David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Aug 16, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 13

Nature called Dave at about 0430 hrs to relieve his bladder. Upon returning to bed he snuggled up against Paul and quickly drifted back to sleep. The next time he opened his eyes he could tell the sun was up and so was Paul. In fact, by feeling the sheets Dave could tell Paul had been gone from the bed long enough for sheets to feel cold. About then he heard humming coming from the front room and the smell of fried bacon hit his nostrils. Still naked he rolled out of bed and walked toward the sound. He recognized the tune Paul was humming; it was a country tune to which Dave knew neither the name nor words but Paul sure sounded happy.

When Dave entered the front room he almost broke out in laughter but managed to stifle it. Paul was standing in front of the stove with his back to the room; he was naked except for the apron he was wearing. The apron was hung from Paul's neck by a strap and it was tied in the back but the sides did not meet and that left a gap of about six inches down the middle. Dave stood staring at the way the apron framed Paul's ass with the crack down the middle. It was funnier than words. Dave wished he had a camera.

`Ah-ha! I'll surprise him this morning.' Dave thought as he quietly crossed the room in his bare feet. Silently he approach Paul from behind, stuck out his hand and slid it under Paul's buns, his middle finger finding its way into the crack.

"YEOW!" Paul yelled as he jumped about six inches into the air. Dave quickly slid his body up next to Paul and kissed the shocked man on his lips.

"Mornin, cowboy." Dave said as he slid his left hand under the apron and wrapped his fingers around Paul's partially hard pole. The touch of Dave's right hand and index finger on his backside was already causing the desired reaction by Paul's pole.

"Damnit Dave, you scared the shit out'a me!

"Nah, if I did that there wouldn't be anything left of you. Got any juice for me to drink this mornin?" Dave asked as he persisted in pulling on Paul's prick. He sank to his knees and worked his head under the apron.

"Damnit Dave, I'm trying to fix breakfast... oh shit!" He exclaimed as Dave's mouth closed over the tip of his cock. "We have things to do today, Dave," Paul tried to explain as his cock disappeared completely down Dave's throat, "DAVE, I'M FRYING BACON HERE... oh my God!" Paul exclaimed at the sudden pleasure he experienced. Dave had managed to reposition his right hand between Paul's legs and at that moment his middle finger entered Paul's body and pressed against his prostate. Giving up, Paul slid the skillet off the burner and turned off the flame as he placed his hands on the edge of the stove while he moved back away from it to give Dave more room and spread his legs wider apart. Dave was moving very rapidly. "He's a man on a mission... (gasp) and he's... good... damned good." Moments later, "Okay, get ready, here comes your juice!"

Paul was taken so totally by surprise he had almost no time to think about what Dave was doing to him; his body just responded to the stimulation and relinquished its precious seed faster than he could ever remember. His body stiffened, he grunted, his cremaster muscle contracted pulling his testicles almost into his body as his seminal fluid gushed into Dave's mouth and down his throat. It was a good thing this happened after a good night's sleep; otherwise he might not have had the strength to withstand such an assault.

With Paul's arms braced against the stove Dave squeezed up in front of him and engaged him in an open-mouthed kiss, sharing some of his reward.

"Thanks for the fresh-squeezed juice this morning, it sure was tasty," Dave said between kisses.

"My pleasure, stud soldier, all my pleasure." Paul wrapped his arms around Dave and picked him up off the floor, all the while kissing and exploring Dave's oral cavity with his tongue. Carrying Dave, he slowly turned around, moved a few feet, sat Dave down on the table and pushed him onto his back. Now it was his turn. In one swift motion he moved down Dave's body and devoured his cock to its hilt. After pinching both of Dave's nipples and getting the erotic response he wanted, Paul worked his right hand up to Dave's face and slid his middle finger between Dave's open lips. Dave's mouth immediately closed around the intruder and began bathing it with saliva. Moments later, Paul withdrew his finger and moved it between Dave's legs; he was planning to return the favor Dave had done for him. He placed the moist finger against Dave's pucker and felt it close even tighter. Then, as if by magic Dave's flesh relaxed and practically invited Paul's finger inside. Paul remembered what Dave had said the night before, that he didn't enjoy having his anus probed. Apparently he was making an exception. Paul quickly found Dave's prostate and began to add that stimulation to that which his tongue, mouth and throat were doing to Dave's prick. Despite Dave's accomplished endurance, Paul's actions had managed to surprise him and he was quickly approaching orgasm.

"Ohh, gaah, unnngg!" was all Dave could get out of his throat as Paul drained the juice from his nuts. Dave lay totally limp and spread out across the table as Paul hovered over him and rewarded him with a wet, semen-filled kiss. After mixing Dave's cum with saliva both men swallowed and Paul stood up.

"As soon as you get your strength back, wash your hands and set the table for breakfast. I'm going to finished the bacon and fry some eggs. How do you like yours?" Paul instructed very business-like with a slight chuckle in his voice as he went to the sink and washed his hands. Dave had taken Paul by surprise but Paul was able to even the score and it pleased him to no end.

"Over easy." Dave managed say weakly as he struggled to sit up. He washed his hands and set the table then both men sat down to enjoy their breakfast, all the while they grinned at each other thinking about the fun they were having. They washed the dishes and headed for the bedroom.

"You said something about `things to do today,' What's that mean?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, you gotta wear clothes. Get into your Levi's and check the closet in the other bedroom. There should be a shirt that'll fitcha; and if ya look on the floor of the closet ya should find a pair of boots that'll fit too."

"What'er we gonna do that I need to get all dressed up?"

"You'll see, now move Corporal." Paul said in a jocular tone as he popped Dave on the behind. When they finally walked out of the house they both looked like a couple of crusty old cowhands. They even wore cowboy hats. Paul led them around behind the house to another building, which had a kind of carport attached. Dave assumed that the tarp he saw covered some kind of vehicle and when Paul pulled it off, there sat a rusty old Chevy pickup truck. Dave concluded that the rust seemed to be the only thing holding it together.

"Let's see if we can get this mother to run," Paul announced as he opened the driver's door and slid behind the wheel. Dave opened the passenger door and he could hardly believe his eyes when he crawled inside. The truck was so old the gearshift was on the floor. And the instrument panel was devoid of most of its instruments. The gas gauge seemed to be the only thing that might still work.

Paul pumped the accelerator a few times and pulled out on a knob that was labeled `CHOKE'. The key was still in the ignition and when Paul turned it the engine came to life, sputtered a few times and then ran surprisingly smoothly.

"Ready?" Paul asked as he looked at Dave.

"Of course, you know I'll follow you anywhere," Dave said with a smile to reinforced his comment.

"Okay, here we go." Paul pushed in the clutch, placed the gearshift into first gear, let the clutch out and the truck lurched forward hesitatingly for a few seconds like it was reluctant to leave its shelter then accelerated smoothly out of the carport. Paul drove the truck down a road that looked like nature was having great success in reclaiming. With no seatbelts, the two male bodies inside the cab were tossed and jostled about over the uneven ground until Dave began to have concern for his kidneys. After about fifteen minutes of this torture Dave saw a house and a barn ahead and assumed that was their destination. He and Paul had said little during the trip because they found the rough ride made conversation rather difficult. Paul drove up right next to the barn and stopped. As they drove up, Dave noticed an older man sitting in a chair at the entrance to the barn and he followed Paul as they walked toward the man.

"Howdy, Billy Joe, you doin okay these days?"

"Howdy, Mr. Paul, good to see ya again. Yeah, doin okay.

Dave examined Billy Joe and guessed he was probably about 55 years old, maybe older. It was hard to make an accurate estimate because the man was well tanned and wrinkled and had at least a two-day stubble on his face. At one time in his life Billy Joe was probably a hot looker with a hard, tight body, the kind you get from hard work.

"Billy Joe, this here's my friend Dave."

"Howdy, Dave, good to meetcha."

"Good to meet you too, Billy Joe."

"Mr. Paul, I got a couple o' mares a wait'n in the barn, got bridles on'm. I knowed how you like to saddle your own."

"Thanks, Billy Joe, that's mighty nice o' ya." It was all Dave could do to restrain his laughter. Paul was morphing before his eyes into some Texas cowboy whose speech was right out of some Hollywood western.

Dave followed Paul into the barn and practically bumped into a couple of horses.

"Oh, wow... they're really big!" Dave exclaimed.

"Surely you've seen a horse before haven't you?"

"At this moment I'm closer to a horse than I have ever been in my whole life." Dave replied; a tone of astonishment was evident in his voice.

Paul picked up on the subtle message in Dave's voice and when he turned around with a saddle in his hands he could see Dave staring motionless at the horses as if he were frozen to the spot. It's funny how you think you know someone and then a situation develops that makes you realize there are things yet to learn. Paul set the saddle down and walked over to Dave; he stood directly in front of him between him and the horses.

"Hey Dave," Paul said quietly as he leaned down, kissed Dave and wrapped him in a hug. At first Dave felt as rigid as a board but quickly relaxed in Paul's arms. "You gonna be all right?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm just surprised at how big these animals are, that's all." Dave began to look around checking to see if anyone was watching them in a hug.

"Look... we don't have to go riding if you'd rather not. I just thought you might like to see and experience the real Texas."

"No, no! I'd like that. Just give me a few minutes." Nobody was in sight.

"Come're." Paul let go of Dave, took him by the hand and led him around in front of one of the horses. "Here," Paul said as he took Dave's hand, "feel her forehead." As if the horse knew what Paul was saying she lowered her head to make it easier for Dave to pet her. "See how gentle she is? I think she likes you. What'a you think?"

"Yeah, I think she does to." Dave said, followed by a little nervous laugh.

"Here, you hold her reins and I'll put the saddle on her." Paul said as he handed Dave the reins. Dave took hold of them and continued rubbing the horse's forehead. In a matter of minutes both horses were saddled and Paul led them out of the barn. Dave knew his next challenge would be mounting the horse.

"You think you're ready to get up?" Paul asked.

"I'm ready," Dave said, mustering all the courage he could, "just show me how." Paul walked over and stood beside him.

"Okay, take hold of the saddle horn with your left hand and hold on the back of the saddle with your right hand, keep hold of the reins... okay, now place your left foot in the stirrup." Dave accomplished those two tasks rather easily. "Now, pull yourself up and swing your right leg over the saddle; I'll give you a boost this first time." Dave did exactly as Paul instructed and easily rose and settled into the saddle.

"Whoa, ha ha ha!" Dave almost shouted. "That was more of a goose than a boost, Lieutenant."

"Never miss an opportunity for a good feel, Corporal." Paul chuckled.

Paul mounted up and before they departed he gave Dave a few instructions about how to get the horse to turn left, right, stop and start. Billy Joe handed Paul some saddlebags, which he tied behind his saddle. Paul led the way as they walked their horses out across the field. Dave wondered where they were going as Paul turned into a tour guide and began pointing out various items of interest. Paul was talking and pointing and gesturing at things and places and assigning a name to almost everything he mentioned. After a while they came across a large heard of cattle and Paul talked about the excitement of a roundup and other experiences from his past. Dave wondered if Paul knew the names of all the cows. Leaving the cattle behind they topped a rise and a field of oil wells spread before them, their weirdly shaped heads bobbing up and down. Dave had absolutely no idea where he was; he was completely lost.

Dave enjoyed watching Paul's body moved from side to side in the saddle as the horse walked slightly ahead of him. This seemed to be a different Paul than he knew on the Post. He was more calm and relaxed but he still had the same sense of humor. Although he already liked Paul, he was beginning to like him even more; he was a real person.

`I think my first impression of Paul was correct, he really is a nice guy. Back in the barn when I froze momentarily he could have called me a pussy for being frightened of the horses. Instead he was concerned; he cared. He didn't make fun of me. Just look at him, he's having the time of his life. This is his element, where he loves to be.' Dave thought.

`God. I can't believe I was so stupid this morning. Paul must think I'm a slut the way I attacked him. Well, I'm not. I need to show him I'm a good person too. I just let the sex part get the better of me; my gonads took control of my brain. That's not like me at all. I have better self-control than that. Last night he said he liked me a lot. Then he talked about the future. I've never been in an affair and I'm sure that's what he was talking about. Okay. But I would like this to be more than just about sex. Sex is what I experienced with Danny. Sex with Paul is great but I think we can do better than that. I wouldn't mind a little emotional involvement. Maybe that's what Paul meant last night. Slow down. Just slow down. Like I said, this is Paul's element and he's in charge. That's okay with me. He's an officer and a gentleman and I'm a grunt soldier. I'll let him lead but I'll challenge him once in a while just to keep it interesting.'

After a while they came to a clump of trees, stopped and dismounted. Paul spread a blanket over the ground, opened the saddlebags Billy Joe had given him and began pulling out sandwiches. Next he pulled out a couple of Cokes that had been kept chilled by the insulated pouch they were in. Although the air was hot the shade and cold drinks provided a nice touch. After resting and talking for about ten minutes Dave changed the direction of the conversation.

"Paul..." Paul looked over at Dave with anticipation. "Paul, I want to apologize for what I did this morning. I've never done anything, and I mean anything like that." Paul opened his mouth to speak but Dave put his hand up to silence him. "That's not really who I am and I'd like you to know that. You're only the second man I've been with and, combined with not having any for almost two years I got carried away." Dave paused and stared at the ground for a moment then looked back into Paul's hazel eyes.

"I think you're a good person and I'd like to get to know you better, and I don't mean sexually. Have I screwed this up?"

Paul held his hand out and Dave took it. "No apology needed, Dave. I consider myself a good judge of character and you've already shown me you are a good and solid individual. I should probably be apologizing to you for the way I came after you and seduced you. But you handled that with a lot of maturity and patience. I think we're really doing okay. Actually," Paul began to chuckle, "I thought what we did this morning was a lot of spontaneous fun, the sort of impulsive thing that keeps life interesting. Hell, if I criticize you for doing something like that then I won't be able to act a little crazy myself at times. I'm too much of a practical joker to not do something stupid from time to time." Paul smiled at Dave, "Deal?"

"Deal!" Dave accepted the offer and Paul leaned over and gave him a long and gentle kiss.

"And I can't let you take all the credit for this morning," Paul continued, emphasizing the word all'. You know what I was thinking when I was so... ah-hum... (Paul cleared his throat) pleasantly assaulted?" Dave nodded No.' "I was thinking about how great we were together yesterday afternoon and evening. I was already half hard when you attacked. But you're right, and I'll do my best to help us get to really know each other better."

"Speaking of that, what are your plans when you get out of the Army?

"Well..." Dave sat up and drew his knees toward his chest then crossed his arms across his knees. "When I graduated from high school I got accepted by four schools. Two of them offered me scholarships but they wouldn't guarantee that they would still be available when I got out of the Army. A couple of months ago I wrote both schools and one agreed to reinstate the scholarship; it is the school I really wanted to attend all along. After talking with an admissions counselor I learned that all the credits I earned at the local college will transfer, but I will have to enter as a freshman the first semester and go through freshman orientation. The spring semester they will list me as a sophomore. That means I'll only be one year behind where I would have been if I had gone to college straight out of high school."

"Have you decided what you want to do, what field you are going to study?"

"Architecture. Remember... I told you I worked in construction for three summers? I really liked it. One of the firm's architects kind of adopted me and taught me quite a bit. He even let me help him design projects on the computer."

Paul observed how Dave seemed to come alive as he described his interest in architecture and construction. He could tell that Dave had found his life's work and Paul decided he should do whatever he could to help Dave succeed.

"I guess I would have to call Joe my sponsor or mentor. He's a really great guy. He even called me last week and asked me if I could come back to work with him when I get home, my parents told him about my plans, and I said yes."

"You must be the most organized person I know." Paul said with astonishment.

"Yeah," Dave replied with a chuckle, "My sister says I'm anal retentive, Teutonic, whatever that means."

Paul got to his feet. "Let's get this stuff collected and head back to the barn. Billy Joe will be wonderin what happened to us." The return trip was short; they must have been fairly close to the barn already. After removing the saddles, Paul showed Dave how to brush the horses before turning them loose. Dave was real proud of himself for all the things he had learned. The old truck started without a cough and soon they were bouncing along the old road back to the house.

After parking the truck under the carport Paul led the way into the house. Once inside, Dave reached out and grabbed Paul by the left rump. Paul came to a halt and turned around slowly so as to make sure he didn't break the grip Dave had on him.

"Somethin on your mind?" Paul asked.

"I've been watchin your hot ass sway back and forth in that saddle all day and it's been drivin me crazy. I just had to touch it."

"I hope that's not all you wanna do." Paul replied as he wrapped his arms around Dave's shoulders and moved close for a kiss. Dave responded just like Paul wanted. Soon they were removing each other's clothes right there in the living room and dropping them on the floor. They moved quickly to the bedroom where they helped each other remove their boots and Levi's then dived onto the bed and into each other's arms. Paul grabbed a condom. Dave got the lube and began applying it to Paul's hole while Paul rolled the condom on Dave's pole. Both men seemed to be in a hurry. Paul pulled his knees to his chest and Dave wasted no time in sliding his shaft to Paul's depths. Paul placed his hands on either side of Dave's face and drew their lips together in a lingering kiss with tongues dancing provocatively with each other.

"Ride me hard, Dave, pound me good. It's what I need most at this moment." Without saying a word Dave began slowly then quickly worked his actions to a forceful fuck, jarring Paul's body with each thrust and driving his head against the headboard. Their eyes remained open and locked on each other like they were communicating some silent message of love and passion. Dave no longer felt the need to delay his climax like he had taught himself; he only needed to time it to coincide with his partner's orgasm. He was getting better at reading Paul and allowed his passions to rise at the same rate as his partner's. Each time Paul felt Dave's eggs smack against his ass cheeks it seemed to elevate his excitement.

Neither man was yet aware of the bond that was beginning to form just below the surface of their relationship. On some as yet undetectable level, each man was reading the other's emotional, physical, sexual, and intellectual signals and it was working to their mutual pleasure.

After less than seven minutes of skin slapping against skin and grunts and groans filling the room Dave watched Paul's eyes close slowly and his mouth start to open. He knew the signs. Paul arched his back and shot a river of cum high into the air, some of it hitting Dave's chest but most of it landing on Paul and the sheets. Dave was already close to his own climax and the picture of pleasure registering on Paul's face was enough to trigger his release.

With eyes still closed, Paul reached up and drew Dave down too him. They lay quietly, breathing fast and heavy. When Dave's cock wilted and slipped out of Paul's ass, Paul rolled them over so that Dave was spooned back against his chest. In a matter of moments they were asleep. A breeze blew through the open windows and cooled them while removing the aroma of sex from the air.

"Time to rise," Dave heard a whisper in his ear followed by a wet tongue.

"I don't think I can; you took all I have for a while." Dave responded quietly as he instantly felt the comfort of Paul's body pressing snuggly against the length of his backside.

"No stud soldier, I mean, it's time to get up. We need to shower. I'm taking you to town for dinner. Is sex the only thing you think about?"

Dave flipped over and kissed Paul on the lips. "It's your fault. I can't resist your sexy body. Where're we going for dinner?"

"I thought we'd go into town and have a greaseburger with fries and a beer. Think you can handle that?"

Yeah, I am hungry, now that you mention it. What time is it?"

"Almost 5 P.M."

"Okay, together or separately?" Dave asked.

"Separate. I can't keep my hands off you and you seem to have the same problem."

About thirty minutes later they left the house and climbed into the old truck. "How come we're taking this?" Dave asked.

"It needs gas. Besides, my Boxster would draw too much attention."

Paul stopped the truck when they got to the gate and the two men got out so Paul could show Dave how to lock/unlock it. After driving the truck through the open gate, Dave closed and locked it then climbed back into the truck. Paul reached across the cab, took hold of Dave's left hand and placed on his right thigh near his crotch. Upon reaching the highway Paul turned right; it was opposite the direction they had come the day before.

It only took about 15 minutes to reach the town,' and calling it that was a compliment. It was an intersection of two roads. Paul pulled in to the gas station that was situated on the first corner on the right. Dave got out of the truck and surveyed the town.' At the corner directly across the street ahead was an old building with a sign that said it was a grocery story. Diagonally across the street from the gas station was another gas station. Wow, the locals have a choice!' Dave thought. On the fourth corner was an old building with a sign that said "EATS & DRINKS." There was a sign in one window that announced Dancing Nightly.' The image of an old fashioned saloon quickly popped into Dave's mind. He was not to be disappointed.

After paying for the gas, Paul drove out of the station and directly across the street where he parked in front of "EATS & DRINKS." Dave couldn't avoid noticing just how primitive everything appeared and how Paul seemed to drive anywhere he wanted without following any driving rules. The two men climbed the steps and walked into an old saloon-like atmosphere. Nobody was playing some tinny-sounding piano over in the corner but every thing else seemed to fit. Dave followed Paul to a booth where they slid behind the table. They sat ninety degrees from each other and the first thing Dave noticed was Paul's knee rubbing up against his.

"Well, I do declare, Paul honey. Where y'all been? We haven't seen you in more than a month of Sundays."

"Howdy, May." Paul responded, recognizing the waitress by name. It was obvious they were not strangers.

"Honey, where you been all this time? Last time I heard you was in the Army."

"Still am, May, just visitin the ranch for a day or two."

Dave studied May as she stood in front of the table with her order pad in hand interrogating Paul. She was actually a good-looking woman, tall and slim, nice waist, about 35 years old, a pleasant smile, bleached blond hair pulled back into a bun, and nice legs. She wore a blouse with big puffy shoulders and a short skirt that was covered with a shorter apron.

"Say, who's you're cute little friend here?" May asked as she looked directly at Dave."

"May, say hello to Dave. Dave this here is May." Always observant, Dave noticed that Paul had not bothered to stand when May appeared so he decided to remain seated even though he normally would have stood when being introduced to a woman.

"Howdy, May." Dave said.

"Paul, you need to bring him around more often so's I can break him in. Ya know who he reminds me of?"

"Who's that, May?"

"That Law fellow, Jude Law, only lots cuter. Dave has better lookin eyes."

"Well, he tells me he's not a virgin, May, so don't waste you're time."

Dave was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable sitting quietly as Paul and May discussed him as thought he was some inanimate object. And what did his being or not being a virgin have to do with anything?

"That's no matter, Paul, he's cute enough I'll be happy to make an exception. You still a virgin, honey?"

"Yup." Paul replied. "Gonna stay that way till the right gal comes along. No thin personal, May, you know how it is."

"Yeah, I know. Been tryin to break you in since you was 16. There's always hope." May said with a big Texas smile. Now, what can I bring you fellows to eat?" `Apparently the social hour just ended,' Dave thought.

"Bring each of us one of your big greaseburgers with all the fixins and fries. And we sure could drink a cold Coors while we wait."

"You sure your friend here is old enough? Sure looks mighty young to be drinkin beer."

"He's old enough, May. Bring him a beer; maybe he'll dance with ya later."

"You know how I can be bought, Paul." May smiled as she turned and walked away from the table.

"What the hell was that?" Dave asked with a chuckle when he felt May was safely out of range.

Paul chuckled. "That's May. She's been tryin to get into my pants since I turned 16. She's got a boyfriend, a deputy sheriff, but she is an incurable flirt. There's nothin you can say that will embarrass her or drive her off. She's given me a lot of laughs over the years.

May brought the beers and winked at Dave in the process. The greaseburgers arrived shortly thereafter; they were huge. Both ate quietly for a while then Dave spoke up.

"Thanks Paul, this is amazing. I can't believe I'm sittin here in an old Texas saloon drinking beer and eating a hamburger with the best lookin cowboy in the country. Next I expect some cowpoke to come in and shoot the place up. Thanks for exposing me to this side of life; I never would have believed it."

"This is the way folks survive out here. There's nothin fancy, just hard work. They like to kick up their heels on Saturday nights and this place will really start hoppin in about two hours. Say! Look over there, comin through the door. That's Roy, May's boyfriend."

"Oh shit!" Dave exclaimed privately. "He must be 6 ft. 6 inches tall and built like a brick shithouse."

"Yeah, I'll never understand why May can't be satisfied with him. Just look at that bulge in the front of his pants. I've seen him and he's bigger than you and me combined. A few years ago some of us guys were talkin and I got the distinct impression that May would latch onto a virgin and Roy would watch her break him in. The thought of him watching me fuck May was almost enough to get me into her bed... NOT."

"God he is impressive, I see what you mean. There he goes, probably in a hurry to go arrest some desperados. Hehehe." Dave laughed at his own silliness.

The food had disappeared from their plates and May stopped by the table to remove them. "Didn't you promise me a dance with your cute friend?"

"I said maybe. Ask him, decision's his."

"I'd be glad to dance with you, May, but I don't hear any music."

"You let me take care of these plates and the music then I'll be back." May took the plates and disappeared into the kitchen. A few minutes later, Dave and Paul heard a slow country ballad come from the old jukebox next to what was obviously a dance floor as May approached their table. "Let's go cowboy."

Dave stood up and May literally swept him to the dance floor and held him close to her as they danced. May practically had a death squeeze on him, pressing him close and grinding her body against him. Feeling anybody, man or woman that close to him and grinding against his crotch was more than enough to get Dave stimulated.

"You are such a cute little guy I just might have to take you home with me." May spoke into his ear. For the first time Dave noticed that May was at least an inch taller than he was. "And I can tell you'd be mighty good in my bed judgin by that bulge in your pants."

"Thanks for the offer, May, I'm really flattered. But right now I have someone else, you know how it is."

"Okay, Honey, you don't know what you're missin." Dave could feel May's left hand slide from his waist to his right butt cheek and squeeze it.

"Oh, I'll bet you'd be good but I gotta be true to someone else." About that time the music ended so they stopped dancing and stepped back away from each other.

"You sure a nice one, Honey. If you ever get a hankerin, you know where to find me. Thanks for the dance."

"Thank you, May, I enjoyed it." Dave was burning a tremendous amount of energy trying to maintain his gentlemanly composure. He turned and walked back to the table leaving May standing alone on the dance floor.

"Oh God! How could you do that to me!" Dave exclaimed quietly as he slid into the booth and watched the smirk on Paul's face. Leaned close to Paul and placing his left hand on Paul's right knee he whispered, "I'd rather be dancing with you. How would that go over?"

"Like a fart in church. But I'll keep it in mind. If you're ready, let's get outta here."

"Let me pay for this." Dave said in a rather authoritative tone.

"You're my guest, I can't let you do that."

Dave looked into Paul's eyes, "Paul, this is something I can afford. You have to let me pay." Paul knew Dave had him and he wasn't going to argue. He just nodded yes and headed for the door while Dave walked to the cash register at the end of the bar.

Next: Chapter 14

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