David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Mar 10, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Recovery 08

On the way out of his room Sunday morning, Dave noticed Mike wasn't home yet. He went about his routine and by about 9:30 he was ready to leave for the architectural library. He slipped his jacket over his shoulders but didn't zip it because the weather was quite nice for late February. He picked up his keys and was walking toward the door when it opened and a tired and disheveled looking Mike stepped into the house. When their eyes met Mike looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Dave smiled knowingly. "Smile if you got laid."

As much as Mike wasn't quite ready to go public with his sex life, he was inc apable of preventing a shit-eatin' grin from taking total control of his face.

Dave's smile grew even brighter and he clapped Mike on his left shoulder as he slid past him on the way out the door saying, "Maybe we can talk some time. So long."

"Bye, Dave." Mike replied then closed the door and headed for his room. He had to go to work later and wanted to catch a nap first.

Because of their different schedules, Dave and Mike weren't able to sit down together until Monday evening. When Dave walked into the house after class he knew Mike was baking enchiladas. He hasn't done that in a while,' Dave thought, he must be feeling really good.'

"Hi Wetback, what's the occasion?" Dave asked when he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Gringo, just powerful hungry for good food, that okay?"

That was a good start to an evening of candid conversation. Mike said he really felt good about Todd and he wanted the two to meet sometime soon. Dave suggested that Saturday might be a good time.

Tuesday evening, Todd showed up at the Subway fifteen minutes before closing and as Mike handed Todd his usual sub he asked, "Applebee's for a beer?"

"How about my place for something else?" Todd responded and wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

"My place is closer."

"What about your roommate?"

"Dave'll probably be asleep; he's normally in bed by ten."

"Okay, it sure is closer." Todd also figured he would only have to drive one way.

At 10:15 PM, Todd pulled up in front of Mike's place; they both observed that the house appeared dark. Mike knew Dave would have left a low watt light on just inside the door.

"C'mon." Mike said as he opened his door and got out. Todd extracted the keys from the car and hurried to follow Mike. As Mike reached the bottom of the steps he stopped abruptly and turned around just in time for Todd to crash into him in the darkness.

"Umph!" "Ouch!" they both exclaimed in unison.

"Sorry, Mike, wha'd you stop for?"

"I gotta tell you something I was gonna tell you last Saturday night, before I got distracted, if ya know what I mean."

`Oh no! Another secret!' Todd thought. "What is it?"

"I wanna tell you this while we both have our feet on the ground and all our clothes on..." Mike took a deep breath and continued. "Last Saturday I thought I heard you say you loved me. Todd... I think... I think I love you too. I've never been in love before so I'm not sure if I'm reading this right. But I sure like being with you, even when we're not in bed." That was the most thoughtful, profound thing Mike had ever said. Most people who knew him might not think him capable of such depth, such concern, but he possessed it.

"Yes, I did say I loved you. I meant what I said, Mike, and it was more than a statement in a moment of passion. And speaking of passion, can we go in now?"

Holding Todd's hand, Mike turned and led him up the steps and into the house. The dim light was on as usual.

Dave had finished his studying, brushed his teeth and gone to bed at about the same time that Mike and Todd arrived in front of the house. He heard someone come into the house and just assumed it was Mike so he ignored the sound and concentrated on relaxing to go to sleep. Then... yes! He heard two voices. Mike and whoever was with him were trying to be quiet but Dave definitely heard two voices. He recognized Mike's and the other was deeper, stronger.

Dave began to listen. `What's Mike doing bringing someone home? I'll bet it's Todd.' The walls of the old house were thin and definitely not soundproofed. The soft voices continued. They were nothing more than soft, low vibrations; Dave couldn't understand a word. After a few minutes Dave heard Mike's bed creek and groan as someone got onto it. The voices continued. Dave's ears were really perked up; he was on alert. Suddenly he felt a little embarrassed; he'd never been a voyeur. He heard Mike giggle, he'd recognize that anywhere, followed by a deep chuckle. The bed creaked some more. After a few minutes Dave heard what he was sure was a whimper, followed by the sound of slow rhythmic movement on the bed and more whimpers and grunts.

`They're FUCKING!' Dave realized. God it was erotic. Lying on his back, Dave's body began to respond to the sounds. His right hand instinctively encircled the long neglected seven and one half inches of rigid flesh protruding from his groin and he began stroking. Dave's hand synced up with the sounds of the activity in the adjacent room. After several minutes, just as things were heating up, the sounds stopped. Dave heard Mike's voice followed by the other deep voice. Dave couldn't imagine what was going on. After about three minutes of listening to the soft voices the movements and sounds resumed, now slower than before.

Mike, you lucky shit, who ever you're with knows a thing or two about how to make love. I sure hope you appreciate it.' Dave was sure Todd had intentionally cooled things down in order to prolong the pleasure. Dave resumed stroking his best friend. The heat of passion increased along with the whimpers and encouragement. Dave's imagination could picture Mike on his back with his legs in the air, his head back against the pillow as Todd's cock smoothly and seductively slid in and out of his ass delivering enormous amounts of pleasure. Dave listened to the slow, rhythmic, erotic thump... thump... thump...' of Mike's headboard bumping against the wall, the same wall it shared with the head of Dave's bed. Finally Dave heard Mike call out and it was answered by a loud, guttural groan.

"HHAAA! Haaa - unng!" Dave's body convulsed almost violently as stars burst in his head. Following a few after shocks everything was quiet. Dave lay on his back, his heart pounding in his chest, trying to catch his breath. Then he realized he had been so engrossed in the sex occurring in Mike's room that he hadn't anticipated his own orgasm, it had blended right in. Hopefully the two men on the other side of the wall were too busy with their own passion to notice his cry of release. Dave's chest, abdomen and hand were covered with cum. It was his first climax in months, since Paul's death actually, and it left him exhausted. Sleep overcame him instantly. He didn't hear Mike and Todd cooing with each other following their lovemaking nor did he hear Todd leave.

One more step down the road to recovery!

Wednesday morning Dave skipped his usual run and went straight to class. Mike was still asleep. When Dave got home from classes later in the afternoon he found a note from Mike asking if Saturday afternoon at about 5:30 would be a good time to meet Todd. Dave wrote his reply saying he needed to spend some time in the Structures Lab Saturday afternoon but would be sure to be home by 5:30.

Mike sat in front of the TV when he heard a knock at the door. It was Saturday, about 5:10 PM, and he was expecting Todd to arrive. He opened the door with a big smile, Todd stepped into the house, Mike closed the door, and the two men melted into each other's arms. After a lengthy, passionate kiss that left both men hard, Mike pushed away.

"Let's save some for tonight!" he laughed, a little short of breath.

"So, this is what the place looks like in the daylight! You gonna show me the scene of the crime?"

"You mean Tuesday night's action?" Mike said proudly. "Follow me." Mike quickly showed Todd around the house, including his bedroom. On the way out of his room Mike pointed out Dave's room and Todd peeked in for a quick look. First he noticed how neat the room was then he saw the small, framed photograph setting on top of the chest and strolled over to have a look. `Well I'll be damned!' he thought as a smile crossed his face. The two men in the photo were his ideal male couple. But the smile didn't last long; suddenly Todd felt a knot in the pit of his stomach. It struck him that, according to Mike, one half of that couple was dead. In a split second Todd felt like he might be sick.

"Hey, Todd, Dave's coming up the steps!" Mike called out from the entrance to the hallway. Todd placed the photo back on the chest and joined Mike. Walking up beside his lover, Todd placed his arm around Mike's shoulders and pulled him close as they both faced the door. Todd was sad, fearful, and happy all at the same moment and feeling Mike close to him seemed to help.

Dave opened the front door, noticed Mike and someone else in the room but ignored them until he turned around and closed the door behind him. At last he was going to get to meet the mysterious Todd. With a smile on his face he turned back around and finally took both men into his vision.

"Todd!" Dave exclaimed, as he seemed to freeze in his tracks.

There was a pregnant pause for a few seconds then Todd let go of Mike's shoulder, took three steps forward and held Dave in his arms. "Hi Mr. Baker," Todd said with all the compassion he could.

"Oh, God," Dave gasped. He lost it for just a moment and began to sob onto Todd's shoulder. Todd held on tightly as he felt Dave getting weak.

"I'm so sorry, Dave, Mike told me his roommate lost his partner but never in my wildest imagination did I think it could be you. I'm so sorry."

Dave was beginning to regain his composure. The shock of seeing Todd overwhelmed him. Todd was perhaps the only person who had known him and Paul as a couple. The three men even had a little history together. Dave told himself he had to regain control.

"Thanks, Todd, I'm just a little shocked, that's all."

"Hey, you two know each other?"

"Come here," Dave said as he released Todd, rotated to one side and extended his arm. "I need a hug."

Mike stepped close his two friends and they pulled him into a warm, affectionate three-way hug. With heads together and arms around each other, nobody said anything for almost two minutes. Finally Dave felt it was time to let the moment pass and move on.

"Say, we've got some brews in the fridge, are you interested?"

"Let's go out for a beer and a sandwich instead," Todd suggested. "Shaughnessy's has a great selection of beer and makes killer sandwiches. And it's pretty quiet."

"Sounds great! How about you, Mike?" Dave agreed.

"Would someone tell me what's going on?"

"Let's do it over a beer," Todd proposed as he nudged Mike toward the door.

Todd drove and within a few minutes they were being seated in a secluded booth at Shaughnessy's.

Mike and Todd sat shoulder to shoulder, as close as they could discretely get and Dave sat across the table from them. He was doing more than just looking at them; he was studying.

"Okay, someone start talking." Mike's patience was wearing thin.

"You go." Dave said to Todd. Todd looked at Dave as though he wasn't sure he should but nodded his head and began.

"My dear Miguel, yes, Dave and I know each other. We first met last July when he and... what should I call him, Mr. Roehl or Captain Roehl?" Todd looked at Dave and asked.

"Paul will be fine," Dave answered.

"...When Dave and Paul stayed at the Westin." Todd paused.

"And?" Mike wasn't satisfied with that answer.

"Mike," Todd hesitated; he wasn't comfortable getting into details with Dave staring at him, especially considering his reaction at the house. "I don't think this is a good time. Let me tell you about it later."

Dave reached across the table and placed his hand on top of Todd's. "It's okay, I'd like to hear your side of the story too."

"You sure?"

Dave looked at Mike and could see he was really anxious to hear the story. "Sure."

At that moment the waiter arrived with their sandwiches so Todd's story was put on hold for a few minutes. After each man took a bite of his sandwich, Todd started his tale.

"Okay, here goes." Todd lifted his mug and swallowed some beer before he began. "I'll never forget the first time I ever saw Dave. He was standing at the registration desk holding on to his overnight bag. He looked young, innocent and hot. I was sure he was one of the male escorts that on rare occasions visit the hotel to entertain some old fart. But he also seemed to be a little too naïve to be an escort. When the registration clerk gave me the elevator key for Executive Level access and the room number I was a little confused. Not too much earlier I had shown another attractive, hot young man to that room and I couldn't imagine him having to buy a rent boy.

"I had trouble keeping my eyes off of Dave, he was so sexy to look at." Dave felt himself blush and knew Mike and Todd could see it, even the darkness, because they smiled. "When we got to the top floor I pointed to the room and then stood and watched while leaning against the elevator door to keep it from closing. Dave walked to the door and knocked. Then, as he turned to look at me, the door opened and a naked arm reached out, grabbed Dave's arm and yanked him into the room. I could see enough of the other man to know the rest of him was just as naked as his arm. I was so hot thinking about what I was sure was going to happen in that room I got off of the elevator on the mezzanine level, went to the men's room and jacked off." By this time in Todd's story, Dave and Mike were chuckling softly. The emphasis Todd placed on certain words and they way he paused at just the right places made the tale sound humorous.

"Then, later that evening I delivered the room service meal that Paul had ordered. When I entered the room, Paul was wearing one of the white terrycloth robes the hotel furnishes and he was pretty sexy dressed like that -- I assumed he had nothing on under the robe and that got me really turned on. But on top of that, the place absolutely reeked of sex. While I was setting the table for dinner I happened to glance into the bedroom, they had a suite, and there was Dave standing in front of the mirror combing his hair. His robe was open and swinging back and forth was... well, Mike, you're his roommate, you know what I saw."

"Yeah, I know." Looking at Dave, Mike continued, "I'm not sure Dave truly understands how he affects us other boys in the band."

"Well, I almost came right there, and it was your fault, Dave." They all laughed then Todd continued. "I asked Paul if Dave was a local boy. He seemed to know exactly what I meant and said no, he was private stock."

"He actually said that?" Dave asked in disbelief.

Todd just smiled and nodded. "I told him I thought he was a very lucky man and he said, `And don't I know it!' And right then I knew there was something special about their relationship, I didn't know just how special until later."

Todd paused to take a bite of his sandwich and wash it down with some beer; Dave and Mike did the same.

"The next afternoon Dave and Paul went to a baseball game and when they returned, Dave drove his truck up to the hotel entrance. I was standing there and when he asked me for some help I knew something was wrong -- Paul had fallen and injured himself somehow. I helped Paul into the hotel while Dave parked his truck. Between the two of us we got Paul to the suite and on the bed. Now I have to tell you," Todd looked at Mike, "I'd never seen two guys interact the way those two did. Dave took charge and did all he could to care for Paul and it was clear that Paul trusted Dave completely. That's when I realized that's the kind of relationship I wanted with another man." Looking at Mike again, Todd continued. "Seeing those two made me changed my attitude. I stopped going out with just anybody; I started looking for someone I might be able to love and trust like Dave and Paul did. It took me a while and then I found you." Todd leaned over and kissed Mike gently and briefly on his cheek. His action was fast enough that he felt confident no one had seen it.

"Wow! That's some story. I had no idea. I wish I could've seen Dave and Capt. Roehl together. Ya know, the Captain really helped me out when I was in trouble. I had no idea he and Dave were a couple. I never even suspected the Captain might be gay."

The booth was quiet for several minutes as the men finished their sandwiches and beer.

"Say, guys, I need to get back to the house, I have things to do," Dave finally broke the silence. Todd dropped Dave off in front of the house. Mike told Dave he'd see him tomorrow, a clear statement that he was spending the night with Todd. Dave thanked them and walked up the steps to the house as Todd and Mike drove off.

Upon entering the dark house Dave sat down, almost collapsed into the easy chair, he felt exhausted. He had so many thoughts swirling around in his brain.

Todd really did a masterful job of telling Mike about some of his experiences with Paul and me. His description of events was really funny; we all had a few laughs. However, listening to the story was pretty stressful. But I actually enjoyed hearing how someone else saw us. Paul, I guess we had a positive influence on Todd, so I guess all was not lost. Now Todd and Mike have found each other and seem to be hitting it off real well.' A smile came over Dave's face. They sure were fun to watch tonight. I have to say they really do look like they love each other, the way they touch and the way Todd looks at Mike when he isn't looking and then Mike does the same to Todd. I hope they can make it work because they make a really hot, good-looking coupe. Well, I suppose that means Mike will be moving in with Todd pretty soon. I know I would if I were in their shoes. It's sure going to be different without him; it's been so good having him around. Oh well, life goes on.'

The next meeting of the Phylos Foundation is Thursday before Spring Break. It should be interesting because this time it's going be at the main office down town. This volunteer work is turning out to be more rewarding than I ever imagined. Getting to meet other gay men has definitely had its benefits. It's amazing how comfortable I feel when I'm around them. And to think, my original purpose in all of this was to help Mike get to know other gays. However, Mike and Todd finding each other the way they have is a much better solution. None of the guys at the Phylos Foundation are a good match for Mike. They all seem to be from financially secure backgrounds, some are probably very well off, and they are all well educated. Mike would probably feel pretty intimidated around them.' Dave smiled and chuckled to himself. It's strange how things sometimes work out almost the opposite of what we plan, and yet everyone seems happy. What luck that the AACF scheduled my first Board of Directors meeting so that it falls during Spring Break. That means I'll be going to Dallas; it'll be good to see Art, Steve, and Alex again, my Texas family.'

Dave looked at his watch and it was almost ten o'clock. Where had the time gone! In the darkness he pulled himself out of the chair and went to bed.

Tuesday night Mike and Todd again used Mike's room for lovemaking. Dave heard them come into the house and go into Mike's room. After a few minutes he could hear the bed creak as their bodies lay down on it. The two lovers seemed to take a little bit longer before beginning their actual tryst. Dave lay on his bed, his erect cock in hand waiting for the erotic sounds to fill his ears. The sounds of a squeaking bed began to resonate on his eardrums. Dave's imagination was in full bloom. His stroking quickly matched the rhythm on the other side of the wall. After a while, just like last time, the sounds stopped. Soft voices could be heard verbally stroking each other, expressing their love for each other. When the slow, rhythmic sounds of love resumed, Dave got off of his bed and, with cock in hand he walked into Mike's room, paused at the foot of the bed then placed his right knee on the mattress and moved into position behind Todd's ass. At the bottom of his next thrust, Todd stopped as if waiting for Dave to move closer and enter him. Dave wasted no time. He aligned the head of his cock, already slippery with pre-cum, with Todd's hole and slowly watched inch after inch of his prick smoothly disappeared into the searing depth of his best friend's lover's ass. Todd didn't flinch; he bravely took all that Dave had to offer. No one moved for a few moments; it was like they were trying to absorb all the terrific the sensations they were feeling. Slowly Todd began withdrawing from Mike, taking Dave with him. Then he slowly thrust back into his lover while pulling away from Dave. In a matter of a few seconds the three man were established in a rhythmic motion that had Todd fucking himself with Dave's cock while he fucked Mike on the return. What pleasure! How hot this was! Dave placed his hands on Todd's hips to steady himself and he reveled in feeling Todd's body making love to his best friend. Their coupling, or was it now tripling, generated such intense pleasure and they seemed able to continue forever. But even the best sex can only last so long. Todd began to accelerate his movements and Dave could feel the urgency of his rapidly approaching orgasm. He couldn't stop it; he didn't want to stop it. Simultaneously Mike yelled out and blasted his cum all over Todd's abdomen. Todd's guttural groans matched Mike's yells as he filled the condom deep in Mike's gut. Dave felt Todd's anal sphincter clamp down around his cock and he felt his seed rushing toward freedom.

The next thing Dave felt was his seminal fluid splattering on his chest as he gasped for air and his entire body went into contractions. Another volley of cum shot from his engorged sensitive prick and landed on his abdomen. That was followed by several weaker volleys of cum that dribbled out of his cock and soaked his right hand. Dave listened to the two men in the other room comforting to each other as they came down from their orgasmic high. Dave had tears in his eyes as he rolled on to his left side and succumbed to the need for sleep.

"Dave... Dave..." "Paul. Oh, Paul, I need you." "I know, Babe, I'm sorry. Hang in there; you're doing just fine. Things will get better, you'll see. Just hang in there." "I miss you, Hon... I miss you."

Dave opened his eyes and realized he was sitting up looking at the foot of the bed. He didn't have to look at the clock, he knew what it would read, but he looked anyway and it read 03:18 AM.

Saturday morning Dave awoke to Mike pulling on his leg, he wanted to go running. That is exactly what Dave needed. After they returned to the house and showered, they were in the kitchen eating breakfast.

"Dave, got a question," Mike announced rather seriously.

Dave looked up from his coffee, "What?"

"You know where I can get tested?" Mike took another sip of his coffee.

"You mean like in HIV?"


"As a matter of fact, I do." Dave decided to toy with Mike so that's where he stopped.

"Well?" Mike picked up on what Dave was doing and he smiled as he took another sip of coffee.

"Okay," seeing that Mike was on to him, Dave couldn't resist smiling as he continued, "the Phylos Foundation offers free testing at the main office down town. I'm going down there in a little bit, you wanna go with and see what I do?"

"Thanks, but no, I think Todd and I'll go down later today to get tested." Mike had been debating just how much private information he was willing to share with Dave and at that moment decided there was nobody else he could trust more. "Todd wants to be tested and I thought I'd do it too. You see... please don't tell Todd I told you, but last Saturday night we shared a lot of personal, intimate information. He's been pretty active sexually but ever since he met you and Paul he's been more careful. So that's why he wants to get tested. He said that if he's infected he doesn't want to pass it on to me. And although I'm sure I'm clean I think it's only fair that I get tested too."

"God, Mike, that's great. Todd's being really smart and it's clear that he cares about you. Ya know, I'm so happy for you."

The two friends sat holding their coffee mugs in front of their faces with both hands and looking at each other for a minute or two then Mike continued. "Whatta ya gonna do during Spring Break?"

"I'm going to visit Paul's family. They've invited me to spend the first weekend of the Break and then I'll go on to visit Kate and John and the boys. How about you?"

"Todd and I've been talking about driving to Ft. Lauderdale. We were gonna ask you to join us but it looks like you already have some neat plans."

"Gosh, thanks, Mike, I'd love to go if I didn't already have plans." Than Dave had an idea. "Say, I have a friend who owns a condo right on the beach and he almost never uses it. He offered it to me once but I had to turn him down. I'll be glad to ask him if you guys can use it."

"Gee! Ya think so? That'd be great. We don't have a place to stay yet and not much money to boot. Ya really think he might let us use it?"

"Hell, I'll check. The worst thing he can say is `NO'. I'll let you know in a couple of days. You and Todd going out again tonight?"

"Yeah!" Mike really brightened up when he said that. His excitement filled the room.

"Well, don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Hell, how do I know what you wouldn't do?"

"Just let your imagination be your guide." Dave grinned back at Mike.

That afternoon Dave called the management service that took care of his condo and set actions in motion to have it ready for Mike and Todd's arrival. Then he located the key he had stashed away.

Thursday evening before Spring Break Dave walked into the meeting room at the main offices of the Phylos Foundation for the monthly meeting. Many unfamiliar people were standing around in groups of two's and three's chatting like they were catching up on recent happenings. The room was set up with two long tables at the far end and several rows of folding chairs set up facing the tables. Dave estimated there was seating for about 35 to 40 people. Just as he was hanging his jacket on the coat rack Dave felt a hand grab his left forearm and a second hand rested on the rounded portion of his shoulder. Dave looked to his left to see who was being so familiar.

"Dr. Tim! Hey, it's good to see someone I know here."

"I'm really glad you could make it, Dave, let me introduce you around." Pastor Tim escorted Dave from group to group introducing him to as many people as he could before the meeting started. Before long, several men began to occupy the chairs that were behind the table and a rather distinguished looking gentleman near the middle stood up.

"May I have your attention, please?" The buzz in the room began to subside. "If you can all find a chair, we'll get under way. That's an old Navy term for all you land lubbers." Everyone chuckled. "I see we have some new members present so let me introduce myself, I'm Ben Mandel, and I have the honor of being the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Phylos Foundation. Seated here at the table with me are the regular staff members who actually `work' here and make this place run. Now I'd like each of them to stand, introduce them-selves and briefly state what they do for us. Then later each of them will be telling us about the status of their various projects and activities. Donnie, could you start us off, please?" Ben looked to his right to the man at the far end of the table. Donnie stood up, told who he was and what he did. One by one the four remaining men and three women rose to their feet, told who whey were and what they did.

"Okay, could I please see a show of hands of members who are attending for the first time?" Eight hands, including Dave's slowly rose above the heads of the gathering. "Good! That's encouraging. Now I'd like each of you to stand, tell us your name and what you do, we'd like to get to know you better.

Dave was the third person to stand. "My name is David Baker and I'm a sophomore studying architecture at the university." Then he sat down. After everyone was introduced, the meeting turned more formal. Each person at the head table stood and explained what was happening in his or her area and what was planned for the rest of the year and the next year. One person talked about fund raising, another covered transportation problem for patients who needed to get to doctor's appointments, and a third reported on the success of the food distribution program. One of the young women stood and talked about her department's need for more housing and how difficult it was becoming to find. A distinguished looking man of about 50 years old introduced himself as Dr. Vincent Gray. He was an internist who directed the Phylos Foundation medical program. Not only were problems discussed, solutions were proposed. The schedule of events for the next three months was reviewed.

By the time all the reports were finished, Dave was beginning to develop a solid picture of what the organization did and what its needs were. He was really glad he came because he was sure there were other areas where he could contribute. After Ben Mandel adjourned the meeting people began standing and commenting about the meeting while saying goodbye to each other. Dave was chatting with Dr. Tim and another man when, out of the corner of his eye he observed another man approach them. Dr. Tim stopped talking and acknowledged the gentleman with his eyes.

"Hi Padre, it's good to see you this evening," the man said to Dr. Tim then turned toward Dave. "I'm Sam Matthews," he said as he extended his hand. Dave accepted the greeting and shook Sam's hand. Sam stood about six feet one inch tall, had some gray hair beginning to come in around his temples, and had a rather rugged look about him like he worked outside a lot. Sam was built sturdy without being fat, just good and solid. Dave made a guess of his age at about 55 years old.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Matthews, I'm Dave Baker," Dave replied; Sam continued to hold onto Dave's hand.

"Well now, if you're going to call me Mr. Matthews then I'll have to call you Mr. Baker." Sam had a friendly smile on his face indicating he was trying to humorous about the situation. "What if I call you Dave and you call me Sam?" All this time Dave's hand was still in Sam's grip but it didn't seem to be the least bit awkward.

"Ok, Sam, you got a deal," Dave replied beaming his most friendly smile and Sam released his hand.

"Sam drives a hard bargain, Dave, and you won't find a more honest man around," Dr. Tim commented.

"Thanks, Padre, I thought you were the most honest man around these parts." After polite chuckles, Sam looked at Dave. "Didn't I hear you say you were studying architecture in school?"

"Yes, sir, you did," Dave replied.

"Whoa, Dave, `Sir' is a no-no also." Sam chuckled.

"Okay, Sam, I'm still learning the rules but I get it now. Yes, I'm studying architecture."

"Then that makes us colleagues in the same field. I'm in the construction business. You design it, I build it." Sam laughed at his own little joke. "I'd love to stay and talk with you two but I have to be going. Dave, here's my card. I'd like you to call me some time and we can talk."

"Thanks, Sam, I'll do that," Dave said as he accepted Sam's business card and glanced at it momentarily. "I have to be going also because I have a mid-term exam tomorrow morning." Dave didn't mention that he'd also be leaving town.

After Sam left, Dave and Dr. Tim grabbed their jackets and began walking to their vehicles. "Sam's a good man, Dave, you can trust him. If he wants to talk to you he's probably got some type of opportunity he wants to offer you." By that time they had reached their vehicles.

"See you later, Dr. Tim," Dave said as they split to walk in different directions.

"And Dave, it's okay with me if you want to just call me Tim."

"Okay... Tim." They both laughed.

Friday morning, after his mid-term exam, Dave returned to the house and prepared for his trip to Dallas. He would leave before Mike returned. Mike and Todd planned to leave for Ft. Lauderdale early Saturday morning so Dave placed a map that he got from mapquest.com and directions to the condo with instructions on where to park and how to use the key to operate the elevator. He laid those documents on the kitchen table and placed the key on top along with a note that said, "Don't wear it out."

Dave was really looking forward to this trip. For once, or so it seemed, he had a good idea where he was going and who he would be with. It made him feel comfortable. He parked his pickup truck in the long-term lot and caught the shuttle to the terminal.

I guess it's about time I got some new wheels,' Dave thought as he looked back at his truck from the shuttle. There's the Beemer in Dallas but I think I'll leave it there for a while longer. I want something that's less obvious and gets better mileage. Maybe a Honda Civic would be good. I'll have to check into it when I get back. Maybe I should run the idea past Art; he may have some suggestions.

Knowing he was flying in First Class, Dave had dressed in what he thought would be appropriate, navy dress pants, a light blue button-down dress shirt, no tie, and a champagne-colored silk sport coat.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Baker! It's been a while."

"Oh, hi, Liz, yes it has. How're you doing?" Dave recognized the flight attendant who was so kind to him on his last flight. Apparently Dallas was her line. They continued to exchange pleasantries as Dave found his seat and settled in.

There was a lot on Dave's mind and the solitude offered by the flight was conducive to thinking about a lot of things. It helped that the adjacent seat was vacant.

Dave found his car right where he was told it would be and drove to Art's house. He decided to park in the back and when he pulled around the house, the garage door for the fourth bay began to open. Art was standing in the door motioning for him to drive on in.

"Hey, Dave, good to see you. Have a good flight?"

"Yeah, Art," Dave said as he got out of the car, "good to see you again, too. I wasn't expecting to find you at home yet. You sick?"

"Let me help you with that," Art said as he lifted Dave's bag from the trunk. "I'm fine, but we're having a party tonight and I came home to help Beth. Are you up to a little partying tonight?"

"Sure, any special occasion?"

"No, Beth just wants to have a party. Listen, you might want to take a short nap this afternoon so you can stay up later, with the time change and all. People will begin arriving about seven o'clock; there should be about thirty to thirty-five coming. And you're dressed perfectly for it if you have a tie to go with that outfit."

"Oh!" That was the only response Dave could think of. To him a party was three or four people. What on earth would you do with thirty-five? And it was going to be somewhat formal, or at least semi-formal. It was another challenge that Dave would have to learn to deal with.

By 07:30 PM, the party was pretty well on its way, only a few people still hadn't arrived. Art and Dave were standing next to each other in the living room, Dave having just been introduced to another couple, when a rather loud, husky, female voice penetrated the air.

"Arthur Radford, you've been holding out on me!"

"Oh no," Art said quietly to Dave, "You're in for a real treat, just hold on to your hat." By then a woman with big hair and lots of jewelry around her neck and on both hands was almost upon them. Dave guessed she was probably 55 years old if she was a day.

"Arthur, where have you been hiding this delicious hunk of young masculinity?"

"Why Maggie, I haven't been hiding him, he just flew in special for you. This is Dave Baker; Dave, this is Maggie. I don't think she has a last name, everyone just knows her as Maggie."

"My, My! Let's go find a drink, Honey, and get to know each other." Maggie slipped her hand under Dave's elbow and locked her arm around his as she led him toward the bar. As Dave looked back at Art with a plea of HELP on his face, Art just winked and mouthed, "You're okay."

About forty-five minutes later Art was checking around the room and didn't see Dave or Maggie so he started a subtle search. When he passed through the door to his study, where no one should be, he saw the two lost guests sitting at one end of the leather sofa. Dave was as far into the corner as he could get and Maggie was plastered up against him, her right hand at the base of Dave's neck playing with his hair while her left hand was on the inside of Dave's thigh just above his knee. Art thought Dave looked like a gazelle encircled by the paws of a lioness and was about to be devoured. Time to act.

"There you two are! I've been looking for you!" Maggie jumped and Dave made a very audible sigh of relief. "Maggie, I'm going to have to steal Dave from you for a while, there's someone he just has to meet."

"Arthur, you bully, I won't forget this," Maggie replied as Dave extracted himself from his tight position.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Dave said after they were clear of the door to the study and he was confident Maggie couldn't hear him. "How could you do that to me?"

Art laughed. "You're safe now, Dave. I was watching, trying to look after you but Maggie must have caught me napping. She'll latch onto some other victim in a few minutes and forget all about you, her memory is not too good. Now, let's find someone I need to introduce you to so she doesn't get too suspicious."

The rest of the evening went smoothly and Dave was able to avoid Maggie. He finally made it to bed about 02:15 AM, well past his normal bedtime.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 35: The Recovery 9

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