David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Feb 14, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Recovery 06

Saturday morning about 10:15 AM, Dave was sitting at his desk studying when the doorbell rang. Mike was in the living room reading the paper and Dave assumed he would answer the door. He heard voices then Mike appeared at his bedroom door.

"Dave!" Mike almost whispered, there was an urgency to his voice. "Your mother's here."

Dave almost leaped from his chair. Neither of his parents had ever visited him since he moved in to the apartment and having his mother show up unannounced and alone concerned him. He walked swiftly into the living room.

"Mother!" Dave wrapped his mother in his arms and kissed her on the cheek. "Is

everything okay?" Because his dad wasn't with her, Dave's initial concern was that he might be ill and that's why he phrased the question in a positive way rather than a negative one.

"Yes, dear, I just came to bring you some chocolate chip cookies I baked this morning."

"Now, Mother," Dave knew she was hiding something, "thanks for the cookies but why did you really come?" He hugged her again, trying to soften her up.

"Okay, I just wanted to see my baby boy." She had tears in her eyes as she hugged him back.

"Well, that's a great reason," Dave acknowledged. Then, after a moment's pause, "How have you been?"

"Oh, I'm fine, same as always, clean house, fix dinner, go to church, the usual."

"How's Dad?"

"He's at work."

"I know, but how is he?"

"He's okay, he's been quite moody since you left. Kate spent a lot of time talking to him and he and John spent about three hours together before they left to go home. Since then he hasn't said much."

"You mean he's not talking to you?"

"We talk, but he' still moody. And who's this young man?" She intentionally changed the subject by focusing attention on Mike.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mother, this is Mike Sanchez, he was one of my roommates in the army. Mike, this is my mother."

"Yes, I remember, you mentioned him in several of your letters. It's nice to meet you, Mike." They shook hands. "But I thought your roommate's name was Miguel?"

"I'm glad to finally meet you, Mrs. Baker, and you're right about my name, I changed to `Mike' when I moved here. Dave's told me so much about you I feel like I already know you."

The conversation drifted to several topics, Dave's classes, Mike's work, their eating habits, and a few other issues. When there was a break in the conversation, Dave's mother asked for guided tour of the house. She was quite pleased with her son's accommodations but she grimaced just a little when she glanced into Mike's unkempt bedroom. Looking around Dave's bedroom she noticed a framed photograph of Dave and another man so she picked it up and began to really examine it. It was the photo of Dave and Paul taken when they went to the beech. After showing it to Alex and Steve a few weeks ago, Dave decided it would last longer if it weren't in his wallet.

"I don't think I've seen this picture before, David," she looked at her son and then back at the photo. "Oh... this must be Paul." She said, somewhat reverently, she had figured it out. "He's a very good looking young man." She looked up at Dave.

"Yes Mother ... he was," Dave said with sadness dripping from his voice, "and he had a beautiful personality to go with it." His mother stepped up to him and put her arms around her son.

"Oh David honey, I'm so sorry, you must have loved him very much."

"I still do, Mother, but..." Dave knew he couldn't go back, "I'm trying to move on. You know I went to see Paul's family a few weeks ago, they are wonderful people too. Maybe someday you'll get to meet them."

After an hour and a half, Dave's mother said it was time for her to get back home; she wanted to be there when Dave's father got home from work. Dave was sad to see her leave but her visit had been exceptionally enjoyable, if too brief. Her departure left Dave wondering if his father would ever come around.

Tuesday evening at work, Mike was on pins and needles and one of his co-workers even commented about it. At about 9:30, the door opened and in walked the handsome stranger from last Thursday. Mike had made sure he was there to wait on him.

"Good evening, Sir," Mike was all smiles at first then tried to tone it down a little, remembering Dave's advice. "What would you like this evening?"

Todd greeted Mike with a warm smile and thought, `How about you in my arms and a kiss?' Then he answered, "Do you have any parmesan-oregano buns tonight?"

"Yes, Sir!" Mike replied as he picked up a fresh bun that he had set aside earlier. "Six inches or the whole thing?"

"Six inches is all I can handle, with turkey, American cheese, lettuce, tomato, green peppers, olives, and oil and vinegar."

Mike proceeded to build the perfect sub for his now favorite customer. He also wandered if there might be some hidden meaning in the Todd's statement that six inches was all he could handle. Oh well, maybe not.

Todd enjoyed watching Mike and he began to notice more about the young men than he had last week. He noticed how nice Mike looked in his purple polo shirt; Mike's nipples were creating really nice points in the shirt. The black baseball cap with `SUBWAY' scrawled across it seemed to frame Mike face in a very seductive way. Todd loved watching Mike's fluid movements and then he noticed the small scar under Mike's left eye, it was so sexy.

"You want to make that another `Value Meal' tonight?"

"Oh... sure, why not!" Todd replied as his attention snapped back to reality. He found himself wanting to do anything to make Mike feel good. "I'll eat that here, if it's okay."

"Okay, Sir, that'll be $5.25."

Todd already had the money ready and when he handed it to Mike their hands made contact again, they both felt the tingle and their eyes met.

Todd took the tray, selected some baked chips, filled his cup with Dr. Pepper, and sat down at a table in the corner where he could see the entire shop. Once he had his meal spread out in front of him, Todd took a bite of his sub and looked at Mike. He was instantly rewarded when Mike looked at him. But this time Mike didn't look away, he maintained eye contact for a few moments and added a faint smile. Todd's heart began to race. `CONTACT,' he thought and he began to chew more slowly. That situation repeated itself a few more times until Mike walked from behind the counter and began to wipe off the tabletops. Again, Mike noticed that Todd's eyes seemed to be locked on to his butt. He blushed a little but not so that anyone could tell. When Mike began cleaning the adjacent table, Todd couldn't stand it any longer.

"Say, Mike, have you worked here long?" It sounded like one of those pick-up lines in a bar when a guy asks if the other guy comes there often. Todd cringed a little but the deed was done and it seemed to work. Mike stopped his cleaning, stood up and leaned against the edge of the seat on the other side of the table from Todd.

"A little over two months, maybe three months." Mike wasn't sure where to go with the conversation but Todd picked it up from there.

"My name's Todd Pepper. And you're Mike...?" He extended his hand without getting up from his seat.

"Mike Sanchez." They shook hands, and yes the tingle was still there. "Last Thursday's the first time I've seen you here. Are you a college student?"

"Yeah. Say, what time do you get off? Maybe you could join me for a beer, we could talk."

"We close at 10:00 and I'll be outta here about five minutes after that. Where'd you like to go?" Just that fast Mike had accepted Todd's invitation for a beer and conversation. He was excited and hoped it didn't show.

"There's an Applebee's at the far end of this strip mall, how will that be?"

"I'll see you there." Mike said as he stood up straight and resumed his cleaning. He had noticed how Todd's eyes kept scanning his physique from head to toe with obvious pauses at his groin. It made his cock begin to plump up. He wondered if it was obvious and if Todd had noticed.

Mike walked into Applebee's at about 10:10 and immediately noticed Todd sitting at one of those small, high, round tables and a waitress was just setting two glasses of beer on it. Mike climbed up into the chair and smiled at Todd.

"I hope you like Michelob Lite," Todd stated and again offered his hand to Mike. They shook hands again and Mike held onto Todd's hand, trying to get a feel for its strength and warmth.

"That's great." Mike replied. They both lifted their glasses and took a drink.

"So, are you from around here?" Todd launched the conversation.

"No, Texas. San Antonio. How about you?"

"I grew up over on the coast. This is a long way from Texas, what brings you here?"

"When I got out of the Army my roommate invited me to stay with him for a while so here I am." Mike left a little bit out but at this stage it was appropriate. "You said you are a student at the university, what are you studying?"

"It's called Hotel and Food Service Management. I want to get into the hotel business. I'm working as a bellboy at the Westin hotel near the airport and going to school part time. Have you thought about going to college?"

Mike immediately felt a connection with Todd; he was a working man like himself. "I haven't thought about it but it's not out of the question. Right now I don't have the money for it. At the moment I'm more interested in getting a car."

"You don't have wheels? How do you get around?"

"Oh, my roommate takes me or lets me borrow his pickup. Actually, there's not many places I need to go." Mike didn't realize it but he was giving Todd a lot if information that would serve them both well.

The conversation flowed smoothly with Todd asking about what Mike did in the Army and about his family, and Mike asked about what it was like to be a bellboy and about Todd's family. Each was probing the other in an effort to decide if there was reason to pursue something more serious. They both felt at ease with each other and they laughed quite often. Both men also felt a certain degree of sexual tension but each tried to keep it hidden from the other.

Finally Todd offered, "Let me give you a lift home." He was curious to see where Mike lived.

"That's okay, I only live a couple blocks from here, it's a short walk."

"Now, I won't take `no' for an answer. C'mon." Todd slid off of his chair and Mike followed him out the door. Once in the car, Todd started the engine then looked over at Mike and asked, "Which way from here?" Mike just pointed in the direction and Todd began driving. They reached the house in a just a few minutes. "Wow, that is close." Todd exclaimed then looked across the seat at Mike and asked, "Can I call you?"

"Sure. Give me your hand," Mike asked as he reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a pen. Taking Todd's right hand in his left, Mike began to write his phone number very slowly across the heal of Todd's right hand, creating an electric sensation between the two of them. By the time Mike finished they were both hard as nails. "Be sure to copy that down before you wash your hand," Mike advised jokingly.

Todd turned his hand around so he could read the phone number and replied, "Oh, no problem, it's now in the permanent data bank." Then he looked up at Mike. He wanted to kiss him but thought better of it. He didn't want to risk scaring Mike away. Instead, he extended his hand and said, "I'll call, soon."

Mike half expected a kiss but accepted Todd's hand as a consolation. "Please do. Goodnight, Todd." He pulled the door handle and the door popped open.

"Goodnight, Mike."

Mike walked up the steps to the house, stopped, turned around and waved before opening the door and going inside. Dave was already in bed but he had left a light on. Mike turned the light off, walked to his room in the dark, stripping his clothes as he went. By the time he reached the bed he was naked except for his socks, which would not interfere with the task at hand, speaking of which was already around his cock and stroking mightily. Gawd he was horny. He blasted his first shot of cum over his shoulder onto the pillow. The second shot landed in the middle of his chest and each succeeding shot was weaker still. Mike was wide-awake as he recovered from his orgasm.

`Slow down, Todd, don't get too far ahead of yourself. Mike could be the guy you've been looking, now don't fuck it up, take it easy, give it a chance. You don't even know if he's gay.' Todd thought to himself as he drove home. Ever since last summer when he met hotel guests Paul Roehl and Dave Baker at the Westin and saw the kind of wonderful, loving relationship two men could have, Todd vowed to find the right man he could love in the same way. The first time he saw Mike he was attracted to him visually and physically. His next objective was to find out what kind of person Mike was. Todd decided that Mike was certainly no wimp. Mike's Army service had pretty well established that fact. Also, he was easy to talk to, he smiled a lot and liked to laugh. Todd felt drawn to Mike, now he needed to find out how Mike felt about him.

Todd closed the door to his apartment and headed straight to the phone and dialed.

"Riiiiing!" Mike was so wired he must have cleared the bed by a foot. Then, with a cum-soaked hand he reached for his phone spreading cum all over the handset.


"Hey, Mike I just wanted make sure I had the right number and to tell you what a good time I had this evening."

"Oh, yeah, so did I, Todd!" Mike was able to say. Then he laughed. "You don't waste any time, do you!"

"No, not when it's something important, I'll see you Thursday. G'night."

"G'night, Todd." Mike listened to the `click' as the line went dead.

Dave came home for lunch to find Mike ready to throw some ham and cheese sandwiches in a skillet to grill them. Over lunch Mike filled Dave in on last night's happenings and told how much he was looking forward to Thursday night. Dave added his encouragement because he could see how excited and positive Mike was.

Thursday night Todd arrived at about 9:30 PM and Mike was waiting for him.

"The usual tonight, Sir?" Mike asked with an impish grin. They were well enough acquainted that the use of `sir' was no longer necessary but Mike did it just for effect.

"Yes, Michael," Todd responded somewhat jokingly sarcastic.

"Actually it's Miguel," Mike corrected him.

"Oh... I like that. That's a really nice name, Miguel, may I call you Miguel?"

"Sure, if you want to." Mike felt that Todd had just paid him a sincere compliment by expressing a desire to call him by his proper given name.

Mike finished wrapping Todd's sub and placing it on a tray along with a cup for a soft drink. Todd picked out some chips, filled the cup with Dr. Pepper and walked to the same table he sat in last Tuesday. For the next fifteen minutes, he and Mike exchanged glances and smiles until Mike began wiping off the tabletops.

"Join me again tonight?" Todd asked when Mike reached the adjacent table.

"Only if I get to buy," Mike replied with a smile.

"Okay, see ya at Applebee's in a few minutes." Todd said with a smile as he slid out of the seat.

Mike saw Todd sitting at the same table they used Tuesday and a waiter was just setting two beers down. Mike climbed up onto a chair next to Todd and wiggled around until he was comfortable. At that moment Todd changed his position slightly and their knees made contact. Mike felt a white-hot bolt of electricity surge through his body but he avoided looking directly at Todd. He also made sure his knee stayed in contact with Todd's. Both men picked up their mugs of beer and brought them together in a silent toast then took a large swig.

Todd got the conversation rolling by asking Mike when he might go back to San Antonio to visit and they continued from there. When their beer was about half gone, Todd couldn't wait any longer, this had to be the time. He looked into Mike's eyes questioningly and said quietly so no one else could hear, "I gotta ask this question." Mike just nodded. "Miguel," Todd took a deep breath, "are you... are you gay?" Todd held his breath as he looked into Mike's eyes pleadingly.

"Yeah." Mike answered softly and flashed a subdued grin. His eyes and his teeth seemed to sparkle.

"Whew!" Todd exhaled loudly and symbolically wiped his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Was that the right answer?" Mike asked with confidence.

"It was the answer I was hoping for. Man, if you'd given the other answer I could feel trouble comin' on."

"Are you?"

Todd looked up at Mike and grinned. "You need to ask?"

"Well, I just want to hear you say it."

"Okay, I'm gay. There! I feel a lot better." Todd seemed to relax a little.

"Me too," Mike added. "Now that we've established that, what's next?"

"Would you go out with me?"

"Like on a date?"

"Like on a date." Todd stated.

"Yeah, I'd like that. Where would we go?"

"How does dinner and a movie sound?"


"What evening are you free?"

`I never charge,' Mike thought then responded, "I'm off on Saturday and Monday nights."

"If I can switch my schedule, you wanna go out this Saturday?" Todd proposed.

"Yeah." Mike left it at that. He didn't really care where they ate or what movie they saw, he would let Todd decide that, he just wanted to spend some private time together.

"I'll call ya when I get things worked out. Okay?"

"Yeah. Can I call you sometime?"


"What's your number?"

"Oh," Todd chuckled, "I guess that would help. Give me your right hand." Mike extended his right hand and Todd wrote his phone number on the heel just like Mike had done to him. It was definitely an electric moment. "Hey, we'd better be going. I need to try to get some sleep," Todd said when he finished writing on Mike's hand.

Mike paid for the beers and they left. As Todd drove to Mike's place, he rested his hand on top of the gearshift knob. Hesitantly Mike placed his hand on top of Todd's and left it there until they stopped in front of the house and Todd placed the transmission in `Park'. Todd turned to his right and began to lean toward Mike. As he did that, he slid his right hand behind Mike's neck and began to guide Mike toward him. Mike was already beginning to lean toward the middle of the car, as though he hoped what was happening would happen. Within moments their lips touched and Mike thought he would faint. He had never kissed a man before and it was taking his breath away. He felt dizzy. Todd's lips felt wonderful and then, to his surprise, they separated and Mike tried to find Todd's eyes in the darkness.

"Are you okay with this?" Todd asked.

"Yeah. Oh yeah!" Mike responded quietly and leaned to his left again.

Todd could hardly believe this was happening so fast. It is exactly what he had hoped for. He felt the urge to place his left hand on Mike's knee and slide it into his groin but he resisted. This was a new Todd, he wanted Mike to trust him and launching a sexual assault like he often did seemed like the wrong thing to do.

Again their lips made contact. Mike was breathing fast and hard through his nose. He felt Todd's lips part slightly. Todd's tongue was stroking his lips. He parted them ever so slightly and their tongues touched ever so softly. Mike's erection was pressing against its fabric restraints and it ached. He was certain he was going to cum if this continued so he pulled away.

"I gotta go." Mike said as he pulled on the door handle.

"Okay... I'll call ya," Todd said breathlessly. He never dreamed things would get this hot this fast.

Dave was already in bed and had left a light on so Mike turned it off and made his way to his room in the dark. His shirt was already off before he hit the bed then he rapidly unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, pulled his pants and briefs together down off of his hips and began pounding his raging erection. Damn he came fast. And damn he came hard. He lay listening to his heart pounding in his chest wondering if it would burst. After a few minutes he decided to go to the bathroom, clean up and get ready for bed. He hurried because he half expected Todd to call again.

As Mike walked back to the bed the phone rang.

"Todd?" Mike almost whispered the name.

"Yeah." He chuckled.

"I had a good time tonight," Mike said.

"Hey, that's my line," and Todd chuckled again. Mike laughed too. "See ya."

"Yeah, see you too, good night." Mike heard a click and the line went dead.

When Dave walked out of his bedroom, prepared for a struggle in Mike's room to go running, Mike was sitting in the living room already dressed and ready to go.

"What's with you?" Dave exclaimed with surprise.

"What! Can't a guy want to go running some time? Let's go." Mike was full of energy and Dave found himself struggling to stay up with him.

Back at the house both men showered and sat down for breakfast.

"How'd it go last night?" Dave was really interested.

"You won't believe it!" Mike exclaimed in a rather calm way. Then he proceeded to tell Dave everything that happened, even about having to relieve his tension when he got home. Dave had a big laugh about that.

"I'd say it sounds promising, Dude," Dave said encouragingly. "This guy sounds like he's trying to take it slow, like he wants to build some trust; he might be a `keeper'."

"God, I hope so! He's really good looking, hot. And, ya know what else? I really like the sound of his voice."

"You got it bad, Mike," Dave chuckled. "I'm happy for you." Dave walked around the table and hugged Mike while he was still seated. "Gotta run, Wetback, see ya later."

"So long, Gringo, thanks for the run." Mike watched Dave pick up his books and walk out the door. `Damn, I'm glad I got Dave for a friend."

About 1:30 PM Mike's phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hi, Miguel."

"Hi, Todd." Mike knew immediately who it was.

"Say, I switched off with another guy and I got Saturday night off. You still wanna take in dinner and a movie?"

"Sounds great. What time?"

"Can I pick you up at about 5:30 and we'll toss a coin on where to eat?"

"Yeah, I'll be ready."

"I'll check the movie schedule and you do the same and we can toss a coin on that too."

"Sounds great!" Mike wanted to keep the conversation going but couldn't think of anything to say. He was already thinking about going on a real date with Todd.

"See ya Saturday then?"

"Yeah, see ya then, bye."

"Bye." Todd hung up the phone. He couldn't remember when he'd been this excited about having a date with anyone and his pants were already beginning to bulge.

Saturday afternoon Mike stepped into the shower to get ready for his `date'. His imagination had been driving him crazy and his cock just wouldn't behave. He began washing himself and by the time his hand reached his cock he decided to give up and unload some tension. "Maybe it'll help me get through the night a little easier," he thought. In a matter of seconds he was painting the shower wall the color of sperm.

Todd rang the doorbell right on schedule and Mike almost jumped out of his skin then rushed to the door grabbing a jacket along the way. Mike had hoped Dave would be home so he could introduce him to Todd but he was still at the library.

They quickly agreed to dinner at the Outback. Each ordered a Victoria's fillet with a salad, added the sweet potato and a beer. Todd wanted to pay for

Mike's meal but Mike objected so they each paid for their own. The movie was a unanimous choice and no coin had to be tossed. In the darkness of the theater they bravely held hands just like a couple of teenagers.

While walking to the car following the movie Mike asked, "What do we do now?"

Todd looked at Mike. He really wanted to go to his apartment but he thought that might be a little too obvious and it might make Mike nervous. "We could go to your place." Todd suggested. Being on his own turf might help Mike feel more relaxed and comfortable.

"How about your place. You could show me your apartment," Mike said, almost blowing Todd away.

"You'd like to see my apartment?" Todd wanted to confirm he had heard correctly.

"Yeah." Mike replied with considerable certainty.

"It's not much to look at," Todd offered as they approached the car.

"Maybe, but the guy who lives there sure is." The light in the parking lot illuminated Mike's broad smile.

"Okay, my place it is. Hop in," Todd said as he unlocked the passenger side door for Mike. Oddly, Todd was the one who was beginning to feel nervous. He didn't understand why because Mike had suggested exactly what he had been thinking.

Todd unlocked the door, turned on the light, and stepped back so Mike could enter his apartment first. Mike walked in and began craning his neck around as if he were judging the place. Todd flicked on a few more lights. "Here's the kitchen," it was a small kitchenette with a cheap chrome and Formica dinette set with mismatched chairs, "this is my living area," Todd swept his arm from left to right as if presenting some expansive living space, "with a couch and a TV."

"Nice!" Mike said, and he meant it as a compliment. "And you live here alone?"

As Mike said that he turned and stepped directly in front of Todd so that they weren't actually touching but there was damn little space between them. Todd could feel the hot breath from Mike's nostrils as he exhaled onto Todd's chin. For all practical purposes the two men were the same height. Not only that, but they seemed to be arranged alike also. You know how some guys can be the same height but one will have longer legs and a shorter torso than the other, well, Mike and Todd matched perfectly.

Todd needed no further encouragement. He quickly closed the short distance between their lips and the kiss began. Almost immediately Mike's arms rose and closed around Todd's torso as Todd's arms wrapped around Mike's shoulders. It was their first real kiss in the belly-to-belly position. Full body contact was in progress and arms and hands were exploring exciting territory. Each man could feel the other's hardness through layers of protective clothing. Eventually they had to separate to catch their breath. Todd forced them apart.

"Whew!" Todd exhaled. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Yeah, I'd like another drink of what we just did," came Mike's reply.

"Why don't we sit down on the couch!" That was not a question; Todd needed to sit down before his knees gave out. Arm-in-arm they walked over to the couch and Todd sat down in one corner and Mike sat down next to him, practically on top of him. The kissing began all over and before long they were stretched out on the couch with Mike on top. The state of their arousal was absolutely no secret. In a matter of minutes their shoes and shirts were on the floor and they were in to some very serious heavy petting. Although Mike had never done this before he didn't need any instruction.

Finally Todd made a suggestion, "You wanna take this to the bedroom?"

"Ah... yeah," was all Mike could get out. He was remembering his last sexual encounter and this was totally different. This time his partner was polite, courteous, considerate, and someone he knew something about. Todd was a much nicer guy and Mike felt like he could trust him. Mike lifted his body off of Todd and stood up. He noticed that both of them had big wet spots on the front of their pants. Todd stood up, took Mike by the hand and led him into the bedroom. The only light was what filtered in from the living room. When they reached the edge of the bed, Todd stopped, took Mike in his arms and kissed him again very tenderly. That only encouraged Mike even more.

When Todd's hands began working on Mike's belt, Mike got the hint and did the same to Todd's belt. Very slowly they unzipped each other's pants and pushed them over their hips letting them fall to the floor. Mike felt Todd's hands grip his sides then begin to slide down and around to his back then under the waste band of his briefs. He followed Todd's actions and soon they were standing pressed together, each holding the other's buns in his hands and pulling their bodies even tighter, if possible.

Soon Todd slipped Mike's briefs over his bubble butt and erection and let th em fall to the floor then he reached between them and took hold of Mike's cock and fondled it very tenderly. Todd felt Mike reciprocate. The entire time this was happening they were still in the same kiss that began when they arrived at the edge of the bed.

Releasing Mike's hot erection and wrapping his arms around Mike, Todd placed one knee on the bed and began lowering them both to the mattress. Mike just held on to Todd because he didn't want to let go.

I'll make love to him but I don't think this is the right time for any anal stuff.' Todd thought. We'll just lie here and enjoy each other's bodies without fucking. God, I love you Mike.'

Mike had his own private thoughts. `Man, if this is what sex with a man is like, I want a lot of it. Todd, don't ever let me go."

Mike was now on his back and Todd lay on top with his legs spread just enough to allow Mike to fit between them. Their hard, hot cocks were positioned side-by-side and leaking large amounts of pre-cum. Although Todd weighed about fifteen pounds more than Mike, he was supporting his weight so that to Mike it felt wonderful.

Mike loved the feel of Todd's body on top of him. Mike's arms were under Todd's armpits and his hands were able to reach the back of Todd's head and he used his fingertips to feel the soft hair and smooth scalp beneath. The small patch of hair in the middle of Todd's chest felt so sensuous against his smooth chest. Sliding his hands lower on Todd's back, his fingers and hands drank in the fine muscles on either side of Todd's spine. Reaching Todd's buttocks, Mike marveled at how firm and inviting they were; he let the index finger of his right hand explore the hot crevice between those globes. On his lower abdomen, Mike felt the full length of Todd's hot, hard prick pressing into him. His own cock felt its companion stretched out along side it, and he got even harder. Even the hairs on Todd's legs were stimulating Mike's senses. For years he had dreamed of being like this with a man and tired to imagine how it would feel. His imagination was totally inadequate compared to the real thing; Mike was on sensory overload.

The kissing intensified and Mike was learning how to duel with Todd's tongue. Their bodies writhed in passion against each other as their crotches slid up and down, back and forth in the natural lubricant of their sex organs. This couldn't last long.

Suddenly, Mike's senses could take no more. He felt his nuts drawing up inside his scrotum; he knew the end was near and he tried to resist. But he was powerless to stop what he knew was about to happen. Then it happened.

"HMMMMMM!" Mike tried to shout through Todd's kiss. "HMMMMMM!" he tried again as his hips bucked and rolled and his arms grabbed Todd and squeezed as tightly as he could. This continued for almost a minute while he deposited a large quantity of semen between his and Todd's bodies.

Todd was no amateur and immediately knew Mike was cuming but he had never seen anyone experience such an energetic, enthralling orgasm like the one Mike was going through. The great intensity of Mike's orgasm sent Todd into spasms and he added his contribution to the semen deposits that were collecting between them.

Neither young man could remember ever achieving such a mind-altering orgasm. It took several minutes before they were able to move or speak. Finally, Todd lifted his head, which had been resting next to Mike's with his nose in Mike's neck, and kissed Mike softly on the lips.

"You all right?" Todd asked in a whisper.

"Yeah," Mike whispered back. "Am I still alive?"

"Kiss me and we'll find out," Todd whispered his reply. And they kissed again. "Yeah, I think we're both still alive."

"Good! I wondered if I'd died and gone to heaven. I never had anything like that happen before. I don't know if I can move."

"Here, let me get off of you," and Todd rolled to his right. "Shit! Are we ever a mess!" Todd was beginning to get his voice back. "You lay still and I'll get something to clean us up with." Todd had a clear understanding that Mike was probably more out of it than he was simply due to the energy he expended during his orgasm. He went to the bathroom and wiped to the cum off of his abdomen with a washcloth. Then he rinsed out the washcloth, grabbed a towel and went back to the bed where Mike hadn't moved a muscle. With a great deal of care and affection he wiped the cum from Mike's body then used the towel to make sure he was really dry.

Todd leaned over and kissed Mike again. "You wanna stay here tonight?"

"Oh... I'm really tempted... but I really need to get home." Although a part of him wanted to stay, Mike had experienced more great sex in one evening than in his entire life to that point. He wanted some time to think about it. He struggled to sit up and Todd helped him.

Todd wasn't going to press the issue. If Mike wanted to go home, he'd take him. He wanted Mike to leave feeling good and welcome in his apartment, not someplace to flee. Todd turned on the light that was on the bedside table.

"Damn, you look sexy with only your socks on!" Todd exclaimed as he looked at Mike standing in the middle of the room. Mike began to laugh.

"You're not so bad yourself," Mike replied. "Now, if I can just find my clothes!" And he began searching through the pile of clothing he and Todd had dropped on the floor.

"Here, let me help," Todd said as he bent over to help Mike separate their clothing. "There's more in the living room," Todd chuckled.

Eventually they donned the correct articles of clothing and were ready to leave. Just before opening the door they shared one last embrace and a kiss. Todd was encouraged that Mike seemed calm and welcomed the kiss. Opening the door, they left and drove to Mike's place.

Just before getting out of the car, Mike leaned toward Todd and kissed him on his cheek. "No need to call me when you get home, I had a great time. You gonna come to the shop Tuesday?"

"Could be, I'll call you tomorrow before you go to work," Todd replied. "And I had a great time too."

Todd leaned toward Mike and they kissed again. Mike opened the car door and got out. From the porch he waved as Todd drove away then he turned and went into the house. He turned the light off that Dave had left on, found his way to his bed, lay down and went to sleep in his clothes.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 34: The Recovery 8

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