David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Dec 1, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Recovery 27

Tony looked at Dave, leaned toward Dave's ear and, without moving his lips, quietly, said "Dave... you just outed me to my sister."

If ever a moment was made for a camera, this was it. A look of surprise, confusion, fear and a host of other emotion registered on Dave's and Tony's faces. The four adults stood staring at each other in total disbelief until Sophia began to laugh. Her laugher grew and then Sean joined in. Then Sophia took charge. She led her brother and Dave by the hand to one of the intimate loveseat conversation areas Beth had created in the great room. She sat Tony on the right and Dave on the left. She sat in the other loveseat opposite Tony and Sean sat across from Dave.

"Okay you two, start talking," she laughed. Sophia was obviously enjoying this occasion but Dave and Tony were still speechless. Dave was the first to find his voice.

"I don't believe this!" Dave exclaimed incredulously. "Tell me this isn't real! This has to be a joke! You two aren't really brother and sister... are you?"

"Oh but we are!" Sophia affirmed with a chuckle. "How long has this been going on; when did you two meet; where did you meet...?" Tony looked at Dave; Dave looked back at Tony, each waiting for the other to say something... anything.

"Tony?" Sophia asked, Sean and Dave wisely chose to stay out of it.

"I... well, I... uh... Oh Hell, Sophia!" Tony leaned forward and rested his forehead on his arms, which were folded across his knees. He felt crushed.

This isn't the way it was supposed to happen!' Tony thought. Dave and I were gonna develop a strategy then she shows up. How was I supposed to know they knew each other? Oh fuck. What do I do now?' Like any well-trained Marine, when things turn to shit you fall back, regroup and develop a new strategy. `At lease I was gonna start with Sophia so it's just happening sooner than I'd planned.'

Dave watched Tony with concern, not having a clue how to handle this situation. He could almost feel Tony's pain. He gave Tony credit for having a strong character and would help however he could. He wanted to touch Tony to show his support but how? He thought about placing his hand on Tony's shoulder but some men didn't like that. So Dave reached out and firmly grasped Tony's right biceps with his left hand. It was Dave's signal that said `I'm with you.'

Without speaking one word, Tony moved his left hand, placed on top of Dave's and squeezed as if to say `I'm glad you're here.'

"Yeah, we're brother and sister," Tony returned to Dave's original question as he set up and held Dave's hand in his. "I think I'd better do this, Dave," Tony said with a glance toward his lover. He felt a sudden responsibility for explaining a lot of things to his sister. He hadn't yet tuned in to Sophia's apparent acceptance of the situation; her laughter hadn't hit him yet. The idea that Sophia already knew that Dave was gay also hadn't occurred to him.

"Uh... We met about four and a half weeks ago." Tony turned to Dave and got a confirming nod. "It was on a Wednesday, about lunch time. Dave came to visit the construction site. He went around talking to all the men and when he was finished he came over to where I was and introduced himself. Then the following Friday, we all went to the B&B, that's a local tavern, for an after work beer." Tony sat looking at the floor, hesitant to look directly at his sister.

"I had more to drink than I could handle. I got so drunk I couldn't drive and nobody knew where I lived. So when nobody else would have me, Dave brought me here to sleep it off." Tony began to wonder just how much he should tell. Should he mention that he spent the night in Dave's bed? Should he say that he'd puked in Dave's bathroom? No, he'd just stick to the basics.

"The next morning he gave me some coffee and sent me back to the motel." Now Tony could see a problem of trying to explain what happened the next weekend. He could also begin to see just how rapidly his relationship with Dave had developed but he continued. "The next Friday, we went to the B&B and began talking" That was a real stretch! "We wound up coming back here to talk some more. And... and... well, things just happened." Tony sat up straight and looked at his sister for the first time since he began talking. "Last Wednesday we had dinner together and Dave asked me to move in with him and I did... last night."

Sophia stared silently at her brother for several moments with a very pleasant smile on her face. "So..." She paused again. "You're gay!"

That statement didn't have that much of an effect on Dave, Sophia already knew he was gay and now she had discovered her brother was too. However, the effect on Tony was traumatic, almost devistating. He collapsed back into the corner of the loveseat and inhaled deeply. For the first time he was confronting a member of his family with his sexual orientation. And more importantly, he was confronting the senior member of his sibling group.

Sophia could see the emotional impact this was having on her brother and she reached across and took hold of his hand. "Relax Nicky, it's okay." Her using the name `Nicky' seemed to trigger a relaxation response within Tony. It was the name his family used as an expression of affection. He leaned forward, held Sophia's hand in both of his and appeared like he was about to cry. Sophia leaned forward, kissed Tony's forehead and stroked his hair then she sat back in the loveseat.

Dave's instincts kicked in and he slid close to Tony, wrapped his arm around Tony's shoulders and held him. Tony took a deep breath, exhaled and leaned against Dave.

"So... where do we go from here?" Tony asked as he looked at his sister and brother-in-law.

"Dave, do you have any champagne?" Sean asked. "I think this calls for a celebration!

"It certainly does!" Sophia agreed.

"You mean... you're really not mad? It's okay?" Tony exclaimed in startled disbelief.

"Come here," Sophia commanded as she stood, pulled Tony from his seat to a standing position and embraced him. "Look. I won't say this isn't a surprise... as surprises go this ranks way up there. But if you're gonna be gay, you couldn't have made a better choice than Dave." Then she kissed Tony on the cheek.

Tony was totally off balance and when Sophia released him he almost fell back into the loveseat. Sophia moved to Dave who stood and they embraced.

"You always said you'd find your own man and I think you found a really good one."

"Yeah," Dave replied nervously, "but I didn't know it was gonna be your brother!"

"Neither did I, my dear friend, neither did I." Sophia began to chuckle at the ironic and unusual set of circumstances. "Where's that drink?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah," Dave suddenly remembered the request for a glass of champagne. Sophia sat back down next to Sean, held his hand and looked into his eyes. Sean was still struggling with the shock of the revelations but he held her hand and smiled encouragement to his wife and lover.

Dave went to the wet bar, looked for champagne, didn't find any. He found instead a nice German Rhine wine, mildly sweet for the occasion. He poured four glasses and carried them back to the conversation area.

"No champagne but this is nice," he said as he handed one to Sophia, Sean, and Tony who were now standing.

Sean made the toast, "To Dave and Tony." They all raised their glasses and took a sip then they sat back down and stared at each other. Then the stares became smiles and the smiles turned into grins. Then, as their minds began to replay the scene at the front door they all burst out in laughter.

"What possessed you guys to come by?" Dave finally asked. He'd been wondering about that ever since they appeared unannounced at his front door. Normally they would have called first.

"We were going to the club for dinner," Sean began, "and as we approach your house, on the spur of the moment we decided to stop and see if you'd join us. It's been a while since we've seen you and we thought a nice quiet dinner would be fun." Sean looked at Sophia, then Tony, then Dave. "Little did we know what we were getting into." They all laughed.

"Wanna go?" Dave asked his new roommate.

"Sure, if they don't object," Tony smiled at his sister.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Sean asked as he stood.

"Wait, I need to put some chicken back in the fridge then we'll be ready." Dave announced as he got up and rushed toward the kitchen.

"Can we go like this?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, we'll be in the Pub area, it's casual all the time. They'll have a band playing later and we can dance." The minute he said that, Sean realized the humor in statement, Sophia and Tony began to laugh.

Sophia sat facing Tony and that put Sean and Dave across from each other. Sophia had a white wine and the three men drank beer.

"Before we get too far into dinner, Dave, I want to know if you're available for play golf tomorrow?" Sean asked. "Our Chief Pilot would like to play a round with you."

"Just hold on a second, how do you mean that?" Tony interjected with a smile and a chuckle.

"A round of golf, Tony, a round of golf," Sean rapidly clarified with a laugh.

"Thanks, Sean, but I'm going to have to beg off. I haven't had a chance to tell Tony yet but tomorrow we're hosting a meeting of the Philos Board of Directors so we'll be busy all morning getting ready." Dave glanced at Tony to see a questioning look.

"How about next Sunday?"

"Well, that sounds okay as far as I know, but I'll have to check with my roommate," Dave looked at Tony and smiled. Tony saw an opportunity to ham it up a little.

"Oh, okay, but you'll have to take me shopping first," Tony said in a rather feminine sounding voice as he held his arm up and let his hand flop at the wrist.

"HA!" A loud laugh to exploded from Sophia's mouth, which she quickly covered with her hand and looked around to see if anyone was looking at her. Watching her brother acting like a queen was so out of character for such a masculine hunk that she couldn't restrain her laughter. After that she managed to control herself and laughed quietly behind closed lips. The three men at the table couldn't resist Sophia's laughter and quickly joined her.

"Why don't you join us, Tony, you used to play in high school didn't you?" Sean asked.

"Yeah, I suppose I could; whatta you think, Dave?"

"Sounds great. That way I'll be with someone who plays at my level," Dave chuckled. "But we'll have to get you some clubs."

"I have an extra set but they're right handed," Sean added.

"That'll work," Tony announced. "In high school my coach suggested that I play right handed. Had something to do with using the strength of my dominant left arm to pull through the swing. It seemed to work because I could always hit the ball a mile, even when I putted." They all laughed at that suggested image.

The conversation continued through dinner and it was like Dave and Tony being together was a very natural thing. After the plates were cleared from the table the four adults sat round drinking slowly and laughing while Sophia and Tony told stories about their childhood. Then the band began playing and Sean led his wife to the dance floor.

On the dance floor: "You're incredible!" Sean said softly in Sophia's ear when she was securely in his arms.

"Thank you," she replied and kissed him gently on the lips. "Why do you say that?"

"Oh, just the way you dealt with finding Tony at Dave's and everything that followed, that's all." They danced a few more steps and Sean continued. "If my brother had told me he was gay there's no way I could have handled it with as much class and sensitivity as you just did."

"Well, don't let appearances fool you. I'm really torn on this. But what choice do I have?" Sophia glanced toward their table. "Look at them, sitting there with their heads together. I love them both. I was thirteen when Tony was born; I practically raised him. Do I like it that he's gay? Certainly not, it almost breaks my heart. But as long as he is, there's not another man I can think of that I'd rather see him with."

" See, that's what makes you so incredible," Sean repeated his premise and kissed his wife on the tip of her nose.

At the Table: "I can't believe this is happening!" Tony finally had a chance to tell Dave. After Sophia and Sean left for the dance floor, the two men placed their elbows on the table and leaned their heads close to each other. "Why didn't you tell me you knew them?"

"Hell, I guess for the same reason you didn't tell me Sophia was your sister!" Dave countered. They laughed at the ridiculous questions.

"I mean, how do you know them? You know, like when, where?"

"Well, I was the architect who designed and built their house, with Sam of course."

"Ooh!" Tony exclaimed softly. "So you're the one!"

"So I'm what one?"

"You're the guy on the flight with Sean, like from Seattle. No shit!"

" Oh, that," Dave said calmly. "Yeah, that's how we met."

"Wow, Sean's told me about that. I'm impressed!"

"It was nothing," Dave again tried to minimize the significance of the event. "But that's how I met Sean and then Sophia. Actually, I've met your whole family. They used to come inspect the construction and make suggestions." Dave laughed. "You're parents are great, especially your grandmother."

"That's even more unbelievable! You've met my family." Tony sat looking at Dave. "So what do we do now?" Tony asked. "I mean... Sophia knows... and the rest of the family?"

"Looks to me like it's all over, you're out! You see how Sophia handled it?"

"Yeah! That's the unbelievable part. I really expected her to go straight up and turn left. Instead, she just laughs."

"Thank your lucky stars. Sophia's gonna be your greatest ally when it comes to breaking the news to the rest of the family."

"Yeah..." Tony replied letting his word trail off as he tried to imagine his next hurdle. Then almost absent-mindedly he placed his right hand on top of Dave's as a gesture of appreciation and, yes - love.

"Be careful, we're not at home now," Dave cautioned. Tony quickly retracted his hand.

"Right. I forgot. Gotta get used to this." They smiled at each other. "If we were at home right now we could be dancing together."

"Exactly what I was thinking," Dave added. "Or we could be doing something else." Dave giggled when Tony wiggled his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

Moments later Sophia and Sean returned and took their seats.

"I saw you two with your heads together, whatta you been talking about... or do we want to know?" Sophia asked with a warm smile.

"Tony was just commenting on what an attractive couple you two are and that you are excellent dancers," Dave answered with a grin.

"Okay, so you don't want to tell us," Sophia replied with a chuckle. She could recognize a line of bull when she heard one.

The band was playing a fast number, which didn't appeal to Sophia or Sean but when they started the next tune it was much better.

"Come dance with me Tony," Sophia requested of her brother. "You do remember how, don't you?"

"I promise not to step on your feet," Tony said as he stood and then escorted his sister to the dance floor.

On the dance floor: After a few turns, "Thanks Soapy," Tony said softly. As a child he wasn't able to say `Sophia', he just shortened it to Soapy and it stuck. But Tony was the only one who was allowed to call his sister by that name. "I was scared to death about you finding out."

"Nicky, Nicky, Nicky. I love you. I might not approve of everything you do but I do love you. And I love Dave too, for that matter. I just never had to change his diapers like I did yours." They both laughed. "How do you feel now?"

"I'm still on edge but," Tony thought for a moment, searching for the right words. "Thanks for being so understanding."

"Speaking of understanding, how did all this come about? I mean, how long have you known?"

"A long time," Tony answered and let a couple of moments pass before continuing. "I tried to convince myself that I wasn't but I couldn't make it stick. Ho w do you think the rest of the family will take it?"

"That's hard to say. I'll have to think about that for a while. Look, let's let a little time pass before we go down that road. I'll snoop around, check the water temperature and then we can sit down and decide what to do. How's that sound?"

"You're wonderful, Soapy. I love you. And Sean and the kids too."

"I know, and now that you're going to be living less than a half a mile away we can see each other more often. Right?"

"Right." Tony agreed with a note of happiness in his voice.

"One final question." Sophia looked into her brother's eyes. "Are you sure?"

They stopped moving with the music and stood looking at each other. Sophia's eyes were as penetrating as her question and Tony didn't have to ask "about what," he knew... it was about everything.

"Yes..." he replied, his voice was full of confidence. "I'm sure."

"Then I'm glad for you." She hugged her brother and they resumed dancing just in time for the music to stop. They stepped away from each other and chuckled.

At the table: Dave and Sean sat quietly and watched Tony escort Sophia to the dance floor. Finally Dave couldn't hold it in any longer; he had to say something to Sean.

"I'm sorry, Sean. I didn't mean to make such a mess of things." Sean surprised Dave when he reached out and placed his hand on the back of Dave's neck.

"Dave... I just figure it was meant to be. Just like you were meant to be on that flight from Seattle five years ago. I've always admired you, even after I found out about you. And I've always felt close to Tony so why should that have to change? You don't need to feel sorry about anything, it's meant to be."

"You... you sure?"

"Sure I'm sure." Sean smiled. Dave reached out and placed his hand on Sean's shoulder.

"Thanks, that really means a lot, for me and Tony both. I'll make you the same promise that I made to my own family several years ago: I'll never do anything to intentionally embarrass you or your family."

"Well, I appreciate that because I know you really mean it."

Okay, you two, you can stop talking about us now, we're back," Sophia announced as Tony helped her scoot her chair in.

"How did you know?" Sean chuckled as he placed his hand on top of Sophia's.

"Woman's intuition," Sophia chuckled.

A waiter came by the table to check on their drinks but they were only half-empty (or as Paul would have said, half full) and they declined another round. They engaged in small talk for a few minutes while the band played another fast song before returning to another slow number.

"Dave, I have one dance left in me and it's yours if you want it," Sophia offered.

"Gee, I was hoping I'd get the chance, I'd love to dance with you Sophia," Dave said as he pushed his chair back and stood.

On the dance floor: As they danced, Dave and Sophia maintained respectable separation between them that was appropriate for two friends. Sophia allowed Dave to take the lead in dancing but she took the lead in the conversation.

"I'm happy for you, Dave. Is this thing between you and Tony really serious?"

"I... I hope it is. There's no question that we like each other and we're definitely attracted to each other. The rest... well... that's what we intend to find out. I have a lot of hope that this works out for us. But we've already talked about the possibility that if it doesn't work... well, the subject HAS come up."

"That's good, at least you're being sensible about this. I want you to know you two have my support. How's your family? Do they know?"

"Yeah," Dave chuckled. "I think they'd like to adopt Tony and get him to change his last name. They're cool."

"That's good. That's going to work in your favor over time. I told Tony I'd start snooping around our family to get a feel for their reaction, maybe find a way to broach the subject in a positive way."

"That'd be great. Tony's really stressed out right now; I'm sure you can see that."

"Yes, but he's strong, he'll get through it. And something tells me you'll be there helping him."

"That's my intent," Dave smiled. They continued dancing.

At the table: Tony and Sean sat quietly, staring into their almost empty glasses. Each wanted to say something but neither could find exactly the right thing to say.

"Sean..." "Tony..." They both began as they looked at each other then laughed.

"You first." "No, you first."

"I'm senior, you first." Sean insisted.

"I... I want to say something but I don't know what to say." Tony began.

"Speak from your heart, Tony." There was silence for a few moments.

"I hope this doesn't change our relationship, I admire and respect you so much," Tony finally found the words he'd been searching for.

"It doesn't," Sean replied as he placed his right hand on top of his brother-in-law's forearm in a reassuring gesture. "I've known you for quite a few years

and always had a lot of respect for you. I suspect your announcement that you're gay hasn't really changed you a bit, only the way some people might perceive you." Sean still had reservations but Tony didn't need to know. Sean was confident that with Sophia's help he'd be able to work through them.

"Whew! I'm exhausted!" Sophia said as she plopped down in her chair. "It's been years since I danced this much."

"Maybe we need to do this more often," Sean chuckled.

"I think I'm ready to go home and get out of these shoes, they're killing me."

"Me too," Dave said. "Not the shoes, but tomorrow's gonna be a busy day and I need to put this young'un to bed." Everyone laughed. "Thanks for inviting us Sophia, it's sure been fun."

"Yeah thanks, Dear, you too Sean." Tony added. "Maybe we can do this again some time.

"Let's see, I've got my purse, I'm ready to go," Sophia announced as she stood up. The men rose and they all left the club for home.

The Beamer purred smoothly on the drive home and the interior was unusually quiet - each man had a lot on his mind. The garage door closed behind them as they got out of the car and walked toward the back door. They walked through the house, each man lost in his own thoughts. Once in the bedroom Dave extinguished the house lights and armed the security system before undressing. Tony shed his clothing, brushed his teeth, pissed away some of the beer he'd been drinking -- he wondered if it was worth being the middleman -- and slid between the cool sheets.

Dave was not far behind and was soon snuggling up against his new roommate. Dave felt the need to hold Tony and pulled them tightly together.

"Dave... would you mind if we just cuddled tonight?"

"Of course not. Got a headache?" The minute Dave said that he knew it was a mistake.

"Nooo, damn you!" Tony responded with a laugh and a knuckle to Dave's ribs.

"Ouch, tee-hee, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way," Dave joined in the laughter.

"It's just... I'm a bundle of nerves. This has been one hell of a day."

Dave had an idea. "Turn over," he practically commanded.

"What're you gonna do?" Tony asked, obviously suspicious of Dave's intent.

"Just turn over onto your stomach, I have just the thing to fix those nerves."

Tony looked up at Dave with cautious skepticism but finally rolled onto his stomach. Dave rolled to his right and moved to the foot of the bed where he took Tony's left foot in his hands. When he tried to lift Tony's leg it was stiff with tension.

"Just relax, you gonna like this," Dave said assuringly. Tony had lifted himself up on his elbows and twisted so that he could watch what Dave was about to do. Dave moved onto the end of the bed, sat back on his heels and rested Tony's foot in his hands. Then he began to rub his thumbs across the sole of Tony's foot.

"Ooh, fuck, that feels good."

"Just lie back down and be quiet, it works better that way," Dave instructed. Tony complied and Dave began working on Tony's body in earnest. Tony's feet were first, followed by his calves, then the thighs. All the while Dave was talking in a low voice and recounting the humorous events of the Fourth of July weekend with Mike, Todd, Dan and Tom. It had been a lot of fun and Tony began to relax.

Dave eventually worked his way to Tony's shoulders and found the muscles riddled with knots. He wished he had some nice body lotion but could do the job without it. By the time Dave was finished, Tony was sound asleep. Dave turned out the light, made one more trip to the bathroom and then crawled back into bed and snuggled up against his roommate.

Sunday, July 13, 8:20 AM, another day of surprises.

The sun was shining brightly when Tony opened his eyes. Dave's scent filled his nostrils. His lover's back was up against his side and was still sleeping soundly. Tony carefully moved away and quickly lowered the sheet hoping the temperature change wouldn't wake Dave. Upon walking back into the bedroom following a hasty trip to the bathroom, Tony could see that Dave hadn't moved and guessed correctly that he was still asleep. At that moment he remembered the tenderness Dave showed him last night and sighed.

Why are you so damned easy to love?' Tony asked himself as he continued to stare at Dave's body; even under the sheet it was still beautiful in a totally masculine way. I'll make the coffee this morning, you stay here and sleep,' Tony's mind said as if talking directly to Dave.

Tony left the bedroom wearing nothing but his birthday suit and walked down the hall toward the kitchen, his penis swaying back and forth in time with his steps.

"Yo foget somethin', Honey?"

"AAH!" Tony shrieked as his hands flew to cover his genitals and he turned and ran back to the bedroom. He practically covered the distance from the door to the bed in one leap and pulled the sheet up to his chin.

Dave, who was already partially awake, rolled over and looked at Tony. "What the hell is that all about?" he asked.

"There's... there's a woman in the kitchen! A woman!"

It took Dave a couple of seconds to figure out that Tony had just come from the kitchen without a stitch of clothes on. He started to laugh. Then he rolled over on his back and began to howl. He pulled his knees to his chest and tears were streaming from his eyes he was laughing so hard.

"Well, what's so fuckin' funny?" Tony demanded to know.

Dave was finally beginning to calm down and between laughs he asked, "A short, round, black woman?"

"Yeah!" That sent Dave into another round of mild hysterics. Tony was beginning to get pissed. He reached over, grabbed Dave by his upper arm and began to shake him.

"And you went out there like that?"

"Yeah," Tony replied, he was beginning to see some humor and he started to chuckle. "Well, I was embarrassed," he almost whined and this caused Dave to launch into more laughter.

Finally Dave's sides were hurting too much to continue laughing and he forced himself to stop but an occasional laugh leaked out.

"I wonder what Georgia thinks about working here now?" Dave thought out loud. "That woman is my housekeeper, Georgia. At least she was, I just hope you haven't scared her off." Dave began to laugh again but not as vigorously. "I asked her to come in today to help with the board meeting. C'mon, let's get dressed and I'll go introduce you." Dave looked at Tony. "Although I'm not sure I can top the introduction you just gave her." Dave began to laugh again as he crawled over Tony to get to the bathroom faster. Tony reached out and pinch Dave's left butt cheek then wrapped his arms around him and held on.

"Ouch, you fiend," Dave exclaimed with a chuckle as he collapsed on top of his bedmate. Tony had plans.

"So, you like to laugh, do you?" Tony exclaimed as he began to tickle Dave.

"Oh! No! No! Please! I gotta pee!"

"Gee, now I think that's funny, ha-ha," Tony grinned at Dave.

"I mean it! IF YOU DON'T STOP I'LL PISS ALL OVER YA!" Dave shouted.

Tony must have sensed a real tone of urgency, almost panic in Dave's voice and he let him go. Dave leaped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. A few moments later, he crawled back onto the bed and stretched out on top of the man he loved, he just hadn't admitted it yet.

"Now, where were we?" By now Tony had lost interest in tickling his friend and just pulled Dave's face to his and they kissed.

"Thanks for last night, Bud, you always seem to know what I need."

"You're welcome, my pleasure," Dave replied and returned the kiss. "And much as I'd like to stay here and pleasure you right now, we really need to get a move on. You okay with that?"

"Whatever you say, Boss," Tony smiled and gave Dave peck on his lips.

Dave rolled off of Tony and together they took care of their bathroom duties. At Dave's suggestion they skipped their shower and dressed in shorts and T-shirts because they'd probably work up a sweat moving furniture. Dave led the way to the kitchen.

"Morning, Georgia," Dave greeted his housekeeper with a smile.

"Mornin', Mr. Dave, you sleepin' late this mornin." That was definitely a statement, not a question.

"Yeah, we were out late last night. And now I'd like to introduce you to my new roommate." He motioned for Tony to step closer and could see the apparent shyness in his friend. "This is Tony Mancuso... and Tony I'd like you to meet Georgia, the best housekeeper in the whole city."

"We done met," Georgia said as she extended her hand. "Nice ta see ya again, Mr. Tony," she was wearing a big grin and Tony was blushing.

"Yes, nice to meet you, Georgia," Tony managed to get out without dying of embarrassment.

"Coffee's ready and I got yo cereal out too," Georgia announced.

Dave and Tony sat down to breakfast and Dave explained a few more things about Georgia, including details about her son Dexter who appeared to be losing his battle with AIDS.

Dave went on to explain what was going to happen later that afternoon. Georgia would be in charge of the food for the gathering. Most of the guests would be bringing some kind of dish or desert and Georgia had already begun baking a turkey. Later she'd throw a ham in the oven for people who didn't like turkey.

"The next thing we need to do is reposition all the furniture in the great room so that it faces away from the windows and toward the hallway. Actually, the center of attention will be right next to the piano," Dave explained. "Ben Mandel, the Philos Chairman of the Board, will run the meeting. I'm expecting every member to be here and most, if not all, will be bringing a partner or significant other. That'll be about 28 to 30 people." Dave continued, "About lunchtime I'm expecting an old high school friend to arrive. I know him as Marcus Richardson but professionally he uses the name M. Walter Richardson. He's tall, he's black, and he's a lawyer. And he'll also be spending the night in the master suite upstairs."

"I'm really amazed at how you seem to have stayed in touch with some of your high school buddies," Tony said with astonishment. "Is he gay too?"

"Good grief no!" Dave exclaimed. "He's coming in from Dallas where he has a wife and two kids with another on the way. I think you'll like him, he's really impressive."

Georgia removed their plates and as they left the kitchen table Dave went on to tell Tony a few things about Marcus. They went into the great room where Dave explained what he had in mind for a furniture arrangement and Tony added a few suggestions of his own. Tony quickly calculated that if 30 people showed up they might be a few seats short and Dave suggested they could bring chairs in from the dining room and kitchen if they were needed.

"Whatta ya want me to do while all this is goin' on?" Tony asked. By now they were both pretty well lathered up from shoving club chairs, loveseats and sofas around.

"Just stand some place where I can see you and look terribly sexy, something you'll have absolutely no problem doing," Dave said as he stepped up to Tony, slipped his arms around him and gave him a delicate kiss. "Actually, I could use some help answering the door. Some people will be bring dishes they've made to add to the buffet."

"Ahem!" Georgia cleared her throat loudly. "I'm goin' ta the store, y'all need anythin else?"

Tony almost frantically tried to step back but Dave held on. He just turned and said, "No, I think the list is complete but if you think of something, go ahead and get it."

"Bye," Georgia said with a smile, turned and walked back into the kitchen.

"I wish you wouldn't do that, what'll she think?" Tony asked.

"She knows," Dave pulled Tony tightly against him and stole another kiss. This time Tony kissed back and they continued until they were both hard. "Dexter's gay and I've made no secret that I am too. In fact, Georgia knows Mike, Todd and Dan also. Now she's met you and maybe someday she'll get to meet Tomas." Dave and Tony had released each other and began walking toward the steps leading up to the hallway.

"Can I interest you in a shower?" Tony asked as he wiggled his eyebrows up and down suggestively. Dave smiled.

"Why don't you go get cleaned up, I need to review some papers in the library to prepare for the meeting." Dave replied then smiled at Tony, "But I'll be looking forward to seeing the last person out the door later." And he attempted to wiggle his eyebrows like Tony but it wasn't as effective without the dark, bushy hair that Tony possessed. They both chuckled at Dave's valiant attempt at imitation.

Tony showered and shaved and dressed in his best pair of tan cotton slacks, a light green polo shirt, black socks and black dress shoes.

"Whoa!" Dave exclaimed when Tony walked in to the library. Dave was sitting behind his desk reading some papers and he put them down, stood and walked over to Tony, took him in his arms and they kissed again. "You sure are handsome!" Dave exclaimed.

A strange thing happened to Tony as they stood, embraced in each other's arms. He inhaled deeply and his nose was filled with Dave's scent. Then he felt a warm glow start somewhere deep in his lungs. It expanded and spread up through his chest, into his head and down through his groin and into his legs. Then a shiver went up his spine. Tony exhaled and almost melted in Dave's arms.

"Hey, I like all this kissin' and stuff. Maybe I need to get cleaned up more often."

"Maybe I need to get cleaned up just to keep up with you," Dave suggested.

"I'd kiss you even if you were drippin' with sweat and smellin' to high heave n," Tony whispered as he placed his hand behind Dave's head and pulled them together in another kiss.

"Whew!" Dave exclaimed when they separated. "You wanna join me in the shower?"

"Nah," Tony replied. "Hey, you're the one who decided not to join me so now you'll just have to wait," Tony teased. "And while you're in there you can think about my hands... (Tony's hands gripped Dave's buns) and my lips... (he kissed Dave's neck) and my tongue... (he stuck his tongue into Dave's ear) exploring every part of your body..."

"Oh fuck! Stop it! People are gonna be arriving soon and if they see our flagpoles they're gonna want to hang something on 'em."

"Hey, maybe we could do something right here on this desk?" 'God this is fun, he's so much fun to tease.'

"Okay, okay, I'll go. Try to stay out of trouble while I'm gone," Dave said with a smile and turned and left the room.

Tony followed Dave out of the library and watched his ass as he walked down the hallway. That alone was enough to get him turned on. Standing with his hands on his hips, Tony surveyed the great room until his eyes fell on the piano. He walked over to it, sat down, raised the cover and let his fingers rest on the keys. In a matter of moments he was playing some light, happy, classical selection that he no longer remembered the name of but his fingers remembered the keys.

After several minutes he saw Georgia approaching from the kitchen and he stopped playing to look up at her.

"Please don't stop, Mister Tony, that shore sound purdy."

"Thanks, Georgia," Tony replied and began playing again. Georgia walked up to the piano and Tony scooted to his left as if inviting the housekeeper to sit down. She did. A few moments went by and Georgia spoke up.

"Mister Tony, I shore am glad you here."

"Why's that?" he turned his head and asked.

"Cause Mister Dave shore need someone," she replied. "I can tell he a lot more happier now that you here. Mister Dave said you done moved in?"

"Yes, Friday evening."

"Plan on stayin' long?"

"That depends."

"You wanna stay a long time?"

"Yes... I do." Tony was a little surprised with Georgia's candor and boldness. But he didn't want to get into the details of his relationship with Dave. "Time will tell, Georgia."

Georgia smiled at Tony and patted the top of his right thigh. "Yes it will, it shore will," she smiled, stood up and walked back to the kitchen. At that moment Tony heard the doorbell ringing.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 54: The Recovery 28

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