Dares To Control

By Dude Sweet

Published on May 22, 2003



We started with simple showing and comparing dicks. We were 12. Sometimes during a sleepover one of us would strip naked and run around the room. We would dare each other kid things, like run out of the room to the bathroom naked, or sleep naked. By the time we were 13, we were jacking off together during sleepovers, looking at a stolen Penthouse magazine. The three of us.

Mike, the jock, Matt, the smart kid and me, Derek, uh, probably the horney one I guess if I need a label. The summer after 8th grade, we all went to different camps. When we came back be hung for a few weeks enjoying the summer. Then we started to get bored.

We got into a card game called Magic. When you played everyone had to put a card face down and the winner got to keep all the cards. We played it like 8 hours everyday for a few weeks. We all hated losing cards, especially if they were good cards. So I came up with the idea that we would stop playing for cards, and the loser had to do a dare. This was cool for a while, but we were even getting bored with it. So I came up with another idea. We think of really big dares. Like a 3 day dare or a week long dare that the loser has to do. Bad stuff, hard stuff. We would write them down and the loser would have to pick one. So you might get your own dare then you would have to do it.

Mike asked, but what if the dare is to hard and you chicken out. Well you have to do it anyway I said. What if you don't. I said well since we might draw our own dare, they can't be real bad stuff like hurting someone. I said they can only be embarrassing stuff. They agreed to try. We all thought up one dare and wrote it down. We wadded up the paper into small balls and put them in a sock. My dare was you have to go without underwear for 3 days. We played. It was a little more intense, and a lot more fun. Since it was my idea I think they teamed up a little against me cause I lost the game. I drew. No jacking off for 3 days. Lol. No way could I do that one. They said I had to. I said I would try, but I knew I wouldn't be able to. So what if you don't do the dare, what if you jack it, Matt wanted to know, it was his dare. Shit, I don't know. Matt says there has to be a penalty if you don't do the dare right. Mike agreed. I agreed to, that might even be more fun. A penalty would be cool. My mind was ticking.

Can I jack off if I don't use my hands I asked Matt. Yeah, sure, use your feet if you want. I was thinking of humping a pillow I told them. They thought this was pretty damn funny. Ok, Matt said, just no touching it. Except to pee I added. Ok, I think I could do this. Pretty good dare . Way better than my cheesy underwear dare. Let's play again. I didn't want to be the only loser. Plus I wanted to see Mikes dare. Mike lost. He drew. It was my cheesy underwear dare. Easy. I told him it started now. He stripped off his pants and shoved his underwear in his pocket. We started another game immediately. I lost again. Shit. I wanted Matt to do something. I drew the last one. Mike was already laughing. Jack off outside was the dare. Lol. Now I had a jackoff dare and a no jacking off dare. That's why he was laughing. So they said I could do my jackoff dare now, then start my 3 days of no jacking off. Ok, fine. But where outside. I asked if I could do it when its dark. No, it has to be done now.

So my mom and brothers are home so I say lets go to Matt's house. He doesn't have any brothers or sisters. On the way over there Mike says the tennis court. We were passing it and looking in, I could tell there was no one there. Matt agreed and we were all three in the tennis court. I shut the gate. There were green nets all around but you could see through them a little. This was going to be hard. So we all sat on the bench, me in the middle and I pull my pants down in the front and right away started going for it as I already had a boner. Wouldn't you? They were busting up. I kept looking around to make sure no one was coming, so I couldn't really enjoy it. But I jacked as fast as I could. I leaned over and dripped my sperm on the ground under the bench. They loved it. It was pretty cool. Now, no jacking for 3 days. Ok. I said no jacking with my hands. Yes, Matt said ok.

To regain my pride I grabbed Mikes underwear out of his pocket and we played keep away with it. I reminded him no underwear means sleeping naked. He said or in shorts. I said no, but they said my dare was no underwear, they agreed shorts were ok for sleeping. Ok I agreed. Next time I would come up with a better dare anyway.

That night I tried jacking off with my feet, but that doesn't work let me tell you. I ended up just humping my pillows like I was fucking them. Good, but very messy. Next day I told them about it. We also made Mike prove he wasn't wearing underwear. He also said he slept in his board shorts last night. Pussy. We just messed around for 2 more days, not wanting to start another round, till the first dares were done. I also thought of a good penalty. So I got a role of film and put it in the camera.

School was starting in a few days, so these were the last days of summer. When we were planning our next dares I suggested we take naked pictures of each other and if someone chickens out and doesn't do there dare, we develop the film and show the pictures of the person who chickened out to everyone at school. I was surprised that they agreed. So they said you first. So I stripped naked and let them take 3 pictures. It was fun. Then Mike and Matt, only Matt didn't even have a boner. We told him he had to get one cause we both had one. So then we take the film out and I get to keep it. I hide it in my closet in a old box on the shelf. Now we write our 3 day dares.

Mine was let someone see your dick everyday who has not seen it before. Hehe. I think that was a good one. See I had 2 brothers and if I lost, I could use them if I had to I've seen there's, they haven't seen mine. It would be easy. Matt doesn't have any brothers or sisters and Mike has a sister, no brothers. So I figured it would be easy for me, harder for them. Mike lost. He drew. Get totally naked at 12 o'clock every day. Lol. Cool. Mike lost again. He drew mine. Shit. He doesn't like it. After a bit he figures out a plan. He will stand at the urinal at the arcade until someone else comes in and sees his, pretending he is peeing. Pretty smart plan of his. Matt loses the last game. He will have to do his own. He doesn't want to draw cause he already knows what it is. Jack off someone else. Wow. Holy shit that's a good one. He is embarrassed. He says he always wanted someone to jack him off and thought it would be cool. Now he has to jack one of us off. Who? We decide to each draw a card. Loser gets jacked. I wanted to lose so bad. We were going by casting cost of the card, lands don't count. He draws. Casting cost 3. I draw, casting cost 2. I lose! I get jacked off. I quickly pull down my pants. Jack it fag I tell him. Hehe. Fuck you he says. And make it good bitch I tell him. Its very cool. This is a great dare. I love it. Mike seems to enjoy watching. Its good. Matt says hurry up. I say I'm making it last as long as I can fag. He speeds up the jacking. Well I'm to horney to make it last long. I come.

He quickly pulls his hand away and I grab it and finish. He is grossed out and wipes my sperm off his hand on my pants. Its great. We tease him about being a fag, but we're just kidding.

After school starts, we forget about our dares for a while. He have 3 classes together. Home room, PE and freshman English. I have science with Matt and history with Mike. Not to bad. Friday after school we are all at Matt's house and decide to play again. For dares. I still have the film if anyone chickens out. Pants a different person for 3 days in gym. Hehe. That's a good one. Plus someone already pantsed someone in gym last week so they wouldn't think we were gay or anything. That was my dare. I lose. I draw. Take a naked shower in gym for 3 days. Shit. That's a hard one. I mean we had showers, but we were freshman. No one took a shower after gym. Shit, this sucked. But I will do it I tell them. Matt lost the next one. Wear no underwear under PE shorts for 3 days. Lol. That's a riot. They are thinking up good ones. This is a cool game. Matt losses again. He is having bad luck with this game. Anyway he has to pants people in class AND go without underwear. Great combo. But I have to take 3 naked showers. Only Mike hasn't done anything very hard except no underwear. Easy.

So me and Mike are checking to see if he strips off his underwear for PE. He leaves his shirt on when he does it so nobody can see. But we know. Then he pulls down my pants. The little sneak. Of course he grabs my boxers and a couple of guys see my dick. They laugh. I pretend that I'm going to kill him, but they all know I'm just messing around. Also it makes it easier for me to shower naked now. A couple of guys already saw me. When I strip and walk to the shower I get several looks, but nobody says anything. Its very weird. It would be easier if everybody did it. Then next period, Sammy asks me why I did it. I tell him I lost a bet and have to do it 2 more times. He loves it. He thinks it is hellacool. Later I ask Mike and Matt if we should invite Sammy. We decide its to risky. Anyway Matt pulls down Mike shorts in PE next day. No surprise. I take another shower.

And on the third day he pulls down this little brains pants. He has absolutely no hair. Pretty funny. When I ask him why he picked on Devon, he said cause he knew Devon couldn't kick his ass. Smart.

On Thursday we decide to play again. We also agree that we can't use the same dares, cause we were all going to do the shower naked one I think. It's the most embarrassing. Matt losses the first one. Jack off in the living room 3 days in a row after everybody has gone asleep. I lose. I draw. Jack off after school with bedroom door open 3 days in a row. Matt put that one because he doesn't have any brothers or sisters. I promise revenge on him. That will be hard. I have 2 brothers age 11 and 8. And my mom. Shit. Mike finally losses and has to do mine. He has to ask his dad about boners, wet dreams and jacking off and has to use those word. Hehe. He promises revenge on me. Still, he got the easy one again both Matt and I tell him.

Sammy asks about my showers when I stop. I tell him it was only for 3 days.

He acts interested. The guys say maybe next time. They think he should sleepover with someone first to see if he likes doing stuff. After school on Friday, my mom takes my brothers to the grocery store with her, so I have a safe jack. Easy. Saturday I call Sammy and see if he wants to sleepover. He says yes. So when he comes he asks about the bets. I tell him we play Magic and whoever losses has to do dares. Do you do dares I ask him. He says that he would if he lost. Cool. I don't tell him about the naked pictures for penalty. Also after the lights are out I ask him if he can come yet. He says yeah. I ask if he wants to do it now. He says yeah if you do it to. So we jack off together, but its in the dark so I don't get a good look. But now I know he will do stuff. I tell him about what Mike has to ask his dad. Sunday we call Matt and asks how it went. He said he didn't do it yet. Chicken shit.

Monday at school Matt said he jacked off Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the living room with no problem. Cool. And Mike said he was so embarrassed, but he asked and his dad gave him 1 and half hours birds and bees talk. Cool. Even got a encyclopedia. Lol. After school my bro are watching tv and my mom is doing laundry. I leave my door open only like 1 inch and don't strip, just pull it out and jack on my bed. As fast as I can so I won't be cot. Well Johnny comes in, hes 11. Shit I'm cot. I cover up and make a shhhhhhh. He whispers what are you doing. Playing with my dick, don't tell anybody. He says ok. I make him promise. Then I say go back out and stand guard. Cough if anybody is coming. He says ok, happy to be let in on a secret. He goes out, leaves the door opens and looks in. Oh well, he's already seen it. I whip it out and finish. When I'm dressed he comes in. I tell him don't worry you will do it to. Is that jacking off he asks. Yeah, how did you know. He heard about it. Cool. But embarrassing.

I tell the guys, they think it is hilarious. Tuesday I have to do it again.

The idea of cheating never even entered my mind in case you were wondering. Well Johnny is ready and just about follows me into my room. Are you going to do it again? I want to watch. Ok, you can watch, but you have to stand guard. He stands by the door, but on the inside so he can get a good view I guess. I do it. Its kinda fun with him watching. He agrees to keep it secret.

So we all did our dares again. I tell the guys about Sammy and they agree to let him try, but he has to take a naked gym shower first. He agrees and does. Friday after school we meet at Matts. Sammy has his own Magic cards. He wants to know what dares we have done so far, so we tell him all of them. We tell him 3 day dares. He likes it I can tell. Anyway Matt losses first.

Again. He has to jack off in 3 different bathrooms at school. That was mine. Matt losses again. He is pissed. He has to jack everybody else off. That was Sammy's. Wow. That means I get jacked off again. Cool. I lose. Suck a dick. What the fuck? Matt is laughing his ass off. I say no way and I mean it. He says then you know what will happen. I say well I'm not doing that and I'm not giving up the film. He says what makes you think you have it? I rush home, them all following me, look in my box. Its not there. Matt stole it and hide it. He is laughing his ass off. He says you better do it or else you know what will happen. Shit. This is out of control. We go back to Matts. I have to suck his dick. Sammy is also laughing his ass off. Mike is almost on my side. Almost, but not. Matt. We play again. Mike losses. Kiss everyones naked ass. Another fucking easy one, and I have to suck Matts dick. This game sucks. Just wait till next time. I tell Matt he has to take a fucking shower first. While he does, we tell Sammy about the pictures. He likes it a lot. I search Matts room for the film, but cant find it. He comes back in the room, whips off his towel with his dick already for sucking. This is gross. I tell them they have to leave, they all agree no. Shit. So I put the head in my mouth. I almost throw up. I put about half in my mouth and jack it off with my hand to. I tell him if he comes in my mouth he's dead. He promises he won't. The worst thing is not the dick sucking. The worst thing is the others guys watching. He says he almost there so I jack him. The guys all clap like it was a show or something. Mike quickly kisses his ass. Fuck them. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, I don't care that its his toothbrush, its better than thinking about a dick in my mouth. So anyway he has to jack us all. Sammy want to go first. So we get to see his. Looks bigger than any of ours, but we don't measure or anything. Mike kisses his ass. Matt jacks him. Its cool watching anothers guys sperm shoot out. Mike goes next. Then my turn. Even though I'm mad at him from the sucking, he does a good job and I enjoy it. Mike kisses my ass. Shit why does he get the easy dares. Also Sammy didn't lose any. Fuck that.

Matt does his bathroom jacks. Well believe it or not we decide to do it again. I want my fucking dick sucked. By Matt if possible. But I can't use the same dare. Shit. Also we agree to team up against Sammy for the first 2 games, cause he hasn't had to do anything. Sammy loses. He has to streak the gym totally naked during PE. Good one. Might get busted to if coach is around, which he usually isn't. Sammy losses again cause we team up against him. Stick your finger all the way up your ass while jacking off in front of everybody. He made that one up and picked it. Kinda gross if you ask me. We agree not to team up on him. Matt losses. He draws mine. Jack off in the shower at school. He doesn't want to do it. I said ok then, since I made it up, I will give him a choice. That or suck my dick. Yeah! Everyone is quiet while is deciding. He decides to suck my dick. Yeah! My plan worked. The only problem with my plans was if I picked it. I lose the last one. Oh shit. I draw. Kiss everyones balls. That's a lot easier than dick sucking let me tell you. I pull out my boner for Matt. He says go in the bathroom and wash if off first. I do. I am ready. When he puts his mouth on it I almost shoot it them it feels so good. I like it. He does it like I did his. Its fun with everyone watching. I tell him before I come and he jacks it. He does a good job. They clap. I clap to. They all pull down there pants and I kiss there ugly balls. Sammy has hairy balls.

Sammy gets cot by the coach streaking and gets 3 day suspension. That pretty much ends our control and dares. Also When I ask where Matt hide the film. He says its still in my house. He only moved it from the box to freak me out. He says its on the floor in a old sneaker under you bed. Pretty smart guy.

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