David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Aug 7, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 12

Dave walked back to his barracks, changed into his uniform, grabbed a bite to eat, and lounged around his room before going to work at 1600 hrs. He didn't have much time to reflect on the morning's activities because the day shift had left a ton of work for him. There were moments when the work went slack and he could think back on his time with Paul. His dick, not completely flaccid and still remembering what it felt like to be inside Paul, twitched occasionally and leaked a little precum.

Paul returned to his quarters, fixed a sandwich tried to watch some TV but nothing interested him, and tried to read a book. Finally he gave up and d ecided to go to the office and knock out some unfinished business he had ignored at the end of Friday. After struggling for a few hours at the office he decided to call it quits because he just couldn't concentrate, his mind was on something else. Wonder what it was! As he sat snuggled up to the Officer's Club Bar, his elbows on the bar, his hands wrapped around a gin and tonic, someone tapped him on his left shoulder.

"Hey, counselor, pretty deep in thought, aren't you?"

"Oh, hi Harvey." Paul responded when he turned around and saw Captain Harvey Lewis leaning on the bar next to him. "Nah, just thinking about stuff at the office. Let me buy you a drink, what's your poison?"

"That looks good," Harvey said pointing to Paul's gin and tonic, "And I'll get the next one." Paul motioned to the barkeep to bring another drink and they took a couple of sips.

"Say, I think I met one of your men this week."

"Oh no! Don't tell me another of my men is in trouble with the law!"

"No, not that bad, I think," Paul chuckled, "I think his name was B... Ba... Baker? You got one of those?" Paul was trying to project the idea he hardly knew Baker.

"You must mean Dave Baker. You can't have him, he's mine!" Harvey almost shouted his last sentence. "Actually he's only mine for the next six weeks."

"Oh, what happens then?"

"Shit! Some dumb recruiter signed him up for only two years and those two years are up in about six weeks. Then he's a civilian again."

At the moment Paul was taking sip of his drink and almost gagged.

"Man, I could use a hundred men like Dave. I'd make general in no time. My sergeants think they run the place but if the truth were known, it's Dave who's in charge. He's able to make things work and at the same time hoodwink the sergeants into thinking they are doing it. I've tried to get him to re-up, tried to get him to apply for Officer Training. He just won't do it. He's picked up a lot of college credits while he's been here and says he's going to go to college next fall, wants to be an architect." Harvey paused. "Sorry Paul, didn't mean to bend your ear so hard."

"The Army pays me to listen." Paul looked calm and collected on the outside but inside he was getting sick. "You really think a lot of the kid, don't you!"

"Yes, I do." Captain Lewis then proceeded to tell Paul about his experiences with Dave. He told about the 10K races, the football game, and several other things that stood out in his mind. By the time Harvey finished, Paul felt he knew Dave rather well, especially considering what he learned earlier that morning. "By the way, where did you two meet? He's not in any trouble is he?"

"Oh, no, nothing like that. We met at the gym annex. I made the mistake of challenging him on the track and he proceeded to trounce my butt. I wish you'd have told me your story sooner, I could have avoided being humiliated."

Harvey had a good laugh at Paul's expense. "Well, Paul, gota run; I owe you one next time. Later!" With that, Harvey turned and disappeared out the door.

Ohhh FUCK!' Paul thought as he turned back around, leaned on the bar and signaled the bartender for another round. This can't be! No sooner do I find a really nice, cute guy who rings all my bells and he turns out to be a temporary thing. Okay, Paul, THINK!' He sat looking down into his drink, his mind almost blank with shock. `NO! I will not give up easily. I have to find out if he's the one. And if he is, I'll just... no, WE'LL have to figure out a way to make it work. Hold up just a minute! You're jumping to conclusions. What if you're not the one for him? What then? And, how do you find out?' A plan began to hatch in Paul's mind. He had to get to know Dave better and let Dave get to know him. It wouldn't be easy and would require some logistical gymnastics but he just might be able to pull it off.

Tuesday, when Dave arrived at the annex Paul wasn't there yet so he went to the locker room, changed and headed out the door. Just then he saw Paul coming in. Their eyes met and lingered for a moment. Yes, they were still drawn to each other. Dave ambled out to the track and took a lot of time stretching. Paul came running out of the annex and joined Dave in his stretching routine.

"Let's jog instead of run. That way we can talk."

"Yes, Sir, I like to jog, Sir." Dave was smiling as he tried to pull Paul's chain. Paul set the pace and when no one was near he began talking.

"Dave, I won't be able to work out Thursday. Something came up yesterday and I decided to wait until today to tell you rather than call." Dave remained quiet waiting for Paul to have his say. "I'd like us to get together for the weekend, off the Post. Any chance you can get away, do you have to work?"

"I'm not scheduled to work next weekend and I'm sure I can get away."

"Good. A civilian friend has a cabin he'll let me, let us use. It's about an hour's drive from here. Interested?"

"Bet your sweet ass I am." Dave replied. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to imply..."

"You're right on track, my boy, and I don't mean the one we are running on. Now, here's my plan, jump in any time if you see a problem." Paul explained his plan.

Friday afternoon Dave left work at 1600 hrs, changed into Levi's and a T-shirt, packed a small overnight bag and walked toward the main gate. The next bus departed at 1645 hrs and his timing was perfect as, in the distance, he watched the bus depart on schedule. He stood in front of the bus stop, feet spread, hands on his hips projecting a look of disgust as though he had just missed the last bus. At that moment a sports car with the top down pulled up next to him and stopped.

"Need a lift to town, Soldier?"

"Oh, thank you, Sir, but I can wait for the next bus."

"Nonsense. Hop in." Paul reached over and unlatched the door.

"Wow, Sir, I've never been in a car as nice as this one. How fast does it go?"

"Don't know, never opened it up." Paul said as Dave placed his small bag behind the seat, slid down into the seat and shut the car door. And they were away. There wasn't much said for about ten minutes as the car headed toward town. Dave felt like he was living some kind of dream. There he was in this hot car with a hot driver and they were on their way for a hot weekend -- ALONE!

Before reaching the city limit, Paul turned off on to a state road headed west. It was a typically good, wide, smooth and straight Texas highway and it didn't take Paul long to unleash the raw power available at his foot. Dave had never gone that fast in his life. He glanced at the speedometer and noticed the needle was somewhere past the 120 mph mark and it made his insides churn. That was much too fast for his blood and he believed if he asked Paul to slow down he would, but the wind noise was too loud to talk over. To get Paul's attention he reached across the console, placed his left hand on Paul's thigh and slid his fingers between Paul's legs. That got his attention! When Dave could see Paul was looking at him out of the corner of his right eye, he extended his right hand toward the dash with his fingers extended and palm down then pumped his hand up and down, a universal signal to slow down. Paul's foot backed off the accelerator and the car decelerated until it reached 65 mph and Paul engaged the cruise control.

Paul smiled at Dave and saw that he was patting his chest with his right hand as an indication that the speed was a little too much for his heart but he was smiling. Having achieved his goal, Dave started to remove his left hand from Paul's thigh but Paul grabbed it and placed it back where it had been, then shot a devilish grin at Dave. The drive took them through a few small towns and each time Dave tried to retrieve his hand but Paul wouldn't allow it. Dave was perhaps overly concerned that someone in one of those towns might look inside the car and see him essentially playing with the driver's genitals. Paul wasn't the least bit concerned.

"Single up!" Paul announced as they passed through one town and approached the city limit.

"What? What's that mean?"

"It's a Navy term. When a boat moored to the dock is ready to depart, the signal is given to `single up', and the crew is supposed to release all ropes except one. I've heard it's also a signal for the married men to remove their wedding bands." Dave laughed at that one. "But in this car it means to get yourself down to one article of clothing." As Paul said that he pulled his polo shirt over his head and stuffed it behind his seat. Dave, still laughing, followed Paul's lead and pulled his T-shirt off and stuffed it behind his seat. Next, Paul removed his shoes and socks and left them on the floor, then unbuttoned and unzipped his Levi's. Dave followed suit. With the cruise control engaged at 65 mph, Paul worked his Levi's over his hips, down his legs and off his feet then stuffed them behind his seat. Again, Dave copied Paul's actions so that both men now sat in an open car wearing nothing but their underwear, Paul in his CK heather boxer briefs and Dave in his ratty old whity-tidy BVD briefs. The state of their arousal would be evident to anyone who saw them.

Before long, Paul turned off onto a county road. It was just as straight and smooth but not as wide. Not too far down that road the car slowed and Paul turned into what appeared to be a private drive. He drove only about 50 ft. until he came to a gate across the road and stopped. He put his shoes back on, got out of the car, unlatched the gate and swung it open, got back in the car, drove through the gate, stopped the car again, got out, closed and latched the gate, got back in the car and started driving again.

"I'll show you how to do that so that next time you can open and shut the gate." That was the first indication Dave had that this might not be a one-time event. The thought excited him. As Paul drove up and over a small incline, a small house came into view along with an out-building and a small lake. (Back home, Dave would call it a large pond but this was Texas.)

When they reached the house, Paul parked the car under a shade tree, opened the door and got out, stripped off his boxer briefs and shouted, "Last one in sucks cock!" then he started running toward the lake. Dave had gotten out of the car at the same time as Paul but was a little slow on the uptake and fell behind in removing his briefs. Running toward the lake, Dave watched Paul run out on the short pier and launch his naked body high into the air.

"Yeeeee-haaaaaa!" Paul shouted as he flew through the air and splashed into the water. Dave was close behind and followed Paul's example with a shout of his own, trying to ensure he did not land on top of Paul when he hit the water. The water temperature was perfect, very invigorating. Upon surfacing, Dave looked around but Paul was nowhere in sight. Suddenly something grabbed his genitals and Paul's head popped up right in front of his face. Paul's left hand slid quickly behind Dave's neck and drew him into a quick kiss then released him.

"You're it." Paul shouted as he swam toward the bank. Dave was quickly in pursuit and followed Paul on shore to another leap off the pier with the appropriate accompanying yell. This time Paul waited for Dave, groped and kissed him and announced, "I'm it!" Dave was quick to pick up on the game and he quickly swam to bank with Paul in hot pursuit. This game of two-man tag continued for about 30 minutes until both men-turned-boys tired and collapsed on the grass along the bank.

They looked at each other, still breathing heavily and smiling about what fun they were having. Each also took public notice of the other's proud erection waiving in the breeze. Finally Paul stood, held his hand out to help Dave up and they walked to the house. Paul turned the doorknob and walked right in, the house was not locked.

"Help me open all the windows, will you, Dave?"

"Sure." Dave thought this was awfully strange to be walking around naked as though it was perfectly normal but he went around the house opening every window he could find. Both men were air-drying without even thinking about it.

"There's one rule here."

"What's that?"

"No clothes. We only dress when we're leaving the area around the house."

"Why's that?"

"So I can watch your body, I'm a lecher."

The house had only three rooms, the main or living room, which also contained a kitchen area, and two bedrooms. Between the bedrooms was an adjoining bathroom that could be entered from either side, and it included an oversized tub with a shower.

After Paul opened the windows in one bedroom he grabbed the bed covers, pulled them back and tossed them across the room, only a sheet covered the mattress. He went to the other bedroom where Dave was struggling with one of the windows.

"Here, let me show you." Using the butt of his hand, Paul struck a blow to the upper right corner of the window, it slid open with ease.

"How did you know to do that?" Dave asked in amazement.

"My friend told me." Paul said as he turned, swept Dave up into his arms, carried him into the other bedroom, tossed him in the middle of the bed, plopped down beside him pulling the two together in a passionate embrace. Their cocks, which had lost some of their fervor while the boys opened windows, were now at full erection. Both minds were now totally focused on one thing. Their lips and hands launched expeditions around each other's bodies. They were in no hurry; they had plenty of time. Finally, Paul rolled off the bed and walked toward the door.

"Come on, let's get our stuff from the car."

"But I want to stay here next to you." Dave complained.

Paul walked back to the bed, leaned over and kissed Dave. "But we can't go any further as long as the protection is out in the car. Let's go." It was more like an order than a request. Dave was off the bed in a flash. He was quickly getting used to walking around with his pecker waiving proudly in front of him. While outside, Paul installed the top and locked the car.

The distraction of retrieving stuff from the car caused their cocks to soften. However, back in the house Paul placed his hand on Dave's shoulder and both pricks sprang back to full hardness. Back in the bedroom Paul pulled an unopened box of condoms from his bag and placed it on the night table. Dave read the label and couldn't resist asking, "This says there are two dozen condoms. You think that will be enough?"

Paul thought for a moment, "If it isn't, we'll set medical history," and they laughed.

They each crawled onto the bed from opposite sides and met in the middle, they continued where they left off. This time Paul wanted to enjoy Dave in a way he hadn't been able to the previous Saturday, he wanted to go more slowly, more patiently and try for a higher level of satisfaction. The last time he had been so excited and in such a hurry he let things happen too quickly. This time he would concentrate on controlling his orgasm so that, hopefully, they could climax together. Based on their first experience, Paul surmised that Dave had better control than he did so he intended to try to equalize things.

Paul rolled Dave onto his back with him on top. He began kissing, licking and tasting Dave about his head, his eyes, his neck, his chest, each nipple, and continued working his way toward the prize. When Paul reached Dave's crotch he bypassed the real prize and began licking Dave's scrotal sack then sucking each testicle into his mouth and treating it tenderly with his tongue. Dave was beginning to moan and twist. When Paul noticed a pearl of precum about to roll off the tip of Dave's cock he immediately licked it up with his tongue and slid his lips over Dave's crown. He heard Dave make a hissing sound, a sound of intense pleasure. Paul quickly engulfed Dave but this was only the beginning of the beginning, not the beginning of the end. Very quickly Paul grabbed a condom, removed the foil, rolled the condom down Dave's cock and moved into position above Dave's waist. It all happened so quickly that Dave just lay quietly, wondering what Paul was doing. Of course it didn't take long for him to figure it out. Next, Paul grabbed the tube of lube, squirted some on Dave's member, then squirted some on his fingers and shoved them into his anus. His hole remembered the last time it had received Dave and was anxious for another visit.

"It might be a good idea if you'd steady yourself, Dave, so I don't bend you." Paul advised. Dave reached between his legs and held his stiff pole in the ready position. Paul lowered his hips until he made contact and could determine exactly where Dave's pole was. In a matter of seconds he repositioned so that Dave's instrument was pressing against the entrance to his anal cavity. Paul stared deep into Dave's eyes as he began to lower his hips and apply pressure. There was no hesitation, Dave's cock slid smoothly inside, past Paul's ring, and Paul kept on sliding until he rested on Dave's pubic bone. With Dave's cock deeply imbedded in his ass he paused.

"One thing, Dave, out here there's nobody closer than two miles so we don't have to be quiet. If you ever wanted to yell and scream, this is the time." Dave smiled and nodded in agreement.

No further adjustment was needed so Paul began to raise and lower his body at a slow, deliberate speed, watching Dave's face the whole time.

Paul liked this position because it placed him in charge; he didn't have to relinquish control to Dave. Also, it allowed him to observe whether and to what degree he was pleasuring Dave and better judge when he was approaching orgasm. After a few minutes, Paul stopped on an up-stroke with his sphincter secured firmly around the base of Dave's helmet. Dave had been watching Paul intently and really enjoyed watching his 7.5 inches of rigid flesh disappear inside Paul then reappear. When Paul stopped, Dave looked up into his eyes.

"Fuck me, Soldier." It was a request, a serious request.

"Yes, Sir, fuck you, Sir." Dave placed his hands on the top of Paul's thighs and used his arms to give him more leverage, control and power then slowly lifted his hips and drove his tool up into the wonderful man above him. As he did so, he made contact with Paul's prostate and Paul threw his head back, opened his mouth and gasped. Dave set up a good rhythm and soon both men were moaning and gasping, sweat dripping from their bodies.

"Paul, I'm about ready!" Dave announced breathlessly several minutes later.

"Me too, go for it, stud," Paul gasped. Dave accelerated his thrusting and wrapped his right hand around Paul cock and stroked it. Paul's cock head was so sensitive he erupted almost immediately. "AHHH... AHH...ahyee... ohhh... hahhh!" Paul yelled at the top of his lungs and a rope of cum shot from the tip on his cock spraying all over Dave, the bed and Paul.

Paul's sphincter clamping hard around Dave's cock triggered Dave's climax. "GAHHH... Gohhh... hmmnngg... gahhh!" This was the first time Dave had ever let go with a real primal expression of the intensity of his orgasm and it seemed to increase the intensity of his climax beyond any previous experience.

Both men seemed stunned by the force of their mutual orgasms, neither moved for over a minute. Paul was the first to recover and when he looked down at Dave lying beneath him he saw a beautiful youth in the recovery stages of a massive orgasm and he looked so damned good. Paul was sure he felt something tugging at his heart. He felt Dave's cock softening and knew it would soon slip from inside his body so he leaned over and stretched out beside his lover. Dave's eyes opened.

"Hi, stud soldier," Paul greeted.

"Uh... wha... oh, hi yourself," Dave replied blinking his eyes several times trying to focus on the face next to him. Paul leaned in and kissed Dave gently on the lips.

"You sure make a lot of noise when you cum, did you know that?" Paul said.

"Oh, I seem to recall hearing a lot of noise coming from someone else in the room," Dave replied with a groggy smile.

Paul repositioned himself more comfortably next to Dave. He rolled Dave against him so Dave's head was resting on his right shoulder. Dave's right arm lay across his chest with the right hand covering his left nipple. Dave's right leg lay across his right leg with Dave's right knee resting between his legs and nestled up into his groin. They couldn't get much closer. With his right hand, Paul lovingly stroked Dave's back.

Dave realized he was sinking fast. He glanced around the room and noticed how the leaves on the tree outside the window filtered the late afternoon sunlight creating a soft dappled effect in the room, somewhat like an impressionist painting. Then he snuggled closer to Paul, kissed his right pectoral, tasted Paul's body, smelled his scent and slowly drifted into sleep. Paul could feel the weight of Dave's body increase as it relaxed against him. He listened as Dave's breathing slowed and deepened.

`What have I done to deserve this? Just look at this young man I hold in my arms. He is so beautiful; do I deserve him? He is a paradox though. On one hand he melts to my touch, he is so innocent, so loving, so intelligent, so honest, so vulnerable, so... so... God I don't know what to say; he just makes me feel so good. On the other hand he seem to know exactly what to do sexually, like he has lots of experience. There is a lot I need to find out about Dave.' Paul leaned over and gently kissed Dave on his forehead then he lay quietly, enjoying their closeness and trying to make sense of the thoughts going through his head. He was much too excited to sleep.

After about twenty minutes Dave began to stir. He opened one eye and saw Paul looking at him. He closed his eye and kissed Paul's chest then his lips found Paul's nipple and he sucked it between his lips.

"Oh, no, no, enough of that for now, my little stud soldier. Do you know what a mess we are?"

Dave opened his eyes and briefly examined both of them. "It's your fault, Sir," he said with a grin. "It's your cum."

Paul gave Dave a squeeze and released him. "Come on, let's get cleaned up and fix something for dinner." Paul rolled out of the bed and headed for the bathroom to relieve his bladder. Paul showered first and while Dave showered, Paul grabbed a couple of steaks from the refrigerator, started the charcoal outside, and had a couple of beers waiting when Dave joined him in the kitchen area.

"Think you can nuke a couple of potatoes?" Paul asked.

"Nuking potatoes is one of my specialties. Anything else I can do?"

"Yeah, set the table while I burn these steaks."

The meal came together quite quickly and they sat at the table eating quietly, their knees maintaining constant contact as they glanced back and forth seductively. It still seemed odd to Dave to be sitting at a table eating without a stitch of clothing on. But he couldn't deny it was exciting. The sun had set and the sky was a dark blue when they sat down to eat and now it was completely dark outside. The lighting inside the house was very dim and it created a very romantic atmosphere. Paul washed the dishes and Dave dried; Paul instructed Dave where to place the dishes in the cabinets. When the dishes were finished Paul went to the bedroom, picked up a large blanket, turned off all the lights, took Dave by the hand and led him outside. About thirty feet from the house Paul spread the blanked on the ground and they sat down on it.

"Now lay down and look at the stars." Paul suggested as he took hold of Dave's hand. The moon was not yet up and the stars illuminated the sky from horizon to horizon. With no artificial light to interfere, the sky seemed to close in around them.

"Sure are a lot of stars up there, I don't think I ever looked at them like this." Dave commented.

Paul remained silent. After about three minutes he heard Dave gasp. "You see it don't you."

"WOW!" Dave exclaimed quietly, breathlessly. "Awesome! It's like... it's like I'm floating among the stars. Man... if I weren't already religious, this would do it for me. Why haven't I ever seen this before?"

"You've never been in Texas with me before," Paul stated arrogantly.

"You Texans like to keep this a secret don't you!"

"I never told you I was from Texas."

"Didn't have to. People know it the minute you open your mouth and talk."

"Well you're not exactly a paragon of perfect speech yourself, Mr. South-in-the-mouth." Both men laughed heartily.

After about twenty minutes of watching the stars, Paul sat up. "Let's go back in the house for a while. We need to talk."

"This sounds serious," Dave replied.

"There are some things I want to talk about and there are too many distractio ns out here." Paul replied. "We'll come back out later."

They returned to the house but did not turn on any lights. Paul sat down on the old worn out sofa and pulled Dave down next to him. Dave drew his legs up onto the sofa and leaned in against Paul. `What bliss!' each man thought. Dave's hand gravitated to Paul's penis.

"Aah, aah, aah! Not right now, I need to concentrate. We'll get to that later, I promise."

"Damn, you ARE serious." Dave responded as he drew his hand back.

"Dave, there's a lot we haven't talked about and I have some things I want... need to say that I've never said before so bear with me while I work my way through it. Okay?"

"Yeah, I'm with you."

"I really should start by telling you I like you... a lot... a whole lot. And that's why I think we should talk. Hope that doesn't scare you away." Paul paused, waiting for a reply.

"No, not at all."

"Good. Let's do a few of the basics first. I'm 24 years old; I'll be 25 in August. And you?"

"I'm 19, I'll be 20 in June."

"Well, we're both adults and I don't think four years is a big age difference. What do you think?"

"Damn, I've been makin it with an old fart."

"Dave, please. This isn't easy, help me out here."

"Sorry, you're right. No, I don't think four years is a big deal; I'm comfortable with that."

"I'm sure you also realize that what we have been doing is pretty risky behavior as long as we are in the Army. We could both be in a lot of trouble if anyone found out."

"I know," Dave said sadly.

"Well, now that we've found each other I'm not inclined to put a lid on it." Paul paused, waiting for Dave to respond.

"Nor I!"

"Good. I think I should tell you a few things about me so you have some basis for an opinion. I don't remember when I knew I was gay but I finally admitted it to myself when I was 16 years old, a junior in high school. It really bothered me and I wanted to talk to someone about it so I decided to tell my best friend. We knew each other since we were 3 years old; we grew up together. We always did everything together and I thought if I could tell anyone I could tell him. Well, he dumped me, just dumped me. It hurt like hell. Then about two months later he caught up with me on the tennis court and apologized. He said he was sorry, that he had overreacted, and that he had been miserable not being with me. He wanted to be friends again but he wasn't gay. I told him I didn't expect him to be gay, I just wanted him to be my friend.

"The summer between my junior and senior year I got a job as a counselor at a youth camp. About the second week another, older counselor started getting friendly and we seemed to hit it off. One evening we were sitting in our cabin talking after the kiddies were asleep and out of the blue he asked me if I was gay. Once I got over the shock of his question I admitted I was and asked him how he knew. Then he shocked me again by telling me he was gay too and he said he knew because of his `gaydar'. I asked him what that was and he said that Gays send out signals, often unknowingly, and once you get to know gays you can sometimes pick up those signals on your gay radar. Well, to make a long story short, he took me under his wing and spread my wings all summer long. He taught me a lot and that's when I learned my preference was to be on the bottom. He also taught me, no, preached to me about always using protection. I always have.

"Art, he's my best friend I just talked about, anyway, we both went to the same university, pledged the same fraternity, and were roommates for four years. During our sophomore year Art wanted to know what being gay was all about. To him I seemed just like any other normal guy. When I tried to explain it to him he wanted me to show him. We fooled around and I think I went a little too far. I probably answered questions he didn't want to ask. Anyway, I deeply regret what we did. I apologized and Art said he was okay with it and not to worry. Still, I've never gotten over the feeling that our relationship was damaged. We're still very close friends and I love him dearly.

"During my junior year in college I had a brief affair with a guy who was one year older. It lasted about three weeks but it was... I suppose `empty' is the right word that describes it. Art and I went to law school together but I lived alone because he got married to an absolutely stunning, wonderful woman. He honored me by making me his best man. I made one more attempt at an affair while at law school but that guy had an agenda that was pretty kinky so I split. Upon graduation, the Army made an offer that sounded too good to pass up so I took it. Art passed the bar exam the first time around with almost a perfect score, he is really brilliant, and some high powered law firm in Dallas snarfed him up. I passed the bar on the second try and that's when the Army came after me with an offer.

"So! I've been with four men until we met. I've always used protection and I got tested four months ago, results negative.

"Oh yes, my parents are still living and I have a sister, two years younger. And my family knows I'm gay. My mother and my sister handled it okay but Dad is still struggling with it. He really wants a grandson to carry the family name.

"There, I'm finished. Did I raise any questions in your mind? Ask me anything, I promise to tell the truth."

The room was quiet for several minutes. Paul knew Dave was not asleep because he was gently stroking Paul's arm, which was around Dave's shoulder and across his chest in a comfortable hold.

"My turn I guess." Dave finally spoke up. "I have an older sister whom I dearly love, she's two years older. I realized I was gay just after I turned 13 years old. My sister guessed my secret when I was 14, almost 15. She made me promise to never have sex without using a condom, and I never have. My parents are still living but they don't know about me. I haven't figured out how or when to tell them. The summer between my freshman and sophomore year of high school I worked on construction and got to know a guy from my school, Danny. He was a year ahead of me so I let him lead and he took me where I wanted to go. We fooled around some but nothing serious. We worked construction again the next year and toward the end of the summer we got assigned to work on a special construction project and that gave us a chance to spend four nights in a motel together unsupervised. Danny came up with some porno magazines that showed just about everything guys can do with each other and we tried them all -- several times. I quickly found out I didn't much care for having someone up inside me but that seemed to be exactly what Danny wanted so everything turned out okay. Danny and I got together only a few more times after that but we eventually drifted apart. When he graduated from high school he enlisted in the Navy and we still write to each other. We are still good friends.

"The night of my senior prom my date practically begged me to masturbate her while she jacked me off. I kind of knew it was going to happen so I read a lot and my sister gave me some hints. Well, I managed to give her three orgasms and she had to go down on me to get me off. I hoped that would be the end of it but after the senior prom she dragged me into a bedroom and practically raped me. I kept telling myself all I had to do was tell her I was gay and it would be all over. I didn't have the guts. I was able to complete the act after getting her off three or four times. It was horrible. Three weeks later I joined the Army and here I am.

"Was I sending off signals when you saw me in the weight room; did your gaydar identify me?"

"Hell, I don't know, Dave, my loins were in such heavy lust for you I'm not sure my gaydar was working. I think I began to suspect it when you caught me looking up the legs of your shorts and instead of dropping the barbell back on me you gave me a half smile."

"Yeah, I guess I did do that didn't I."

"And you actually fucked a girl? I'm impressed. And four orgasms too. What a stud!"

"Please! Don't make it into something it wasn't. It almost made me sick to my stomach."

"Okay, it's history," Paul agreed then changed the subject. "Look! I won't pretend to know where this will lead. I do know I want to be with you. Sex with you is great but I feel a lot more for you. I like the person you are. You don't take any shit off me and that's kind of refreshing, keeps me on my toes. There's another thing, and I want you to be totally honest on this, there's a matter of finances, money. It's obvious you don't have much of it and I have a lot of it. There may be times when I may want us to do something together and you won't be able to afford it. Do you think you could accept my paying for things without it bothering you?"

"How do you know I don't have much money?" Dave was toying with Paul.

"Well, for one I know the Army pays you starvation wages and for another you wear the rattiest old underwear I've ever seen."

"So, you like looking at my skivvies, do you?" Dave teased as he poked his thumb between Paul's ribs and got a loud giggle. "Seriously? To answer your question, I don't know. I think I can understand where you're coming from; if you have to wait until I can afford to pay for something it will probably put a big crimp in a lot of things you like to do." Dave paused for a moment before continuing. "I don't want to feel like a kept man, a boy toy. So if you don't try to buy me a lot of personal gifts -- like new underwear -- I can probably live with that. I'll try not to be so sensitive to it, I guess."

"That sounds like a good compromise," Paul replied, "and I promise to try to watch myself and not shower you with gifts. There's one more thing I forgot. I have about a year and eight months before I finish my obligation to the Army. After that I'll be free to be who I am." Paul wanted to hear Dave confirm when he was getting out and hoped this bit of information would elicit the correct response.

(Croak) Dave tried to speak but his throat locked up on him. He suddenly realized his time in Paul's arms was limited and his emotions surged through his body. Paul felt him shudder. He cleared his throat and tried again.

"Six weeks." Dave spoke so faintly Paul almost couldn't hear him. "My tour is up in six weeks." He managed to get out as he began gasping for air then willed himself to calm down.

Silence prevailed for several minutes. Paul finally spoke.

"So, we have six weeks to figure out just what kind of relationship we have. After that... we'll have to figure out how we're going handle it. One step at a time." Dave could see that Paul's approach was a positive one; there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. And he brightened up. Silence settled over them again.

"Hey, I no longer need to concentrate," Paul said quietly in Dave's ear. He felt Dave's hand slide up his leg and grasp his balls then Dave stood up still holding onto his prize.

"Let's go back outside," Dave suggested.

"I see... when ya got'em by the balls their hearts and minds will follow, huh?" They both laughed and laughter was the proper medicine.

Returning to the blanket, they lay on their backs looking up at the stars. After a few minutes Paul rolled over and kissed Dave affectionately on the lips. It was gentle, not teeth grinding, and lasted for a couple of minutes. At the same time Paul's hand found Dave's erection and began to stroke it. Paul began kissing his way down Dave's body stimulating all the appropriate erogenous zones while at the same time swinging his hips around to make his toys more accessible to Dave. They pleasured each other slowly and tenderly. They enjoyed each other for what seemed like a long time. Paul was the first to blow and Dave wasn't far behind. They finished the evening with deep kisses mixing and sharing each other's cum that they had saved for that purpose. After a while they picked up the blanket and went into the house and to bed.

Next: Chapter 13

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