David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Dec 5, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 25

The rest of the week progressed normally. The only difference was that Dave now had someone around to talk too and he didn't seem quite as lonely. Another benefit of having Mike around was that he liked to cook. And he knew how to fix a number of great Mexican dishes. Friday morning, Dave got out of bed and went into Mike's bedroom (the door was open). Mike was still asleep and he was out from under the covers, which allowed Dave to examine his body. Dave could tell that the bruising was beginning to subside and it wouldn't be too long before it was all gone. He tapped Mike on his right foot. It was a trick he had learned early in his Army life, never awaken someone by shaking them by their shoulders, they might come out of sleep swinging. The safer approach was to tap them on their feet. Mike began to stir. He opened his eyes and saw Dave standing at the foot of his bed.

"Get up sleepyhead and run with me," Dave said, it was more of a request than a command.

"Yeah," Mike responded, "good idea." He rubbed his eyes then rolled out of bed as Dave left to go back to his bedroom to get dressed. Mike wondered if Dave had seen his morning boner but it didn't matter; Dave had seen it many times before when they roomed together. Still, he was beginning to have those thoughts again. In a matter of minutes they were standing outside the house stretching and then took off on their run. Dave shortened it to two miles because he had no idea what condition Mike was in. After returning to the house Dave went to shower and get ready for class while Mike fixed breakfast. Before Dave left for class, the two men sat at the breakfast table finishing a second cup of coffee when Mike asked a question. Dave had already sensed that Mike wanted to say something, he just wanted to be patient and let Mike move at his own pace.

"Dave..." Dave looked up from his coffee, "You've always been completely straight... uh... well, maybe not the best choice of words... you've always been up front with me so now I'm asking, tell me, how long can I stay here."

"Uh... I haven't thought about it, Mike, I suppose... no, not suppose, it's definite, the invitation is good for as long as you need it. I'll admit I like your company. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I've been thinking. If I can find a job, I can help pay for things and maybe even get to a point where I can support myself and get out of your hair."

Dave looked into Mike's eyes and thought for a minute. He could see that Mike was serious about this. And he believed Mike would be better off if he had something to keep him busy. His wanting to be on his own was a good sign of recovery. He was starting to put the pieces back together.

"I think that's a great idea, Mike, if there's any way I can help, just let me know."

"Man, you've already helped more than you can ever know. I don't know if I'll ever be able to repay you."

Dave just smiled, "Fortunately, I don't charge interest." They both laughed.

Later that afternoon when Dave arrived home from class Mike walked up right behind him.

"Any luck?" Dave asked as he inserted the key in the door and turned the lock.

"Maybe, I applied at the McDonald's, the BK, the Wendy's, and the Subway. They all promised to let me know sometime next week."

"Great! Let's have a beer and hope for good luck," Dave suggested. An idea popped into his mind. Later that evening as Dave sat at his desk he decided to go ahead with the idea he had earlier and he lifted the phone and dialed.

"Hello," a cheerful voice on the other end answered.

"Hi, Sis, how you doing? And how are my boys?"

"Davie! How sweet of you to call! We're all fine here and the boys are growing like weeds. How's school?"

"Stimulating, and hard. I think my brain atrophied while I was in the Army. I really called to fill you in on something that has happened."

"What!" Kate exclaimed as if she were expecting to hear about some horrible event. Dave told her about Mike, his old roommate, coming to stay with him. When he explained that Mike' used to be Miguel', Kate remembered. She even remembered some of the pictures he had sent her.

"Say, is John home, I'd like to talk to him."

"Sure, Davie, he's right here, just a sec."

"Hi, David, how you doing?"

"Great, John, I got a question for you."

"Shoot, Bro."

"Well, I don't know how to go about this and if I'm out of line, for heaven's sake please tell me but do you ever get involved in hiring at the Subway you own here?"

"Not normally, but if you want a job I can fix that with a simple phone call."

"No, it's not for me, it's for my roommate, my roommate from the Army. He's here visiting and today he applied for a job at your shop. He's a really good guy, I'll vouch for him."

"Okay, I'll make a phone call, but Dave..." John asked.


"I can't promise anything because I don't really know what the situation is there. You understand?"

"Yeah, sure, John, I understand, and I sure appreciate you trying. I've not told him I'm doing this either, just so you know so there's no pressure if it can't happen."

"Thanks for telling me, Dave, that's the best route. Is that all?"

"Yeah, and thanks again. Say goodbye to Kate for me, okay?"

"Yeah, Dave, bye."

"Bye." Dave hung up the phone. He was almost excited at the prospect that Mike might find a job, the boost in his confidence would be good for him.

Next, Dave called Paul and they talked for over an hour. Paul was interested in getting together again but he wasn't sure that him visiting at Dave's place would be a good idea with Mike now living in the house. Dave expressed a strong interest in flying to Texas so they could spend a weekend at the ranch together, and soon. Paul was receptive to the idea and promised he would begin looking at his calendar for a good date.

Saturday morning Mike found Dave with his head in his books. "Do you do that all the time? Don't you ever take a break and have some fun?" Mike asked.

Dave looked up from his studies. "Yeah, I can take a break occasionally but I really want to make top grades. I want to have lots of choices when I graduate. Did you have something in mind?"

At that moment the phone rang. "Hello?" Dave answered. "Yeah, he's right here, just a sec." He handed the phone to Mike.

"Hello... Yeah, this is Mike Sanchez... You... Yes... Yes... Okay, Monday morning, 8:00 AM. I'll be there! And thank you, thank you very much... Bye!" He handed the phone back to Dave. "YAHOOOOOO! I GOT A JOB!" Mike jumped up and down and pulled Dave out of his chair and made him jump up and down with him, shouting all the time.

"Where?" Dave asked.

"Subway! They want me to start Monday morning at 8:00 AM. Man, this is great! I fucking can't believe it."

"This calls for a celebration, man," Dave announced, "Let's go for pizza and beer tonight, my treat."

"Okay, but I buy!" Mike insisted.

"Flip ya for it," Dave offered.

"Yeah, bet I can flip ya and dick ya before you can throw me and blow me!"

"Don't bet on it my friend," Dave cautioned. "But if you want to spend money you don't have to get me drunk it's okay with me."

"Oh, please, don't remind me of the last time when you practically carried me back to the barracks."

"Okay, I won't, how about I take a break now and give you a guided tour around the campus. Who knows, maybe someday you'll get a chance to be a college student." Dave advised.

They took a walking tour of the campus and Mike was both surprised and impressed. He had no idea what it was like to be on a college campus. They got back home in time for lunch then Dave went back into his room to study some more while Mike watched football on the TV; he kept the sound real low so it would not disturb Dave.

That evening they walked to a nearby Italian restaurant and asked for a booth in the corner. Mike ordered two Coors Lite's and an extra large supreme pizza, no anchovies. Dave was sure Mike wanted to talk some more and it didn't take him long to begin. The waiter brought their beer.

"So, uh... what do you do for... uh... you know... entertainment?" Mike said as quietly as he could so nobody would overhear, then he took a swig of beer. He wasn't really sure how to start talking about sex.

"You mean sex?" Mike just nodded and blushed a little. Dave knew exactly what Mike wanted to know and he saw that as a good sign. The fact that Mike was beginning to think about sex probably meant he was moving on. But it also made Dave realize Mike might have misunderstood or misread Dave's motives for bring him here.

"Ah... Mike, we've been pretty honest with each other and I think it's time I clear up a few points. I hope you don't think I asked you to come here to be my sex slave."

"Well... not exactly," Mike answered then with eyebrows raised and a seductive grin on his face, "But it's a tempting thought."

"Ha-ha, I'll admit there was a time in when I thought about that. But I didn't arrange to get you here all by myself, I had help. I invited you to stay with me because I consider you a close friend and you were in a heap of trouble. Mike, what I'm about to tell you is probably going to be a surprise, but I'm involved in a monogamous relationship with another guy and we've pledged to be partners for life." Dave nervously took another drink from his mug and watched carefully for Mike's reaction. It came quickly.

"No Shit!" Mike exclaimed in a rather loud voice then looked around to see if anyone was looking in their direction. Continuing in a quieter voice, "I had no idea! Wh... who is he? Where is he? I haven't seen anyone around!"

"Yeah, well, his name is Paul and he doesn't live here. We manage to get together for a weekend every once in a while. In fact he was here just last weekend but he had to go back to his work. And he and I worked together to bring you here, he knows everything."

"Wow! Knock me over with a feather!" Mike leaned back in the seat and took another swig of beer. Dave waited patiently for Mike's next comment. Finally, "I take it that means we, you and I, we don't have much of a chance of... uh..."

"Yes, Mike, we don't. I really love him. You know, if circumstances had been just a little different maybe you and I could have found out... well, you know." Dave was quick to add, "But I want you to know I love you to, just not in the same way as I do my partner. I love you, like a friend, but I'm not `in love' with you, if you know what I mean. And I hope you'll continue to stay with me for a while. I really hope this isn't going to be a problem for us."

Mike swallowed another swig of his beer, "No, Dave, it's okay. I'm cool with it; I just had no idea. Yeah, I have to admit I always had the hots for you but I really do understand. Look! After what you've done for me, your friendship means more than anything I could ever dream of.

At that moment their pizza arrived. They had already polished off the first round of beer so Mike ordered another. They attacked the pizza but continued their discussion.

"Ya know, this is all new to me. Once I finally admitted I was gay I wanted to find out what it was like. And that's what got me in trouble; I should have waited until I got out of the Army. So now I haven't a clue on how to meet other gays." Mike took a bite of pizza, which allowed Dave to talk for a while.

"Yeah, I know, I still remember the feeling. Look... don't be in a hurry. I've not met a lot of other gay men but I know where to find them. I'll try to give you some help but one thing you don't want to do is get in with the wrong crowd. And you want to take good care of yourself, protect yourself. Let's take this kinda slow, talk about it over the next few days and weeks." Dave took a bite of pizza and Mike picked up the conversation.

"I haven't told anybody in my family yet, only you and the whole damned Army knows. How have you handled it?"

Dave swallowed the pizza he was chewing and took another drink of beer. "Only four people know, you, my partner and lover, my sister, and my best friend from high school."

"Man," Mike interrupted, "the way you said that, `my partner and lover,' it just sounds so strange and erotic, it makes me shiver, it's kewl. I just never heard it said so casually before, especially about two men."

Dave had to chuckle because it had the same effect on him. "Well, my sister found out when I was fourteen. Her husband, John, remember, you met him at the football game; he doesn't know. My best friend from high school, well, we kinda discovered gay sex together. He's in the Navy and will be getting out early next summer. Then there's my partner," Dave smiled, "he's terrific."

"Will I get to meet him?" Mike asked.

Dave hesitated, "You already have but I can't tell you any more than that. He and I'll have to agree on when to tell you." To say that Mike's curiosity was now highly fueled would be an understatement.

By this time they had consumed the pizza and two beers. Dave suggested that if Mike wanted to they could continue their conversation as they walked back to the house and. Mike paid for dinner and Dave thanked him. They didn't have much to talk about on the way home, each man somewhat lost in his own thoughts. Once in the house Mike got them another beer from the fridge and they plopped their butts down in the living room. Mike wanted to know all about how Dave decided he was gay and how he dealt with it, even while in the Army. Then it was Dave's turn to ask the same question of Mike. It was well past midnight before they decided to call it quits and turn in.

Mike lay in his bed in awe of the evening's activities. Never in his entire life had he participated in such an open, honest, no-holds-bared, conversation. He felt so liberated.

Sunday morning Mike dragged himself out of bed to discover that Dave had already eaten breakfast and was sitting at his desk studying. He had never seen anyone with that much dedication to anything. While Dave studied, Mike ate breakfast and puttered around for a while.

"Want to go to church with me?" Dave asked. Mike had not seen Dave approach and was slightly startled.

"Maybe, where do you go?"

"I found a small, non-denominational church about two blocks from here and the minister is kinda young, 30-31 maybe. Can a Catholic dude go to that kind of church?"

"Yeah, I can do that, just don't tell my mama." Mike chuckled. "What time?"

"I'll change, dress is casual, give me about fifteen minutes. Looks like you're already dressed okay."

Dave changed clothes and he and Mike walked to church. Mike was raised a Catholic but had investigated other Christian churches when he was in the Army, so going with Dave was not so unusual for him. They both found the sermon inspiring, something they could apply to their daily lives, and thanked Rev. Fields on their way out of the church. Dave got the feeling there was a look of recognition in Rev. Fields' eyes when they shook hands and it gave him a nice, warm feeling.

After church, Mike wanted to walk past the Subway to have a look around; he was anxious to start work. They each bought a six-inch sub and took it home for lunch. After lunch Dave stripped his bed and started doing the laundry. Mike took that as a signal that he should do the same and then took over the duty so Dave could continue studying. Mike began to realize just how much he owed Dave. He also felt a bond with Dave that he had never felt with anyone before, and although he was sexually attracted to Dave, the bond that he felt was much more than sexual.

In between managing loads of laundry in the washer and dryer, Mike lounged around watching NFL football while Dave studied. The phone rang about two o'clock and Dave answered because the only phone in the apartment was in his bedroom on his desk. Dave thought about that as he picked up the receiver.

"Hi, Babe, how's it goin'?" The bedroom door was open but Dave didn't think Mike could hear anything over the sound of the TV.

"Hangin' in there, I don't have any problems that a lifetime with you won't solve, or just give me ten minutes." Paul chuckled.

"Ten minutes your ass!" Dave replied, "Say, that does sound good! Tell me, what's been going on?"

Paul gave a rundown on his `opportunities,' that's what he called the problems he had to deal with on a daily basis. Paul also mentioned that the MPs were following up on the three names Mike had given Dave but nothing had developed yet. Then Paul asked how things were going with Mike and Dave gave him a complete report. After about an hour of conversation the two lovers e xpressed their love for each other and said goodbye.

Dave sat quietly, trying to get restarted on his studies but couldn't get Paul off his mind. Actually, what he wanted to do was lay down on the bed and jackoff but got up instead and followed some delicious aroma wafting form the kitchen where he found Mike baking a cake. Mike had sneaked out to the grocery store and bought a bunch of food and was cooking up a storm. He had a pot roast he was going to make for dinner. Then Dave remembered the telephone question.

"Mike, I think we need to get you a telephone for your room. You should have your own private line so you can talk to all the friends you're going to have." Dave smiled.

"Yeah, right!" Mike laughed.

"I don't mean to pry, but with three brothers and three sisters, there has to be one of them you can talk to. Surely one of them can help you figure out how the rest of the family will take your being gay. Maybe he or she can act as an intermediary. I sure hate the thought of you losing your whole family without a fight."

"I don't know, Dave, I'll have to think about that." Dave could see that Mike seemed to be a little sad and he wished he hadn't brought up the subject. Fortunately the conversation ended there and Dave returned to his room and continued studying.

Monday morning Dave made Mike go running with him before breakfast them Mike went to work and Dave went to class. Later, at lunchtime, Dave contacted the telephone company to have a phone installed in Mike's room. That evening Mike was already cooking dinner when Dave arrived from class and Mike's excitement about his work was obvious.

Tuesday, Mike began a normal shift. Dave had tests in three of his classes and he felt very confident about the results. When he got home Mike was fixing dinner again and Dave thought they ought to talk about that.

"Mike, you don't have to do all the cooking, I know how to cook too."

"Well, I have more time than you and I'm living here essentially free so it only seems right that I should contribute something." Mike had a puzzled look on his face. "Don't you like my cooking?"

"Oh hell yes!" Dave responded, "It just doesn't seem balanced, that's all. Look! Let's sit down in the next few days and work out a plan. I have more time on the weekends so maybe that's when I could cook. But we also need to go out some of the time. And as far as the groceries are concerned, we ought to go shopping together and share the cost. Right now you seem to be buying everything. I want to be fair about this."

"Okay, I get it, I just jumped in too fast. I already have stuff for dinner for the next few days so why don't we work this out this weekend?"

"Deal!" Dave replied and they high-fived with big smiles.

Wednesday morning they went running again; that was becoming part of their routine and it seemed to be helping Mike adjust. Dave could see some of Mike's confidence and old, happy personality starting to return. The phone company activated the line in Mike's room and he went to Wal-Mart after dinner and bought a phone. When he got back he connected the phone and called Dave to check that it worked properly. When they hung up their phones Dave walked into Mike's room.

"Here. I made a list of names and phone numbers I'd like you to have just in case of an emergency. This is for my sister Kate, this is my parent's number, and this is the number for the student health service at the university. This last number is for the guy who owns this house, the one I work for. (Dave had already explained his arrangement with Joe while Mike was still `Miguel' and in the Army.) I'd like to have some phone numbers of people you would like me to call if an emergency arises."

Mike looked at Dave with the funniest expression on his face.

"What?" Dave asked.

"Oh, you amaze me! I just never knew you were this well organized, that's all."

"Yeah, my sister says I'm anal retentive."

Mike began to laugh. "You're what?" and he laughed louder. He was pretty sure he knew what anal' meant but the retentive' threw him.

"Anal retentive. It a psychology term that means I roll my shit in little balls." Dave began to laugh a little too; the situation was turning very humorous. Mike's laughter intensified to an uncontrollable level and he fell on the bed holding his sides.

"What the hell does that mean?" Mike almost shouted between laughs.

"It means..." Dave was laughing so hard he couldn't complete the sentence without more laughter, "means, I'm..." more laughter, "I'm overly organized..." more laughter, "I got my shit together!" Dave was sitting in Mike's desk chair and Mike was curled up on his bed in the fetal position, both laughing hysterically. It really wasn't all that funny except that both men just seemed to be in a mood to laugh. It was very therapeutic. When their laughter finally subsided both men had the feeling that the relationship they shared as roommates in the Army had been thoroughly reestablished. They were back to normal.

Paul called later that evening and as usual, Dave answered the phone before it rang. Paul was getting used to it.

The rest of the week passed uneventfully. Thursday evening, Dave called Joe and told him about his Army buddy, Mike, staying with him and offered to pay for the room but Joe told him not to worry about it. The room was empty and one extra person wasn't going to make any difference. Joe was just happy Dave had been up front with him about it.

Friday, Dave had tests in his remaining classes and again felt he had done well. The boys took Friday evening off and went to dinner and a movie.

Saturday Dave studied as usual while Mike worked. Mike didn't have to work but took every opportunity to get extra time and money when one of the other employees was sick or needed time off or was a no-show. They also made a trip to the grocery store and stocked up on food. Dave had to continually question Mike's choices because he seemed to want stuff they didn't need to spend money on, just like a little kid. They had a lot of fun shopping together. For dinner, Dave took some chicken breasts, coated them with olive oil, dipped them in breadcrumbs, added some spices and baked them in the oven. He fixed a salad and green beans to go with the chicken. Mike made some brownies, which were supposed to last a few days. Ha!

Sunday morning they again went to church, Dave was beginning to like the place and Rev. Fields even said he was glad to see Dave and Mike again. That afternoon Dave was back at his desk studying as he reached out and picked up the phone before it rang.

"Hi, Babe," Dave answered.

"Hi, Babe, yourself, Babe. How's school?"

"Great! I had a bunch of tests last week and I think I did pretty well. Say, where are you?"

"You're sharp, dude, I'm at the ranch wishing you were here with me. How did you know?"

"Your voice sounds different. And I wish I were there with you," Dave almost whined, "we could make great music together, or whatever."

"Are you alone, is Mike around?"

"I'm in my room and Mike is in the living room watching football, why?"

"Close the door."

"Okay." Dave got up and closed the door. He was using a cordless phone, which allowed him to move around quite easily. "It's closed." Dave was walking back toward his desk.

"What're you wearing?" Paul asked.

"Levi's and a T-shirt, why?"

"Takem' off." That sounded like a command.

"Yes, Sir." Dave replied automatically. He unbuttoned his Levi's, lowered the zipper, pushed the pants over his hips, let them fall to the floor, then stepped out of them. Then he set the phone down, removed his T-shirt and picked the phone up again. "Okay."

"What are you still wearing?"

"White athletic socks and a pair of the boxer briefs you got me."

"Shuck the boxer briefs but leave the socks on, you look really sexy that way. Then lie down." Dave removed the briefs and lay back on the bed.

"Now what?" He asked. He didn't really need to ask, he just thought Paul was really interested in directing the action so he would play along.

"This may be a test of your imagination, are you hard?"

"I'm gettin' there, how about you?"

"I've been hard since the minute I heard your voice. Now, take hold of yourself and start to stroke like I'm doin'."

"Yeah, Babe, do it!" Dave urged.

"Oh you smell so good!" Paul said.

"What? You have smell-a-phone?" Dave asked with a chuckle.

"Even better, I have a pair of your old ratty briefs."

"Aak, where did you get those?" Dave asked.

"Remember the weekend at the beech when I bought you the boxer briefs? The ratty ones you took off just seemed to find their way into my bag. Now I have them over my head so my nose is in your smelly crotch. You smell so good."

"You pervert!" Dave exclaimed. "Wait a second!" He put the phone down and then picked it up a few seconds later. "Okay, I'm ready."

"Dare I ask what you did?" Paul asked, not sure he wanted to know.

"Remember that weekend at the Westin when I packed your bags for you? Well, I did some stealing of my own. Now my nose is in your smelly crotch and I'm ready for action."

"Good boy. Now who's the pervert? Where were we? Oh, yeah. Close your eyes. Imagine I'm lying beside you and I lean over and kiss your eyelids, then the tip of your nose. Our lips meet. Your lips part and allow my tongue to invade your oral cavity. You taste wonderful. Our tongues make love for a few minutes then my lips search for other targets. Ah, there's a nipple, so firm and erect. My tongue bathes it, caresses it, give's it affection. Ha! The fingers of my right hand have found a steely hard and hot shaft and they slowly wrap themselves around it. You are so hard, so hot, and yet so soft. My hand slides to the base of your shaft and savors the feel of your silky pubes. Now my fingers begin to softly stroke your scrotum and play with the two perfectly shaped eggs contained within. I lift them, roll them around with my fingers. They are heavy with seed yearning to find release. Releasing those treasures, my fingers rediscover your stiff shaft and begin to stroke it. When my thumb reaches the tip it finds a very slippery liquid leaking from your slit. Around and around my thumb tenderly spreads the liquid over your glans. Down -- up --- down --- up, my hand enjoys the length of your manhood. You're breathing increases. My lips close over your other erect nipple and my teeth take a nip at it. Oh, how sweet you are. Your passion is growing. Let it go. We'll come together in a blaze of glory. Up -- down -- up -- down, I'm getting close, so close. Cum with me, Dave..."

"YES... YES! I'm cuming, oh, Paul, ohhhhh, I love you!" Dave, his body racked with convulsions, is overcome with his orgasm and he shoots his semen all over his chest and abdomen.

"YEAH, Babe... we've done it! I love you." Paul's hot, sticky, milky substance erupts from the end of his cock. His body experiences one orgasmic contraction after another.

Both men lay quietly for several minutes, each listening to the other's heavy breathing over the phone.

"That was great! How many times have you done that?" Dave asked in a quiet voice as soon as he felt strong enough to talk.

"You just experienced the inaugural event, Babe. This was a first but maybe we've stumbled onto something, whata you thing?"

"Man! You need to get one of those 900 numbers and charge for that service. I'd sure pay."

"Nah, it's only temporary. Say, we need to think about getting together. I think next weekend will be good for me, my schedule looks clear but I won't know for sure until Tuesday. Since you just had some exams, is there any possibility you can come to the ranch next weekend?"

"Man, can I!" Dave exclaimed. "With bells on!"

"Wonderful, but how about with nothing on! Look, I'll call you Tuesday night to confirm. We can go over the details then, okay? Now I have to get cleaned up and get back to the Post. You sure are messy."

"Yeah, so are you but you taste good," Dave said as he scooped up some of the cum still on his abdomen and brought it to his lips.

"So do you, my loving stud soldier, now I have to get a move on. Thanks for the therapy; talk to you Tuesday. Bye."

"Bye, Hon," Dave said reluctantly.

Paul hung up the phone and went into the bathroom to shower. He was in a light, happy mood thinking about his Dave and all that Dave meant to him and did for him. He couldn't stop smiling. After packing, he made sure the cabin was secure, hopped into his Boxster and drove to the gate. After locking the gate behind him, Paul took a long look back toward the cabin and thought `Next weekend is going to be so great!' He got back into the car and drove off down the road. A short time later, after leaving one of the little towns behind, Paul encountered a slow-moving 18-wheeler ahead so he pulled into the left lane and pressed down on the accelerator. A few drops of rain were just beginning to splatter on the windshield.

After hanging up the phone, Dave went into his bathroom and showered. He was grateful he had a private bath and didn't have to share one with Mike. Having showered and dressed, Dave sat back down at this desk and resumed studying. He now had greater motivation to work harder so he could kick back all next weekend without feeling guilty.

After about a half-hour Dave began to feel the beginning of a headache at the base of his skull so he got an aspirin from the bathroom then went back to his studies. Before long the headache had spread around to his temples and was pounding hard. He turned off the desk lamp because it was bothering him, moved over to the bed and lay down for a while. He must have gone to sleep bec ause the next thing he was aware of was Mike tapping him on the sole of his foot. When he rolled over to speak to Mike the pounding in his head came back, but not as bad.

"You want to go to dinner?"

"What time is it?" Dave asked.

"A quarter to six," Mike replied, "Chinese sound okay?"

"Yeah, give me a minute. I seem to have a whopper of a headache," Dave said as he sat up. His headache intensified so he lay back down. "Whoa," Dave groaned.

"Bad?" Mike asked.

"Yeah... Never had one this bad. I don't think I can eat anything right now. Why don't you go ahead, I'm not very hungry."

"Okay, I'll bring some back so we'll have something here if you change your mind," Mike offered.

"Yeah, that'll be okay, thanks." Dave lay back down. Mike got two aspirin from his bathroom and took them and a glass of water back to Dave.

"Here, Bud, take these." Dave looked up and saw what Mike held in his hands and sat up. He was really impressed that Mike would demonstrate such concern for his condition; he was touched.

"Thanks," Dave said as he sat up slowly and washed the aspirin down with the water. Then he lay back down; he didn't hear Mike leave. Dave awoke about an hour later and his headache seemed to be much better. He got up and went into the kitchen where he found Mike eating Chinese takeout. He had just returned and the food was still warm. Dave joined him and they had dinner together.

Dave's headache continued for the rest of the evening. He went back to his desk and continued studying, trying to ignore the pounding in his head. Monday morning Mike checked to see if Dave wanted to run with him but Dave begged off, his headache was too strong.

Tuesday was normal but Dave's headache continued to make its presence known on a diminished level. He looked forward to Paul's phone call later that evening. By 10:00 PM Paul had not called and Dave was beginning to feel concerned. He knew that if Paul didn't call he had a damned good reason so he went to bed.

"Dave... Dave... I love you," it was Paul's voice. "Paul! Where are you?" "I'm right here, Dave, I love you." Dave could see Paul standing at the foot of his bed. "I love you to, Babe, why are you here?" "I came to tell you I love you, Babe, and I'll be with you." Paul's image began to fade. "Paul, don't go, Paul, PAUL!" Dave called out Paul's name as he sat up in bed. He was drenched in sweat. He looked at the clock and it read 03:18 AM. Dave sat still for a few moments, he felt stunned; then he heard a knock at his open bedroom door. "Yeah?"

"You okay? I heard voices." It was Mike.

"Uh... yeah, I'm okay, just a dream. Thanks for checking."

"See you in the morning. Wanna run?" Mike asked

"Yeah, that'll be good. Goodnight." At that moment Dave became aware that his headache was gone. He lay back down but he did not sleep, only dozed from time to time.

Dave was asleep when Mike shook his foot. "Run?" Mike asked; he was already dressed.

"Yeah..." Dave replied as he swung his feet out of bed and stood up. He quickly threw on his running shorts and T-shirt then his socks and shoes. He was ready.

Wednesday seemed like a normal day. Dave's headache was gone but it bothered him that Paul had not called. All evening he kept waiting for the phone to ring. Twice he picked up the phone but all he heard was the dial tone. Thursday was another normal day except that Dave was getting more nervous that he had not heard from Paul.

By Friday, Dave was almost beside himself with worry about Paul. After his last class he went home and called Paul's BOQ room.

"Roehl. Please leave a message after the tone and I'll call you back."

"Paul," Dave's voice was filled with emotion and concern, "call me as soon as you can. Please!"

The phone didn't ring that evening or all day Saturday. Sunday afternoon Dave couldn't wait any longer. It had been a week since they talked; he called Paul again.

"Roehl. Please leave a message after the tone and I'll call you back."

"Paul, Honey! Please call me! Where are you! I need to hear from you. PLEASE, PLEASE CALL ME!" Dave sounded desperate.

On Wednesday, Dave called again and again the answering machine picked up. This time he practically screamed into the answering machine, subconsciously hoping Paul was in the room and would answer the phone.

Mike had been watching Dave's behavior change over the past week and a half and was beginning to get worried. That evening he went into Dave's room and found him slumped over his desk with his head lying on his arms.


"Yeah?" Dave didn't look up he just talked into his folded arms.

"Talk to me, Dave, It's pretty obvious something is going on." Mike gently placed his hand on Dave's shoulder. Dave did not respond for several moments while he considered what to say. Finally, raising his head he looked Mike in his eyes.

"I can't find Paul."

"Whata ya mean, you can't find him?"

"He was supposed to call last Tuesday but he didn't. I've been calling ever since than but only get his answering machine. I'm worried, Mike, really worried!"

"Well, there has to be a reason, he'll call, you'll see." Mike was trying to be encouraging even though he hadn't a clue about what to do.

Thursday afternoon Dave called again. This time he got a different response.

"We're sorry, the number you have called is no longer a working number. Please consult your directory and try again."

Thinking he might have miss-dialed, Dave dialed again. "We're sorry, the num..." Dave hung up the phone. Now he was starting to feel panic. There had to be someone who knew something about where Paul was. `Major Lewis!' he thought. He remembered the phone number for Major Lewis' office; it was his old number, so he dialed it.

"Transportation." The voice of a young clerk like he used to be answered.

"This is Mr. Baker, may I speak to Major Lewis, please."

"Sir, Major Lewis doesn't work hear anymore, he's been transferred to the Pentagon."

"Thank you." Dave hung up the phone. He was stunned. `Oh, God... Oh, God!' he thought. "What do I do? What do I do?" He was panicking. He fell onto his bed. Tears began to flow. He felt lonely and completely helpless - lost. He was still lying there when Mike came home.

"Dave, what's wrong?" Mike asked as he sat down on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on Dave's shoulder. He was truly concerned.

"Oh, Mike, I can't find Paul. Now his phone's been disconnected. I... I don't know what to do. I've tried to call someone else but he isn't there either." Dave began to sob; he felt so lonely. Mike had absolutely no idea what to do. All he could think of was to sit with Dave until he regained some of his composure.

Dave didn't eat anything that night but he did attend classes on Friday. He tried to block his fears by immersing himself in his books. Mike got Dave to run with him Sunday morning; then they went to church. Dave prayed like he never prayed before. He prayed for Jesus to protect Paul and he prayed for help finding him. He prayed for help and guidance on what to do. As Dave and Mike left the church Rev. Fields couldn't help but notice the look of concern that had taken control of Dave's face and he also noticed Mike's worried look.

Dave continued into the next week praying every night for Paul to call him. He managed to stagger through his classes, trying to focus on the material he was supposed to learn.

"Friday evening he fixed himself a sandwich for dinner; he couldn't eat anything more. Mike was working the evening shift to help cover for someone who was sick.

"Ringggg..." Dave was on top of the phone and practically ripped the receiver out of it's cradle.

"Hello?" There was tremendous anticipation in his voice.

"May I speak to Mr. David Baker, please?"

"This is David," Dave was instantly engulfed in nervous anticipation.

"My name is Arthur Radford, from the Dallas law firm of Harrison-Kermit-Lambert. Do you know a Mr. Paul Roehl?" The only thing Dave's mind absorbed was the mention of Paul' name; he filtered out all the rest.

"Do you know where Paul is? I need to talk to him. Where is he? Please tell me!" Dave was sounding frantic because he was.

"Uh... I think I should come to your house so we can talk. May I do that?"

"Uh... Yes! Of course." Dave wasn't thinking very straight.

"Okay, I'm at the airport and I know where you live. I'll be there in about thirty minutes. Is that all right?"

"Yes! I'll be here, please hurry." Dave didn't know why he said that. He hung up the phone and began wringing his hands and pacing the floor. `Who is this man? Where is he from -- did he say Dallas? What does he know about Paul? Why does he want to talk to me?" Question after question popped into his mind as he waited impatiently for the man to arrive.

About twenty minutes later the doorbell rang. Dave had calmed down a bit and was sitting in the easy chair. The doorbell acted like a trigger and he sprang from the chair as though he'd been shot from a cannon. He rushed to the door and almost ripped the handle off trying to get it open.

Arthur Radford had rented a car at the airport and it didn't take him as long as he expected to reach Dave's house. He parked the Lincoln Towncar in front of the house, picked up his briefcase and got out of the car. Standing on the sidewalk looking up at the house he felt like he really wanted to turn and drive away. This was going to be so painful; it would only add to the pain he already felt. He walked up the steps, onto the porch and rang the bell. He heard footsteps running to the door and then the door opened rapidly as if it was about to be ripped from its hinges. Standing before him was a very worried, yet very attractive young. `I can certainly see how Paul could fall in love with him, he's beautiful,' Arthur thought.

"David Baker?" Dave nodded. "I'm Arthur Radford. May I come in?"

"Oh, yes. I'm sorry," Dave said as he stepped aside to allow his guest to enter, "You said you knew where Paul is. Where is he?"

That's not what Arthur said but he knew that's what Dave wanted to think he said. "May I sit down, please." He asked.

"Oh, of course," Dave replied, "Sit anywhere you like." He closed the door as Arthur walked over to the sofa and sat down. Dave took a seat in the easy chair facing his guest. "Please," Dave begged with intense apprehension and trepidation.

"First let me ask a few questions." Arthur began as he opened his briefcase and took out a notepad. `God I hate this!' he thought. "You are the same Corporal David Baker who was stationed at the same Army Post with Captain Paul Roehl?"


"And you have you been to Mr. Roehl's ranch and the Ft. Lauderdale apartment with him?"

"Yes!" Dave felt like he was going to explode. `Where the hell is this guy going with all these questions?' he thought.

"And you're the same David Baker who Paul Roehl committed to as your partner." That was not a question, it was a statement.

"Yes, Damnit! What's this all about?" Dave was becoming irritated. He wanted this man to cut to the chase.

"Dave," suddenly Arthur's tone was much softer and the look on his face changed to one of much more compassion, "Almost two weeks ago Paul spent Saturday and Sunday at his ranch. Sunday afternoon as he drove back to the Post he was involved in an automobile accident. He was in a coma for about forty-eight hours before regaining consciousness. However, he lapsed back into a coma and passed away early the following Wednesday morning. I'm sorry." Arthur had watched Dave all the while he was talking and could see the transformation from interest to concern to fear to horror.

Dave's jaw slackened and his mouth fell open. "No," he said almost in a whisper. His chest felt like it was being squeezed by a vice. He tried to breathe but didn't feel like he was getting any oxygen. "No," he repeated himself. His mind went blank -- he couldn't think. "No," he was in denial. He began gasping for air. Slowly he got up out of the chair and began to wonder across the room. "No," he said again just as softly as the first time. He refused to accept that Paul might be gone, gone from his life forever. "No!"

Arthur watched in agony. He felt the pain Dave was experiencing. He watched as Dave walked across the room. And when he saw Dave reach out to grab the back of one of the dining chairs and saw Dave's legs begin to wobble, he leaped up from the sofa and rushed the short distance to where Dave was now sinking to the floor. Arthur was able to grab Dave's left arm in time to guide him gently to the floor. He couldn't stop Dave from falling but he was able to prevent him from hurting himself.

"No." Dave said quietly as he lay on the floor. Arthur watched for a few moments to see what was going to happen next. Dave appeared to be semi-conscious, not awake but not asleep either. He checked Dave's pulse and thought it was a little fast but not a real problem. Finally he decided to move Dave to his bed. Arthur bent down, slid his arms under Dave's knees and shoulders and lifted him rather easily. Arthur was surprised at how light Dave was. He looked around and concluded the bedrooms were probably down the short hallway to his right. Not knowing which room was Dave's, Arthur looked around and when he saw van Gogh's `Yellow House' hanging above a desk he knew it had to be Dave's room. Arthur carried Dave in and laid him on his bed. Dave immediately curled up in a fetal position and went to sleep. He had suffered a life trauma and his mind and body needed rest.

Arthur stood silently beside the bed looking down on the crestfallen youth before him. "Oh, Paul, the hearts you have broken."

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 26

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