David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Jan 27, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Recovery 29

Following Dexter's funeral, Dave and Tony took Georgia to her house and then went home.

"I need to run," Dave announced dejectedly once they were inside the house. He needed to do something to take his mind off of the day's events.

"Yeah, me too." Tony replied. "I guess that old saying is correct; great minds do think alike."

They changed quickly, went through their warm-up stretching and hit the street. The vigorous exercise was exactly what both men needed. It cleared their minds and their sweat seemed to wash the stress from their bodies. Back at the house, they stood at the sink gulping glasses of water. Dave turned his head to his left and let his eyes drink in Tony's magnetic masculinity. Then he brushed his left hand over Tony's broad shoulders, down his back and cupped Tony's right buttock.

"Like what ya see grunt... and feel?" Tony asked in his low, sexy voice.

"Damn straight," Dave responded with a husky voice. They set their glasses down and turned to face each other. Dave raised himself on his toes, placed his right hand behind Tony's neck and drew their lips together. Tony's lips opened allowing Dave to enter.

They lay quietly, Dave snuggly against Tony's right side, his right index finger swirling the puddles of drying semen on Tony's abdomen. He placed his dripping finger into his mouth.

"Yup, you still taste good," Dave said. He dipped his finger back into the puddle of semen and moved it toward Tony's mouth. "Try some." Tony opened his lips and closed them around Dave's index finger. He sucked and cleaned Dave's finger with his tongue. "Ooo, damn, what a talented tongue you have," Dave exclaimed.

Tony laughed as he released Dave's finger. "Just wait 'til next time," he said as he nuzzled Dave's long, slender neck, stuck out his tongue and licked, sending a shiver down Dave's spine. Tony's stomach chose that moment to growl.

"Sounds like somebody's hungry," Dave teased as he tickled Tony's lower abdomen. "C'mon, let's get cleaned up and go out for Chinese."

"Right on," Tony agreed as he released Dave and rolled out of bed. Dave was right behind him. They saved a lot of water by showering together.

Later that night the two men assumed their customary position of Dave spooned back against his lover, Tony's left arm securely draped around Dave's chest, his chest hair tickling Dave's back. Dave was still wide-awake as he listened to Tony's breathing get deeper, slower, and more rhythmic, his arm relaxed and he was asleep.

Dave's mind was too occupied to sleep. After a while, Tony pulled his arm from around Dave's chest and rolled to his left. Normally Dave would have followed him but this time Dave remained where he was. When he was sure Tony was still asleep he carefully got out of bed, walked over to the window, curled up in one of the easy chairs and stared out at the night sky.

'Well Paul, it's been a while since we've talked.' In fact, Paul hadn't visited for a while. 'I guess it's time to get serious. I'm wondering if I've moved too fast. Is Tony the man I want to spend the rest of my life with? Right now, I sure hope so. You and he are nothing alike. When we first met I quickly learned that you were well educated, articulate, good looking, sexy, rich, interesting, and knew how to push all my buttons. And we also trusted and respected each other. We were so compatible on so many levels.

'Tony's also very good looking, sexy, a real hunk. His smile warms my heart. This isn't meant as an insult but I don't think I could describe you as a hunk. You're taller, leaner and more slender, the most limber guy I've ever seen. And Tony definitely knows how to push my buttons, too. I know that Tony's physical attraction is what caught my eye... but isn't that what you said? You thought I was cute and that's what you found so attractive? So we were first physically attracted to each other and that grew into love. That's probably the way it works for gay and straight alike.

'Tony's an interesting person too. I know he likes art, he can play the piano, and he's traveled and spent time Europe. He doesn't have a college education but then neither did I when we met. What was it you said about me? " You're intelligent, you have manners, you're a caring person, you know who you are, you have a strong understanding of right and wrong, and you have nothing to be ashamed about. You have more class already than many of the people I grew up with and they have more money than they'll ever need."

'Well, that applies to Tony as well. And I'm not the same person I was when I met you. Sure, I'm older but you introduced me to a world I didn't know existed. You forced me into a sophistication I probably wouldn't have achieved without your help. Now I'm a lot more like you than I was and Tony's more like me. He's smart, very sharp; he notices everything. He even called me handsome! Ha-ha, that's worth a whole lot. And he can push all of my buttons just like you. He makes me feel good. He's tough but sensitive. Mike, Todd and Dan all think he's good for me and that really means a lot.

'And then there's last Sunday. When Georgia was upset about Dexter, he took over, made decisions without hesitation. Tony told her to go, that her place was with her son and that he'd take care of things here. That's exactly what I would have done in that circumstance. Now that took a lot of self-confidence. He didn't feel a need to come running to me to get permission. Having the courage to stand on his own two feet and make decisions with confidence is probably something he learned in the Marines.

'All this analysis is okay but how do I really feel about him?' Dave sat quietly; he could hear Tony snoring lightly from across the room. He thought about how relaxed he felt in Tony's arms. 'I love it when he touches me, it's the same effect you have on me. I usually hold back a little when people touch me but with Tony I feel like I want to be drawn right into him. And I love to touch him. This may have started out with sex but now it's much more than that.

'Yes, I love him.' Dave's admission had a feeling of acceptance, submission to the truth, finality. 'And I trust him and respect him. I love his sense of humor and the sound of his laugh. And when he finally accepted the fact that he was gay he handled that with a strength and maturity that was really impressive. The look on his face when I unknowingly outed him to Sophia and Sean was priceless.' Dave smiled.

'So where do we go from here? I really want to talk about commitment but when's the right time? Oh god, what if he doesn't feel the same way I do? What if he turns me down? Can I handle the rejection? No... all of the signs tell me he loves me too, at least I pray I'm reading them correctly.

'Thanks for listening, Paul,' Dave thought as he got out of the chair and walked back to the bed. 'We can talk again later.' He crawled onto the bed and was about to spoon up against Tony's back when Tony began to roll to his right. Dave rolled to his right and felt Tony spoon against him. Tony's arm slid around Dave's chest and pulled them together so that Dave could feel Tony's chest hair tickling his back.

'I think this weekend we ought to go to a nice restaurant for dinner. We'll have a nice steak, some good wine, and I'll do the equivalent of a proposal. He's too good to let get away. Remember when Mike was first getting to know Todd? I told him not to wait to tell Todd how he felt. I think I'd better follow my own advice.' With a smile, Dave rapidly slipped into a relaxed sleep.

Tony became aware of two sensations, the need to piss and the warmth of Dave's slumbering body against his front side. It had been slightly more than thirty minutes earlier that Dave had returned to bed and gone to sleep.

'Need to pee,' Tony decided. He slowly removed his arm from around Dave's chest, rolled to his left and went into the bathroom. Moments later, spooned tightly against Dave's backside, Tony began to think.

'Ya know, Dave, you sure are wonderful, beyond my wildest dreams. I never imagined anyone like you existed.' A smile stretched across Tony's face. 'You sure got my attention that day I saw you jump down from your truck. I had the strangest feeling, like I wanted to hold you in my arms; I wanted to take care of you. Where did that come from? What a roller coaster life's been since leaving the Marines. And I hit the jackpot. God I love you, little guy! I'd stay forever if you'd let me. But then... maybe I'm moving to fast. What right do I have to think like this? What if I decide to stay with you and then sometime down the road I find someone else? No... that's not like me. If I commit, it'll be forever.' Tony inhaled Dave's scent. Sometimes it caused arousal but this time it soothed his brain.

'This is almost too good to be true. I fell into a proverbial bucket of shit and came out smelling like a rose. I love you, Little Guy! You not only turn me on every time you smile at me but you're probably the nicest person I've eve r met. And another thing, you let me have my space. You don't try to dominate me, tell me what to do. I have no doubt that you respect me... and I sure respect you. Just look at what you've done so far with your life. And the things you have planned are almost unreal. That's something I'd sure like to be a part of. I'd love to be your partner and help build this remarkable thing you have in your imagination.

'Now... is it my place to ask you... or should I wait for you to ask me? How long do I wait? I'll suggest we go to dinner at a nice restaurant this weekend and if the mood seems right I'll see if I have the nerve to broach the subject. Oh Tony, don't over noodle this,' he chastised himself, turned off his brain and went to sleep.

Friday after work Dave's Platoon gathered at Mike and Todd's for dinner; Todd was making his now famous baked salmon. Once they were seated at the table and Mike said the blessing, Todd asked a question that had been bouncing around in his brain for several days.

"Say, Tom, Dan says you've got a new job."

"Yeah, I got on with the local NFL team as a place kicker."

"Wow! Congratulations!" Todd exclaimed followed by similar comments from Mike, Dave and Tony. "How'd that happen?"

"It's kinda complicated, actually." Tom took his first bite of salmon. "Say, this stuff is great!" He exclaimed at Todd. "Through a friend," Tom continued, "I learned that their kicker was having some health problems so I got hold of my agent and had him make an inquiry. The team was interested and invited me for an interview and a tryout."

"What about your old team?" Tony asked.

"Well... uh..." Tom seemed a little embarrassed at first. "I had a pretty disastrous season last year. It was so bad that I was at the bottom of the league in every category." Tom looked at Dan and smiled.

"He may have been at the bottom of the league stats but he's the "TOP" where I'm concerned," Dan interjected with a chuckle. Everybody laughed because they all knew exactly what Dan meant.

"Yeah, that's before I met Dan," everyone laughed. "Seriously, I was all screwed up about who I was. If I said I had a lot of distractions last season it would be the truth." Everyone understood without asking that Tom was referring to his struggle with his sexual identity.

"But do they know about..." Mike asked as he looked at Dan, "you two?"

"They know about the HIV. I told them about that... I had to pass a physical, ya know. And I'm in excellent health in spite of that. But I haven't said anything about Dan."

"We talked about that," Dan interjected again, thinking he needed to get Tom off the hook. "Tom wants to play again and I want him to do what makes him happy." Dan smiled when he realized the double meaning of his statement; the others chuckled. "And I'm realistic enough to know that he'd probably not survive the first game if anybody knew he's gay. So we decided to keep this quiet. And I believe we can do it."

"But what about when you're on the road?" Dave asked. "Teams got big reputations for nailin' groupies, even the married guys."

"Yeah, well, that's where the HIV comes into play. It makes it easier for me to play it straight arrow type... I wouldn't want to risk infecting anyone else now would I."

"And that means he's all mine," Dan said with a huge grin.

"Great!" Dave exclaimed. "Here's to Tom and Dan!" Dave raised his glass of white wine that Todd had poured and everyone joined in the toast.

The conversation seemed to wane for while as everyone concentrated on eating.

"Say," Tony exclaimed to get everybody's attention. "Ya know that the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that denying gays the right to marry was against the state constitution."

"Yeah, and that bothers me," Dave sounded serious.

"How come?" Mike asked.

"Well..." Dave considered his answer for a moment. "I think we have a good argument going. I mean, more and more people are beginning to open their minds and see just how beneficial same sex marriages are for society. Look! Almost half of all hetero marriages wind up in divorce. And those who remarry have an even higher divorce rate. There are more kids living with only one parent, some with no parents, than ever before. It really blows a big hole in the argument that marriage should only be between male and female for the protection of the family. Shit! I think that anyone who wants to commit to each other would be a good thing for society.

"But when the courts get involved and make a ruling, it stops all debate. That polarizes the opposing sides and makes progress even that much more difficult. We go from being on offense to being on defense. Consider Roe V Wade. Before that happened more states were moving toward more liberal positions on the abortion. Then the Supreme Court makes a ruling and BAM! You're either pro or con, for or against, pro abortion or pro life. I don't know; I just hope it all works out for the best.

"But the court's right!" Dan exclaimed excitedly like he needed to defend his position. "Look, there's supposed to be separation between church and state. Isn't marriage a religious matter? So let the church take care of marriage and let the state sanction civil unions between consenting adults. And if they happen to be of the same sex, so what? I think the court is right on."

"Dave may have a point here, Dan," Todd jumped into the discussion. "Now that the issue is out on the table, we're seeing a number of states rushing to amend their constitutions to ban gay or same sex marriages. The idea of being married is an appealing one but what we really want is to have the same rights that marriage bestows. And if having some civil union process that achieves the same thing, then I'm for it."

"Like what?" Tom asked.

"Like the right to inherit property, the right to have your partner be covered under your employer's health care plan. Even though Mike has coverage where he works, my employer's medical plan would cover him if he needed it. Larger, international corporations are moving more and more in that direction. And then there's that sticky situation when one partner gets sick or injured; you want your partner to be there with you to help make decisions and to consult with your doctor. That's a real crapshoot right now.

"I agree with all those arguments," Dave offered as clarification. "I may be a little too cautious for my own good. But consider another point, the latest polls show that a majority of young people are more open to same sex unions and as the ages of the respondents increases so does their opposition. That means that eventually, as the old farts die off, support for our position will grow. However, you won't see me complaining if the big Supreme Court agrees with same-sex unions."

"Does that mean you'd consider gettin' married?" Tony asked, and then wondered if his question might have been a little too pointed.

Dave looked directly into Tony's eyes for several seconds before answering. "Anything's possible," Dave replied with a straight face. Much as Tony tried, he was not able to read Dave's intent.

"Well I'd do it!" Dan exclaimed, but he avoided looking at Tom for fear that Tom might misinterpret his comment. They had a great relationship but the subject of any kind of commitment had never come up and Dan wasn't about to add any pressure on the issue.

Mike cleared his throat in an obvious attempt to get everyone's attention. "Funny we got into a discussion about marriage..." He looked around the table and then at Todd. A huge grin spread across his face. "Todd and I have an announcement." Now he had everyone's attention. "We're... we're goin' to Vermont to get married."

"No shit!" Great!" "Wonderful!" Terrific!" "Now there's something to drink a toast to!" Dave finally added to the other's exclamations. They all raised their glasses in celebration.

"So when's the big day?" Tony asked.

"Probably about the middle of August," Todd replied. "We still have to work out the details. I have some vacation and Mike thinks he'll be able to get off work and it's before he starts school."

"Guys, I'm so happy for you!" Dave exclaimed excitedly. "I can't think of two people I'd rather see get married than you two. And I hope that some day every state will recognize same sex marriages." Dave was really hoping Mike and Todd would invite them all to join them but he wasn't going to make any statement that would sound like he was inviting himself.

"Well I hope you're not bettin' any money on that happening in this state anytime soon," Dan commented.

Saturday morning Dave and Tony were up early. They drank a glass of juice followed by a glass of water and started out on their run. Both men were thinking about the discussion of the previous evening. About twenty minutes into their run Dave decided to ask a question, they'd been rather quite until then.



"Where do you... see yourself... five years... from now? ...I mean... what do you see... yourself doing?" Dave asked haltingly between breaths. It was the kind of question that is often asked during job interviews and Dave was searching for something.

"Five years from now..." Tony said that like it was the first time the question has crossed his mind. He was also curious about the possible meaning of the question. "I think... I want to be... selling houses... instead of... building them... I'm gonna sign up... for the community college... with Mike and Dan... I can get a... realtor's license and... start makin' a... real living."

They ran a few more strides and Tony added, "And I wanna be... in a permanent... long term... relationship." It took Tony about two strides to realize that Dave was no longer at his side. He glanced back over his right shoulder to see Dave walking to a stop by the side of the road, his hands on his hips and breathing hard. Tony put on his brakes, stopped and turned around. They stared at each other for a few moments before Tony started walking back to where Dave was standing.

"That long-term relationship," Dave began; the anxiety, uncertainty in his voice was obvious. "Is that something... is that something you plan to wait... five years for... are you looking for someone, or do you have anyone in mind?" The tension was almost causing Dave's voice to quiver.

As Tony closed the distance between him and Dave, he decided not to wait any longer, this was the moment, he'd declare and see where it got him - them. By now Tony had approached to within six inches of Dave's face and stared directly into his eyes.

Dave could see the look of frustration on Tony's face and began to wish he hadn't asked the question. What was that old saying Captain Lewis once told him? 'Before you ask the question you'd better be prepared to live with the answer.'

"Damnit!" Tony's strong, low, baritone voice was dripping with frustration. "David..." Tony's use of Dave's proper name had a subtle message, like when your mother calls you by your proper name you know she means business. Dave didn't know what Tony was about to say but he was sure it would be the simple truth. He held his breath. "I love you! Can't you see that?" The statement sounded like an accusation.

Dave looked into Tony's eyes, he felt lightheaded and to steady himself he reached out and placed his right hand in the middle of Tony's sweaty T-shirt. He was immediately aware of the heat radiating from Tony's body. The gravity of Tony's statement hit him hard and his eyes began to get watery. Too much time had passed since the last time a man said those words to him and he wasn't about to loose this moment.

"Yes..." Dave managed to say softly past the lump in his throat. "And I love you too."

"And if you'll have me I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you."

Dave practically lunged at Tony, wrapping him in his arms. "Yes!" He exclaimed softly into the crook of Tony's sweat-drenched neck. Tony's arms closed around Dave's shoulders and they stood on the side of the road in an embrace. Dave's lips tasted the saltiness of Tony's sweat and his nostrils inhaled the musky odor of 'man'. At that moment the blaring horn of a passing car startled them back to reality.

"C'mon!" Dave commanded as he grabbed Tony's hand and began running down the street. About a block and a half later they came upon a wooded area where Dave slowed and turned into a path through the woods. Tony couldn't imagine what Dave was thinking until they came out the other side of the woods and Tony realized they were at the back of the house. Dave continued around the end of the garage and stopped at the back door. He spun around, threw his arms around Tony and held onto him.

Holding each other in a moment of private solitude was more spiritual than sexual. They held each other like that for several minutes until Tony released Dave.

"C'mon," Tony said as he took Dave's left hand in his right. He entered the code for the lock and opened the door. He led Dave by the hand through the garage and into the house. He canceled the alarm and led Dave into the kitchen where he stopped and again wrapped his arms around his companion. Tony leaned his butt against the kitchen counter causing Dave to lean more of his weight against him. Both men stood completely relaxed, their eyes closed as they began to absorb the significance of their expressed commitments.

Dave felt Tony's lips on his neck. Then he detected something growing between them. The physical contact they shared was producing the natural effect that Dave couldn't ignore and he too began to grow something between them.

Not a word had been spoken since they entered the house; none were needed. Tony lifted his head and looked into Dave's eyes. His lips were partly open as were Dave's and they moved toward each other until their lips make contact, their tongues joined in loving caresses. Their passion, fed by a deep desire to please each other was intense, hot.

"Whadda ya think, should we consummate this partnership?" Tony whispered in Dave's ear. He knew this was a big moment in his life and there was nothing he wanted more than to have Dave inside him.

"Thought you'd never ask," Dave chuckled. "Let's leave these sweaty clothes in the laundry room. Is it safe to walk naked from here to the bedroom?"

"Depends on your definition of 'safe'," Tony replied with a smile as he helped Dave stand up straight.

"Well, I feel totally safe with present company," Dave continued as he began walking toward the laundry room while pulling his T-shirt over his head.

Once again Tony took Dave's left hand in his right and led him to the bedroom. The top sheet was still pulled down from when they got out of bed less than an hour earlier so Tony crawled onto the bed, lay down on his back and pulled Dave on top of him. They were in no hurry, they kissed and caressed and enjoyed each other.

At some point, when Tony decided he didn't want to wait any longer, he reached into the top drawer of the nightstand, picked up the lube and handed it to Dave. Lovingly, carefully, Dave applied the lube until Tony announced that he was ready. Dave returned the lube to the drawer and picked up a condom. But as he prepared to open it Tony wrapped his hand around Dave's wrist preventing him from going any further.

"We're partners now, right?" Tony asked. "This is a committed relationship?

"Absolutely... as far as I'm concerned," Dave replied.

"Then do we need that?" Tony asked as he looked into Dave's eyes. He watched Dave hesitate as if considering whether they should. "I got tested a few weeks ago and I'm clean," Tony added.

Dave didn't say a word; he just flicked the unopened condom from his grasp and it fell to the floor. He lowered himself to Tony's waiting body and their union began. By now Tony had become accustomed to Dave's size. At the beginning of their relationship he had experienced discomfort at Dave's entry, now it was pure pleasure. Their mating was the perfect intimacy, a combination of love, pleasure, passion and lust. Each wanted to give the other as much pleasure as he possible could.

Tony had had the typical questions: would he be able to feel the difference without a condom, he was definitely excited that he could; would he be able to tell when Dave ejaculated inside him. At the end, he wasn't sure that he could actually feel it but he imagined that he did.

Their early start for the day had now become 11:00 AM when they awoke from a much-needed nap.

"I'd like your opinion, think we need a shower?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, and these sheets need to go in the washer," Dave added with a chuckle.

The shower was not the least bit sexual. Each man took great care in washing the other with as much tenderness and love that he could show. As Dave was drying Tony the phone rang. Tony instinctively reached out and answered the extension in the bathroom.

"Hello?" That was the only extension that didn't have a display for caller ID.

"Nicky, I thought I'd catch you there, are you busy?" It was Sophia; she recognized her brother's voice.

"No, not really," Tony replied. Dave was on his knees drying Tony's legs at that point and a devilishly playful thought popped into his mind.

"I hate to ask this on such short notice but Sean and I have to take the girls to ballet practice and I was wondering, could Shannon possible come spend a few hours with you and Dave? He really hates it when we make him go with us."

"Uhh... Well... let me, uh..." Dave had just caught Tony completely by surprise by slurping his semi-soft member into his mouth. Tony covered the receiver with his hand as he tried to step back from Dave's assault. Dave moved with him.

"Jeez Dave, not now, I'm talking to my sister," he chided unconvincingly with a grin. "Sophia wants to know if it's alright for Shannon to come over... oh shit that's good... for a few hours while they take the girls to ballet practice."

Dave's only response was a thumbs-up signal.

"Uhh... What time?" Tony asked.

"Are you okay?" Sophia asked.

"Yeah, fine, what time?" Tony's impatience was showing, driven by his growing erection down Dave's throat.

"Will12:30 be okay?"

"Great, see ya then, bye." Tony hung up the receiver and turned his attention to Dave. "Two can play this game!" He exclaimed as he placed his hands on Dave's shoulders and pushed away. Another slurping sound filled the room as Tony extracted his cock from Dave's wet mouth. Tony guided a laughing Dave onto his back on the floor then turned and pounced on top of him in the sixty-nine position.

Tony and Dave sat on the front steps waiting for Shannon to arrive. They both wanted to see Sophia and Sean. The McGregor SUV circled the drive and stopped in front of the steps. Shannon hopped out wearing a green Speedo swimsuit and everyone exchanged greetings. Just before Sean drove away he reminded Dave and Tony that they had a tee time of 1:12 PM tomorrow.

"Right, we'll be ready," Dave shouted. Tony and Dave acted like they were well aware of their golf date when in fact it had completely slipped their minds. As Dave, Tony and Shannon walked into the house the phone was ringing. Dave ducked into the library to answer it.

"Hi Sis, 'sup?"

"David, are you busy, really, really busy?" Kate asked. Dave could tell by the tone of her voice that she wanted a favor.

"I'd be happy to have the boys come over for the afternoon," he said, beating his sister to the punch. Today was Saturday and he was used to the boys spending time with him. "Tony's nephew Shannon McGregor is here, he's eight and I think they'll have a lot of fun.

"Oh, you are a sweet boy, maybe a little wise-ass too, but a sweet wise-ass. We'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"The door's unlocked, just have the boys come on in, we'll be at the pool."

Tony and Shannon were already in the water when Dave walked outside. Shannon knew Dave from when Dave built his parent's house so an introduction wasn't necessary.

"That was Kate, she's bringing the boys over, hope you don't mind."

"Me? Why should I mind, I like those boys. And this IS your house," Tony smiled to let Dave know that his comment was meant with love. "Besides, I think Shannon would enjoy meeting them."

"Meet who?" Shannon asked, having overheard the last sentence.

"Dave has three nephews who live close by and they're on their way over to go swimming. I think you guys will have fun together."

"Kewl!" Shannon exclaimed, and that was the end of his commentary. Eight-year-old boys often don't engage in long conversations with adults.

"Oh!" Dave exclaimed as if he just remembered something.

"What?" Tony asked.

"I'd better go in and intercept the boys before they reach the pool," Dave said as he lifted himself out of the water.

"Oh! Good thinking!" Tony exclaimed. He knew exactly what Dave was talking about.

Dave quickly dried himself and hurriedly walked into the house. He was half way to the front door when it opened and in marched the boys wearing Speedo suits. Mark wore bright red, Matt wore deep blue, the color of his eyes, and JD wore white.

"Hi men,"

"Hi Uncle Dave," three young voices responded as one.

"Men, we have a guest today and I think you'd better keep your suits on."

"Guest? Who is it?" JD asked.

"Well, Uncle Tony's nephew's here. He lives up the street and his name is Shannon. C'mon outside and I'll introduce you." Kate's sons followed Dave out to the pool where Tony introduced Shannon.

The boys quickly struck up a friendship and began playing as though Dave and Tony weren't there. That allowed the two men to collapse into near-by lounge-chairs and watch their charges. Their energy levels seemed to be a little low - and for good reason.

Tony immediately noticed that Shannon and JD were about the same size even though JD was almost three years younger. He also observed that the Close boys were definitely more physically developed, especially the way they filled out their Speedos. The boys had been playing for about fifteen minutes when Dave made a suggestion.

"You wanna help me in the kitchen? We'll get the boys some snacks."

"Think they'll be okay by themselves?"

"I'll put Mark in charge." Dave got everyone's attention and told them he and Tony were going into the kitchen to fix them some snacks and that Mark was in charge. He was met with blank stares for a second then the play resumed as though nothing had happened.

In the kitchen Dave mixed some lemonade while Tony piled lots of oatmeal-raisin cookies on a plastic plate then loaded the cookies and plastic glasses on a large tray. Just as Tony was about to pick up the tray he felt Dave's arm slide around his waist. He turned to his right and joined Dave in a tender, loving kiss.

"Thanks, I needed that," Dave said as he and Tony released each other. "It's probably been more than an hour since I told you I love you," Dave said softly.

"Me too. I've been trying to be careful around the boys; don't want to subject them to things they don't need to be concerned about at their age."

"Know what you mean." Dave replied. "I've had the same feeling. Ready?" Dave asked as he picked up the pitcher of lemonade. "Oh, one more thing. I'd like you to think this house is as much yours as it is mine. If you're gonna live here I want you to be comfortable."

"Oh, I'm comfortable, Dave, I love everything about the house and the guy who lives in it. Now lead the way, Master," Tony chuckled as he picked up the tray of cookies and glasses.

They sat everything down on a poolside table then Dave turned and shouted, "Come and get it!" Dave and Tony were shocked when four naked boys clamored out of the pool.

"Whoa, whoa!" Dave exclaimed. "What happened to your bathing suits?"

"They're over there." Mark responded as though it was the normal place for bathing suits to be.

"Yeah," JD added, "we told Shannon that we don't normally wear swim suits here and he thought that was a kewl idea."

"Yeah," Shannon added, "I never get to skinny-dip at home, this is fun!"

Tony looked at Dave and then smiled. "We've been had."

"Yeah, and you'd better get some sun block on Shannon's white butt before it turns into a lobster," Dave chuckled.

"Right!" Tony replied. "Where's the stuff?"

"I think there's some in the shower room; I'll get it." Dave explained as he turned and went to get the sun block.

The boys dove into the snacks and gobbled them down like they hadn't eaten for three days. Dave handed the tube of sun block to Tony.

"Shannon, c'mere."

"Yes, sir?" Shannon asked as he walked, his mouth full of cookie with another in his hand, to where Tony was sitting.

"Turn around, we're gonna have to cover your white skin before you get a sunburn." Tony squeezed some lotion into his left hand and began spreading it over Shannon's tight, white, rounded buttocks. He went as far as the sides of Shannon's hips and then turned him around.

"Stick out your hand." Shannon stuffed the remaining cookie into his mouth, wiped his hands together and then extended his right hand, palm up. Tony squeezed a large amount of lotion into it. "Now spread this all over your belly and be sure to put lots on your penis and testicles. Believe me, you don't want them to get sunburned or your mama is gonna have both of our asses." Shannon giggled at Tony's pronouncement. He wasn't accustomed to such adult male language and liked it that his uncle would speak to him that way. And he wasn't the least bit shy about his task. Shannon finished then turned and rejoined his new friends.

"We only think we're in control here," Dave commented.

"Got that right," Tony chuckled as he slid back into the lounge chair. Dave?" Tony asked after several minutes of silence.

"I'm still awake if that's what you're wondering."

Tony reached out and took Dave's hand in his. "I've been thinking."

"Oh, that'll get us both in trouble," Dave replied as he squeezed Tony's hand. "Let's hear it."

"We're partners, right?"

"Yeah, I thought we already answered that question."

"Well yeah, we did, but when do we tell people? Like, I mean, how do we do it?"

"Don't you think it'll be obvious? I mean, look at us now, we're holding hands, we could just let 'em guess."

"I don't know, I'd kinda like to make it more formal. I'm proud of it and I wanna tell Sophia formally. I'd also like your family to know and what about the rest of the platoon?"

Dave sat up in his chair and looked into Tony's eyes. "This is really important to you isn't it," Dave said in his most serious tone of voice. Tony nodded. "Then we'll do it. We'll make a plan and do it formally. How about that?"

"Yeah, I could kiss you... but I'll wait until we're alone."

"Good idea, my Jarhead stud." Dave and Tony smiled knowingly at each other.

Just after 3:30 PM the phone rang. It was Kate saying she was on her way over to get the boys. No sooner had Dave hung up than the phone rang again. This time it was Sophia. She said she would be there in about fifteen minutes to get Shannon.

"Attention, men!" Dave announced. "ATTENTION!" He shouted above the noise. All action and noise stopped. "Your moms are on the way here so I think it's time you got back into you bathing suits." Dave was surprised when four naked boys without objection climbed out of the pool and quietly walked to where they had tossed their swim suits and put them on. Normally he would have been treated to a chorus of moans and groans. But there was a price to pay, Dave and Tony had to join the boys in the pool for some launching practice. The men had recovered somewhat so they were more willing to agree to the boys demands.

As Kate drove around the driveway and stopped in front of the steps, Sophia was right behind her. Both women got out of their cars and met between them.

"You must be Tony's sister, I'm, David's sister Kate," Kate said as she extended her hand.

"Oh I'm so glad to finally meet you. Dave's said so many nice things about you I feel like we've already met."

The chemistry of friendship between the two women couldn't have been better. They stood talking for fifteen minutes, completely oblivious to the fact that their sons were waiting to be picked up. In that short amount of time, Kate and Sophia found out more about each other and their respective families than most men would learn in a month of conversation.

"Oh, I think I'd better go in and get the boys," Kate finally acknowledged. "David said to come on in, so let's go. They should be dressed by now."

"Dressed?" Sophia asked with surprise.

"Oh yes, the boys always skinny-dip when they come over and that's why I always call before I come, to give them time to get dressed."

"But... how do you know? Are their suits dry?"

"Ha-ha, oh no, they're too smart for that, it's no tan lines, ha-ha. They must think I'm blind but I do see them in the nude from time to time around the house and they don't have any tan lines."

Sophia laughed heartily then stopped quickly. "Oh lordy," she exclaimed with a sound of urgency in her voice, "Shannon will be burned to a crisp. Let's go."

Once inside, the two mothers stopped at the end of the foyer to watch the antics occurring in the pool. Their sons were being launched high in to the air to come splashing back down into the water. Kate gasped when she saw Tony launch Matt into a complete flip but then realized he was okay.

"I think those two men are the greatest," Sophia exclaimed. "Just look at how much fun our boys are having!'

"This is the first time I've actually watched them," Kate added, "they are definitely having a blast. No wonder they're tired when they get home."

"And I'm so glad that Dave and Tony found each other. I'm so happy for them."

"I think your brother is the best thing that's happened to David since he lost his first love."

"Dave had another love? I didn't know." Sophia was definitely surprised.

"Oops, I guess I spoke out of turn." Kate confessed. "It was several years ago and they only knew each other for about eight or nine months, maybe ten; he died in a car accident. David has seemed lost ever since."

"Ya know? That explains a lot. I agree... Dave did seem a little lost. But then I think has Tony changed all that. You are so lucky to have Dave for a brother."

"Thank you, I could say the same for you about Tony. Our whole family thinks he's the greatest. And you're right, he has certainly caused a change in David." After a few moments of watching, Kate continued. "So how does your family feel about them?"

"Now that's a real pregnant question!" Sophia exclaimed laughingly. "The rest of the family doesn't know yet. Heaven only knows how that will play out. How long has your family known about Dave?"

"I've known since I was sixteen, David was fourteen. But Mother and Dad didn't find out until after Paul died. It caused an estrangement between David and his dad but eventually he came around and we're back to being a loving family. I think Dad loves Tony just as much at the rest of us."

"Do your boys know?"

"Oh no, we all agree that there's no need for them to have to deal with that this early in their lives. Dave wants to protect them as long as possible but we all know that some day they'll probably figure it out and we'll have to have a family discussion."

"Now that's something we hadn't considered. Thanks for telling me."

The two mothers continued to watch quietly for a few moments, then Kate asked a question.

"You know who your brother makes me think of?"

"Who?" Sophia asked.

"You know the guy who does those telephone commercials, I think his name is John something."

"What telephone commercials?"

"Oh, the ones for 10-10-9-8-7."

"Oh, you don't mean John Stamos do you?"

"Yes! That's him. Just look at him, the hair, the eyebrows, the shape of his chin, his smile. His nose is different, and the ears too. And Tony definitely have more muscles, he's a real hunk. And he seems to have the same outgoing personality that Stamos has in those commercials."

"I never thought about it but I can see what you mean." Sophia acknowledged. "Just don't tell Tony, I don't think he'd like it."

"Okay, I'll keep that to myself. Let's go," Kate suggested as she walked down the steps into the great room, "I think it's time to break this up."

Saturday evening, Dave and Tony went to dinner at a restaurant high atop a tall office building. The view of the city was breathtaking, which matched the feelings the two men shared with each other.

"Ya know, this is the sort of atmosphere I wanted when I told you I loved you," Tony spoke softly. Dave smiled.

"I was thinking the same thing. I wanted to bring you up here and confess my love. I would've gotten on my knees if I had the courage."

Tony chuckled. "You still can," he suggested. Dave acted like he was going to get out of his seat when Tony stuck you his hand. "Don't you dare!" And then they both chuckled.

"Tell me more about this real estate license you're interested in getting. And about going to the community college," Dave asked. He was intrigued that Tony was interested in pursuing an education and was determined to encourage and support him as best as he could.

That night they were too exhausted to make love and went right to sleep.

Dave sat straight up in bed and looked around the room. "Paul?"

Over the many months since Paul's death, Dave had frequent visits from his former lover and they talked about many things. Paul's image always seemed to appear either at the foot of the bed or sitting on one corner of the mattress. But ever since Tony came into Dave's life, not once had Paul visited him.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 56: The Recovery 30

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