David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Dec 5, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation -- 26

To David's fans, My name is Jeff and I am the author of "David's Initiation."

First let me say that David's story will continue. After finishing Chapter 25, I find I need some time to decompress and share in David's grief over loosing Paul. I'm surprised to discover Chapter 25 has had a greater impact on me than I ever anticipated and I need some time away from the story in order to gain a fresh perspective and energy to continue it.

David has allowed me to see several years into his future and I can promise you he will recover. His life will continue with more challenges and successes and Paul's influence will continue to play an important part in Dave's ongoing adventure.

Now is probably the appropriate time and place to recap what has happened so far in Dave's story and provide a list of the principal players. As I have already told some of David's fans, this story began as a simple one or two-part tale about a track team initiation ceremony. It just got a little out of hand, if you'll pardon the pun. A few readers have noticed and commented on how I interchange references to David' and Dave'. The reason is simple; when David left home he became `Dave'. And as anyone who has left home and changed his name can tell you, any time you go back home or are around friends from your boyhood past, your family and all your friends call you by the name that is stuck in their memories. You learn to live with it. Now let me begin summarizing David's life up till now.

David Baker: By the time he was 13 years old, David had figured out that he was more interested in boys than girls and came to the conclusion he was probably gay. Growing up in a small town in the Southeast U.S. didn't offer the safest environment live out his orientation so he successfully disguised his desires all through high school to everyone but his sister and his friend Danny Baker. Danny graduated a year ahead of David and enlisted in the Navy, leaving David to survive his senior year alone. David graduated the following year and decided Danny's escape route wasn't such a bad idea. He postponed college, much to his parent's disappointment, and enlisted in the Army. David managed to put his sex life on hold until the two months before the end of his Army tour when he met Lt. Paul Roehl. The physical attraction between David and Paul quickly turned into a deep love, which they managed to hide from everyone except Dave's sister, Kate. Dave is now out of the Army, in college, his Army roommate Miguel/Mike is living with him and he has just learned of Paul's untimely and tragic death.

Here is a list of other important players in David's life in somewhat chronological order:

Kaitlin (Kate) Baker Close: David's sister, two year's older than he, married to John Close, mother of fraternal twin boys, Mark and Matthew, with another boy on the way. Kate guessed David's gay leanings when he was 14 years old and has supported him with her love ever since.

John Close: Kate's high school boyfriend, now husband, initiated David into the high school track team, plays tight end in the NFL, owns several franchises of Subway Shops. He doesn't yet know David is gay.

David and Nancy Baker: David's parents.

Daniel (Danny/Dan) Chambers: David's high school friend and first experimental sex partner. Dan enlisted in the Navy, got stationed near San Francisco and has found he loves the gay lifestyle that is available to him there.

Tiffany (Tiff) Foster: David's childhood friend, prom date, his first and only piece of female ass (she was the aggressor), and despite some differences of opinion, still a good friend.

Joe Krug: an architect, David's mentor, he helped awaken David's interest in becoming an architect too, is helping him get through college.

Mr. McCracken: owner of the construction firm where David worked while in high school and after leaving the army.

Marcus Walter Richardson: a young black man whom David initiated into the track team, at Marcus' brother's request. They became good friends, David recognized his potential, got him accepted into the Alpha Society (previously all white), encouraged him to achieve his intellectual potential, helped Marcus get a summer job with Mr. McCracken's construction company.

Paul Roehl: Army Lieutenant, Dave's love, lover, and declared partner. Paul was attracted to Dave the minute he saw him in the weight room of the Gym Annex. He adroitly pursued and seduced Dave in his BOQ room (which raises the question, is it possible to seduce the willing?) Through various trips to the ranch, the symphony, the theater, the beach, Paul introduced Dave to a world he thought only existed in movies or on TV and generally expanded Dave's worldly experience. Paul died in an automobile accident while driving his Boxster from his ranch to the Army Post; he always had a heavy right foot. Paul is extremely wealthy but Dave doesn't know it.

Captain Harvey Lewis: Dave's unit commander, someone David admires.

Todd Michaels: Bellboy at the Westin Hotel where Paul and Dave spent a couple of weekends; he provided them a great deal of help and they befriended him.

Miguel Sanchez: one of Dave's Army roommates and good friend, comes out to Dave just before Dave leaves the Army, and is later assaulted for being gay. Dave and Paul secretly arrange for Mike to go stay with Dave while he recovers from his injuries.

Reverend Timothy Fields: Minister of a small non-denominational church only two blocks from Dave's off-campus apartment.

Paul's death has changed Dave forever. When David's story continues it will focus on restoring him to a stronger and more secure person than he was before Paul's tragic death. Other characters will be introduced as the story progresses.

The continuing story will appear under the title of "David's Recovery." David of the Nifty Archive has agreed to continue posting the new chapters in the "Davids-Initiation" file to make it easier for readers to find it.

If you enjoy reading this and other stories on the Nifty Archive I want to encourage you to make a contribution to this wonderful resource of entertainment. If you want to e-mail the author, please include the name of the story in the subject line. If you want to abbreviate it to DI' or DR', that will work also. I normally delete all e-mail not so identified without reading it.

Thanks for your kind comments and encouragement, Jeff

Next: Chapter 27: The Recovery 1

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