David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Jun 25, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Partnership 04

"Is there any chance it might turn ugly?" a concerned Ashley asked as she helped Sophia prepare lunch. She'd already told her future sister-in-law that she and Peter knew about Tony and Dave's secret and that Dave said Sophia and Sean also knew.

"Not ugly," Sophia replied as she continued preparing a pasta salad. "Uncomfortable maybe, but not ugly. If Peter hasn't already explained, Papa is big on 'Family.' I don't think he'll let things get out of hand." She paused for a moment before continuing, "But with this situation one can never be sure. Besides, I don't expect anything to be said this time; Tony wants to avoid any unpleasantness this weekend."

"They're such a charming couple," Ashley said with a smile. "And Dave is so cute, I just wish there was a way we could help them."

Sophia considered that wish for a moment. "Maybe there is," she exclaimed promisingly. "And although Tony says Dave detests being called 'cute,' it's a unanimous opinion of all the Mancuso ladies," Sophia chuckled then grinned at Ashley. "You know, the one thing lacking here is that the rest of the family doesn't really know Dave."

"Neither do I, for that matter," Ashley admitted.

"Perhaps we should start by casually introducing Dave, bringing him out... no, not that way." She and Ashley laughed at that innocent slip. "I mean like, make him human. The more they know about him the more they're likely to appreciate him." Sophia began briefly arming Ashley information she would need to get things rolling. There was his work with the Philos Foundation, the Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, the AANCF in Dallas, and several other charities along with his professional work.

Ashley was even more impressed with Dave than she had been before and suggested they focus their attention on the wives first.

To avoid the attention of a front door entrance, Tony and Dave sneaked into the kitchen by way of the side door. They weren't that late and there were plenty of leftovers to munch on for a late lunch.

As is typical for large family gatherings, the women congregated in one area of the house - the kitchen - while the men found another area - the media room. Tony left the kitchen to join the men while Ashley latched onto Dave.

When dressing for the afternoon's events, Dave had selected a medium blue polo that drew out the blue in his eyes, navy blue slacks and black Johnston & Murphy loafers. Combined with his now sun-bleached light brown hair, Dave presented an image that causes men to notice and women to swoon. Needless to say he was the center of attention in the kitchen.

Tony found his father, Chris, Peter, Phillip, and Sean seated in front of the TVs discussing sports. There were two TVs in the room; baseball was showing on one and golf was on the other. While watching the golf, Tony mentioned that he'd taken up the sport again and Sean didn't miss the opportunity to relate some Tony's humorous golfing experiences in their last two outings. However, Sean was sufficiently astute to avoid mentioning that Dave had been part of a foursome.

Now that Chris lived in Chicago he'd become a Cubs fan and as luck would have it the Cubs were playing on the other TV. This provided ample fodder for claims and counter-claims about just how good or bad the Cubs really were.

Back in the kitchen, Ashley followed Sophia's roadmap, and began asking questions subtly disguised to cause Dave to sketch a self-portrait of just who he was. Before long, Grandma Kristina had hold of Dave's arm and was smiling up into his face as she listened to him describe the work of the AANCF in Dallas. Ashley understood she shouldn't monopolize Dave's time and when she felt like she'd achieved her objective she handed him a beer and sent him off to the media room.

Dave was able to slip in virtually unnoticed and blend into the conversations. Soon he found himself standing between Peter and Phillip.

"Say, Phillip, did you know that Dave's brother-in-law is John Close?" Peter asked.

About that time Tony, his father, Chris, and Sean joined the group. Dave and Tony made eye contact then broke it and directed their smiles at one of the other men.

"N-o-o-o," Phillip exclaimed with obvious interest. "Close was one of my favorite players. I even remember him from his high school and college days." Phillip placed his arm around Dave's shoulders like they were best buds.

"Why I remember him," Papa said, followed by a similar acknowledgement from Chris.

"Is it true that Close really wanted to quit football and used his injury as an excuse?" Phillip asked.

Dave's immediate reaction was mild anger. But he knew how often false rumors get started and they're nearly impossible to stop. He was also aware of Phillip's arm around his shoulders and decided to let it ride. He wanted to get some measure of Phillip; maybe he wasn't homophobic after all. At lease he didn't seem the least bit inhibited by physical contact with another man. Now Dave had to correct the rumor.

"No, Phillip, that rumor couldn't be farther from the truth. John and Kate and the boys stayed at my house for several weeks while he was in rehab. And I can promise you he was really upset, no, he was devastated when he found out his career was over. He and I had a long private talk about it and I assure you he wasn't ready to hang up his NFL career. I don't know where that rumor got started but I'd appreciate it if you'd do your part to correct it the next time you hear it."

"Sure will, Dave, you can count on it," Phillip assured him.

"Did your sister meet John in college, Dave?" Peter asked.

Dave then explained how they had all gone to the same high school and he and John had been on the same track team. Peter, unaware of Ashley's plan, had stumbled into the idea that this would be a good opportunity for him and Phillip to get to know Dave better so he began to probe for more details about Dave's life. Dave gave a brief synopsis of his Army tour, which obviously impressed Phillip who used the opportunity to mention that Tony had been in the Marines.

Then Dave told about college and how he became an architect. By the time Dave reached the end of his interrogation, Phillip seemed like he wanted to be his best friend. Papa and Chris also seemed quite friendly toward him.

As the social dynamics played out, eventually Dave was left standing alone with Peter.

"What's with Tony," Peter asked. "He doesn't seem like the same guy I left behind at your house."

"Yeah, I guess his attitude does seem to have improved," Dave acknowledged with a smile.

"You guys have a 'counseling session' after we left?" Peter had a smirk on his face.

"Well..." Dave began with a faint smile, "you might say that."

"I'm glad. He was pretty up tight."

"Okay everybody," Sophia announced as she stepped into the room. "If I can drag you away from the TVs for a while, dinner's ready."

There was no argument from any of the men; they immediately refocused their attention and followed Sophia to the dining room. When Sophia commissioned Dave to design her house, she insisted on having an exceptionally large dining room, one that would hold a table large enough to handle the entire adult Mancuso family.

The seating arrangement consisted of Papa Mancuso at the far end, or head of the table with Mama to his right. Next came Phillip and his wife Jackie, then Chris and his wife Kelly. Sean sat at the end of the table near the kitchen with Sophia to his right. Dave, Tony, Ashley and Peter followed in order. Grandma Kristina sat next to Peter, which placed her on Papa's immediate left. It was a traditional arrangement. Since the table was designed to accommodate sixteen people, there was plenty of room with only thirteen family members around it.

Dave had never seen a family gathering this large and was amazed at how orderly it seemed. Papa began by asking everyone to hold hands and then he asked for the blessing. Everyone bowed their heads and when it was over they all said, "Amen."

There were two huge pork roasts at either end of the table. Papa began carving and serving one while Sean did the same at his end of the table. Mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, corn, yeast rolls, a pasta salad, a tossed salad with vinegar and oil dressing and an excellent Italian red wine completed the meal. Not exactly your typical Italian dinner but Sophia had decided to be a little different this year. Besides, she knew that everyone loved roast pork.

After everyone was served, they began eating and conversing in small groups. Tony, Dave, Sophia, Sean, Chris and Kelly maintained one conversation while Peter, Ashley, Grandma Kristina, Papa, Mama, Phillip and Jackie kept up a continuous discussion. As time passed, Tony and Dave had brief conversations with Phillip and Jackie, Peter and Ashley talked with Chris and Kelly, and Papa, Mama, Sean, Sophia and Grandma Kristina participated in all the conversations at various times. Dave was astonished to watch how it all worked so smoothly. Then he began to wonder, what happened to the kids and asked Sophia.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me." She left the table, went into the kitchen and returned few minutes later. "They're doing fine. They're eating in the kitchen and the girls are in charge." How convenient to have older daughters who are capable of supervising a group of young boys at the dinner table. The training would serve them well for whatever they chose to do in life.

After the meal was finished, the ladies, except for Grandma, cleared the table then returned with coffee or tea for those who wanted it. Sean followed Sophia into the kitchen. When he returned to the dining room he carried a large, three-layer chocolate cake with twenty-three lighted candles on top. All the children followed the cake and surrounded the table. Everyone stood and applauded as Tony blushed. He knew they were celebrating his birthday but he still felt self-conscious about it and blushed a little. Papa Mancuso led the entire family in singing "Happy Birthday" to Tony then they all sat down and Sophia cut and served the cake. When all the adults had been served, the remainder of the cake disappeared into the kitchen where youthful eating machines would consume every last morsel.

Surprisingly, everyone was quiet while they ate the cake. Perhaps they were all talked out. Then Papa cleared his throat.

"Ashley, I really want to tell you how happy we are that you could join us this weekend," his eyes darted between Ashley and Peter. "We've all been looking forward to seeing you with the whole family present. And Peter, you get a gold star for talking her into coming." Everyone chuckled at Papa's humor.

"Thank you, Papa, this has been quite an experience for a city girl who's an only child."

"And Papa," Peter interjected and smiled at his fiancée, "I think we have an announcement to make." Ashley and Peter were both grinning. "You go ahead, Ash."

Gripping Peter's hand in hers, Ashley spoke. "We're ready to announce that we've set our wedding date for June 11, in New York City and you're all invited."

Around the table everyone broke into applause and congratulatory exclamations. Tony placed his arm around Ashley's neck and drew her close so he could kiss her on the cheek.

"That's 'Y'all' are invited, Ashley," Tony said laughingly, "Y'all gotta learn how to say 'Y'all." Ashley threw her left elbow into Tony's ribs with a smile.

Grandma Kristina leaned into her grandson Peter and kissed him on the cheek also. Papa reached over and shook Peter's hand and offered his personal congratulations. Much conversation and questions followed for several minutes and when things calmed down, Papa had a question for his youngest son.

"Well, Tony, how's the job going?" he asked.

"Uh, well, Papa, well. Thanks to Sean it's going well."

"And have you decided what you're going to do with your life? Phillip and I could always use some more help with the business, you know."

That was the last thing Tony was interested in, returning to his hometown where everyone knew everyone and they all knew each other's business. So it gave him great pleasure to announce to the whole family what his plans were.

"Thanks, Papa," Tony chuckled politely. "But I've decided to stay here and go to school." He saw several heads nod in approval. "I've already enrolled in the local Community College and I plan to get my real estate license. Then I'll continue going to school until I get some sort of associate's degree that'll help me in real estate, probably management or finance or something." Again he saw heads nodding in approval. Tony was well aware that he was the only member of this Mancuso family who didn't have a college degree and he knew how much his papa valued education.

"Well I think that's an excellent choice, Son, you'll do well. I think real estate is a very good field for you to go into. You've always been a 'people person' and that'll work well for you."

"And then maybe you'll find a nice young lady like Ashley here and settle down like your other brothers and sister," Mama added.

At that moment Tony realized he faced a decision. How many times had Dave PROUDLY introduced him as his partner? Many! How could he now not do the same? He was as proud of Dave as Dave was of him. Somewhere deep inside Tony's gut the fire of courage began to grow. It spread throughout his abdomen and chest. He reached to his left under the table and found Dave's hand. He felt flushed. Looking at his father and glancing around the table at the smiles awaiting his reply, Tony made his decision. If he replied with a casual 'yeah, maybe someday,' he knew it would be the same as denying Dave's love. He squeezed Dave's hand and knew he couldn't do that.

"Well, Mama, it may surprise you to know that I've found someone." Now the smiles became grins, except for Sophia, Sean, Peter, and Ashley. "I've met someone who's the nicest, kindest, strongest, best looking, courageous, most wonderful person I've ever met."

'What the HELL is he doing?' Dave thought as he looked at the back of his lover's head, which was turned toward the far end of the table.

"And we've decided we want to spend the rest of our lives together." Tony rested, waiting for some response.

"Well," Papa asked excitedly, "when do we get to meet this person?"

Tony hesitated for a nano-second before answering. "You already have, Papa," Tony said with a degree of confidence that surprised even himself. Then, holding Dave's hand in his, he moved them to the top of the table. "And he's sitting right next to me."

The grins and smiles disappeared except for Sophia, Sean, Peter, and Ashley. Dave's mouth gapped open and all the blood seemed to drain from his face leaving him with an ashen appearance. Dave's wasn't the only mouth gapping open. Tony remained silent, willing to let someone else be the first to speak.

Papa's eyes seemed to bore holes into Tony's eyes then he shifted his gaze and bored holes into Dave's eyes. "Is that correct, Dave?" Papa asked.

Dave's throat was suddenly dry and practically paralyzed and the only sound that escaped was something resembling a squeak. He swallowed hard and tried again. "Yes Sir." He wanted to say a whole lot more but remembered something he'd learned in the Army - answer only the question that was asked, never volunteer information.

Papa looked at his wife but no words were exchanged. Dave noticed that Mama's hand was resting on Papa's right forearm and she squeezed it. Then Papa looked at his Mother. Her hand was resting on her son's other forearm and she just smiled. Then Papa turned his attention to Peter.

"Peter, you and Ashley don't look too surprised," Papa directed his question to his number three son.

"No, Papa, we figured it out yesterday." Peter paused for a moment. "And Ashley and I have no problem with it. We talked with them this morning and they both seem very mature and responsible about their relationship."

Papa seemed satisfied with that comment then he turned his gaze on his daughter.

"Sophia, I gather you and Sean knew about this and didn't tell us."

"Yes, Papa."

"And that's because?"

"Well, Papa, telling the family was Tony's responsibility. We'd talked about it and he knew he had to do it but we had no idea he was going to do it now."

"I see," Papa declared. "And you and Sean are okay with it?"

Sophia looked at Sean for some sign. "Yes, Papa." She replied with confidence.

"Christopher?" Papa looked at his number-two son.

"Well, we're just as surprised as you are."

"And how do you feel about it?"

"Shocked... uneasy... uncertain... disappointed maybe but not offended. But he should never for one instant think that I don't love him, he's my brother."

Papa's eyes then fell on Phillip.

"Well," Phillip gasped, "I never!" He pushed his chair back and began to stand. "That's disgusting! I'm not going to sit here and..."

"PHILLIP," Papa said sternly. "Sit - down," he commanded with authority.

Phillip glared at his offending brother and slowly sank back into his chair. "Papa, how can you be so calm about this?" he asked. "It's a sin! Remember Leviticus?"

"Phillip, be quite." Papa ordered. "Yes, I know what Leviticus says. I was the one who taught you. And what does Leviticus say about eating pork?"

Phillip appeared to be in thought for a moment. "It's a sin?"

"And we all just had pork for dinner," Papa chided. "Aren't we all sinners?"

"Well... yes, but..." Phillip seemed to struggle for words. "This is too much. I don't even want to be in the same house with him. Oh God! And to think I let my boys spend last night in his house unprotected!"

"Do you have any idea how many homosexuals we employ in our grocery stores?" Papa continued, ignoring Phillip's last statement.

"None if I can help it." Phillip replied haughtily.

"Well, there are several. And I suppose you don't know anything about the spousal benefits we've extended to those who have partners."

"We do?" Phillip sounded astonished.

" Phillip, Phillip. You really must get better informed about the business you'll inherit some day." Phillip hung his head. "Remember this, Tony is family and that trumps everything. He could be an ax murder and Mama and I'd still love and forgive him. Family, Phillip, is everything. And from what I can tell, Tony's made a damn fine choice for a partner."

Papa's hands were resting flat on top of the table. He raised them about six inches into the air, then slapped them down on the table surface making a very loud noise. If he hadn't had everyone's attention before that, he did now.

"SO!" he announced with great flare. "Now we know!"

"Know what, Papa?" Mama asked with intense interest.

"I've always wondered if any of our children would get the Greek gene and now we know." He was almost smiling at his own private joke... but not quite.

"Pepe!" "Phillip!" "Papa!" gasped Kristina, Mama, and Sophia simultaneously.

"Papa, may I make a comment, please?" Sean asked.

"By all means, Sean, jump right in, you're family."

"Thank you, Sir." Sean swallowed, took a drink of water and looked around the table. "I think it's a fair assessment that I owe my life to Dave. I've told you all about how we met. I'm convinced that if Dave hadn't been on that flight I might not be here today. As Sophia and I've come to know him better, I think Sophia would agree with me when I say there's nobody I'd trust more with the lives of my family than Dave. He's perhaps the most honest, most reliable, most trustworthy friend I've ever had. Dave confided in us early on that he was gay. And when we found out about these two, we were as surprised at you are n ow. And that's a story you'll want to hear later.

"But Tony's made the same pledge to us that Dave made to his family several years ago. And that is that they'll be discrete and do everything within their power to never embarrass the family. After observing them for a while I'm convinced they mean it. They're also very committed to do everything they can to shield the children from the facts of their relationship until the kids are old enough to understand. We can't ask any more than that." Sean paused and then added, "I guess that's all I have to say."

"Thank you, Sean, that was most enlightening and helpful. Mother?" he turned to his left and looked at his mother who must have squeezed his forearm again.

"Phillip," Grandma Kristina directed the question to her first grandson. "Do you remember your cousin Nicklas Laskaris?"

Phillip thought for a moment. He'd forgotten all about Nick. They first met when they were both six years old and Phillip made his first visit to Italy and Greece. They became instant friends and each year they alternated visiting each other until they both entered college. After that their lives became more complicated and they drifted apart.

"Yes, Grandma, I do remember Nick. But what's he got to do with Tony?"

"I thought you might be interested to know that for almost ten years now Nicklas has been living in Athens with his male partner. You really should keep up with the family, my boy."

"Y-yes, Grandma," Phillip responded meekly feeling duly chastised.

At that point, Papa placed his hands on the table and lifted himself out of his chair signaling that the dinner/family meeting was adjourned. Everyone else stood. Then Papa walked around to where Tony was standing and, without a word, gave his son an obviously warm hug. When he released a surprised Tony, he surprised Dave by taking him into his arms and squeezed him in a tight hug.

"Welcome to our family, Dave, we all look forward to getting to know you better."

"I-I..." Dave was in shock and momentarily lost for words. This entire proceeding had rendered him virtually speechless. "Th-thank you, Papa, I'm greatly honored." He finally managed to get out of his mouth.

"Now, let's all go into the family room and get to know more about how these two boys met. And, Sophia," she looked at her father, "I expect you'll tell us that story about how you discovered these two," and he laughed.

Everyone picked up their own desert plates and coffee cups and carried them to the kitchen then congregated in the media room. Papa asked Tony to relate how he and Dave met and Tony told the same cleaned-up version he'd originally told Sophia. Then Sophia gave an entertainingly humorous account of that day when she and Sean dropped in on Dave unannounced and found Tony greeting them at the front door.

Tony and Dave laughed along with the rest of the adult family and to everyone's delight they also blushed a little. Everyone laughed except Phillip who was still licking his wounds caused by his father's mild rebuke and his grandmother's scolding.

"Should I begin making plans for your boys to stay here tonight?" Sean asked Phillip a while later.

"I don't know what to do, Sean. I'm not at all comfortable with them being at Dave's house but I don't know how I'll explain why they aren't going back there. They're looking forward to swimming again."

"Look, Phillip, I was being completely honest earlier when I said I'd trust my family's lives to Dave's care. He and Tony are not pedophiles, they're gay. There's a big difference! And the fact that they're committed to protecting the kids says a lot about how much they care for them. He and Tony often take care of his three nephews and Shannon and the kids love them, in spite of they're being strict."

"Yeah, I heard all that but I'm still not sure."

"You know what Tony told me a few days ago?" Phillip facial expression indicated he was interested. "Dave is the muscle behind getting the Philos Foundation to expand its operation to provide shelter, food, clothing, medical, and psychological support for abused and abandoned children in this area. He really wants to protect kids."

Phillip appeared bewildered. Sean suspected that he'd painted himself into a corner and didn't have a clue how to get out of it.

"Look," Sean began, "when it's time for the boys to go to Dave's, what if I pile them into my SUV and take them there?"

In his mind, Phillip was relieved but he couldn't look too eager by jumping at the idea. He'd made a stand earlier and wound up being the lone dissenter. It hadn't left him with a warm and fuzzy feeling. Sean's suggestion would allow him to avoid having to swallow his pride in such a public way. He stared at his brother-in-law for several seconds to create the appearance that he was struggling with the offer.

"Thanks." Phillip believed that any further comment might get him into a discussion where he didn't want to go. Sean patted him on his shoulder and moved away. He understood that Phillip's pride was at stake here.

The boys went back to Dave's and swam for about an hour then got ready for bed and watched the "101 Dalmatians" video. Peter and Ashley arrived before the movie ended and helped Tony and Dave carry three sleepyheads up to bed.

Dave and Tony told Peter and Ashley "Good night" and went to bed. Only this time they both headed straight to Dave's bedroom, the charade was over. Dave killed the pool lights and left Peter and Ashley to their own devices.

"I'm exhausted!" Dave exclaimed as he slid between the sheets of his bed.

"Me too." Tony added as he spooned in behind his lover.

"I can't believe you did that," Dave said.

"Neither can I. But it's your fault." Tony was stroking Dave's chest.

"And just how can it be my fault?" Dave grabbed Tony's hand and stopped the stroking.

"Earlier today you showed me just how much you really care about me. I couldn't deny that. I really love you too."

"Yeah, I know..." Those were the last words spoken before sleep captured both men.

Monday, September 1. By agreement, the boys were allowed to go swimming for an hour and a half in the morning then they had to get ready to leave. Everyone assembled at the McGregor residence for lunch and then began loading up the vehicles for departure. Christopher and Kelly and their three kids were the first to leave to catch their plane to Chicago. Papa, Mama, and Grandma Kristina were next to leave but not before they gave everyone lots of hugs. Dave still felt a little uneasy about it but handled it well. Then it was time for Peter's family to leave. Peter walked over to Tony and extended his hand.

"Thanks for the hospitality and for taking care of the boys," Phillip managed to say. He was obviously trying to mend some fences but still had some unresolved issues in his mind. Under the circumstances this was the best he could do.

"You're welcome, Phillip," Tony replied as he shook his brother's hand, "but Dave's the one you ought to be thanking, it's his house." Tony had watched Phillip avoid Dave ever since he startled the family with his announcement and he really wanted Phillip to at least speak to Dave.

Phillip took a deep breath. He'd expended a great deal of courage just approaching Tony and now he was being asked, no, expected to do more. He saw Dave just a few feet away talking to Jackie, who didn't seem to harbor any reservations about him. With an almost smile at Tony, Phillip turned and took the few steps to where his wife and Dave were talking and extended his hand.

"Thanks, Dave, for all your hospitality. The boys had a great time."

Dave had a sense of how difficult this must be for Phillip and he felt a little revenge, Phillip deserved it. But he also knew how much 'Family' meant to Tony and it was time for Dave to take the high road.

"I'm glad to help out, Phillip," Dave replied with a disarming smile and shook Phillip's hand. "It's been an honor. And I'm really glad I had the opportunity to see you again." 'Maybe there's hope here,' Dave thought.

"Well yes. Now we'd best be getting along, Jackie," Phillip announced as he turned away from Dave and began shooing his kids into the SUV. 'Damn him!' Phillip thought. 'Why does he make it so hard not to like him?'

Not long after that, Dave and Tony drove Peter and Ashley to the airport. Ashley made them promise to fly up and visit them sometime and the two men agreed that they would, especially for the wedding. After the proper hugs, Peter and Ashley got in line to go through security screening and Dave and Tony waved goodbye.

Back at the house, Tony took Dave by the hand, led him into 'his' new bedroom, stripped both of them, climbed into bed and pulled Dave down on top of him. Their lovemaking seemed to achieve a completely different level than they'd previously reached. Each man invested so much emotion in their coupling and made it last as long as possible. They were totally exhausted when they finished and lay loosely and comfortably in each other's arms as their heart rates returned toward normal.

Dave listened quietly. Was he? Yes. Tony was sobbing. Dave pulled Tony to him.

"Oh Baby, what's wrong?" Dave pleaded softly. Normally he detested hearing the term 'baby' used to address a grown man but at this special moment it was the most appropriate term.

"Nothing," Tony sobbed. Dave kissed his cheek and tasted the salty tear that had wet it and then he held him tighter. "It's just... Oh! God! It's finally over. What a relief!" And Tony sobbed even harder. Dave, caught up with his own emotions, joined his lover as they allowed the pent up tensions to drain from their bodies.

"I'm gonna take you out to dinner," Tony announced when they finally calmed down.


"Remember Donato's?"

"You mean that Italian restaurant close to that fleabag hotel I rescued you from?"

"The very one!"

"Great! They had terrific lasagna."

"And I think I lost my heart to you over a plate of that stuff."


"You were so fucking charming and handsome in that ambience."

"Ambience! Ambience! Where do you come up with these words?" Dave laughed. "Ouch!" He squealed as Tony poked him in the ribs. That led to a tickling match that neither was going to win or lose.

Dave finally bounded out of bed. "C'mon, let's get cleaned up," His cum had dried on their abdomens and the room smelled of sex. They showered together and were drying off when Dave remembered something. He ran into his bedroom and returned very quickly.

"Here! Happy Birthday," Dave said as he handed Tony a soft package wrapped in birthday paper.

"What's this?"

"Well open it and find out," Dave said with a grin.

Tony tore the paper with ease and stood looking at a 3-pack of white CK boxer briefs. "You want me to wear these?" He asked with surprise.

"Yeah, try'em on." Giving Dave a suspicious look but without responding, Tony removed one pair of boxer briefs, shook them out and stepped into them.

"Cool!" Tony exclaimed as he looked into the mirror and turned from side to side to see how they fit. "They feel great!"

"They look sexy too," Dave said with a husky voice as he reached out and lovingly, suggestively cupped Tony's package.

"How come you got white, aren't yours gray?" Tony mode no move to stop Dave from fondling his genitals through the soft cotton.

"Oh, this way we can tell them apart. Also, the contrast of the white fabric against your dark skin turns me on."

"So!" Tony exclaimed as he took a naked Dave tightly into his arms and planted a kiss on his lips. "You just want me for my body."

"No, I want you because I love you. But there's nothing wrong with keeping it spicy is there?"

"Absolutely not," Tony replied as he affectionately kissed his partner again. At that moment a loud growling sound emitted form Tony stomach. "Don't ya think we need to get a move on before I starve to death?"

Donato's wasn't crowded when they got there and they got a booth in a dark corner. Dave and Tony enjoyed the bread and wine until their salads arrived. The lasagna was delicious as expected. Dave took the opportunity to briefly outline his schedule for the week and it included the need to visit Philos and talk to Doc Gray. Tony ran down his plans and said that after work on Thursday, he needed rush home and get cleaned up then go by the Community College Bookstore to pick up a list of supplies. Dave saw that as a good time for him go to Philos and they could meet somewhere for dinner.

They sat looking at each other as they finished off their wine when Tony made an admission.

"I'm really glad that's over with, I was scared to death."

"You!" Dave exclaimed. "I was mortified! I couldn't believe you were doing that."

"Well, now it's over, we can relax. It turned out pretty well, don't ya think?"

"Yeah, it did turn out well, except for Phillip."

"Hey, don't give up on him, he'll come around."

"But it's not really over, ya know," Dave looked at Tony who had a confused look on his face.

"Not over! Whatta ya mean?"

"We still have one more family."

"Who!" Tony almost shouted.

"The Roehls... in Dallas." It took a few seconds for that to sink in and then Dave added, "But that's not a big deal. They're gonna love you and you'll love them too."

"Did you tell me about that and I forgot?" Tony was trying to be fair but he really didn't remember Dave mentioning any meeting with the Roehls.

Dave thought for a moment. "Damn! I'm not sure. I know I've told you about them but I can't remember if I said anything about you meeting them. Is it a problem?"

At that moment Tony felt a little miffed, offended perhaps. 'How could he make plans without asking? It's not like Dave to take advantage of our relationship' Tony thought. 'No, it doesn't matter. Look at how he stood by me, supported me this past weekend. That was important, not this.'

"No, Babe, it's no problem, I was just surprised, that's all. So how do we do this, I mean..." Tony began to ask.

"Okay," Dave began, "next weekend, no, make that two weeks from yesterday, Monday, I have to attend the quarterly meeting of the AANCF. I'd like for us to leave here the Friday before and fly to Dallas. I'll introduce you to the whole Texas family. Of course you already know Marcus."

As Dave began explaining how he thought their schedule might work, Tony was thinking about his new boxer briefs. He'd been aware of them ever since he put them on, the way they gripped his upper thighs and held his equipment snuggly and securely in place and without any elastic straps cutting into his groin. They did make him feel sexy and he felt movement down below.

"... so whatta ya think?" Dave asked.

"Uh, yeah, that'll be great," Tony responded, having heard only about half of what Dave had said. "What kind of clothes should I take?"

"Well now ya don't have much to choose from so how about we go get you some new duds?"

"Gee, that's gonna cut into my education money; maybe this isn't such a good idea."

"Okay," Dave reached across the table and took hold of Tony's hand. "This is where we make an investment using some of the money from Paul's trust fund."

"Oh, I don't know, Dave..."

"Remember when you first moved in and we agreed to some conditions?"


"Well, this is one of those situations. I have obligations and I definitely want you by my side. We can go to Brooks Brother's and get you a suit, a sport coat and slacks, and a few shirts and ties. Oh yeah, and some new shoes too."

"Isn't Brooks Brother's pretty expensive? My dad gets his clothes at Jos. A. Bank's and they've got really nice stuff."

"Okay, that'll be fine. I've often thought about checking them out. How about tomorrow after work, you get cleaned up, we'll have dinner and then go to Bank's?"

"How about I get cleaned up, we go to Bank's and then we go to dinner? I don't want to be trying on clothes with a full stomach."

"Never thought of that, of course!"

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 61: The Partnership 5

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