David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Oct 24, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Recovery 25

Tony sat in the reception room at The Philos Foundation. The receptionist asked him to be seated while she called someone to help him. Remembering all that he had learned about HIV/AIDS over the weekend and that Dave said he could get tested here free, Tony made Philos his second stop after work Monday.

His first stop had been at a cell phone store of the largest provider in the area. He'd seen their ads in the Sunday paper while at Dave's and reasoned that a cell phone would come in handy. Now he had some friends who might want to call him and he wouldn't have to rely on the hotel. Besides, it charged an arm and a leg for local calls.

"Mr. Mancuso?"

"Yes," Tony stood up.

"I understand you've come to be tested?"

"Yes Ma'am, I was told you do that here for free."

"We most certainly do, will you please follow me?" She turned and began walking toward the door she had just come from. Tony followed and wound up in an exam room where the lady explained the process. Philos used a test called OraQuick, which involved a fingerstick to produce a drop of blood for analysis and they should know the results within 24 to 48 hours. Since OraQuick is only a screening test, if the test came back positive then a more detailed confirmatory test would be needed. Tony said he'd heard about a test that involved a mouth swab and the lady explained that was also a screening test called Orasure but Philos abandoned it in favor of OraQuick. Tony extended his right hand, palm up and offered his index finger. A few minutes later he left Philos with a special test number and a telephone number he could call after 24 hours.

Tony walked into his motel room, a place he hadn't seen since last Thursday morning, and he realized just how much he despised the place. Then he noticed the message light blinking on the telephone.

He lifted the handset and dialed the hotel Operator. She informed him he had two calls, one from his sister and another from a Mr. Todd Pepper. He called his sister first using his new cell phone. She wanted him to come to dinner Wednesday but Tony asked if Thursday would be okay and she agreed. He wanted to leave Wednesday open in case Dave might be able to join him again for dinner. When he finished the call he programmed her number into his cell phone.

Next he called Todd who answered on the first ring.

"Mike and Todd's, Todd speaking." Tony really liked the way that sounded.

"Hi Todd, Tony."

"Hey Tony, I'm glad you called. Listen, we, that's Mike, Dan and me, were thinking and we'd like to invite you to our place for dinner. How's Tuesday or Thursday? Mike says he'll make us some enchiladas."

"Gee Todd, that's awfully nice of you," Tony replied as his mind raced through his commitments, Wednesday and Thursday were already taken. "I love enchiladas! Guess Tuesday works best for me, I just need to know what time and where." He was beginning to feel excited, his new friends were already inviting him to their place for dinner.

Todd suggested 6:30 PM and then gave Tony directions to his apartment. After he hung up, Tony programmed Todd and Mike's number into his cell phone. And before he did anything else, he programmed Dave's home and cell numbers and then dialed the cell number.

"Hello?" Dave couldn't know who was calling because Tony's number was new.

"Hi ya Babe, whacha doin'?"

"Tony!" Dave exclaimed. "I was just thinking about you. You must not be at your room," Dave more asked that stated.

"Yeah I am, I called to tell you I got a cell phone and wanted you to have the number. Where are you?"

"A cell phone, huh? That's great! Now I'll be able to call you almost any time I feel like it. And I'm still at the office, getting ready to go meet a client for dinner. What're you doing for dinner?"

"There's a cafeteria close by so I'll get something there..." and before Tony thought about it he added, "wish you were here."

"Yeah, so do I," Dave replied instantly. "I know you'd be a lot more fun than the stuffy old fat client. Say," a thought popped into Dave's mind, "will it be okay for me to call you later?"

"Please do, and use my cell number."

"Okay, gotta go, and thanks for calling..." Dave wanted to say `I miss you' but something inside stopped him.

By the time Dave was able to call back, Tony was already asleep. Dave apologized for calling so late but they talked for a short time then hung up. Tony was going to tell Dave about Todd's invitation but in his sleepy condition it slipped his mind.

Tuesday was a normal day except that Dave called when he estimated Tony would be on lunch break. They talked for about ten minutes and Dave said he had to leave to meet with Kate and John for the final inspection of their house and added that he was looking forward to seeing him Wednesday about noon. Again Tony forgot to say anything about going to Mike and Todd's for dinner that night. He was more interested in what Dave was doing.

The one-hour drive south was pleasant and gave Dave time to think a lot about Tony. Dave smiled the entire time. Tony was no pushover and Dave found that quite appealing. On the other hand, Tony was a good sport; he had enough self-confidence to stand on his own two feet without needing help from anyone else. And his platoon seemed to reach out and embrace his Marine, which was a good sign because they could spot a phony a mile away. The most important thing was how Dave felt when he saw Tony; he felt warm and secure. Some inner voice told him he could trust Tony and that was very important. But the most important feeling was that four-letter word that begins with the letter `L'. Why was Dave holding back? Why couldn't he tell Tony he missed him... when he obviously did?

All too quickly Dave found himself pulling into the driveway of Kate and John's new home.

"Where's Tony?" Kate asked.

"Hi, Sis, well duh, he's a working man. He can't just take off work whenever he wants, ya know."

"Oh yeah, I guess I just think of you two together, that's all."

"C'mon, let's go check out the house," Dave smiled at his sister. Her comment said a lot about the kind of impression Tony had made on her and on John.

Kate was ecstatic about the house. There was some painting to be done and the carpeting still wasn't down but she was anxious to start moving in. The draperies for all of the rooms were done and waiting to be installed and some new furniture was being held at Bob's store ready to be moved in. The pool was already done and both Kate and John had their hands full keeping the boys from stripping and going for a swim. In fact, the boys offered to use sleeping bags so they could stay in their new home.

Dave was the first to arrive at his parent's house and as he walked into the kitchen his mother greeted him with a kiss.

"Where's Tony, Dear?"

"He had to work, Mother." Dave's reply to his mother's question was much more polite than his reply to his sister's. Kate, John, Susan and the boys soon appeared and settled into routine family things. Before long Dave's father arrived with a question of his own.

"Where's Tony, David?"

"What is this?" Dave asked. First Kate then his mother and now his father all asked where Tony was. "Okay, Tony has to work. If you like, the next time I come down I'll ask him to come with me. How's that?"

"Great," Bob replied, "we like him."

Secretly Dave was touched that his family was already thinking of them as a pair. Actually he found it a little humorous that everyone seemed to take to Tony so quickly.

After work, Tony went back to his motel room, got cleaned up and drove to Mike and Todd's apartment. The time was 6:30 PM when he knocked on their door.

"My god, right on time! You must be as anal retentive as Dave!" Mike exclaimed with a laugh. He'd learned the term `anal retentive' from Dave. "C'mon on in!" Mike stepped back so that Tony could enter the apartment. Tony was a little unsure of how he should greet Mike but Mike solved that by closing the door and giving him a brief hug.

The apartment smelled of enchiladas as Tony followed Mike to the kitchen. Todd also greeted Tony with a brief hug and before they could do anything else, Dan arrived. He also gave Tony a hug and announced that Tom wouldn't be able to join them, something about a job opportunity.

The dinner was delicious and the conversation casual. As they talked, Tony was measuring each man and concluded that these were men he didn't have to impress, a sign of good friends. After dinner they moved into the living room to continue the conversation. Tony was completely relaxed by now, one beer helped.

"Tony, we have a confession to make, we had an ulterior motive for inviting you here tonight," Todd announced. Tony looked at him and suddenly didn't feel so relaxed. "You see, we took a vote and we agreed... unanimously, we like you and we think you're good for Dave." Tony was confused. He felt uplifted by what Todd just said but he couldn't figure out where this might be going.

"We're prepared to share with you things about Dave that you won't hear from him because he is too modest," Dan added.

"Let me start by telling you about the first time I met Dave," Todd continued. "I was working as a bellhop at the Westin Hotel and going to college part-time. One Friday afternoon I was called to the front desk to escort one of the hottest, most attractive young men I'd ever seen up to one of the executive suites on the top floor of the hotel. At first I thought he was a male prostitute, it isn't uncommon for some of the wealthier guests to call for such services. Anyway, when we got to the top floor I watched Dave walk from the elevator and knock on the door of one of the suits. The door opened and a bare arm reache d out and yanked Dave inside the room. Later I was called to deliver room service and got to meet the very good looking man who had pulled Dave into the room. He was quite impressive." Todd paused, "Has Dave told you anything about Paul yet?"

"Uh, no, is that the guy in the picture in his bedroom?"

"Yes, that's him," Mike answered.

"Uh... Is he still in the picture? Um, like I mean, not like in the photo but around?"

"No." Todd replied. "Let us get to that in due course." Tony nodded. "Let's see," Todd paused to recall where he left off his story. "I was in the suite setting up their table for dinner. This guy Paul, he was probably three to four years older than Dave - he was really nice. And he sure knew how to tip. I figured he was loaded because he could afford the luxury executive suite. But it was very obvious that they'd been enjoying each other's company.

"Paul was wearing his bathrobe tied neatly at the waist. My next glimpse of Dave was through the bedroom door and he was standing in front of the mirror combing his hair. The robe he was wearing was gaping wide open and it left nothing to the imagination. The next day they went to a baseball game and when they came back to the hotel, Paul seemed hurt. I think he must have fallen and bruised his hip or something. Well, I helped Dave get Paul up to the room and onto bed." Todd took a swig of beer.

"This is where I got my first look at how two men can really love each other and discovered that Dave wasn't a rent boy but Paul's lover. It went both ways, they were each in love with the other and it showed in the way they looked at each other, talked to each other, and showed concern for each other. That was quite a weekend for me and I was sad to see them leave. But they came back at least once more, maybe twice. And watching them together helped me realize that the play the field' and one-night-stand' casual sex lifestyle I'd been leading was such an empty way to live. Watching them convinced me that I wanted the kind of relationship they had. So I changed. I stopped picking up quick lays and started looking for someone of value. I got tested for STDs and was happy to learn I was clean. I must have had a guardian angle because I'd done everything wrong up to that point." Todd turned to Mike who was sitting next to him on the sofa and grinned. "A few months later I met my little friend here and my life since has been happier than I ever imagined. Little did I know that he was going to take me back to Dave."

"Now it's my turn," Mike said as he squeezed Todd's hand. "As you already know, Dave and I were roommates in the Army and I thought we were really good friends. Dave is so easy to like. Ya see, I knew I was gay but I denied it, hid it. And I was really attracted to Dave but I was also deep in the closet, I never suspected Dave was gay. Anyway, the weekend before he got out, the unit had a farewell party for him and I got plastered. Dave practically carried me back to the barracks and in the process I barfed on him and confessed that I thought I was gay. And then he shocked me by telling me he was too. Of course, I was too drunk to really comprehend what he was telling me but I knew Dave was trusting me with his deepest secret. Rather than dump me, he put me in the shower, clothes and all and cleaned me up. Then he put me to bed."

Dan stood up and held his empty beer can in the air. "Nother round anyone?"

"Ya got any coffee?" Tony asked "Yeah Dan, bring me some too, please, black," Todd requested. "Same here, please," Mike added. "Tony? Black?" Dan asked. "Yes, please," Tony replied. "Four black coffee's comin' up," Dan announced and walked toward the kitchen.

"So Dave put you to bed, then what happened?" Tony was really interested in hearing the rest of Mike's story.

"Well, that was it. A few days later Dave was discharged and went to visit his sister before going home. It was several weeks after that when I ran into trouble. I'd been to the gym to go running around the track when I noticed this guy trailing me. I let him catch up and we ran together for a while. He was good-looking and kinda nice. Later, in the shower, I caught him checking me out and he was pretty obvious about it. This happened every other day for about a week. Then one day he asked me if I'd like to join him for a coke later that evening. I'll skip the boring shit and tell you that he offered to give me a blowjob and we wound up behind the gym."

"Coffee's ready," Dan announced as he walked into the room with a tray with four cups of coffee. Once everyone had a sip of coffee, Mike was ready to continue.

"Well! The MPs were watchin' the whole time and takin' pictures. We got arrested and thrown in the stockade."

"That's the same as the brig, Tony," Dan interjected with a chuckle.

"Well gee, I didn't know that, Dan," Tony replied with a note of sarcasm in his voice and a grin on his face. "Pardon the interruption from the peanut gallery, Mike, please continue."

"Well, that had to be the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. The MPs weren't the least bit understanding. Anyway, they surprised the hell outta me when they released me a few hours later. I guess they musta figured that the guy gettin' the blowjob wasn't such a bad guy after all because what guy wouldn't like one of those?

"By the time I got back to the barracks the word musta gotten around because I ran into a welcoming committee'. Until then, I never really knew just how much some guys hate queers. They beat me up pretty bad but made sure I was still alive so I'd remember the lesson' they tried to send me. The MPs showed up almost immediately. After thinking about that later I figured out that the whole thing was a setup because the MPs got there too fast and they never identified any of the guys on the `welcoming committee'.

"The MPs took me to the Infirmary where the medics patched me up. Then the MPs took me back to the stockade saying they were holding me in protective cus tody. The next day this drop-dead hot-lookin' Captain shows up saying he's my lawyer. Yeah right! The Army's gonna give me my own lawyer so they can make it look good when they send me to prison? Man was I ever surprised! This captain's name was Paul Roehl and he worked some kinda magic because the Army decided to discharge me rather than make a stink about the way I'd been treated, or mistreated, which is more correct.

"While I was waitin' to be discharged I was really surprised to get this phone call from Dave asking me to come here and stay with him until I could sort things out. Well, I gotta tell ya, that was the most wonderful phone call I'd ever had. After I hung up the phone I sat down and cried. Captain Roehl helped me get my plane ticket and Dave was waiting at the airport when I got here."

Mike looked at Todd, "Should I go into what happened to me after I got here or just stay with Dave?"

"I think I'd skip that for now, you can tell Tony about that anytime," Todd suggested.

"Okay. Let's see... as I said, Dave inviting me here was unbelievably great! Dave and I talked a lot, he's a great listener, and he really helped me get started in a new life. I got a job at the Subway Shop near the house and things were starting to look up. Then one evening I came home from work and found this strange man in the house, all dressed up in a suit and tie with an expensive car parked out front of the house. Before I'd let him do any talkin', I made sure Dave was okay. Then this guy says he's the lawyer for Captain Roehl's estate and that he's there to tell Dave that the Captain was dead.

"Talk about being confused! I wasn't sure if I understood everything Art said, Art Radford was his name, but by the time he finished it was clear that Dave and Captain Roehl had been lovers and..."

"Wait!" Tony interrupted. "You tellin' me that Dave, an enlisted man, was involved with an officer?"

"Mike," Todd jumped into the conversation. "Don't you think this is a good place to stop, the rest of the story ought to be Dave's to tell."

"Yeah, you're right," Mike agreed. "So the real..."

"Now just a minute! You're not gonna leave me hangin' like this are ya?" Tony asked with some obvious frustration.

"Tony," Todd replied, "trust us, it's better if Dave tells you about Paul."

"Yeah, the real point I'm trying to make," Mike continued, "is that Dave, workin' with Paul saved my life. At least I'm convinced that he did. I owe him more than I can ever repay and he just thinks there's no debt at all. Sure, we love each other but I'm not sure he realizes how indebted to him I am. There's nothing I won't do for him." Mike emphasized the word `nothing'. "Dave is the kindest, most giving, most loyal, most trustworthy person I've ever met and he asks nothing in return except friendship. That's what I want you to know, that's the Dave he'll not tell you about."

Mike stopped talking: the room was silent. Tony looked at Mike, then Todd, then Dan and back to Mike.

"Wow!" Tony said softly as if speaking only to himself.

"Now it's my turn," Dan announced.

"Can we take a potty break, my bladder's about to burst," Tony said as he stood up.

"Damned good idea," Todd agreed. "Bathroom's down the hall on your left and there's another off the bedroom." Everyone stood and took turns using the facilities then reassembled in the living room. After a good stretch they were ready to sit down and let Dan tell his story.

"Maybe I should begin by asking how much Dave has told you about me," Dan stated.

"Okay, he said you were friends in high school and that you and he were..." Tony was suddenly stumped about what to say next. Should he say anything about what Dave told him about the sexual relationship the two boys had in high school? Dan came to the rescue.

"It's okay, Tony, we can skip that. Besides, Mike and Todd know about Dave and me in high school, we don't have many secrets between us," Dan admitted. "So let me pick up when I enlisted in the Navy.

"I have to admit, my experience as a gay in the Navy was the complete opposite from Mike's. I got to know a group of gays and we looked out for each other, in every way you can imagine," Dan wiggled his eyebrows up and down rapidly and everyone chuckled.

"My four years were pretty easy and I learned about everything the Navy had to teach about computers and software. For my last assignment I got posted to Treasure Island, which is located between Oakland and San Francisco. That turned out to nearly be my death. When I finally got discharged I got heavily into the San Francisco gay scene. It was live for the moment! If it feels good, do it! The past had no meaning! I did come home once to see my folks and when I told them I was gay my old man kicked my ass out of the house. Well, actually I kicked his ass but I was out of the house just the same. All through the Navy, Dave and I had kept in touch through letters and e-mail. But once I got so involved in the world of the Gay Bay I stopped writing and let all contact with my past deteriorate.

"Before going back to San Francisco, I stopped to see Dave and got a good dose of his concern. In retrospect I think that visit had a lot to do with what happened later. Back on the West Coast I seemed to get on a death spiral, call it Gay Hell. I got into crystal meth. Man what that stuff can do to you is terrible. You loose all inhibitions, are willing to do anything. Nothing makes sense. If you wanted safe sex you were considered nuts. The drugs make the sex more exciting but also more dangerous. That drug really made me have horrible thoughts that turned me on. I had a few lost weekends where everything goes crazy. I mean... my mind was completely ravaged. I hadn't slept for a couple of days. I started hallucinating, imagined having sex with all kinds of weird people. It made me depressed. There was a time I thought I wouldn't make it back into the world. I realized that I need help.

"Then one day I woke up. I was in bed with two guys I didn't know and had allowed them to do anything they wanted with me all night. I realized that I needed help and something told me I had to get out of there. I went to the only person I could think of: Dave. I managed to scrape together enough money to buy a bus ticket back here. Dave had moved but with my computer skills and knowledge of the Internet, finding him was a piece of cake.

"I'll never forget the day I caught him coming out of his condo. It was cold and rainy and I was soaked to the bone. Dave immediately took me upstairs, put me in a hot shower, gave me some dry clothes to wear and then pulled some strings to get me into Philos.

"Damn!" Dan exclaimed, tears welled up in his eyes.

"What?" Tony, Mike and Todd asked excitedly, curious about why Dan had almost shouted "Damn!"

"Oh, it's still nearly impossible to believe that Dave could open his arms, take me in and take care of me like he did." Dan's three companions could see the tears streaming down his cheeks.

Mike left his place beside Todd, moved over next to Dan and embraced him. Dan rested his head on Mike's shoulder for a couple of minutes while he regained his composure. Tony didn't know what to think. He certainly hadn't expected anything like this when he accepted Todd's invitation to dinner. These three men, whom he'd just met, were baring their souls to him. And he felt moved beyond anything he could ever remember. Dan finally sat up straight and Mike returned to his place beside Todd.

"Sorry guys, this is the first time I've ever told this story and I guess it got to me."

"No apology necessary, Dan," Tony spoke first with authority. "I agree," Todd added. "Me too," came Mike's agreement.

"Now, let me see if I can bring this to a conclusion," Dan continued. "Since I didn't have any medical insurance, Dave covered my expenses beyond what Philos provided and I began to get better. I really looked like a wreck when I first moved into Philos, you should see the pictures!" Dan kind of chuckled. "And then Dave did something that I never thought was possible," Dan paused while he took a deep breath, "he got my family to come visit me, my Dad included. I'll never understand how he did that!" Tears were running down his cheeks again but this time they were tears of happiness and he was smiling.

"So, Tony," Dan continued after a few moments of silence. "I can relate to Mike's experience, Dave seems to have saved us both. I can't think of the words to adequately express how I feel about Dave. I would gladly die for him if that became necessary. Mike and I are only two of many people Dave has helped; Tom is another. But that is another story. From my perspective, the real reason we invited you here tonight was to tell you things about Dave that he is too modest to tell you himself."

Tony felt overwhelmed. His initial assessment of Dave had been right, he now realized he'd only scratched the surface in understanding the man he had grown so fond of.

Then Dan changed the direction of the conversation. "Have you been tested?" Dan's question was nothing less than his commitment to protect Dave.

What a blunt question,' Tony thought. "Yes, I have." Tony didn't think he owed these guys any more information beyond a simple Yes.'

"Good," Dan continued. "So now we'd like to know... how do you feel about him? What're your intentions, if you will?"

Tony looked around the room at the three men he thought were his friends. It wasn't like they were threatening him or anything, their whole attitude and demeanor was friendly, caring. He wasn't exactly sure himself how he felt about Dave. Now that wasn't true! Tony knew for sure that he liked Dave -- a lot, probably loved him. How could he discuss this subject with Dave's three best friends when he hadn't reached any firm conclusions of his own?

"Well... why do I feel like the guy being grilled by his date's father about whether he might be a prospective mate?" Tony smiled as a sign that he was making a joke.

"That's a pretty accurate description," Mike chuckled.

"Look guys, I like Dave a lot, probably even love him. But you gotta realize that this is all new to me. Hell, it's only been a few weeks ago that I thought of myself as straight. And now you're asking me what my intentions are toward Dave? Shit, I've never been in a relationship before, male or female, let alone been in love."

"That's fair," Todd agreed. "But from what we saw over the weekend we think you two have something good going on and we want to encourage it."

"Yeah," Mike spoke up, "we haven't seen Dave this happy in over five years so you must be doing something good together." Everyone laughed.

"I see," Tony countered, "you're trying to push me down the road and you're probably right to do so. At this point I'd have to say things look promising but..." Tony paused to consider his next words. "I don't think it's right for me to pressure Dave. I'd rather leave it to him to make THE move, if you know what I mean. I just don't want to queer the deal." Tony saw the look of surprise in three sets of eyes. "Oops, wrong choice of words I guess. Sorry guys."

"I think we understand," Dan explained with a smile. "We have just one request."

Tony looked at Dan questioningly. "What's that?"

"If this doesn't work out... don't hurt him, he's been hurt enough."

That was the second time in three days that someone had asked him not to hurt Dave. I've never met anyone with friends like these.' Tony thought. Maybe I'd better consider whether I'm worthy of him.'

Tony reached out and grasped Dan's hand, "I promise." All four men stood up and Tony got a hug from all three men. He'd never felt so accepted by any group, including the Marines. He even felt like they loved him and that was a totally new experience. Not long after that, the meeting broke up and Tony returned to his dingy room.

Tony had difficulty getting to sleep. He kept thinking about the stories he'd heard earlier that evening and he was missing Dave more and more. Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

Wednesday about noon, Dave drove up to the construction site and went through his regular routine. Although Sam was always nice, today he seemed more cordial than usual. Tony was Dave's last stop before leaving.

"Hey, lookin' good," Tony said quietly as Dave approached.

"You too," Dave replied with a smile and just as quietly. There was no need for the others to hear what they were saying.

"How about joining me at DeAngelo's for dinner again tonight," Tony asked. "We can get caught up." He was also thinking about last week when they wound up back at his motel room and the thought of that started to cause a swelling in his briefs.

"Sounds great. What time?" Dave smiled. He was way ahead of Tony because he'd planned to ask the same question but Tony beat him to it. Dave was also experiencing some movement inside his boxer briefs.

"How about 6:00?"

"I'll be there." Dave promised and he placed his right hand on top of Tony's left shoulder and squeezed it, how hard and muscular it was. He really wanted to grab him and engage in a lusty kiss but managed to control himself.

Dave arrived five minutes early and Tony was already seated in a booth. That would give them more privacy. Dave ordered the lasagna and Tony ordered the same. Tony asked about Dave's inspection of Kate's house and how his parents were. Dave got a kick out of telling Tony how his whole family had expected him to be there.

The two men ate rapidly, like they were in a hurry to get somewhere fast.

"I'd like to see your room again," Dave stated rather boldly.

"And I'd be glad to give you another guided tour." Tony didn't care what Dave wanted to do, whatever it was he could do it.

Both men left cash on the table to cover the cost of their meals and a large tip then were out the door in a flash. Dave followed Tony to the motel and the instant the door closed behind them Dave was all over Tony. He was being driven more by his desire to hold this man, to feel him close. Yes, sexual desire was involved but there was much more to it than just sex. Dave had missed Tony, very much, and he wanted to hold him, smell him, taste him. It had been a long time since he'd had feelings like these.

Dave became the aggressor, somewhat a reversal of roles from last Saturday. Clothing flew all around the room and soon the bed was creaking under the weight of two hot men. Conversation was totally unnecessary. Dave was on top and began to kiss and lick about Tony's face and neck. Their bodies were pressed hard against each other grinding their cocks together and making their abdomens wet and slippery with precum. Gradually Dave began kissing his way down Tony's neck, into the hair on Tony's chest and then to those proudly erect nipples that seemed to beg to be sucked.

Tony was totally submissive while allowing his moans and gasps to tell Dave that what he was doing was wonderful, just the kind of feedback that spurs a lover to greater heights.

Upon reaching Tony's abdomen Dave licked up their combined pre-seminal deposits and got ready for the main event. Detouring around Tony's cock, Dave took first one then the other of Tony's testicles in his mouth and bathed them with his tongue. This was a new level of ecstasy for Tony and his vocalizations sent that message. Briefly Dave lifted Tony's scrotum and licked at Tony's perineum sending waves of pleasure rushing toward Tony's brain. Dave was prepared to go further south but wasn't sure how Tony felt about that and he didn't want to risk grossing him out so he moved north.

Dave went to work on Tony's cock; he was intent on showing his lover just how much he wanted him. After thoroughly coating Tony's cock head and the first few inches of shaft with his saliva, Dave pressed forward and swallowed Tony's love tool to its base.

"O-o-o-h," Tony moaned. "Fuck, that's good."

Dave was only beginning. His left hand found Tony's mouth and when he pressed his middle finger against Tony's lips they opened, allowing his finger inside. Dave felt Tony's tongue exploring his finger and when he was sure it was completely wet he used his other fingers to pry Tony's mouth open and removed his finger.

Dave's finger, dripping with Tony's saliva, found Tony's anus and slid inside without resistance drawing another soft moan and a gasp from Tony. Carefully Dave began to caress the inner walls of Tony's rectum and carefully determining the exact location of his prostate. Than Dave pulled off of Tony's prick.



"You know what a prostate is?" Dave remembered last Saturday when Tony's lovemaking wasn't doing everything to Dave's button that he would have liked.

"Uh..." Tony had to struggle to think; he wasn't sure why Dave was asking a question at a time like this but he tried to answer it. "Yeah... uh... it's when the priest stretches out face-down on the floor."

"Well no, not exactly, that's pros-tRate, this," Dave said as he gently but firmly slid his finger across the small walnut shaped gland at the forward wall of Tony's rectum, "is your pros-tAte."

"Aaah," Tony gasped as he lifted his hips and his anal sphincter squeezed hard around Dave's finger. "Oh fuck, do that again," he pleaded and Dave obliged. "Shit, how come I didn't know about that before? Is that what feels so good when you're inside me?"

"Probably," Dave replied as he again slid his finger across Tony's prostate drawing another physical and verbal response. Then, without further conversation, Dave went back down on Tony's member. Now he incorporated a gentle massage of Tony's magic button to the fellatio of his cock.

Tony was experiencing sensations he never knew existed. He'd had a couple of blowjobs before from whores but they were nothing like this. He propped himself up on his elbows and watched as his cock disappeared into Dave's mouth and then reappeared. He'd heard of guys getting deep-throated but this was the first time he'd experienced it.

Things were happening fast. Tony could feel the pressure building in his groin and knew he was about to explode. Dave could tell that Tony's testicles were drawing up closer to his body and expected to be tasting Tony's nectar soon.

"Dave... Dave... I'm gonna... oh..." It never occurred to Tony that Dave would want him to shoot off in his mouth and he was trying to give warning of that impending event. "Oh... gaaa-ha-aaaah."

Dave was ready; he pulled back just in time to catch the first blast of Tony's hot liquid. Then he gave Tony's prostate another stroke while swirling his tongue around Tony's glans producing another powerful contraction and another glob of cum. After the fourth contraction Tony's supply of semen was totally expended, he lay lifeless on the bed.

Dave carefully released Tony's softening rod from his mouth and moved forward to lie alongside his lover, his mouth full of his lover's cum. He found it difficult not to swallow but he wanted to wait and share it. After a few moments Tony turned his head and smiled at Dave. Then Dave moved on top on him, pressed their lips together and Tony unsuspectingly opened his mouth to receive Dave's tongue. He was completely surprised when his mouth was flooded with a warm, sticky fluid with a familiar odor to it. At first he didn't know what it was; he'd never tasted his own cum before, this was a first for him. Then it dawned on him; Dave had flooded his mouth with his own cum!

Dave wasn't going to allow Tony too much time to consider what was happening, surprise was part of the fun. Using his tongue, Dave managed to stir the semen-saliva mixture around until Tony joined in the game and then Dave swallowed all that he could get into his mouth. Tony immediately knew what Dave had done and he too swallowed the love potion then they continued with a lengthy kiss.

"Damn! You're full of surprises!" Tony exclaimed as he held Dave close to his chest. "That was awesome, what brought that on?"

"I've wanted to do that since the night I took this drunk home and he puked in my toilet."

"I wish I'd known; I'd consider marriage for that," Tony chuckled. Dave wondered if Tony really meant what he just said, or was it just a joke.

Now it was Tony's turn. "Do I get to reciprocate?"

"I'd love it if you did," Dave answered.

"Look, the last time I tried anything like this was in junior high school, you may have to coach me a little, okay?"

"Tony, you don't have to do this, it..."

"But I want to! You sucked my cock, I wanna suck yours."

Dave pulled Tony into a brief kiss. "Hey, big guy, I didn't suck your cock, I sucked you."

"Okay, wise one, explain," Tony figured that Dave had a good explanation and he wanted to hear it.

"I sucked the man, not just the cock. I wanted all of you to feel good. Did you feel it only in your penis or all over your body?"

"Man, it was everywhere, from my toes to the top of my head!" Tony exclaimed. "Oh, I think I see." Tony kissed Dave again. "Now I want to make all of you feel good." Being a little over anxious, Tony didn't try to engage in foreplay, he went for the gold right off the bat.

Tony had been sitting on his knees beside Dave and he swiveled his body to the left so that the top of his head was pointed toward Dave's feet. Dave watched as Tony steadied his lance with his left hand. Then opening his mouth Tony lunged for the depths. Seconds later Tony was sitting back on his heals holding his throat and choking and coughing.

"You've never really done this before, have you?"

(Cough, cough.) "No," Tony managed to squeak out. (Cough, cough.) "Tell me what I have to do." Tony sounded determined, like a Marine with a hill to take. Dave figured there was no point in arguing.

"Okay, in your throat, well, there's a thing called a gag reflex. It's pretty strong but you can overcome it. You gotta sneak up on it, don't lunge at it. Take it easy and when you feel like you're gonna gag, stop and concentrate on controlling it, suppress it."

"Okay," Tony said hoarsely and he repositioned himself over Dave's somewhat softened pole. Again Tony opened his mouth and lowered it toward Dave's cock. Th is time he closed his lips over Dave's helmet and began caressing it with his tongue. Slowly, very slowly he began to inch down on Dave's prick. Suddenly he felt like he was going to gag so he stopped and focused on controlling the reflex. In a few moments he was ready to move farther. Before long, the head of Dave's cock was positioned against the opening to Tony's throat and Tony pressed forward. Nothing happened. He pressed harder with the same results. Then he pulled off and set up.

"What's wrong? I did what you said and I got past the gag reflex. What do I do now?" Tony sounded more determined than ever.

"Would you consider staying with what you were doing and save the deep throat stuff for later? It feels great just being in your mouth."

Tony looked at Dave for a moment. `Maybe he's right. Maybe I'd better take this one step at a time. He is bigger than I am; maybe that has something to do with it.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Dave said with a great deal of compassion in his voice, then he raised up and kissed Tony softly on his lips. You're doin' great," Dave said as encouragement.

Tony took Dave in his mouth again and, using his tongue and his hand, soon had Dave on the verge of climax. Tony desperately wanted Dave to cum in his mouth so he could repay Dave for what he'd done. Dave gasped; his body went rigid. Tony felt the first volley of hot, sticky liquid splatter against the roof of his mouth. Without thinking, he swallowed. `Shit!' he thought. Then another volley entered his mouth and he remembered not to swallow. Moments later Tony and Dave were locked in an embrace and sharing Dave's seed like two men who loved each other more than either knew how to say.

They lay quietly for several minutes, enjoying holding each other and thinking about the very intimate thing they'd just done. Dave spoke first.



"Do you really like living here?"

"Did you like latrine duty in the Army?"

Dave laughed. "No..."

"Well, that's your answer."

"I... if I... would you..." Dave knew what he wanted to ask, he was just a little hesitant. Okay, Baker, show some courage!' "Would you consider moving in with me?" There, I've said it.'

The room was silent for a couple of minutes. Dave was beginning to wonder if Tony had fallen asleep and not heard his question so he raised his head and looked directly into Tony's dark brown eyes.

"Are you serious?" Tony's question was definitely serious.

Dave nodded his head. "Yes..."

"You think that's a good idea?"

Again Dave nodded. "Yes..."

"I think we have a lot to talk about," Tony had the most serious look on his face that Dave had ever seen.

"Yes... we do." Dave paused for a moment before continuing. "And that would give us a lot more time to talk."

Tony looked into Dave's blue eyes.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 52: The Recovery 26

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