David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Oct 31, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 21

"SMACK!" That's the sound a flat hand makes when it strikes a bare butt. "Yeow!" That's the sound an Army lieutenant makes when his butt has been struck by a flat hand.

During the night Dave and Paul had changed positions several times, always maintaining as much physical contact as possible. When the daylight streaming through the picture window woke Dave, he was amused to find they were in a reverse of their normal position. In other words, he was lying on his back and Paul was snuggled up against his left side, Paul's head rested on his chest. That left Dave's right hand free so he used it as on Paul's left butt cheek as an attention getter.

"Wh... what was that for?" Paul asked as he struggled to full consciousness. He rolled onto his back as Dave sprang to his feet and stood on the bed straddling him. Dave began dancing and gyrating over his man, his penis and testicles bouncing and flopping around in an enticing display of masculinity.

"Seems to me I remember I owe you one from the ranch." Dave continued to dance around the mattress.

Paul reached out and swung his left arm behind Dave's knees causing Dave collapse next to him.

"Come're you gorgeous hunk of a man!" Paul almost growled as he leaped on top of his lover. They kissed and played and laughed as they rolled around the bed for several minutes. The relationship between them seemed to be so much more relaxed than ever before. "Hey, just because I said I was in love with you doesn't give you authority to abuse me."

"I would never abuse you. Show me where it hurts and I'll kiss it and make it feel good."

"Right there!" Paul said pointing to his left cheek. Dave moved down and kissed the still evident handprint then sat up and smiled.

"All better?"

"Yeah, all better." Paul sat up, pulled Dave to him and kissed him on his nose.

"Okay, let's get movin'. I have the whole day planned and we're behind schedule. It's already 9:40." Dave jumped off the bed and started walking toward the bathroom. "We need to shower and find something to eat before we starve to death."

"Okay, you shower and I'll get us something to eat." Paul replied as he shoved his feet into his trousers and pulled them on without any underwear. Dave gave him a puzzled look then turned and continued into the bathroom. Paul slipped his sock-less feet into his shoes, pulled a polo shirt over his head, grabbed the electronic key-card, and walked into the living room and out the door.

Dave stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel and began drying off as he left the bathroom in search of Paul. Just as he entered the living room still dripping from the shower, Paul came through the door with an armload of food.

"Where did you get that?" Dave asked with astonishment.

"There's a lounge at the end of the hall where the hotel Executive Level clients can go to relax and read all the latest newspapers. In the mornings they set up a little buffet in there. They were just closing up when I got there so they let me take anything I could carry." By this time Paul had placed his haul on the table in front of the window. "We have scrambled eggs, toast & jelly, cinnamon rolls, strawberries, pineapple, kiwi, cantaloupe, and coffee." He pointed to each item as he mentioned it, as proud as if he had gone into the wilderness and killed to feed his family. "And you're naked." Paul said as he turned and looked at Dave and smiled.

"Yeah, I know. Say, do you know the difference between being naked and being nekked'?" Dave dragged out the word nekked.

"I can hardly wait to hear." Paul replied laughingly. "What's the difference?"

"Well, when you're naked you don't have any clothes on. But when you're `nekked', you don't have any clothes on and you're up to no good."

"Oooo, I like the `nekked' part." Paul admitted.

"Now if General Roehl will hit the shower we can get moving. Let me at that food!" Dave was hungry.

Paul stuffed a cinnamon roll in his mouth as he walked toward the bathroom. A short time later both men were dressed, the food was all gone and they were in the parking lot walking toward Dave's pickup.

"Nice truck, cowboy!" Paul complimented his friend as he slid in on the passenger side.

"A Boxster it ain't, but it gets me around and it's cheep to operate. Now, hang on to you hat." Dave started his pickup and drove out of the hotel parking lot headed for the Interstate. Paul's head was like it was on a swivel as he tried to take in as much of the city as his eyes could absorb. When Dave took an exit Paul could see a large stadium-like structure directly ahead of them.

"We going there?" Paul asked excitedly.

"Sir, yes sir!" David replied. "If you'll open the glove compartment you'll find a couple of tickets."

Paul unlatched the little door to the glove compartment and saw what appeared to be two entertainment-like tickets. He picked them up and read them.

"HEYYY! We're goin' to a baseball game! Dave, you sly little devil, you! You remembered, I love baseball!" Paul leaned across the cab and kissed Dave on his right cheek. "Oh, man, this is gonna be such fun." Paul was bouncing up and down in his seat excitedly (over doing it somewhat) as Dave pulled into a parking spot and stopped.

Paul bought them home team baseball caps and also bought a couple of horns they could make noise with. Paul was a kid again and Dave caught the infectious excitement. They had good seats and they joined with the people around them in having a great experience. Paul bought them some of those delicious hotdogs you can only get at a baseball park. He also bought each of them a beer, although the vender raised an eyebrow at Dave.

When the seventh inning stretch arrived, Paul decided he needed to go drain his lizard so he made his way up the steps and into the concourse. The men's room directly in front of him had a line stretching for yards. He looked to his left and saw the same thing. Looking right he could see that the line at men's room down the concourse was almost nonexistent so he took off almost running to beat any potential crowd. He didn't have to wait long, a good thing. After relieving the pressure on his bladder he returned his dick to its warm, cotton pouch and stepped up to the sink and washed his hands. When he finished and began to step away from the sink another men elbowed his way i nto the spot Paul was vacating and bumping Paul's shoulder. Paul had just placed his left down on a wet spot on the tile floor and the foot slipped out from under him. He went down fast and hard, landing on his left hip.

"Ohhhh!" Paul heard himself groan. He was stunned and could hardly move.

"You okay, man?" At least the guy who caused Paul to fall had the courtesy to ask about him. "Hey, I apologize. I didn't mean to do that."

"Oh... yeah... I'm okay." Paul was in a daze. He managed to scoot around so his back was against the wall and he had something to lean against. He pulled his knees toward his chest, folded his arms across his knees and lowered his head. He just needed to rest for a moment and catch his breath. He felt an arm around his shoulder and a hand on his left arm.

"Paul! What happened?"

Paul opened his eyes, turned his head to the left and looked into the face of a very worried Dave.

"Oh, I'll be okay. I was just trying to walk and chew gum at the same time," he joked, "I guess I need more practice, huh?"

"Really! Are you okay?" Dave asked, still worried.

"Yeah, I'll be okay, just let me catch my breath."

"You think you can you stand up?" Dave asked.

"Well, one way to find out. Wanna give me a hand?"

With his right arm around Paul's shoulder Dave slid that hand under Paul's right armpit and slid his left hand under Paul's left armpit. With a little effort Paul struggled to his feet.

"Oww!" Paul exclaimed when he put some weight on his left leg.

"Where does it hurt?" Dave asked with heightened concern.

"My left hip." Paul said as he rubbed it with his hand.

"Let me feel." Dave said as he placed his hand on Paul's hip.

"Not here, Dave, people are staring." Paul whispered.

"Okay, but do you think you can walk? I wanna take you home, er, you know."

"I will!" Paul stated rather emphatically. "Why don't you move over to my right side and I'll put my arm over your shoulder. That way my left hip won't be touching anything when we walk." Dave moved around to the other side and Paul draped his arm around Dave's shoulder. Together they managed to exit the men's room without further injury.

They limped back to Dave's truck but getting Paul in the seat was a real challenge. During the drive to the hotel Paul seemed to recover quite a bit but his hip was still sore. Dave drove up under the canopy, stopped, got out and walked around the truck to help Paul get out. Todd happened to be standing outside and, seeing Dave helping Paul out of the truck, he could tell something was wrong so he walked over to assist.

"Can I help?" Todd asked.

"Thanks, Todd. Paul slipped and fell while we were at the game and I need to get him back to the room so he can lie down. Can you help him into the lobby and wait until I park?"

"Awe, come on guys, I'm not an invalid. I can to this on my OWW!" Paul began rethinking his situation. "Well, maybe a little help." He placed his arm over Todd's shoulders and used him for support. He couldn't avoid noticing how firm Todd was. The body contact felt good. But it wasn't Dave.

Dave parked his pickup and then he and Todd helped Paul to their suite. When Paul's body hit the bed it seemed like all the energy drained out of him, like air escaping from a balloon and he sighed. He had been holding himself together through shear willpower. But he could still think and he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ten-dollar bill.

"Here, Todd, thanks."

"No, Sir, I'm not taking that, you gave me too much last night." Todd replied.

"I guess you're going to be stubborn about this and take advantage of an injured man."

"If that's the way it has to be, Sir." He smiled to indicate this was all in a spirit of friendship.

"Thanks, Todd." Dave interjected. "If he can argue with us I think he's gonna be all right." Turning toward Paul, "Here, let's pull of those pants down and see what we can see," Dave said as he began unbuckling Paul's pants.

"Any excuse to get me naked, huh?" Paul chuckled as Dave pulled the left side of Paul's pants down. Then Paul realized Todd was still in the room and he was all eyes and leaning over Dave's shoulder to get a peek at the injury, or whatever.

"Oooo, that may look ugly in a few days." Dave said when Paul's hip came into view and he gently caressed it. "We need some ice."

"I'll get some!" Todd quickly volunteered. The suite had a wet bar with an ice machine so Todd ran to it but couldn't immediately find anything to put it in. Then he pulled a plastic bag from a wastebasket and dumped some ice in it. He checked to make sure it wasn't leaking then took it back into the bedroom. "Here!" He offered the ice to Dave who placed it on Paul's hip, which looked like it was beginning to swell. While Todd was out of the room, Dave managed to remove Paul's pants and cover him with the sheet. He didn't like the idea of Todd getting a free look at his lover.

"How difficult is it to move your leg? Up and down?" Dave asked.

"Let's see." Paul said as he carefully lifted his knee. Almost humorously Dave made sure Paul's equipment stayed covered. Paul lowered his leg. "Actually, there's no real pain, it's just sore. I don't think anything is broken."

Dave went to the bathroom and rummaged around in his toiletry kit then returned with a glass of water and two Advil's. "Here, take these." It struck him that he sounded a little like his mother when she took care of him.

"Yes, Mother." Paul said sarcastically with a compliant grin on his face.

After watching Dave and Paul interact, Todd realized that they truly had a special relationship. It was NOT the escort relationship he had initially assumed. And he wished he could have an experience like theirs.

"Hey, guys, looks like things are under control here so I'd better get back to work. Will you call me if you need anything?"

"Yeah, Todd, thanks a lot. You've been a big help."

"Okay, I can see myself out." And he turned and left the suite.

Alone at last, Dave helped Paul finish removing the rest of his clothes. A lot of the ice had melted so Dave dumped the rest of the ice and water into the toilet then he striped and lay down beside Paul and held him in his arms.

"I guess I can't let you out of my sight for a minute! Look at the trouble you get into!" Dave said trying to sound disgusted but it came out sounding like love.

"I can live with that." Paul replied as he leaned over and kissed Dave's forehead. "It seems to hurt less than it did when I got out of the truck. Do you suppose Todd liked what he saw?"

"Listen, Lieutenant, I think he was trying to give you a visual blow job. If I hadn't been here your nuts would be empty by now."

"I can live with that tooooo." Paul kissed Dave's forehead again.

Dave pushed himself up with his left hand and gazed down at his love. "Do me a favor, huh?"

"Name it!"

"Just lie back, close your eyes and try to take a nap. That'll help that Advil begin to work. Okay?"

"Okayyyy." Paul agreed. "But I want you to turn over and put your back against my chest so I have someone to hold onto."

Without another word Dave turned over and spooned back against Paul. After a few moments Dave heard Paul's breathing slow and grow deeper, signaling he was finally asleep. Shortly thereafter Dave drifted off to sleep.

Paul awoke first. His dick was erect and pressed between Dave's ass cheeks. `What a way to wake up!' he thought. Then he began to think about what had happened at the baseball stadium and something about it was bothering him; he just couldn't put his finger on it.

Dave was awakened by what felt like a telephone pole sticking between his ass cheeks and pressing against the entrance to his love tunnel. Glancing at the clock he could tell they had slept about two hours. He tried to think of a way to find out if Paul was awake without waking him if he were still asleep. Finally he flexed his gluts and squeezed Paul's cock.

"Good! You're awake." Paul responded. "I've been lying here smelling how sexy you are and I got hard. Sorry, you just do that to me."

"Do you plan on doing any spelunking or can I turn over?" Dave asked.

"Turn over, please." Dave turned over and they shared a loving kiss, not the deep, sexually passionate kind.

"How's your hip?"

"Oh, that?" Paul was making light of his injury. "Hardly notice it."

"You smell sexy too." Dave said as he snuggled closer and kissed Paul's chest then nibbled on his nipple.

"Ooooo. I'll give you an hour to stop that." Paul seemed to be feeling better. "Hey, wanna shower with me? I think the reason we smell sexy is because of all the sweat we poured out while sitting in the sun at the game. And by the way, thanks a million for taking me. I had a great time... in spite of this hip thing." Paul rubbed his left hip then Dave placed his hand on Paul's hip and caressed it.

"How does it feel, really? You think you'll be able to move okay?"

"Yeah, it'll be okay, if you take a shower with me." Dave looked up to see a devilish grin on Paul's face.

"Let's go." Dave said as he bounced out on the bed on his side. He watched with interest as Paul seemed to struggle a little but finally managed rather well. He was only being cautious.

Paul seemed to be in charge of this operation. He started the water and adjusted the temperature then stepped inside and held out his hand to invite Dave in. Dave washed Paul first. Paul then had a lot of fun washing Dave's longer hair then he washed everything on Dave's front side and turned him around and did the backside. Paul paid special attention to Dave's rosebud and had him gasping with pleasure. When Paul finished he pulled Dave back against him and allowed his hands to caress and fondle Dave's chest, nipples, abdomen and genitals. At the same time Paul's cock slid between Dave's legs and pressed up against the back of his scrotum. Judging by Dave's heavy breathing he was really enjoying the action.


"Yeah, Babe."

"I've never been fucked standing up in the shower."

"Why are you telling me that?"

"Uhh... don't you think it's about time?" Dave asked softly, he was having trouble speaking because of all the lustful things Paul was doing to him.

"That would probably complete your training, wouldn't it, soldier!" Paul added almost jokingly as Dave placed his hands against the shower wall.

"Yeah... Sir..." Dave almost whispered. "I need to complete my training, Lieutenant."

"Then assume the position, soldier!" They were about to embark on a roll playing fantasy they had flirted with a couple of times before but had stopped short of completing. It had something to do with Paul's officer status versus Dave's enlisted status. Now that Dave was no longer in the Army it was okay for then to play this game.

Dave spread his legs wider.

Paul bent at the knees to get into a better position and placed the head of his cock directly against Dave's entrance.

"You think you can take an officer's cock up you ass, soldier?"

"Sir, yes Sir, give it to me, Sir. Please, Sir."

"Your ass is mine, soldier!" Paul said as he leaned in against Dave's backside. If Paul had not started applying pressure soon, Dave would have begun to push back trying to impale himself on his familiar invader. Dave really wanted Paul inside him. He had learned to appreciate the feel and knew it was all done with love. Without pain or discomfort Paul was soon deep inside his desirable lover. He held still for several moments, making sure Dave was comfortable before he continued.

"Oh, Sir, fuck me Sir, please fuck me, Sir!" Dave was really into playing his roll and was experiencing an erotic buzz from the action.

If Paul's hip was still hurting he didn't notice. One reason their lovemaking in this position was exciting was because it was different. Paul slowly and methodically drove his cock deep into Dave and withdrew it equally as slowly, and wrapped his fingers around Dave's long dick and began to stroke him. Both men were rapidly approaching orgasm.

"I'm about to give you a shot of officer cum, soldier, are you ready?"

"Sir, yes Sir. Please fill me up with your high-octane officer cum. I can already feel it making me a better soldier."

What an orgasm they had! Dave willingly relinquished total control to Paul while he quickly popped his load all over the shower wall. The feel of Dave's cock spewing forth its seed all over his hand and the feel of Dave's sphincter grasping his cock and the feel of Dave's body in full contraction triggered Paul's eruption. They stood quietly for about three minutes while they caught their breath. Paul pulled Dave away from the shower wall, turned him around and they kissed. Dave felt like a limp rag in Paul's arms and Paul sensed that Dave had experienced perhaps one of his best orgasms yet.

With Dave now leaning back against the shower wall, his eyes closed, Paul picked up the soap and finished washing the parts of Dave's body that need another cleaning. One of their favorite acts was drying each other after a shower and they enjoyed it again. Paul led Dave into the bedroom and they lay down in each other's arms and dozed for a while.

"Guess your hip is okay!" Dave said as he felt his strength return.

"I'll say! You're the best medicine."

"Well, it's almost 7:00 PM and I wanna take you to dinner. You up to it?"

"Do you always speak in puns? Of course I'm UP to it. And I'm UP to other things as well, as you just found out."

"Okay, I'll try to be more careful." Dave agreed. "Now, let's get dressed and go eat."


"You'll just have to exercise a little patience, GI. Now get moving."

In front of the hotel, Dave stopped and asked the doorman to get them a cab. Paul looked at Dave with a puzzled expression but said nothing, leaving everything in Dave's hands. The taxi dropped them off at the most well renowned bar-b-que restaurants in the city. When the meal was through Paul thought it was the best he had ever tasted (except for Texas bar-b-que, that is).

Outside the restaurant Dave managed to get another taxi which took them to a nightclub, not just any nightclub, a gay nightclub. They drank, danced and danced, drank, danced and danced, and drank. They danced the slow tunes and the fast tunes. Paul's hip didn't slow him down at all and they had a great time. The floorshow was a blast with lots of humor and sexual innuendo.

By the time the taxi dropped them back at the hotel at about 2:30 AM, both men were wiped out. In their happy, youthful stupor they laughingly helped each other get undressed but they would have had better success if they had undressed themselves. They hit the bed and were out almost before the room went dark.

Dave was the first to awaken, primarily because Paul was still on Central Time while Dave was on Eastern Time. His hangover didn't seem too bad and he figured he would improve as the day progressed. There was no way he was going to let a hangover slow him down, this was his last day with Paul until some unknown time in the future. Slowly Dave crawled out of bed, trying not awaken Paul, and went to the bathroom to get rid of his morning piss. Returning to the bed he slid back against his lover and watched Paul sleep, something he would never get tired of doing.

Soon, Paul began to stir. He opened his right eyelid first then his left, and smiled at Dave. Dave leaned over and kissed Paul on the tip of his nose.

"Morning, sleepy head, how's your head?"

"Which one?" Paul chuckled. "Both are just fine." He continued.

"I don't understand how you can be so sharp the instant you wake up." Dave stated.

"I'm a trained lawyer, kiddo. It cums with the territory." Paul emphasized the word `cum'.

Dave picked up his pillow and, raising it over his head shouted, "Gawd, save me from this man!" And he slammed the very soft pillow into Paul's face. This began several minutes of horseplay until Paul had to capitulate so he could get into the bathroom.

What're we doin today, partner?" Paul asked, but he said `pawdna' with a heavy Texas drawl.

"Well, I wasn't sure how much time we'd have so I didn't plan anything. Is there something you want to do?"

"Yes... there is!" Paul said as he wiggled his eyebrows up and down in rapid succession.

"Don't you ever get enough?" Dave asked jokingly.

"I can never get enough of you." Paul said seriously then he leaned over and gave Dave a very tender kiss. "Actually, I do have some things I'd like to do. You game?"


"Would you go to church with me?"

A look of surprise immediately registered on Dave's face. Then it turned into a smile. "Sure! Where do we go? I don't know this area at all."

"Well, there's an Episcopal Church not far from here and there is an eleven o'clock service. We have just enough time to get cleaned up and grab something to eat before going to church."

And that is exactly what they did. In the hotel main dining area they found a breakfast buffet that allowed them to select their food and eat without having to wait for a waiter or kitchen service. Paul gave Dave directions to the church.

"How do you know about this church?" Dave asked.

"That's my little secret, Stud Soldier." Paul grinned then continued. "I'll tell you someday. Now, I'll bet this church service will be different than anything you may have seen before so just watch me and do what I do. If there is something you don't feel comfortable doing, it's okay, don't do it."

The church was a large gothic structure that reminded Dave of pictures of churches in Europe he had seen in text books. During the service Paul held Dave's hand at every opportunity. They sat alone in the last pew hoping to achieve invisibility. When the service was over and they were leaving the church they met the priest and shook his hand. Paul had been right, Dave had never seen a worship service with so much ritual; it was very impressive and Dave particularly liked the short sermon.

After leaving the church, Paul began giving Dave directions to some unknown destination.

"See the entrance to that parking lot up ahead on the right?" Paul asked.

"Yeah? You want me to turn in there, right?" Dave was keeping up with his friend; it was kind of like another little game they were playing.

"That's it, Babe. I said I was gonna introduce you to golf and this is your beginning." The sign over the building read `PUT-PUT & DRIVING RANGE'.

Paul bought a large basket of balls and rented a 7-iron then led Dave to one of the tee boxes. First Paul demonstrated the proper stance (address) and the grip. Then he explained the swing process in very simple terms and demonstrated by hitting a couple of balls that went about 180 yards. Handing the club to Dave, he urged him to give it a try. Well, the two men spent the next hour and thirty minutes swinging the 7-iron, laughing, joking and having a wonderful time. Fortunately not many people were there so they didn't offend anyone with all the fun they were having. Dave actually got to the point where he could consistently hit the ball about 125 yards and fairly straight.

"Now, do you think you can find the time to go practice what you've learned today? You do have a driving range in that hick town of yours, don't you?"

"Yeah, I'm sure we do, I'll just have to find it. But that means I'll have to give up some of my running!" Dave lamented.

"Yeah, well, this is exercise too, it's just different." Paul explained. "And you might go to a golf store and buy yourself a glove. Since you're right handed you'll need a glove for your left hand."

"Yeah, I can feel that my left hand is getting a little raw in places."

"I'm hungry, how about you?" Paul announced.

"I noticed a BK about a block back toward the hotel; would that be okay?"

"Great! I need a good shot of fat calories right now. Let's go."

Climbing back into Dave's pickup they went to the BK for a late lunch and then back to the hotel. Paul walked into the suite and collapsed into an over-sized chair that was facing the large window. Knowing he would have to leave within a few hours, what he wanted to do more than anything else was just sit and hold Dave. He didn't really have a need for sex at that moment but if Dave did that would be okay with him.

Dave followed Paul into the living room thinking exactly the same thing as Paul. Although he thought about sex every time he looked at Paul, right now he really wanted to sit and talk.

"Come join me." Paul asked as his right hand invitingly patted the space beside him. Dave smiled and started to walk toward the chair. "Wait, I need to get my briefcase." Paul said as he began to get up.

"No, stay there, I'll get it, where is it?"

"It's right there beside the desk, thanks." Dave walked to the desk, picked up Paul's briefcase and handed it to him. Paul sat it down beside the chair as Dave sat down beside him. Paul's right arm immediately wrapped itself around Dave's shoulders and Dave's left hand and forearm rested on Paul's right leg. They sat quietly for several minutes staring out the window and watching the airplanes silently takeoff and land. Finally Paul spoke.

"I wasn't dreaming Friday night, was I? We did make a commitment to each other, didn't we?"

"Yes we did... And I meant every word of it." Dave's immediate reaction was quite positive but he had some feelings of uncertainty; was Paul about to have second thoughts?

"So did I." Paul responded as Dave gave a sigh of relief. "And I want you to know I still mean it." Paul paused for a moment then continued. "I've been thinking about the next time we could get together and I want to toss it out so you can think about it. Okay?"

"I can hardly wait." Dave smiled up at Paul. He wanted to kiss him but decided not to interrupt Paul's train of thought.

"About two and a half weeks from now we have a holiday. Because it falls on a Thursday, I'll have Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. If I take off early on Wednesday and catch a to flight here, we can join up and spend the weekend in Ft. Lauderdale. I have a friend who owns a condo right on the beach and we'll have the place to ourselves. Does that interest you?"

"You bet! But about the airfare..." Dave started to ask.

"Not to worry. I'm hoping you'll allow me to extend our previous agreement." With that, Paul reached over the side of the chair and picked up his briefcase. Laying it on his lap, he opened it and pulled out some plastic cards. "I hope you won't be offended but our geographic separation calls for different measures. I got these for you -- for us -- and I'd like you to use them." Paul handed one plastic card to Dave. "This is an American Express Platinum card with your name on it. The statements go to a P.O. Box number in Dallas and are paid from my account. This next card is a Hertz Number One card, which is also a credit card for renting their cars and statements go to the same place as the AX card. The third card is for the airline executive lounge, which is called the Cirrus Club. It's paid for three years." Paul closed the briefcase and set it back down beside the chair. "I hope I haven't been too aggressive and offended you, but the way I see it, being separated from you is gonna be hard enough for me and anything that makes it easier to see you is worth everything I have." Paul hesitated, "What do you think?"

Dave didn't answer immediately; he just sat staring at the plastic cards Paul just gave him. Once he looked up at Paul then back at the cards. Paul could tell Dave was giving this offer a lot of thought.

"This really makes me uncomfortable." Dave began but then hesitated. Now it was Paul's turn to feel anxious. "This feels like a completely new level of financial assistance." Dave paused, searching for the right words. "I understand how you feel about being together because I feel the same way." He paused again while he thought. "And if it will help us spend more time t ogether I guess I don't have any objections. It's okay. Yes, I accept."

Paul pulled Dave to his chest and they kissed, long and hard. "God, you make me so happy. I was almost terrified you'd say no. I know how much your independence means to you and I'll never do anything to change that. Your pride in your own ability is one of the many things that attracts me to you. I'll never do anything to damage that. I love you." Paul said as he kissed Dave again.

They sat quietly for several minutes. Now it was Dave's turn to direct the conversation.



"Remember, you said Todd said I was `cute'."


"Gawd, I hate that. I don't want to be cute'. I want to be handsome, good looking, a hunk, anything but cute'. I remember that's what May called me when we went to that restaurant near the ranch. Do you think I'm cute?"

Paul hesitated before beginning his answer. This could be a minefield. "Dave, Dave, Dave. You ARE handsome, and you ARE good looking, and you ARE a hunk, and you are also cute'. You're very lucky that you have a very young looking face. When you're 45 you'll still look like you're 25. Plus, you have a deliciously slender body that makes my mouth water every time I look at you. If you hadn't been cute' I might not have noticed you that day in the weight room. So being `cute' has some advantages, it isn't all that bad."

Dave was quiet for a moment while he considered Paul's explanation. "Damn, you're good with words. That must be why you're a lawyer." Dave said as he poked Paul in his ribs and laughed. "Now I feel a lot better; you just gave a while new meaning to being called `cute'."

Dave snuggled even closer to Paul as he closed his eyes and inhaled Paul's scent. For the first time in his life he felt really happy, content, safe and loved. He was with someone he could trust and he could share himself with without fear of being used or betrayed.

Paul's eyes were also closed as he enjoyed feeling the loving heat radiate from Dave's body. Suddenly his mind seemed to clear and he knew he had to ask Dave a question.

"Dave?" he said quietly so as to not break the mode they shared.


"Yesterday, at the ballpark, when I fell, how did you get there so fast? I mean, what caused you to find me when you did?"

Dave opened his eyes. "Well, ah, I mean, ah, I'm not sure." He paused for a moment then continued. "I was sitting in the seat when I, ah, I had this, ah, I just felt I needed to be where you were. So I got up and went to the restroom and found you sitting on the floor."

Paul mused for a moment then, "But how did you know which particular restroom to go to, and not the one closest to our exit?" He was now getting to the core of what had been bothering him.

Dave pondered the question then, "I don't know. I guess... somehow I just knew where to find you."

Paul didn't respond for a few moments then, turning his head he kissed Dave's forehead and decided to just accept what had happened. "I love you, Stud Soldier."

"I love you too, General." Dave said as he flashed his killer smile at Paul and kissed him lightly on his lips.

Quite a few minutes passed before Paul asked his next question. "Dave?"


"I still haven't told anybody in my family about us, have you?"

Dave thought for a moment before answering. "Well, not exactly, maybe in a round-about way."

"Whatta ya mean, cowboy, round-about?"

"Well, when I was visiting Kate we were alone in the kitchen one afternoon and we started... ha, ha, ha." Dave began chuckling.

"What's so funny?"

"I just remembered how Kate managed to find out about you. I mean, for as long as I can remember we've played this game where we have to guess a secret the other has. So, we were sitting in her kitchen while she's trying to fix dinner and she says I seem different to her. And she stares at me then messes with the chicken again, then sets down and stares at me some more. Finally she blurts out You've found someone!' Well, I told her a little about you but she wasn't satisfied so I had to give her all the gory details. But I managed to leave out all the juicy' parts." When Dave said the word `juicy' he reached into Paul's crotch and squeezed his package causing Paul to jump. "I showed her the picture we took at the beach and she thinks you're handsome. And so do I." Dave leaned into Paul and their lips met in a tender kiss.

"Your sister sounds like a real fun gal."

"Oh, she is. You'll like her immediately." That seemed to be the end of the conversation for a while as both men continued to enjoy being with each other.

Isn't it amazing how time flies when you are having fun! Paul happened to glance around the room and noticed the clock on the desk read 04:33 PM.

"Say, Babe, I'd better be thinking about catching my flight. Sorry, but we have to get up."

"Awe..." Dave whined. "You gonna shower first?"

"I think I'd better; the other passengers might not appreciate my special smell like you do."

"Am I invited?" Dave asked.

"You want me to miss my flight don't you! You dog!" Paul chuckled. "As good as that would be we'd better not. But next time... I promise. Okay?"

"Yeah, I knew you'd say that. Why don't you shower and I'll pack our bags."

"Good deal." Paul leaned over and gave Dave an affectionate kiss then reluctantly got up from the chair.

Dave followed the signs that said "DEPARTING FLIGHTS," drove up to the curb and stopped. He and Paul looked at each other then both decided silently, `To hell with it!' and leaned across the seat and kissed one more time. The kiss wasn't a deep passionate one; it was one filled with love and affection that lasted about thirty seconds. Paul was the first to pull away. He opened the door, stepped out of the truck and picked up his bag from the back.

"Bye, Babe, I'll call you," he said.

"Bye, Babe, love ya." Dave replied as Paul closed the door. Dave waited as Paul walked to the terminal entrance then turned and waved. Dave waved back and Paul turned and disappeared through the sliding doors. Dave sat quietly for a few seconds just making sure Paul hadn't forgotten something and needed to rush back to the truck. Finally, with a big smile across his face he drove off, home was an hour away.

to be continued

Next: Chapter 22

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