David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Nov 8, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Recovery 26

"I think we have a lot to talk about," Tony had the most serious look on his face that Dave had ever seen.

"Yes... we do." Dave said in a mater of fact tone of voice and he paused for a moment before continuing. "And that would give us a lot more time to talk."

Tony looked into Dave's blue eyes. He had no reason to doubt what those blue eyes were telling him. Still, he hesitated.

"What if it doesn't work?" Tony remembered his conversation with Todd, Mike and Dan the night before.

"I can't promise it will work but it's worth a try," Dave replied. For the first time in five years he was lowering his defenses, he was becoming vulnerable. Dave was assuming that he could trust Tony. He suddenly had an empty feeling in the pit of his stomach. `What if he says no? What will I do? We have to try this.'

"Dave..." Tony continued looking into Dave's eyes while he paused. "This is the biggest decision I've ever made... Do you have to have an answer right this minute or can I have a day or two?"

The way Tony framed his question made it easy for Dave to understand. Of course it was a big decision, one that deserved some serious reflection.

"Take all the time you need; I'll be here."

"I promise to have an answer by Friday. Is that soon enough?"


Tony closed the short distance between them and kissed Dave on the lips. It was a very tender kiss that seemed to say, "I love you." But Dave knew better than to jump to conclusions. In a way, he was relieved. Tony hadn't said `no' and he even sealed his promise with a kiss. But Dave was still on edge.

They lay together for quite some time. Dave hadn't moved and Tony wondered if he'd fallen asleep.



"Just checking."

"Yeah, I guess I'd better be going," Dave responded reluctantly.

"See you at work Friday?" Tony asked as Dave rolled off the bed and began to dress.

"No, I've got another project I need to check on. But I'll be at the B&B after work."

"Good, I'll see you there then." Tony got out off the bed and walked around to where Dave was preparing to leave. He wrapped Dave in a hug and kissed him, again tenderly. He wanted Dave to stay but he also needed to think. Dave returned the kiss with a lot of feeling and then they released each other. Dave took a couple of steps toward the door, opened it and stepped outside. Tony stood holding the door open and looking longingly at Dave.

"Close the door, Silly, you're naked," Dave smiled and chuckled.

"Oh, yeah," Tony said as he swung the door partially closed and hid his body behind it. "See ya Friday," he said with a smile and waved to Dave.

Both men had difficulty sleeping that Wednesday night.

Thursday after work Tony drove to his sister's house for dinner. He sat at the dinner table, his nephew to his left, his nieces to his right, and had a revelation. `If I move in with Dave, how long can I keep it a secret from these members of my family? What will their reaction be? Will I be ostracized and prevented from seeing these kids? Dave's family is so receptive and open about everything. Could I possibly be so lucky? He helped Dan get back with his family; maybe he can help me keep mine. I wish I knew how my sister and brother-in-law felt about guys like me. One thing I know for sure is that after last weekend with Dave, this week sure has seemed lonely. Shit! Why is life so complicated? What's my decision going to be? I promised Dave I'd give him an answer by Friday. I don't know.'

Thursday after work Dave got home a little earlier than usual and had time to plop a previously baked chicken breast into the microwave and fix some mixed vegetables for dinner. How lonely the house was. It really seemed to cry out for another resident. Last weekend had been so comforting for him. Tony definitely filled a void that Dave had forgotten existed.

Dave cleaned off his plate, placed it in the dishwasher, poured a glass of iced tea and walked into the library; he was beginning a new project and needed to spend some time on the computer playing with some ideas the new client had given him. He wasn't looking out the window when a car drove up and the doorbell startled him. `Who could that be?' he asked himself as he rose from his chair and walked toward the front door.

"Mike! Todd! What a surprise!" A split second later Dave realized that neither man was smiling, they both had looks of serious concern on their faces. "C'mon in," Dave invited and stepped back so that they could enter the house. " Just go on into the study; would you care for something to drink?" Todd followed Mike into the study and neither man replied to Dave's offer. Dave was totally mystified. Once in the library Mike and Todd took up positions in front of two leather chairs but they continued standing, almost like they weren't going to be seated until Dave invited them to do so.

"Please, have a seat," Dave said and he backed up to the desk and rested his butt against it. "Is something wrong? You guys look like somebody just died."

"Yeah, something's wrong," Mike began. The hostility in his voice was thick enough to cut with a chain saw. But he didn't continue, like he expected Dave to guess what was wrong.

"Well, what is it?" Dave asked. Now he added concern' to being mystified'.

"Why didn't you tell me that your brother-in-law was the owner of my Subway shop?" Mike practically shouted with anger. "What did you do? Did you arrange with him to give me a job because I couldn't get one on my own? Did you think I was so stupid no one would hire me? And you and John probably cooked up a plan to have my boss promote me because I'm your friend and not because I earned it. Some friend!"

"Mike, I..."

"Don't Mike me." Mike arose from his chair. "You knew all along and didn't say one word. All that time we lived together... you could have said SOMETHING! All those times we were with your family, why was it such a big secret? Do you really think so little of me?" Mike was huffing and puffing and a little red in the face, even for his normal skin color.

"Can I talk now?" Dave asked politely.

"I'm not finished. You can't imagine how embarrassing it was to walk into my boss' office and see John standing there. Then he stands up and shakes my hand and says how good it is to see me again and says we need to come see the new house after they get moved in. And then he asks how Todd is and I almost croaked. My boss is almost in shock to find out that I know John, know him well enough to be visiting his home." Then Mike collapsed back into his chair and fell silent but continued to breathe heavily.

"My turn?" Dave asked again.

"Go ahead. This ought'a be good." Mike said venomously.

"Mike, I have never discussed your employment with John. It's none of my business and he doesn't consult me on how to run his shops. Well, that not entirely true... When you came home and said you'd applied for a job at the Subway, I knew that John owned the franchise so I called him and asked if he could check and see what your chances were."

"AH HA! And right from the start. I knew it!"

"Let me finish, please," Dave asked defensively, he was no longer leaning against the desk but standing firmly on his two feet. "As you may remember, you were hired immediately. John didn't call back and I forgot all about it until the next time I saw him, possibly at Thanksgiving or Christmas time. And when the subject came up, John apologized, saying he got busy and forgot to check. When he remembered several days later, you'd already been hired. He said the manager who hired you said you interviewed extremely well and that was as far as John took it. And if he's been monitoring your progress since then, he hasn't said a word to me. You've done all this on your own, Bud, and you have every right to be proud." Dave felt like he'd said all that needed to be said and he leaned back against the desk.

There was total silence in the room as Dave and Mike thought about what each had said. This was the first real argument they'd ever had and it was a real doozie, it went to the core of male pride. Todd cleared his throat and Dave looked at him.

"He bring you along for support?" Dave asked harshly.

"No..." Todd hesitated. "I have my own issue to discuss with you." Todd's voice was a little on the meek side and it didn't go unnoticed.

"Well, this seems to be as good a time as any to get things out in the open so you might as well let me have it."

"Yeah... I uh... well, Dave..." Todd wished he'd chosen a better time for this talk but too much time had passed already and Dan was on his case. "I need to tell you that last Tuesday night, the three of us, Dan, Mike and I invited Tony to our place for dinner."

"And just what the fuck was the purpose of that little séance?" Dave's voice contained some hostility of its own.

"I came here to ask you to forgive me/us for not telling you in advance. I know it was wrong."

"Damn right it was wrong!" Dave spun around, walked to the window and stared out at nothing in particular. If he could have stepped out of himself and observed objectively, Dave could have seen just how much like his father he was. He internalized his anger and kept it under control. He considered his feelings carefully before speaking.

What the hell's going on here,' Dave thought, Why're they going behind my back and poking their noses into my private business. Tony never said a word but he might not have thought it unusual. Damn! Can't I trust them anymore? Suppose I ask them if they were going to handle Tony the same way they handled Yee. No... don't go there, you promised Mike not to tell. Damn, damn, damn! Shit! This can't be falling apart! What do I do?'

The minute that thought crossed Dave's mind he knew what he had to do. If they weren't able to patch things up before Mike and Todd left, irreparable damage would probably be done to their relationships and for Dave that was not an option. Gathering all of his strength, he was able to calm himself down. He turned around, crossed the room and stood directly in front of where Mike was sitting.

"You're right, Mike. I had no right to get involved in your business. I'm sorry. I should've told you about John but everything worked out so well and I was so proud of you that it just didn't seem important at the time. And then we all got to know each other and the subject never came up." Mike stared back at Dave. "Can you forgive me?"

Mike no longer looked hostile as he pulled himself out of the comfortable leather chair and looked Dave squarely in his eyes.

"I'm sorry too, Dave," Mike said as he lifted his arms to wrap them around his friend. "I never should have questioned you. I can see how it happened now and I've been thinking. You should have seen the look on my boss' face when he realized that John and I knew each other. So it kinda blows my theory that you and John had something to do with my promotion. And I'm really sorry that I attacked you the way I did. Who the hell can I trust if I can't trust you? And Todd of course," Mike added.

"Awe, what's a little disagreement among friends?' Dave asked. "I love you, both of you." Todd had pulled himself out of his chair and was standing next to Mike. Dave and Mike reached out and drew him into a three-way hug.

"I'm sorry, Dave." Todd said again. "Dan warned me not to go behind your back but I was too hard headed. We just wanted to get to know Tony for who he is when he's not around you so we invited him to dinner. And we confirmed what we already thought, that he's a really great guy; we all love him."

"Well that's a pretty strong endorsement, what am I supposed to do?" Dave asked with a slight chuckle to lighten the mood.

"Go after him, man," Mike practically ordered, "don't let him get away!"

"Well..." Dave hesitated. Should he tell them? Yes. "I've asked him to move in."

"Great!" Mike and Todd exclaimed. "And he said?" Mike asked excitedly.

"He wanted to think about it," Dave smiled. "It's a big decision for him and it wouldn't be right if he wasn't sure. He said he'd tell me tomorrow after work." Dave took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as if to relieve some pressure.

"Congratulations!" Todd added. "If he says `no', just let us know and we'll knock some sense into his head."

"Thanks, guys, but this is between Tony and me. You understand," Dave said calmly.

"Yeah, we understand," Mike replied. "Just know that we're all pulling for you."

"Yeah, thanks, that means a lot." Dave thought they'd successfully completed their business and avoided a major disaster and was ready to change the subject. "Can I get you guys something to drink? Iced tea? A beer? Hard stuff?"

"No thanks, we gotta go," Mike replied as he began to move toward the door. "But you will let us know how things work out." That was more a request than a statement.

"Yes, but be patient. Don't expect me to call you Friday night with a `blow-by-blow' account," Dave grinned.

"Oh, man, you have such a way with words!" Mike laughed and Todd joined the laughter.

As Mike and Todd were walking through the front door they could hear Dave's phone ringing. "See you guys later," Dave shouted as he waved then closed the door. He walked into the library and saw that the call was coming from Tony's cell phone.

"Hey," Dave answered.

"Hey yourself." There was a slight pause. "You okay?"

"Yeah, where are you?"

"Just leaving my sister's house, had a nice dinner."

"I'm glad, wouldn't want you to starve," Dave chuckled. So far their conversation seemed a little strained.

"See ya tomorrow?" Tony asked with anticipation.

"I'll be there," Dave answered. He wanted to ask Tony if he'd come to any decision yet but decided against it. `Don't push,' he told himself.

"See ya then."

"Yeah, see ya then.

"Bye... oh Dave!"


"I almost forgot, I was gonna tell you last night but... well, last night I got distracted."

"What were you gonna tell me?"

"Ah, Tuesday evening I went over to Mike and Todd's place for dinner. Dan was there and we had a really nice time. And Mike's enchiladas were terrific too. Ya know what else?"


"This may not be the correct thing for me to say but I think you're really lucky to have friends like them."

"I am, Tony, I really am."

"Well, I'd better hang up before I have an accident, bye."

"Bye." Dave listened for the click indicating that the line was dead. He was quite pleased, and encouraged, that Tony told him about having dinner with the other members of the Platoon. At least he wasn't keeping any secrets. Then Dave realized that his chest was tighter than a drum. `Screw this project,' he thought. He began walking toward the pool, dropping his clothes along a trail. He swam laps for about forty-five minutes until he was sufficiently relaxed to go to bed.

Tony pressed the `End' key on his phone and slipped it into his shirt pocket. The sound of Dave's voice had caused him to feel excited. He had to resist the urge to drive to Dave's house and... do what? He didn't know yet. Then he remembered something important: his test. He pulled to the side of the road, removed the slip of paper from his wallet with the phone number and special code on it and dialed. He listened as the automated answering system asked for the special code and he entered it and pressed the pound key. And for an instant he felt panic and held his breath. Then a voice announced what he expected to hear - that his test was negative. He relaxed and breathed normally again.

Friday after work the entire crew was already gathered at the B&B when Dave arrived. He looked around but didn't see Tony.

"Here, Dave, you're falling behind," Sam said as he handed Dave a beer and patted him on the back.

"Hey, Sam, thanks. Got hung up with a new client."

"Is it someone with more business for us?"

"I think so. Another big job, maybe over 8,000 square feet." Dave continued to scan the room for any sign of Tony. It was time to start getting nervous but there was no way he was going to ask Sam if Tony was there. "Excuse me, Sam, I'd better head for the bar and pay for this round," Dave stated.

Dave handed the bartender his credit card and in less than a minute he was signing the receipt. He laid the pen down and looked into the mirror to see Tony standing to his immediate left. His heart jumped. Their eyes locked and they stared at each other in the mirror. Tony leaned over the edge of the bar and spoke quietly.

"Everything I own is in the back of my truck," he said in a deadpan voice and then the corners of his mouth began to turn up forming a rather impish grin.

It was a good thing that Dave had already signed the credit card receipt because there was no way his hand would have been steady enough to do it now. He grinned back at Tony and exhaled. That was the first he realized he'd been holding his breath.

"Great," Dave almost whispered. "Let's stick around for about thirty more minutes and then you can leave and I'll follow you about five minutes later."

"Sounds like a plan," Tony replied quietly then turned and circulated with the rest of the crew.

When Dave arrived at his house, Tony had already entered the garage, opened the door to bay number 3 and pulled his truck in. Dave parked in bay number 1, got out and went over to see if he could help carry anything into the house.

"I'll just take this bag for now," Tony said as he picked up his overnight bag from the bed of the truck. "We can get the rest of the stuff tomorrow." Then he followed Dave up the steps and into the house. Tony closed the door behind him and turned around to a frontal assault from Dave.

"Whoa -- whoa, little guy," he exclaimed as he put his arms up to fend Dave off. Dave dropped his arms, stepped back and stood up straight, almost at attention, and looked puzzled at Tony's reaction.

"We need to talk... and we need to do it before we do anything else." Tony was clearly firm in his position.

"Okay," Dave agreed. He too had taken on an air of seriousness. "Where shall we talk?"

"How about right over there at the kitchen table?" Tony nodded toward the table.

"Fine." Dave began to back up for a couple of steps then turned and walked over to the table and stopped. "I need something to drink, want anything?"

"Got any coffee?"

"I can make some," Dave offered.

"Okay, I could use some about now. I've had enough alcohol for one evening." Tony set his bag down by the table and sank into a chair.

Dave grabbed the coffee maker, added the ingredients and turned it on. Then he sat down across the corner of the table from Tony. That allowed him to be closer than if he'd sat on the opposite side of the table. They looked at each other; Tony smiled. Dave smiled back.

"So... let's talk." Dave was ready. He thought he had some ideas about things that might be on Tony's mind and he felt prepared for them.

"First of all, we should maintain our independence. I don't own you; you don't own me." Tony jumped right in without hesitation. Last night he'd given a lot of thought to what he needed to say and he was going to say it. "I'm beginning to make some decent money now but I'm now where near your tax bracket. I have to carry my own weight when it comes to expenses. That means I don't expect you to overpower me with expensive things, that's not what this is all about." Tony paused as if waiting for some sign of acceptance from Dave.

"Agreed." Dave saw nothing to quarrel with. In fact, he was distinctly remind ed of the conditions he'd given Paul just five years earlier and he smiled at the similarity.

"Second..." Tony took a deep breath. "On the surface, David Baker, you may seem like a rather simple guy, but I've figured out that in reality you're a very complex man. I'm willing to be totally open with you if you'll do the same with me. There's a lot more about you that I'd like to know." Tony stopped and stared at Dave, again waiting for a response.

"Agreed." Dave repeated his reply.

"Third, I'm going to need a lot of help when it comes to telling my family. I know they're going to find out sooner or later, I just don't have a clue how to approach telling them."

"I'll do everything I can to support you." Tony could see that Dave was serious.

"And fourth..." Tony paused again and looked deep into Dave's eyes. "This is important, I hope we can be equals... in bed." Dave smiled. He wanted to wait until he was sure Tony was finished with his speech before answering. "Coffee's ready," Tony announced as he looked toward the counter top.

Dave looked around to see that the light was on indicating the coffee was in fact ready. He didn't mind the interruption because it gave him a little more time to think and it also provided a temporary break in the seriousness of the mood. They both stood and walked to the cabinet, got a mug, poured the coffee and sat back down in the same chairs. Tony certainly acted like he was comfortable being there. After a couple sips Dave began.

"Yes, so far I haven't heard anything I can't agree to, especially that last point." Dave grinned then hesitated like he was contemplating his next words and then continued. "I understand about the money thing. Look, you've met my parents and know where I came from; I didn't come from money. I happened to come into a lot of money through an unusual circumstance but I'm basically very frugal.

"However, my financial holdings come with certain commitments and obligations. There'll be times when I'll want you by my side and that'll require expenses beyond your current means. When that happens, I hope we can treat that as a business-like expense and let me pay for it. And you're right, there are things that I need to share with you but slowly, so I'm able to handle it."

Dave was thinking about Paul. Tony was wondering just what secret in Dave's past he was protecting so carefully. Could it be the mysterious Paul? Tony knew he had no choice but to let Dave have all the time he needed.

"Tony," Dave reached across the corner of the table and held Tony's hand. "There are many things about you that have drawn me to you. Among those is your personal strength, your..." Dave thought for a moments searching for the right word, "...your self-confidence. You aren't afraid to challenge me when you think I need to be challenged. I actually like that.

"And I have to admit, the fact that you are so damned good looking and sexy doesn't hurt either." Dave smiled.

"Look who's talkin', Mr. Handsome himself." Tony responded with a grin. "I suppose I'd better get cleaned up so we can think about dinner, huh?"

"I've got some ground beef so we can have hamburgers or spaghetti or sloppy joes. Sorry, I don't do meatloaf." Dave stated it so casually.

"What self-respecting Wop could turn down spaghetti?" Tony grinned.

"Spaghetti it is, then. You hit the shower and I'll get started."

Both men stood up, finally embraced and engaged in a long, passionate kiss. Each felt totally at ease with their agreement.

"Yeah, I think you do need a shower," Dave joked as he popped Tony on his butt. "Don't take too long."

"I'll hurry," Tony replied and picked up his bag. He leaned toward Dave and gave him a brief peck on his lips then turned and walked toward the bedroom turning around a couple of times to smile at his new roommate.

Dave got busy browning the beef and set a large pot of water on the stove to heat. After draining the grease from the ground beef, Dave got the spaghetti sauce from the panty and added it. While the water was heating, Dave set the kitchen table and, succumbing to a moment of romantic whimsy, he placed a candle in a candleholder and set it on the table then lit the candle. Dave dimmed the lights except for the ones over the stove that he was using to cook by. Next he put some water in a small pan and set it on a burner to heat then got some frozen peas from the freezer. Dinner was coming together nicely.

`What's keeping Tony?' Dave thought.

Tony walked into the bedroom and looked around. Wonder where I'll put my things? Oh well, we can sort that out tomorrow.' He carried his bag into the bathroom with him and dropped it on the floor opposite the shower. Stripping his clothes off, he jumped into the shower and washed thoroughly; he wanted to smell clean when he went to bed. Do this right, Mancuso,' he thought as he toweled off. Next he pulled a clean pair of white briefs out of his bag along with his shaving kit and proceeded to remove the day's stubble from his face. Again he dove into his overnight bag and pulled out a pair of navy blue cotton slacks and a light blue polo shirt, `the color will go well with Dave's eyes,' he thought. Shoes and socks? He'd go barefoot. Although he didn't know it, that was a good decision because Dave thought Tony's feet were sexy too. The final touch was to run a comb through his clean hair, which was getting long enough to show some waves.

"Wow!" Dave exclaimed in a quiet, breathy voice when he looked up and saw a barefoot Tony standing in the kitchen doorway. "You really do clean up well," he continued.

"And the table sure looks nice, did you leave anything for me to do?"

"You can pour us some water and if you want some wine you'll find some in the wet bar," Dave suggested. Tony turned and headed for the great room. He came back carrying a bottle of red wine.

"Did you know you had a great red from the Tuscany region of Italy? Great year too."

"No, I just buy what the winery suggests. Is it good?"

"The best!" Tony emphasized. "How about a corkscrew?"

"In that middle drawer," Dave nodded toward one of the drawers under the counter. Tony found the corkscrew and removed the cork as adroitly as a professional wine steward.

"Watch out, here comes the spaghetti," Dave announced, as he carried the pot of spaghetti to the sink and dumped it into the colander. "If you'll put the meat sauce into the bowl and carry it to the table, I'll get the peas and we'll be ready," Dave instructed.

In a few short moments Dave and Tony were seated and the romantic evening began. Dave took hold of Tony's hand and bowed his head; Tony took the hint and did the same.

"Lord, we ask that you bless this food and this house. And we pray for your guidance in this new path we are about to take. Amen."

"Amen." Tony said as he looked into Dave's eyes and smiled. The flickering candlelight reflected in Dave's eyes causing them to sparkle. Tony raised his glass and Dave raised his. Then they touched gently and each man took a sip and made a silent wish.

The simplicity of the dinner only accentuated the main event, the sparks that seemed to jump between Dave and Tony. They ate slowly, enjoying each other's company without much conversation. The anticipation of what they were starting weighed heavily upon them. After dinner they placed the dishes in the dishwasher. Dave stacked the pots and pans beside the sink for cleaning tomorrow. Then he took Tony's hand and led him into the great room where he turned on the radio and found a station playing some slow mood music. They slid into each other's arms and began to dance. They weren't really dancing they just swayed back and forth.

It didn't take them long to add kisses to their dancing and they left the radio playing as they retired to the bedroom. On this night their foreplay would go on for almost an hour as they explored each other's bodies like never before. There was no hurry; Tony lived here now. They made love for another thirty minutes and exploded in a rapturous mutual orgasm that caused their toes to curl and fireworks to explode in their heads.

Afterward, they lay quietly in each other's arms, stroking, petting and occasionally kissing each other as expressions of deep affection. At some point Dave suggested they shower to remove the residue of love. Even the shower was gratifyingly sensual. Back in bed Dave snuggled up against Tony's right side, resting his head against Tony's chest. It was the position he used to cuddle with Paul.

"Where should I put my things tomorrow?"

"Oh... yeah... well... I guess we can drag a chest down from upstairs tomorrow. How's that?"

"That's fine... I just want to be close to you." Tony pulled Dave closer and kissed his forehead. Moments later they were asleep.

Saturday morning they were up and out the door for a good run. Along the way Dave had an idea.

"Listen, when we get back to the house I'll call Dad and see if he can get me another chest to match the one in our bedroom." When Tony heard Dave say `our bedroom', he almost stumbled, that sounded so promising.

Back at the house, Tony had a suggestion. "If we're gonna have to move a chest from upstairs, why don't we do it before we get cleaned up?"

"Let me call Dad first and see what he says," Dave proposed. He went straight to the phone and dialed his father's work number.

"Hi Dad, David. Say, do you remember that line of furniture I have in my bedroom?"

"Hi, Son, sure I remember it. I remember I was a little leery of it when Beth ordered it but after it arrived I liked it so well that we decided to add the line to our floor displays. It's turned out to be a big seller. Why do you ask?"

Dave considered his answer carefully and then decided to be right up front about it. He knew his answer was going to make an announcement of sorts.

"I need another chest so that Tony will have a place for his clothes."

"Oh... I see..." Bob did see, and quite clearly at that. "Well, I can order a new chest from the manufacturer or we have one on the floor that I'll let you have for a considerable discount. I can have it delivered Monday. What'll it be?"

"If we take the one off the floor can we have it today? We'll come get it."

"Well, I suppose so..." Bob's comment seemed to trail off without a conclusion.

"Good. We just got back from running. We'll get cleaned up, hop in my truck and be there in about an hour and a half."

"Okay, I'll have the chest moved to the freight entrance ready for pick up. Can I interest you and Tony in lunch at the house? You know if you come to town and don't see your mother, she's going to be upset."

"You're right." Dave couldn't argue with his father's wisdom. "How about we come by the store, pick up the chest and then have lunch at home? Will you call Mother?"

"I think you've got a good plan there, Son. Yes, I'll call your mother. See you in about an hour and a half."

"Bye Dad," David heard the line go dead and turned to Tony. "I don't know how much of that you could understand but basically Dad has an identical chest on the showroom floor that he'll sell me for what he called a `considerable discount'. We can go pick it up, have lunch with Mother and Dad at the house and then bring it back here."

"Dave, if I'm gonna put my things in that chest I'm gonna pay for it." Tony looked very resolute as he made that statement and Dave could see that his mind was made up. There was not use in arguing.

"Okay, I see your point. Now let's hit the shower."

Dave's parents were happy to see the two young men and Dave had a lot of fun showing Tony his old room. After lunch they drove back home and carried the chest into `their' bedroom. Tony brought his things in from his truck and arranged them in the chest. Dave also designated one whole section of the walk-in closet for Tony to use but after Tony's things were hung up, the closet looked as empty as it did before any clothes were added.

As they stood side by side admiring the matching chests, Tony slipped his arm around Dave's waist, they looked at each other, and the kissing began. The hormones of a 25-year-old and a 22-year-old kicked into high gear and in a very short period of time they were back in bed enjoying each other's affection.

Lying in an embrace following their lovemaking, Tony had a question.

"Is this the way it's gonna be? Like I mean, that was so hot! We just drop and do it when the mood strikes us?"

"Does that bother you?"

"Hell no. I just wondered... doesn't that seem a little... a little primal?"

"Dave laughed. "Is that a complaint?"

"Would you quit answering my questions with questions?" Tony chuckled.

"Okay, I don't have an answer. I guess we'll just have to feel our way along."

"Ooo, I like that," Tony chuckled again.

"I mean," Dave emphasized `mean', "let's just do what comes naturally. If it seems right, then okay. And if it doesn't feel right, that's okay too. Do you want to set up some rules or can we just be spontaneous?"

"Spontaneous. I like that," Tony smiled and kissed Dave on his forehead. Then he looked at the clock. "My god, where has the time gone. We'd better start thinking about dinner."

"We'd better take another shower, our second of the day!" Dave exclaimed shamefully.

After showering and dressing, they went to the kitchen to see what options the refrigerator would offer. They had dressed in nice slacks and polo shirts on the possibility that they might end up going out for dinner. Dave opened the refrigerator door and found some chicken that they might turn into something tasty. When he removed the package of chicken from the refrigerator some of the blood leaked out onto the floor.

"Oh shit!" Dave exclaimed. He set the package in the sink for it to drain.

"Here! Let me get that!" Tony grabbed some paper towels and began wiping the blood from the floor. Dave went to the closet, found the mop, wet it under the faucet in the sink and began to follow up where Tony had wiped the floor. Soon all evidence of the minor incident was gone.

"Good work, Watson," Dave said.

"We make a good team, Sherlock," Tony smiled and they high-fived. Dave rinsed out the mop and was returning it to the closet when they heard the doorbell.

"I'll get it," Tony offered and began walking toward the front door. Dave was only about ten paces behind as he took the shortcut through the dining room. He heard the door open but he didn't hear any voices. Then he rounded the corner.

"Sophia! Sean! This is really great. I've been meaning to call you; c'mon in." Dave took Sophia's hand and escorted her into the foyer as he gave her an air kiss on the cheek then he shook Sean's hand. If Dave hadn't been so excited to see his friends he might have observed that Tony was as white as a sheet and seemed frozen in place. Even Sophia and Sean looked stunned.

"Sophia, this is great timing. I want to introduce my new friend and housemate, Tony Mancuso, and Tony these are two of my best friends, Sophia and Sean McGregor." And with the biggest grin of his life Dave added, "Tony moved in just last night." By now Dave was beginning to notice three startled faced staring at him.

Tony looked at Dave and, quietly, without moving his lips, leaned toward Dave's ear and said, "Dave... you just outed me to my sister."

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 53: The Recovery 27

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