Dark Skies

By moc.loa@63011namtcigaM

Published on Feb 3, 2002


Hey out there to anyone who's actually reading. Nice to see you again, or for the first time. Whichever. Anyway, We're glad you stopped by to read our lil story. And I really hope you enjoy it, or at least get some humor out of it. Either is good. But anyway I'd like to apoligize for the LONG LONG LONG Delay in posting this chapter. (I'm not really sorry, Cuz quite frankly who cares)-we post this so we can share our fucked up thoughts with others and just for some fun- dont get me wrong, I hate it when the author of my favorite story/ies Doesn't post in FOREVER wink But I'm on the other end of the rectum this time...Oppss...Scrotum...oops...I mean I'm on the other end of things...this time Wipes brow But anyway sorry g That we haven't posted in a while... What can I say? shit happens? Life happens? You lose interest in things? Shrugs Oh well, It's here now. Ok I think I've babbled enough. If you like what you read, or if you dont. (Doesn't matter)- Send us an E-mail, Or IM one of us. Feedback is Always apprectiated. And hell we might even send in the rest of what we got done. Shrugs For feed back...e-mail us...just make sure you type Dark Skies in the subject box.

Or, you could always IM us...

Tim -- Magictman11036 Lynn -- MaddyPry11 Andrea -- AngelDevilDrea

"I'm sorry everyone, my brothers a dork. points up Guess he's got nothing better to do with his life shrugs." -- Andrea...

Disclaimer: First of all: This is ALL FAKE!!!!!!!! Not real, not true, NO way in HELL this shit ever happend. (You know, Hell is real. But Lance and Justin would be fucking on the kitchen table if this was real. -- Andrea) Secondly: We do not know, or Claim to know any of the formentioned Celebrities - Even if we did, We sure as hell wouldn't tell you. Or write some story about it or them. IF the guys of Nsync and BSB were/are infact Vampires, well then.....Wouldn't that be some FUNNY shit. lol Shakes head Thirdly: Dont steal our shit. That's not right. And it won't be funny when you got three angry bitches after your ass either. If you steal our shit or do anything you're not suppose to do with it, I hope you Burn in Hell for all eternity - Or dont get caught...So dont steal...and lastly: Nifty is hosting our story, It's a GAY Erotica SITE...if you dont like that stuff...Why in the HELL are you HERE???? Shit. Freak --- And If you're too young to be reading this or it's illegal where you're at...I DO feel VERY sorry for you...Only advice...Dont get caught...

Now.....Since I dont think you want me typing anymore...(and probably just skipped it other wise ) --- Here's Chapter 3 of Dark Skies... (Thank you, He finally shut up. -- Andrea)

"Oh yeh, from me. We'd liked to thank David and everyone who's suported Nifty. If we didn't have people like you, you wouldn't have people like us." -- Andrea. (Yes, I'm the nice bitch.)

Tim -- What? And I'm the mean Evil Bitch? Andrea -- grins evilly No, that's me too.

I miss you Timmy. cries softly

Dark Skies -- Chapter 3

Angelica woke up to find Kevin gone. She took a look around the room before she heard a scream. Please let him be all right. She thought. As she was walking down the hall she heard a few more screams and also a noise that sounded like laughter. She walked into the room Nick and Brian shared.

"What the hell is going on here?" she demanded.

She looked at the scene in front of her. Kevin was laying on the floor with Nick above him with a pillow raised and Brian on his back. Nick looked up at her with big puppy dog eyes.

"We're sorry, we were just having a pillow fight."

She breathed a sigh of relieve. "I thought you guys were killing him." She nonchalantly walked over behind Brian. "I'm so happy you guys aren't, But guy's,"


Brian looked behind him to see Angelica with a pillow raised in the air. "Oh no."

"That's right, PILLOW FIGHT!" She took her pillow and swung it at Brian knocking him in the head and off Nick. She turned to Nick who was crouching behind Kevin trying to become as small as he possibly could. Kevin ran out of the way and over to Brian. Kevin then grabbed a pillow. At the same time they both raised their pillows into the air and hit each other repeatedly.

"I GIVE, I GIVE." Nick whined.

"Okay, enough, straighten up the room." They all looked at her with their mouths open.

"Don't look at me like that, straighten this room up."

"But...But..." They started.

"No buts, NOW." She ordered. All three of them let out a groan and started to straighten up the room. Angelica walked down stairs and into the kitchen where she found Howie sitting at the table having a cup of coffee.

"How is he?"

"He's fine, I woke up this morning and he wasn't there." Howie gave her a look so she continued, "He was in Brian and Nick's room having a pillow fight."

"Frick and Frack at it again. Hopefully he'll get used to it." Howie laughed.

"I think he will." She looked at her watch and saw it was almost time to go, "Better get ready, oh and Howie could you call Celestin and tell him that we need a new ring, and that we'll be in the lab in 15 minutes."

"Sure can do." Replied Howie.

She walked back upstairs and into Nick and Brian's room. Brian sat on the bed while Kevin and Nick played video games.

"Guys, we've got 10 minutes, better hurry." She walked down the hall and stopped at Alex's door. She smiled at the sign on it. It read 'Josh's Property-Keep Out.' She knocked on the door but there was no answer. 'Just like him, still asleep'. She thought to herself. She opened the door and walked in. There laying on the bed on his side was Alex, curled up in his blanket and holding his pillow. She walked over to the bed and saw that Alex was still sleeping. She shook him twice before he woke.

"huh?" Came the groggily reply..

"Wake up, you got 10 minutes to get ready." With that she was out of the room.

10 minutes later they were all dressed and walking through the kitchen door that lead down to the Wine Cellar. "Um guys why are we coming down here?" Kevin asked.

"Well since you can't go out in daylight without being burned, we're going next door to Celeste and Celestin's through the downstairs passage." Replied Howie.

"And on the way, we're stopping in Celestin's Lab to get you a ring." Interegected Angelica.

"Oh, what do you mean a ring?" Kevin asked.

Nick answered. "Well you know Vampires can't go out in the daylight without being burned," Alex cut him off. "Just like Nick here knew." His comment receiving a lot of laughter on Nick's behalf.

"As I was saying." Nick continued blushing, "We can't go out in the daylight without being burned. Well that was until Celestin created these rings for us that allow us to move about in the sun without those damn rays burning us to dust."

"See." Brian pointed out showing his blue ring. "We all have them."

"Yes that's correct." Angel added. "But let me warn you now, Celestin is weird."

"Yeah that's why we call him our little Dr.Frankenstien sometimes." Nick added as everyone else laughed. "But seriously though, I think it's just his warped personality. Celestin is really cool, and really funny. And a Blast at parties. God that last one was crazy!" Nick finished As the rest of the guys cheered

"Yes, that is true." Interejected Angel. "But just don't get on his bad side or piss him off."

"Why is that?" asked Kevin.

"Well, Celestin pratices the art of magic, and already being a Vampire with Immortality, being a Sorcerer Vampire, makes him really powerful," Howie answered.

"Yeah so just don't fuck with him or his sis and you should be fine." Brian added.

"Yeah." Angelica stated. "He's very protective over her, she's his only true family left alive.

"Really?" Kevin asked. "What happened to their parents?"

"Right after they were born, slayers killed their parents, and I've raised them since." Angel responded with a warm smile.

"Hey, here we are." Nick said while stopping in front of a big wood door.

After Angelica opened the door, Kevin couldn't help but stare at this huge room. There were torches on each wall, drapes hanging from most of the walls, in different colors as: purple, red, green, silver, and black. And with a few ceiling tall bookcases jammed with books. With a huge fireplace with two couches on either side and a few chairs and couple of couches around it. In the midst of this all was a huge table in the middle of the room, with all this confusing lab equipment sitting there, with acrane liquids flowing in every which way through tubes and beakers. The rooms whole aura seeming to vibrate around them, made the room look just like Dr.Frankenstein's Lab, except up to date and cleaner.

"See why we call him Dr.Franenstein." Nick snickered, looking at Kevin and the awe look on his face.

"Hey I heard that!" Said a voice. An instant later a younger guy with raven feather black hair with one white streak down the middle, and with the deepest greenest eyes Kevin had ever seen appeared out of thin air. He was wearing skin tight black leather pants and a tight white short sleeve shirt, which showed off his swimmers build body perfectly, and was covered by a long black leather trinch coat without sleeves. "Hey where did you come from?" asked Kevin.

"Oh, I was in the dungeon cleaning up when I heard you guys come in, and I blinked over here." the young man ansewered. "Oh, and it helps to have super Vampire hearing also to know when someone's talking shit." He said looking directly at Nick who had the decenty to blush.

"Blinked?" Kevin asked confused.

"Ok wait a minute, Kevin this is Celestin Avanindra. And Celestin this is our new member Kevin." Angelica introduced as the two shook hands.

"Oh, Nice to meet you kevin." Celestin answered. "Likewise." Kevin stated.

"And Blinking is moving from one place to another while thinking of that place and blinking like this." Angelica said while she blinked to one end of the room and back.

"Oh cool, will I ever be able to do that?" Kevin asked.

"Sure you will." Celestin stated. "We're teaching these idiots, so we can teach anybody!"

"Ha Ha Ha, you're SO funny Celestin." replied Nick, Brian, and Alex in perfect unsion.

After laughing for a few seconds, Angelica calmed herself down and then explained to Kevin. "Yes that's true, Celestin, Celeste, and myself are teaching our two groups how to be vampires."

"How to be vampires?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah you know, how to use your powers. Like Blinking, Flying, Mind Control, and your Super human strenght, and you're Super Human hearing, sight, smell, vision, and super human speed, also called Flash. And how to stay alive and live in a world with humans." Celestin stated. "You know, kinda like humanites, but Vampirities." He finished.

"Oh cool then." Kevin replied.

"Well, I guess then I should get you your ring. What color do you want the Gem in your ring to be Kevin?" Celestin asked.

"Umm what's the difference?" Kevin asked.

"Well I didn't want all the rings to look the same, because that's just tacky. So I made all the rings solid silver with different color gem stones in them. Well except mine. It has a Black Gold frame with a silver Gem stone, see." Celestin said while showing off his ring.

"Ok then, I guess green."Kevin answered. While kevin was watching Celestin Sprinkle some sparkly powder stuff on the ring and say a few words from one of the books that was sitting on the table, he didn't see the other guys steal quick glances at Angelica who was looking at her own green gem stone ring. All the activity and noise in the room stopped when there was a big BOOM and smoke rose in the air all around where Celestin was standing.

"Finished." Celestin stated, while walking over to where kevin was standing. "Ok just put this on and you're ready to face the light!"

"Ha Ha Ha, you're So funny Celestin." answered everyone in perfect unsion

"Ok smart-asses, just put the damn ring on." Replied Celestin. After kevin slipped the ring on his right ring finger there was this flash of bright green light that emmited from the ring, and the ring fastened itself on Kevin's finger. "Wow! Cool." Stated Kevin.

"Ok now that that's setteled we can get going to the mall." Replied Angel. A bunch of YAY's! followed that while Celestin walked with them to the other big door on the far side of the room. Right before closing the door Celestin snapped his fingers and all the torches went out.

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