David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on May 17, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Recovery 13

Dave was sitting at his computer refining the plans for his dream home when he heard the buzzer at the door to his condo. `Who could that be!' he wondered. He wasn't expecting anyone and people normally called to see if he was home before they came by. He walked into the living room and opened the door.


"Hello, David," Bob said rather timidly.

David felt frozen to the spot. His mouth dropped open in amazement as he held the door. Both men stood still, neither one moving. Each seemed afraid to say anything for fear it would be the wrong thing. Finally, Bob knew it was his place to begin.

"I'm sorry, Son, can you forgive me?" Bob said as he hesitatingly extended his arms.

David lunged at his father and wrapped him in his arms. "Dad! Dad! Oh God, Dad, I've missed you!" Both men were breathing heavily, their emotions on overload. David managed to move them into the room so the door could close then they stood holding onto one another for at least three minutes. David seemed to be dreaming. With his face buried in the crook of his father's neck, David remembered when he was a little boy and used to crawl up into his father's lap and go to sleep in his arms. Perhaps this feeling was brought on by his awareness of his father's scent. He began to relax.

"It's been a long day, David, mind if we sit down?" Bob finally asked.

"Of course, Dad." They separated, crossed the room and sat on the sofa. David reached out and took hold of his father's hand and they stared at each other through puffy, tear-soaked eyes. Bob started to apologize again and David stopped him. "You're my Dad. I don't need any apology from you, I owe you one."

"Please... let me finish, Son. I've been thinking about this for quite a while and the last three days have brought it into focus." David nodded. "Look..." Bob paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "I've handled this pretty badly. That day you told your mother and me you were... the way you are... (Bob wasn't quite sure what he should say: queer, gay?) I was totally surprised, blown away. I wasn't prepared for it. The thought hadn't crossed my mind. I didn't want to accept that my own son could be like that." Bob paused to catch his breath and think before continuing. "And I don't want you to misunderstand, I haven't totally bought into this idea, I still have a lot of things to sort out. I just never imagined I'd have to deal with this in my own family." Bob paused for a moment then changed the subject. "You know where your mother and I have been for the past three days?"

"Why... no. Should I?" David said with an innocent, questioning look.

"We spent the weekend in Texas with Steve and Alex Roehl." Bob could see that David looked genuinely surprised. "They flew us out and back in their private jet. We got to meet so many people who know you and think the world of you, especially the Roehls. Steve took me around the ranch on horseback, a kind of boyhood dream of mine, and we had a long private chat. After listening to him say how much he admired you and how so many other people felt the same way I finally got the message that I was the one who was out of step here. That message said that my only son had grown up to become quite a fine man and I didn't even know him." Bob squeezed David's hand. "I'd like to change that, if you'll let me."

David wasn't crying but his cheeks were streaked with tears. "Of course I'll let you. It's no secret, I've been miserable without you."

That was the beginning of a long discussion. David called out for a pizza and while they were waiting David gave his dad a tour of his condo. Bob noticed the picture on top of the chest in David's bedroom; it was the same one he had seen at the Roehl's. The pizza arrived and they sat at the kitchen table and ate it. Dave dug into the fridge for a couple of beers and for the first time as two independent adult men they enjoyed a beer together. Bob wanted to know what brand of beer David liked and that started a discussion about beer. Other subjects popped up that allowed Bob to learn more about his son's opinions, likes, dislikes. David wasn't ready to stop talking so he asked his dad to spend the night. Bob agreed and called Nancy to let her know where he was and that he wouldn't be home that evening. David got on the extension and they worked out a plan for Monday. Nancy would call Bob's boss and say he needed the day off for personal business, then she would join him and David in the city.

David and his dad were up late talking and getting to know each other all over again. David told his dad about everything he could remember about what had happened to him since they last saw each other and Bob was astonished at David's accomplishments. They didn't get to bed until after 2:00 AM. They had a little father-son fun making up the bed in the guestroom, Bob said Nancy made the bed one way and David said the Army taught him to make it another way. They had fun.

Monday morning Bob realized he didn't have any clean underwear, a change of clothes or his toiletries. David gave his dad a brand new pair of CK boxer briefs, along with a very nice polo shirt and a pair of slacks. That launched a discussion of why David liked boxer briefs better than ordinary briefs or boxers. After donning his new boxer briefs, Bob began to agree with his son that they felt really good. David complimented his dad on how good he looked in them and also noticed just how well his dad filled them out. `Obviously runs in the family,' Dave thought. As they were looking for the slacks, Bob couldn't avoid noticing the exceptionally fine assortment of expensive clothes handing David's closet. David let his dad use his electric razor, although like David he didn't have a very heavy beard. David also came up with a new toothbrush which he suggested his dad leave for the next time he spent the night. That suggestion contained a lot of promise and both men smiled at each other. Noticing that his father seemed to be in a good mood, David brought up the subject of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). Bob acknowledged than Nancy had already looked into it and he had agreed to drive into the city for meetings. Their hometown didn't have a chapter and Bob was still concerned about appearances.

David called his office and told his boss he needed the day off and was told to take as much time as he needed. Nancy arrived shortly before 10:00 AM, and after a mini-family reunion they went to lunch. After lunch David took his parents to see where he worked and introduced them to Howard Hastings and several of his colleagues. Then they went to the Philos Foundation and David's parents were quite impressed by the way the staff greeted David. They heard so many people address their son as `Dave' that they soon began to get used to it.

David insisted his parents stay for dinner and he took them to a Chinese restaurant just around the corner from his condo. Yee was actually the one who found the place. He discovered that it was run by Chinese emigrants from his same province and the recipes were authentic Chinese. David, Mike, Todd and Yee had become regular customers and Yee had insisted that his three American friends eat with chopsticks like proper Chinese. Consequently, when dinner was served, David, Bob, and Nancy were given chopsticks. David came to his parent's rescue and requested knives and forks but David used his sticks. That provided Dave an opportunity to tell his parents about Yee, and by extension, about Mike and Todd. Of course he edited his story to avoid causing his parents any embarrassment. He was sure that they would eventually figure it out but for now it was not an issue.

Later Monday evening, after his parents had gone home, Dave was sitting at his computer working on the plans for his dream home when the telephone rang.


"How did you do it!" Kate demanded.

"Hi, Sis, I didn't, really, Alex and Steve Roehl did it."

"Great! Now tell me everything!" she demanded. Dave spent the next hour-plus telling his sister everything he could remember.

On the first Saturday morning of February, Sam called and asked Dave if he had time to take a drive.

"Where to, Dude?" Dave asked. Sam chuckled. "What's so funny?"

"You! I kind of like it when you call me `Dude,' It makes me feel years younger."

"Yeah, so what's up, Dude?" Dave added some chuckles of his own.

"You've been huntin' for some property, haven't you?"

"Yeah. You got something?"

"Maybe. I'll pick you up in fifteen minutes and take you to look at it," Sam said.

"I'll be ready.

Fifteen minutes later, Dave slid into the front seat of Sam's GMC Sierra crew-cab and they were off. Sam drove north out of the city and into rolling countryside. Dave could see by the presence of newly paved roads and an occasional house under construction that the area was under development. The houses looked enormous, like the development was going to be very high priced. Sam pulled over to the side of the road.

"Here we are," Sam announced. The land rolled gently and was covered with trees. Dave was immediately attracted to the spot. They got out of the truck and walked around for a while as Sam spoke. "This area has just opened up for development with one acre lots. The prices are still affordable but that won't last long. There are plenty of lots along this road and more along the road directly behind these lots. You ought to be able to get your pick. Whata ya think?"

"Sam, this is terrific. It's awesome!" Dave was excited. "It's exactly what I've been hoping for. Let's get back to town; I want to place a bid!" This was the type of opportunity Dave was prepared to spend some of the money on.

Back in town, Dave contacted the realtor handling the property and the lady offered to meet Dave at his condo. After very little conversation, Dave purchased four conjoined lots, two fronted along one road and the other two were directly behind the first two and were accessible from the other road. The realtor could barely contain her excitement. Dave spent the rest of that weekend planning the construction of his new home.

Wednesday, Dave had to go home at lunchtime to pick up some documents he had taken home the night before but forgot to take to the office that morning. It was a chilly winter day; a cold front had come through during the night bringing rain and a blustery wind that seemed to cut right through your clothing.

"Hi George, okay if I leave my car here for a few minutes?" Dave said as he ran under the awning to get out of the rain.

"Certainly, Mr. Baker, it'll be just fine." George was the doorman/security guard for Dave's condo. Dave took the elevator to his condo, found the papers he needed, and went back down to the entrance.

"Thanks, George, see ya later."

"Yes Sir, Mr. Baker, you have a nice day."

Just as Dave's hand touched the car door handle he heard a voice.

"David?" Dave paused. The voice was very faint, weak, yet familiar. Dave looked around and saw a man with dirty brown hair wearing a dark, lightweight jacket that was completely soaked. Suddenly recognition set in.


"I'm sorry, Mr. Baker, I told this bum to get out of here earlier. You just go on, I'll take care of this," George assured Dave.

"NO!" Dave almost shouted as he held his hand up signaling George to stop. "It's okay, George," turning to Dan, "Dan, you're soaked. C'mon, I'm taking you upstairs. George can you give me a hand, please?" By now Dave was standing right next to Dan and could tell he hadn't had a shower in a while. Dave placed his arm around Dan's back and positioned his hand under Dan's armpit then began guiding him toward the building entrance. George held the door open for the two men and then ran ahead to call the elevator.

"Dan, what are you doing here?" Dave asked, his surprise showing.

"Long story, Dave." At that moment they stepped into the elevator and waited for the doors to close.

"Well, I'm gonna get you up to my place and get you out of those wet clothes. How did you find me?"

"That's easy for anyone with my computer skills. I've been watching you for a couple of days, I just had to find the right time to catch you." The elevator doors opened and Dave guided Dan into his home. He took Dan straight to the bathroom.

"Okay, get out of those clothes and into the shower. Just pile those rags in the middle of the floor while I get you a towel." Dan didn't argue he just slowly began to undress. Dave went to the pantry, found a large beach towel and threw it into the dryer on "HOT" to get it warm. Then Dave went to his closet and found some sweats he thought Dan could wear, they were very near the same size. Dave went back into the bathroom, picked up Dan's dirty clothes, took them to the laundry room, removed $1.27 and Dan's wallet and then tossed the clothes in the washer with some soap. He opened the door to the dryer and pulled out the hot towel, folded it to capture the warmth and headed for the bathroom. Just before he reached the bathroom door he heard the shower stop and when he walked through the door Dan was standing on the bathmat dripping wet.

"Ohmygod!" Dave gasped. What he saw was not the same muscular young man he remembered from their high school days. This was a different Dan. He was very skinny, almost emaciated. Those beautiful muscles that Dave had so admired were gone. Dan LOOKED sick. Dave quickly unfolded the hot towel and wrapped it around Dan from front to back pinning Dan's arms at his side. With Dave's arms around him, Dan sagged against Dave, resting his head on Dave's shoulder, and began to sob. Dave tightened his hold on his friend to give him support and began to caress his back to comfort him.

"I'm scared, Dave," Dan finally said in a weak, sobbing voice. Dave's brain was racing, trying to figure out what to do. Finally he pushed Dan back and got him to stand on his own two feet.

"Here," Dave said and he held out the sweats he had in his hand, "finish drying and put these on then come into the kitchen for some hot chocolate." Dave waited until he got a head nod of agreement then he turned and walked out of the bathroom. He'd seen men who looked like that at the Philos Foundation and it never had a happy ending. However, Dave recalled that he hadn't seen any soars of lesions anywhere on Dan's body and maybe that was a good sign.

In the kitchen, Dave went about making some hot chocolate for both of them and that provided him time to think. A few minutes later Dan walked into the kitchen in his feet bare, his hair uncombed and sat down in a chair. Dave poured the hot milk into two cups, added the instant chocolate mix and stirred until it was thoroughly mixed. Carrying both cups to the table, he set one down in front of Dan and then sat down around the corner of the table from Dan. They both sat drinking the chocolate, neither speaking. Dave had an idea, reached for the phone and dialed.

"Philos Foundation, how may I help you today?"

"Francine, it's Dave Baker."

"Oh hi, Mr. Baker, how are you today?"

"I'm doing okay, is Dr. Gray in? I need to talk to him.

"Yes Sir, he is, I'll buzz him." Dave waited as he was placed on hold.

"Dave, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Doc Gray sounded in good spirits.

"Doc, I need a favor. I have a friend who needs your help but I know you are almost full. Is there any way you could see him?"

"Bring him over, Dave," Dr. Gray's voice was suddenly dead serious. "For you I'll empty my own office and put him in there if I have to."

"Okay, give us about fifteen to twenty minutes."

"We'll be ready, bye."

Dave hung up the phone and turned to Dan. "Feeling any better?"

"Yeah... thanks." That was all Dan seemed interested in saying. Dave went to his bedroom, found a clean pair of socks and some old running shoes and took them to the kitchen. Dan had finished the hot chocolate and Dave handed him the socks and shoes.

"Put these on and we'll be going."

"Where to?"

"Somewhere to get you some help." Dave knew Dan's jacket was soaked so he went to his closet to find something for Dan to wear over the sweats. The only thing he could find was his camel colored cashmere overcoat so he pulled it out and took it to Dan.

"Put this on and let's go." Dave seemed to be in a hurry. He had thought about fixing something for Dan to eat but decided that getting him to Philos was more important.

Fifteen minutes later Dave pulled up under the canopy of the old converted hotel. Dr. Gray recognized Dave's car and came out to greet them. As Dave got out on his side of the car Doc Gray was opening the passenger door.

"C'mon Son, come with me." Doc Gray said as he helped Dan get out of the car. He led Dan into the lobby and straight down the hall, Dave in tow. In no time Dan was wearing hospital pajamas and being helped into a bed. It seemed to Dave that Dan was about to allow himself to collapse now that he was being cared for.

"Dave, let's go talk," Doc said as he tried to usher Dave out into the hall. "We're going to start a work-up on him but we need some basic information. He didn't have his wallet with him, do you know if he had one?

"Oh shit! It's back at my place. What'a ya need that for?

"I'm looking for any personal information I need to help him with, like a Social Security Card, driver's license, stuff like that. Also next of kin." That comment startled Dave.

"Next of kin?" Doc could see Dave's concern.

"It's just a formality, Dave, we have a lot of paperwork to fill out. Maybe you can get us started."

"Oh, yeah," Dave said with some relief, "let me look at it. I'm sure I can answer a lot of question and then I'll go get his wallet." The two men began walking toward Doc's office. "How soon will you know anything?"

"I'd say we should know the answer to the question you haven't asked... by Saturday. But it'll take about a week for the full picture to develop."

"Doc?" Dave looked at the man he had come to know quite well over the time he'd been associated with Philos. "If there's anything he needs, ANYTHING, you know, I'll pay for it. Okay?"

"I understand, Dave, now let's get working on those forms."

Dave knew enough about Dan to complete a good portion of the forms. Dan's Social Security Card was in his wallet and that was important. In the space for Dan's insurance provider, Dave entered his own name. Dave called his office to let them know he wouldn't be in until the next morning and then he spent the rest of the day sitting with Dan. The staff had given Dan something to eat and he slept a good part of the afternoon. Dan woke up in time for dinner and after visiting with Dave for a short while and before he went back to sleep, Dave promised to visit him every day at lunch and in the evening.

Friday, Dave joined Dan for dinner and then they returned to Dan's room. Dan was slowly regaining some strength and for the first time felt like talking. He began to describe his life since the last time they saw each other last summer. The stories Dan told, in graphic detail, made the hair on the back of Dave's neck stand up. A little over a week ago he woke up one morning and realized his life was a wreck. He was sandwiched between two guys who had used him repeatedly during the night and he couldn't even remember their names, let alone know anything else about them. His roommate, the guy he was living with, was asleep in the other bedroom with another man Dave didn't know. The whole scene made him sick. He knew he had to get out of there but didn't know where to go. By going through the pants of all the other men in the apartment he was able to come up with enough money to purchase a bus ticket to here. His only hope was to find Dave. He needed help and knew he could depend on Dave. Dave was devastated by Dan's story. He moved from his chair, sat on the edge of the bed and they hugged each other.

After a few moments they separated. "Look, Dan, you're gonna get well. I'm gonna make sure of it. Now you just lie down and get some rest. I'll be back tomorrow. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay, thanks Dave, you're a great friend. I'm not sure I deserve you." Dan stretched out, closed his eyes and was asleep almost immediately. Telling his story had been very stressful but it was also therapeutic. Sharing his terrible story with his friend seemed to help and he slept better that night.

Dave left Dan's room with his head hung low and he found his way toward the lobby. Just before reaching the lobby he passed a door. It was the door to the small chapel that Reverend Tim Fields had fought very hard for when renovations were being debated. Dave paused... turned left, walked into the chapel and sat down in one of the folding chairs facing the nondenominational alter. After sitting for a couple of minutes in quiet meditation he lifted his head and began to recite the Lord's Prayer then, thinking he was alone, he began speaking.

"I'm sorry," he paused. "I shouldn't have said the things I said. I know I said some awful things but I didn't really mean them, you know that. I still love you, I always have and I always will. I was in pain from losing Paul. Paul was my love, I was angry at his loss and I blamed you. That was wrong because it was my fault that he died, not yours. I know that now but I couldn't accept it then. And now my best friend Danny is here with who knows what kind of infections." Dave took a deep breath and exhaled. "And now I'm here to confess I have been wrong and to ask you to help Danny as much as you can. He needs your help so much... Please... Please." Dave lowered his head and began to sob.

In his sorrow, Dave felt someone sit down beside him and a strong arm went around his back and held him. Dave looked up to see Father Tim looking at him with a comforting smile. Tim had been making his rounds when he saw Dave walking down the hall and turn into the chapel. He had also listened quietly at the door as Dave exposed his inner pain. `So that's what this is all about! Dave thinks he's to blame for Paul's death,' Tim thought. He remembered that moment several years ago when Dave came into his church and screamed at the top of his lungs then ran from the building as fast as he could. They sat quietly for several minutes, Dave willingly leaning against Tim.

"Dave?" Dave didn't respond so Tim continued. "Have you ever heard the term `free will'?" Dave just nodded his head. "Do you have any idea what it means?"

"No, not really."

"Well, I believe the Lord puts us on this earth and gives us free will. To me, that means each of us has the freedom to make choices throughout our lives and we have to accept the consequences. The Lord lets us make those choices. That means he's willing to let us make choices that could hurt us. He doesn't sit around trying to stop us from doing those things. And as an extension of that, he's there to receive us if our choices turn out very bad. He's also there to help us when we realize we've made a mistake and want help and forgiveness. Does that make any sense?"

"Yes," Dave said quietly. "But... but, if I had been with Paul he wouldn't have been speeding. He liked to drive fast but I could get him to slow down. All I had to do was place my hand on his leg and he would slow down. I wasn't there for him to get him to slow down." Tears were streaming down Dave's cheeks. The pain was back.

"But don't you see, Dave, that was Paul's choice. Was it possible for to be with him at that moment?"


"Then you can't be responsible for Paul's choice, can you?"

Dave was quiet for a few moments while he pondered that question. "I guess not," he said sounding defeated. "He keeps saying he's sorry, maybe that's what he means."

"What do you mean, `He keeps saying he's sorry'?" Tim asked.

"Oh, nothing, just nothing."

"You have to let him go, Dave, and get on with your life. The Lord is taking care of him, you know that."

"Yes, I know that. You're right... I need to think about this some more." The two men sat together for a few more minutes then Dave stood and Tim stood with him.

"Thanks, Tim, will you pray for Danny?"

"Yes, Dave, I'll be happy to. Now how about you go home and get some sleep."

Dave took Reverend Fields' advice but sleep didn't come easy. He tossed and turned. Thoughts of free will,' choices,' consequences,' forgiveness,' kept bouncing around inside his brain. And he half expected Paul to make an appearance in his dreams but it didn't happen.

Saturday morning, Dave awoke almost more tired than when he went to bed. Doc Gray had said he wouldn't know anything until the middle of the afternoon so Dave drove out to the new property he had just bought and walked around for a while. Just as he was about to leave, Sam drove up.

"I thought I might find you out here," Sam said as he climbed out of his truck.

"Am I that easy to predict?" Dave asked.

"Sometimes. Whata ya think?" Sam asked as he made a sweeping motion with his arm as if to scan the whole of the property Dave had purchased. "I didn't think you'd buy the whole county," he exclaimed his exaggeration. When Dave didn't answer immediately Sam began to suspect something. Placing his hand on Dave's shoulder he asked, "Talk to me, Dave?"

Dave leaned back against Sam's truck and sighed. "I just got a lotta things goin' on, Sam."

"Tell me about it?" Dave did want to tell Sam about it and as he talked and got deeper into what was troubling him Sam reached into a secret compartment in the back of his truck and pulled out a couple of cold beers. Sam turned out to be a good listener and then asked some very pointed questions that helped steer Dave to a clearer understanding and more relaxed attitude. Sam reminded Dave or his own experiences with sick friends in years past, the reason for starting the Philos Foundation. Dave immediately felt better knowing that someone else understood exactly what he was going through.

"So, when do you wanna start construction?" Sam asked when he thought it was a good time to change the subject.

"How about right now?" Dave asked somewhat rhetorically.

"Okay, I got just what ya need." Sam lifted the cover on the truck bed and pulled out a shovel. "Let's have a ground breaking!" he said somewhat excitedly.

Dave took the shovel and together they walked to where Dave envisioned the front entrance to be. Placing the point of the shovel against the ground, Dave used his right foot to force the shovel deep into the soil. He pushed the handle down and the first load of dirt popped out of the ground. He turned the shovel upside down, dumping the freshly turned earth back into the hole it came from then handed the shovel to Sam.

"Your turn." Sam took the shovel and copied Dave's effort. "So, how long will it take you to build it?" Dave asked.

"You want me to build it for ya?"

"I wouldn't trust it to anyone else," Dave replied.

"When can you get me the plans and a list of the materials?"

"I'll bring it to you Monday morning. I've already applied for the building permits, all we have to do is fill in some blanks."

"Then I'll have you a house in less than three months, if not sooner."

Dave offered his hand; Max took it and they shook on the deal.

"Okay, now that you're gonna be a land baron it's time you joined my country club so we can play golf," Sam goaded Dave.

Dave was feeling much better by the time he got back to town and, noticing it was just past 12:30 PM, decided to drop in at the Subway for lunch and to see if Mike was working. Mike was and after the lunch rush he sat down with Dave and they got caught up on a few things. Dave told him about Dan showing up and that he was on his way to Philos to hopefully find out what Dan's prognosis was. Dave was definitely strengthened by his talks with Sam and Mike, and he felt ready to face Doc Fields.

Just after 2:30 PM, Dave knocked on Doc's open door.

"Come in, Dave, I've been expecting you."

Dave was listening to the tone of Doc's voice and he thought it sounded encouraging. "How much do we know?" Dave asked.

"First of all, you do realize that because you aren't immediate family I shouldn't be talking to you about Dan." Dave nodded, he understood. "But that's a situation we often find ourselves in with clients like ours, and since you seem to be the only one he has at the moment, and you're paying his bills, I think it's appropriate." Dave waited patiently wishing Doc would get on with it.

"Let's get the bad news over with first," Doctor Gray said seriously. Dave felt his stomach begin to tighten. "Dan is HIV positive." Oh God!' Dave thought. Dan's T4 cells are probably below 500.' "But then I suppose you already suspected that," Doc continued. "Now the good news, his T-cells are very strong and I think he has an excellent chance of keeping them that way. Thankfully Dan is not as bad as he looked when you brought him in. A better diet and a lot of sleep have already done wonders for him." Dave was starting to breathe easier. "I've started him on the latest treatment and we'll just have to wait and see how he responds." Dave started to breathe easier again.

"If you've started medications does that mean his T4 cells are below 350?"

"Not by much, they're about 345, that's why I started the medications. I want to give Dan every possible chance."

"Does Dan know?" Dave asked.

"Of course, I told him everything and we discussed a plan. He's agreed to start individual counseling and we'll get him into our group sessions." Doc paused for a moment then looked directly at Dave. "Does Dan have any family?"

"Yes, but they are not on good terms, because of Dan's..."

"I understand," Doc Gray acknowledged. He'd seen this before; the faggot's family cuts him off like an offending appendage. "I was just thinking that if Dan had the love and support of his family it could certainly be a boost to his chances."

"Doc, Dan and I grew up together. His folks still live in the same town with my parents. I'd have to think about it before I'd approach them about Dan's condition. The last time Dan was home he and his dad got into a fight." Dave was silent for a moment. "I can't promise anything but let me think about it."

"Okay, Dave, I can't ask for more than that. You want to see him now?"

"Yes please." Dave started to leave but stopped. "Oh, when do you think he might be able to get out of here?"

"He can leave anytime he wants. He's not a prisoner, you know." Doc smiled. "Really, he's still a little to weak for too much activity but a short trip might do him some good. And as soon as he's able, he should move out permanently, find a place of his own and start to rebuild his life. It'll be good for him to think about an active future."

When Dave walked into Dan's room, Dan was standing at the window looking out with his back to the door. Dave crossed the room and approached Dan's left side. He placed his right arm around Dan's back, draped his hand on top of Dan's right shoulder and squeezed it. They stood like that for what seemed like forever. Dave could feel how skinny Dan was; he hadn't really felt it before. Slowly Dan shifted his weight so his body could make better contact with Dave.

"You know." Dan stated.

"Yes." Dave replied after several seconds.

"It's sure as hell not a bad as I feared." Dan expressed after several more seconds. Dave thought Dan's comment sounded hopeful. They stood silently for a while and Dave placed his left hand around Dan's left arm. "I want to fight this, Dave." Dave's heart leaped with hope.

"You let me help?"

"Yeah, Bud, I need ya. I don't have anyone else." Whatever pride Dan had at one time was now washed away by reality.

"What about your family?" Dan asked, hoping for some signal.

"In my dreams, Dave, in my dreams. I'm afraid I burned that bridge." That was all Dave needed to hear. It was enough to cause him to think more seriously about talking to Dan's parents.

In Dave's eyes Dan was looking a little better. Any improvement would be better than what he looked like when Dave brought him here. He was to the point where he needed some clothes so Dave went to his car where he had been keeping the clothes Dan was wearing when Dave found him. When Dan put them on it was instantly apparent that they weren't in very good shape.

"Let's go to Wal-Mart and find you something else to wear." Dave suggested.

"Yeah. And whada ya suggest I buy it with, my good looks?" Dan replied sarcastically. There was also a note of hostility in his voice.

"Well, until we can find you a high-paid CEO position it kinda looks like you're gonna be my charity case." Dave figured the best approach with Dan was to hit him square between his eyes concerning his financial situation.

"Shit! You're right." Dan sounded defeated. "You're gonna own me, Dave, do anything ya want with me."

"Hell, that's no bargain, you ain't worth much right now." Dave wasn't going to feed Dan's little pity party.

Dan looked at Dave for a moment like he was in deep thought. "Okay, motherfucker, you win... this time." Then he grinned because he understood what Dave was doing, and they hugged.

At Wal-Mart, Dan tried on one pair of pants that seemed to fit okay and then bought two more pairs in different colors. He got three T-shirts, some briefs, and socks. It didn't seem to matter what Dan put on; all the clothing hung loosely on his thin frame and made him look even thinner.

When they got back from their quick trip to Wal-Mart Dan needed to lie down but he was ready for dinner when the time came.

By 8:30 PM Dan was tired enough to call it a day and went to bed. Dave said goodnight and left for home. During the short drive to his condo, Dave had an idea but he wouldn't do anything until in the morning.

Sunday morning he was up early and called home.

"Hello-o!" Nancy answered in her usual cheerful voice.

"Hi, Mother, what's for breakfast?"

"David! Are you coming home for breakfast?"

Dave laughed. "No, Mother, but I need to ask a favor."

"You just name it, Dear, I'm sure I can do it."

"You remember Danny Chambers, don't you?"

"Why yes. Haven't seen hide nor hair from him in years. Didn't he go into the Army or something?"

"The Navy, Mother. Do you ever see his family at church?"

"Oh yes, quite often. You want me to say hello?"

"Not exactly, let me explain. I want to find out what their attitude is toward him. Do they know where Dan is and what he is doing? But I don't want them to know I'm asking."

"I don't understand, David."

Dave was trying his best to get his mother to spy for him but he didn't want to get her in trouble. How to do that?

"Okay, Mother, here's the situation. You should know that the last time Dan was home, last summer, he and his dad had a fight and Dan knocked him on his ass. Sorry, Mother, that's the only right way to say that."

"I think I understand, Honey. Knowing Buddy like I do, he probably deserved it. You know we were in high school together. The stories I could tell! Anyway, go ahead."

"Without actually telling them anything, see if you can find out how they feel about Dan. Do the miss him? Would they like to see him? You know, stuff like that without being specific. And try not to let them think you know anything." Dave paused for a moment thinking about whether he should burden his mother with the worst part. He decided not to.

"Shall I call you when I get home?" Nancy asked when David didn't continue talking.

"No, Mother, I'm going to church with Mike and Todd. Let me call you when I get home. My church starts at about the same time yours ends. Is that okay?

"I'll wait for you to call, bye, Dear."

"Bye, Mother." Dave hung up the phone.

Except for his visits to Texas, this would be the first time in a long time that Dave actually chose go to church. Sitting with his two friends, Dave began to get some of his old feelings back and it was good. As Dave left the church Reverend `Father' Tim Fields gave him a particularly warm smile and firm handshake and Dave began to get a warm feeling inside.

"Hello-o?" The sound of his mother's cheerful voice always gave David a good feeling.

"Guess who!" Dave said playfully.

"Oh, David, I thought it might be you, how was church?"

"Very nice. Did you have any luck?" Dave asked anxiously.

"Yes, I talked to Abby, that's Danny's mother, and she said she hadn't heard a word from him since he was home last summer. She seemed worried and I got the distinct impression she would really love to see him."

"That's all I wanted to know." Dave seemed encouraged. "Mother, I'm gonna drive down. I need to talk to Danny's parents and find out if they are serious about wanting to see him. Would you go with me?"

"If you want me to, David."

"I do; I may need some moral support. I'll be there in about an hour, I'll tell you more when I get there. Bye."

"Bye, dear."

A little over an hour later Dave parked his car in front of his parent's house, walked to the front door and knocked. His mother opened the door.

"David! Why are you knocking? This is still your home!" Nancy said almost in a scolding manner, as she hugged her son then gave him a peck on his cheek.

"I don't know, Mother, it seems so strange after so long."

"David!" his father called out as he walked into the room. They embraced for a moment then released. David hadn't felt this good for a long time. He looked around just enough to see that nothing had changed. It felt and smelled like home. Then as quickly as possible he explained that Danny was H IV positive and what that meant. David's parents weren't very well informed about HIV/AIDS but they at least understood that Danny could be seriously ill. David expressed his hope that Danny's family was ready to give him the love and support he needed. Before leaving for the Chamber's house they decided that David should follow Nancy so that if things worked out he could leave directly from their house and not have to take Nancy back home.

This was another thing Dave had never done and he was plowing new ground, so to speak. Oh well, he hoped the worst thing that could happen was that they would say no and he would leave. Before leaving, Nancy called Abby and said David was home and wondered if it was convenient to drop by for a visit. It was.

David drove behind his mother and thought how strange it must appear for two cars, each with only one person, to drive up and stop in front of the house. He followed his mother to the front door and she rang the doorbell.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 40: The Recovery 14

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