David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Nov 12, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 22

Dave walked into the kitchen just as his mother was finishing washing the dishes.

"Hi, Honey, there are lots of leftovers if you're hungry."

"Thanks, Mother, I didn't have time to eat dinner and leftovers are always the best," Dave said as he sat down at the kitchen table.

"Did you have a good time with your friend?"

"Oh yes, Mother, we had a lot of fun." Dave was trying not to blush as his mind replayed all the hot sex he and Paul had shared. "We went to a baseball game yesterday and we even went to church this morning."

"You did? Where did you go?"

Dave proceeded to explain his experience at the Episcopal Church and how different it was from their Baptist Church.

"Oh, I have great news, Kate, John and the boys are coming next Thursday and will be here for five days. Your father and I are so excited!"

"Great! That's gonna be so cool. I'm excited too. Is there anything I can do to help you get ready?"

"Well, she only called this afternoon and I haven't had time to begin planning but I'm sure I can use your help as soon as I figure out what needs to be done."

Although John's parents lived in the same town and had more room, Kate, John and the boys would be staying at Kate's parent's house. It all has something to do with that old saying, `a son is a son until he takes a wife, a daughter is a daughter all of her life.'

Later that evening Dave sat at his desk with a pen and paper in front of him and began to write.

"Dear Dan, "I have a secret! And if I don't' tell someone I may burst. I'm in love. About three months ago I met a guy and we seemed to click right off the bat. He's in the Army and doesn't complete his obligation until November next year. That means we have to wait for a while. But, we're able to get together from time to time. I love him and he says he loves me and I believe him. In fact, we've agreed to become partners. We'll just have to put off living together for about a year and a half. I haven't told my family yet -- about being gay or anything and I know I'll have to do it soon. Perhaps Thanksgiving or Christmas break from school will be good. I'll write again later and tell you more. Please write and tell me how things are going for you. I really want to know how you're doing. "Your best bud, Dave."

Dave reread his letter, folded it, placed it in the envelope and set it aside to be mailed tomorrow.

Monday at the office, Joe and Dave were working side by side when Joe spoke up.

"Dave, have you found a place to live when you go to school?"

"Nah, all the dorms are full and I don't want to live there anyway. I need to find an apartment but haven't started looking. I was gonna drive up there this weekend but Kate's family will be here and I won't miss that!"

"Well, I may have a proposition for you in a couple of weeks. Let's talk about it after Kate leaves, okay?"

"Sure, Joe." And that is where that conversation stopped.

Monday after dinner Dave searched and found a lighted driving range just outside the city limit. He noticed a display of golf gloves in the counter and found one that seemed to fit well then paid for a large bucket of balls and a 7-iron and began trying to hit the ball the way Paul had showed him. Fortunately, Paul's instruction had focused on just the basics and that helped Dave avoid getting too far ahead of himself. He planned to run after work Tuesday.

When David got home after work Tuesday, his mother asked him to go pick up two cribs from a couple of her church friends. David's pickup made that task an easy one but he ended up foregoing his running. After dinner he spent the rest of the evening trying to reassemble the cribs and set them up in the small bedroom which his mother decided to convert from her sewing room into the boy's room during their visit.

Wednesday, David made another trip to the driving range and toward the end of the bucket felt like he was beginning to make some progress. He still hadn't found time to run that week. Later, sitting at his desk reading an architectural magazine, he reached out and picked up the receiver.

"Hi, Babe!" he answered. There was a slight pause.

"Hi Babe yourself... Dave, sometimes you scare me, Hon, the way you answer before the phone rings. How do you do that?"

"Must be mental telepathy, no other explanation for it. Say, guess what I've been doin?"

"No telling, you're capable of almost anything. So tell me."

"I was out hitting golf balls earlier this evening. Getting pretty good too. What you been doin?"

"Oh, I've been sitting here pining for you, what else! I just called to say I got back okay and I miss you. Other than that, it's just SOS."

"Yeah, same old shit, huh? Listen, I really want to thank you for an absolutely fabulous weekend. I'll remember it for as long as I live. You shou ld have seen me trying to explain some of our activities to my mother. I had trouble trying not to blush as I edited out the things she doesn't need to hear about.

"I'll bet that was fun!" Paul replied.

"Gawd I'd like to be in your arms right now!"

"I know, Babe, I'd like that too."

"Say, Kate, John and the boys will be here tomorrow. I think they'll be here for four or five days. I'm really excited about that."

"That's great, Dave, I'd sure like to meet then, they sound like such neat people."

The conversation continued for another forty minutes before they signed off with kisses.

Arriving home from work Thursday, David was attacked by two little tykes who definitely remembered him from his visit just a few weeks earlier. He spent two hours on the floor with the boys and felt like he got more exercise than if he'd run twenty miles. It's really tough for an adult, even one as young as Dave, to keep up with a couple of almost-three-year-olds. The boys had just started the early stages of potty training and were very proud to show Dave how to do it. When bedtime arrived the boys wanted their `Unkaw Dabid' (their pronunciation was showing progress) to read them a story they had already heard many times. When Kate checked on them a few minutes later she found three boys sound asleep. Dave had one nephew snuggled each arm, his head back against the chair, and the book lying in his lap. Very quietly Kate called everyone in to have a look and John pulled out his camera and got a picture they would treasure for many years to come. Kate and John rescued the twins and placed them in their beds then woke David and guided him to his room.

Friday after work, John, wearing his running clothes, greeted David and challenged him to a duel. David changed quickly and they took off in David's truck for the high school track. They were rather surprised to find quite few people taking advantage of the fine facility. After two miles, David and John decided that was enough and pulled off into the infield for a breather. While they were standing there cooling down they noticed a man walking toward them.

"John Close, what a sight for sour eyes! How are you?"

"If it isn't Coach Washburn! It's good to see you." John replied as they shook hands.

"And you sure look familiar," the coach said looking at David. "David Baker, isn't it?"

"Hi Coach, good to see you again." Dave acknowledged as he too shook the coach's hand.

"Are you two together?"

"Yeah, David and I are in-laws now. I married his sister a little over two years ago."

"Oh, yeah, now it's coming back to me; you'll have to forgive me my senior moments. And congratulations on you success in the NFL, John, I always watch your games when we can get them on the local channel."

"Thanks, my teammates have a lot to do with my success, they're just great."

"Hey, would you two guys consider coming back here and joining the track team again? I sure need your talent and from what I just watched you guys are in great shape."

"Ha, ha, ha! We're probably a little over the hill for your young crowd, but thanks for the invite." John laughed and so did David.

"Well, it's good to see you again. And John, if you ever get tired of the NFL, you can come back here and take my job so that I can retire."

"Hey, Coach, you never know, I just might take you up on that in about ten years." They all laughed at that as the old track/football coach waved and walked away.

Later that evening, after dinner and the boys were in bed, David, his parents, Kate and John were sitting around the kitchen table enjoying a cup of coffee when Kate announced she had some news to report.

"Mother, Dad, I went to the doctor Monday for an ultra-sound and can now tell you that you are going to have one more grandson to spoil." Her parents were quite excited but, without much thought, David said the first thing that popped into his mind.

"What! No more twins? What's the matter, John, your little swimmers losing their punch?"

John, who was sitting right next to Dave reached out and wrapped his left arm around David's neck. "Come here you little runt, I'll show you `losing their punch'!" Holding David in a headlock, John began rubbing the knuckles of his right hand against the top of David's head, laughing as he did it.

"Mo-om, he's hurting me!" Dave exclaimed, laughing all the time with his right arm was wrapped around John's waist.

"Well, you're getting what you deserve after that last comment." David's mother admonished humorously.

The fun over, John released David who then punched John in the left arm. "Pick on someone your own size next time," David said in a fake whiney voice. He was a little quicker this time as he jumped up from his chair and started running around the table, John in hot pursuit.

"That's enough, boys," David's father finally spoke up, "you'll wake the other boys and we'll all have to deal with that."

"Truce?" John asked.

"Truce." David agreed and extended his hand. John grabbed David and pulled him into a hug then released him.

"Your mother tells me you're learning to play golf. Is that true?"

"Well, that's kind of a stretch, I've been to the driving range a few times; I'm not sure that counts."

"You wanna play tomorrow, real golf?"

"I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet." David admitted the truth.

"Well, I'd love to take you out, we don't have to keep score, just have fun. Whata ya say?"

David hesitated for a split second, "Yeah, why not! I gotta do it some time, how do we do it?"

"I'm thinking we can probably get on the public golf course tomorrow afternoon so I'll call the pro shop tomorrow morning and see if we can get a tee time," John proposed. "So join me after breakfast and we'll both find out at the same time."

"Okay, I expect you to lead me around by the nose because I have no idea what I'm supposed to do."

"Oh brother! What an invitation that is! Really, we'll have fun." John liked to pull David's chain because he always handled it with so much fun.

John was able to get a 1:10 PM tee time (actually they could have walked on because the course was so open). They went early enough to rent a set of clubs for David and to hit a few balls at the driving range. John gave Dave a few pointers on his swing and grip and by the time David hit the last ball he was beginning to hit longer and straighter. They drove the cart to the first tee and John, who was a very good golfer hit first. He could hit the ball a mile off the tee and seldom needed more than two putts on any green. That allowed him plenty of time to help David who needed lots of coaching. It was a fun afternoon. They laughed a lot, especially the time David took five tries to get out of one bunker.

By the time they reached the eighteenth hole, David and John were hot, s weaty, and tired. They stopped in the clubhouse for a refreshing beer before going home. All of a sudden Dave straightened up in his chair.

"John, can we go home now?"

"Sure. You in a hurry to do something?"

"I just need to get home, that's all. Can we go now, please?" They stood up and left.

Kate was in her old bedroom when the phone rang and without even thinking about it, just like old times, she answered it.

"Hello?" There was no immediate reply. "Hello?"

"Ah... Is Dave there?"

"No, I'm sorry, but I expect him back any minute. May I take a message?"

"Ah... no thanks, I'll just call back."

"Wait! Let me guess. Is this Paul?"

The voice on the other end began to chuckle. "You must be Kate! Dave warned me about your guessing abilities. Yes, I'm Paul. Nice to talk to you, Kate."

"Well, I'm happy to talk to you, Paul. Before we say anything else, I want to tell you how glad I am that you and David found each other. I've never seen him happier." Kate took a breath and that allowed Paul to respond.

"Well, Kate, I can tell you I've never been happier either. I'm glad we found each other too. Dave told me he had talked to you about us and I'm proud to tell you that I love him."

"And I can tell you that when he talks about you his face lights up like I've never seen it before. He tells me he loves you and I believe him."

"I don't know if he's told you yet but last weekend we agreed to become partners. We only have to wait until I finish my Army obligation, which will be November next year. That seems like forever. By the way, how are the boys?

"They're doing great! Growing like weeds... Oh, I think I hear David coming up the stairs." David paused as he passed the door to Kate's room and she pointed to the phone then to him and then to his room, meaning he should go pick up. "Paul, David's about to pick up so I'll say good bye. I really enjoyed talking to you. You'll have to come visit us sometime."

They heard a `click' as Dave picked up in his room. "Thanks, Kate, I enjoyed talking to you too. Bye."

"I got it, Kate." Dave said. "Hi, Babe."

"Hi to you too, Babe." Paul replied. Then they heard the `click' as Kate hung up the handset in her room.

"Your sister is a jewel, a real treasure, Dave. I'm glad I had a chance to talk to her."

"Yeah, she is. Some times we get into it but we do love each other. I'm not sure I would have made it if she hadn't been in my corner until I met you."

"Maybe we'll get to see her together some day. Right now I want to tell you about the reservations I made for our the holiday weekend." Paul explained the flight reservations and asked him to meet his flight and they could go on from there together. They talked for another twenty-five minutes until David's mother called and said dinner would be ready in fifteen minutes. David needed to shower before that so he and Paul said goodbye with plans to talk again next week. Paul thought it best to wait until after Kate and family left for home so they would not have any competition.

During dinner, John and David had a lot of fun trying to describe some of David's golf shots and it had everyone in stitches. The whole family went to church Sunday morning, joined by John's parents. The rest of the visit was a joy and David was sorry to see them leave.

Tuesday at work Joe asked David to join him for lunch. One thing Dave had learned over the weekend was that John had purchased a Subway franchise in town and it was fairly close to the office so he suggested they go there for lunch.

"David, I assume you are still in the market for an apartment near the campus, is that right?" Joe asked between bites of his sub.

"Yes, it sure is." David said enthusiastically.

"Well, I'm going to toss something out and I'd like you to give it some thought. When I went there for college I bought a house. Well, I wound up keeping it after I graduated and began renting it out to other students. As time went by I bought other houses for the same purpose. Now I own four of them and they provide a nice income for my future retirement." David listened intently, curious as to where Joe was headed. "That gets me to the point of this discussion. Since it's hard for me to manage the day-to-day care of all those houses I've had been hiring married students to live in one house and manage all four while they attend school. My current management couple is graduating at the end of the summer session and will be leaving. That means I'm looking for a new manager. My question to you is, is that something you think you might be interested in?"

David looked in Joe's eyes as he took a large bite of his sub. He was stalling, trying to buy a little time to think.

"How does that work, I mean, what are the financial arrangements?" Inside, David was about to burst with excitement but on the outside he was calm as a cucumber.

"You would live there free and I would pay you $400 a month to take care of any maintenance problems that might pop up. We're talking minor stuff here, any major problems you would tell me about so I could get involved. The minor stuff might be a leaky faucet, stopped up toilet, broken window, stuff like that. Hell, with your experience working for us, Mr. McCracken that is, that would be a piece of cake. Now, I wouldn't expect you to actually make repairs unless you wanted to but you would investigate and confirm a problem actually existed before calling the proper repair service." Joe stopped talking and just looked at David waiting for some kind of reaction.

"Is there any possibility I could have a look at these houses before I commit?"

"I thought you might want to do that. In fact, I'd be disappointed if you hadn't asked. Would you be free to drive up there on Saturday?"

"Saturday would be great. I have to admit I'm a little excited about this; right now I think I'd like do it."

"What if I pick you up around 9:00 AM. We'll drive up, I'll spring for lunch and we can spend some time looking around the campus. I haven't done that in quite a while; a little nostalgia is good for the soul."

"I'll be ready," Dave replied.

Saturday morning Joe was a couple minutes late but it didn't matter. Dave had rolled out of bed early and gone for his run before breakfast and was ready for the trip.

Joe pulled up and stopped in front of an older looking two-story house, built perhaps around 1940. It sat on ground that was slightly elevated from the street so that when you looked it while standing on the sidewalk it seemed much higher and more imposing than it really was. Joe led the way up the steps and rang the doorbell. A pleasantly attractive, almost plane looking young woman answered the door and recognized Joe immediately. She invited them inside and when her husband joined them Joe introduced David as the prospective new `management victim.' Everyone laughed a little, except David's laugh was more nervous than the others.

Joe asked the couple to give David the 25 cent tour while he followed along behind. The downstairs living area was completely furnished and consisted of a combination living-dining room, a small kitchen with what looked like original appliances (the refrigerator was new) and it had an exit out the back door to the back porch. Down a short hallway was a small master bedroom with private bath. Also off the hallway was an even smaller bedroom that shared the common area bathroom that opened from the same hallway.

A door at one corner of the dining area opened into a small landing. To the left was another exterior, private entrance for the upstairs residents and to the right were the stairs that led to the second floor. The three upstairs bedrooms shared one large bathroom. Each bedroom was wired for a private telephone and the resident could decide if he wanted one at his own expense. That allowed dialup access to the internet if desired. Being an architect, Joe was well aware of building codes and had years ago upgraded the wiring and installed smoke alarms. All rooms were furnished with the essential furniture (bed, chest of drawers, easy chair, desk and chair). Joe's manager said all three residents would be returning next semester. That brought them around to a discussion of the contract each resident had to sign. It specified no smoking, no overnight guests, no loud parties, and a few other "no's." There was no restriction as to the sex of a resident but Joe pointed out that the limited privacy and the possibility of having to share a bathroom with a man had so far kept most women from applying. However, one of the houses had three women in the upstairs apartments and it seemed to work fine.

There wasn't much else to see so Joe thanked the couple, said goodbye and headed out to see the other three houses, which were very much like the first one. By the time they finished, their stomachs were telling them it was time for lunch and David remembered John had told him he owned a Subway in a strip mall near the campus and asked Joe if he'd be interested in going there. It didn't take them long to find it and they sat down for lunch with six-inch subs.

"Whata ya think, David? Is this something you think you can handle?"

Dave had already made his mind up. This was nothing compared to the responsibilities and duties Capt. Lewis gave him in the Army. This would be easy! And, the extra $400 a month plus free room wouldn't be too bad either. That would allow him to live like a regular person.

"I like it, Joe. And you can count on me to do a good job for you."

"I know you will. That's why I asked you in the first place." That brought an embarrassed smile to David's face; he was pleased that Joe had such confidence in him. By this time they had finished their subs. "Well, how about we go walk around the campus?" That was more a statement than a question. Joe led the way and at every turn at every building, every fountain, Joe told stories of his days as a student and managed to pack in a lot of the school history along with it. Joe provided the kind of tour you always wish were available but never seemed to get.

That night at dinner Dave told his parents about his good fortune, the deal he made with Joe. His mother suggested that, beginning the next morning he start learning something about cooking, like how to fry an egg. Dave would be learning a lot of cooking skills from his mother before leaving for college.

Paul called Sunday night and as usual Dave picked up before the phone rang. It was driving Paul crazy trying to figure out how he did that. Paul confirmed their travel arrangements and reminded Dave to bring the credit cards and airline membership card with him.

"Say, do you have a sport coat or something?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, I have a blue blazer I bought near the end of my senior year in high school; it should still fit. How come?"

"Well, I'll be wearing a sport coat because I think it makes me look more like a civilian, more business-like. I just wanted to suggest you wear one to make you appear a little older... not for me, mind you, I like the way you look. You'll see."

"Sure. Maybe I should skip shaving for a week. Would that help me look older?"

"Corporal, are you being impudent?"

"Sir, yes Sir!" They both began to laugh at the obvious.

Paul said he wouldn't call again unless a show-stopper popped up, other than that they'd see each other Wednesday evening at the airport.

Dave managed to alternate his running and his golf driving practice and was beginning to feel good about his progress. He was hooked on the sport. There was something about hitting a ball and seeing it fly so far that seemed very rewarding.

Wednesday after work Dave showered, packed, and said goodbye to his parents telling them he was going to spend the long weekend in the city with his Army buddy. He couldn't mention the fact that he was actually flying on to Ft. Lauderdale. Not yet, anyway.

Dave parked his truck in the long-term parking lot and took the shuttle to the terminal. When he got to the ticket counter to check on his reservations the agent was very nice about everything. She printed his ticket (it was already paid for) and boarding pass and invited him to proceed on to the waiting area. Before leaving, he asked her to check on Paul's flight and gave her the number. After checking her computer she told Dave the flight left on time and was on schedule. It should arrive at Gate B9 at 06: 50 PM but he should check the monitors to confirm that. Dave proceeded through security and made his way to the waiting area outside Gate B9. He checked the nearest bank of monitors and confirmed the gate was correct then he sat down and waited. Actually, he fidgeted for the entire twenty minutes waiting for Paul's fight to arrive. Finally an attendant opened the door to the jetway and about two minutes later Paul was the first passenger to walk through it. He saw Dave immediately and made a beeline for him.

"Hi, Dave, it's so good to see you." Paul said standing beside Dave who was wearing a great smile. He wrapped his right arm around Dave's shoulders and pulled him against his right side in a restrained hug, an appropriate move for a public place.

"You too, Lieutenant." Dave said as he wrapped his right arm around Paul's waist and squeezed slightly, an equally restrained greeting.

"Oh, there's been a change, Corporal, it's `Captain Roehl' now."

"Well, we need to celebrate!"

"Yeah, and I have just the right thing planned. Wanna guess what it is?"

"Oh, I can't imagine!" Dave responded with an all-knowing grin. They both laughed.

"Come on, we're going to relax," Paul said as he looked up at the information signs along the concourse. Dave picked up his bag and they began walking.

"You wanna guess who else got promoted?"

"Who?" Dave asked.

"Captain, now Major Lewis. I think he's on a fast track, he was promoted early, a real comer."

"A `comer', what's that mean?" Dave had never heard that term before.

"That term is usually applied to someone who has been identified as having a lot of potential or connections. It often means the higher-ups are watching him for future success. In Lewis' case his father is a retired General, his grandfather was a General and his great grandfather was a General, all in the Army. All of them are West Point graduates so there's quite a lot of pressure on the poor boy to excel. Another interesting point, one of my great uncles was a classmate of Harvey's great grandfather. We've shared a few stories/lies over more than a few beers since I got to the Post. Small world isn't it! Oh, here we are."

Paul stopped in front of a rather nondescript door along the concourse. A sign on the door read `Cirrus Club'. Paul pressed a doorbell like button and when a buzzing sound occurred Paul grabbed the handle and pulled the door open. Once inside, they saw two very attractive ladies wearing airline uniforms standing behind an official looking counter.

"May we help you gentlemen?" one of the agents said. Dave's eyes and mind were trying to absorb as much information as possible.

"Yes, thank you, we'd like to check on our flight please and relax for a while," Paul said and he handed the agent his ticket and his `Cirrus' card. Turning to Dave, Paul asked quietly, "She needs your ticket. Do you have your card?"

"Oh, yeah," Dave said as he handed his ticket to the agent and reached for his wallet. He removed the card and handed it to the agent. She began typing in her computer terminal and very soon looked up.

"Mr. Roehl and Mr. Baker, you are already checked in and your flight is still on time. If you'll go on into the lounge someone will call you when your flight begins to board. Immediately inside the door and to your right you'll find a storage area for you luggage. We hope you enjoy your visit and please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions." She handed the tickets and cards back to Paul and Dave with a smile for both of them. Paul thanked her and motioned for Dave to go on into the lounge. They found the luggage storage area right where the lady said it would be and then Paul placed his hand on Dave' shoulder and guided him down a hallway and stopped at a doorway. Dave noticed a sign beside the door that said `Meeting Room 1'. Paul opened the door and looked in then pulled Dave in behind him. The room was dark and Dave was feeling a little lost when he felt Paul's arms embrace him and warm, wet lips landed on his own lips.

"Mmmmm!" Paul moaned as his hands roamed all over Dave's body. He really caught Dave by surprise but Dave caught on quickly and returned the attention and contributed some moans of his own. After a few seconds Dave felt Paul's right hand squeeze his already straining prick.

"Oh, no, please don't," Dave said frantically, there clearly was panic in his voice, "or I'll fill my shorts... with hot sticky stuff." Dave was gasping for air. Paul continued kissing Dave and moved his hand around to Dave's butt and pressed them hard against each other. Finally he released Dave.

"There! That ought to hold me until we get to Ft. Lauderdale. Come on, let's have a drink and see if they have anything to eat." Paul didn't give Dave time to answer he just opened the door and led them back down the hall. Both men had to readjust their erections to a less conspicuous position.

They found the bar and Paul requested two gin and tonics. Dave watched Paul stuff a couple of folded `Ones' in a tall carafe at one end of the bar but the drinks were obviously free. Drinks in hand, they wandered over to a long table that contained all manor of food: small finger sized sandwiches, Swedish meatballs, cocktail franks in some kind of sweet-sour sauce, an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables, cookies, brownies, and cakes.

Paul handed Dave a plate, real china not plastic, and started loading up on all the goodies. When both men's plates were heaped with food Paul led them to a couple of very comfortable leather chairs and sat down. The chairs were in a somewhat secluded, private corner with a table and lamp between and positioned ninety degrees to each other with a coffee table in front. They placed their food on the coffee table and began to eat. Because it was late on the eve of a holiday the lounge wasn't very busy. Most people, especially businessmen were already home or well on their way. Paul and Dave proceeded to devour the goodies until Dave couldn't stand it any longer.

"Paul... answer me a question, please."

"Anything, my love," Paul replied as he opened his mouth and inserted one of the Swedish meatballs.

"Ah..." Dave began to look around. "This is really impressive! I had no idea this kind of place existed. How do you know about it? I mean, how does it work?"

"Well..." Paul began then slid cocktail frank into his mouth, "almost all the airlines have these lounges. They normally charge an annual membership fee; it really isn't too expensive, especially if you travel a lot. I was going to these kinds of places when I was a little boy so it just seems normal. It's a much better, more quiet place to relax than in one of those rows of non-seats you find in the gate waiting areas. Whata ya think?"

"I see." Dave thought for a moment. "It's nice." He thought for a few more moments. "That means you paid for my membership."

Paul placed his hand on top of Dave's forearm and looked in Dave's eyes. "I hope I haven't insulted you, Dave." This was obviously very sincere statement.

"No, Hun, I just wanted to know, that's all." Dave long ago decided that how Paul spent his money was his own business. He smiled at his lover to let him know everything was okay. Paul smiled back.

"You know," Dave continued after taking a sip of his drink, "since meeting you I've had the feeling that I've stepped into a world I'd only seen in movies. I wasn't sure it really existed. I'm sure getting one hell of an education!" He smiled at Paul.

"Yeah, I think I need to be more forthcoming, more helpful in explaining things. Over the next few days we probably ought to take some time to really dig into our lives as we lived them before we met. Whata ya think? Is that a good idea?"

"Yes. Maybe I can help you understand what it's like to be one of the poor, naive lower middle class crowd." Dave was half chuckling when he said that in an attempt to communicate that he was joking.

"I'll take you up on that because I want to know all I can about the man I love. But, Dave, please don't think you have to make any apologies about your background. I think I've said this before but you are intelligent, you have manors, you are a caring person, you know who you are, you have a strong understanding of right and wrong, and you have nothing to be ashamed about. You have more class already than many of the people I grew up with and they have more money than they will ever need. So please... ask anything... at any time."

"Mr. Roehl, Mr. Baker, you flight is about to begin boarding; you can proceed directly to the gate."

"Thank you..." Paul looked at the agent's nametag, "...Estell, we're on our way." Paul led the way as they retrieved their carry-on bags and walked to the gate. Paul let Dave go first. He walked right up to the agent, showed his boarding pass and was told to right on. Paul followed. Dave began walking down the aisle and just as he passed the bulkhead separating first class from coach, he heard Paul call him.

"Here, Dave." He turned around to see Paul sliding his bag into the overhead. "Hand me your bag." Paul added Dave's bag to the overhead. "Window or aisle?" It finally dawned on Dave that his seat was in first class.

"Ah... window, please." Paul stepped back and extended his arm as if to say `After you'. Their seats were the last row in First Class so only the bulkhead was behind them. Once seated they waited until the rest of the passengers boarded before the flight was ready to depart. During the wait the flight attendant served them a glass of California Merlot. Dave was drinking more than wine as he savored the lush treatment he was getting. After the door was closed and the aircraft began taxiing the cabin lights were dimmed. Dave placed his right hand on Paul's leg just above the knee and squeezed quite hard. Paul sat forward real quickly and groaned due to the surprising pain Dave was inflicting.

"I'll bet you treat all your men to First Class," Dave leaned over and said softly into Paul's ear.

Paul grasped Dave's hand and moved it from his leg into his crotch. "Only the one I love... and you're it." Paul was close enough to kiss Dave's cheek and he did. "Would you like to know what I have planned for the man I love in about an hour and a half from now?"

"No. What're you gonna do to him?" Dave asked softly.

"When I get him alone in the condo I'm gonna strip all his clothes off and make slow... passionate... love to him. I'm gonna show him just how much I love him. And before I finish, he's gonna be begging me to fuck him."

"Lucky guy!" Dave whispered then he and Paul kissed briefly, the flight attendant was approaching. Dave quickly withdrew his hand from Paul's crotch; he could already feel it growing and thought it best not to encourage any further activity like that.

"Would you gentlemen like another glass of wine, a cocktail maybe, or, perhaps some cold wet towels?" A faint grin spread over her face. The boys knew they had been caught and the young lady didn't even blink an eye. She'd probably already seen about everything there was to see so a couple of men kissing was no surprise.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 23

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