was true and I told you that I had thought about it for a long time.?

?I remember that?, I said.

?Well, when we did it that first time you said it was so good and you even cummed without touching your cock. Dani, I want to experience everything that you did. I want to know what it feels like. I guess I?m saying that I want you to fuck me!?

Looking into his eyes, I could see the seriousness and desire that he was expressing. ?Josh, if you are serious I would certainly do that for you.?

He smiled and kissed me saying, ?That?s what I want.?

I kissed him on the forehead and told him ?I?ll be right back.? Going to the living room of the suite I found some lube and my small bag of toys. Grabbing two beers from the mini fridge I went back to ?our? bed.

We set up on the bed leaning against the headboard and proceeded to drink our beers and just talk. We talked about the day we had shared, what we had experienced so far in our relationship and what we wanted to do after this weekend. When we had finished our beers I leaned my head over on his chest and put my hand on his soft cock. Moving my head I started to kiss his nipple and rub on his balls. As I placed my mouth over his nipple and gently bit down his cock sprang to life. I started placing a line of kisses down his stomach, his navel and finally putting that hard cock in my mouth. While I was sucking on his manhood I found the previously opened tube of anal lube and coated my fingers. Reaching down between his legs I started lubricating between those beautiful cheeks. When the lube touched his skin he jumped a little and his cock somehow got harder. Reaching back I pulled his legs to a bent position and found some more lube. This time when I reached down I placed my little finger on the entrance and started to push in while I just got things nice and slippery. This went on for a few minutes while I continued to suck his cock, put more lube in place and put my index finger inside his ass ring. I was fucking his ass with my finger until he relaxed a bit and then put in two fingers and moved them slowly in and out. After a few minutes I found my smallest butt plug (that I had already coated with anal lube) and placed it on the entrance. Pushing forward I felt his body tense so I just let it set there while I worked harder on his pulsing cock. When he had relaxed some I pushed it further, since he didn?t tense quite as bad I slid it in the rest of the way. This was a small plug and he started to feel more comfortable and I started to move it around very slowly. After a few moments, I raised my head and set on my knees next to his body so I could continue to use the plug and also kiss his sweet mouth.

?Do you like what I?m doing Josh??

?Yeah, I do. It?s okay?

?What I?m using is very small, honey and I just want you to get used to the feeling. You let me know when you want to go further.?

We kissed and Josh looked up and said, ?Okay Dani I think I?m ready.?

?Okay sweetheart, I need you to kneel on the bed and put your head on the pillow. This is supposed to be the best way for your first time. Are you sure your want me to do this??

?I trust you Dani!?

Kneeling on the bed I go behind him and began to play some more with the plug moving it in and out of his beautiful ass. He began to move his hips in very small circles and started to moan deep in his throat. Knowing he was ready I removed the plug and placed the tip of my slippery cock at the entrance. Giving him time I just held myself there for a moment before pushing just the head inside.

Josh tensed up and took a deep breath. I rubbed his back. ?That?s okay baby, just relax and enjoy.? I felt his body loosen up and when it did I pushed my hips forward and felt the head of my cock pop past his muscle and slip inside. I could not find a way to explain how erotic this was or how good it felt on my cock. Josh tensed and moaned very hard. ?That?s the hard part baby; I?m just going to stay right here until you tell me you?re ready for more.?

I hadn?t moved for a few moments when I felt Josh moving his hips back towards mine. He was breathing very hard and his legs were starting to tremble. ?Is it feeling better?? He didn?t answer, he just pushed back a little more, stopped and pushed, stopped and pushed. When he felt my pelvis against his cheeks he let out a deep lustful moan from deep inside.

?Are you all the way in, he asked breathlessly?

?All the way, sweetheart. Are you okay??

?I can?t believe you got it all the way in.?

?Just wait a minute honey, it gets better?, I said as I pulled my hips back leaving jus the head in. When he gasped for breath I pushed all the way in. He was gasping, moaning, pulling on the headboard so I started a long slow fuck on his ass. He was pushing back trying to keep me deep inside but I was determined to make it good for him.

When I knew I couldn?t take it much longer I increased my speed and my balls were slapping his cheeks with a sound loud enough to fill the room. Reaching out and grabbing him by the hips I straightened up, pulled him back hard and began to pump a huge load of cum into his ass. Without pulling out I reached around and took his rock hard cock in my hand and started to stroke. It only took a few strokes and he began to shoot streams into my hand and the sheets. I could feel the ring to his ass squeezing down on my softening cock and then we both collapsed onto the bed, me still on Josh?s back.

When we were both able to breath normally we rolled onto our sides and he kissed me long and slowly. He brushed my hair back from my face and whispered, ?Is that what it feels like for you??

?Josh, I don?t know how it felt for you but I love it when you make love to me. It makes me feel complete. He had a confused and hurt look on his face. I asked, ?Josh, what is wrong? Why are you looking so sad??

?Dani, I really liked what just happened. The blow job really turned me on and I really liked it. The other was good, but I?m not sure that it?s something that I would want to do again or at least not on a regular basis. Am I wrong to feel that way??

I smiled, ?Josh, in case you haven?t noticed I?m the one wearing panties and a garter. I?m the one that has breasts, even if they are not real, I have them and I love them. I love being a girl. I love it when you fuck me like a girl. If you don?t get the same pleasures that I do that?s okay. You?re my man and I want you as a man, I don?t want to be the man, so no you?re not wrong.?

Josh wrapped me in his arms, kissed me long and deeply. That?s how we fell asleep.

I woke early the next morning while Josh was still sleeping. I slipped into the bathroom and got cleaned up, freshened my face and put on a clean nighty. As I slipped back into the bed I pressed my back to his front and everything just sort of felt right.

I must have dozed off because when I woke up Josh had pressed more against me in his sleep and now his arm was wrapped around my waist and his cock was hard and pressing into my crack. I reached back and took hold of the intruder which caused him to stir from his sleep. He started rubbing my stomach and kissing my neck. Soon we were deep into a long and serious lovemaking session and this time I was the girl, which is the role I intend to keep. We took a long hot shower together and had standup sex, ordered room service for lunch and had balcony sex.

I drove Josh to the airport and after a long, hard and passionate kiss at the curb he was gone. I couldn?t believe how alone I felt.

I don?t know where all this is going to lead. Josh and I really have a love for each other, but we are not ready to make any changes in our lives as of yet. We have decided to be loyal to each other, meet when we can and see where the water takes us.

So until we find our next opportunity, we wait?????????????


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