David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Feb 14, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Recovery 07

Sunday morning, Dave awoke early as usual. Sundays were down days, days he and Mike didn't run. He hadn't heard Mike come in last night so he assumed it had been late. As he walked past the door to Mike's room, Dave was a little puzzled to see him asleep with all his clothes on, even his shoes. Dave just smiled and shook his head. `Must have been one hell of a night!' he thought before going to the front door to get the paper. He and Mike had agreed that they should subscribe to the Sunday paper in an effort to stay abreast of world events.

Dave proceeded to the kitchen, started the coffee, poured two glasses of orange juice, dumped some cereal in a bowl, added milk and a banana and settled down to read the paper. He finished the cereal, rinsed his bowl out and set it in the sink, then fixed some toast to go with his second cup of coffee. Just after he sat back down and picked up the paper, he heard the shower running in Mike's bathroom. Dave smiled to himself, he wasn't sure why, he just liked the guy and hoped he was doing well. About fifteen minutes later Mike, wearing sweats, stumbled into the kitchen, drank the glass of orange juice Dave had fixed for him, poured a cup of coffee, sat down at the table and stared into his coffee.

After about five minute of silence, Dave looked up from the newspaper at the same time that Mike looked up from his coffee and they made eye contact. Dave smiled. Mike grinned and Dave was sure he saw Mike blush, although with Mike's complexion it wasn't easy to tell. Dave was curious as hell about Mike's evening but there was no way he was going to ask. Mike wanted to tell Dave about the great sex he and Todd had but, at the same time, that was private and he wanted to keep it to himself. How typical of the male mind!

Mike finally ate breakfast and together they cleaned up the kitchen. Like typical males, they still hadn't said a word. Mike was the first to speak.

"Wha'cha doin today?"

"Oh, the usual, study here, go to the library. You?"

"I'll get dressed and go to church in a little bit, work later." Mike paused for a moment then continued, "I got a few things to thank God for."

Dave just let that statement stand without comment. If Mike was of a mind to, he'd say more... but he didn't. The two young men went about their daily activities just like normal. In fact, the rest of the week was routine. On Tuesday and Thursday after class Todd stopped by the Subway to see Mike and have a beer at Applebee's. They talked about anything and everything except what happened in Todd's apartment last Saturday night.

"Can you go out Saturday?" Todd asked as they sat in the car in front of Mike's house Thursday evening.

"Yeah. What'll we do?"

"You wanna come to my place for dinner?" Hell' Todd thought, nothing ventured, nothing gained.'

"What time?" Again, Mike accepted without any questions about what's for dinner or what's the entertainment. He didn't care what Todd would fix to eat and he could assume what the entertainment would be.

"I can pick you up about 5:30," Todd offered.

"Look, I can ask Dave to let me use his truck, that way I can save you two round trips."

"That'll work, just let me know if you can't get wheels and I'll come get you."

"Okay," Mike replied as he leaned toward the center of the front seat. Todd met him half way and they kissed. This time, Todd placed his hand on Mike's knee and slowly slid it into his crotch. Mike didn't flinch; he just spread his legs farther apart.

Not to be outdone, Mike groped and massaged Todd's package in much the same way he was being groped and massaged. Mike finally decided they'd better stop before he had an accident. He released Todd and backed away.

"See ya Saturday," Todd managed to say after he caught his breath.

"I'll see you too," Mike replied only Mike was thinking about really seeing Todd naked.

Friday morning Dave and Mike were on their normal run when Mike raised the issue of Dave's truck.

"Say, Dave, any chance I might borrow your truck Saturday night?"

"Sure, Mike, anytime. Got a hot date?" Dave asked that more as a joke.

"Yeah. Todd invited me to dinner at his place and if I drive then he won't have to bring me home. It'll save him some driving."

"That's a good idea. And it's good of you to think of it."

"And don't worry about gas, I'll leave you with a full tank." Mike offered.

Saturday morning Dave made his first visit to the Phylos Foundation food pantry where he made several new acquaintances, including a couple of women, one black, one white. He concluded they were probably lesbians but not necessarily a couple. He was put to work very quickly filling shopping bags with a variety of food items. There were canned goods like beans, applesauce, condensed soups, tuna, and other things along with dry goods like potato flakes, cold cereal, minute rice, and potato chips. After three hours, Dave was hot and sweaty but it was time for him to leave, that's all the time he could afford. He said goodbye and after many expressions of thanks and requests to come back he headed home -- schoolwork awaited.

Todd went to the grocery store and bought a top quality pot roast for dinner. Then he selected some fresh carrots and potatoes, which he would add to the meat about 35 minutes before it would be done. Todd believed that would be enough to satisfy their hunger but not too much to make them feel stuffed. For desert he decided to make some brownies; they were easy to make and serve. On the way home he stopped at a liquor store and bought a nice inexpensive California cabernet to go with the meat. Several times he asked himself, `Why am I doing this?'

Mike drove into the apartment complex parking lot and found a spot next to Todd's car. `Is this a sign, an omen?' he wondered. Carrying the bottle of inexpensive California Rhine wine Dave had suggested he take, Mike walked up to the door of Todd's third-floor apartment and knocked.

Todd had just put the carrots and potatoes into the roasting pan and closed the oven door when he heard a knock at the apartment door. Until then he had been calm but at the sound of the knock he instantly felt very nervous. "Calm down boy, calm down!" he said out loud as he started walking to the door.

Todd opened the door to see a very attractive, very sexy, hot looking young Hispanic man. Mike was wearing black penny loafers with dark brown socks, dark brown pants, and under his jacket was a cream colored T-shirt with `I LOVE SAN ANTONIO' on the front of it. Around Mike's deliciously slender neck was a white bone necklace that contrasted beautifully against his skin. Flashing a wide smile that seemed to gleam, Mike was looking at him through round, deep brown eyes. His hair looked just like always and Todd felt an uncontrollable urge to run his fingers through it -- hopefully later.

"Hi!" Mike said, as if to shake Todd from the trance he seemed to be frozen in.

"Oh, hi. C'mon in." Todd said as he stepped back from the door. "Let me take your jacket," he added.

"This is for you," Mike said as he extended his hand that was holding the bottle of wine. Todd accepted the bottle as Mike slipped out of his jacket and handed it to Todd who hung it in the small hall closet. When Todd turned around Mike was standing just where he left him. Todd walked right up to Mike and stopped less than an inch away, waiting, he was like bait. He didn't have to wait long because Mike leaned forward and kissed Todd gently. Strangely, neither man reached for the other; they just enjoyed their lips touching. Also strange was that both men kept their eyes open. In a matter of seconds they began to chuckle and broke the kiss.

"Thanks for the wine, it'll go great with dinner." Todd instantly decided to serve the wine Mike brought, even though it was not chilled, as a way to compliment him for such a nice gesture.

"Wow, sure smells good, can I hire you to be my cook?" Mike actually had other chores in mind for Todd.

"Sure, but I gotta warn ya, I don't come cheep." Todd turned and led the way to the dining area. Mike was still thinking about Todd's comment about not cuming cheep. "Okay to start drinking this now?" Todd asked as he got a couple of Old Fashion glasses from the cabinet.

"I brought it to drink so let's drink it," Mike replied. Todd opened the bottle and poured some in each glass. He handed one to Mike and raised his as if in a toast.

"Let's hope the food is good and the evening is interesting." Todd said.

"Here's to friendship." Mike said, hoping he wasn't being too forward.

They each took a sip and then began a casual conversation about what interesting and crazy things that had happened at work. By the time they finished their second glass of wine Todd had pulled the roast from the oven, placed it and the veggies on a platter and carried it to the table. Mike sat down as Todd filled their glasses with more wine, then Todd sat down around the corner of the table from Mike so they would be closer together.

Mike wasn't exactly sure what to do next. Would Todd say Grace before eating? When he saw Todd pick up the serving fork and begin placing some on Mike's plate he concluded that the formality of Grace was not going to be observed tonight. That was okay with him because he only observed that ritual about half the time anyway. Todd then sliced off a chunk of the roast and placed it on Mike's plate then sliced a piece for himself.

"Dig in," Todd invited, "and if it's no good we'll throw it out and go for pizza." They both chuckled.

"Hey, this tastes great!" Mike exclaimed as he began to chew his first bite of beef.

"Really? I see you haven't died yet so I guess it's okay for me to eat now," Todd joked as he raised his fork to his mouth and inserted a bite of meat. They both laughed at that comment. After a few bites, Todd began a new line of conversation.

"It sure was nice of your roommate to let you borrow his truck." If Todd had walked to the parking lot he would have recognized the truck but that wasn't going to happen tonight.

"Yeah, Dave's the absolute greatest guy you'd ever want to meet. I'd like for you to meet him some time. I know you two would like each other."

"You said you two were roommates in the Army? Does he know you're gay?" Todd had a purpose to his questions.

"Yes, he does. In fact, I told him just before he got out of the Army."

"And how did he take it, how did he react?"

"Oh, he was cool with it! Ya see, he's gay too."

"No shit!" Todd was really surprised. This isn't where he thought the conversation was going. "Have you two ever... you know... like done anything together?

"Oh no. Ya see... he didn't tell me he was gay until after I told him. And less than a week later he was gone. There wasn't time."

"What about after you got here?"

"Well, that's another story. We talked about it and that's when he told me he already had a partner who he was really in love with. The way he said it made it pretty damned clear that there was no chance for me." Mike took another bite of meat.

"I guess he's still hooked up? Have you met the guy?"

"Well... now there's a real tragedy. A few weeks after I got here, I came home from work one evening and there was a strange man in the living room. To make a long story short, Dave's partner had been in a car accident and died. The guy in the living room was a lawyer who had just broke the bad news to Dave. Oh God!" Mike paused as he remembered that horrible moment. "I felt so bad for Dave; he was devastated. And he hasn't been the same since. But, ya know what, I'd do anything to help him. With all of his problems, he's still gone out of his way to help me when I needed it."

"So you never met Dave's partner." Todd felt a little depressed by the sad story Mike was telling.

"That's another really strange thing, I did, but I didn't know he was Dave's partner... or that he was gay." At that moment Mike realized he couldn't continue this story without explaining what happened to him at the end of his Army enlistment. "Todd..." Todd looked into Mike's eyes indicating that Mike had his complete attention and waited. "I want to explain a few things. I've not told anyone else around here and Dave's the only one here who knows any of this." Todd nodded his head, reached out and placed his hand on top of Mike's.

Mike began explaining about getting caught behind the gym and getting arrested then attacked in the barracks.

At that moment Todd reached out his hand and touched the scar under Mike's left eye. "Is that when you got this?"

"Yeah." Mike's comment was cold and his face was like stone when he said that.

Mike then told about how this Army Captain/lawyer helped him get out of the Army early and how the captain turned out to be Dave's partner. So he had met the guy but didn't know the significance at the time. As Mike told this story, not once did he say Paul's name. Had he done so, Todd would surely made the connection. When Mike finished, the two men sat in silence for a few moments contemplating the way life twists and turns. Finally, Todd stood up and began removing the dishes from the table.

"Here, let me help," Mike offered, "I'll wash, you dry."

"Oh no. This is my house. We play by my rules." Todd said with a big smile.

"Awe, c'mon, I always wash at our house, I'm good at it."

"Well... okay, but next time I wash." Both men looked at one another, fully aware of the implication of that comment.

Mike seemed quite at ease washing the dishes and kept watching where Todd was placing them after he dried them. As Todd stood next to Mike waiting for the next item to be dried, he allowed his right hand find its way to Mike's left buttock. He began caressing it slowly and gently.

"I'll give you three hours to stop that," Mike announced then turned and smiled at Todd.

"God, you are so hot, you really turn me on." Todd said as he moved his face close to Mike's, they kissed briefly.

"Un-ah, finish your chores, little boy or you won't get any candy later," Mike responded as he resumed washing the roasting pan, they were almost finished.

"Yes, Mama," Todd chuckled as he pinched Mike's butt causing him to jump into the air. He really liked the way Mike could be serious one minute and joking the next. Todd finished drying the roasting pan and placing it in the cabinet, folded the towel and draped it over the rack, and then turned to Mike and swept him into an embrace and a kiss. After about a minute they stopped the kiss and looked into each other's eyes.

"I want my candy now," Todd said softly.

"You've been a good boy, Todd Pepper, so you can have anything you want." Mike meant that too.

Todd led Mike straight to his bedroom where they slowly undressed each other. All afternoon Todd had been having a running debate with himself about how the evening should develop. In Plan A, Todd would take Mike to the bedroom, remove his clothes, bring him to the brink of orgasm and then keep him there for two or three hours before allowing him to cum. In Plan B, he would take Mike to the bedroom, remove his clothes, go down on him and get him off as rapidly then spend the next two or three hours enjoying each others bodies then sharing another climax like last Saturday. One thing was certain - they were going to enjoy sex together. It never occurred to Todd that Mike might resist what he had planned and it never occurred to Mike to resist.

Todd made sure the lights were on so they could both enjoy the visual stimulation of watching what they were going to do to each other. He took Mike into his arms and kissed him tenderly then began slowly removing clothing. When Mike attempted to remove Todd's shirt he was stopped and told to wait. Todd proceeded to remove one article of clothing at a time, slowly and patiently examining and kissing each square inch of exposed skin. Mike gasped when he felt Todd's lips on his steel prick, which was leaking pre-cum like a faucet. Poor Mike was actually shaking by the time Todd finished and stepped back to admire the adorable nude man standing before him. Then Todd took Mike in his arms again, held him and kissed him until he relaxed then released him.

"God, you're beautiful... like a real man," Todd exclaimed breathlessly. "Now it's your turn," Todd announced as he closed his eyes and waited for Mike to begin stripping him.

Todd had no way of knowing, but one of Mike's longtime fantasies was to slowly undress a man and examine every square inch of his body. Now his fantasy was being handed to him on a silver platter and he wasted no time. He did to Todd exactly what Todd had done to him and when he finished he was ready to explode. Taking Todd into his arms, Mike kissed the object of his desire and waited for Todd to guide him to the next level of their pleasure.

He didn't have to wait long. First Todd took Mike's hands and placed them on his shoulders, then he placed his hands on Mike's hips and held them at arm's length. Looking down between them, he positioned his body so that the head of his cock made contact with the head of Mike's. They looked into each other's eyes and smiled as they felt a tingle pass between them. They were both leaking pre-cum and it was mixing at the source. Next, Todd moved closer so that their pricks were side by side and he took them in his right hand and held them straight for comparison. Amazingly they looked very much alike. They were exactly the same length, about six inches, and cut. Both seemed to have a very slight curve to the left. Mike was almost beside himself with excitement. When they leaned forward and their lips touched it felt like they had completed a circuit; the tingle seemed to flow through their cocks to their lips and back to their cocks.

Breaking the circuit, Todd directed Mike to lay down on the bed, face up then he lay down next to him and pulled them together in an embrace. Todd wasn't sure but he thought he heard Mike whimper. Mike couldn't control his feelings, for years he had fantasized about laying naked with a man and feeling their bodies rub together. In a move that felt so natural, Mike draped his right leg over Todd's left hip. After a few moments Todd rolled Mike onto his back and slid his body comfortably between Mike's legs. Mike responded by wrapping his lower legs over Todd's legs at his knees -- they seemed bonded.

Todd pushed himself up with his elbows and gazed down at Mike. "Miguel." He said softly and kissed the tip of Mike's nose.

"What?" Mike responded, almost in a whisper.

"I just like the sound of your name... Miguel."

"I like the way you say it." Mike lifted his head and kissed Todd's chin.

Todd kissed Mike's eyelids. Then he kissed the scar under Mike's left eye and let it linger for a few seconds. Lowering his head so he could nibble on Mike's left ear, Todd whispered, "Miguel," in Mike's ear. A hum seemed to emanate from deep in Mike's throat. Todd kissed and licked his way under Mike's chin to his right ear where he whispered again, "Miguel." Mike made the same sound again. Slowly, methodically Todd continued licking and kissing his way to Mike's smooth chest. Mike felt like he was floating three feet above the bed. Todd looked at Mike's right nipple and marveled at the pencil eraser' shape just before it disappeared between his lips. When Todd's tongue lovingly caressed Mike's erect nipple a very distinct whimper emitted from Mike's throat. The sound seemed to find its way to Todd's psyche and arouse him even more than he already was. This was a totally new reaction for him; he'd never had anyone do that before. Todd moved to Mike's right nipple and got the same response. God, Mike is exciting!' Todd thought.

Mike opened his eyes and looked down to see Todd's lips covering his nipple then laid his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes again. That sight was sooo erotic. When Todd began to move again and kiss and lick Mike's torso, Mike lifted his head to see where he was going. Mike giggled when Todd's tongue swirled around his innie navel - it tickled. He continued watching as Todd's lips and tongue continued down to the top of his left thigh then moved to the center between his legs. Mike was now resting on his elbows and he gasped when he watched his left nut disappear into Todd's mouth. Mike's eyes closed as his head tilted back and his mouth gapped open. But not wanting to miss a thing, he lifted his head and continued watching as his left nut, wet with saliva slid from Todd's mouth, which then delicately sucked his right one inside. Mike had no idea that could feel so good.

As Todd released Mike's right egg he looked up and smiled then turned his head to the right and closed his lips around the base of Mike's penis. Mike shuddered with great anticipation. Affectionately Todd nibbled and licked his way up the length of Mike's cock and, finally, holding Mike's penis in his hand, he opened his lips and slid them over Mike's very slippery helmet. Mike grew very weak and could no longer support himself with his elbows. He collapsed back against the pillow with his mouth open and whimpered ever louder than before.

At that moment Todd knew he would have to use Plan B, there was no way Mike would last for two or three hours without an orgasm. He lowered his head on Mike's cock, taking more and more into his mouth, and eventually deep into his throat. Mike raised his head again and almost couldn't believe his entire erect penis was inside Todd's mouth but not only could he see that it was, he could feel it too. He watched Todd lift his head exposing a few inches of his cock and then slide back down, taking it all inside again. Mike fell back to the bed again and whimpered louder.

Todd was holding on to Mike's nuts and could feel them begin to retract. Remembering his last experience with Mike's orgasm, he slipped his left arm under Mike's hips so he could hold on better, then he began to hum softly while he pressed his right thumb firmly against Mike's perineum. Mike yelled. It was almost a scream but there was too much pleasure in it to be a scream. Mike's hips bucked, almost throwing Todd off of him but Todd was able to hold on. It was a wild ride. Mike's first volley shot directly down Todd's throat before he could back off. Todd managed to collect the remainder of Mike's semen in his mouth and hold it there until Mike was calm enough to release him.

Laying Mike's spent pecker off to the left Todd crawled up Mike's very limp, almost wasted body. When he reached Mike's mouth, it was open but when Todd moved close enough to make contact, the mouth closed and the lips prepared for a kiss. Carefully Todd used his tongue to caress Mike's lips open and let the mixture of saliva and cum trickle into Mike's mouth. At first Mike wasn't sure what was happening, he was not yet totally recovered form his dazed condition. Also, Mike had never tasted his own cum before. Quickly adding two plus two, Mike realized that Todd was feeding him his own cum and he opened his lips wider to receive the offering. After thoroughly mixing the liquid with their tongues they both swallowed until it was totally consumed.

Todd rolled off to Mike's right side and Mike snuggled as close as he could get then he drifted off into a light slumber. Mike was exhausted. Todd couldn't stop smiling as he pulled the sheet up over them. He had had many men before but never one who seemed so willing and desiring and appreciative as Mike. Mike was like putty in his hands, willing to accept anything Todd offered him. Mike seemed so innocent. THAT'S IT!' Todd thought. Innocence, that's what's so different, so appealing, so... so captivating.' Todd affectionately ran his fingers through Mike's hair; there was something about Mike's hair that intrigued him. "Miguel, my Miguel, I think I love you." Todd whispered to the top of Mike's sleeping head. That was the first time he had ever said that to anyone and because it was the first time he ever said that and because it came from deep within him, he knew he meant it. The only question now was, how did Mike feel? Then Todd's mind took the next logical step, `Damn! I wonder if he's a virgin? I'll have to be careful, I want to be sure to make his first time really good.' "Trust me, Mike, let me take care of you." Todd whispered to the top of Mike's sleeping head again.

After about fifteen minutes Mike began to return to consciousness. At first he realized he was being held close a warm body, Todd's body. Then he was sure he could feel his cheek pressing against Todd's erect nipple. Repositioning his face slightly he was able to wrap his lips around that protrusion and heard a soft moan. Much more alert now, Mike realized that Todd probably still needed to get off so he pushed and rolled Todd onto his back with him on top.

Looking down into Todd's smile, Mike asked, "You gonna let me do you?"

"If you want to," Todd responded, his smile getting even bigger.

"I want to." Mike said firmly, confidently and kissed Todd softly on the lips. "But you may have to teach me, I've never sucked cock before." Mike knew that his inexperience would soon be evident so he might as well get it out into the open.

Todd's smile reached deep into his heart. `Yes, my innocent love, I'll be glad to teach you everything.' "That's okay, just watch your teeth, the rest is easy." After a moment's hesitation he added, "And Miguel," Mike looked back at Todd, "try to think of it as sucking the man, not just sucking cock." Mike smiled as though he understood the significance of the difference.

They started with a kiss and Mike proceeded to copy everything Todd had done to him. Of course, he wasn't as accomplished as Todd but that didn't matter because Todd was already on cloud nine. When Mike finally reached Todd's genital area he was greeted with scents, aromas that were totally new to him and that were totally intoxicating and sexually arousing like an aphrodisiac. Todd was able to talk Mike through his gag-reflex and in his first experience of giving head, Mike was deep throating Todd's cock.

"I'm gonna cum, Mike." Todd made sure he gave the warning loud enough so Mike could hear. "If you don't want cum in your mouth you'd better stop now." Mike's answer was to slide all the way down on Todd's member and hold it deep in his throat. Todd certainly understood, relaxed and allowed his seed to gush into Mike's throat. Mike tried to capture as much of Todd's cum as possible but his lack of experience caused him to swallow most of it before he could stop.

After a very passionate cum-laden kiss Mike let his head slide to Todd's right ear where he whispered, "Damn, you taste good!" Mike was so proud of himself for being able to take cock deep on his first try and he wanted the next time to happen soon.

Todd wasn't as wiped out as Mike so after resting for several minutes they got out of bed and went to the kitchen for some brownies and milk. It seemed to be a very touching experience because they couldn't seem to keep their hands off of each other. They took the brownies and milk to the living room an d sat naked on the couch to watch some pro basketball. It didn't take too long before they couldn't care less what was on the TV and head back to the bedroom.

Back in bed, Mike and Todd proceeded to replicate their erotic activities of the previous Saturday night only this time it wasn't so frantic. This time they went more slowly and thoroughly enjoyed being together. Following their mutual climax, Todd went down to Mike's navel, scooped out a mixture of their cum and shared it with Mike. After resting for a while Todd suggested they shower together and call it a night. Mike was exhausted. When he got home Dave was already in bed so Mike turned of the light and went to sleep immediately.

The next morning, Sunday, Dave, as usual, was sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper when Mike staggered in wearing sweats again. After downing the glass of orange juice Dave had poured for him, Mike filled a mug with coffee, topped off Dave's mug, sat down and stared into the mug, watching the steam swirl and dissipate. Dave was in awe at how two men could be in the same room together and still communicate without speaking one word. It was almost like he could feel Mike's happiness. Finally Mike spoke and thanked Dave for loaning him his truck. Dave said he hoped it had been worth it and Mike assured him it was. Mike filled a bowl with Cheerios, added milk, quickly emptied the bowl, carried it to the sink, rinsed it out, poured some more coffee and sat back down.


Dave laid the paper down on the table and gave Mike his full attention, like he was expecting some announcement. "Yeah, Mike?"

"How... how do ya know when you're in love? I mean, like is it Love when ya wanna be around the guy all the time? Is it, like is it Love when ya want to touch him and want him to touch you all the time?" Mike was on a roll. "Is it Love when ya yearn to hear the sound of his voice, his laughter, like when ya can't get him outta your head? I mean, you were in love with Paul, how did you know? Can it happen fast or does it take a long time?"

"Miguel, do you think you're in love with Todd?"

Mike hesitated before he answered that question; he mused for a moment. "It's possible... Yeah, maybe, I guess so."

Dave waited for a moment before he answered. He wanted to walk around the table, take Mike in his arms and hug him. But he knew that was probably the wrong move. When Mike looked up and made eye contact Dave began.

"I think everybody's different. I was younger than you are when Paul and I met. I wasn't looking for it; I wasn't even looking for a physical connection, sex. I started off with very strong feelings about him; I liked him a lot, we seemed to click on so many levels. There were probably a couple of times while I was still at the Post that I almost told him I loved him but I held off because I wasn't sure how he would take it if I declared my love for him. Then, after I left, when I didn't see him for a while, I knew! There was no longer any question in my mind and I decided I was willing to risk everything because I wanted him to know. But he surprised me. The first night at the hotel he told me he loved me and he wanted me to be his partner." Dave now had tears in his eyes. The memory was so strong, so clear it was like it just happened. He continued. "So I guess the answer is, I don't know. I was in love with Paul quite a while before I was willing to admit it. You haven't asked for my advice but if you did I think I'd say, don't wait. Don't be afraid to show your emotions. I think men are too afraid of that. And if I ever get so lucky again I won't hesitate to tell someone how I feel about him."

It was Mike's turn to walk around the table and hug Dave. He got on his knees, placed his head into Dave's chest and they held each other for a few minutes.

"Thanks, Gringo."

"You're welcome, Wetback."

The rest of the week seemed to flow smoothly from one day to the next. The routine was set and both Dave and Mike were so busy, time passed quickly. The next Saturday morning Dave spent three hours as the Phylos Foundation filling shopping bags with food items and helping some of the clients carry the bags to their cars. From time to time he felt guilty that he had so much money available to him while the people he was helping had so little.

Saturday evening, Mike and Todd had dinner at T.G.I. Friday's and then adjourned to Todd's apartment. Todd wanted to see just how far Mike was willing to go sexually. He was already hooked on Mike; he had known enough men, had enough relationships that he just knew Mike was the guy he wanted to be with for a long, long time and he wanted to be very careful not to screw up the possibility.

Once inside the apartment with the door closed, the two men were quickly in each other's arms. They just held each other and kissed affectionately. They seemed calm, not in any hurry. Todd hung up their jackets and they sat down on the couch and cuddled for a while with the TV off. They were having such a good time holding and kissing each other that it seemed a shame to break the spell. Finally Todd did.

"Senior Sanchez, would you like to see my bedroom?" Todd asked in a very low, soft voice into Mike's ear.

"Um-hm," Mike replied, "I thought you'd never ask." They kissed briefly then Mike, who was on top, stood and helped pull Todd out of the couch. Arm in arm they walked to the bedroom. They had long since removed their shoes so Todd didn't bother to undress, he just crawled onto the bed and pulled Mike down with him where they resumed the cuddling they were enjoying moments earlier.

Very carefully and very slowly Todd began removing Mike's clothes and Mike made sure he kept even by matching Todd item for item. The disrobing lasted over thirty minutes and when finished, two beautiful young men lay naked, entwined in each other's arms and legs. Todd very delicately took control and began kissing and licking his way down Mike's body toward the goal of desire. Mike fully anticipated a blowjob like he'd had the last time and when Todd's lips slipped over the head of his cock and slid to the base of his pole, Mike was in ecstasy. Mike didn't think anything of it when Todd released his cock and began working his way back toward Mike's nipples, then lips; it was just more enjoyment. Todd rolled off to Mike's right side and Mike slid his left leg up and over Todd's hip, allowing them to be even closer. As they lay kissing, Mike could feel Todd's right hand caressing the area between his shoulder blades. Todd's hand slowly worked its way south. When the hand began to massage Mike's buns, Mike could feel himself begin to grow tense but the tension was not yet at a level where Todd could detect it. Todd just knew he was about to score a goal, a touchdown, etc., as his index finger slid into the crease of Mike's butt and touched the rosebud that he desired.

"NOOO!" Mike yelled as his body responded by pushing himself away from Todd and instinctively wrapping itself into a tight, defensive ball and he began to sob and his body was shaking. Suddenly he was shackled to the wall of that conversion van, about to get raped.

Todd was stunned. He didn't know what he'd done wrong and if Mike was hurt he wanted to fix it. "Mike! Mike! What's wrong, Babe?" He placed his hand on Mike's shoulder. "I didn't mean to hurt you, honest, I didn't. Please tell me what's wrong!"

The concern in Todd's voice got through to Mike and he began to recover. He didn't completely understand what had happened but he trusted Todd and he needed to be held so he reached out, threw his arms around his friend and pulled him close. "Hold me, please hold me!"

"It's okay, Mike, I won't hurt you, I love you." Todd hadn't intended to say that, it just slipped out. But it was true; he meant it. He just wasn't sure if Mike heard it. He wrapped Mike in his arms and pulled the covers over them to help Mike feel more secure and hopefully help him stop shaking.

Eventually Mike stopped shaking. The security he felt in Todd's arms was taking hold. He inhaled deeply, let out a very long sigh and almost melted against Todd. He knew what had caused his reaction; he had been ignoring it, avoiding it. Now was the time to face it. Todd needed to know. Gathering his courage and taking control of the situation, Mike rolled away from Todd, sat up, scooted back against the headboard and pulled his knees to his chest. He reached out, grasped Todd's hand and looked into his eyes.

"Todd..." Mike paused, he wasn't quite sure exactly how he was going to explain what just happened. "I... ah... I don't know how to explain this. A little over a month ago I went to one of the gay bars. I met this guy and, like a fool, followed him to his conversion van." Mike looked at Todd then lowered his head. In a very quiet voice Mike said, "He... he raped me." Mike's eyes were moist but he didn't cry or even sob. He just felt bad.

"Oh shit, Mike, sonofabitch!" Todd exclaimed as he scooted up against the headboard and pulled Mike into his arms. "What was the bastard's name? I'll cut his nuts off and shove them down his throat."

"I don't know, I never got his name."

"Oh, Mike, I'm so sorry. How badly were you hurt? Did you see a doctor?"

"No, Dave wanted to take me to the Emergency Room but I refused. He even examined me when we got home; he made me promised that if there was any sign of serious injury I was going to the E.R. There wasn't any blood but Dave went to the drug store and got me some ointment."

"Your Dave must be one heck of a guy!"

"He is, ya gotta meet him some time."

"Look, Mike, I never meant to hurt you; I could never hurt you. It's okay, we don't have to go there."

"Oh no. You don't understand. I want what you were doin', where we were goin'. It's... I just... what he did... it was my first time. I don't want to remember it like that. I know it has to be better than that and I wanna find out. Please..." Mike looked into Todd's eyes again, he was pleading.

Todd's desire for Mike was so strong but he didn't want to hurt him. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, please. I won't do that again. Now that I know why I did that I'm sure I can get past it. Make love to me, Todd." Mike leaned in and kissed Todd on the lips as if to confirm his desire.

"Let's lay back down and let me hold you for a while. Then we'll see."

"Okay," Mike replied and they repositioned themselves on the bed so that they were lying on their sides face to face.

It didn't take long for Todd to feel Mike's erection creeping up between them; his joined in the action to lay next to Mike's. This time Todd took a different approach. He began kissing his way down Mike's torso. Upon reaching Mike's equipment he first deep throated Mike's rod then concentrated on his testicles, one at a time. Placing his hands behind Mike's knees, Todd pushed then up and toward Mike's chest to expose his perineum. Mike began to participate by grasping behind his knees and pulling them further toward his chest. Pre-cum was already flowing from the head of Mike's tool and when Todd's hot, wet tongue stroked Mike's soft, smooth perineum a low guttural groan filled the room. Slowly, almost imperceptibly closer and closer to Mike's anus Todd worked his tongue. Mike was so hot, so aroused he could only squirm with glee and was so engrossed in the erotic pleasures controlling his senses he didn't consciously discern the moment when Todd's tongue finally began tenderly caressing the puckered flesh at the entrance to his rectum.

Realizing his success, Todd carefully brought the middle finger of his right hand into the action. After probing the tip of his tongue as deep as he could, Todd quickly wet his finger and, as he continued licking, his finger joined in the play. Mike's anus was relaxed enough that it provided no resistance and Todd's finger penetrated with ease. Once inside, Todd stopped his tongue action, kept his finger deeply in place and smoothly moved up Mike's body, stopping momentarily to slurp up some pre-cum before kissing Mike on the lips. Mike opened his eyes and smiled.

"I'm in, Miguel."

"What?" Mike was almost breathless from Todd's manipulations.

"I'm in." And Todd wiggled his finger ever so slightly.

"Oh... wow!" Todd wiggled his finger again. "Oh man, that feels so strange," Mike began to chuckle and Todd began chuckling too. It was almost like comic relief. "Don't stop now."

"You want me to keep goin'?"

"Hell yes!" Mike was quietly excited.

Without removing his finger from Mike's anus, Todd was able to reach into the top drawer of the bedside table and retrieve a tube of K-Y and a condom. With his left hand he popped the top on the tube open and squeezed an ample amount around the finger that was still occupying Mike's rectum. Slowly he began working the lube into Mike's ass. He could tell that Mike's anal sphincter was pretty relaxed so it was time for the second finger.

"Mike, I'm going to insert another finger. Tell me if it hurts and I'll stop."

"Kay." Mike's eyes were closed; he was concentrating on the wonderful feelings inside his ass.

Todd squeezed more lube on his index finger, placed it at Mike's entrance, then extracted his middle finger, joined the two and began feeding them both back into the hole. Todd felt Mike's sphincter clamp down on his fingers but except for that, Mike showed no other reaction. After more massaging Todd felt Mike's ring begin to relax. Todd had no delusions about the size of his cock; it was about average, certainly no monster. Never the less, he felt it wise to add one more finger. He added more lube and got his third finger ready.

"Mike, I'm gonna add one more finger. You okay?"

"Yeah, man, go for it."

Carefully, Todd began inserting three fingers. He felt Mike's body tense up and heard him suck air between his teeth. Todd stopped where he was. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just keep goin'."

"Does it hurt?"

"Kinda, but it hurts good."

Todd smiled; he understood exactly what Mike was saying. Todd decided to get it over with and rapidly but smoothly slid all three fingers as far into Mike's ass as he could get them.

"Ugh." It was the only sound Mike made and his body jerked slightly but then relaxed. After working his fingers around slowly Todd felt Mike's ring relax again and knew it was time. Holding the condom with his left hand, he placed one corner of the foil packet between his teeth and tore it open; the condom popped out and landed on Mike's abdomen. Mike didn't flinch. Todd squeezed a small dollop of lube on the head of his cock them picked up the condom, checked to make sure he had the correct side out and began rolling it down his shaft. Todd decided it might be best if he didn't warn Mike, just do it. Moving into position above Mike's body, Todd lined up the head of his cock with Mike's rear entrance, he removed his fingers and quickly and smoothly replaced them with his cock. Todd was pleased at the ease with which he entered. He took it to mean he had done a good prep job. He was so smooth that Mike didn't move of make a sound. Seeing that he was only a little over halfway in, Todd leaned forward to complete the penetration.

Soon Mike began to feel fuller and then he felt Todd's pubes against his ass cheeks. When he lifted his head and could see that Todd was buried deep inside him, without saying a word he closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the pillow as he exhaled. He felt a warm sense of accomplishment surge through his being. He squeezed his anal sphincter and felt Todd's cock pulse inside him, confirming his willing capitulation.

Todd had never felt this good being inside someone, anyone. Everything seemed to fit. He leaned forward, lifting Mike's hips off the mattress. Mike opened his eyes, reached out and pulled their heads together and they kissed. They both moaned loudly and Todd thought he could feel the head of his cock vibrating -- it was probably only his imagination. That position was very comfortable for both young men so they remained like that for several minutes, savoring the sensations. Eventually Todd thought the time was right to show Mike just how wonderful anal sex could be and he slowly and gently began withdrawing part way then sliding back in again. Mike's body language was speaking volumes and it continuously said `YES! YES! YES!' Now for the moment of truth!

"Ha-ha-ha, oh god!" The head of Todd's engorged penis had engaged Mike's prostate. Todd paused for a moment then did it again. Mike whimpered. Again, followed by another whimper. And so the rhythm continued. Mike's whimpers of delight were sending Todd to a higher level of arousal than he had ever experienced before. The feedback that Mike was transmitting was giving Todd greater reward than he had ever received. When Mike came suddenly his whimper was replaced with a scream of passionate delight and he shot cum everywhere. His physical response of writhing and bucking and wrapping his legs around Todd's waste like a vice, coupled with his almost virginal anal sphincter almost strangling Todd's cock, sent Todd over the precipice in a massive, mind blowing, electrifying orgasm.

They lay quietly, not moving, listening to their hearts pound, not knowing whose heart they were hearing. Occasionally Todd's cock would twitch inside Mike's ass and Mike would moan a response. Eventually Todd's cock followed nature's design, lost its rigidity and was ejected by Mike's rectum. When Mike felt Todd slip from his body he lowered his legs to the bed and Todd moved off of him and lay to his right. Mike rolled over on his left side and spooned back against his man and within a matter of seconds the two exhausted lovers were asleep.

Once more, early in the morning Mike and Todd reenacted their earlier accomplishment and went back to sleep in total bliss.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 33: The Recovery 6

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