David and Matt

By Jonathan Seagull

Published on Apr 17, 2002


DISCLAIMER: The following story is based on facts - it's about some of the events in my life while I was growing up. I've changed the names to protect the innocent. Only the people portrayed in this story would be able to figure out that the story is about us anyway. This story is about two young teenagers who come of age and discover and explore their mutual homosexuality with each other. If stories like this offend you, or you are not yet at least 18 years of age, or viewing this type of material is illegal where you are, please do NOT read this story. If you decide to continue, I hope you enjoy hearing about my teenage years spent with my best friend. This is the fifth and final chapter of my story, about my homosexual relationship with my best friend Matt as we were growing up. I hope you've enjoyed reading about us!


Chapter Five - The End Of An Era

After the weekend Matt and I celebrated my 17th birthday together I think we only saw each other once over the rest of the summer, as I stayed at the lake, and he was busy too. That one time occurred when I was home for a couple days during the week. I went over to Matt's and we spent the day together. Of course it only took a couple minutes after I entered the house for us to race up the stairs to his room and rip our clothes off! We immediately attacked each other's hard cocks, like we hadn't had sex in days. Truth be known, I'd only jerked off a few hours previous to that. I expect Matt did too. He was always wanking too - just like me!

We fell on his bed in a '69', and laid there luxuriating in the feelings of each other's soft, hot, wet mouths enveloping our engorged dicks! We fondled each other's balls, and playfully poked at each other's anuses. It didn't take long, before I could feel Matt's dick getting slightly larger and harder in my mouth, as he was nearing his orgasm. I too felt the cum starting to stir inside me. I could taste the precum that was dripping from Matt's piss slit. I liked it. Its flavor made me even hotter as I recalled all the other times I'd tasted it when sucking his dick. Suddenly, I decided I wanted to taste Matt's cum. To date, we'd never actually tasted each other's cum. Neither of us wanted to have the other squirting his body fluids in our mouths. For some reason though, today was different for me! I wanted to try it. So I pulled off his cock for a moment, which caused him to stop and look at me. Thickly I said to him, "Matt, I wanta try something different today." He asked what I was talking about. So I told him I wanted him to cum in my mouth this time. I told him not to bother stopping sucking me when he was ready to cum, to tell me he was going to shoot. He grinned and said "OK - let's both try it then!" I was elated. I was going to get to cum in Matt's mouth too!

We returned to sucking each other's members. Again I tasted the sweet saltiness of a drop of Matt's precum. I was getting hotter and hotter as Matt continued sucking me off and playing with my balls and asshole. I was sucking him for all I was worth too. While I sucked I fondled his ball sack with my left hand and used my right hand to jerk him off at the base of his dick while I was sucking on it. He was getting close I could tell. All of a sudden, I felt a violent splatt of cum hit the back of my throat, just as I was in a downward movement on his cock. It coated my tonsils. Before I could think, Matt's dick fired another, equally as large, volley of cum into my mouth. This time it landed toward the front of my mouth, and I could taste it. It was hot, jelly-like, and had a unique tangy taste to it like nothing else I'd ever had in my mouth before. I quickly swallowed, just as another large gob entered my mouth from his pulsating dick. I managed to swallow his whole load, which was quite copius. While Matt was coming, he'd momentarily stopped sucking my dick. I was worried that now that he'd come, he wouldn't be up to finishing me, with me coming in his mouth. I stopped sucking on his dick, and said "Hey, don't stop!" He grinned and said "Oh Sorry, that was great!" and went back to sucking on my dick. I returned to sucking on his, to get every last drop that was leaking out yet. There was a nice dribble of his boy juice running down the underside of his cock, which I quickly lapped up. It only took a couple minutes, and I was ready to blow. I could feel it coming, and could tell Matt could too. He quickened his pace a little, and all of a sudden, I was firing my own hot semen into his mouth. He swallowed the first load I shot, but started gagging on the second load, and backed off me, as my dick continued shooting gobs of my cream all over - on myself, on his chest and face, in his hair. Matt was gagging, and trying to swallow or spit, which I wasn't sure. As he'd abandoned my cock, I quickly grabbed it and jerked off to a finish. It was a good orgasm for me, although I was disappointed that he hadn't swallowed all of my jism.

Matt leaped up and ran down the stairs to the kitchen sink where he proceeded to spit alot and then washed his mouth out with some water. I followed him. We got some paper towels and cleaned ourselves (mostly him) off. Finally, he apologized and told me he just couldn't handle it. Maybe if he hadn't already cum, it would've been different. I agreed, and told him it might have been that way for me too, if I'd have cum first. He couldn't believe I'd swallowed all his. Asked me what I thought of the flavor. We discussed the fact that there was a strange tingly aftertaste we couldn't get rid of right away, but I didn't think it was that disgusting. He said that part of his problem was the amount of semen I shot as well as the flavor and consistency, and just the plain idea that I was pumping a fluid my body had made into his mouth.

Matt headed for his father's bar and fixed each of us a screwdriver to wash out the taste. After that, we did both feel better, and spent the rest of the day, doing our usual routine of sucking and jerking off together.

As our senior year in high school rolled around, Matt and I began to drift apart. We were in different schools. We both had a lot of friends at our own schools. We both had cars now. We both got jobs at the mall - oddly our hours never meshed though. And, we both began to mature.

Before I continue, I should probably explain that Matt and I were best friends for years. We were like brothers to each other really. I loved Matt very much - still do - but as I would a brother or best friend. I never felt any romantic feelings for Matt. Of course I felt great lust for the boy! But not the kind of love that couples feel. We never once kissed each other during all the time we had sex. Basically - we were two boys who were great friends - who were always both horny - and who liked the same type of sex. We also both were comfortable with being ourselves with each other. Consequently, we had great uninhibited sex. I believe, although Matt never voiced it to me, that he too felt like I did.

As we grew up, our thinking on how we were going to live our lives obviously began to fork apart. I know I must've confused Matt a lot when we first began having sex, because I was in love with a girl at the time. He too had a girlfriend. Neither of our relationships with those girls ever did work out.

When we became seniors in highschool though, I changed. I wanted to experience a boy/girl relationship like all my other friends at school were doing. As it turned out, I hooked up with a girl I'd known for several years, and shortly after we began dating I fucked a girl for the first time! It wasn't great - but it wasn't bad either - I got off! Oddly, I had sex with a girl before any of my straight guy friends did! They respected me quite a bit for that, and a couple of them even shyly came to me and asked for advice on how to do it when they wanted to try it for the first time too. If only they'd known how much sex I'd had with guys prior to with my girlfriend!

Well, while I began to experiment with girls (and I really thought Matt would too), Matt met and fell in love with a guy who was a year older than us, who lived near me, and had graduated from my high school the year before.

As I said, when we became seniors, Matt and I didn't have much time to spend together. So we didn't see each other very often anymore, and it was a sudden change for both of us - although we were both having fun in our own ways. When we finally did get together one Saturday afternoon, it was the first time in some time that we didn't have sex. I had a date that night and wanted to be ready to cum. So did he. We told each other about what we'd been up to. I told Matt about my girlfriend, and how I'd fucked her. He couldn't believe me. I thought maybe I'd hurt his feelings a little. But then he told me about his new boyfriend, and how he'd finally been able to take a dick up the ass (guess the boyfriend had a smaller dick than me). Well, yeah - I was hurt a little. Neither of us really knew what to say - so we watched some TV or something.

After that I really didn't see Matt much at all. We did get together a couple of times. He was still having great sex. I was in the type of relationship I'd decided was the lifestyle I wanted to live in, but the sex wasn't quite as good as if my girlfriend had been a guy. Regardless, I knew I didn't want to live the gay lifestyle - I wanted a wife and kids and to be like most of the men I knew. I still had the itch to have sex with guys though.

Once around Thanksgiving I think, I stopped by Matt's, and he was acting weird. I asked him if he wanted to have sex, and he said no! I was surprised, but dropped it, and didn't stay long. Next time I dropped by again, I thought I'd be more aggressive, and I rubbed his crotch with my hand - yup - he was hard. He looked at me with a kind of pleading look though. I asked what was wrong. He told me he had to show me something. I wasn't sure what to expect. But he pulled down his pants, and there his pecker and balls were without any pubic hair. He'd shave! I giggled and said "is that all?" He felt a little better, and admitted that's why he didn't want to have sex the time before - thought I'd think he was weird! We did suck each other and jerked off that day. It was nice to be having sex with him again.

Around christmas time, we got together one day. Took off in my car and went to the local porno theater, where I'd started going a few weeks earlier. We weren't 18 yet, but they never carded anyone, and we got in. The girl recognized me anyway. There were only straight movies at this particular theater - no gay theaters in our area at that time. So we went in and sat down and watched the movie. We sat in the back corner where it was dark. I forget the premise of the story, something about a farmer and his buxom daughter who was being fucked by all these different farm hands. We enjoyed the movie, even though there was no male/male sex involved, there were a lot of hard cute guys to watch. Of course, I quickly reached over and began to rub his cock through his jeans, and he did the same to me. We sat that way doing that for about a half hour. Both of us were dying to get off. Finally I unzipped him and reached inside his jeans and released his hard cock from his briefs. It popped out the fly of his jeans, and I started to jack him off. Only took a minute and he shoved his hands down over the head of his dick to catch the load of cum he shot. After he wiped his hand off on some kleenex he had, he did the same thing for me!

Shortly after the movie started over again (they just ran continuously in this theater) we left. We drove off down the road and decided to go parking somewhere and suck each other off. there's a little pulloff by a lock on a river near us, so we headed down the interstate to that. I was driving. As we got on the interstate, Matt unzipped my fly, reached in and pulled my penis out - it was soft, at the time, but instantly began getting hard. As I drove, Matt went down on me and sucked my cock, as I was driving about 75 MPH down the highway. As we passed other cars, I wondered if they could tell what was going on in our car. Wondered if they could see the back of a head bobbing up and down in my lap! We passed one tractor trailer, and I could see he saw what was going on - had a shocked look on his face. this only excited me more, and suddenly I had to come. Matt realized this, as he could tell the signs from having had so much sex with me over the years. He sat back up and as I continued driving 75 MPH down the road (weaving and jerking my foot up and down on the excelerator), he jacked me off to a climax that was incredible. Come was everywhere when I'd finished shooting. On me, him, the steeringwheel, dashboard, and there was even a drop on the rearview! It's a wonder I didn't drive us right off the road and into the river!

A few minutes afterward, we arrived at the lock and I parked. First I found a rag under the seat and cleaned myself and the inside of my car off, from all the cum I'd just shot. The parking area was pretty well secluded, so I told Matt to pull his dick out. He couldn't because he was so stiff, and because of the position we were in - sitting in a car. So I told him to just hike his pants down,which he was able to do. Once his dick was unleashed, I gave it a tongue lashing just like he'd given mine, and finished him off with a good wanking too. I did manage to grab all the come he shot in that rag I'd had under the seat though, so we wouldn't have to clean up another mess.

After that fun afternoon, I don't really recall Matt and I getting together too much more. We both got very busy and involved in our own lives, which had diverged now.

Matt surprised me on graduation day. He showed up at my party at my house. He had Kevin (from the boa constrictor story) with him. I was kind of surprised. Didn't realize they were still hanging out together. Kevin still seemed friendly, and I swear he was checking me out, as I was him too. It was rather awkward though, as my new girlfriend was at the party too. We stood out on the street and talked a few minutes, but I think we both realized, our friendships as we had known it was pretty much over. It was kinda sad, and really awkward. Shortly Matt and Kevin left to go to another party.

I didn't see Matt at all that summer. I was working full time and living at my camp. In the fall he went away out west to college. I stayed at home and worked full time and attended college nights. I also, changed girlfriends, yet again. My new girlfriend lived on the same road as Matt - only a lot further down. One night I was on my way out there, and as I drove past Matt's I saw his car in the driveway, so I doubled back and went to the door. Sure enough, he answered. He was surprised to see me. He acted kind of funny too. His parents were home. I don't know what was going on. They asked how I was, and I told them how work and school were going, and how I was on my way to my girlfriend's (when I mentioned her I did see an involuntary spasm near Matt's dad's eye), and how I'd seen Matt's car and just stopped to say Hi. Matt's parents left us alone, and I sat down. We talked a bit - about school mostly. I shot Matt a couple of looks, like "well?", but go no reaction. I'd been hoping he'd take me up to his room. Didn't happen. He seemed uncomfortable that I was there too, so I left shortly.

I saw Matt one more time after that. Same thing happened. I don't know what the problem was, but I got the definite impression that Matt may have come-out to his parents. Maybe he'd even told them about me - but they did treat me nicely when I saw them. Maybe he figured they'd figure out what we were doing if we went upstairs. I don't know.


I haven't heard from or seen Matt now for about 20 years. I do know he moved out of state. His parents did too. Matt's mom died a few years ago. I saw the obituary. I don't know what became of Matt, his dad, or his older siblings since.

I don't know what became of Kevin at all.

Matt's first boyfriend lives somewhere in my area. He's married and has children.

As for me. Well, I went through several girlfriends, two fiancees, and finally, in my early 30's I got married, and am still married to her. We have a child. I have a good career and a nice home. I'm living the suburban professional married father lifestyle that I decided I wanted to live years before. I'm relatively happy, however I sorely miss having sex with a good looking guy. And I miss Matt - a lot!

The End

Hope you found this final chapter of my story interesting. There won't be anymore stories about me and "Matt", as our relationship (sadly) came to an end. If I ever do hear from "Matt", I may add a quick Post Script to let you know that he did contact me. I know from some of your comments (and thanks for those kind comments and your encouragement by the way) that you're hoping he will. I know I am!

Thank you for reading about me and "Matt". I had a great time writing about us. Just seemed the thing to do - I had this story bottled up inside me and wanted to share it with someone, but being in the closet about the homosexual side of me - I had no option but to keep quiet. Nifty has given me an outlet to express these feelings I have, yet has still allowed me to remain anonymous. I want to thank the editor(s) for publishing my story - you got each chapter out there so quickly - I'm amazed. Maybe I'll do this again. I have another story (also true) kicking around in the back of my mind. But that's for another day!


Here I am at the end of our story, dude. I hope you read it! I hope it doesn't piss you off when/if you do, that I wrote it. Of, course (for all I know) you may have already written it and I haven't read it yet. Now that would be a riot! Anyway - I wanta thank you for four wonderful years of great sex, and many years of great friendship! I think we had a really special relationship. Not too many guys can say they lived their whole teenage life having sex on such a frequent, regular basis! I believe I had more sex with you back then, than I have had with any other one person on this planet to date!

I would love to hear from you again - for old time's sake. I'd love to know what you've been up to. And, yeah, if anything "popped up" I'd also like to hop back in the sack with you again even if it's just for old time's sake too!

If you do decide to get in touch with me, please be discrete. Nobody knows about this side of me - leastways my family. Best way to get ahold of me is e-mail. I'll make it easy for you - my real e-mail address is relatively easy. Take my real first name's first initial. Add your real first name's first initial. Add my real last name (trick is - can you still spell it?). just smush those three parts together - and add the extension @yahoo.com. Now you don't have to go looking for it! One last thing. Like I said, I saw your Mom's obit when she died. I'm very sorry about that. I wanted to contact you then, but I wasn't sure how either you or your family would've liked that. I wasn't sure if you were "out" to your family (although I expect you are). I didn't want to upset anyone, so I kept to myself. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there for you then.

OK - enough - you're probably not even reading this - but if you are - you know how I feel now. Basically I miss you!

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