David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Oct 3, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 18

Monday morning Dave began the final process of being discharged from the Army. Tuesday at 1100 he joined Paul at the Annex for their normal workout around the track and in the weight room.

At 1800 hrs Dave, wearing cotton slacks and a polo shirt, was about to walk up the steps at the end of the BOQ when he was interrupted.

"Excuse me, may I see your ID?" A staff sergeant, an MP was asking the question. There were two of them.

"Certainly." Dave replied as he reversed direction, stepped down to the ground and reached into his hip pocket for his wallet. He produced his ID and handed it to the sergeant. The MP examined it for a minute then looked at Dave.

"What's an enlisted man doing going into the Officer's Quarters?"

"I'm going to visit a friend." Dave replied.

"Yeah, right. You're a grunt who's got an officer for a friend? Just what turnip truck you think I fell off of, soldier? Step over here, place your hands on the car and spread 'em."

Dave did as he was instructed. He'd never been in any trouble and had absolutely no experience with the MPs. He was really nervous. Here he was, the night before he was supposed to get out of the Army and he was on the verge of being arrested. A whole host of bad ideas flashed through his mind.

Paul was sitting in his apartment waiting for Dave to arrive and sipping a gin and tonic when he heard voices outside his window so walked over to check out what was going on. Was he ever surprised to see Dave spread-eagle against a MP patrol car getting frisked. He immediately opened the door to his apartment, walked the few steps to the end of the corridor and stepped outside onto the landing.

"Anything wrong, Sergeant?" Paul asked.

The MPs turned around. "Good evening Lt. Roehl." Both MPs saluted. Paul returned their salutes. "No sir, everything's under control. We caught this soldier getting ready to go into the BOQ and stopped him. There have been a couple of theft reports recently and this might be our man. He claims he's going to visit a friend, if you can believe that."

"Well, Sergeant, I can vouch for Corporal Baker, he's here at my invitation. We're old family friends and I promised his mother I'd check up on his once in a while. Tomorrow's his last day in the Army so I invited him over for a farewell visit. I don't think he's your man, Sergeant."

"Oh, yes Sir! Sorry, Sir! I didn't know Sir!" Turning to Dave, "You're clear to go, Corporal Baker, here's you ID. Sorry for the trouble."

Dave pushed himself away from the car and stood straight. He took his ID and placed it in his pocket. "Is it okay for me to go in now?" he asked the MP.

"Certainly, Sir. Lt. Roehl's word is as good as gold. Sorry to have disturbed you, Sir. Good evening." Turning to Paul the sergeant saluted, "By your leave, Sir?"

"Carry on, Sergeant." Paul returned the salute and the PMs got in the car and drove away.

Paul cold see that Dave was visibly shaken. "Come in, Dave." Paul said as he stepped aside and held the door open. Dave walked up the steps and through the open door to Paul's apartment. He stopped just inside the room with his back to the door. Paul entered the room and closed the door then turned around to see Dave standing with his back to him. Paul placed his hands on Dave's shoulders and turned him around. As Dave turned he slid his arms under Paul's, around Paul's back and hugged him tightly. Paul could feel Dave trembling slightly.

"You okay?" Paul asked.

"Yeah... Thanks... That sonofabitch, he scared the shit outta me!" Dave said rather angrily into Paul's chest as he continued to hold on to his defender. "Just who does he think he is! What right does he have to do that!" Those were rhetorical questions not requiring an answer but Paul had a different view.

"Whoa, Dave, buddy. The sergeant was only doing his job. It wasn't anything personal. And I saved your sweet ass, didn't I?"

"Yeah, but what if you hadn't been there?"

"I plan to always be there for you, Dave. Trust me." All this time Paul had been rubbing his hands up and down Dave's back trying to sooth him and help him relax. "How about a drink?" Paul said as he gently separated their bodies.

"Whata you got?"

"I'm drinking gin and tonic, or ther..."

"I'd like that." Dave interrupted.

Paul walked over to his make-shift bar and pored Dave's drink. Dave took the drink when it was offered and immediately swallowed about half of it. Not being a real accomplished drinker, Dave experienced an almost immediate reaction to the alcohol.

"Wow! I'd better slow down." Dave stated as he sought the stability of the couch. "You're right, I'm out of line here; I can see that the MPs were just doing their job."

Paul sat down next to Dave and placed his arm over Dave's shoulder. "Do I deserve a kiss for saving your sweet ass, Corporal Stud Soldier?"

"Yeah." Dave replied as he set his glass down on the table and pushed Paul over so he was lying on top of the lieutenant. Paul was able to avoid spilling his drink and set it down on the floor before wrapping his arms around Dave's neck. They kissed calmly and deeply; there didn't seem to be any urgency in the air. Each man could feel the other's hardness as they ground their pelvises together. Finally Paul pushed Dave off him and sat up.

"Whew!" Paul exclaimed. "Man, I'd better save your ass every day." Then he stood up. "Say, Babe." Dave noticed Paul calling him `babe' again and rather liked it. "This really is a farewell visit and I have a couple things for you."

"Ohh Noo!" Dave said in a voice that what had more laughter in it than dismay. "What have you done this time. Last time it was boxer briefs. Is it something to wear?" Dave was beginning to get into his guessing game.

"No." Paul answered curtly as he walked over to the table. He lifted the lid off a small box. "Ta-daaa!" he announced as the lid folded back revealing a cake. On the top of the cake Dave read, "Bon Voyage." Dave started laughing and Paul soon joined in.

"What kind?" Dave asked.

"Chocolate, of course!"

"Well let's have some." Dave exclaimed as though he was anxious to inhale it. Paul picked up the knife and handed it to Dave. "You cut the first piece." Two large pieces disappeared immediately. "There's more." Paul announced.

"Oh, Lord! What now?" Dave replied. Paul went to the cabinet and pulled out a package wrapped in very expensive looking paper. "Oh-oh, this looks serious." Paul did not respond; he just looked at Dave and tried to contain his smile.

"Well, go ahead, unwrap it." Paul was obviously anxious for Dave to see his gift.

Dave studied Paul for a moment and could tell this was no gag gift like the briefs, Paul was too serious about it. Dave sat down on the couch and began removing the wrapping; then he let forth with a loud gasp.

"Oh, Paul." Dave gasped again quietly. "Oh, Paul..." Dave's eyes flashed immediately to the wall across the room looking for something. It wasn't there. Paul had given Dave his own print of van Gogh's `Yellow House' painting. "Oh, Paul... But I can't..."

By now Paul was kneeling in front of Dave and placed his finger over Dave's lips to silence him. "You can't deny me this pleasure. This is what I want to give you. When I finally get out of the Army, maybe we can figure out a novel way for you to give it back to me." Paul was grinning from ear to ear as he spoke.

Dave knew he wasn't going to win this argument so he decided to concede defeat and accept the gift. He stood up, pulling Paul up with him, and he hugged and kissed his love. They stood kissing for about five minutes when Dave broke the kiss, looked up into Paul's hazel eyes and said, "There's one more thing I'd like to have."

"Name it."

"I want you to get me pregnant."

A very puzzled look registered on Paul's face. His mind wasn't connecting the dots. He couldn't figure out what Dave was trying to tell him.

"Take me to you bed and fuck me like you mean it, like we did last weekend at the ranch."

Paul smiled immediately. "Oh yeah, I can do that."

"Without a condom." Dave added.

The look on Paul's face suddenly turned serious. "Are you sure?" With a smile, Dave nodded his head. "Why?" Paul asked as he pulled Dave into his arms and kissed his forehead.

"When I leave here I want to take some part of you with me and I can't think of anything better than your essence, your seed of life."

Paul's emotions almost got the better of him but he was able to hold back. Here was his young soldier who only six weeks earlier had been only a strong desire in his groin. Now this young man had a grip on his heart and could do anything he wanted with it. Their eyes met and drew them into a deep kiss. Without another word, Paul slid his left arm under Dave's right armpit and around his back and lifted Dave off the floor. Dave toe-heeled his shoes off his feet as Paul carried him across the room and when Paul unbuckled Dave's belt, unzipped his pants they slide over Dave's hips to the floor. Dave's new boxer briefs were next to hit the floor.

When they got to the bedroom Paul lay Dave across the bed and began working his shirt up his torso. They broke their kiss only long enough to remove the shirt then continued the kiss. Paul quickly stripped off his own clothes. He had been wearing a button shirt, which Dave had already unbuttoned and slipped over Paul's shoulders.

Not one word had been spoken since Dave explained why he wanted Paul to fuck him. And none would be spoken until the deed was done. But Paul planned to make love to Dave, not fuck him.

Paul was able to reach the lube in the drawer of the night stand and carefully applied it to Dave's anus, slowly working as much of the slippery stuff up into Dave's canal as he could. Paul knew Dave was ready when he felt Dave's hand on his cock pulling it toward his opening.

The coupling was calm, yet intense. It was slow, yet urgent but not desperate. It was many things at once. Paul was so aroused at the prospect of really feeling the inside of Dave's body and depositing his seed deep inside the man he loved he almost had a premature ejaculation. However, he was able to maintain control long enough to give Dave a great deal of pleasure.

Dave was also highly aroused. He looked forward to experiencing the feel of Paul's natural, uncovered cock sliding deep into him. Would he be able to tell a difference? He was excited to learn what it felt like to have Paul's seed spread around the inside of his rectum. Would he be able to feel it?

Unfortunately, Paul was much too aroused and lost control. "Oh... Oh... No... Too soon... Ahh... Too soon..." Paul whined as his body was racked with contractions. His hips thrust uncontrollably as his seminal fluid escaped from his body and coated his lover's insides in a milky substance. He collapsed onto Dave and gripped him like he was holding on for dear life. He could feel his cock sliding around in the slippery substance inside of his love and the sensation stimulated even more contractions, driving him to a new high of sexual satisfaction.

Dave held on to his lover, stroking his back and almost feeling Paul's disappointment at cuming too soon. Dave felt Paul's creamy substance fill his orifice and smiled with satisfaction. Every time a contraction swept through Paul's body Dave could feel Paul's cock pulse inside him and it pleased him, he smiled.

With his head resting on Dave's chest, Paul slowly recovered from his intense orgasm. He almost felt remorseful for not lasting long enough to bring Dave to a climax. "I'm sorry, Dave. I just couldn't hold off." And he sighed. "It felt so good and I was too excited."

"Oh, Paul, it was wonderful. There's nothing to apologize for. You gave me what I wanted; I can't ask for more! Now get up here on the bed and lay with me."

They moved themselves into their favorite position and held each other. "Nine months from now you'll be in the delivery room and they'll make me wait outside. What are you going to name him?" Paul asked.

"What!" Dave exclaimed as he began to laugh. "Oh! Yeah! The kid. I'll name him Paul, Junior, of course."

Paul reached down and wrapped his right hand around Dave's still rigid pole. "You now have some of me to take home with you. Any chance you'd consider leaving something of yourself behind with me?"

"You mean?"

"Yes." Paul replied as he pulled Dave on top of him. As they kissed deeply Paul spread his legs and Dave settled between them. Paul raised his knees and prepared to receive his lover. Fumbling around with his hand, he found the tube of lube and pressed it into Dave's hand. Although Paul had just cum, Dave could feel movement between them. Dave sat back on his heels and gazed over his friend's body.

"This reminds me of our first time." He said as he squeezed some lube onto his fingers and began applying it to Paul's anus.

"Oh yeah!" Paul exclaimed softly, enjoying what Dave was doing to him. "This is perfect; like too bookends for this phase of our relationship..." They were silent for a few moments then Paul continued. "We've come a long way, haven't we, Stud Soldier?"

"Yes, Lieutenant, under your command I've blossomed well." Dave replied with a smile on his face and in his voice as he removed three fingers and positioned the head of his cock at Paul's entrance.

Paul gasped upon contact. "Yeah, Stud Soldier, now show me how well you learned what I taught you." Paul closed his eyes and pressed his head back into the pillow in anticipation of penetration. He thought Dave's glans seemed to slid into him a little easier. "Umph." Dave grunted with pleasure as Dave's cock head slipped past his sphincter, it seemed to snap tighter around the smaller shaft. Paul's mind was totally focused on the inside of his body. He felt every centimeter of Dave's love tool as it took possession of his anal cavity. It did feel different, better, much better without a condom.

Dave stopped once he was completely encased deep inside Paul's being. Looking down and seeing the pleasured expression on Paul's face was such an aphrodisiac for him. Slowly and patiently Dave initiated his act of love for his friend. He knew exactly what to do to take Paul to the brink of ecstasy. The most obvious sign of pleasure was Paul's recovered erection waving in time with Dave's thrusts. Dave believed that for the first time, he could truly feel the intense heat and soft silkiness inside Paul's rectum and could detect his mounting orgasm. Now he began to understand why Paul had been so quickly overcome. Dave's greatest concern at the moment was whether he could hold on long enough to bring Paul to the peek so they could leap over the edge together.

Almost involuntarily, Dave's speed increased as he reluctantly accelerated toward climax. Just as he could no longer hold back he felt Paul's sphincter clamp down hard around the base of his cock. He opened his eyes to see ribbons of cum squirting from Paul's piss slit.

"Ahhhhhh... Oh God... Ah, Paul... Fuck, yes..." And Dave collapsed onto Paul's cum covered body. They lay motionless for a long time gasping for breath and listening to their hearts beat loudly. As Dave's penis softened and began to withdraw slowly, Paul squeezed his ass ring tight in a futile attempt to keep Dave inside him. Once Dave was out, he slid off to Paul's right side, into their favorite position and both men dozed off.

Dave's body jerked violently with a start. He sat up and looked at the clock. "Whew!" he exclaimed. He must have dozed for about fifteen minutes. Paul was still out of it; a big smile controlled his face. "General Roehl... General Roehl!" Dave whispered. "Wake up. Your ass is gaping open and you need to shut it."

"Wh... What? What's happening?" Paul exclaimed as he pushed himself up onto his elbows and shook his head trying to clear the fog. "What did you say?"

"I said we need to think about taking a shower so I can get out of here." Dave laughed, thinking he had pulled one over on his friend and wondering if he would ever remember what he had whispered in his ear.

"Oh... yeah..." Paul closed his eyes and let his body fall back to the bed. Then he opened his eyes again. "My ass is not gaping open, you little shit!" He grabbed Dave and began tickling him.

"Okay! Okay! I give! Please! I give! Please stop!" They rolled around on the bed for a few minutes laughing and giggling. Finally Dave slid off the bed and landed on his butt with a thud. Instead of getting up right a way he just sat there laughing. Paul got out of bed, took hold of Dave's hand and pulled him to his feet. They embraced for a moment.

"Come on, I'll wash your back." Dave offered as he began to move them toward the shower.

"But that's not the only part of me that's dirty." Paul pouted.

"Yeah, I'll wash that too. Now come on."

Drying each other following a sensual but not sexual shower, Paul asked, "Will you be upset if I'm not there to see you off tomorrow?"

"No. Should I be? I'd rather remember tonight as my sendoff. But, I'm curious as to why you don't want to be there."

"Pretty simple, really. I'm not sure I could handle it. I'd probably have to hold you and kiss you and, well, you know."

"Yeah, I know. You'd better not come." There was a note of sadness in Dave's voice when he said that. Both men knew it was the right thing to do.

Dave walked through the apartment picking up his clothes and dressing in the reverse order that Paul had stripped him. Paul followed him dressed in a bathrobe.

"Look... Paul... Ah... I... I have to go. I don't want to but I have to."

"Yeah... I know..." There was sadness in both their voices. "Listen! You call me first chance you get. You do remember the number!"

"Yes, Lieutenant, I've got your number... in more ways than one." They both laughed.

Paul pulled Dave into a very tight embrace. "So, you get home Sunday. I'm calling you Wednesday if you haven't called by then, understand."

"Sir, yes s..." Dave's reply was cut off by Paul's lips covering his. The kiss must have lasted for at least two minutes. Paul finally broke it. "Now, Corporal, get outta here." He said with a forced smile. "Oh, and don't forget this." Paul picked up Dave's gift and placed it in his hands. "Until next time."

"Until next time." Dave replied, his voice so hoarse and filled with emotion he could hardly get the words to leave his throat. He walked through the door, turned and left the building without looking back. He didn't want Paul to see the tears streaming down his face.

Paul closed the door, walked over the couch, sat down and turned on the TV. He had no idea what was on the screen; his cheeks were streaked and his eyes were too full of tears to see anything.

Next: Chapter 19

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