David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Jul 18, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

******* Author's note: If you enjoy David's story, let me suggest how you can express your appreciation, donate to the Nifty Archive. That is one way to ensure we all have the opportunity to enjoy many other writers and their stories. Thank you.

David's Initiation: The Recovery 19

"Hey Mancuso, com'ere," the foreman yelled. Tony put down the box of tiles he had in his hands and walked over to where the foreman, Len, was talking on his cell phone. "Yeah, Sam, he should be there in about twenty minutes. Talk later, bye," and Len closed the cover on his cell phone. "Okay Mancuso, you're needed over at the other construction site. They're running a little behind and need an extra pair of hands. Let me give you the address and I'll also draw you a map." The foreman proceeded to do just that and in a matter of minutes, Tony was in the ten-year old rusty-gray (more rust than gray) Chevy S-10 his brother-in-law had loaned him and was driving toward the second home construction site of his first day on the job.

Anthony Nickolas Mancuso: twenty-two years old; 6' 1" tall; and185 pounds. Tony was angry. He was angry with the Marine Corps but he was even more angry with himself. Not more than a week and a half ago he was a U.S. Marine. For as long as he could remember he had wanted to be a Marine. As a kid he used to spend hours watching old Hollywood WWII movies of the South Pacific and reveling in the heroism, bravery and Marine victories they portrayed. After High School he got his chance and things were going exceptionally well. He earned high recognition for his actions and was awarded several medals for superior performance. Then three months ago the police broke in on a group of homosexuals, caught them in the act so to speak. Tony wasn't in the group but one of the men, trying to make a deal, implicated Tony and that made him a target for further investigation.

Tony wasn't exactly innocent, though. He had experimented with a couple of his friends in high school and, although he enjoyed that, Tony made a choice -- he wanted to be a Marine more than anything else. It so happens that about two weeks before the gay bust, out of curiosity Tony visited a gay bar near the ba se where, in a weak moment he met a young man who was cruising the bar. The man never said he was in the Marines and they had sex. The guy very good and Tony thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Later, back at the barracks he realized his mistake, vowed never to do it again and hoped and prayed he could keep it hidden.

Of course Tony denied the accusation and because there was no evidence, only a he-said-he-said case, the investigation was terminated. The damage, however was done. The Major called him into his office, closed the door, and told Tony things he didn't want to hear.

"You're a damn good Marine, Mancuso. You're just the kind of man I'd want guarding my flank on the battlefield. I've admired your bravery and courage for many months now. But the truth is, you're finished. Your records are smudged and, guilty or not, you'll never be able to go any farther in this organization. I won't stop you if you decide to re-up but I think you should know that your career if over. My advice to you is to get out and start over. With your intelligence and determination I have no doubt that you'll find success."

Tony convinced himself he was not gay. He knew he wasn't like the stereotypical gays he saw portrayed in the movies and on TV and he couldn't see himself living in some rat-hole of an apartment and selling his favors to whomever was willing to pay. He'd read enough about how difficult life was for gay men, like the Matthew Shepard case. He also knew that if he were gay he wouldn't be able to get a descent job, thus forcing him to live in some rat-hole of an apartment. Life would be a lot easier and simpler if he played it straight. He wasn't interested in women but, so what!

So here he was. When Tony's family asked why he left the Marines he so loved he just said that it was time to move on. His brother-in-law knew a construction contractor and suggested Tony make contact and use him as a reference. Although Tony didn't have any construction experience, Sam was impressed with his eagerness and liked the cut of his jib so he hired him.

At lunchtime on the Third Wednesday of June, Dave drove out to the co nstruction site of a new home he and Sam were building. The real reason he went out there was to show off the new Ford F-250 he just took possession of the day before. It was forest green with a large V-8, an extended crew cab, and a hard cover for the bed. He also purchased a power pack for the back of the truck and added oversized wheels that made the vehicle much higher off the road than normal and that also gave it a menacing look.

The 9,000 square feet house was on a large piece of property and set back from the road about an eighth of a mile. As Dave drove toward the house he could see Sam standing near his truck talking to a young man he hadn't seen before. Dave watched the young man turn and walk away from Sam just before he came to a stop.

Dave opened the door, slid out onto the step and then jumped to the ground. Today he was dressed in his Texas outfit: cowboy boots the Roehl's had given him, Levi's, white dress shirt and a burgundy tie with horses on it, and a corduroy jacket with leather pads at the elbows -- cowboy attire for the office.

"Nice truck, Dave!" Sam exclaimed as he walked over to greet his business partner. "When did ya get her?"

"Last night after work. Who's the new man?" Dave almost too quickly refocused the conversation and Sam picked up on it immediately.

"Name's Tony Mancuso. He started work at the other site Monday morning but we needed more help here so I had him sent over." During this brief conversation Dave and Sam had turned and were now standing side by side, leaning back against the fender of Dave's new truck, their arms folded across their chests as they looked toward the construction activity. Dave's eyes were glued on Mancuso. Then Sam leaned his head close to Dave's and said in a quieter voice, "I think he may be one of us. He's hard to read thought, he's so quiet, never smiles." Dave didn't comment. "Ya want me to introduce you?" For the first time, it seemed to Sam that Dave might actually be interested in another man.

Dave waited a few seconds. "Thanks, Sam, but I think I'll just make my rounds with the other men... I'll save him for last and introduce myself."

"Sure thing, Dave, check with me before you leave, I have a question for you."

"Will do, Sam." They used their butts to push themselves back to a standing position and began walking in different directions.

As Tony turned to walk away from Sam he noticed the dark green truck approaching down the dusty driveway. He walked over to pick up some lumber just as Dave jumped from the truck to the ground and Tony's stomach seemed to flip. He was looking at perhaps the most handsome man he had ever seen. When Dave's feet hit the ground Tony couldn't avoid noticing the obvious bounce of the hefty package being protected by blue denim.

"Ouch! God damn it!" Tony cursed under his breath. In his preoccupation with watching Dave, he had allowed the lumber to slip from his hand and it scraped down his shins and landed on his feet. His feet were protected by steel-toed shoes but his shins had no protection and paid the price.

Dave made his rounds like usual, talking to each man in turn. Tony observed how the other men seemed to receive this very handsome and hot looking man with such respect, warmth and friendship, shaking hands, laughing with him, slapping him on the back, one man even patted him on his butt.

The closer Dave got, the more nervous Tony grew. Why am I so nervous?' Tony asked himself. He's probably some important guy who doesn't give a shit about who I am or what I do.'

After a while, only one man remained whom Dave hadn't talked to so he walked over to where Tony was working. While visiting with the other men, Dave had been stealing glances toward Mancuso and liked what he saw - no, he was excited by what he saw. Once when he looked, Tony was bending over to pick something up and when he stood up his Levi's stuck in his crack and accentuated the firm roundness of the bottom side of his buns. Dave felt a twitch in his boxer briefs. `Nice ass!' he thought.

"Good afternoon," Dave said, showing the warmest, most friendly smile he could produce. At 5' 10" tall, Dave looked up at the 6" 1" Mancuso; he was used to looking up at most men. "I'm Dave Baker, the architect on this project. And you are?" Dave's hand was extended as Tony set down the lumber he had in his hands and turned to face Dave. The first thing Dave noticed was Tony's dark brown eyes with thick, expressive eyebrows above them -- he could almost feel them pulling him inside. Tony had a long rectangular shaped face with a strong jaw line and a prominent Roman nose that was appropriate for the name Mancuso. Tony's black hair was cut high and tight, Dave instantly recognized the military style, and his face was already showing evidence of a five o'clock shadow, the pattern it formed was very seductive. By now Dave could see that Tony's skin was a little darker with somewhat of an olive cast to it, `Very attractive!' Dave thought.

"Mancuso. Tony Mancuso, Sir," Tony replied. He was captivated by Dave's smile but he didn't smile back. Tony removed his gloves and he extended his right hand. Dave watched as Tony guided his hand toward Dave's, but Tony was also looking beyond the approaching handshake, his eyes were locked onto Dave's package and couldn't seem to be pried away from it.

Bingo!' Dave thought. Either he's being obvious about this for a reason or he lacks the experience to disguise his interest.'

When their hands slid into each other Dave was sure he felt a surge of energy, not electricity but energy, and he stopped breathing for a split second.

Tony felt it too but he had so many other things going on inside his mind and body he wasn't sure what he felt. Blood was rushing into Tony's penis causing him to worry that Dave might notice it. And although Tony was breathing normally he felt like he was struggling, gasping for air. For a moment he felt light-headed. Tony had never experienced this kind of reaction before and hardly knew how to handle it. His instincts told him to resist, fight what he was feeling. After all, he wasn't supposed to be attracted to men, he wasn't gay!

"Nice to meet you, Tony," Dave replied. "I'd like to stay and visit for a few minutes but I have to get back to the office. I'll be back Friday afternoon to join the crew for a brew." Dave chuckled at his own rhyme. "I sure hope you'll be able to join us."

"Uh... sure... uh... yes Sir, Mr. Baker, I'll... uh look forward to that."

"Good, Tony, see you then," Dave finished, let go of Tony's hand, and stepped back. Dave had purposely held on to Tony's hand for as long as he could to find out what Tony would do. Would he break the contact - he didn't! Dave turned and walked away to find Sam.

Oh fuck! What was that!' Tony thought as he turned his back on the rest to the crew and readjusted his cock. God! He must think I'm a Cretan and don't know how to talk. Calm down. He's just a nice guy. He walked all the way over here to introduce himself. He's a handsome man. No, he's hot! What am I saying? Don't go there! You're not going to let yourself be attracted to men. Forget it! He's way out of your class anyway. Don't even thing about it! Back to work -- back to work!'

Tony managed to stay focused on the job because he knew that it could be dangerous to loose concentration in this line of work. After work he went home... if you could call it that. He was staying in a rundown motel that rented by the week. It was clean, they changed the sheets once a week and its most desirable feature - it was cheep. There was no cable TV but the central antenna system picked up quite a few stations, including all the major networks.

Tony forced himself to not think about Mr. Baker. Whenever he had any thoughts about Dave, he immediately thought of something else. Thursday seemed normal - assuming Tony knew what normal was supposed to be at that early stage in his employment. Friday, Tony awoke feeling anxious -- he wasn't sure why. His level of anxiety remained constant throughout the day and about a half hour before quitting time he saw a green F-250 kicking up dust as it approached along the still dirt driveway. Tony stopped doing what he was doing until he saw Dave jump down from his truck, then went back to work.

Dave quickly circulated among the men and, by design, sought Tony last. "Hi, Tony, how's it goin'?" Dave asked, with his best smile and trying to sound friendly. "You gonna be able to join us down at the B&B (Bull & Boar Tavern)?"

"Uh... yes Sir, I listened to some of the other men talk about it and it sounds like a good time." Tony had in fact asked a couple of the men about Dave's traditional Friday-after-work-beer. Dave always bought the first round but had a standing rule that if anyone got too drunk to drive someone would take him home and get his vehicle the next day. He made it clear that he and Sam didn't want any of the men getting picked up for DUI or having an accident with injury or death.

At 4:30 PM, the crew began to knock off work and tried to make themselves as presentable as possible. Several used the restroom at the B&B to remove just a little of the perspiration and dust of construction before gathering in the bar and Tony, having learned to follow the crowd, did likewise.

After consuming the first round of free beer, some of the men departed for home and families while others remained and enjoyed telling a few lies, drinking more beer and enjoying the company of their male companions. Most of those who stayed helped themselves to the free hot wings and other treats that the establishment put out on a table for the more serious drinkers. By 7:00 only four men were left, Dave, Tony and two others. Dave hung around because he had nothing else to do but he followed the rule Paul taught him -- never let the alcohol control your behavior. Dave had stopped after the second beer but made it appear as though he was still drinking.

Tony apparently never learned the same lesson Dave had. After the second beer he began to relax and had another, and another, and... too many. He began weaving when he stood up, talked loudly, and became a friend to everyone.

From his days in the Army and on many occasions after that, Dave had come to the conclusion that the type of personality a man exhibits when he's drunk if likely to be closer to his core personality. In other words, if a man is a mean drunk he's probably mean at his core and if he's a friendly drunk the same logic applies. Tony was definitely a friendly drunk -- but he was having difficulty standing up and he obviously was in no condition to drive.

Dave asked the other two men if they could take Tony home but they didn't know where he lived. They'd only known him for five days and hadn't had the opportunity to learn much about him. The two men also had girl friends waiting for them and there was no way they were about to take him to their houses.

Dave was stuck. He couldn't very well leave Tony at the B&B and leaving him in his truck all night seemed inhumane. With the help of the other two men, they managed to get Tony up into Dave's truck -- Dave would take Tony to his place, let him sleep it off and make sure he got home safely Saturday morning. Before leaving the parking lot Dave pushed Tony back into the seat, fixed the seat/shoulder belt to make sure it was very tight then jerked on the shoulder section to lock it. That would keep Tony more securely in place and prevent him from falling forward against the dash or front window.

Once Tony was secure in his seat, Dave got in on the driver's side, looked across at Tony and said "Don't you dare barf in my new truck!" Getting no response, Dave turned the key and proceeded to drive home. By the time Dave drove into the garage Tony was showing signs of coming around. He could hold his head up and often looked at Dave with one of those really drunken grins that advertised just how out of it he really was.

Once in the garage with the door closed, Dave first unlocked the door into the house and disarmed the security system then returned to the truck to retrieve his inebriated guest. Getting Tony out of the truck was considerably easier than getting him in but it still wasn't a piece of cake. When finally on his feet again, with a great deal of help from Dave, Tony seemed to find his voice and began jabbering.

"Oh, Missr Bakr, I wannnna thanks ya fer helpn me. Yr a nice man, Missr Bakr. I like you sirrr! I realllly dooo!"

And so it went as Dave lead Tony through the kitchen and down the hall. Dave's plan was to place Tony in one of the upstairs bedrooms but as he stood at the bottom of the stairs he realized that might be a bad idea. He doubted that he would be able to get Tony up the stairs. Furthermore, if he succeeded with that, he was concerned that Tony might get up during the night and in the darkness accidentally fell down the stairs.

"Okay, you're sleeping down here tonight," Dave said out loud and continued along the hall to his master suite. Just as they entered the bedroom Tony found his voice again.

"Gotta pissss, gotta pissss, Missr Bakr." Dave guided Tony straight into the bathroom and up to the urinal. He sure was glad he had the foresight to install one of those.

Tony stuck out his left hand and braced himself against the wall and with his right hand began fumbling with his zipper.

"Ohh... I can't... hurry..." Dave heard the panicked cry so he positioned himself on Tony's right side, reached in and unzipped Tony's Levi's. "Ohh hurry, I can't..." Tony lacked the coordination to reach in and pull his penis from his pants so in desperation Dave slid his hand in through the opening, found the top of Tony's briefs, yanked them down as far as he could allowing Tony's cock to fall out. And not a moment too soon! The golden flow began immediately and splattered against the back of the urinal.

Drunk as he was, Tony managed to switch hands so that his right hand was braced against the wall and he held his penis with his left directing his stream into the urinal. Where was Dave's hand? It was directly underneath Tony's cock and pressed up against Tony's testicles. The heat was tremendous. Dave watched as Tony pulled his foreskin back to reveal about half of his shiny pink glans. Dave had never been this close to an uncircumcised cock before and it intrigued him. Tony looked to be of normal size, certainly nothing extraordinary. Even flaccid, Dave was much larger. Comparing cock size is just something men can't resist.

Finally Tony's stream weakened and stopped and he managed to tuck it back through the opening of his Levi's and Dave raised the briefs. He was careful not to let go too soon or he might capture Tony's penis half in and half out. And he didn't want the waistband to snap against Tony's abdomen.

Dave decided not to worry with the zipper since he would be removing the Levi's soon anyway. He got Tony's right arm over his shoulder again and was about to leave the bathroom when Tony spoke again.

"Sick... gonna be sick!"

Dave spun Tony around and allowed him to sink to his knees right next to the toilet. Dave managed to get the seat raised only seconds before Tony lowered his head over the bowl and emptied his stomach of the most foul smelling combination of hot wings and beer that Dave had ever encountered. While Tony hung on to the edge of the toilet bowl with both hands, Dave grabbed a wash cloth, stuck it under the faucet and made it wet with cold water. When Tony seemed finished, Dave wiped Tony's face and lips with the cold cloth, rinsed it out and wiped again.

Dave turned to the sink, rinsed the washcloth again and turned back to find Tony lying on the floor, curled up in a fetal position, his head resting on his folded hands -- he appeared to be asleep.

"Oh no," Dave pleaded, "don't go to sleep on me now, man, you gotta help me get you into bed." Tony didn't hear him. Dave flushed the toilet trying to get rid of the smell then stepped over Tony to get in position behind his head. Then he looked down and saw Tony's feet, "Better get those shoes off or they'll act like an anchor when I drag him across that carpet." He stepped over Tony again and removed his shoes and socks. Dave was prepared for some awful foot odor and was surprised when there wasn't any. On his knees and resting his butt on his heals, Dave held Tony's left foot in his left hand while he removed the sock. He stared at Tony's bare foot and admired how big it was -- he thought it looked beautiful. Dave had never really looked at feet before so this kind of surprised him. Quickly he removed Tony's other sock and sat staring at the right foot. Breaking his trance, Dave stood up and stepped over Tony one more time.

Kneeling at Tony's head he slid his hands under Tony's shoulders and sat him up. Then he placed his arms under Tony's armpits and started to pull, he had to get him turned around in order to drag him out of the bathroom headfirst. When he tried to lift, Tony's arms flew straight up allowing his shoulders to slide out of Dave's grasp. Fortunately Dave was able to catch the young man before his head hit the floor.

Dave got set up again and this time was prepared with a better grip. He managed to get Tony turned around and dragged him across the tiled floor. When he hit the carpet, things got a lot harder. Finally reaching the bed, Dave grunted loudly as he lifted Tony as high as he could and then the two of them fell back onto the bed, Tony on top. By now Dave was gasping for breath. Tony's butt rested on Dave's package and his lower extremities lay between Dave widespread legs. It had been a long time since he'd been this close to a man and he was getting turned on.

After regaining some strength, Dave rolled the two of them to his left. When he could get up, Dave picked Tony's legs up and rotated his body until all of Tony was on the bed. At that point Dave sat down and rested for a few minutes. "This almost seems like de je vous all over again," he said thinking of the time he helped Mike home from his farewell bash. "Is this to be my calling in life, to help wayward drunks?"

Having recovered from the exertion, Dave set about removing Tony's clothes. He stopped when he got down to Tony's white briefs, folded everything else and placed it on the club chair close to the bed then retrieved the shoes and socks from the bathroom and set them in front of the chair, toes in. Dave was beginning to feel tired so he undressed to his boxer briefs and went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. The unpleasant odor had dissipated for which Dave was most grateful.

Dave stepped out of the bathroom and saw Tony lying on the bed so peacefully. The only illumination in the room was spillover light from the bathroom and against the dark brown sheets Tony's body seemed radiant. There were actually three contrasts: the sheets were dark brown and Tony's body appeared white against them, but his stark white briefs accentuated the darkness of Tony's skin and were even brighter against the sheets. Dave felt his heart skip a beat. Walking to the side of the bed, Dave reached down and picked up Tony's left hand and he studied it. It was a large, strong hand with long fingers. Then he looked at Tony's large feet, then at his groin. "Well, that's one myth dispelled."

Dave returned to the bathroom and turned out the light. Back in the bedroom, the moonlight streaming through the large bedroom window actually provided better illumination than did the light from the bathroom because it was more diffused and softened any shadows. Stopping at the foot of the bed, Dave looked up at Tony "This is a pretty good vantage point for viewing a man,' Dave chuckled. `How innocent he looks when he sleeps. Just look at that body! Those broad shoulders, that black hair spreading across his chest with a trail going down to his briefs, his narrow waist, what a package he is. He could be on the cover of "Men's Health Magazine"... but I'll bet they'd make him shave his chest. His muscles are a lot like Danny's used to be, very natural, not the product of a gym. Whatever he's been doing it's kept him in great shape. A powerful chest, strong arms, a six-pack, sturdy legs, he's a real hunk. But what kind of man is he? Honest? Dependable? Ambitious? Is he loyal to his friends? Is he the kind of man I'd like to be with? There's no doubt that I'm sexually attracted to him but could I love him? Well, let's see how it plays out.'

Dave crawled into bed, pulled the sheet up to his waist and lay quietly for a while just thinking. The king-sized bed was big enough that two people could easily feel like they were sleeping alone. But knowing Tony's body was only a couple of feet away acted like a magnet, a force pulling Dave closer and closer. He scooted his way across the bed until he was within inches of his slumbering guest. With his back to Tony, in seconds he could feel the heat radiating from the young man. God it brought back memories. It would be so easy,' he thought. All I'd have to do is turn over and get a taste of him. He'd probably never remember. No! Can't do that! It isn't right! I don't really know him and that would be violating his privacy. If he were here voluntarily... that would be different.' Dave wanted to stay there just a few minutes more then he'd move back over to his side of the bed.

Dave must have fallen asleep because sometime during the night he was awakened by Tony rolling up against him. Tony wrapped his left arm around Dave and snuggled tightly against his body. Dave held his breath, not knowing what to do next. He could feel Tony's hot breath on his neck and an even hotter erection pressing against his backside. Now he was grateful both of them were still in their underwear. Or maybe he wasn't! Now Dave's erection was straining for attention but he wasn't going to move until Tony did. Fortunately Dave didn't have to wait long for soon Tony rolled back to his left and Dave was free. Scooting to his side of the bed, Dave pulled some facial tissues from the box on the nightstand and jerked his member until he achieved the relief he so desperately needed. He was quick in cuming and even quicker getting back to sleep.

Dave awoke early, normal actually. He could see through the bedroom window that the sky was just beginning to show signs of dawn. He checked to his left and his guest was still there, lying on top of the sheets, the tip of his erection sticking out from under the waistband of his briefs. `Is he always hard?' Dave wondered. Quietly Dave got out of bed, removed his boxer briefs and walked to the chest where he reached into a drawer, pulled out a pair of running shorts and slipped into them. He found his running shoes in the dark, put them on, slipped a T-shirt over his head and headed out of the house for an early morning run. Dave figured Tony would probably sleep in, at least until the morning sunlight through the bedroom window became too bright to ignore. Dave had left the large bedroom window without any treatment because privacy was not an issue and it allowed him to enjoy the wilderness every time he looked outside.

As Dave walked into the kitchen and turned on the light he realized he was wearing those light blue compression shorts he said he'd never wear again. `Oh well, I'm not going back into the bedroom, these will have to do,' he thought. At that early hour of Saturday morning hardly anyone would be up and out on the street to see him anyway. He filled the coffee maker and turned it on then left the house to run. He had a lot to think about, not the least of which was Tony. By the time he got back home his head was clear and he had reached some conclusions.

Tony slowly became aware of light shining on the other side of his eyelids. He carefully opened one eye and looked around. Where the fuck am I?' he thought. This sure as hell isn't my hotel room!' Then he recognized signals of pressure inside his bladder and understood the urgent need to piss. He sat up rapidly with the intent of finding a bathroom.

"Ooooooh!" he moaned in pain and grabbed his head with both hands. It felt like someone had struck him in the back of his head with a baseball bat. Closing his eyes, he collapsed onto the bed, found the pillow and used it to cover his face and shut out the light. The competition between the pounding in his head and the growing pressure in his bladder made it nearly impossible to think but the need to piss was too great to ignore. After a few minutes, Tony removed the pillow from his face and slowly, very slowly sat up. This time he was able to endure the pain in the back of his head. Opening his eyes he saw two doors. One of them had to lead to a bathroom. He got up and began walking to a place halfway between the doors until it was obvious that there was a bathroom through the door on the left. Tony was surprised to find a urinal but without hesitation, he stepped up to it, pulled the top of his briefs down and let the stream begin. He pulled his briefs further down and hooked the waistband under his nuts and then folded his arms against the wall in front of him, leaned forward and rested his throbbing head against them. Finally, a comfortable position! His bladder seemed to take forever to empty; but when it did Tony pushed away from the wall, shook off the last drop of urine and raised his briefs.

When he walked out of the bathroom Tony had to squint to protect his bloodshot eyes from the light coming in through the large picture window. He seemed disoriented for a few moments so he leaned against the wall for stability while he surveyed the room. Eventually Tony realized he was looking at a bed, the bed he had spent the night in. He saw that the sheet on his side of the bed was folded back where he had lain. Then a realization hit him, the sheet on the other side of the bed was also turned back just like someone else had been sleeping there too. Oh fuck! I spent the night with someone! Who?' Tony instinctively placed his left hand on his rump. Well, everything seems okay back there,' he thought with some relief. He had a good idea what his ass felt like after he had been penetrated. `Okay, let's get out of here.' Once he'd made that decision it took Tony only seconds to find his neatly folded clothes and, with mild difficulty he put them on.

Not knowing where he was or which direction to go, Tony found his way out of the bedroom and into a short hallway. Walking to the other end he found a fabulous workout room with better equipment than he'd seen in most any gym he'd ever been to. He turned around and found his way out into the hallway that paralleled the great room.

HO-LY SHIT!' he thought as he walked down the hall and surveyed the grandeur of the room. He could hardly believe his eyes when he spotted the studio grand piano. I sure as hell don't know anybody who owns a place like this!' The shimmering blue water of the swimming pool also caught his eye. With an almost death-grip on the railing along the right side of the hallway, Tony carefully worked his way toward the far end. Along the way he was impressed by the main entryway but continued to follow the aroma of coffee.

Arriving at the kitchen door he froze. `Ohmygod! Don't tell me I slept with that last night!' Dave was standing at the sink pouring two glasses of orange juice. He had just returned from running and had removed his sweat soaked T-shirt, gathered it and tossed it over his right shoulder. Tony was struck by the thought that he was looking at the most beautiful male form he could ever remember. As Dave lifted his glass of juice to his mouth and drank, tilting his head back, Tony was mesmerized by how Dave's shoulder blades and all the small muscles up and down his back rippled so seductively. Then his eyes zeroed in on the back of Dave's ears. The back of men's ears had always been a turned-on for Tony, especially when he had to stand in a formation and focus on the back of the head of the man in front of him. Tony always focused instead on the man's ears and that gave him a hardon, which was only a momentary problem until the formation began marching again. The back of Dave's ears were exceptionally erotic.

`Who is this guy?' Tony wondered. Unknown to Tony, Dave had seen Tony's reflection in the window when he stopped in the doorway. The reflection wasn't perfectly clear but it was clear enough that Dave could see the look of surprise on Tony's face and decided to milk the moment for effect. Dave finished drinking his juice, poured two cups of coffee and slowly turned around.

"How do you feel?" Dave asked. Tony appeared to be a startled at first but it disappeared as recognition set in and he just grunted in response to Dave's question. "Have a seat, Tony, what do you like in your coffee?"

"Uh... black is fine, thanks... Mr. Baker," Tony replied as he pulled out a chair and sat down in it. Dave carried both mugs to table and sat his down but he played a game with Tony's mug. He sat it down at the edge of the table where he stood and then slowly scooted it toward Tony. Tony reached out with his left hand but he more groped for the mug than reached for it because his eyes were locked onto the crotch of the sweaty, light-blue compression pants Dave was wearing instead of focusing on the coffee mug. My god, he'd huge! And he's damn sure cut too. And look at those nuts!' Tony could feel the saliva flow into his mouth. I'd sure like to take a bite of that. What am I thinking! Gotta stop this!' And he tore his eyes from Dave's crotch but what he found next was almost as bad. Tony's eyes traveled up Dave's tight abdomen to his smooth, delicately rounded chest and to his left nipple surrounded by small, pert areola. Even with a hangover, much needed blood was rushing to the wrong head and there wasn't anything Tony could do about it. He was in lust. Dave came to his rescue.

"You sure you're okay, you sleep all right?"

"Uh... yeah." Tony rescued himself by looking down into his coffee mug and bringing it close to his face where the steaming aroma could clear his thoughts. He took a sip and continued looking into the coffee for a moment then asked a question. "Uh, how did I get here?"

"Long story or short?"

"Short, Sir," Tony couldn't stop a slight smile which he hid with the coffee mug. He wasn't sure why but he liked the way Dave chose his words.

"You got too drunk to drive; the three us who were left didn't know where you lived; they declined to take you so I brought you here rather than let you sleep in your truck."

"That's a pretty short story, Sir," Tony said through his growing smile, which he continued to cover with the coffee mug.

"Tony..." Dave asked. Tony killed his smile and looked up at Dave. His eyes stopped first at Dave's cock before finding his smiling face. Dave was well aware of what Tony was looking at. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-two, Sir."

"Well, I'm only twenty-five and seeing as how we just spent the night in the same bed together don't you think we're familiar enough that you could call me `Dave'?"

"Yes, Sir... er... Dave." Now Tony's eyes focused on Dave's neck, long, slender, and very touchable and kissable. "Why did you put me in your bed?" Tony was curious. This was a big house, why not another bed.

"You're a pretty big man, I didn't think I could get you upstairs."

"So we slept together?"

"Yup!" Dave replied.

A thought popped into Tony's aching brain and spilled directly out of his mouth. "At least you didn't take advantage of me." And he wished he could grab the words and put them back into his mouth.

"Oh no," Dave responded with a friendly smirk, "for that you have to be wide awake and stone cold sober." Dave knew exactly what he was saying.

Tony looked up almost in shock. `What did he just say? He didn't take advantage of me because I was drunk? Does he mean that if I'd been sober he'd have made a move on me? Go ahead, ask the question!'

"Are... are you... gay?"

"Yes, aren't you?" Dave's reply was swift and direct and it caught Tony a little off guard. His tongue was at the roof of his mouth just behind his front teeth and he was about to say No' but chose to look down into his almost empty coffee mug and say nothing. The real answer's yes but he's in denial,' Dave thought. He'd learned a lot on that brief exchange.

"How about more coffee? Would you like a bagel?" Dave wanted to be a gracious host.

"Oh, god, please, don't mention food," Tony almost gasped.

"I just thought you might be hungry after upchucking in my toilet last night."

"Oh god," Tony responded, sounding embarrassed. "I didn't, please tell me I didn't do that."

"Gotta give you credit, you have good aim. You kept it all in the bowl. But then you finked out on me and went to sleep on the floor and I had to drag you to the bed."

"Ooooooh," Tony groaned. "I'm sorry." He set his coffee down and rested his head in his hands. "I guess I've caused enough trouble so if you can tell me where I am I'll call a taxi."

"Look, I can get through the shower faster than you can get a taxi and then I'll take you to your truck. I have to see a client and I'll be going right past it," Dave explained. "Deal?" he asked as he poured hot coffee into Tony's mug.

"Sounds good," Tony gave in, his head hurt too much to argue and it seemed like Dave was winning all the arguments anyway.

Dave showered quickly, dressed and in less than 20 minutes he and Tony were turning from the driveway onto the street in front of Dave's house. There was virtually no conversation between the two men as they drove to the B&B parking lot. Dave pulled up next to Tony's truck, he got out, they waved and Dave drove away.

Finding his keys, Tony unlocked the door, slid behind the wheel and rested his head on the steering wheel while he tried to collect himself.

Dave had lied; he didn't have a client. After dropping Tony off he took a short detour then drove back home. His greatest hope was that he would have another opportunity to get better acquainted with the young hunk, and soon. Back at the house, Dave poured another cup of coffee, fixed a bagel and sat down at the kitchen table and stared out the window toward the street at the end of the driveway.

Suddenly his heart jumped as a rusty-gray Chevy S-10 drove slowly past the driveway entrance. Dave knew it was the same truck he had just taken Tony to. He was sure, no, he prayed that it was Tony and that it was a good sign. Then the truck was gone.

Dave was in his library at about 1:30 working on another house design when the phone rang.

"Hey Mike, `s up?"

"Wha... say, how'd you know it was me?" Mike exclaimed with surprise.

"Tee-hee, I've got Caller ID now," Dave chuckled.

"That means you'll always know when it's me calling?"

"Yup, unless you call from a pay phone," Dave continued to chuckle.

"I might have to do that. Say, are ya busy, I need some advice."

"Whacha got?"

"Can I come over?"

"Of course, Mike you know you're always welcome." Dave sensed that Mike wanted a serious talk and he was happy to listen.

"'K, see ya in 35, bye."

True to his word, about thirty-five minutes later, Dave watched as Mike drove up and stopped in front of the house. They waved at each other through the large library window and Dave signaled for Mike to come on in. Dave heard the front door open and shut and then Mike called out, "Hey Grrrringo!" Mike liked to roll his R's because Dave wasn't able to do it.

"Hey Wetback!" Dave was waiting at the library door and they hugged briefly before moving over to the natural leather sofa in front of the window.

"Hey, before we sit down, Coke or Iced Tea?" Dave offered.

"Tea please"

"That's what I've been drinking and I just happen to have a pitcher right here," Dave said as he walked over to a small refrigerator hidden behind the paneling. "It's pre-sweetened, is that okay?"

"Is there any other kind?" Mike chuckled.

"Guess not," Dave added. After pouring a glass for Mike and filling his glass they sat down on the sofa. "So, what's happnin'?"

"I want your take on something. My boss, Darryl says that the guy who owns some of the Subway franchises in town is going to expand and Darryl needs an assistant." This was not startling news to Dave, it was one of the options John had discussed with him the day they showered together. He just didn't know John had reached a decision until now. "Anyway," Mike continued, "Darryl has asked me it I'd be interested in becoming his assistant."

"And you said?"

"I asked him what the job would be and he said more of what of I'd been doing for him on the side. Ya see, I've been helping him out from time to time taking care of stuff he didn't have time to do. So I figure he thinks I'd be okay for the job. There's just one hitch, he wants me to go to the Community College and take some courses, get an Associates Degree in Management. And he's willing to pay for it."

"So what's the problem? Sounds like a damn good deal to me!"

"I don't know, Dave," there was a lot of doubt in Mike's voice. "Ya know I was never a good student in high school, college is a whole other thing. You know me as well if not better than anybody and you also know what it takes to get through school. Ya think I can do it?"

"Of course you can, Mike," Dave's response was swift and positive. "Look man, you're not a high school kid any more. Didn't you tell me you scored high on the Army entrance tests?"


"And didn't you graduate first in your class at the training center?"


"Look, when you were in high school you were probably preoccupied with being outed. Right?"

"Yeah," Mike's replies were beginning to sound like Dave was getting through to him.

"So, what's the big deal! Of course you can do it. I have total confidence in you, Mike, and I'll be happy to help any way I can, you know that."

"Yeah, you just said the same thing Todd said. He thinks I'd be crazy not to go for it."

"And you can add me to that list," Dave grinned at his friend and at the thought that Mike would be reaching for another rung on the ladder. "Is that it?"

"Yeah, thanks, I feel a lot better. I don't know where I'd be without you and Todd," Mike said with emotion.

"You'd be swimmin' back across the Rio Grand, man."

"They don't like queers over there either," Mike was grinning now and chuckled.

"Say, if we're done with that, can I change subjects?" Dave asked.

"Whacha got?"

"What're you and Todd doing for the Fourth of July, it's two weeks from yesterday?" Dave said.

"I don't know of any plans, whatta ya got in mind?" Mike asked.

"You guys come over about one-ish, we'll swim a while, do some steaks or burgers on the grill, drink a few, just hang out, maybe jump in the hot tub after the sun goes down, just hang out."

"Skip the hot tub, man, it'll be too hot."

"Yeah, we can keep that idea open. Oh yeah, you see Dan pretty often, don't you? I can never reach him and he doesn't have an answering machine. I'd want him to come too, if he can make it.

"See him almost every day; I'll make sure he knows and I'm sure he'll want to come."

"Ask him to call me, please, so I can invite him personally. Oh, and bring bathing suits; sometimes Kate's boys like to come over and swim."

"Sure thing, Dave."

After that, their conversation drifted briefly to a few other topics then Mike said he needed to go and as he left Dave's phone started to ring.

"Hey Sean, `s up?"

"Hey turkey, you must have caller ID! I got it too. Listen, you open for golf tomorrow morning, I have a couple of pilot buddies who want to lose some money."

"Sure! What time?"

" We've got a 9:08 tee time, that okay?"

"See ya there, Dude."

"See ya, bye," Sean hung up and Dave returned to his computer.

Saturday afternoon Tony took his clothes to the Laundromat. He had dinner at a Taco Bell. That evening he sat watching TV but his mind was swamped with the events earlier that morning. He wanted to block those ideas from his mind so he resorted to a technique he had used many times over the past few years. He turned off the TV, leaned back in the chair, closed his eyes and pictured himself sitting at a piano. He placed his hands on the keys and began to play, something by Beethoven, what would it be, The Pathetique, his mother's favorite. When he was six years old Tony's mother discovered his talent and from then on pushed Tony to develop it. All through school, piano practice competed against soccer, golf, basketball and football. He hadn't touched a piano since entering the Marines and his ability to play was one secret they hadn't discovered. But he remembered the music clearly. As he sat quietly his fingers began to silently strum against the arms of the chair, as if playing an imaginary keyboard. By the time the music subsided in his mind the events of the day were gone. Or so he thought.

Sunday morning Tony was up early to run. His Saturday morning run was lost due to his hangover and he just couldn't seem to get up the energy to run that evening. He went to the nearest Perkins restaurant for breakfast, read the paper then returned to his motel room. Just after 1:00 he hopped into his pickup and went to his sister's house -- she had invited him for Sunday dinner with her family. His sister was the only family member who lived close by; the rest lived miles away. Tony was popular with his sister's kids and he enjoyed being around them. At about 7:30 PM, Tony said goodnight, got in his pickup (actually it belonged to his brother-in-law) and started home. Without realizing what he was doing, Tony found himself driving past the driveway leading to Dave's house. The only view of the house was from the driveway entrance because of all the trees and shrubbery guarding it. He looked up the driveway as he drove slowly past. Dave might have seen Tony again if he had been home but he was at Kate's house having dinner with his extended family.

Back at the motel Tony walked into his room, shut the door behind him, looked around and said, "What a fucking way to live!"

Monday morning Tony arrived at the construction site and began working. As the day progressed it seemed that everywhere he looked something reminded him of seeing Dave there last Friday and made the day seemed longer. He went running again after work but limited it to about two miles. After dinner at Burger King his room seemed even more depressing so he turned on the TV. His mind wouldn't let go of thoughts of Dave. There were so many things Tony didn't understand but he was determined not to give in to thoughts about men. He turned the TV off and began imagining playing a piano and that seemed to work until it was time to go to bed. He showered, crawled between the sheets, made sure the alarm was set, turned of the light and fell asleep rapidly.

Tony looked around and found himself in an unusual room. The floor, walls and ceiling were all the same color -- a lovely shade of sky blue. Clouds seemed to be floating around the walls and ceiling. He felt calm and comfortable. The room seemed to have a natural illumination because he couldn't see any lights anywhere. Tony looked around and when he was half way around to his left he saw Dave standing not three feet from him. `What's he doing here?' Tony wondered inquisitively; he felt no fear or anxiety. Dave stood still showing that same warm and friendly smile he wore last Saturday morning. They were both still dressed as they had been that morning, Dave in his light blue shorts that exposed his every endowment and Tony fully dressed. Tony stepped closer, raised his left hand, reached out and touched Dave's chest. It felt so warm and inviting. Dave stood motionless, smiling and allowing Tony to do what ever he wanted. Tony placed the fingers of his left hand in the middle of Dave's well-defined, smooth and beautiful chest, a chest that begged for his lips to kiss it. Slowly his fingers slide down over Dave's slender, taught abdomen and when they reached the top of Dave's shorts his right hand joined in and together they began sliding the top of Dave's shorts down his hips.

Like movie scenes that change instantly, suddenly they both were naked and Tony was on his knees looking straight on at Dave's appetizing, appealing flaccid penis, which hung out over his testicle filled scrotum. It all seemed so natural. Tony reached out his right hand, cradled Dave's ball sack, tenderly rolling the testicles around in his hand. Tony's left hand found his own meat, it was hard and hot and needing attention. Wrapping his right hand around Dave's shaft, Tony lifted it and felt its substantial weight, it was getting heavier and longer. Tony's fingers explored the length of Dave's member and savored its firmness and tenderness. He began stroking his own cock with his left hand while his right hand did the same to Dave. A pearl of clear liquid formed at the opening of Dave's throbbing penis and Tony leaned forward, stuck out his tongue... BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-WHAM! Tony's right hand came down hard on the snooze alarm.

"Ohhh fuck," he sighed quietly while continuing to stroke his manhood. "AAAHH... nnngg... hhha." Tony's creamy substance covered his chest and abdomen; he lay still for several minutes waiting for his body to recover from its early morning orgasm. His left hand released his penis and moved to his chest where it began smearing his cum in his chest hair and down over his six-pack. It was beginning to dry and feel sticky, time to get into the shower.

Tuesday was a good day. Tony felt in a better mood, he even smiled a few times.

Wednesday started out good but not as good as Tuesday. At about 11:30, Tony spotted the forest-green F-250 coming down the driveway and he knew who was driving it. He wasn't going to talk to Dave. He was convinced he'd been able to expel Dave and all the things Dave made him imagine from his mind and he wasn't going to let it start again. Those were bad thoughts; he wasn't a faggot.

Dave hopped down from his truck, talked to Sam for a few minutes and then began visiting with each of the workers. He finally got to the point where Tony was the only man left and Dave turned and began to walk toward him. When Dave was within fifteen feet, he and Tony made eye contact. Tony turned, walked away and went into the port-o-potty; Dave heard the latch close. It was obvious that Tony didn't want to talk to him.

`Oh shit, I hope I haven't fucked this up!' Dave thought. He stood still for a few moments looking toward the port-o-potty then turned and walked to his truck and drove back to the office.

Wednesday night Dave ran again hoping it would help clear his head. Early Thursday morning was almost a repeat of early Tuesday morning. Tony again found himself in that light blue room with clouds drifting by. He almost didn't want to turn around for fear of what he would find but he couldn't stop himself.

This time when he turned around he saw Dave standing beside a bed, he and Dave were both naked. Tony calmly stepped up to Dave and placed his hands on Dave's shoulders. Then he sat on the edge of the bed, turned Dave toward him and slid his hands down Dave's torso. His hands on either side of Dave's hips Tony pulled Dave to him as he leaned down and took the clean head of Dave's soft, hot penis between his lips and ran his tongue around it to make it moist. Dave grew in his mouth until he was hard then Tony lay back on the bed, his legs spread and pulled Dave onto the bed and between his legs.

There didn't seem to be any emotion in any of this activity. Dave just continued to smile while Tony remained calm. He pulled Dave forward, lifted his legs, and aligned his hole with the end of Dave's cock. Reaching up with both hands, Tony pulled Dave's face to his and they kissed; he could feel Dave's spear pressing against his entrance... BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-WHAM! He smashed the snooze alarm again.

Tony was wide-awake. He was gasping for air and sweating. His heartbeat was racing. He had cum all over his chest and abdomen again. He sat up.

"God, what does this mean!" he exclaimed out loud. "Give it up, Tony, you're losing it. You want to know, don't you! What was it he said? I had to be wide-awake and stone cold sober? That was an invitation you idiot, take it! Find out what you've always wanted to know. He already had a chance but he didn't take it. He showed you a lot of respect. He took you home and took care of you when nobody else would. And he didn't take advantage of you. He's a good man; everyone likes him. Who better to trust? He's left you alone, didn't try to hit on you. Hell, as good looking and rich as he is he probably has dozens of studs in his stable just waiting to satisfy him, why would he be interested in me? But I'm sure that was an invitation -- take it and see what happens! Yes! Yes!"

Thursday morning, Tony got out of bed, showered, picked up breakfast at McDonald's and went to work. He felt more relaxed all day.

Friday was just like Thursday, and Tony felt relieved when quitting time arrived. He went with the gang to the B&B and this time he cleaned up with a little more care. He saw Dave standing at the bar waiting to pay for the first round of beer so he walked slowly across the room and took up a position about a foot to Dave's left, leaned onto the bar and looked into the mirror at Dave.

Dave was waiting for the bartender to return with his credit card and receipt so he could sign it when he looked into the mirror and his eyes locked with Tony's. Dave swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

"I'm wide-awake and stone cold sober."

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 46: The Recovery 20

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