Dark Side

By Kaylen Sty

Published on Mar 14, 2010


Copyright 2009. All rights reserved by the author. This work may not be reproduced, except for personal use, without permission of the author. Reproduction for any other use is prohibited.

This story is complete bullshit and any similarities are completely coincidental. Hope you enjoy this first of hopefully many short stories from the dark side.

In my anger, I ripped the condom open exposing my raw dick. The only thing left of it was the band at the base of my tool and latex that hung down from it. Putting my dickhead right up against his sphincter, I rammed my now uncovered cock right into his tight hole. "This bitch is getting fucked bareback and he is getting a load of my jizz up his ass." I thought. He was so relaxed; he hardly let out a sound out of his sweat soaked body as I cracked his ass wide open. Feeling nothing but complete contempt for this man, I leaned over, put my mouth close to his ear, and said, "Parker, I think we are in love." With that said, I stared to fuck him loud and hard. Everyone on the floor was getting ready to hear this bitch get his ass fucked.

72 hours earlier

The awe and beauty of Alaska cannot be described by mere words. My travels of the state during my time off are what I look back at and remember the most. It was at the end of one of my two weeks off. I was returning from a trip to Denali National Park when I made a final stop in a small rural town to purchase two cases of beer and two gallons of whiskey before I boarded the single engine plane that would take me back to camp. Alcohol was prohibited at my work camp. I was told that alcohol was allowed at one time, but there was just too much damage and too many fights breaking out. Don't get me wrong, people drank in their rooms, but it was kept quiet. It was just like college; if you got caught you got written up. If had too many write-ups, you got fired.

I was starting to get better at finding people to fly me around the state on my time off. If you ever go to Alaska, I would highly recommend a flight in a single engine plane. The view is unlike anything I have ever seen before. The trip ended too soon and I before I knew it, I was back at my camp in the oil fields. Going back to my room, I started to get kind of depressed. The harassment from my co-workers had been getting a worse and making a complaint would not do a fucking bit of good. Our HR department was a joke; they were good for benefits and payroll, but never got involved in anything confrontational if they could help it.

Walking to my room, I walked past a group of guys. One of them yelled out "Did you enjoy your time with your boyfriend?"

I smiled and yelled back, "No, but I did enjoy fucking your son!" They rest of the guys bust our laughing. This bullshit was getting old.

I went to my room, put on my workout clothes and headed out to the gym. Walking down the hallway, some fat guy was standing in the hallway with no shirt on. His man tits were at least a B cup. As soon as he saw me, he ran towards his room. "As if!" I thought. This went on all the time and it never ended. I was honestly considering quitting. But the truth was I honestly had nowhere else to go.

The next two days went on like any other; however, the third was anything but normal. Someone had put Vaseline on my outside door knob that night, so the first thing I did leaving my room was cleaned it off. Breakfast was the normal dry bagels and cream cheese, so I skipped it again and drank some coffee. I needed to stop skipping meals. I walked in the office and spilled coffee on my desk and in my lap so I looked like crap for my 8 am meeting. Parker, the local office hottie, was in the office wearing a pair of tight pants and a form fitting dress shirt that looked like it was painted on his torso. I could tell he had a big dick. He was looking great as always while I looked like a mess. I needed a hair cut bad!

Parker walked right past my desk looking at me with those big blue eyes and smiled at me.

While he walked away, I just stared at his ass in those pants. Then it all changed. "Bet you wouldn't look at him like that if you knew what he said about you." It was the new girl Laura. She started last week. Laura had a face that only a mother could love, an impossible accent to understand, and everyone talked bad about her.

"Excuse me?"

"Burning holes in his seat with your eyes while he tells everyone you try to get in his pants."

"Parker is nice to me. I think you have it wrong." I said.

"He is aware you fancy him. Tells all the guys he has to keep his ass taped shut around you. Calls you a shit stabber and ass bandit to anyone who will listen. Told me you use the women's restroom. "

"Stay out of it." Another lady named Mary in the office said. "No, I won't. Called me a slag he did. "

I just met this girl on Monday, and could not understand a damn word she typically said. However, I understood her loud and clear and my head was getting ready to explode. "Is it true?" I asked Mary.

"I am not getting involved in this." Mary said.

I turned around and looked at my monitor. Laura walked away. This made complete sense. Parker knew I hung out with Will at my previous job and he knew Will was gay. I sat there all day at my desk and I just kept putting pieces together and getting madder. He had been so nice to me and all the time stabbing me in the back. I felt like a fool. Parker was the cause of my living hell for the past few months. I went to two meeting and did not say a word at either one.

At the end of my shift I went to my room and took a shower. I felt like I had an epiphany; so much was making sense. I headed to the cafeteria, grabbed some meat loaf, and sat by myself at a table. When I was leaving, I noticed the guy who asked me if I enjoyed my time with my boyfriend three days ago. I walked right up to his table and when I was five feet away, everyone around him shut up and just looked at me.

"How did you find out I was gay?" I asked.

"Well I didn't fuck you sweetheart." He said.

"Yes, I have standards. But how did you know?"

"Fuck off! Okay."

"No, I am not going to fuck off and I am not going to leave. In fact, I think I may start sitting at this table every day.

Wouldn't that get everyone talking?"

Another guy spoke up. "Kid, we like giving you a hard time. Nothing personal, but I heard from that pretty boy in the office the first week you were here that you fucked every guy you could at your last job. You were the camp whore."

I took a step back. "Is that what you heard?"

"I heard a lot of shit about you kid, but the pretty boy in the office.we all thought you and him were an item, that was, until he started talking all that trash about you. Then we just thought you were having a lovers tiff." Some of the guys started laughing.

"What else did he say?"

"He said you had all kinds of diseases, but obviously you don't. You had your physical and you are still here." This is true. The camp does not have medical facilities to handle certain STD's and they move you somewhere else if you have them.

Another guy started talking "I heard he was the reason you were moved to your own room with your own bathroom. He said he went to HR and complained he did not want to be taking a shit on the same pot where your partners love juices had just painted the bowl." The guys laughed again. When I first got here, I was assigned the room next to Parker and then moved a week later.

Another guy said, "I heard you offer to suck his dick on a constant basis and you're always bending over in front of him. He even had a talk with your supervisor about it. I also heard him say you told some people you liked for guys to squirt in your ass and then lick your shit off their dicks."

"Does he just talk about me all the time?"

"Yeah, he says he tries to be nice to you because he feels sorry for you, but you constantly are hitting on him."

Another guy spoke up, "He said the reason you are getting so thin is you haven't been eating enough dick. I guess that is better than when he said it was due to you having AIDS."

I was fucking pissed and was ready to kill that bastard. I started to walk away when I heard one of them yell, "Well, is it true you like for guys to take a piss in your mouth. We could use you out on the field." They guys just bust out in laughter.

None of what they said was true, but I was ready to make sure Parker paid dearly for what he did. Yeah, I fucked a few guys at my last job, but I don't have any diseases. I would love to tell you I had a plan to get revenge and executed it perfectly, but that is not what happened. While walking back to my room, I thought about confronting Parker. Then I thought against it because he would just deny it. Then I thought about getting him in my room, get him drunk, and get him to admit to what he did. If there was anything he liked, it was to get liquored up. If he admitted to it, I planned to beat the shit out of him. "Fuck him and fuck this job; I will just go confront him in his room and beat the shit out of him." I was thinking.

I changed course and walked over to Parker's room. On the way, I turned around at least ten times just trying to figure out what to do next. Finally getting up the nerves, I knocked on the door and I heard him yell "Come in." I put a very fake smile on my face and opened the door. Parker was sitting at his computer in jeans and a sweatshirt.

"Hey guy." he said. "What brings you here?" he said with a smug smile.

"I just thought I would stop by and get that drink you offered me." I lied.

"Drink?" he said.

"The one you promised me four months ago when I got here." I said. "What do you have?" I asked.

"Tequila." He said.

"I can't drink that shit. You like whiskey don't you?"

"Fuck yeah!"

"I got two gallons in my room and two cases of cold beer in the fridge. Do you want to drink there?"

"I don't know. I got stuff to do." He gave me one of those, I shouldn't but I want to looks. He just did not want to get caught being seen going in my room. Asshole!

"Tell you what. I have to work out. Come by my room in an hour and a half and I will leave the door opened. Just come on in. What do you say?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

I did my workout, but my mind really was not in it. An hour and a half later Parker came to my room, quickly closing the door behind him. I cracked open the first beer and Parker started doing shots. We started talking about people at work and by the time I finished my first beer, Parker was on his third beer and third shot. He was hitting hit hard out of the gate. I heard he got fucked up drinking, but damn.

I opened my second beer and then walked in the bathroom and poured it down the drain pretending to drink it and the third and fourth. Parker killed two more shots and seven beers during this time. Eventually we both ended up lying on the bed watching some television. Parker just kept drinking. At this point, my anger was still there and I was confused as to what to do next. It eventually became 2:30 in the morning and I still had not confronted Parker. Parker was really fucked up "I am getting wasted." I lied. I had not drunk much in about four hours. Beer cans littered the room and half of the one gallon bottles had been drank.

"I am getting hot." Parker said and to my surprise started to take his shirt off. "Hope you don't mind if I take this off." He tossed it on the floor.

"No man, no problem." I admit, I looked. His body was smoking! I remember Will saying he thought that Parker was gay; that all it would take would be a little alcohol to get him naked. "A boy with an ass like that has to be a bottom." Will would say. I thought, what if you made a move and took it as far as you could. If you could get in his pants, then tell everyone you could what happened. If he walks away, well, everyone thinks I hit on him anyway; then just confront him with the shit he has been talking and then beat the crap out of him.

I got up to turn up the heat. "I going to turn this down I said." It is really hot in here. I then took off my shirt and tossed it on the floor.

"Will you rub my shoulders?" Parker asked in slurred speech. "Sure Parker. In fact, if you lie down on the bed, I will give you a back massage." He did not say anything; just slammed another shot and laid down on his stomach with his arms stretched over the sides of the bed.

I straddled his butt and started to rub his sweaty back muscles. "What the fuck are you doing slut." I thought to myself.

After about five minutes, I thought Parker had passed out.

"That feels really good." Parker finally said.

"Do you want me to rub your legs?" I asked.

"Oh fuck yeah." He said.

"Okay, take your pants off." I thought he might run for the door. Instead, he rolled on his side and unbuckled his belt started kicking off his pants. I got up and unbuttoned my pants, letting them fall to the floor. I was still soft. Parker's crotch was pointed right at me. He was wearing some very skimpy white underwear and his large cock hard as a rock. In a flash, his pants were on the floor.

Lying back on his stomach, I straddled his legs. Damn! He had a perfect ass! I started out massaging his butt and that got Parker moaning. I slid my hands underneath his shorts and started to massage his hole. This did not go on for very long before Parker rolled over. His erect prick encased in his shorts now presented to me, I reached over and started to rub his tool. "This looks like it wants to get sucked." Parker did not say anything but started to push my head down to his crotch. I pulled out his cock and let my tongue dance over the shaft. His cock had to be a fat 9".

Parker just held my head in his hands while I started to suck his cock. "Yeah, suck that cock." He would occasional say. I pulled off my shorts and put positioned my dick hear his face. Within a minute, I could feel his lips on my dick. It was the worst blowjob I ever got; lots of teeth and he never put more than two inches past the head in his mouth. Meanwhile, I slurped his tool and deep throated it a few times.

Parker started to reach down to his butt and rub his hole. I moved his hand. "Let me do this for you." I said. I started out rubbing his hole, but in no time, I slid my middle finger up his ass and started to finger fuck him. Parker lifted up his leg a little to give me better access.

After a few minutes of this Parker finally said, "Oh, fuck my ass. "

"Yeah, I am fingering your ass. You like that Parker."

"No, I want you to fuck my ass."

At this point I was not surprised. "Why don't you roll over and I will get a condom."

He rolled over on his stomach.

Walking over to my nightstand, I got a bottle of lube and a condom. "I think we should play safe." I rolled the condom over my dick.

Then, he said it. "I owe you an apology."

"Why." I said.

"I told everyone in the camp you were a fag before you even got here. I lied and told them you were positive. I said so many ugly things about you." Parker said in slurred words.

"Why did you do that Parker?"

"I was afraid you'd get promoted before me."

"Do you forgive me?" he said.

If he would have said he was ashamed about himself being gay and he took it out on me, I would have accepted it and forgiven him. But he put me thru all of this shit just to make me look bad so he could get a promotion. FUCK HIM!!!

"Of course I forgive you." I lied.

In my anger, I ripped the condom open exposing my raw dick. The only thing left of it was the band at the base of my tool and latex that hung down from it. Putting my dickhead right up against his sphincter, I rammed my now uncovered cock right into his tight hole. "This bitch is getting fucked bareback and he is getting a load of my jizz up his ass." I thought. He was so relaxed; he hardly let out a sound out of his sweat soaked body as I cracked his ass wide open. Feeling nothing but complete contempt for this man, I leaned over, put my mouth close to his ear, and said, "Parker, I think we are in love." With that said, I stared to fuck him loud and hard. Everyone on the floor was getting ready to hear this bitch get his ass fucked.

Parker laid on his stomach awake and quietly moaning. Lying on top of him, I held him in place while I fucked him for a good five minutes. I was slamming my body into him. The only thing on my mind was to drop a huge load in his ass. My anger kept me from getting the job finished. Finally, I pulled out of him and grabbed two pillows. "Lift up your butt." He barely lifted up and I slipped the two pillows under him. With his ass higher in the air, I got on my knees, slipped my dick back in him, and went to town fucking him hard on my knees with my torso up.

My anger was so massive I started to belittle him as a person. "Jeez Parker, don't you ever wipe this thing?" I tried to jump up while my dick was still in him to make a lot of sound. "Okay, you want ride my dick Parker, you fucking slut. Here it is." I stuck my prick back in Parker and started to pound him, making as much noise as I could. Parker just moaned. "Damn Parker, you should lay off using the dildo's so much. This is like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. What do you usually fuck your ass with; A fire hydrant?"

Parker just laid there. I could see the shadow of someone walking outside my door. Loudly I said, "Yeah Parker, when I am ready to shoot I will pull right out of your ass and shove it in your mouth. Ass to mouth whore, I promise!" Grabbing him by the hair, I really laid in to him letting my bed pound against the wall. The headboard was banging against the wall.

I fucked him like this for at least two or three minutes until he finally started to say, "Oh my." Of all the shit to say while you are getting fucked, why the fuck would you say "Oh my"?

Thrusting my dick in his ass after each word I said, "That's right Parker. Lions, Tigers, Bears and my big dick up your ass. Oh my!"

"Oh yeah, milk my dick with your ass cheeks bitch. You do that so we..." I was cut off by someone pounding my on door.

"Keep it down you sick fucks! I am trying to sleep." some guy yelled.

"Sorry!" I yelled back. "Parker, you are going to have to keep it down." I said. The damage was done. This was getting out and I was getting ready to blow.

"That is starting to hurt." Parker said.

"That's okay, because I am just getting ready to finish bitch." I said. With that, I put my hand right between his should blades. He immediately tensed up his butt cheeks and with two final thrusts, buried my dick all the way up his ass, and blew my load up his hole while he just laid there. I have to admit, it was probably one of my crappiest lays ever.

"That felt good." Parker said.

"Parker, the condom ripped. Your ass is full of my load." I said. "Now you can see what it is like to have your partner's love juices paint the toilet bowl you mother fucker." I thought.

All he said was, "Well we will do it again in a minute. Suck my dick." And with that, he rolled over showing me his huge cock. I jammed my middle finger up his hole, pulled it out, and wiped the cum right on his face. He just rubbed it in his cheek while keeping his eyes closed. "That was awesome." he finally said and then just passed out.

It was 4:00 am and I would have to get up in an hour and a half. I got in the shower and cleaned off. Parker was naked and completely passed out on my bed. The cum on his face was starting to dry. How was I going to explain any of this? Parker was too drunk to go to work and people would ask where he was. But while rinsing off, I got a great idea.

I collected all of the beer cans, whisky, and even gathered all of my sex toys, and lube and put them in bag. I grabbed Parkers room key and walked out into the hallway. No one was up and luckily, I did not pass anyone on the way to his room. My first thought was Parkers room would be pretty clean; it wasn't. In fact, it looked like a dump truck.

I placed the empty beer cans and whisky around the room and put the dildos on the bed along with my large jar of lube and condom wrappers. Leaving his room, I was still unseen. I went back to my room, turned off my alarm clock, and put Parker's room key in his pants pocket. He was lying on the bed on his back with a single sheet covering his waist. Heading to the break room, I had two cups of coffee and started my shift at 6am.

It wasn't 90 minutes before my supervisor came up to my desk and said, "Get your ass in my office NOW!" My supervisor's name was Byron. He was a short fat man, but make no mistake; you did not want to fuck with him.

Walking in his office, Byron's face was beet red. "If you lie to me, your ass is on the next plane out of here. You got it?" Byron said pointing his finger right in my face.

A little shocked, I said "Yes sir."

"I just got a call from HR from an employee filing a noise complaint against you." Then he asked. "Where is Parker?" He asked.

"In my room." I said.

"What in Sam's hell is he doing in your room?"

My heart started beating faster. Bryon was really pissed.

"He's sleeping in my bed." I said.

"Sleeping? Why is he sleeping in your bed?"

"He came over to my room drunk."

"Is that it? He came over to your room drunk and passed out on your bed? Is that it???

Then he added, "Do you have alcohol in your room now?"

"Parker came over drunk. We had sex and then we went to sleep. He was really getting into it and got a little loud. When I tried to wake him up this morning, he said he had called in. There is no alcohol in my room. Honestly, when he came over, he was already drunk."

"You are telling me that you two boys like fucking each other in the ass?" Byron asked sarcastically.

"No, I do him sir." I said.

"YOU WHAT!!?!" Byron snarled.

"I think you heard me." I said.

"How long has this been going on?" Byron asked a little more quiet.

"I don't think that is any of your business."

"OH. This is my damn business now son. " Byron said.

"Why? Are you fucking him I thought??" Instead I lied and said, "For over a year. We were doing it at my old job too." Byron looked like he was going to fucking explode.

"Take me to your room NOW!" This was not allowed, but I was not going to argue with Byron at this point. We walked to my room and I could not have planned it any better. When I opened up the door, Parker was laying on the bed, on his back, the covers over this knees; his dick half hard; and dried cum on his face.

Parker started to wake up and Byron just pointed his finger at me. "Get your scrawny ass back to my fucking office and wait for me! I will deal with you later!" My door slammed shut and I heard Byron start yelling at Parker calling him a "low down dirty lying son of a bitch." As I was turning the corner and could still hear him screaming at Parker saying he "ought to rip his fucking head off."

I had to wait in Byron's office for four hours. In the end, I was questioned again by an HR rep about the alcohol. They referred to our loud sex as "causing a disruption in the workplace" by violating the noise policy. I denied having alcohol in my room, but admitted to the "noise."

I was written up for seven violations of the noise policy. The point was made crystal clear, I was told that if I fucked up again, I would be fired and placed on the next plane heading south.

Parker was fired outright for several violations of the alcohol and noise policy and for having marijuana in his room (that honestly was news to me). In the days that followed, the rumors flew around the camp. The best one I heard was they found an arsenal of dildo's and jar of Crisco in Parker's room. I also found out that Parker was also dating Byron's daughter (which explained why Byron blew up the way he did).

The write up wasn't the only price I paid. It was almost a week later to the day that I was called into Byron's office and told I was being transferred to another camp. That was the price I paid. Yeah, it was worth it.

Next: Chapter 2

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