David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Jun 26, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

Author's note: I choose this time to send this chapter to the Nifty Archive as a show of joy for today's Supreme Court decision on the Texas sodomy case. This is something to cheer.


David's Initiation: The Recovery 17

Arriving back at the house, David and his father carried the groceries into the kitchen and set them on the counter. Dave looked around, "Where are Mr. and Mrs. Close," he asked his mother. "I didn't see their car in the driveway."

"Kate called," Nancy said, "and Jack and Peggy went to the hospital; they'll probably bring her home." Nancy began unpacking the grocery bags and putting things away. The ground beef went straight into a skillet to be browned before she added the Three Brothers sauce. "David, will you hand me the spaghetti, please, this is going to be for the boys. We'll get them fed first and then we adults will eat later."

Their movie over, it didn't take long for the aroma of spaghetti sauce to draw three little noses into the kitchen.

"Oh, yea! Gaspetti!" JD exclaimed when he finally recognized the smell.

The boys were fun to watch as they hung around their grandmother, clinging to her and sniffing their noses like starving little puppy dogs waiting to be fed. Nancy had David set the kitchen table for the boys and he enlisted the boys' help. It's never too young to begin teaching them how to do simple family oriented chores. While the boys were eating, David prepared the dining room table for six people, assuming that John would not be coming home with Kate and his parents.

Kate, Peggy and Jack returned from the hospital about the time that the boys finished their dinner. Kate immediately took over and ordered them to get ready for their baths. After the loud moans and cries subsided David informed Kate that they had showered after swimming and he had promised them that would be enough. Wisely Kate understood that she needed to support her brother to strengthen his influence with the boys. She'd work out any ground rules with him in private. The boys were sent to their room to read while the adults had dinner.

David helped his mother carry the food to the table. Nancy had fixed her favorite quick meal, baked breaded chicken breasts, peas and rice. With everyone seated, Bob said grace and as they ate, Kate explained that the team had secured the services of the best orthopedic surgeon in the Southeast to handle John's injury. Before surgery the doctor sat with John and Kate and was quite blunt about the damage to John's knee. Trying to prepare them for the worst, he actually said that John's football season was definitely over and his career might be also. When the time came for John to go into surgery he asked Kate and his parents to go home, explain to the boys what had happened and get a good night's sleep. John believed they would all know a lot more tomorrow than they did tonight.

Strange as it might seem, the prospect of John's football career coming to an end didn't seem to upset or sadden one person sitting around the table. Both sets of parents secretly hoped that the end of John's football career held promise that they would see their grandchildren more frequently and Kate had not quite adjusted to living in the Midwest.

After dinner Kate went to the boys' room and explained what was happening and they seemed to take it in stride. Mark expressed concern that they wouldn't be home to start school on Tuesday, Matt wanted to know if that meant they could stay and swim in Uncle David's pool, and JD was more interested in seeing his daddy's cast. Kate said not to worry about school, yes they could stay at Uncle David's and swim, and yes JD could make smiley faces on Daddy's cast.

After the boys went to bed, Kate rejoined the rest of her family and they talked about what the immediate future might hold. David told Kate in no uncertain terms that his house was hers and John's for as long as they needed it. Bob and Jack both needed to get back to work tomorrow and Nancy and Peggy offered to stay and help around the house for as long as they might be needed.

The next morning, Monday, both grandfathers returned home and both grandmothers stayed. Kate went to the hospital to find John in good spirits and talking on the phone with someone from team management. The surgeon had already been in and explained to John what his condition was and what he should expect over the next few days and weeks. John explained to Kate that the surgeon was confident that the operation on his knee had been a success but he wanted John to remain in the hospital for a few more days to give the swelling time to go down. At that time, more X-rays and a MRI would help determine if more reconstructive surgery would be needed. John also sadly explained that he was certain his career in the NFL was over.

Between them, Kate and John agreed that they should start looking for a house they could lease in the area. That way they would be able to get the boys into school, start working on his recovery, and enjoy the blessed support of their extended family.

During the day, Nancy and Peggy raided the grocery story and filled Kate's rented Navigator with enough provisions to feed three growing boys for about a week. Kate had driven David's old Honda Accord to the hospital so that the grandmothers would have the larger vehicle for their activities. The Navigator also had the safety seats for the boys.

Monday evening, the clan gathered again for dinner and Kate explained the plan she and John had decided. Both sets of grandparents were excited to learn that the children would be staying close for a while. Kate told her mother and Peggy that she would be fine now that the important decisions had been made and that they should go on home. She promised to call if she needed help. Between Kate and David, the two of them would be able to take care of the boys and visit John as often as they liked.

On Tuesday, Kate took the boys to the hospital to see their dad and they were all excited. JD took a crayon and drew a smiley face on his dad's cast. The boys peppered their father with dozens of questions, many he couldn't answer, but they had a great visit. With John and Kate's approval, David contacted a realtor he trusted and asked her to start searching for a house they could lease. The highest priority was a master bedroom on the ground floor.

Tuesday, when David arrived home from work Kate had some news for him. "Guess who I met today?" she asked.

"Jerry Fallwell!" David exclaimed jokingly.

"Even better!" Kate replied not the least bit off balance by her brother's smart-ass answer. "I met Georgia, your cleaning lady."

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about her. She didn't try to throw you out did she?"

"David, you have a real treasure there, where did you find her?"

David chuckled at Kate's description of Georgia as a treasure. And he agreed. "Well, after I moved into my old condo, I hired a maid service to clean the place and do the major laundry like sheets and stuff. They did a lousy job. About the same time, a new client came to us at Philos; a young man named Dexter. He had AIDS and really needed our help. I used to visit him and try to cheer him up and his greatest worry concerned his mother and how she was struggling to make ends meet. Well, one day while I was with him, Georgia entered his room. It was like the sun had come alive. Her short, black, rather rotund figure with a beaming smile and hardy laugh captured my heart. As we talked I accidentally on purpose mentioned that my problems were nothing compared to Dexter's; my biggest problem was trying to find someone who knew how to clean a house. Georgia pounced on that and before she knew it I offered to give her a chance. She was great. Once a week she came and cleaned and did ALL of my laundry and the dishes and anything else she could find that needed to be done. Then when I move in here she agreed to continue working for me -- two days a week because of the size of this place. I pay her above scale because she needs the money. It's strange, really, I almost never see her here, we meet at Philos when we visit Dexter."

"How is he doing?" Kate asked.

"Not so good, I'm afraid. At first his prognosis looked promising but then he began to fade and now it's just a matter of time before we lose him. I don't know how Georgia is able to continue smiling and laughing, trying to cheer him up." Dave paused for a moment thinking about Dexter. "So, how did things go with you two?"

"Oh, we hit it off immediately. But more importantly, she practically captured the boys. They followed her around the house asking those pesky little questions that never seem to end and she just loved it. Before long she had Mark and JD helping her make the beds while Matt ran the sweeper. That's why I said you have a treasure; anyone who can organize my three urchins has real talent." Kate was really chuckling now and David joined her. "Maybe I can get her to come work for me when we get settled."

"Whoa, Sis, you'd better consult with me first! I might agree to SHARE her with you but don't think you're going to Shanghai her into YOUR household!"

Kate walked over next to David and placed her arm around his shoulder, a sure sign that she was about to make an offer. "I would never steal her from you, Dear. But it sure would mean a lot if you would let me share her."

"I think we can do business." David replied. "I'll have my people call your people. If Georgia agrees, it's okay with me." David leaned in and gave his sister a peck on her cheek.

By Thursday, the surgeon was satisfied that John's knee was about as good as it would ever get so he released him to go home. Kate called her mother with t he news and said now was the time she needed help. Both Nancy and Peggy drove up, hovered over John, fixed meals and spoiled their grandsons.

By Saturday morning, John was beginning to get an edge to him. He wasn't used to being surrounded by such a large contingent of family and politely suggested to Kate that perhaps she and the boys could see the grandmothers back home, spend the day and let him rest.

Dave left the house early to check with Sam on a house they were building and was back home by 10:30 AM. His first stop was the downstairs master suite to check on John. While John was in the hospital, he switched master suites with Kate for obvious reasons.

David thought John seemed a bit down. Everything he offered to do for his brother-in-law was declined. John just lay in bed on top of the sheets staring at the ceiling. Wearing only athletic shorts and a long white cast from his groin to his right foot, David marveled at how much bigger John was than when he was in high school. John also sported a lot more hair on his chest than David remembered.

Dave excused himself, deciding to leave John alone with his thoughts. He went upstairs to his temporary bedroom, changed into exercise clothes and proceeded to the workout room, which was at the opposite end of the master bathroom from the downstairs master suite.

He began his stretching routine before getting on the treadmill. Normally David would have gone running on the as yet lightly developed neighborhood streets but today he decided to stay home in case John needed anything. David's routine was to spend ten minutes on the treadmill to warm up, then workout on the Universal weight machine and some free weights before getting back on the treadmill for fifty more minutes. He was on the treadmill for less than five minutes watching the Golf Channel when, out of the corner of his eye he detected movement.

"Hey, John, you're up." David said as he turned to see John leaning on his crutches in the bathroom doorway. "Ya wanna use the treadmill?" He asked in jest.

"Very funny, Dave." The sarcasm, almost anger in John's voice was practically thick enough to cut. Also, for the first time that David could remember John had called him `Dave.' John began to maneuver himself across the room toward the weight bench. "Ya got any dumbbells in this room... besides me?"

Wow! He's really down,' Dave thought. I'd better let that last statement go without comment.' "Sure John, have a seat and I'll get you some. What weight? Five, ten, fifteen, twenty? Higher?"

"A couple of twenties will do, thanks." John said as he sat down on the bench. "Ouch! Damn it!" John exclaimed as the backside of the top of the cast trapped a fold of skin against the bench and pinched it. "Fuck!" John added to further express his frustration.

Dave picked up two twenty-pound dumbbells and placed them on the bench on either side of John. "Here, this ought to get you started. Just yell if I can do anything else," Dave said, trying to be as helpful as possible while not adding to John's frustration. Getting no response, Dave walked back to the treadmill and got on. Just as he was about to press the ON switch he heard what he thought was a sob. He turned around and saw John bent over and motionless except for the slight shaking of his shoulders; the dumbbells were still at his side.

Dave got off of the treadmill, walked over to the weight bench and sat down next to John facing the opposite direction -- their left shoulders were almost touching. Dave didn't know for sure what was going on in John's mind but he sure felt sad for his brother-in-law. He reached up and placed his left hand on John's left shoulder.

That seemed to open a door and John exclaimed, "Oh Dave, this sucks! This fucking sucks!" In that moment, the bond that formed in a high school gym initiation ceremony a few years before reached full maturity. John leaned against Dave, laid his head on Dave's shoulder, wrapped his left arm around Dave's midsection for stability and began to cry. The floodgates opened and tear and wails and groans came pouring out. John's body shook as he cried and Dave was beginning to struggle under his weight.

Dave turned slightly to his left and with his right hand began to caress up and down John's back. Dave had no idea what to say so he said nothing; he just waited for John to cry it out. After about five minutes the crying turned to sobs and then, with one long sigh it stopped. John sat up taking his weight off of Dave but he didn't let go of his smaller friend. Instead, he lifted his left hand to Dave's shoulder and pulled him closer.

Dave was beginning to be ashamed of himself. He was beginning to get hard and that's the last thing he thought should be happening. John was family, the brother he always wanted. He shouldn't be reacting this way but the bodily contact was just too intense to resist. There were some aspects of his own body he couldn't always control. Then, with the sides of their heads touching John began to speak.

"Ya know, Dave, I always knew I'd stop playing some day. And I always knew the possibility of an injury existed every time I went onto the field." John paused for a moment, "But I never expected it to happen so soon." He paused again, "I really love to play. I love the friendship with my teammates. I love the feel of the pads on my body. I love the way it feels when I hit someone or get hit." John paused again. Dave wasn't about to interrupt him. "GOD!" He exclaimed. "I love the game." John began to sob again but quickly recovered and continued talking. "But I know I have to move on. I have a wonderful wife, three beautiful sons," John pulled his head away from Dave's and looked him in the eyes. "And I have an absolutely super brother-in-law." What John did next startled Dave slightly. He kissed Dave on his left cheek and pulled him closer to him.

Dave had to say something. "We're all here for you, John. I've never been where you are but I can imagine that it must be really tough."

"Yeah, Dave, and I appreciate that, I really do. But now it's time to move on." Almost as though he realized for the first time just how closely he was holding Dave, John released him and straightened up. "Promise me you won't tell Kate about this."

"I promise," Dave replied. "But you should."

"I should?" John questioned.

"Kate's scared, John, I can see it. She's worried about you, about the boys and about the future. She needs you, John, just as you need her. Share all of this with her. She's pretty damn tough, ya know."

"Yeah, I know. And... you're right. I guess it's okay if I let her see my vulnerable side. She thinks I'm the Rock of Gibraltar. Well, the Doc says I have to lose weight. My knee won't be able to support all this weight. I've seen former players after they were injured. Some lost weight and slimmed down while others went to pot. I don't intend to go to pot. So get out of my way, Mr. Baker and let me start losing weight." John smiled as Dave moved out of the way.

"What's your plan, I mean, how will you use weights to get slim?"

"Less weight, more reps. Look at you. You're slim, yet muscular. You have that slender, sculpted look of a runner who lifts weights. You run but when you lift, you use the lighter weights and do lots of reps. That's what I have to do. It isn't going to happen overnight so I'd better get started."

"I'm going back to my treadmill; yell if you need me." Dave stood and walked to the treadmill, got on and started to jog. After ten minutes he moved to the Universal machine and began his weight routine. Occasionally he would glance at John to find him really getting into whichever lifting he was doing at that moment. One time Dave saw John on his back on the bench, his right leg sticking out straight, his left leg bent at the knee using his foot for stability and thrusting the dumbbells from his chest toward the ceiling; and he was working very hard at it too. Dave returned to the treadmill and increased the speed so that he was getting a very steady run, all the time keeping abreast of what John was doing. After about thirty-five minutes of running Dave heard John chuckling and looked over at him.

"What's so funny?" Dave asked as he decreased the speed on him machine.

"Me!" John chuckled. "Just look what I've done."

"What have you done?" Dave really couldn't understand what John was talking about.

"This has felt so damned good I forgot when to stop and now I'm all sweaty."

"So?" Dave questioned. "Just take a showe... oh, I see." Dave realized what John was saying, that with his cast, taking a shower wasn't very practical. Dave stopped the treadmill and walked to where John was sitting on the weight bench. He was sweating like a pig. "And you don't smell very good either!" Dave chuckled.

"Right, my man, kick a guy while he's down." John chuckled. "Maybe if you would loan me one of your super-sized condoms to cover this cast I might manage a shower."

"Well, John, I'm afraid you're out of luck, I just used the last one of those last week." Now Dave was actually laughing at the absurdity of the discussion. "Wait a minute!" Dave exclaimed excitedly. "You might be onto something. I think I have some giant lawn trash bags in the garage. We could probably cover the cast with one of those, the only problem would be getting a seal at the top."

"Hell, let's give it a try. I'd kill for a shower right now."

Dave ran through the house and into the garage where he found the previously mentioned trash bags. A roll of brown packing tape, the kind that sticks to everything, caught his eye so he grabbed that and raced back to the workout room. John was gone! Dave looked around and then heard John.

"In the bathroom!" John called. Dave hurried into the bathroom to find John leaning against the wall and wearing nothing but the leg cast adorned with a few smiley faces that JD had gleefully added. "I decided to speed things up a little. Now how do we do this?"

It was all Dave could do to avoid staring. "Okay, let's get this over the cast and tape it up with this." He held out the bag, then the tape. With Dave's help John was able to lift his right leg just enough so that Dave could slip the bag opening under the end of the cast and pull it toward John's groin. He stopped just before making contact with John's equipment.

"You might want to hold those things out of the way for a few minutes," Dave suggested.

"Oh yeah," John replied, like it was a very natural request.

The bag was the perfect length. It reached just to the top of the cast with enough left over to tape to John's leg. Grabbing the tape, Dave proceeded to wrap it around and around John's leg until he was satisfied he had a good seal. When he stepped back and looked at his work he realized that the tape actually went right to the top of John's groin, a mere fraction of an inch from his nuts. That's when he grimaced.

"Why the grimace?" John asked.

"Oh..." Dave hesitated. "Just thinking what it's going to feel like when I pull that tape off later."

"Oh shit, you're right!" John exclaimed. "We should've shaved that hair first. Oh well, too late now. Let's get on with the shower and deal with that later."

Dave gulped. "You... you mean you want me in there with you?"

"Look, Dave, this isn't something I can do myself! I need your help. Besides, we've been in the shower together before, haven't we?"

"Okay," Dave replied sounding resigned to the idea. Before helping John into the shower, Dave stripped off everything except his boxer briefs, which he still wore under his athletic shorts. His thought was that the boxer briefs would help camouflage the boner he knew he would definitely spring. He tried to convince himself that he was helping John and he should keep it clean and clinical.

Once in the shower Dave turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. "Okay, stick your head under there," he practically ordered John.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! You can't imagine how fucking good that feels!" John exclaimed excitedly as the water cascaded over his head and down his still sweaty body. After a couple of minutes of savoring the delightful sensations of a real shower, "You think you can wash me?"

"Yeah." Dave practically sighed. He picked up the bar of soap and began rubbing it all over John's body being careful to avoid his private areas. Then using his hands, Dave began working the lather and massaging John's large, muscular frame from top to bottom and front to back. With his hand resting just above John's hip Dave had to ask a question. "Just how thoroughly do you want to be washed, like, I mean... back here?" He slid his hand to the middle of John's butt but was careful not to intrude any further.

John's reply was immediate. He moved his right leg as far to the right as he could manage and said, "If you're willing, Dave, go ahead. That stay in the hospital destroyed any modesty I used to have. That tends to happen to you when orderlies come in to give you sponge baths. Now I want to be really clean."

Without comment, Dave hesitatingly slipped his fingers into the cleft of John's ass. He worked a lot of lather in between the cheeks and went deeper and deeper. Dave was trying to avoid any action that might be interpreted as sexual but his fingers accidentally grazed John's pucker.

"Oooh," John moaned.

"Sorry," Dave replied but continued washing the area. Once again he made contact with John's private hole.

"Oooh," John moaned again. "Shit, Dave, I never knew how... exciting that area could be."

"Well, John, that's a gay secret." Dave specifically phrased his reply in a way that he thought might pull John's chain.

"Please, don't tell me any more. That's too much information."

Finished with John's backside, Dave handed him the bar of soap, "Here, maybe you'd better wash the equipment in the front."

John had already noticed that Dave was struggling with a partial erection and he felt a little guilty for putting him in this situation. He'd have to apologize later. "Thanks, Dave." John took the bar of soap and began to wash his own genitals, especially one particular part that was also partially hard. Now thoroughly clean, John moved under the spray and rinsed the soap and dirt and smell from his body. When he was finished he turned the shower off and stood still for a moment feeling much better.

Dave got a towel and dried John as thoroughly as he could but let him dry his private equipment. When John was finished, Dave toweled some of the water from his own body then helped John back to the bed.

"Think you'll be okay while I go upstairs and shower? It won't take long then I'll come back and help you find some clothes."

"Sure, Dave, take your time. I need to rest a few minutes anyway."

Dave left the room and practically ran to the master bath upstairs. He stripped off his boxer briefs, turned on the shower and began stroking his cock. After only six strokes he was painting the shower wall with sperm. It was a welcome release from the sexual tension of washing John. He showered quickly, dressed and was back with John in a matter of minutes.

Dave rummaged around John's luggage that the team had sent from the hotel found a clean pair of shorts with leg openings that looked like they might be large enough to fit over the cast. They were in luck; they fit. However, John would have to go without underwear because the cast was much too large for the leg opening. Next Dave found a nice burgundy colored polo shirt and John pulled it over his head. One white sock and one left shoe later and John looked almost human again. He felt like it too. When John was ready Dave helped him relocate to the loveseat in the great room and then fixed them some turkey sandwiches with beer.

The two men spent the rest of the afternoon discussing several options John had available along with the pros and cons of selling their current house and moving back to the area. John also apologized to Dave for being so insensitive about the situation in the shower. Dave accepted the apology and asked John not to think anything about it. The afternoon passed so quickly that they were surprised when the boys came bounding into the house ready to pounce on their father. He was able to get their attention before they actually made contact. Ka te was really surprised to see her husband dressed and looking more normal and sitting in the great room.

Dave ordered out for pizza and they turned the evening into a pleasant family affair. Dave kept noticing how attentive Kate was toward John and how John occasionally whispered something into her ear causing her to blush slightly. The boys went swimming then showered and went to bed. Kate helped John back to the bedroom and they turned in early leaving Dave to himself.

Sunday morning, Dave was standing in the kitchen just starting to pour six glasses of orange juice when Kate waltzed in, gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek. Dave could tell that she was much happier than yesterday.

"What's that all about?"

"Thanks for taking care of John yesterday. He seems like a different man. I don't know what you two did yesterday but I think I need to leave you two alone together more often. He was a real tiger last night."

"Uh, Kate..." Dave looked at his sister. "I don't need to know that but I'm glad you're happy. Will pancakes be okay for everyone?" He changed the subject just as three young urchins bubbled into the kitchen.

Over the next several weeks Kate and John took action to change the direction of their lives. They found and leased a very nice house only about three miles from where Dave lived. They placed their other house on the market and made arrangements to move their furniture. Mark and Matt were able to start school nearby, less than a week late. John started the process of selling his Midwest Subway franchises but had not developed any plan on what to do about reinvesting. John's cast was removed after about six weeks and he started into physical therapy but he had to wear a knee brace for several months. Later he would only need to wear the brace when he participated in certain sports like tennis but he had to give up most other activities like running that involved high impact. For endurance training purposes, John discovered the no-impact advantages of the NordicTrack and managed to get his weight down to a very trim and ripped 195 pounds.

After Kate, John and the boys moved out, Dave reestablished the pre-injury practice of having his gang, Todd called them `Dave's Platoon,' over for a swimming/hot tub party. While Kate, John and the boys were living with him, Dave decided not to hold the parties because the Platoon preferred to swim in the nude and the hot tub was definitely "no clothing allowed" territory.

In early November, the metropolitan symphony orchestra held a fund-raising/membership drive and Dave, remembering how much he and Paul enjoyed the musical arts, donated $100,000 in the name of the Roehl Trust. That entitled Dave to tickets for two to all performances and a permanent invitation to the annual Christmas charity ball, at which he donated another $10,000.

The entire family gathered at Bob and Nancy Baker's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Kate took advantage of that occasion to quietly let it be know that they would be expecting an addition to the family in about seven months. `Hmmm,' David thought, "you don't suppose...' as he remembered back two months when he and John spent the day together and how almost giddy Kate seemed the next morning.

The Friday morning after Thanksgiving the front page of the newspaper reported the story of a seven year old girl who had been raped and beaten by her mother's live-in boyfriend. And that wasn't the half of it. The same little girl had been abused about a year earlier by a different boyfriend. In the first case the Department of Child Services had taken the child into custody only to have the court system return her to the mother. `No doubt the court will return her to her mother again soon,' Dave thought sadly.

December turned out to be a very busy month. There was the AANCF quarterly meeting in Dallas and Dave took presents for all of his friends. Back home Dave went alone to the symphony Christmas Ball. He wished Paul were there with him; they would make such a striking couple. Then there was the office Christmas dinner at the country club.

Christmas Eve, Dave's Platoon gathered at his house and they had a lot of fun exchanging some pretty bawdy gifts along with some very nice ones. Dan kind of surprised everyone by bringing a friend from work. Ultimately that relationship didn't go anywhere, but it was Dan's way of announcing that he was trying to get back into circulation, all limitations considered.

Christmas morning, the combined Close-Baker clan gathered at Kate's house to watch the boys open a multitude of gifts. Dave couldn't help thinking about the boys and girls at the AANCF in Dallas and others right there in the city who would be getting little or nothing on that glorious day.

New Year's Eve, Dave joined Dan at Mike and Todd's apartment for a party. It was their first big party in their new apartment and they had invited many of their neighbors. Everyone there was either gay or gay friendly which made the atmosphere enjoyably relaxed. Dave received several hits but although the men he met were very nice, he just couldn't get motivated by any of them.

In February, splashed all over the front page of the newspaper was the story of two young boys, one 5 and the other 7, who had been abandoned by their parents. They were found living in cardboard boxes under an overpass and the weather was unusually cold for that part of the country. Dave was almost moved to tears when he read the details and the following weekend, during the meeting of the Philos Board of Directors he raised the question about the most recent events. He specifically wanted to know who else shared his concerns. Much to his amazement everyone present expressed equal concern and were interested in taking some kind of action but didn't know what it should be. Dave had an idea but he wasn't ready to go public with it just yet. However, privately he broached the idea to Sam for a reality check and Sam endorsed it enthusiastically.

Dave left for Dallas on Thursday evening, a day early, to attend the March meeting of the AANCF Board of Director's meeting. He wanted to have some in-depth discussions with a few people. The meetings and discussions went better than Dave had reason to hope for.

Late Saturday afternoon, Dave arrived at the Roehl ranch for dinner and to spend the evening with two people he dearly loved. During the night, Dave awoke and just couldn't get back to sleep.

What better place,' he thought, to try to talk with Paul.'

Paul, if you're listening, I need to talk. This isn't easy to say but I'm feeling really lonely... and I'd like to have someone in my life. I still love you... I always will... but you're not here... and you're not coming back... and I have a hole that needs to be filled. No, not that hole...' Dave chuckled to himself. On second thought, that hole too... but I mean the hole in my heart... I need to hold someone... and know that someone needs me too... I need to love someone, physical love and spiritual love, and feel I'm being loved in return...'

`Dave, I know. I love you and I know you love me too. I also know you need to have someone in your life, in your arms, in your bed. I love you too much to expect you to be a monk. I want you to be patient. There is someone out there but he's not ready for you yet. Just give it a little more time, Babe, a little more patience.'

`But when? How will I know?'

`Oh you'll know, Babe, there'll be no question when it happens. I love you Dave and I'm watching over you. You're doing all the right things too, just stay on the path you're on. Art and Adam are looking out for our best interests and give sage advice. But follow you instincts in the matters you're currently pursuing, they're good instincts.'

`I knew I could talk to you here, I love you, Paul.'

`And I love you too, Babe, I'll be back.'

The visitation was over. Dave rolled over, looked at the digital clock: 02:18 AM. `That's odd,' he thought, then he remembered he was in the Central Time Zone, rolled back over and slept soundly for the rest of the night.

The usual golf outing had to be put off due to rain but Dave used the spare time to sit down with Art and Adam to talk about the trust. Adam had joined the corporation that managed Paul's trust and was now responsible for his inve stments. He told Dave that the trust was growing faster than expected, primarily because Dave wasn't spending it fast enough.

Dave posed a question to Adam and Art: Which would be better, to increase his donations in an effort to control the growth or to just give it all away? The second part of that question almost sent Adam into shock. Art explained that if Dave gave it all away, when it was gone it was gone. But if he controlled the trust's growth through wise donations, he would be in a position to do a great deal of good for many more worthy causes over an extended period of time. Dave had already figured that out and having heard their advice decided to go with the latter. He then explained what he had in mind for his next `investment.'

Dave was feeling quite satisfied as he sat in the Cirrus Executive Lounge at DFW awaiting his flight.

"Mr. Baker, your flight is ready for boarding and the gate is just across the concourse from the door to this lounge."

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 44: The Recovery 18

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