Dark Journeys

By dlacourse

Published on Sep 9, 2005



(These are three short stories involving younger men dominating older men)


Mr. Harrison, fifth period history teacher of the Inner-city school system. Lives alone never been married and spend his evenings at the library. Average looking average build. Black rim glasses four year old suits fully equipped thirty nine year old nerd. He makes small talk in the teachers lounge but usually it is too boring for anyone to listen. The only place he can flex his authority is the class room. His students will obey him or they will fail. It is the last day of school before summer vacation. Mr. Harrison goes to the parking lot but his car will not start. Someone has removed the coil wire.

Unaware of the problem, Mr. Harrison locks his car and begins his walk home. Two blocks away a van pulls up with two senior students he recognizes. They offer to drive him home. He accepts the ride and discovers four more students in the back. Mr. Harrison has made a few enemies and they are about to take their revenge. Mr. Harrison is quickly overpowered by the five teenage hoodlums who bound, gagged and blindfolded him. He is held down by two boys while another strips him from the waist down. Two other boys tore his coat and shirt away.

They rolled him over; then tied his legs to opposite sides of the van. Mr. Harrison was flat on his stomach, naked with his legs spread wide open. An inviting position for the boys. "You like fucking everyone!" Shouted one boy. "Now we'll see how you like it!" "Yeah!" Another boy spoke up. "We gonna fill your ass with hard cocks!"

Mr. Harrison struggled against his bindings. All it did was delight his captors. "Yeah! Go ahead fight it. Just makes me wanna fuck you harder!" The boys drove up and down the streets of the city, assaulting Mr. Harrison as they drove. They removed his gag and two of the boys forced him to suck their cocks. One boy grabbed Mr. Harrison's cock.

"Look here! All this butt fucking made him hard!" It was true. His cock had been erect for some time and no way to hide it. Another boy spoke up. "Here! Let me have it. I always wanted to jerk this cock sucker off!" The boy fisted Mr. Harrison's cock and began roughly yanking it up and down. "COM' on whore! Give it up!" The boy slapped him several times hard across the ass. "Let's see some juice squirt!"

The boys laughed. Suddenly, Mr. Harrison moaned and his hips bucked forward. The boys clapped and cheered. His cock was spurting sperm out on the van floor. After his required masturbation, Mr. Harrison became more relaxed as if to accept his fate. The boys took him to an old apartment they often used for their club house. They continued to sexually abuse him over the next week.

The boys liked to whip his ass which they did often. They raped him with dildos. They played a game called "Ball Busting." Tied him naked to a chair, legs stretched wide open. Then with an open hand, took turns slapping him across the balls. He was required to suck cocks on command. He was also required to masturbate whenever they wanted.

One evening, the boys took him to a man called Big Morris. He operated several night clubs and a whore house. They sold Mr. Harrison to Big Morris for three hundred dollars. He was put to work in the night club pleasing customers with his ass and mouth. That is until the Passion club was raided one night by the police.



Brad Wilson was the boss's only son. Twenty three years old young gun straight out of college ready to change the corporate world. Arrogant, superior know-it-all that was now in charge of my department. After one week he fired three people in production and one in R & D which is my department. I have been with company for eight years. I am a forty seven year old divorced man. My wife took the house, the car, the kid and most of my money every month. I live in a dump they call an apartment.

I am very complacent and quite submissive in nature. I don't like change. I am too old to find another job with this money and I am scared to death I will be fired next. I compile the reports for the R & D department. Mr. Wilson Jr. announced that they be delivered Monday, Wednesday and Friday at ten A.M. to his office on the fifteenth floor. Needless to say, I was frightened the first time I went there.

Mr. Wilson Jr. sat behind a very large desk by a huge window. He was over six foot tall, brown wavy hair, blue eyes and wore a very expensive suit. "Henning! Is that your name?" "Yes. Yes, sir." I nodded. "You will give me reports three days a week. In the way I require." "Yes, sir," I quickly agreed.

"Remove your clothes, Henning! I mean all of them." I was startled and not sure I heard correctly. "Excuse me, sir?" "You heard me, Henning. Strip your clothes off! Then give me your report." "I...I don't think that's appropriate, sir."

He walked around from behind his desk. "You know what's appropriate, Henning? The fact that you still have a job! Would you like to keep that job?"

I swallowed hard. "Yes...Yes sir. Very much." "Then do what I tell you!" I slowly began removing my clothes, piling them on the chair next to the desk until I was naked. Mr. Wilson Jr. sat down in his big leather chair. I read the report to him but I felt his eyes roaming over my nakedness. He rolled forward in his chair. "Leave it on the desk, Henning. Put your clothes on and get out!"

Wednesday rolled around quickly and I found myself back in Mr. Wilson's office. He stood up from the desk. "You remember what to do?" "Yes, sir." "Then do it!" Mr. Wilson Jr. approached me as I stood naked in front of the desk with the report in my hands.

"The next time you strip immediately! You understand?" I nodded my head. "Yes, sir." He sat back down. "Begin!" Half way down the page he interrupted me. "Spread your legs open, Henning! Now, wider!" Feeling totally humiliated, I finished the report, dressed and left the office.

Friday, the last day of the week. Mr. Wilson Jr. sat in his usual chair. I quickly undressed in front of him and began the report. He interrupted again. "Use one hand to massage your balls while you read." I swallowed hard. "Please. Please, sir. This is very humiliating for me."

He quickly stood, marched around the desk and grabbed me by the balls. "You want your last fucking check, Henning?" He picked up the phone on his desk. "Get me personnel. I need a final check issued." "Please Mr. Wilson! Please!" I grabbed his arm. "Please I need this job. I'll do anything you ask. Please don't fire me!"

"Anything! Remember that Henning! The first time you tell me you can't. You're down the fucking road! Understood?" I swallowed hard again, nodding my head. "Yes, sir." He grabbed me by the balls again. "You know what a butt plug is, Henning?" I shook my head. "No, sir." "You're in research. Find one! Wear it Monday when you come."

I found them on the internet. I took a side trip on my way home to the adult book store a few blocks away from where I lived. That was another humiliating situation I had to endure. I purchased a normal size one according to the man in the store. I went home, took a shower and with some lubricant I forced into my bowels. The gentle rolling motion rubbed against my prostate. The feeling was pleasurable and it produced an erection.

Monday I walked into his office. I stripped down naked without saying a word. I was embarrassed as I stood there with an erection on. "You have the butt plug, Henning?" "Yes, sir." "Turn around. Let me see." I turned around then bent over so he could see the rubber end between my cheeks.

Mr. Wilson leaned back in his chair. "Turn around and give me the report." I tried to force my erection away with willpower but no matter how I tried, it remained stiff. Mr. Wilson stepped in front of me, taking the report and tossing it on the desk. "You ever been masturbated by another man, Henning?" "No...No, sir. Never?" "You better be ready for it now!"

I didn't know what to say. I felt his warm hand stroking my dick and it felt good. One hand played with my balls while the other stroked up and down. I felt a wave of humiliation shoot through me. I groaned, and then my cock began to ejaculate. My hips rolled forward with each stroke from Mr. Wilson's hand. "That will be all, Henning! Get dressed and get out!"

Two months passed by. Mr. Wilson had control over me by then and he knew it. I accepted my sexual mistreatment as part of the job. He made me crawl around the floor naked on my hands and knees. I spent a lot of time under his desk, licking and sucking his young cock. Other times, he would bend me over the sofa in his office and fuck me in the ass. The humiliation soon became a sexual drug to me. The more I was embarrassed the harder I got.

When Mr. Wilson realized this, he would have friends of his come in and play with me. They would have me service their cocks or just fuck me if they felt like it. I knew what I got into and there was no way out. Next I will be spending weekends at Mr. Wilson's estate.



It was Saturday night and there was a huge party going on at the Frat house. The team had just won six straight in a row. There must have been a hundred guys there in the Frat house. It was probably closer to forty or fifty but it seemed like a hundred. Needless to say there was lots of beer, alcohol and maybe some weed. There were also several new pledges that needed to be inducted into the Frat. They were easy to spot. They were naked, body painted with a dog collar and leash around their neck.

Each cheek of their face was painted. One side with "SU" the other side with "CK". Their ass cheeks were also painted. "FU" on one and "CK" on the other. A red arrow was painted down their back pointing to their ass crack. Another red arrow was painted down the front pointing to their cock. It was obvious to see what was in store for them that night.

It was about eight I managed to make my way downstairs in the basement. I stopped abruptly to take in the scene near the back. This man was stark naked, hands cuffed behind his back, collar around his neck and a ball gag in his mouth. He was bent over a chair. A frat brother was giving his ass a whipping with the victory paddle. From where I stood I could see that it was quite red.

I said a man because that is what he was. The average age of our frat brothers was about twenty. This guy had salt and pepper hair and so was his mustache and chin whiskers. He appeared to be rather distinguished. I estimated his age to be about forty five or fifty. I though it was strange but someone pulled me away and handed me a beer. I went off in another direction and didn't see the guy until sometime later.

I was upstairs walking by a room. The old guy was still naked and on his knees. His face a chest were covered with semen. One frat brother stood in front of him fucking his face. When he finished depositing his load in the guy's mouth, I asked him who that guy was. He shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't know. He said he had been there all night. I turned back around just in time to see him being led out of the room.

He was taken down the hall to another room where two of the pledges were being held. One pledge was ordered to suck the old guy's cock which he did obediently. Next the old guy was bent over the bed and the other pledge was ordered to fuck him. Which he did obediently. I lost track of him because we went around the corner to another frat house to see some friends.

Later when I returned I found him tied to a bed upstairs. He was face down arms and legs stretched out and tied to the bed posts. His cock and balls were tied together with a rope. From the looks of his ass he had been freshly fuck by someone. I continued to as around but did not find anyone that knew him. Most people didn't even know there was a older guy there.

About that time I decided what the fuck. Who cares? As I went by the room I say another guy humping his ass. The last time I say him was in the basement where two frat brothers had clothes pin on his nipples and were masturbating him. It was almost a year later when I found out who the old guy was. He was the father of one of the guys at the frat house. He came by to see his son and some of the drunken guys jumped him and tied him up. Everyone else though he was part of the party. His son was not there that weekend seems he went to his girlfriends. I often wonder if his dad told him what happened.


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