David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Sep 19, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

I would like to thank all the readers who have sent so many kind words of encouragement. Positive feedback helps motivate me to write faster. I have tried to respond to each e-mail and if I missed anyone please accept my apology. I hope you enjoy this next chapter as much or more than the previous ones. I am trying to keep situations and geographical details as realistic as possible but at times I really have to take some liberties. Please enjoy. Jeff

David's Initiation 16

Paul dropped Dave off at the usual spot for him to find his way back to the Post on the bus. Again, he told Dave how much he hated leaving him there.

They got back too late for chapel or lunch but Dave checked his mail before going to his room. Since he had a late breakfast Dave decided he could skip lunch and wait for supper.

"Been out with your friend again?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah. We went into the city to see the sights." Dave sat down on his bed and began reading the letter from his parents. Miguel read Dave's body language to mean he wanted to be alone for a while so Miguel went down the hall to the lounge. Paul found him there a few minutes later and they went outside to throw a football. Soon several other men joined them and a full-fledged touch football game erupted. Occasionally Dave experienced soreness and discomfort at the entrance to his rectum and he would smile just thinking about what caused it.

When the football game finally broke up Dave and Miguel returned to their room and went to the showers to clean up for supper. This time Dave was able to confirm beyond any doubt that Miguel was checking him out. Using his peripheral vision Dave watched as Miguel practically stared at his equipment without blinking. He must be interested.' Dave thought. How come I never noticed that before? Wonder how long that's been going on? Wait! Miguel was the one!' Dave thought as he remembered that someone groped him during the celebration of winning that first marathon. `Okay, calm down. Bounce this off Paul for a second opinion.'

The two roommates finished showering, dressed and went to the chow hall for supper. Dave continued to act as though everything was normal and never let on what he suspected. After supper Dave went to the chapel for his regular Sunday communication with his Lord and Savior.

Tuesday he was the first to arrive at the track and had to wait for Paul. Almost immediately after starting to jog, Dave opened the subject of Miguel.

"Paul, how much do you charge for advice?"

"That's easy, your mind and body, all weekend at the ranch."

"I'm glad your prices are so reasonable; I can pay that... willingly." Dave laughed.

"What do you need advice about?"

"Remember last week I told you my roommate, Miguel Sanchez, wanted to know where I was?"

"Yeah, is he still at it?"

"Well... it's more than that. For the past two weeks I've caught him looking at me. Just about every time I looked at him he looked away. Sunday I'm completely certain he was checking me out while we were in the shower together. And then I got to thinking and remembered the first time we won the marathon, someone groped me. Now I think Miguel might have been the groper."

"So, you think he's interested in you... sexually, that is."

"Hell, I don't know but it sure is suspicious. Do you supposed I'm developing gaydar?"

Paul laughed. "I'm not real sure how gaydar works, but it's possible. The real question is how do you feel about it? Do you like him?"

"We've been good friends and roommates for almost two years. Yeah, I like him but only as a friend. I never thought about him sexually. With you around I can't think about anyone else like that."

"Do you think he is attractive, good looking?"

"Well... yes, he is that."

"If you didn't have me could you get it on with him?"

"STOP THAT! Don't say things like that. I can't look at anybody else like that. I want you to know that. And now you've got me to say way more than I intended to."

"Just checking." Paul said laughingly. "Who knows, after you leave I might have to check him out." Paul had an evil smile on his face when he made that comment.

"Don't you dare!" Dave shouted as he punched Paul in the arm with his fist and knocking him off stride.

"I could have you Court Marshaled for striking an officer, Corporal." Paul laughed.

Dave laughed, "And I could have you arrested for seducing a young enlisted man, Lieutenant."

"God I want you! You have no idea how good you are for me. I don't know if I can wait until this weekend. Can you come over to my place tonight?"

"No! We're not going to do that. I'm not going to put you at risk. Besides, I have to work."

"Damn, you're hard on me."

"And I like being hard in you too." Dave replied. "Sorry, it was a straight line I just couldn't pass up." He chuckled. "Race you to the finish!" Dave challenged and they sped down the track side by side.

Friday afternoon Dave stepped off the bus and walked to the parking garage where Paul was waiting. He dropped his bag in the front and got in the car. There was no frantic, grabbing kiss this time, Paul just took Dave's hand and squeezed it lovingly. Their comfort level together was beginning to evolve into one of deep caring. Oh, the lust was still there but their relationship had moved to a new, more mature level. The previous weekend in the city had been some kind of passage for them.

As Paul drove out of the parking garage Dave rested his left hand on Paul's right thigh. "Hold off on the hanky-panky this time, stud soldier."

Dave laughed. "Okay, Sir."

The drive to the ranch was pleasant and quiet. Each man seemed to be in an elevated state of happiness. They didn't talk much; they seemed to enjoy being together in a way that words could not express. Men don't need to `make conversation' to feel supportive of each other. Silence is not some kind of void that needs to be filled with words.

Dave got out of the car, unlocked and opened the gate, Paul drove through it, and then Dave closed and locked it before getting back in the car.

There were no antics like the first time that found them frolicking in the lake. Instead, they got out of the car, picked up their bags and walked to the house. Dave couldn't help noticing how clean the place was. He also noticed the bed had been made with clean sheets -- not the way they had left it. Then he remembered: Billy Joe must have been there. And that's where all the fresh food in the refrigerator came from. The men busied themselves opening the windows and getting the place livable.

"Ready to go swimmin'?" Paul asked as he pulled his shirt over his head.

"Thought you'd never ask!" Dave responded as he unbuttoned his pants and let them fall to the floor.

Within minutes they raced from the house and jumped hand-in-hand into the now warm water. After a lot of grab-ass and two-man tag they relaxed on the grass bank to catch their breath.

"Last time we were here everything you showed me had a name. Does this lake have a name?" Dave asked.

"Cocksucker Lake."

Dave chuckled, "Of course, it figures."

Paul turned and looked at Dave and felt his heart being tugged. Then he rolled over partially on top of Dave and kissed him. Both men became hard instantly. "Dave, I..." Paul was on the verge of speaking the `L-word' for the first time but he stopped. Instead, he pulled Dave on top of him, spread his legs and said, "Fuck me, Dave, please."

"Condom?" Dave responded.

"SHIT!" Paul cursed under his breath.

"Some day, Paul, but not yet. Okay?"

"Yeah," Paul said disgustedly, "let's go to the house."

That slight interruption didn't make one bit of difference in the grand scheme of their lovemaking, not then and not later.

Saturday morning they uncovered the truck and drove to the barn where Billy Joe was waiting for them. Dave just knew he blushed when Billy Joe looked at him but it soon passed.

"Will you teach me how to saddle the horse"? Dave asked.

"Think you're man enough?" Paul teased him.

"Don't get me started, Lieutenant, you know you'll loose."

"I'd better stop before I get farther behind." Paul replied. He pointed toward a saddle and told Dave to pick it up. He then proceeded to teach Dave how to place it on the horse and cinch the straps.

This time they rode in a different direction but they still found the same tree to rest under and have their picnic. They began to talk in greater more detail about each other, their families and their dreams. It was that age-old process of getting to know someone you really like in an effort to see if you are truly compatible.

Finally Paul glanced at his watch. "Hey, you want to go see May? I'm getting hungry for one of those greaseburgers."

"Yeah! Maybe she'll dance with me again. Or better still, maybe her boyfrien d'll come in and we can both dance with him." Dave began to laugh.

They got back on the horses and headed for the barn. Billy Joe was just as nice as could be when they got back. He shook Dave's hand and never let on in the least way that he knew what Dave and Paul were doing.

They had a rip-roaring time at the restaurant. May was in rare form and demanded a dance from Dave AND Paul. She also managed to get her feels on both their rumps.

Returning to the ranch, the two lovers were soon in bed in a lip lock and savoring each other's taste and smell. Without actually asking, Dave took control and settled down on Paul's pole. Paul wanted to satisfy his own curiosity about Dave and decided not to help him get off but to play it straight and fuck Dave from beneath him. As expected, Paul reached his climax about the time Dave was just beginning to think about it. When Paul lost his erection and could no longer provide the instrument for Dave's satisfaction he rolled them over and attacked Dave's dick with his mouth. With Dave deep in his throat, Paul began to hum setting up a vibration that sent Dave over the top almost instantly.

As they lay in each other's arms, Paul concluded that Dave would probably never be a bottom; he only did it because he wanted to give Paul some variety in sexual pleasure. And... that was worth a hell of a lot of appreciation.

They enjoyed each other once more the next morning before departing for the Post.

Paul dropped Dave off at the usual spot and again complained about having to do it. Dave assured him it was okay. They were a little earlier this time and Dave said he would definitely attend chapel.

Driving through the gate, Paul thought, `Fourth weekend down, three to go. Dave's going to have company.

Dave returned to his room, fortunately Miguel was there. He changed clothes and went to the chapel. He was seated more than half way back from the alter, and as he had been taught as a child, he had left enough room between him and the end of the pew to allow any late arriving person a place to sit. Just as the music started, signaling the beginning of the service, a person stepped into the pew and sat down beside him. Dave didn't look at first; he just sat there with his left hand resting on the seat beside him. Then he felt a warm hand touch his left hand. He looked up to see Paul sitting next to him, looking forward and smiling. Dave smiled as a warm feeling washed over his body. He couldn't explain the feeling of happiness that consumed his body. As everyone stood to sing, a lump formed in Dave's throat and moisture filled his eyes. He couldn't sing so he just formed the words with his mouth.

All week Dave watched as Miguel continued his attempts to secretly study him. He felt he ought to confront Miguel but no matter how much he thought about it he just couldn't think of a good way to do it.

Friday after work Dave found himself stepping off the bus and walking toward the parking garage where he would meet Paul. They stayed at the same hotel as the last time and the same bus boy delivered the room service meal. Dave couldn't help thinking about Paul's comments about not caring what the hotel staff thought.

Saturday, Paul and Dave went to see a matinee performance of "le Cage aux Folles." It was the most entertaining experience of Dave's young life and later, back at the hotel, he showed Paul just how much he appreciated it. They made a return visit to the gay restaurant/nightclub and enjoyed it even more than the first time.

Sunday, being creatures of habit they stopped for breakfast at the same IHOP before returning to the Post. As Dave got out of the car to walk to the bus stop Paul asked if they could plan to go the ranch again the next weekend and Dave agreed.

Driving through the gate, Paul thought, `Third weekend down, two to go.

Dave managed to catch the 11:00 AM chapel service and was wondering if Paul was going to join him when, just after the music started, a welcome figure walked up and stood next to him. This time they shared the same hymnal.

The rest of the week was normal. Dave and Paul ran together on Tuesday and Thursday as usual. One change occurred that took Dave a few days to figure out. Paul started talking about some of the cases he was working on. No names were ever mentioned but he asked for Dave's opinion on a couple of issues. The simple act of Paul bringing Dave into his confidence reflected a desire to share his life with the younger man.

Dave was beginning to see some humor in Miguel's efforts to check him out. It was almost as though they were playing a game but Miguel didn't know it yet.

Friday afternoon came and the two men found themselves rolling along the hig hway toward the ranch. This weekend would be a little different than the previous ones. They swam a few times but did not go horseback riding or go to the restaurant. They stayed around the house and constantly touched each other. It was an elbow here, a knee there, and a shoulder somewhere else along with frequent hand contact. The two men seemed cling to each other as though they were afraid that if they didn't one or the other might disappear. Yet, the atmosphere was happy. They laughed and talked about many things. They got into athletic interests. Paul liked baseball and Dave didn't. They both liked to play tennis and run track and watch and football. Paul confided his true love was golf and when Dave admitted he had never played, Paul insisted he had to learn some day so they could play together.

Friday evening they lay outside on a blanket looking up at the stars. Dave still found it hard to believe how he could feel like he was floating in space. Saturday evening found them cuddled in bed in post-coital reverie as they drifted into dreamland while holding on to each other.

A fly looking down from the ceiling would have seen Paul stretched out on his back, his left arm extended at a forty-five degree angle from his body, his head resting on the pillow with a facial expression that conveyed peace and happiness. Dave's chest pressed tightly against Paul's right side, his head resting on the right side of Paul's chest with his left shoulder tucked into Paul's armpit. Dave's abdomen and pubic area were pressed against Paul's right leg and his right leg draped across Paul's groin, his knee bent so the lower half of his leg rested between Paul's spread legs. The expression on Dave's face was the same as Paul's, one of peace and happiness. Had they been awake they could have listened to each other's heartbeats and discovered they were beating in unison. Their breathing alternated so as one inhaled the other exhaled.

All men have choices to make. Gay men have to make different choices than straight men. Not all the choices turn out as planned or desired but the struggle continues. Paul's choices were strongly influenced by his family history and his own desires. As a young boy he listened to countless stories of his famous military ancestors and relatives who fought in the American Revolution at Yorktown, for Texas independence at the Alamo, in the Civil War at numerous battlefields, in WW I and WW II, in Korea and Vietnam. He grew up feeling an obligation for military service. It sounded so romantic and adventurous. Somewhere after his ninth birthday he decided he wanted to be a lawyer like one of his uncles (an attorney, as his uncle called it). He just hadn't counted on being gay. Being in the Army and being a lawyer worked. Being a lawyer and being gay also worked. Being all three did not work. Of the three, being in the Army was the only one he was willing change and he decided when his Army commitment was finished he would leave and try to set up a life with Dave. He just had to work out the details before springing this fact on his lover.

Dave's choices were nowhere near as complicated as Paul's. Dave's primary objective in joining the Army was to escape his small hometown and just try to find out who he was. He was excited about going to college and studying to become an architect. He would be very happy if he and Paul could find a way to be together sometime in the future. He was certain that little could be done until Paul finished his commitment.

Although each man had different a path that brought them together, they shared a very significant choice: to live as straight men in society. That choice included certain problems that made their lives difficult. Just below the surface of everyday life existed a continuous tension. They were constantly on guard protecting the fact that they were gay. Before opening their mouths to speak, they had to edit their comments in order to avoid saying the wrong things.

Paul, being the more socially active of the two often found himself in social gatherings where other officer's wives offered to set him up with their sisters, cousins, and friends hoping they could help him find a wife and save him from a life of bachelor-hood. He often suspected their husbands were secretly jealous of his single status while at the same time viewing him with suspicion, a potential threat to their own marriages. Paul came up with numerous patent excuses for not dating the offered females. Another factor that affected the tension that lay just below the surface was his attraction to many of the very men whose wives were trying to fix him up with a date. It took all his strength to resist his desired to pinch, fondle, kiss and pick up those very attractive men. There were hundreds of pick-up lines for women but he didn't dare try to pick up a man. It wasn't fair and it added to his tension. After meeting Dave, Paul knew he had to change direction.

Dave's tension was considerably different than Paul's. He had simplified his life when he made a personal commitment to place his sexual desires in `cold storage' while he was in the Army. Yes, Dave was surrounded by attractive, even hot, looking men but he remained on guard. There was a lot of camaraderie like the back slapping and butt patting that goes on during sporting events, just regular guy things. The tension was there, Dave just didn't realize it, at least not until he met Paul.

As the two men slept in each other's arms the tension was gone. When they were together they were themselves. They didn't have to edit their speech before they opened their mouths; they could speak those outrageous thoughts that popped into their minds without fear of recrimination. And that is why their sleep was so peaceful. That is why they slept with smiles on their faces.

Sunday morning Paul forced himself out of bed to answer Nature's call and just as he slid back into bed hoping to snuggle up to his lover, Dave rolled out of bed for the same reason. Back in each other's arms, they savored the moment. Dave was the first to speak.

"Paul?" Dave asked softly.

"Yeah?" Paul replied as he kissed Dave on his forehead.

"I've been thinking."

"That can be dangerous, you know!"

"I'm going to re-enlist."

Paul rapidly rolled onto his side letting Dave's head fall to the mattress. "OH NO YOU'RE NOT!" Dave almost shouted. "Why would you want to do that?"

"Well, if I re-enlisted I could stay here with you."

"Now Dave, you're smarter than that. Think about it! If you re-up the Army will send you somewhere else; you won't stay here. Besides, you have to go to college. You're too smart to stay in the Army."

Dave didn't argue immediately, he just lay still for a few minutes thinking about Paul's comments. "Damn it, why do you have to be so right all the time?" Dave finally replied.

"Okay, Dave, lets make a plan." Paul figured that if they made plans for the future, the present wouldn't seem so depressing. Dave needed something to look forward to. "We have next weekend. After that you leave Wednesday. Are you still going to visit your sister and her family?"


"Well after that you'll go home to your parents and you'll go back to work in construction. About two or three weeks later I'll fly in and we can spend the weekend together. And I'll keep doing that all summer until you go to college. It's not perfect but we'll survive. What do you think?"

Dave thought before replying. After a couple of minutes, "Fuck me and you got a deal." He was smiling when Paul looked down at him.

"And that's another thing. Why do you want to do that? It's obvious that you don't enjoy getting poked."

"It's not the physical pleasure, it's emotional. It makes me feel good emotionally knowing you are inside me. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, but, let's try it a different way, like the way you make love to me." Paul could tell Dave was already hard and so was he.

Dave didn't answer immediately, "Okay."

Paul rolled to his left and picked up a condom and a tube of lube from the night table. He quickly rolled the condom onto his cock and then turned back to Dave. "Here, turn around this way so your butt is on the edge of the bed." Dave moved into position and instinctively pulled his knees toward his chest. Paul began applying the lube to Dave's anus in a tender and loving way, gently massaging his sphincter and opening him up as wide as possible. When Paul thought Dave was ready he looked up and saw Dave staring at the ceiling, appearing as though he were detached from what was about to happen. Paul moved into position between Dave's thighs and began observing some critical changes in Dave's body language. His eyes closed tightly, his forehead became furrowed, and wrinkles formed in the space between his eyes. Dave's body was as rigid as a board. Paul leaned over Dave so he was looking straight down into Dave's face.

"Dave..." He spoke softly. Dave said he wanted this but his body was sending another message. "Dave..." Paul said again. Dave opened his eyelids and gazed up into Paul's hazel eyes. "Remember me?" Paul paused for a moment. "I'm not going to hurt you... trust me... just relax."

A smile of recognition and trust came over Dave's face then he lifted his head and kissed Paul. Slowly Paul could feel Dave's body begin to relax. As they kissed, Paul positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to Dave's ass but he made no attempt to enter. Only when he sensed that Dave was okay did he begin to apply pressure.

Dave lay relaxed beneath his older lover. He could feel Paul push against his hole. Paul had asked for his trust and he gave it. He could feel his flesh separate to receive his lover and he inhaled deeply, not quite knowing exactly what difference to expect. Just after Paul's glans achieved entry Dave felt him pause momentarily before slowly and steadily sliding his entire length inside. There was no pain. He felt full. This was completely different than his first time with Danny, the true source of his concern. As a signal to Paul that everything was okay he forced his tongue between Paul's lips and thrust as deep into his mouth as he could reach. Paul understood instantly but he remained still, completely embedded in the man he knew he loved. After a few moments Dave began to make slow, short in and out movement to judge Dave's reaction. When the reaction seemed positive Paul increased the length of his strokes but kept them slow. When he heard Dave whimper he knew he had found Dave's prostate so he gently worked that into his movements. His objective was pleasure for Dave.

For the first time, Dave began to experience some pleasure from anal intercourse. He felt Paul push away with his arms and break their kiss. Dave opened his eyes and saw that Paul's eyes were closed, he was deep in concentration. He watched Paul's body movements in the act of making love and for the first time understood one primary reason he had been reluctant to let another man fuck him: Dave felt a need to always be in control, to never submit to another man. Yet, here he was, submitting and enjoying it. His right hand moved to his cock and began to stimulate it. He knew he was going to cum soon, he just didn't know how close Paul was.

Paul opened his eyes and looked into the beautiful blue eyes of the younger man beneath him. Being on top seemed to allow him better control over his orgasm but he knew he was close. The combination of the heat and stimulation of Dave's rectum on his glans combined with the emotional reward he was getting seeing that he was pleasuring Dave drove him closer to his climax.

"Oh Paul..." Dave gasped. Paul first felt Dave's ring grip his shaft tightly they he felt what he knew was hot semen splatter against his abdomen and he smelled the tell-tail odor of chlorine. His natural body functions took control and he thrust his hips hard, driving his dick deep into his young lover. Two, three, four short thrust and it was over. His sphincter continued to contract trying to force more semen from his cock into the condom. He lowered his sweat-covered body onto his lover's equally sweaty body. Dave found Paul's head and pulled them into a kiss. Dave's right hand was covered with his own cum and it was getting in Paul' hair but Paul didn't care.

They lay quietly for several minutes. Paul could feel his penis losing its hardness and slowly withdrawing from Dave's warm tunnel. The moment Dave's anus expelled him Paul sighed as drove his tongue deep into Dave's mouth. Dave fought back with his own tongue. Paul half stood, slid his right arm under Dave's hips, repositioned him back onto the bed then lay down beside him.

"What took us so long to get it right? Let's do that again." Dave chuckled.

"God! Give me a chance to recover first." Paul exclaimed breathlessly.

"What? Can't get it up, old man?" Dave challenged.

"I've always liked your sense of humor. Now get your ass out of bed and into the shower. We need to get moving." Paul said as he smacked Dave on his rump.

"Yes Sir, Mr. Serious One."

Next: Chapter 17

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