David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Sep 12, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Recovery 22

Sunday morning Tony cracked his right eye open and checked the clock -- 06:14 am. Dave was snuggled in behind him, his right arm draped around Tony's ribcage. `Today... I have to leave. I must leave. Better this morning than later. I'll wait until Dave gets up and see how things develop. I shouldn't have stayed last night but I can't seem to let go of him. I need some time to think and I can't do it when he's around, it interferes with my concentration. Oh... he moved; he's waking up. Be still and act like you're still sleeping.'

"Mmmm," Dave sighed and tightened his arm around Tony's chest. `He feels so good. I'm glad he stayed. I know! I'll fix him a great breakfast then maybe he'll go with me to church! Yeah! Now let's see if I can get out of bed without waking him. God he looks so innocent when he sleeps.' Dave slowly released his hold on Tony's chest and carefully backed away from his spoon position. He pulled the sheet up to cover Tony's shoulder and then took the shortcut off of the end of the bed. Thank heaven for a firm mattress, it barely moved under his weight.

In the bathroom Dave relieved his bladder and brushed his teeth and hair, with different brushes of course. Tiptoeing back into the bedroom he found a T-shirt, slipped it over his head and walked quietly out of the bedroom thinking about what he was going to fix for breakfast.

Through partially open eyes, Tony watched Dave walk out of the bedroom and sighed at the sight of his cute ass so attractively accentuated by his boxer briefs. `What would it be like to be around that every day?' Tony wondered.

Dave stood in front of the open refrigerator door taking inventory of the fixins he had on hand; Bacon, eggs, onion, green pepper, that's it, he'd make scrambled eggs. First he started the coffee to brewing as he began humming a tune. He grabbed a skillet and set it on the range and added four slices of bacon. Then he diced a couple slices of onion, chopped about half of the green pepper and set those two ingredients aside until the bacon was done. Next he cracked four eggs into a bowl, added a little milk and mixed it all together. When the bacon slices were done Dave moved them to a paper towel to drain while he removed some of the grease from the skillet. The diced onion and chopped green pepper were added to the skillet to sautee. Dave would scramble the eggs just before he and Tony were ready to eat. The final step was to get out the toaster and drop in a couple of bagels. Now he was ready to go pull his guest out of bed.

When Dave turned around to go to the bedroom his heart fell into his stomach. There stood Tony in the doorway to the kitchen, his bag in his left hand.

"Dave, I..." the rest of the words Tony had planned to say stuck in his throat. Swallowing hard and clearing his throat, Tony continued. "Dave, I really have to go. There's a lot of things I have to sort out. Not that..."

"I understand," Dave interrupted. "I sure have enjoyed your company." Above everything, Dave wanted to make sure that statement got said.

"Me too," Tony replied. They just stood motionless and stared at each other.

Dave smiled. "At least leave on a full stomach, breakfast is almost ready."

Tony couldn't resist Dave's smile and he smiled back. "Sure, why not! It smells too good to walk out on." He carried his bag toward the door leading down the hallway to the garage and set it down. When he turned around Dave handed him a hot cup of coffee. "What was that song I heard you humming just a minute ago?" Tony asked.

"Oh, was I humming?" Dave wasn't even aware of it until Tony mentioned it. "Oh, it may have been "I am what I am," from a Broadway play. Please sit down; oh, I forgot to set the table!" Dave realized his forgetfulness.

"Let me do that, I think I remember where things are," Tony volunteered with a smile. He found the plates, knives and forks and placed them on the table while Dave poured the eggs into the skillet and pushed the handles of the toaster down. Tony sat down at the table and waited. In a matter of minutes Dave was ladling the eggs from the skillet onto the plates just as the toaster popped up. The salt and pepper were already on the table so Dave put the toasted bagels on a plate, carried it to the table and sat down with Tony to have breakfast.

They didn't say much, Tony commented on how good everything tasted. Mostly they just smiled at each other, each wondering what the other was thinking. The food was consumed rather quickly and Tony helped Dave clear the table, then it was time for him to leave. Tony walked over to where he'd left his bag and picked it up then turned and looked at Dave. Turning back around and starting to walk toward the garage, Tony stopped, dropped his bag, spun around, and walked rapidly to where Dave was still standing. Sweeping Dave into his arms, Tony pulled their faces together, their lips parted and they were instantly engaged in and extraordinarily passionate kiss for two men who'd just met a few days ago. Their tongues were actually embracing each other.

Without lingering too long, Tony pulled away. "Dave, this has been the most wonderful weekend on my entire life. I just have to have some time to think things through. There's a lot on my mind right now and I have to sort it all out. And I really have to do some laundry. Will you be coming to check on the construction this week?"

"Yeah," Dave said, finally able to catch his breath. "I should be there Wednesday around noon."

"Good. I'll see you then." Tony released Dave from his embrace.



"Next Friday is the Fourth of July. I'm having some close friends over to hang out, drink a few beers and eat some steaks, I'd like you to come," Dave asked with all the sincerity he could project into his voice.

Tony looked deep into Dave's eyes. "I'd love to. Can I bring anything?"

"If you bring you, that'll be more than enough," Dave smiled. "And bring you laundry too, my washer and dryer are gonna last forever if they don't get some more use."

"Okay, Friday it is," Tony chuckled. "See you Wednesday." Tony took a few steps backward, turned and picked up his bag then continued down the hall toward the garage. Suddenly Dave was right behind him.

"I'd better disarm the security system first," Dave said jokingly. "And I'll show you the controls for the garage doors. Moments later, Tony was backing his truck out of Dave's garage; Dave left the garage door up and walked back into the kitchen. Standing in front of the large window, he watched the rusty-gray Chevy S-10 roll down the driveway and stop before entering the street. It sat there with the break lights illuminated like it was waiting for traffic to pass.

`Go ahead, that truck has a reverse gear on it, use it!' Dave tried to use mental telepathy to reach Tony. Suddenly the backup lights illuminated, correction, only the left light came on. The right one wasn't operating for whatever reason. Dave realized he was holding his breath and then the backup light went out and the truck moved out onto the street and disappeared.

"Oh well, better get ready for church," Dave said out loud and he turned and walked down the hallway to take a shower.

He sat with Mike and Todd; Danny was a no-show. Mike said they hadn't seen him very much lately but Dan had asked Mike to tell Dave that he'd call. The three men were greeted by `Father' Tim as they left the church and Tim was sure he read something in Dave's face that was new but he couldn't clearly identify it. Mike and Todd hadn't paid that much attention.

Upon arriving back a home there was a message on the answering system, it was from Dan. He asked Dave to call him at a number Dave didn't know.

"Hello?" A strange voice answered the phone.

"Dan Chambers, please," Dave asked. There as no reply but Dave could hear muffled voices and rustling sounds in the background.

"Hello, this is Dan," a voice finally said.

"Dan! Dave, you called?"

"Oh yeah, hi Dave, sorry I couldn't make it to church this morning. Say, I was wondering, would it be all right if I brought a friend Friday?"

"Of course, Buddy, he's more than welcome," Dave assured his friend.

"Thanks, I thought you'd say that but I wanted to ask anyway. What time?"

"I think anytime after noon will be okay, when should I plan on seeing you?"

"I can't say right now, but we'll probably be there a little later, certa inly in time to eat," Dan chuckled.

Dave chuckled also. "We'll all be waiting for you, Dude. But don't be too late or we'll go on without you."

"I promise, Dave, later," Dan said and hung up.

Dave stood listening to the dead telephone line wondering just what was going on with Dan. The entire conversation seemed a little strange. `Oh well,' Dave thought as he hung up the phone. Immediately it rang.

"Hi Sis."

"Think again, little brother," John chuckled.

"John!" Dave exclaimed. "I'm so used to Kate calling I just assumed you were her. Sorry."

"I hate to bother you but could the boys come over for a swim?"

"Sure, bring'm on!"

"I got an offer for you," John said in a very friendly tone. "You bring the boys home when you're tired of them and you'll get a free, home-cooked dinner."

"That sounds like a deal I can't resist!" Dave exclaimed. "I'm ready when you are."

"Okay, we'll be there in about twenty minutes. Is that good?"

"Yeah, that's great."

Tony reached into the washer, removed his wet clothes, and placed them in a basket. Then he wheeled the basket to one of the dryers, tossed the entire load in, closed the door, added the coins and turned the control to START. Sitting down in a chair opposite the dryer, he watched as his multi-colored laundry went round and round and round.

Ok Mancuso, so what now?' He pondered his situation for a while. I've either fucked up my life completely or... perhaps I've faced reality.' Tony tried to tune in to his feelings. `I suppose that logically I ought to feel devastated right now... but I don't. What's the reason? How DO I feel? I feel... relieved. I feel... free, that's it, I feel free. For the first time in my life I feel FREE. Okay... What does that mean? What do I do with this freedom? I've finally admitted to myself, and that's most important, that I'm a homo faggot. Funny, that doesn't make me angry like it used to. What do I do now? Oh shit! What about my family? Oh fuck! I guess I don't have to do anything right now. Like Scarlet, I'll deal with that tomorrow... or maybe the next day or next week. I'll talk to Dave, he'll know what to do.'

Tony looked up at the dryer; it was still turning, and his focus shifted to Dave. `Dave! What a great guy! He sure has his shit together. He's not at all what I expected a gay man to be like, not at all. Hell, he's fun to be around and fun to do things with. He's full of energy and life. He's educated, he's a professional, and he's also as down to earth as anybody I've ever met. He seems to be successful and have lots of money yet you'd never know it if you didn't see his big house and his car. He's common folk like me. And what a healthy relationship he seems to have with his family! God, how does he do it? Do I like him? You're damned right I like him. What's not to like? He's handsome, he's witty, he sexy... Sex! We were together for the better part of two days and nights and we only had sex twice. I would have thought it would be Hormone City. Hell, I was ready to jump his bones several times... I should have. Why didn't he put the make on me? We had our chances. But we also had a great time without the sex. He's asked me over Friday to meet his friends. I wonder how that's going to go? I'd really like to see him before then; yeah, I really would. Maybe something will come up. But next time I'm not going to be so timid, so coy. He really turns me on. I'm going to be up front and let him know how I feel. Maybe we are on the same wavelength and we're afraid to admit it. Oh Man, what if he doesn't want to see me any more? No, he's invited me back. He even suggested I bring my laundry. Now that doesn't sound like he doesn't want to see me again. When we're together I feel... I feel... at ease. Yes, I feel at ease with myself and with him. He makes me feel good about myself.'

`Wait, am I too focused on one man? Maybe I should play the field for a while. Now that sounds really stupid, Mancuso. Slow down! You don't have anything going with Dave yet so don't get ahead of yourself. Still... I thought this was so simple. It's really complicated. I wish I were with him right now. Yeah, I'm sure I'd feel better if we were together right now. Okay, he said he'd be at the construction site around noon on Wednesday. Just hold off until then and see what happens. Shit, what a body! And WHAT a package! That smooth skin stretched over hard, rounded muscles... oh I'd love to have him inside me again. That was the best, awesome!'

`But... what about that guy in that picture on the chest? There's got to be a story to that or he wouldn't have that picture displayed in the privacy of his bedroom. Oh, Tony, there are just too many questions.' He looked up and saw that the dryer had stopped.

Sunday evening, Dave lay in his bed remembering how good it felt when he had Tony to snuggle up to. Why can't I get Tony out of my mind? Let's face it, I like the guy. He's a real hunk and best of all he thinks I'm handsome,' Dave chuckled to himself. Tony's... he's good to be around. I had fun... we had fun. We really got along well together and that says a lot. I like listening to him talk; he has such a seductive voice. I want to rip his clothes off and ravi sh him, not his body, him. He obviously has a good mind; I think we match up pretty well in that category. But I was a little too timid around him. I wanted him sexually much more than we did anything about it. He's an adult; if my attention isn't welcome he can tell me. From now on I'm going to let him know how I feel; I'll be less inhibited. I'll be more direct; he can always decline. Face it, David, you really like the guy... and it's more than just sex, a lot more. But that's good too. You know what I want? I want to know what he feels inside me.' The thoughts that filled Dave's brain were definitely X-rated and it wasn't long before he was resting, relieved of his sexual tension. Sleep came quickly.

Monday, Dave used his lunch hour to go to the Philos Foundation for his annual HIV test. But he saw Doc Gray and requested a full work-up for all types of STDs. Doc didn't ask, he personally drew the blood and completed the paperwork; Dave was a special client. He was a couple of months early but he didn't have any plans; he just wanted to know.

Tuesday, Dave drove Kate, Susan, and the boys to conduct a tour of their new home. That also gave all of them the opportunity to have lunch with John while visiting both sets of grandparents. Kate's new residence was almost finished and she was looking forward to being moved in before school started. That would really simplify their lives because, among other things, John wouldn't have to drive so much.

Wednesday, Dave drove out to the construction site where Tony was working. By now a paved road connected the street and the house, replacing the dusty trail. Dave parked in the driveway, got out of his truck and began looking for Sam; it didn't take long.

"Hey, Sam, this project is looking really good! You think you can finish early and collect on the bonuses?"

"I'm hoping maybe a week early," Dam replied. "That'll be worth a nice sum." About that time Tony walked into view in the distance. "See Mancuso there? I don't know what's got into him but he's smiling and laughing with the rest of the men. It's a nice improvement. All the guys are impressed."

`I'll bet I know what's got into him,' Dave thought. "Yeah, Sam, who knows? Maybe he got laid over the weekend." Dave had to control himself to keep from laughing. "Well, I'd better get started, I need to get back to the office." Dave began making his rounds.

Sam just happened to be looking when Dave approached Tony. He couldn't help noticing how Tony seemed to light up like a Christmas tree when Dave shook his hand. He also noticed that the two men seemed to talk a lot longer than usual. Sam was a suspicious man.

"Get your laundry done?" Dave asked through his effervescent smile as he extended his hand as a greeting. He felt slightly nervous, not knowing exactly what kind of reaction to expect from Tony. He'd had three days to think about last weekend and Dave had no way of knowing what Tony's conclusions might be. Tony's reaction to Dave's question settled all of Dave's doubts.

"Sure did, how you been?" Tony was all smiles and friendly as he took hold of Dave's hand and shook it. They continued to look into each other's smiling eyes. "I've been hoping you'd be here; I want to tell you what a great time I had last Friday and Saturday, Sunday morning too."

"Well, I enjoyed your company too. I'm glad we had that time together," Dave almost gushed.

"Listen, I want to invite you to dinner tonight. I don't have anyplace to cook but there's a nice Italian restaurant close to where I live. The food is good and the price is reasonable. You are going to accept aren't you!" Tony beamed his very best smile at Dave.

Dave remembered how it was between him and Paul. Dave had insisted that he be allowed to do things for Paul when he could afford it. It was a self-pride thing, which Dave could relate to.

"I love Italian food," Dave said encouragingly. `Especially when it's packaged the way you are,' he thought. "Just tell me when and where."

"Great! It's called DeAngelo's and it's over on..." Tony proceeded to give Dave directions to the restaurant. They agreed to meet at 6:00pm and released their handshake when Dave stepped back to leave.

Dave was in such a good humor when he walked up to say goodbye to Sam that he made absolutely no effort to hide the very happy smile on his face. They chatted for a few minutes about the project and then Dave left. As Sam watched Dave's truck disappear in the distance he wondered when Dave would get around to telling him what was going on. He never doubted that Dave would tell him, he just didn't know when. He felt happy for his young friend.

Dave arrived at DeAngelo's five minutes early, a clear sign that he was excited. When he walked into the restaurant, Tony was already there, seated at a table in the corner. DeAngelo's wasn't a very big place but it had a definite Italian atmosphere to it. Years ago, when that part of the city was a bit nicer, the restaurant was probably a popular gathering place for the neighborhood. Tony waved to Dave who waved back and walked to the table. Tony stood up, a sign of good manners and they shook hands. Dave sat across the table so he could have an unencumbered view of Tony's face.

"Have any trouble finding the place?" Tony asked.

"Nah, you give good directions. Been waiting long?"

"Just got here myself," Tony fibbed, he'd been there for fifteen minutes. "You like red wine?"


"They have some here that's pretty good." Tony held up his hand and waved at a waiter. A nice looking young man approached the table; he looked like he was somewhere between Dave and Tony's ages. "A couple glasses of your famous Red, please," Tony asked.

"Coming right up, Sir," the waiter replied and turned to go get the wine.

"Okay, what do you recommend?" Dave thought it a good idea to let Tony recommend something and then make sure it wasn't the most expensive item on the menu.

"I like the cannelloni. It's one of the least expensive things on the menu but I think it's the best thing they make," Tony suggested.

"I've never had that, what's it like?"

"It's kind of like and Italian version of Mexican enchiladas, only it's made with pasta and tomato sauce. Grandma Mancuso taught me how to make it right and this place does a good job with it."

"Okay, cannelloni it is," Dave decided. At that moment the waiter arrived with their wine and Tony ordered a house salad and the cannelloni for both of them.

When the waiter left, Tony raised his wineglass and Dave brought his up to meet Tony's. "Thanks for accepting my invitation, I'm really glad you came." Tony seemed a little serious.

"Yeah, I'm glad too already," Dave said through his smile. "You know, I've thought a lot about your family. It's amazing that you know so much about your ancestors. I don't know practically anything about mine."

The waiter set their salads in front of them and placed a basket of Italian bread in the center of the table then left.

"Are your grandparents still living?"

"No," Dave lifted a bite of salad with his fork and slid it into his mouth. "I was quite young when they died so I didn't know them very well. I don't even know where they came from!" Both men continued to consume their salads. "Like you not only know your grandparents but you've even visited the villages where they came from. That's really something."

"Ya know," Tony lowered his fork to his empty salad plate, "I'll bet you could do some genealogy research and find out a lot. Have you ever asked you parents about them?"

That turned out to be a good dinner conversation. Dave talked about his parents, he even told about how his family had reacted to his `coming out'. Tony told Dave about his own reservations and fears about how to broach the subject with his family. Dave then told about how he and his father were at odds at the beginning but they finally reconciled. Tony let out a loud laugh when Dave told him that he and his father had an agreement: his dad wouldn't talk about what went on in his bedroom if Dave wouldn't talk about what went on in his. Luckily there weren't too many diners in the restaurant who could have been offended by Tony's loud laugh.

"So, where are you staying?" Dave asked as they sat sipping the end of their second glass of wine; the waiter had already cleared the table. "You said it was close by." Dave knew exactly what he was doing when he asked that question and he awaited Tony's answer with anticipation.

"Why don't you follow me and I'll give you the five cent tour?" They were both reading each other perfectly. Tony examined the check, reached into his wallet and placed a stack of bills on top of it and scooted his chair back to stand up. Dave stood up also and followed Tony to the door.

The motel where Tony had a room was about a block and a half down the street and they parked their trucks side by side directly in front of the door to Tony' room. Dave followed Tony to the door and waited while Tony seemed to fumble getting the key in the lock. Tony opened the door, reached in and turned the light on, stepped inside the room and turned as if to invite Dave to come in.

The minute Dave entered the room he was taken back to those four nights he and Danny spent together while working construction. It was an exciting moment for him. He listened as the door close behind him and heard the lock click.

"This here is the TV and that is the chair, over there is the simulated closet and through that door is the head." Dave remembered that `head' in Navy and Marine speak was the word for bathroom. "And this," Tony said taking two small steps to his right, "is the bed."

Dave couldn't stand it any longer. He moved in front of Tony, put his arms around him and looked up into his eyes. "I suppose you invited me here so you could take advantage of me," he said accusingly.

Tony's arms had already closed around Dave and he pulled them into an emotionally and physically stimulating, erotic, tongue dueling kiss. "Not if you don't want to," Tony managed to say while they continued kissing.

"I want," Dave replied lustily through the kiss and he began pulling Tony's shirttails out from his pants. Tony released Dave and they both practically ripped their own clothes off, which was accomplished in a matter of seconds. Dave took Tony's hand, and in the small room all he had to do was turn around and pull Tony down on top of him. They rolled around on the squeaky bed kissing and fondling each other, hands, arms and legs intertwined like they were starving for each other. Their throbbing erections were leaving tracks of precum at every contact point as they ground their groins together. First Tony was on top then Dave, then Tony again.

Unlike women, who have several erogenous zones, men are one complete erogenous zone. Anywhere you touch them turns them on. And Dave and Todd were trying to make sure they touched as much of each other as they possibly could. Finally Dave wound up on top.

"Tony..." Dave said softly through their kiss.

"Yeah..." Tony replied with equal softness.

"You have any condoms?"

Tony thought for a second before answering. "Yeah... but they're probably not big enough for you."

"I don't want one for me," Dave explained.

Tony pulled away from their kiss and looked Dave in his eyes. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"It's just a request; you don't have to... but I'd like it if you did," Dave explained his unspoken request. Suddenly Tony's hesitation caused Dave to think of something. "Ever do a man before?"

Tony hesitated again. "No..." came an almost embarrassed reply.

Dave finally had to admit to himself that Tony wasn't nearly as experienced as he had originally assumed. That meant he'd have the pleasure of teaching him a few things.

"Ever fuck a woman?" Dave asked, he was probing for experience.

"Yeah," Tony's voice grew stronger. "I went with some of the guys a couple of times, had to prove my manhood you know."

"Yeah, I know," Dave acknowledged. "Well, the mechanics are different... but not that different. You `up' to it?" That was kind of a dumb question because Dave could feel Tony's hard cock between them.

"Funny man," Tony grinned. "Condoms are in the drawer," Tony motioned toward the nightstand. Dave stretched out on top of Tony and began kissing him softly. Tony's erection pointed excitedly toward the ceiling, serving as Tony's arousal indicator. Dave reached out and opened the drawer to the nightstand where he found three foil sealed condoms and a tube of lubricant. He grabbed the items and sat up straddling Tony's thighs so that their engorged penises were touching back to back. He tore open one foil, extracted the condom then opened the lube and added a dollop to the inside of the condom, placed it on the head of Tony's cock and started to roll it down the shaft.

"Wait a sec," Tony suggested and using the thumb and forefinger of his left hand he retracted his foreskin until his glans was fully exposed. "Okay," he said, meaning Dave could continue installing the condom.

Next, Dave squirted some lube onto his fingers, reached around and began massaging it into his ass. Although it had been five years since Dave had experienced the joy of penetration he at least had a good idea of what to expect; he believed he could open himself up faster and better than Tony could and that's what he was doing.

The entire process took less than two minutes with Tony watching every move. When Dave was ready he moved forward, leaned over and kissed Tony with all of the affection that he could manage. Then he raised back up, lifted himself on his knees and centered his ass over Tony's pole.

"You might want to hold it steady for me," Dave suggested; he didn't need to elaborate. Tony reached between Dave's legs, wrapped his fingers around his shaft and held it as straight up as he could. He just nodded to Dave when he was ready. Dave closed his eyes and began lowering himself onto Tony's cock, slowly and smoothly. He could feel his flesh stretch to accommodate the stiff, hot invader. Many memories flooded his body at that moment and if there was any pain, Dave didn't feel it. Dave's rectum received Tony smoothly until he could feel short hairs tickling his perineum. Dave opened his eyes to find Tony with his head raised off the pillow watching his first penetration.

"Damn, you're really hot inside," Tony said with a look of surprise on his face. Dave lifted his body and Tony watched his prick reappear and then disappear when Dave slid down again. Tony looked up and smiled at Dave like a little kid who's just discovered a new toy. "Oh, Man, that's unbelievable!" Tony added. "If I'd known it was this good I might have gone gay a lot sooner." Tony seemed entranced by this new experience.

Dave, the teenager who didn't like to be penetrated until Paul introduced him to the real thing, was thoroughly enjoying this ride. Closing his eyes, Dave placed his hands behind him and leaned back until his hands rested on Tony's thighs. This position helped Tony's cock head add more pressure directly against Dave's prostate. Riding up and down, Dave was experiencing a level of pleasure he hadn't felt in a long time. And Tony was the perfect size and length.

Tony wasn't completely passive in all of this; the sight of Dave pistoning up and down on his phallus offered a visual stimulation that was driving him wild. He reached out, wrapped his left hand around Dave's cock and with his thumb began spreading the precum around and around Dave's already sensitive glans. Tony also began lifting his hips slightly, trying to assist Dave. Tony also noticed the close proximity of his mouth to Dave's cock head and wondered if he might be able to get his mouth over it. He quickly concluded he probably could but not this time, he was getting too close to orgasm.

Dave's orgasm almost caught him by surprise. "Oh, Tony, oh, I'm... YES! AH Hha, Mmmm..." Tony watched as the first ribbon of Dave's cum rocketed high into the air and Tony moved to catch it on his tongue. He missed, however, because at that moment his own orgasm hit with full force, throwing him back against the pillow. Later he would discover that Dave's cum had landed on his chest.

Sexually spent and physically exhausted, Dave leaned forward and lay out on top of Tony's chest; this time it was his own cum he lay in, not Tony's.

"You okay?" Tony finally asked

"I think so..." Dave gasped. Then he lifted his head and joined his lips with Tony's. As they lay kissing in the afterglow, Tony slipped out of Dave's hole with a plop', leaving Dave with an empty feeling. He knew Tony wouldn't be up' to a repeat performance anytime soon. "You're pretty damned good for the first time," Dave complimented his lover.

"Does that mean you popped my cherry?" Tony began to chuckle and Dave began to giggle.

"I suppose I did," Dave admitted with a laugh. "I hope you didn't bleed all over the sheets." They both laughed at the thought. "You're still pretty good for the first time."

"I'd say it's pretty easy when you have good leadership," Tony chuckled.

"So that's what it was, leadership?" Dave asked with a chuckle and they kissed again.

"Yeah, I could get used to that real quick. Promise me that and I'll follow you anywhere!" Tony exclaimed with a chuckle.

"Okay, I promise. You get off at noon tomorrow, any possibility you could come to my place for dinner?" Dave was still lying on top of Tony and by now had straightened his legs out along either side of his bedmate.

"I thought the invitation was for Friday?"

"I just had an inspiration that, why waste tomorrow night?"

"I promised my sister I'd have dinner at her place tomorrow." Tony let that statement settle for a few seconds then added. "But I could probably get to your house by about 8:30."

Dave had been resting his head on Tony's chest and raised it to look into Tony's eyes. "Remember to bring your laundry," and they kissed.

"Right! That way I can stay longer?" Tony repeated Dave's parting statement of last Sunday. Dave laughed at hearing his words tossed back at him.

"Okay, Mr. Mancuso, 8:30 it is. And I'll be ready. Now when are you going to kick me out of here?" Dave asked."

"Just as soon as you pay me the quarter you owe me for services."

"Ho-ho, you're very expensive!"

"A man's gotta eat, ya know."

"Oh, Tony..." Dave was about to say he loved him but stopped and kissed him instead. Such a declaration might be a little too early. There's no rush, give it time." Dave thought. I'm not sure he's ready yet.'

"If you'll shower with me I'll let you go," Tony offered.

"That shower big enough?"

"Only one way to find out!" Tony proposed. They got up, walked into the shower and discovered they barely fit with just enough room to have a lot of fun.

It was after 11:00 when Dave finally left; they did their goodbye kissing inside the room then pried themselves apart and Dave walked to his truck alone.

Dave sat at the kitchen table and looked out the large window at the entrance to his driveway; the sun was preparing to set. He was nervous. It was now 8:03 and Tony said he'd be there by 8:30. `What're we going to do? Will we jump right into bed and have mind-blowing sex? That doesn't sound like a very polite beginning to a long weekend. That's likely to send the message that the only reason I invited him over was for sex... and that's not true. Yes, I think I'm in love with him. But I'm sure he hasn't figured out just exactly where he is at the moment. I have to give him more time... I just hope he figures it out, and soon. Will we kiss when he walks in the house? I think that would be a nice way of telling him that I'm glad he's here. But I won't make it too intense.

`If he drove into the driveway at this moment I'd have to jump up and open the garage door. Boy, what a message that would send! Do I want him to think I've been sitting here waiting for him? I'd better open the door right now. He'll know why it's open and he also knows how to get into the house.' Dave stood from his chair, walked to the garage, opened door number 3 and returned to his perch at the table.

`Now! When he drives in, I'll go change into some shorts and be walking out of the bedroom when he comes into the house. Maybe he'll think I'm cool. Then I'll invite him to an evening swim and kind of let things develop from there. Oh! There he is!' Dave jumped up, walked briskly to his bedroom and stripped out of his clothes. He grabbed a pair of athletic shorts and stepped into them, nothing underneath and began walking toward the kitchen. At that moment, Tony appeared in the kitchen, having just come in from the garage; their eyes met. They smiled.

"I was just getting ready for a swim; want to join me?" Dave asked.

"That would be a great way to top off the day," Tony acknowledged as he walked right up to Dave, leaned down and they shared a soft kiss without an embrace. It seemed like the perfect greeting.

"Drop your bag in the bedroom and come on out. I'm headed to the fridge for a beer. You want?"

"Yeah, great!" Tony exclaimed. "Clothing optional?" he asked.

"Oh, no, no threads. I'm going to lose these shorts in a few minutes myself."

"Okay, I'll be right out," Tony smiled and walked back to the bedroom.

Dave got two beers from the refrigerator and went out to the pool. He shucked the shorts he was wearing, walked around to the far side, slid into about chest deep water and leaned back with his arms up over the pool edge. Moments later Tony appeared on the deck and jumped into the pool close to the house then swam over in front of Dave and stood up. Dave handed Tony a beer and they each took a drink. Setting his beer on the edge of the pool, Tony moved up close to Dave so that their lances made contact then poked each other in the abdomen.

"I get the feeling someone's happy to see me," Dave said with a grin.

"Funny, I get the same feeling," Tony replied with a chuckle. Then he closed in on Dave and engaged him with a full body contact kiss. Dave managed to set his beer down so that he could wrap his arms around the man he already knew he loved. Then Dave raised his knees and wrapped his legs around Tony.

They remained like that for at least two minutes, caressing and fondling each other, trying to impart some sense of their attraction. Eventually their lips parted.

"You're pretty hot," Dave noted.

"Yeah, and just who do you suppose lit my flame?"

"Well, that works both ways," Dave replied.

"Dave," Tony spoke with an obvious note of seriousness in his voice. Dave sensed that Tony didn't really expect a reply so he just waited for his man to continue. "I want to thank you for all you've done for me. I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you."

"What're you talking about?"

"Three weeks ago I was in total denial about who I was. Now... now I know I'm gay. And you've really made it easy, you know. You let me see that I can be gay and still have a real life."

"I'm gonna interrupt you here," Dave said, his legs still wrapped around Tony's hips. "Remember, I said once before that I don't see `being gay' as being who I am. I'm a lot more than just gay, and so are you. I see you as being intelligent, handsome, witty, playful, honest, trustworthy, dedicated, and a whole lot more. Our sexual preference is only one part of who we are; it may be what we are sexually but not who we are as individuals. Does that make any sense?"

Tony was quiet for a few seconds. "I remember, and I see your point. That approach seems to open a whole new perspective on who I am, we are." Tony was pensive for a few seconds. "I like that!" Slowly Tony began to feel proud of who he was. He WAS a lot more than just being gay. He reached out, picked up Dave's beer and placed it in his hand, then he picked up his own beer and raised it in a toast. "Let's drink to who we are!" Tony almost shouted.

"Here's to who we are!" Dave raised his beer and clanked it against Tony's, then they each took a long drink.

"Well, ever since last night I wanted to thank you for helping me come out, to find myself."

"But are you really out." Dave asked.

"To you I am," Tony acknowledged.

"What about your family, your boss, your construction buddies?"

"Whoa, Dave, one step at a time. That's another thing I want to talk to you about. I want to know how I do that, how you did it. But right now I'm more interested in tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? What's happening tomorrow?" Dave sounded puzzled.

"Well... tomorrow I'm going to meeting some of your friends. I'm not a social klutz but I'd feel more comfortable if I knew something about them first. Besides, they're gay aren't they?"

"Yes, they are, what's that got to do with it?"

"C'mon Dave, aren't they going to assume I am too? Won't that be my `coming out' party?"

"Ahh, I see!" Dave exclaimed as the light came on. He was a little embarrassed that he hadn't thought of that. "You're right, I should have thought of that. Okay, there are three of them, Mike, Todd and Dan. Dan said he's bringing a friend whom I assume is also gay. I don't know anything about him." They both took another swig of beer.

"Mike, that's Mike Sanchez, he's from San Antonio, was my roommate in the Army for almost two years and we're close friends. When he got out of the army he came here and moved into the spare bedroom of the apartment I was living in at the time."

"Just how close were you?" Tony chided as he did his Groucho Marx thing with his eyebrows.

"Not THAT close!" Dave chuckled and then moved forward to give Tony a reassuring kiss. "He, Mike, that is, got a job at the local Subway Shop just to get his feet on the ground. Then one day this guy came in to get a sub and Tony fell madly in love with him. That was Todd."

"I gotta interrupt for a second," Tony interrupted. "You said Mike moved into your apartment. I thought students had to live in the residence halls."

"Well, not necessarily. The university kinda looked the other way because I was older and an Army vet. This friend of mine, Joe, the man who got me hooked on architecture, he owns some older homes just off campus that he rents to students. After I got out of the Army..." Dave hesitated for a moment. "Is this story getting to long?"

"No, not at all, I'd love to hear all of it... really!" Tony really was interested in learning more about Dave and he wanted him to continue. There was nothing about Dave's life he wasn't interested in.

By now the sun was completely gone and the only illumination of the pool area came from a couple of table lamps in the great room. Dave had not turned the pool lights on and it created a great, romantic atmosphere for them.

"Okay, it seemed like I was getting a little off track. But to continue, during the summer between the Army and starting college, I worked with Joe at the company where I worked before joining the Army. Joe knew I was looking for a place to live so he offered me a job as... I guess I was his apartment manager. For looking after all of his rentals, I got this nice two-bedroom, first floor apartment with a living room, dining room and a kitchen. It was really nice," Dave's mind wondered for a moment, reliving some of the fond memories of his three years in that place.

"So! Mike met Todd... Todd Pepper, and they hit it off right away. At the time, Todd was working as a bellhop at the Westin Hotel and going to college at night trying to earn a degree in hotel management, or something like that." Dave started to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"I was just remembering a couple of times when the two of them spent the night in the apartment. The walls were so thin it was almost like listening to a porno soundtrack."

"You mean they... right there where you could listen?" Tony was somewhat astonished as he chuckled along with Dave.

"Please, that's a secret, a grand secret. They don't know I could hear and I'd just as soon they never learn."

"My lips are sealed," Tony said softly and he moved up against Dave. They kissed affectionately. As Dave's story unfolded, both men had lost their erections and the fresh body contact began to restore their ardor. "Now, about Dan," Tony asked, regaining his focus.

"Dan." Dave was silent for a moment trying to decide what to say about Dan. "Dan Chambers was the person who talked me into joining the high school track team. And I've been running ever sense!" Dave chuckled. "Remember last weekend I told you about a high school friend, Dan is that friend. I also think I told you that we had our first sex together. It was the summer before my junior year and Danny's senior year. We were on an out-of-town construction job and had four nights in a sleazy hotel room, not unlike yours, come to think of it."

"Hey, don't go knocking my hotel room, I got lucky there last night." Tony tried to sound serious.

"Yeah, it was good wasn't it? But let me finish, our skin is beginning to shrivel. Dan joined the Navy after his senior year; he wanted to get away from all the town bigots. We used E-mail to stay in contact during his four years and after he got out he settled in the San Francisco area. After a period of time he just seemed to disappear. I searched the Internet but couldn't find him. Then one day last year he literally showed up on my doorstep." Dave dreaded saying what he felt he had to tell Tony next but he felt Tony should know. "And now the hard part, Dan is HIV positive." Dave said it with as little emotion as possible. It seemed to kill whatever romantic mood existed. "C'mon, let's got out and go to bed."

Dave took Tony by the hand and led him across the pool where they pulled themselves up and out to a standing position on the deck. They took time drying each other then Dave took Tony's hand again and led him through the house to the bedroom. By the time they reached the bed, both men were fully aroused with anticipation. Dave crawled onto Tony's side of the bed virtually dragging Tony with him. He rolled onto his back and Tony stretched out along side resting against his right side. They were attempting to achieve full body contact and Tony bent his left knee, positioned his left leg between Dave's and moved his body partially on top of Dave's left side. The mood was gentle, quiet, and yet passionate. Each man was thoroughly enjoying the touching and caressing.

"Dave?" Tony spoke softly.

"Yeah?" Dave answered equally soft and his lips found Tony's. And for the very first time, Dave became aware of the hair on Tony's legs. Before this he must have had tunnel vision toward whatever else they were doing but now his senses were expanding to include all of his lover. The sensations were erotically stimulating.

"Last Friday..." Tony paused. "Was it as good last Friday as I remember?"

"I thought it was terrific," Dave replied. He was certain that Tony was referring to their first sex together.

"Uh..." Tony wasn't sure if he should ask but he decided to do it anyway. "I don't know if it's proper to ask but could we... would you..." Dave interrupted Tony's request with a kiss.

"Can you reach the supplies?" Dave asked softly.

The rest of the evening became a demonstration of how two men who really care for each other can make love that seems never ending. With Tony on his back and Dave between his legs, the two men enjoyed pleasuring to each other in as many ways as their minds could imagine. Dave's endurance was back. He was reading Tony like he used to read Paul and twice he was able to walk them both to the precipice and back away before making the journey for the third time and leaping in to the chasm of sexual satisfaction.

They lay quietly, listening to each other breathe normally. Dave was close to falling asleep but he didn't want to wake up in the morning covered with dried sweat and cum.

"Let's shower before we fall asleep," Dave suggested.

"I'm already asleep," Tony replied, hoping Dave would forget about it.

"C'mon!" Dave insisted as he lifted himself up with his arms and moved toward the edge of the bed.

"I can't, I've just been raped and I can't get up." Tony whined.

"Of course you can, you're a Marine, you can do anything. Now get up."

"Oh damn you, you're not supposed to use that logic on me," Tony whined as he sat up and swung his feet over the edge of the bed.

The shower was quick. Dave did most of the washing and when they were done, he dried them both. Leading Tony by the hand again, Dave walked around to his side of the bed and they lay down. Dave figured his side of the bed was probably a little cleaner; he'd change the sheets in the morning. They were asleep before their heads hit the pillows.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 49: The Recovery 23

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