David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Sep 20, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Recovery 23

It's Friday, the 4th of July, 6:17 AM. This would be a day of surprises.

As the clouds of sleep fade, Dave gradually becomes aware of the feel of the soft sheets and then the warm body to his right. Dave lies face down and listens for signs of Tony sleeping; he doesn't here them.

"Dave... you awake?" Tony asked quietly, he's lying on his back, his hands folded behind his head as he stars at the ceiling. He had been listening to Dave's breathing and when he heard the pattern change he felt confident Dave was awake.

"Yeah," Dave answered just as quietly. He lifted his head, turned it to his right and opened his eyes to look at his new companion, friend, maybe more.

"Is Dan going to die?"

The question surprised Dave; he wasn't ready for it, definitely not this early in the morning. "I certainly hope not," he replied as he turned on his left side, snuggled against Tony and let his fingers play in the hair on Tony's chest. "At least not any time soon. Why do you ask?"

"Well... last night you said he was HIV Positive. Doesn't that eventually become AIDS?"

"Yeah... that's the normal progression if it goes untreated. But Dan's been fighting."

"Does he look sick, I mean, like, is he pale, does he look emaciated, is it okay to touch him?"

At first Dave wanted to laugh but then he understood where Tony was coming from. Number one, if he wasn't scared, he was at least concerned for his own safety. Number two, Tony was obviously uninformed on the subject. Dave had some work to do. He raised himself up and sat cross-legged looking down at Tony.

"When you meet Dan this afternoon you won't be able to tell that he's sick. He looks like any normal 26-year-old man. He lucked out by seeking help before the infection got too bad and he's doing quite well now. His T-cell count is above 800 but that doesn't mean he's cured, I don't think anybody is willing to say that there is a cure yet. And yes," Dave chuckled, "it's okay to touch him. You don't get HIV/AIDS from just touching. You're going to see that we all enjoy touching each other; it's our way of expressing our affection and friendship. There isn't anything sexual about it. If that bothers you I can tell the guys and they'll respect that." Dave stopped talking at that point to give Tony the opportunity to speak.

"I'm glad he's not going to die," Tony said as he rolled onto his right side facing Dave. "I've never known anyone with AIDS or who was HIV Positive. It's okay to swim with him?"

"Yes..." Dave replied seriously; he could almost hear Tony's mind grinding away on the things he'd said. Dave was really touched by Tony's genuine concern for one of his friends, a person he had not yet met.

"Do you know how he got it?"

"He doesn't know who gave it to him but he does now how he got it. He told me stories about things he did when he lived in San Francisco. Let me tell you, it curled my hair!" Dave instinctively glanced at the top of Tony's head when he said that. "Speaking of which, I like the way you're hair's growing out, it's getting curly." Dave reached out and ran his fingers through the soft, dark, very short curls on Tony's head. "But, back to Dan, he's a totally different person now. I think you're going to like him."

"I think I will too." Tony smiled and lifted his head toward Dave for a kiss. From his cross-legged position, Dave shifted his weight forward and stretched out on top of Tony. Their eyes closed as their minds tried to understand the feelings they were experiencing.

"Wanna fool around?" Tony asked. He hadn't touched Dave's genitals, a sign that he was willing to avoid pressuring Dave into something he might not want.

"That sure is tempting but I need to make a trip to the bathroom and then we need to get a move on. We have guests coming over this afternoon and there's lots to do. After breakfast we need to run to the store and buy steaks. Besides, I think it's exciting to spend all day thinking about tonight." Dave playfully pinched Tony's left nipple.

Dave was completely unaware of the unintentionally Freudian slip he just made but it didn't get past Tony. WE!' Tony thought as he lay quietly, enjoying the weight of Dave's body on top of his. He said WE have guests coming over! Like we're together, a team. Is that what he means? Is it like I'm a part of him, that we do things together? I need to think about this! Dave's always treated me like an equal, never a possession. How do I feel about this? I think I like the way it sounds... actually.' Tony squeezed Dave to him and engaged in one more kiss. He was beginning to feel good about the two of them. "Okay, let's get started," he said as he released Dave and coaxed him toward the edge of the bed.

While Dave peed in the urinal Tony used the toilet. Then they washed their hands and brushed their teeth. Dave ran his electric razor over his face while Tony lathered up and began dragging a safety razor over his face. They could skip the shower because they had one the night before.

"What kind of after shave you use?" Tony asked.

"None," Dave answered. "I smell good without it. How about you?"

"Ah, Old Spice, like my dad. How come you don't use any?"

"Don't need any. I have a naturally appealing scent," Dave smiled at Tony through the mirror. "You still using that old fashioned safety razor, how barbaric!" Dave was trying to start something.

Tony looked at Dave in the mirror while holding the razor about an inch from his face. Dave swung his hip to the right and banged against Tony's left hip. "Just kidding," he added with a smile.

"Barbaric, huh, only real men shave with a blade!" Tony said as he swung his hips to his left banging into Dave. He was fighting back. "Wimps use electric shavers."

"So, I guess that was a wimp that caused you to moan and groan last night."

Tony stopped shaving and grinned at Dave in the mirror, "I stand corrected, sir. Studs use electric razors." Tony flashed a wide grin at his new best friend.

Tony helped Dave strip the sheets from the bed and then carried them to the laundry room. In the kitchen, Dave started the coffee and poured the orange juice then went to the laundry room and started the washing. Tony set the kitchen table as Dave opened the cabinet door and asked, "Pick a cereal, or there's bagels, or both."

Tony looked at the selection, "Cheerios." Dave pulled the box of Cheerios from the cabinet along with some Frosted Flakes. "You eat that sugary stuff?"

"Sometimes," Dave replied defensively. "It's really for the boys but I eat it occasionally just for a change. It's not a regular thing."

After a leisurely breakfast and leafing through the newspaper and feigning a fight of the sports section, Dave placed the sheets in the dryer then he and Tony left for the store. As Tony slid into the passenger seat he noticed that the Beemer smelled like new and the leather seats were so soft and supple. Tony was very quickly reminded of the financial disparity between them. He wondered if he should just forget about this relationship; there was no way he could compete at Dave's level. Everything else about them seemed to fit so well, couldn't he find some kind of accommodation? He decided this was not the time to try to figure it all out; give it some time.

Walking into the grocery store, Dave spotted the vegetable section to his left and an idea popped into his head. "Say, Tony, how would you feel about making that great Greek salad for us? I'm sure the guys would love it."

"Well, yeah! I could do that!" Tony replied. He suddenly felt proud that Dave had enough confidence in him to invite him to contribute to the group meal.

Tony pushed the cart as they worked their way through the aisles, discussing one purchase after another. An elderly lady following along behind them was getting a kick watching two obvious bachelors shop and she laughed to herself. Both men were enjoying themselves greatly. Dave bought six one-pound, highest quality, aged, expensive New York strip steaks in the meat section. Tony figured that he could probably eat for a month on what Dave paid for that meat. They completed their shopping trip so casually that by the time they got back home it was time for lunch.

They put the groceries away, fixed a couple of turkey sandwiches with iced tea. Dave removed the clean sheets from the dryer and together they made the bed and returned to the kitchen to begin preparing for Mike and Todd to arrive. Tony created his salad in a large bowl, covered it and placed it in the refrigerator to keep for dinnertime; he would add the dressing just before serving. Dave set the dining room table and did as much early preparation as he could so that when dinnertime came it would seem almost effortless. He placed the steaks in two large baking dishes and smothered them in an inexpensive Rhine wine that he liked and placed them in the refrigerator. Then he prepared the potatoes for baking later.

Dave and Tony had just sat down at the kitchen table with a beer in hand when there was knock at the back door and then it opened; the time was about ten minutes past one o'clock. Dave had long ago given the code for the locks to Mike, Todd and Dan so that they could let themselves in when they arrived.

"Hey Grrringo, anybody home?" Mike called out. Suddenly Tony felt nervous. Would they like him? That had never bothered him before!

"C'mon in Wetback, we're just havin' a beer," Dave shouted as he rose from his chair.

Mike walked into the kitchen with a casserole dish in his hands. "Hey, Roomy, I brought a green bean casserole... Oh! HEll-oO!" he exclaimed when he noticed Tony standing beside Dave.

"Here, let me take that and place it in the refrigerator," Dave said as he took the dish from Mike's hands. He also smiled at Mike's reaction to Tony's presence; he was hoping for some kind of reaction and he got it. Dave closed the refrigerator door and then turned around, leaned forward and kissed Mike on the lips. It was a quick kiss, just a peck. But it represented a level of friendship and trust that could only exist between very close friends.

Tony wasn't sure what to think. He'd never seen men behave like this!

"Hi ya, Dave," Todd said as he too greeted Dave warmly with a brief kiss.

Tony felt a little off balance; was he expected to kiss Mike and Todd too? He decided not to because it was so totally out of character for him.

"Say, you been holdin' out on us, man! Who's your friend?" Mike exclaimed as he looked at Tony who was still standing by the kitchen table.

The greetings over, Dave turned around and motioned for Tony to come toward them. "Guy's, I'd like you to meet Tony Mancuso." Tony walked over and extended his hand. "Tony, this is Mike Sanchez," they shook hands, "and this is Todd Pepper," and they shook hands. "And I'll tell you right now, you're gonna like him. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir!" Mike popped to attention and gave Dave a salute then they all began laughing. "Where's he been hidin' ya, Tony?" Mike asked as he reached into the refrigerator and got a beer for himself and Todd.

"Oh, we've known each other for what, two -- three weeks?" Tony turned to Dave for clarification.

"Oh, Man, you must have made a great impression on him if he doesn't even remember the exact moment you met!" Mike exclaimed at Dave with laughter.

In a matter of moments all four men were engaged in lively conversation with lots of laughter. Mike wanted to get things moving. "Hey, time's a wastin' let's hit the pool."

"You guys go ahead, Tony and I'll leave our clothes in the bedroom." When Dave saw the surprised looks on Mike and Todd's faces he wondered if he might have said the wrong thing.

"Okay, we'll go through the pool shower room and leave our clothes there. See ya in the pool," Mike announced.

Alone in the shower room, "Is he a stud, or is he a stud!" Mike exclaimed as he and Todd removed their clothing.

"I think the answer to both questions is yes', but we should know for sure in a couple of minutes, tee-hee-hee." Todd's inference had to do with the standard attire for swimming in Dave's pool: nothing'. "Now move your scrawny li ttle ass before I start getting other ideas," he pinched Mike's left buttock, making Mike squeal, "and don't let me catch you staring at his equipment... too long."

"Hey, it's okay to look but you got all the equipment I need," Mike replied as he playfully grabbed at Todd's penis. Together they ran out of the room and jumped into the pool.

In Dave's bedroom, "Dave, are we swimming in the raw?" Tony asked.

"We normally do but if that's a problem, go ahead and wear a suite." For the first time, Dave detected a streak of modesty in Tony, a trait he found appealing.

"Nah, not a problem..." There was no way Tony was going to be the only one wearing a suit, no matter how embarrassed he might be. "But what if... I spring a boner?" Dave could tell that Tony was serious.

"Hey, that happens sometimes. Nobody's going to be embarrassed. You're probably going to see some wood today, mine included." Dave placed his right hand on Tony's left shoulder. "Look, this is a private place, our sanctuary where we are allowed to be us. We're all friends here and nobody will think anything about it if someone gets a hardon. We're allowed to touch... and to feel... and let others know how we feel about each other. I sure don't mind letting the other guys see how I feel about you."

"You make it sound so simple," Tony responded. "It's just that I've never been in a situation like this and... I'm not sure how to handle it."

"Handle it?" Dave chuckled.

"Okay, okay, I get it," Tony laughed. "Why don't you lead the way and when we go through the door you run and jump into the pool and I'll be close behind you."

"How close?" Dave laughed.

"If you have to ask where I am, I'm not close enough," Tony laughed. "I'm ready," Tony said bravely.

Dave led the way down the hall and out the door near the bedroom end of the pool. He immediately broke and ran toward the water, leapt into the air and yelled, "Eeee-haaa!" He was immediately but momentarily reminded of that time with Paul at Cocksucker Lake. Dave didn't have to question where Tony was because while he was under the water he felt the concussion of Tony's body entering the water right next to him. When Tony surfaced, Dave was waiting and engaged him in a playful kiss then swam toward the shallow end of the pool, laughing as he went.

Mike and Todd felt dutifully entertained by their friends' arrival on the scene and moved from the far side of the pool to join them in the center in water that was about mid-chest deep.

First, Dave directed that they race to see who was the fastest swimmer. That meant that all four would have to get out of the water and expose themselves. It proved not to be a problem but it did serve the purpose of allowing everyone to check each other out and Tony was surprised at how obvious they all were about it. They lined up at the end of the pool and on Dave's signal they dived in and raced to the end of the pool and back. To no one's surprise Mike won and Dave immediately got on his case claiming he had all that experience swimming the Rio Grand. Tony wasn't quite sure what to think about the very politically incorrect banter between Dave and Mike but it was fun to watch.

Next, Todd suggested they mount up. Tony was almost afraid to ask what that meant but Dave explained that Mike would sit on Todd's shoulders and one of them would sit on the other's shoulders then they would see who could knock the other off or over. Tony insisted that Dave climb up on his shoulders. That turned out to be a lot of fun, not to mention somewhat erotic.

Tony could feel Dave's genitals pressing against the back of his neck and when Dave's cock got hard Tony's followed suit. He also noticed that Mike and Todd were just as aroused as he and Dave were. Tony was having more fun than he could ever have imagined. And he felt relaxed and uninhibited about everything; he wasn't the least bit embarrassed about his situation. Mike and Todd were the first to score a victory but once Tony got the hang of it, he and Dave won the next two. The fourth round found both teams losing their balance and they called it a draw. As they were regaining their balance, Mike noticed Tony's left shoulder and made a discovery.

"Hey, Dave, is this dude a US Marine?"

"Yeah, I am! You wanna make something of it, Grunt?" Tony challenged with a smile and a chuckle.

"Okay, Jarhead, you asked for it," Mike responded and they began a water fight. All four men were quickly engaged and having a great time.

They were interrupted by a ringing telephone at about 2:15 and Dave jumped out of the pool to answer it. Tony' eyes never left Dave as he walked across the deck to answer the phone; he had a smile on his face. Two friendly pairs of eyes observed Tony's actions and wondered.

"Okay, gang, get your suits on, the boys are on the way over," Dave announced. Mike and Todd immediately pulled themselves up onto the deck and headed to the shower room where they had left their bathing suits.

Alone in the shower room, "You see that!" Mike exclaimed.

"I'd say there's love in the air around here. How about you?"

"It's definitely something and it's more than just sex," Mike surmised. "I can't even remember the last time I've seen Dave's eyes smile like that. I just hope this is a good thing... at last!"

"Let's get a read on Dan's impressions after he gets here," Todd suggested. "I have some ideas."

Mike and Todd finished putting on their suits and returned to the pool area where they sat down in chairs around the poolside table to wait.

In Dave's bedroom, "So, whatta ya think?"

"They're really nice guys," Tony offered. "Maybe I shouldn't say this but they're nothing like what I expected."

"How so?" Dave asked.

"Well, I mean... they're just guys... they're not... this is gonna sound stupid, but they're not at all what I thought gay men would be."

"Oh, you mean clinging to each other, limp wristed, feeling each other up all the time, kissing all the time, having sex all the time?" Dave was goading Tony in a humorous way.

"Well, maybe not exactly like that but... well, I really like them. I feel comfortable being around them."

"I'm glad," Dave said as he leaned to the side and kissed Tony's cheek. "Now let's go wait for the boys."

"Mind if I wait by the pool?" Tony wanted to see how he felt being alone with Mike and Todd.

"Go right ahead, I'll bring the boys out."

Tony went back to the pool and joined Mike and Todd at the table. Dave sat down on the front steps and didn't have to wait long. Kate's van drove into the driveway and around the circle. The door slid open and out popped three young boys eager to swim. There was the usual "No skinny-dipping" lecture from Kate before she drove away.

As the boys marched single file through the house Dave spoke up. "Men," they stopped and turned around to look at him. "Let's keep the suits on today, okay?"

"Yes, Sir," Mark answered. Matt and JD nodded in agreement. Mark had spoken for all three of them. Dave just felt more comfortable having the boys in trunks with four adult men around. Not that he was concerned about any unacceptable behavior because the boys had been swimming naked before when Mike and Todd were there and he trusted them unconditionally. He just felt more comfortable this way.

"Hi Uncle Tony, Uncle Mike, Uncle Todd," the three boys said almost in unison. Mike and Todd were quick to pick up on the "Uncle Tony" greeting; that meant that this wasn't Tony's first visit.

The boys swam for a while as the adults watched and then Dave went into the house to get some snacks. When he came back he discovered that the boys had managed to get the men into the water and each boy had his own private launching machine. Mark had Todd, Matt had Tony, and JD had Mike. After several launches to see who could go the highest or the farthest, Tony whispered something in Matt's ear. At the next launch Matt went high into the air, pulled his knees to his chest, grasped them with his hands and threw his head back causing him to make a complete flip before reaching the water's surface. When he came down he created a very large splash for such a small boy. Well, now Mark and JD just had to try it. They could never do it quite as well as Matt and there were ev en a few belly flops that turned their skin red. Matt was so proud; he could do something his brothers couldn't. And for that he would always have a special bond with Tony.

The boys devoured their snacks while their three launching machines stretched out on the deck for some rest.

Shortly after 5:00 PM, Kate called and said she'd be by to pick the boys up. That was perfect timing because it was time for Dave to begin thinking about dinner.

Once the boys were gone, the four men rinsed the chlorine off in the shower and dressed casually in shorts, polo shirts and deck shoes or trainers. Dave placed the potatoes in the oven; Mike's green bean casserole would go in about forty-five minutes before they planned to eat. Shortly before 6:00 PM, they were all standing in the kitchen admiring the steaks when they heard the back door open.

"Hey Dave, we're here!" Dan called out as he and his friend entered the house from the garage. Dan walked in carrying something in a plastic bag. "I baked us a cheesecake; better put it in the refrigerator."

"David!" "Tomas!"

Both men were obviously surprised but Dan, Mike and Todd were even more so. Dan's friend had called Dave by the name only his family used. And had Dave addressed Tom by his given name and with the correct pronunciation, To-Mas, with the emphasis on the last syllable. It was clear to Dan, Mike and Todd that Dave and Tom had a connection that they didn't know about.

Tom walked around Dan and very delicately so as not to break him, encircled Dave in a hug and kissed his cheek. To say that the other four men in the room were stunned would be putting it mildly. Dave hugged Tom back and after a few moments they separated.

"So, how you doing?" Dave asked.

"Great! Just great, thanks to you... and Dan," Tom turned and smiled at Dan.

"Okay, I guess it would be kinda stupid to ask if you two know each other, so why don't you fill us in?" Dan asked. That comment drew a round of laughter from everyone.

"Well, let's get the introductions out of the way first, I don't think we're going to have trouble finding topics to talk about this evening," Dave chuckled. Dave gave Dan his second surprise in less than two minutes by introducing him to Tony and then Tony to Tom. Then Dan introduced Tom to the other four.

Tony was totally confused and was silently praying that all would be made clear before the night was through. He had a nagging feeling that he knew Tom from somewhere but couldn't quite remember where.

Dan took a long, slow look at Tony and then at Dave. There was no doubt in his mind that Dave was different, but how? He wanted to get Todd aside and pick his brain.

Dave set things in motion so that they would be eating soon. He went out to the pool deck and started the gas grill then while it was heating he returned to the kitchen, placed the steaks on a flat pan and went back outside to place them on the grill. He came back into the kitchen to check on how everything els e was going.

"So you see it too," Todd said quietly to Dan as they stood alone in the great room.

"Yeah, I just hope it's the real thing. I haven't seen Dave this happy since I can't remember when!"

"Well, he was like this when I saw him with Paul," Todd added, "but that was the last time. I think this is serious."

"What about Tony? He's a hot lookin' stud," Dan said. "You think he's the one?"

"Look," Todd stated, "I got an idea. I'll find out where he's staying and then Monday I'll call him and invite him to our place for dinner, kinda like a `welcome -- get to know you' dinner. We won't tell Dave, whatta ya think?"

"I like it. Tuesdays and Thursdays are best for me if you can pull it off. My only concern is that I don't want to see Dave get hurt." Dan was damned serious about it. "Wait a minute, I'm getting an uneasy feeling about this."

"What's wrong?" Todd asked.

"I don't like going behind Dave's back; I'd rather tell him what we're going to do."

"I don't plan on keeping it a secret, we'll tell him afterward. He'll be okay with it. You know he's secure enough he won't feel threatened. He might even like the idea."

"Well... okay, I just hope you're right. Oh, here he comes."

As Dave walked out of the kitchen to go check the steaks, he could hear Tony and Tom laughing at Mike's effervescent humor. He walked through the great room where he found Dan and Todd talking quietly, like a couple of conspirators. He could tell that they were plotting something.

"What're you two up to now?" Dave asked suspiciously.

Todd and Dan looked at each other and then at Dave. "We were just wondering," Todd replied quietly. Having to deal with hotel guests all day taught him to be quick on his feet. "You think tonight would be an appropriate time to induct' our two new friends into the platoon?" Todd surmised that if Dave said no', it would mean that Tony probably wasn't much more than a plaything. But if he said `yes', it would be a clear indication that a more serious relationship existed between them. As for Tom, Dan seemed willing which meant they had something good going on.

"You don't mean...?" Dave asked.

Todd and Dan looked at each other and grinned then turned their grins toward Dave. "The hot tub," they said in unison.

Dave pondered the idea for a moment. "I don't know," he said with some skepticism. "That might be a little too intense." Dave paused and Dan and Todd could see that he was still thinking. "Let's see how the evening develops and I'll let you know later. Tony and I may have something going here and I sure don't want to spook him. Besides, Mike thinks it might be two warm for the hot tub. "

"You leave Mike to me, he'll jump at this opportunity," Todd smiled.

"Okay, I'm on the way out to check on the steaks so we should be sitting down to dinner soon. Do me a favor and get everyone ready." Dave requested.

Dave carried the steaks into the dining room and placed them on the appropriate plates, rare for Mike and Todd, well done for Dan and Tom, and medium for Dave and Tony. Dave sat at the head of the table with Tony to his right followed by Mike and Todd. Tom and Dan were on Dave's left. Dave asked Dan to give the blessing and they all joined hands, bowed their heads and closed their eyes.

"Lord, we thank you for allowing us to gather in friendship and brotherhood and for restoring our health. We ask your blessing on this food and our fellowship. Also bless our new friends. Amen." It was a very simple blessing and it demonstrated the faith and trust they had for a higher power and for each other.

Tony was especially moved. He felt Mike release his right hand but he held onto Dave's for a few extra seconds. A month ago he was alone and angry with not a friend in the world. Yet here he sat at a table with five young men who loved and trusted each other more than he had imagined possible. Tony prayed that these men accept him as a member of their group. Opening his eyes as he lifted his head Tony turned and smiled at Dave, his new friend and of late his lover. How strange that sounded in his mind!

Dave started things by passing the large bowl of Tony's Greek salad and the conversation began.

******* [Jeff's note: Because the conversation around the table will be fast and furious, I have chosen a format that identifies the speaker first, followed by his comments. I hope it doesn't cause you, the reader, any problems.] *******

Mike: "So tell us Tony, how did you and Dave meet?" Tony looked at Dave. "And don't look to him for help, we want to here your side of the story."

Tony: "Well... okay, it's still a little blurry, it happened so fast." Tony took a bite of the green bean casserole that Mike brought. "About three and a half weeks ago I was working construction... say Mike, this casserole is great..."

Mike: "Thanks, now on with your story, please."

Tony: Well, it was my third day on the job, it was round noon, and this dark green F-250 comes rolling up the driveway and stops. The truck was hot."

Dan: "Dave this steak is delicious."

Tom: "And the salad is terrific, who made it?"

Dave: "Tony, he made one last weekend so I asked if he'd make another one for you guys."

Dan and Todd made eye contact, `Last weekend?' they silently mouthed at each other. During the interruption Tony managed to take a bite of steak, chew and swallow.

Mike impatiently: "Go on, Tony."

Tony: "Well, I thought the truck was hot until this drop-dead handsome guy opened the door and jumped to the ground."

Dan: "Congratulations, Dave, you're now handsome!" Everyone chuckled.

Tony, not waiting to be invited to continue: "Anyway, he really caught my eye. He talked to the construction boss..."

Dave: "He's working for Sam, guys. Tony, everyone but Tom knows Sam."

Tony: "Okay, so I can't take my eyes off the guy as he walks around talking to all the other men. Then there he is introducing himself to me as Dave Baker. I didn't know what to think. There was the big boss caring enough to talk to me, a lowly gofer. I was so dumbfounded I can't remember if I said anything intelligent but I remember he said he hoped I'd be able to join the crew Friday after work for a beer at the local tavern."

Todd: "That's Dave, always impressive." Everyone laughed.

Tony: "So Friday rolled around and after work I followed the rest of the crew to a local pub, the Bull and Boar I think it was..."

Todd: "Yeah, I know the place."

Tony: "I guess the alcohol helped me relax and let go of some tension and I was beginning to feel more at home with the rest of the men. I drank too much. I don't remember much but the next morning I woke up in Dave's bed."

"WHOO! WHOO! WHOO!" "HEY-HEY-HEY!" "YAHOO!" All kinds of hoots and hollers fill the room as the four men reacted to Tony's revelation.

Tony: "Now don't get the wrong idea here, guys. Apparently I was too drunk to drive and nobody knew where I was staying and Dave was the only one willing to take care of me."

Mike: "Yeah, I'll bet he was willing to take care of you!"

Tony: "No, really! When I woke up Saturday morning I had no idea where I was. I got dressed and followed the smell of coffee to the kitchen where I discovered Dave at the sink drinking his juice." A tingle surged through Tony's body at that memory. "I asked him how I got there and he told me what I just told you. And then I thanked him for not taking advantage of me. And you know what he said?" Tony was beginning to enjoy this.

All: "What!"

Tony: "He said, `For that you have to be wide-awake and stone cold sober."

All: "Ooooo!"

Tony: "And that's how we met." Tony hoped they would accept that explanation because he didn't want to get into what happened the following weekend.

Mike: "Well, then what happened?" Mike wasn't about to give up. "Let's hear the good stuff." And then they all laughed.

Tony, pausing for a moment to smile at Dave: "Dave dressed while I tried to cure my hangover with coffee then he drove me to my truck and I went home." Tony hesitated for just a moment. He wasn't sure just how much he should tell but he remembered earlier Dave had said that this was their safe place where they could be themselves. He continued. "I had a lot to think about all week. But I was kinda surprised, I guess I half expected him to track me down and make a move but he didn't, he just left me alone. He must have been leaving it up to me to decide what I wanted to do. By Friday, he was all I could think of and when we got to the tavern after work I practically threw myself at him like a slut."

Everyone laughed, including Dave.

Tony: "To make a short story of this, Dave invited me to follow him home, which I did." There was long pause. "And we got to know each other."

Everyone was silent at first, waiting for Tony to continue, then began to chuckle. Dave sat with his head down, a blushing smile on his face, using his fork to play with the remnants of his salad. He wasn't used to being the object of such attention but he knew it was all meant in good humor.

Mike: "So he had his way with you."

Tony, not wanting to appear too wanton: "Well, we did achieve reciprocity before the weekend was over."

Mike to Todd: "What's that mean?"

Todd: "It means that Dave got poked too."

Mike: "No wonder he can't get that silly smile off his face!"

Again everyone laughed.

Dan: "Is that the way you saw it, Dave?"

Dave: "That's pretty much it. Except..." Dave wondered if he should tell. "Tony doesn't remember but when we got here he needed to pee. But he was so drunk that I had to unzip his pants and help him find little `Willie'." Everyone but Tony roared with laughter.

Mike: "Don't take it personal, Tony. Ya gotta remember, Dave has a larger frame of reference than the rest of us." Again everyone roared.

Dave: "And then he puked in my toilet." Dave looked at Mike "I was reminded of you, Mike."

Mike: "Oh please. You're never gonna let me live that down, are you?"

Dave placing his right hand on top of Tony's left hand: "I'll explain that later," and he smiled at his man. Then he looked around the table. "Now!" Dave wanted to get off this subject and on to another. "Tom, we're all on the edges of our seats waiting for you to tell us how you and Dan met."

Tom: "Oh, well..."

Dan: "He's going to need some help..."

Dave: "You just stay out of this, lover boy, Tom speaks English quite well. Go ahead, Tom." Everyone laughed.

Tom: "Yes, okay, I guess it started when Dave took me to Philos to get tested."

Mike: "Dave took you to be tested?"

Tom: "Yeah, well, that's another story. But the test results showed I was HIV positive and needed some help. Dave pulled some strings and got me into Philos. One of the first things that happened to me was that they assigned me to a work group or ah..."

Dan: "Therapy group."

Tom: "Yeah, group therapy. That's where a group of guys sit around and talk about how they feel about being infected."

Dan: "It's a lot more than that."

Mike: "Let's let Tom do the talking, Dan." It was a friendly comment, not criticism of Dan; Mike just wanted to support Tom.

Tom: "Well, the group leader, or counselor is a better word, turned out to be Dan here. I liked him the minute he walked into the room, everybody did. He obviously cared about the members in the group and he had a lot of credibility because he was one of us. I guess I'm kinda slow but after our third session I found my courage to go up to him after we finished. It seemed to me like we kinda clicked. We started seeing each other after the meetings and talked a lot. Well... one thing followed another and..." Tom paused. "I found an apartment of my own and that allowed us to get better acquainted. We've been seeing each other ever since. Now that's my story and I'm sticking to it." Everybody laughed.

Tony: You look familiar. You ever play football?"

Tom became tense; this was the first time anyone might have recognized him, except Dave, of course: "Yeah..."

Tony: "You play in the NFL?"

Tom: "Yeah..." He lowered his head. "I was a place kicker." He sounded dejected.

Tony: "Hey, Tom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

Tom: "No, it's okay, Dave knows; we've known each other for a almost five years and he helped me then I needed it the most. And Dan knows so there's no reason the rest of you," he looked at Todd, Mike and Tony, "great guys shouldn't know too."

Dan, placing his hand in the middle of Tom's back and rubbing between his shoulder blades: "It's okay, Tom, you're among friends."

Tom: "Yeah, it's a real comfort to be able to share with you guys. Dan's already told me a lot and I can see that he's right. Thanks."

Dave, thinking the mood had turned a little to serious, clanked his knife against his water glass: "Okay, let's clear off the table and get ready to have some desert."

Mike: "Great idea! C'mon, I'll help put the plates in the dishwasher."

Everyone picked up his own plate and eating utensils and the table was cleared very quickly. Mike and Tony teamed up to clean off the plates and place them in the dishwasher.

In the mean time, Dan caught Dave' eye and signaled for Dave to follow him. They met in the foyer.

Dave: "'Sup?"

Dan quietly: "Is it okay if we stay here tonight?"

Dave quietly: "Of course. You know you're always welcome."

Dan quietly: "Thanks, I think Tom would like some time away from his apartment. Oh, one more thing... you got any condoms? We didn't bring any."

Dave: "Are you serious?"

Dan quietly: "Please, keep your voice down. Yeah, we're intimate."

Dave quietly: "But isn't that dangerous, you both being positive?"

Dan: "We're careful, we use double protection. Just because we have HIV doesn't mean we don't have urges. You can't imagine how much `alive' I feel." Dan looked at Dave and then smiled "On the other hand, maybe I can."

Dave quietly: "In my bedroom, the top drawer of the night stand you'll find two sizes. Take what you need but you damned well better leave me some."

Dan quietly and smiling: "I'll take four of the large ones for Tom. If we only use two I'll return the others in the morning."

Dave quietly: "You've never really changed since high school," Dave placed his right hand on Dan's shoulder. "That's one of the things I like about you. Now we'd better get back into the dining room before we're missed." Dave took the route through the dining room and Dan went toward the great room and down the hall.

Back at the table with coffee and a slice of Dan's cheesecake, Tony asked Todd what he did for a living. Todd gave a brief overview of his job at the Westin Hotel. Next, Tony asked Mike what line of work he was in.

Mike: "Officially I'm a supervisor at a Subway Shop near the university campus but it looks like I'm about to become an assistant manager for this area. I'll be starting classes at the local community college this fall so that I can get an associate degree in management. Dave always says you meet a better class of bigots on campus." Everyone chuckled.

Dave: "It's really a better `educated' class of bigots. But I do think a good education has a tendency to open people's minds and make them more accepting of men like us."

Todd: "I agree. I encourage everyone to get a higher education."

Tony: "I'll have to consider that advice... if I ever decide what I want to be when I grow up." He was smiling when he said that and everyone chuckled.

Mike: "This coming Thursday will be a big day!"

Tom: "How come?"

Mike: "For the first time I get to meet the Big Man, the guy who owns a large chunk of the shops in this region. He's kinda been a secret but because I'm going to be an assistant manager my boss says it's time I met him." Dave sat quietly with a faint smile on his face.

When it was apparent that Mike was finished, Tony looked at Dan. "How about you, Dan, what do you do?"

Dan explained his job at the software development company where he worked and added that he was going to start taking a few classes at the university this fall, a part-time student. Someday he might even get a degree because he could see how it had helped Dave and Todd. Dan also explained his work at the Philos Foundation. After that the conversation hit a lull and since Dan had the floor he raised an issue that he wanted to discuss with his friends.

Dan: "Listen, as long as I have the floor, have you guys been following what's been happening in the Episcopal Church?"

Mike: "Didn't they just install a gay Bishop or something?"

Dave: "Yes, they did and it sure caused a big stink."

Dan: "Has anybody here ever been inside an Episcopal Church?"

Everyone looked around and Dave raised his hand.

Dan: "What's it like? Why are they so different?"

Dave: "Gee, I don't know WHY they're different, or if they even ARE different. I just remember how impressed I was, not only with the facility but also with the friendliness of the people who attended. The service was really formal but it didn't make me feel uncomfortable.

Tony, entering the conversation for the first time: "I don't understand. You mean to say that the Episcopal Church condones homosexuality? I know that the church I was raised in says love the sinner, hate the sin. That just don't float with me."

Dave: "I don't really know. But I'd like to learn more.

Todd: "From what I've been reading, that church is very forgiving when it comes to sin. Some are asking how they can elevate a sinner to be Bishop.

Mike: "But wait! Another church, I won't mention any names here, has all these priests molesting kids. It went on for years and the church leaders just kept hiding it. Why is it okay for them to be religious leaders but not homosexuals?"

Dave: "Good point, Mike. I read an article that was critical of the gay Bishop and accused him of having sex outside marriage. If he were a heterosexual, the church would probably expel him. In this case he is divorced from his wife and abandoned his kids but people want to rejoice. That's heresy."

Mike: "Are you crazy, Dave? Are you calling that Bishop is a heretic? We're gonna have your Gay Card revoked."

Tony: "Gay Card? You have a card that says you're gay?"

Dave laughing: "No Hon, Mike's pulling your leg." Looking at Mike: "I guess I screwed up on how I said that. What I meant was, I think the Bishop is doing the right thing. He's honest with everyone, his wife and family, and his church. At least he had the courage to release his wife from her commitment from her marriage vows. Honesty and trust mean a lot to me and he's demonstrated both."

Dan: "Well, I'm sticking with Father Tim." He looked at Dave: "You and Tony gonna join us this Sunday?"

Dave: "We haven't discussed it but there's a good chance."

Tony, still reeling from Dave calling him `Hon': "What's he mean?"

Dave: "For several years now we've all been going to a little church over by the campus. Reverend Tim Fields is the minister but we all call him Father Tim. We can talk it over later and decide what to do if you like."

Tony: "I think I'd like to go... that is if you're willing."

Dave: "Well..." he looked at the smiles around the table, "sure! Let's plan on it."

Mike: "Are we ready to dance now?"

Todd: "I'm ready, let's clear the table."

Everyone got up from the table and carried their dishes and coffee cups to the kitchen. Mike and Todd took charge of making sure the kitchen and dining room were completely cleaned up while Dave engaged Tom in a brief conversation. Tony needed to relieve himself of some beer and coffee so he walked down the hall toward the bedroom where he could use the urinal in the master bath. As he walked into the bedroom he saw Dan reaching into the drawer of the night stand and remove some condoms. Dan closed the drawer and turned around to find Tony watching him.

Dan: "Dave told me where to find these," he held up four foil packs. "There's still plenty in the drawer." Dan sounded somewhat defensive and apologetic and acted like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Tony, trying to appear self deprecating and macho at the same time: "Four of them, huh? You're a better man than I am for one night." They both laughed but Dan didn't think that now was the time to explain. Tony continued into the bathroom and Dan took the condoms upstairs to the room he had used a time or two in the past and made use of the facility there.

Before long, they were all gathered in the great room and Mike took over the supply of CDs and had the room hopping. Dave had turned the lights down to create a more romantic atmosphere. Dancing on carpet isn't that easy but no one minded. By the third song Mike had slowed the rhythm to some nice mood music, the kind you hold on and sway to.

Dave's head rested on Tony's shoulder as they swayed from side to side. They were thoroughly engrossed in their thoughts and feelings. Tony's thoughts still lingered on being called `Hon'. Dave turned his head and kissed the side of Tony's neck then moved so he could look into Tony's eyes.

"How's it going?" Dave asked quietly.

"Couldn't be better," Tony said as he joined his lips with Dave's. "Last week, when you told me you had some friends you thought I might like I had all kinds of crazy ideas about what they might be like."

"And the verdict is?"

"They're great. Mike is a scream and everyone else is so human, so normal. It's like pieces of a puzzle that all fit."

"So you think you're comfortable with them."

"Totally!" Tony kissed Dave again, this time with a little more passion.

Dave laid his head back on Tony's shoulder. He kept his eyes open and when they turned a little to the right he saw Todd. After a moment or two they made eye contact and behind Tony's back, Dave formed a fist and made a `thumbs up' signal. Todd winked at Dave and the communication was complete.

By the fifth song there was a lot of petting and some tender kissing and cooing going on. There wasn't one limp prick on the dance floor. Suddenly the music stopped.

"Everyone out to the pool area, strip and climb into the hot tub!" Mike announced to a lot of moans and groans. They were all having such a good time. Slowly they all made their way outside, striped naked, draping their clothes over the pool chairs. Six semi-erections walked to the hot tub and slid beneath the surface of the bubbling water. No one seemed to care or feel embarrassed by the condition of his arousal; it seemed to be a group thing.

Dave's hot tub was large enough to seat eight comfortably, two to a side, so the six men had plenty of room. Dan and Tom settled in with their backs to the house and Tom to the right with his arm around Dan's shoulder. Mike and Todd sat facing the pool with Mike on the right and his left arm around Todd's shoulder. Dave and Tony took a position facing the house with Dave on the left and Tony's left arm around his neck.

Although the air temperature was about 75 degrees, the hot water still felt good. The only illumination came from the soft lights of the great room but they could still see each other's faces.

Mike: "I've got a joke!"

Todd: "Ohhh nooo." There was a chuckle associated with his groan.

Mike: "You're gonna love it. This guy goes to see his doctor...

Tony felt Dave's right hand rest on his left thigh. He looked at Dave and grinned but made no comment.

Dan: "Not another doctor joke, please," he begged.

Now Tony felt Dave's fingers close around his rigid shaft. Dave had caught Tony totally off guard. Tony felt embarrassed; what if the others knew what they were doing? He turned his head and whispered in Dave's ear, "What are you doing?"

Mike: "The doctor asked the guy, What seems to be the problem?' and the guy goes, Well, I feel great but everyone says I look bad.'

Dave: "This better be good or we're all gonna sit on you." Then he turned and whispered in Tony's ear: "What does it feel like I'm doing?" When Tony didn't reply Dave added, "Just watch Tom."

Mike, ignoring the heckling: "Then the doc goes, Well, let me check my diagnosis book here,' and he turned around and pulled a book off the shelf. He opens it and starts reading. Let's see, Feels Good -- Looks Good. Nope, that's not it. Feels Bad -- Looks Bad. Nope, Looks Good -- Feels Bad. Oh, here it is, Feels Good -- Looks Bad. That's it, you're an asshole!" Mike burst out in laughter.

Everyone else groaned with a little laughter on the side. In a way they thought Mike's joke was humorous but they always liked to rib him a little.

Todd, to change the subject after the groans subsided: "Say Tony, how'd you wind up in the Marines?"

Tony: "When I was a kid I got hooked on old World War II movies, the ones where the Marines would storm the beaches and..." Tony was having difficulty concentrating on what he was saying, "...it just captured my imagination." He looked at Dave again and remembered to look at Tom who was seated facing him. Tom seemed to be quite calm and comfortable when the look on his face changed noticeably; his mouth gaped open in a quiet gasp and his eyes showed a little surprise. Then Tony noticed that Dan was grinning at him. He looked to his right; Mike and Todd were grinning at him too. Oh,' he thought, this is planned! A little surprise for the new guys! I've played games like this before.' He looked at Dave and grinned and Dave continued stroking Tony's member.

Todd: "So is that all? You were captivated by those movies and they motivated you to join up?"

Tony: "Yeah, I loved all the blood and guts... stuff." Dave had pulled Tony's foreskin back and slid his thumb around the now super-sensitive glans causing Tony to hesitate. "How about you, ever in the service?" Tony was having difficulty focusing and wanted someone else to do the talking. Upon looking around it was easy to tell who was getting some action, the three men with their hands above the water. Tom looked nervous but Mike was obviously enjoying himself. The sheer boldness of this activity was electrifyingly exciting and arousing. And Dave's talented technique was rapidly driving Tony toward orgasm.

Todd: "No, I'm just a dirty old civilian. How old were you when you enlisted?"

Tony: "Well, I was eighteen. I had just finished high school... haa!" Tony tried to talk right through his orgasm but no matter how hard he tried, he lost. He knew that everyone would know that he was cumming and it both embarrassed and excited him. His body contracted, his knees drew up toward his chest and the first volley of his sperm shot fourth into the bubbly water. Dave again slid his thumb across Tony's engorged and supersensitive glans causing another contraction. Tony needed to hold onto something so he squeezed Dave with his left arm and then turned and kissed his lover hard on the mouth. Dave returned the kiss with vigor. Tony was completely oblivious to anyone but Dave being present. Dave slowed, then stopped stroking and held on to Tony's cock. Tony's orgasm induced cloud soon cleared and their lips separated.

Dave grinned and looked around and Tony did the same. They were just in time to watch Mike climax with a couple of his patented whimpers that Dave had heard before. Then Tom released with a loud, guttural, primal sounding groan.

Everyone sat quietly for several minutes. Tony realized he was soaking in his own and someone else's cum. He was surprised that the thought of something like that didn't turn him off, but it didn't. He wondered why. Then Dan extended his hand across the tub and Tony grasped and shook it. Then Todd and Mike each shook his hand. Next, Dave reached across and shook Tom's hand as did Todd and Mike.

Dan, with a huge grin: "You two are now official members of Dave's platoon, welcome." Dan, Mike, Todd and Dave then applauded.

Tony: "Thanks, guys..."

Todd: "No speeches, you're supposed to be speechless." They all laughed.

The three couples sat quietly, enjoying the closeness with each other. Tony took hold of Dave's erection like he was going to return the favor but Dave stopped him. "Later," Dave whispered. After about ten minutes, Dave stood up, his shaft standing proudly and announced, "Time to retire guys." There were no arguments. The six men climbed out of the hot tub, dried off, picked up their clothes and headed to their rooms.

In the master suite, Dave turned out all the lights that were linked to the main control and armed the security system. Tony was about to crawl into bed when Dave stopped him.

"Let's rinse all those chemicals from the hot tub off us," Dave suggested. Tony didn't argue; he just followed Dave to the shower. They did a little bit more than rinse. Arm in arm they stood under the shower, plastered together running their hands over each other's bodies and pretending they were rinsing. After about five minutes Tony turned off the shower, they dried each other with tender care and Dave led Tony by the hand to their bed.

Their lovemaking seemed to reach a new plateau. Dave took his time and made sure Tony was with him before they climbed the mountain together and flung their bodies over the top. Later, as they lay in the after glow of coitus, Tony wanted to talk.

"When I came in here earlier to take a piss, Dan was taking some of your condoms from the drawer."

"Yeah, I told him where to find them."

"He took four, what a man!"

Dave giggled. "No, he and Tom use double protection because they're both HIV positive. That means they'll probably go around no more than twice tonight."

"I guess those condoms were for Tom, then." Tony had noticed earlier that Tom was pretty well endowed and would probably need the larger variety.

"Yeah." That was the extent of Dave's reply. The message was clear, Tom was the pitcher and Dan was the catcher in that relationship.

"I guess Mike and Todd brought their own."

"They don't use any," Dave replied.

"They don't?" Tony sounded surprised. "Why not?"

"They're in a monogamous relationship, they only have sex with each other. They get tested once a year just to make sure." Dave's answers were short, to the point, no reason to embellish the points. He was also getting sleepy.

"Oh." Tony thought about that for a few moments. "Ya know, this is really strange."

"What's that?" Dave's voice was getting weaker.

"You realize there are four other guys in this house doing the same thing we just did. That is weird!" Tony waited but got no response. Then he heard Dave's heavy breathing. They were in their favorite position, Tony on his back with Dave snuggled up against his right side, his head resting on Tony's shoulder. Tony leaned over, brushed the hair from Dave's forehead and kissed it. Then he too obeyed his body's call for sleep.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 50: The Recovery 24

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