David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Aug 4, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Partnership 06

Dave slowed the car and made the left turn into the Roehl driveway. He and Tony could see a great deal of the activity to the left on near side of the creek bank. A stage had been erected and several people appeared to be working on props for the evening's show. Dave stopped to watch when one of the figures stood, waved and began walking toward the car. Dave lowered the window and waved back.

"It's about time you got here, young man," Steve admonished affectionately as he strode up to the car. Dave placed the transmission in Park, opened the door and got out.

"Hi Steve, looks like you're almost ready," Dave announced as Steve approached. They shook hands then hugged each other.

Tony watched from inside the car and wondered, 'Should I get out? Should I stay here and wait until Dave says something? That must be Steve Roehl, I guess I'd better get out and go meet him.'

"Good to have you back, Son, and I guess this must be that significant man in you life," Steve said as he saw Tony emerging from the other side of the car. He released Dave and began walking around the back of the car.

"Yes it is, Steve; I'd like to introduce Tony Mancuso. Tony, this is Steve Roehl, one of the two wonderful people I've told you so much about." Tony extended his hand. Steve grasped it and squeezed firmly but not in a punishing way.

A hot flash of embarrassment surged through Tony's body; he felt flushed like he was blushing. 'Shit! He knows what Dave and I do in our bedroom? Stop thinking like that. You've been perfectly fine with Dave's whole family and with your own. Now stop feeling so guilty. I wonder if he'll hug me like he did Dave? '

Steve's greeting was warm and friendly. "Welcome, Tony, we've been waiting with great anticipation for this day." He made no attempt at a hug, that would come later after he felt more comfortable about Tony.

"And so have I, Sir." Tony replied with a smile.

"I hope Dave didn't lay it on so thick that we won't be able to live up to his promise."

"Oh, Sir, Dave is always truthful; I've been looking forward to this visit with a lot of excitement."

"Well now Tony," Steve said in a very fatherly tone of voice as he slipped his arm around Tony's shoulder and guided him toward the driver's side of the car where Dave was standing with a big grin on his face. "First of all we really must let go of the 'Sir' thing. I'm Steve and the misses is Alex, but she'll tell you that herself. Whatta ya think of our setup?" Steve asked. It was a general question to both men as he shifted the focus of conversation.

"Ya know, Steve, I think it gets better every year," Dave replied.

"What is all this stuff, anyway?" Tony asked. This was one thing Dave hadn't explained.

"Well, Tony, you're in for a real treat," Steve began. "This afternoon the Bar-B-Q starts at about 5:00 out behind the stable. There'll be lots of Texas beef, Texas beans, Texas beer, and a lot of other food to stuff yourselves with. The first guests should start arriving about 5:30 so you'll want to be ready before then."

"How many do you expect, Steve?" Dave asked.

"Round 150, maybe a few more."

"Wow, that's larger than last year," Dave exclaimed.

"I think the good weather has had a lot to do with it. However, tonight's turnout should be close to 300."

"What happens tonight?" Tony asked.

"Dave, you haven't told your man about our party? I'm surprised!" Dave and Tony both immediately picked up on Steve's reference to 'your man.' "Okay, Tony, here's the deal. Tonight you're gonna see a play that tells the story of how this part of the country was settled. It's a story that's been told for a long time; I don't remember when the first one happened but the locals have been putting on this play since before I was born. It's all local talent and they sing and dance on stage and everybody has a fun time."

"But where are all these 300 people gonna sit?" Tony looked around and didn't see any bleachers.

"See the other side of the creek?" Dave asked. "It may not be easy to see from here but that bank is actually terraced and people bring blankets and sit on the ground or folding chairs and benches."

"Now you men better get a move on or I'll be in trouble with Alex for keeping you here. See, there she is, standing on the porch waving."

"Okay," Dave laughed, "we're on our way. See ya shortly, Steve." He and Tony climbed back into the car and continued down the incline, toward the bridge and up the other side to the house.

"What should I do?" Tony asked as the car rumbled across the bridge.

"What should you do?" Dave repeated the question and glanced to his right. He could see that familiar frown on Tony's face. "Oh, sorry, it's the question with a question thing isn't it? Well, clarify what you mean by 'What should I do?' my man."

Tony chuckled. "Like do I shake her hand, give her a hug or a kiss?" Tony clarified. He'd just been through the same situation with Steve and now thought it best to seek guidance from 'his man.'

"Ha-ha!" Dave laughed. "Just be cool. Let Alex take the lead. If she offers her hand, shake it. If she wants a hug, let her give you one then give one back. If she wants a kiss on the cheek, let her initiate it. But I don't think she'll want to go that far just yet, more like the worm handshake that you got from Steve."

"Thanks. I just need to know what the ground rules are," Tony replied with a grin as Dave stopped the car in front of the house. Alex was walking down the steps dressed in designer denims, cowgirl boots, and a light blue cotton blouse with a bandana around her neck. She looked stunning as usual.

"Oh David, I'm so thrilled you could get here so early," Alex exclaimed as both men exited the car. "And this has to be Tony," she said with great warmth in her voice and extended her hand.

Tony took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze only to be surprised by a firm-fisted grip in return. "Yes ma'am, Tony Mancuso." Tony introduced himself and grinned at this very friendly and very lovely lady.

"Well we're very happy to see you, Tony. We've been looking forward to this moment every since Dave e-mailed us about the good news." Tony looked with suspicion to his left as Dave approached from the front of the car. Dave never mentioned he'd been e-mailing the Roehls about him.

"And David, welcome home." Alex wrapped him in a hug accompanied by a kiss on the cheek. It was the usual greeting. Tony stood in wonderment about how close and intimate Dave seemed to Alex and Steve.

"Come, we'll go into the house and as soon as Steve gets here we'll have lunch," Alex directed.

"Alex, why don't you take Tony inside while I move the car around back and bring the luggage in?" That was more of a suggestion than a question. "Then I won't have to move it later."

"That's a wonderful idea, David. Tony and I'll visit until you get there," Alex responded.

Dave got back into the car and drove around to the garage where he removed their luggage, carried it into the house and deposited it at the foot of the stairs. Then he proceeded to look for Tony. He could try the kitchen but didn't figure Alex would take him there. His first guess was the living room and he headed in that direction.

As Dave approached the French doors to the living room he could see Tony standing in the middle of the room staring up at the wall. Tony's mouth was partly open; a sign of amazement, and Dave knew what he was looking at.

"There you are," Dave stated as he entered the room and walked up beside 'his man.'

Tony didn't reply immediately, he continued staring up at Paul's portrait. Tony slid his arm around Dave's waist and pulled him close in an expression of his affection. "Dave," Tony finally said softly, "I think I'm beginning to understand. It's easy to see how you could fall in love with him, he's really imp ressive."

"Yeah," was all Dave could say due to the lump in his throat. Private, intimate moments like these moved him and he hugged Tony in return. The room was quiet. The only sounds were of two men breathing. Then they heard the sound of a ladies cowgirl boots approaching on the wood floors. They separated and turned to face the sound.

"Here we are," Alex announced as she entered the room carrying a tray with four glasses of iced tea. "This ought to clear the dust from your throats. Steve is washing up and will be here in a few minutes." She sat the tray on a table and handed one each to Dave and Tony. "So tell me about your trip. Did you have a good time last evening at Beth and Art's party?"

Alex certainly knew how to get a conversation started. She had seen Dave and Tony staring at her son's portrait and decided to leave any discussion of him to the two men. Steve joined them almost immediately and they had a nice visit. When Lucia announced the lunch was ready then they went to the kitchen.

After lunch, Dave led Tony up stairs to Paul's room where they unpacked, changed into the appropriate attire for the rest of the day and evening - Levi's and polo shirts. As they were getting ready to put on their Levi's there was a knock at the door. Without thinking Dave said 'Come in,' it was Steve carrying a pair of cowboy boots.

"Tony, try these on, they should fit if Dave was correct in giving us your shoe size." Steve couldn't help notice Tony's awesome Marine and construction honed body and how terrific he looked in his white boxer briefs against his slightly darker skin. He'd seen Dave often enough that he no longer looked. Well, maybe just a little.

"Thank you, Si... Alex," Tony replied as he took the boots from Steve's hands. He wasn't sure but he thought he saw Steve checking him out. Oh well, probably the normal male thing.

"C'mon out back when you're ready, we can use some help in settin' up the Bar-B-Q." And with that, Steve left.

They finished dressing quickly and joined a group of people behind the house where the Bar-B-Q was going strong. Dave and Tony quickly jumped in and helped set up tables with tablecloths and chairs. Time passed quickly and before long the party guests began arriving.

Over the years, Dave had met many of the town's residents and was no longer considered a stranger. That made it easy for him to make introductions without much assistance. Dave and Tony had discussed what they thought was the proper way introduce Tony and they agreed that it would be best to say that Tony was a friend he'd brought along. That was in keeping with Dave's policy of not making a public display about their sexual orientation but they wouldn't lie about it if anyone were to ask. They certainly didn't want to become the focus of attention and announcing that they were partners would have done that. They did, however, agree to wear their rings but nobody seemed to notice.

Shortly after 6:30, Alex walked up to them with an older, distinguished looking gentleman on her arm, someone Dave hadn't seen before. He kind of stood out because instead of denims and cowboy boots like most everyone else he was wearing dress slacks and a white shirt.

"David, Tony," she began, "I'd like to introduce an old family friend. This is Father Vergos, the minister at the Greek Orthodox Church in Dallas. Father, this is David Baker and his friend Tony Mancuso."

"Good evening, Father, it's a pleasure to meet you." Dave smiled as he shook Father Vergos' hand. Then the priest extended his hand to Tony.

"Kalespera, Pater (Good evening, Father)," Tony said with his most charming smile. "Ti kanes (how are you)?"

Father Vergos appeared caught off guard, perhaps startled for a moment and Dave and Alex did a real double take. Then the priest recovered.

"Kala, efkaristo yeos mu (Well, thank you my son)." Father Vergos replied and brought his other hand up to grasp Tony's hand in both of his. "Ka si (And you)?"

"Kala, Pater, poli kala (Well, Father, very well)." Tony was almost ready to chuckle at the reaction he'd caused.

"Pardon us for being so rude, Alex, but it seems this young man speaks Greek. Is that right son?"

"Yes, Father, but not very well."

"Well it sounded quite good to me. We must talk some more, later. Please allow me to greet the others and I'll be back, if that will be all right."

"Of course, Father, I would enjoy that," Tony smiled as Alex led Father Vergos away. Alex turned her head and gave Tony a questioning look.

"Where the hell did that come from? You've been holding out on me." Dave was obviously surprised and impressed. "Where did you learn Greek?"

"Remember, I told you I used to spend summers in Greece and Italy when I was a kid? Well, I learned how to speak a little Greek, a little Italian too. And for some strange reason, when Father Vergos spoke to me I just instinctively replied in Greek."

"Well," Dave said quietly in a humorously threatening tone of voice, " just wait until I get you alone. I'll show you what I think of your 'little Greek' and 'little Italian.' Then he chuckled.

"Promises, promises," Tony chuckled back. "But I don't think it's that little."

"No, it's not. It's just right." Dave pressed an elbow into Tony's ribs. "Now lets get some ribs before they're all gone."

Tony and Father Vergos did find each other a little later and enjoyed a brief and interesting conversation in Greek even though Tony struggled a little due to lack of practice. Dave tagged along and assured Father Vergos that he wouldn't be the least bit offended if he and Tony spoke Greek, Dave found it interesting to listen to.

Just before 8:00 p.m. the guests at the Bar-B-Q began meandering around toward the front of the house and joined others who were arriving from other parties around town to see the play. Everyone searched for the choice location on the bank from which to watch the play.

Dave and Tony passed through the house and grabbed a blanket from a stack that Alex had placed by the front door and then walked down the hill to sit down. Having seen the play previously, Dave knew exactly where he wanted Tony to sit so that he would have the best view of the activities on stage.

By 8:30 the sun was getting low and the stage was illuminated by generator powered lights. Suddenly shots rang out just off stage left followed by cowboys and horses racing across in front of the stage shouting and firing their six-guns. As the 'posse' circled around and disappeared behind the stage, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake, young men and women appeared on stage, all dressed in period clothes like characters from an old wild-west movie.

The play began with a small amount of introductory dialogue and then erupted into song. It wasn't long before Tony found something to comment on. He and Dave were sitting close together with their knees pulled up and held comfortably by their arms. Tony leaned toward Dave and in a low voice made an observation.

"See that cowpoke on the right near the front of the stage? Oh man, woof! Just look at that package!"

"Yeah, I see him," Dave replied, "why the hell are you looking at him when ya got me sittin' right next to you?"

Tony was quick. "Hey, it's for your benefit!"

"My benefit?!" Dave chuckled quietly. "Just how's that?"

"Well, whether it's looking at some stud construction buddy or all those hot cowboys with tight asses and stuffed packages, it really turns me on. And when that happens I automatically to turn to you for attention."

Dave thought for a moment. Tony had presented him with an opportunity to tweak Tony's libido and he seized it. "See that stud on stage left?"


"Well, imagine him standing there wearing nothing but boots and a ten-gallon hat."

"Oh shit, woof-woof!" Tony exclaimed quietly. Moments later he began squirming around trying to adjust himself causing Dave to chuckle quietly. "Ya know, one of my oldest fantasies is bein' a cowboy and bein' out on the range with other cowboys, just us alone with the prairie dogs and we get it on. That's about the best fantasy ever!"

Dave laughed louder. "Damn you Baker, you set me up!" Now Tony chuckled at getting tricked. "I'll get you for that."

"Yeah, promises, promises." Dave chuckled some more and they settled in to watching the play for real.

At the conclusion, the audience was on its feet cheering and applauding loudly. Tony was really impressed and thoroughly enjoyed it. The crowd seemed to melt away and was completely gone in less than thirty minutes. Alex, Steve, Dave and Tony walked back to the house.

"What happens with all this junk?" Tony asked, referring to the paper cups, napkins, and other litter left behind.

"There's a crew that comes in early tomorrow morning to clean it all up," Steve explained. "By breakfast time, you won't know anyone was here... except for the stage. Another crew will be here tomorrow afternoon to dismantle it and put it away for next year."

The foursome walked up the steps and into the house. Dave and Tony bid Alex and Steve goodnight and went on up to their room. Dave could almost feel the sexual vibrations radiating from Tony's body. The poor boy really had been turned on by all those studs on stage and on horseback.

Tony was first into the bathroom; it wasn't big enough for two people. Dave followed and popped Tony on his butt as he left; they both laughed. Dave took his turn in the bathroom to brush his teeth and use the porcelain appliance then turned out the bathroom light and walked into the bedroom. As he approached the bed, Dave could see that Tony was already asleep.

'Poor baby, must've been too much excitement for him,' Dave thought. He leaned over, gently pressed his lips to Tony's forehead and smiled. Then he turned the light off, slid between the sheets and spooned back against his partner. Even in his sleep Tony wrapped his left arm around Dave and drew him closer. "I love you," Dave whispered then quickly drifted off to sleep safe and secure in his lover's arms.

The room was totally dark when Dave awoke and became aware of his surroundings. He felt Tony's body still pressed against his back, his lover's chest hair tickling his skin and the warm breath on the back of his neck. Suddenly Dave was overcome with a sensation of peace and calm, joy and happiness. It was as though he could feel Paul's spirit filling the room, blessing their union. He opened his eyes but saw nothing. If Paul WAS present he was choosing not to make it known. Dave glanced at the clock to see '02:18' displayed. A smile formed across his face as he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

Sunday morning the two men showered, shaved, dressed and found their way into the kitchen where Steve was well on his way to fixing breakfast.

"Sleep all right?" Steve asked and then turned back around to stir the ingredients in a mixing bowl.

"Great, Steve," Dave replied as his left hand squeezed Tony's right buttock affectionately.

"Yeah super!" Tony replied as he used his right arm to knock Dave's hand away, hoping Steve hadn't seen that. "Hey, sausage and pancakes!" Tony noticed excitedly. "I'm hungry."

"He's always hungry, Steve, so you'd better make a lot," Dave laughed.

"There's more where this came from," Steve grinned. He loved having two young men around who would appreciate his cooking.

Alex joined them before too much longer and Tony told them how much he enjoyed last night's play. He'd never seen anything like it and thought it was really interesting and exciting. He left unsaid any comments about the sexy cowboys.

Dave and Tony accompanied the Roehls to the 10:00 service at the Episcopal Church. Dave was amazed at how Tony seemed to know exactly what to do and say at the appropriate time. He remembered how Paul had to coach him through the first couple of services he attended. On the way out of the church after the end of the service, the priest greeted Dave like an old friend even though he only saw him once every three months. Dave proudly introduced Tony has his good friend from home and the priest made Tony feel exceedingly welcome.

"You seemed to know your way around that service," Dave said as he and Tony followed the Roehls to the car. They'd been delayed by all the visiting and handshaking that went on outside the church.

"Yeah, well, it's a lot like the Catholic Church, except without the Pope." Tony smiled. That's the first time he ever made any reference to his religious background.

Once in the car, Tony had a question for his host. "Hey Steve, where can I get a pair of boots like these?" Following Dave's lead that morning he'd worn the boots Steve loaned him the previous afternoon.

"There's a place on the Square, Tony, but they won't open until 1:00," Steve replied.

"Dear, let's go have some lunch at Lula's and then we can drop in at the Western Wear store just a couple doors down the street," Alex suggested.

"That's where I got these boots," Dave said as he lifted his right foot to show Tony. "And I think the ones I have at home came from there too." Over the years Dave had found it more convenient to keep one pair of boots at both locations, thus avoiding the need to pack one pair in his luggage.

After lunch at Lula's, they all went to the Western Wear store. Tony acted like a boy in a toy store. He loved anything western. He picked out some boots and wore them home.

Back at the house, Alex was the first to notice. "Connie and Adam are here!" she exclaimed exuberantly. Steve parked in front of the house and Alex was the first out the door and up the front steps. Connie, followed by Adam walked out of the house just as Alex reached the top step. Steve and Dave soon caught up and joined the hugs and kisses; Tony lagged behind waiting for introductions. Dave was quick to get to it.

Connie and Adam greeted Tony with warm handshakes and smiles, as they were both happy to see Dave find someone with whom to share his life. They adjourned to the living room for a brief visit. Connie and Adam were both interested in getting better acquainted with Tony and more of less monopolized his time.

After a short time Connie suggested they all go for a ride. That was something she grew up doing and now that she and Adam lived in the city she was always excited about any opportunity to spend time on a horse re-exploring the ranch. Since Connie and Adam were already dressed for riding, the others rushed up stairs and changed.

Dave always made a point of observing Tony in new situations. He was interested in comparing Tony's reactions as a way of getting to know and understand his lover even better.

"Ever ridden a horse before?" Dave asked as they walked down the stairs en route to the stable.

"Not really, rode a pony once or twice at a park but it was on a leash."

"Well, this'll be a little different," Dave advised.

Arriving in the stable, Dave took Tony straight to Lightening. "Oh, what a beautiful animal!" Tony exclaimed as he reached out and stroked the horse's long neck. With Dave present, Lightning was quite calm. "He's really big and handsome."

"Here you go, Tony," Steve interrupted. "I think you'll be just fine with this gelding." He was leading the horse by the reins and it was already saddled.

"Thanks, Steve, he's another beauty. Just show me how to get on and I'm ready." Tony chuckled with excited anticipation. He waited for Dave and the others to saddle their horses then Dave demonstrated how to mount. Without any difficulty, Tony placed his left foot in the stirrup, lifted himself up, swung his right leg over the horse and settled into the saddle like he belonged there. 'He looks so fucking hot in that saddle with his legs wrapped snuggly around his horse,' Dave thought and began to get a little wood. 'He's a natural.'

The group started out with Steve serving as tour guide and Tony at his right side. Adam and Dave were right behind the first two and Alex and Connie brought up the rear. As the horses walked, Steve talked and Tony listened. The others engaged in lively conversation on a variety of topics. Dave and Adam talked a little business but they couldn't hear what Alex and Connie were discussing.

Being directly behind Steve and Tony, Dave had an excellent vantagepoint to observe his lover. He was amazed at how Steve seemed to be taken with him. They were laughing and smiling and talking with their hands. Tony appeared right at home on a horse and Dave finally realized that he was looking at the new, self-confident Tony. The young man was different than the self-conscious, uncertain one Dave first met at the construction site that fateful day several weeks back. Tony was all man and it showed. Publicly he seemed more like the confident Marine Dave knew in private. Perhaps it was because he'd finally made a transition and was now comfortable being gay but not having to broadcast it. Perhaps Tony had realized that for the immediate group of friends his being gay was not an issue. Dave felt his chest swell with pride.

As the 'posse' continued, the group behind the lead horses switched around so that Dave and Connie were next to each other in the rear.

"I really like him, Dave," Connie said with as much privacy as she could, considering the circumstances. "And I Adam told me he does too."

"I'm really happy, Connie, I hoped you would."

"And it's quite obvious that you love each other. Who's idea was it to get the rings?"

"Tony, we were in Ft. Lauderdale and he dragged me into a jewelry store."

"I think it's a nice touch." After a moment's pause Connie continued. "And the relationship must be good for you; I've never seen you looking happier!"

"Thanks, Connie, I didn't' know it was that obvious."

"It probably isn't as obvious to people who don't know you and care about you like I do."

"Well, now that you raised the subject, you're looking really beautiful, Connie," Dave paid his compliment as he studied her face. "Really! You're so alive, so... I don't know, just really lovely, radiant maybe!"

"Why, thank you Dave," Connie blushed slightly and fell silent for a moment.

Then Dave remembered where he'd seen that look before. He looked back at Connie. She followed his eyes as they dropped to her midsection and back to her face. A big grin began to spread across his face.

"What?" she asked.

"Oh... nothing." Dave continued to grin at his practically adopted sister and gently nodded his head up and down.

"Oh David," Connie finally said, as she blushed even more. "You know don't you."

Dave grinned and nodded.

"Please don't say anything, it's to be a surprise at dinner."

"You have my word," Dave promised and he reached across the space between them, grasped Connie's left hand and gave it an affectionate squeeze.

Everyone dressed casually for dinner as Alex was serving leftover Bar-B-Q from yesterday's party. While standing around the living room talking, Dave noticed the look on Steve's face when Connie declined the glass of wine he offered her. But Steve must have chalked it up to woman's prerogative and let the matter pass.

Tony was having a wonderful time. Being with Steve, Alex, Adam, Connie and Dave was a lot like being with his own large family. There were plenty of topics to talk about and Dave observed that Tony seemed to be coming into his element, a quality he admired but hadn't had the opportunity to witness before now.

After the meal, the family sat around the dining room table, the men enjoying coffee and the ladies drinking tea. Adam went around the table with the wine bottle and made sure there was a small amount of wine in each wineglass. Then he sat down and struck the rim of his wineglass with his fork.

"I would like to propose a toast," he announced. Conversation halted immediately and all eyes turned toward Adam and everyone but Connie raised their glass. Looking around the table to make sure he had everyone's undivided attention, Adam began. "I am proud to make a toast to Grandma and Grandpa Roehl and to their future happiness."

Alex and Steve had puzzled looks on their faces. Why was Adam making a toast to Steve's parents? Alex saw the grin on Dave's face and she suddenly got it. She squealed so loud that Dave thought the crystal wineglasses would shatter. She jumped up from her chair, rushed around the table and threw her arms around her daughter. Pandemonium filled the dining room for at least thirty minutes, maybe more. Eventually things calmed down and happiness reigned for the rest of the evening.

Around 9:30 PM, Connie and Adam had to leave for their home, they had commitments on Monday morning. Alex complained that she needed more time with her daughter and said she would drive in tomorrow for lunch. She obviously had more extensive plans in mind.

As soon as the King's left, everyone felt exhausted and turned in for the evening. Dave and Tony decided to forego anything sexual and wait until they got home.

Monday morning, Dave and Tony thought they were up early, still functioning on Eastern time, only to find Steve drinking his second cup of coffee as they entered the kitchen. Alex was dressed but remained in her room, already making plans for her first grandchild.

The partners quickly ate breakfast, loaded the car, and said their good-byes. Tony thanked the Roehls profusely for a wonderful weekend. He said it was difficult to find words to accurately describe what he felt. As Dave expected, Steve and Alex both hugged Tony and Alex actually kissed his cheek. Steve and Alex stood on the front porch waving as the two young men departed for the AANCF Board of Directors Meeting.

Dave had already explained a great deal about the BOD meeting and what was likely to happen. He also told his partner and confidant about the announcement he was going to make. Tony felt relieved because it was clear that he would have no part in the action but could sit back and observe quietly.

Dave showed Tony around the facility, introducing him to many of the staff, and giving a superficial explanation of how the activity operated. Tony absorbed as much as possible and felt a strong sense of pride in his partner's success. Judging by people's reactions, Tony was impressed at the respect they obviously had for Dave.

The Board Meeting was preceded by a buffet lunch that allowed members to mingle and get caught up on things since the last meeting. That also gave Dave the opportunity to introduce Tony. The meeting began on time and moved rapidly through the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, committee reports, old, and new business. Just before the President requested a motion to adjourn he requested that everyone remain seated after the adjournment because Dave had an announcement to make. With a nod from the President one member moved for adjournment and another seconded. The vote was unanimous, the meeting was adjourned and Dave stood.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you know, I'm involved with the Philos Foundation back home and we've been working on developing a program similar to the one here at AANCF. We've finally reached the point where we're ready to get serious and begin hiring a staff. In that regard, this morning I had a chat with Judy Lindsay, the Assistant Administrator here at AANCF. I offered her the position as Chief of Administration and Operations at Philos and I'm excited to announce that she was kind enough to accept our offer and will be leaving at the end of next month. This will not only be a promotion for her but will also include a raise in pay. That also presents this organization with the opportunity to reach down and elevate a deserving junior staff member to the vacant Assistant Director position. Judy, would you please stand?" Dave asked and she did. "For myself, I want to thank you for the wonderful work you've done for us here and look forward to working with you in your new position." Dave stood and began to applaud and was immediately joined by the rest of the board members.

Tony placed his carry-on bag in the overhead bin and stowed his new boots under the seat in front of him. Dave had already stowed his items and was seated next to the window. They had arrived at the airport too late to relax in the Cirrus lounge and went straight to the gate. They saw Marcus disappear through the exit door as they approached and, giving the attendant their tickets, they followed him onboard the airplane. They were seated directly across the aisle from Marcus.

Sliding into his seat, Tony let go with a large sigh.

"Tired?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, a little." Tony thought for a moment. "Hey, I thought you said we'd be rested when we got home."

"Yeah, well, you'll just have to cut me some slack." Dave smiled at his partner.

"After this great weekend, you got it," Tony said as he reached out and grasped Dave's hand.

"Would you gentlemen care for some wine this evening," the flight attendant asked. "We have a nice Australian Shiraz."

"I'm not familiar with that, what can you tell me about it?" Dave asked.

"A Shiraz is a really nice red wine, a rather smooth, pleasant taste," Tony interjected before the flight attendant could reply. "I think you'll like it."

"Yeah, that sounds great." Dave smiled at the attendant and received one in return.

After takeoff Dave pulled some papers from his computer bag and began reviewing them. He had an appointment with a client tomorrow after lunch and needed to be prepared. Tony found the textbook for his real estate course and tried to get into it. It didn't take long before the book slid into his lap and his head tilted toward Dave's right shoulder. Dave turned out the Tony's reading light and continued his work. Apparently the weekend of new and exciting things had caused Tony more stress than he anticipated and he need some down time. The flight attendant came by and placed a cover over him and noticed how Dave didn't seem the least bit bothered by the head that rested against his shoulder.

The captain had started his descent for landing and the usual announcements were made about raising seat trays and stowing items - Tony continued to sleep. Dave slipped his hand under the blanket and felt the heat on the inside of Tony's left thigh. Slowly he slid his hand back until he cradled Tony's balls in his cupped fingers. Tony's private log was relaxing to his right but soon began to stir. As it lengthened Dave used his fingers to help it find growing room up to the center.

"Hey," Tony said quietly as his eyes opened and he sat up smiling at Dave. Then, typical of someone who's just awakened from sleeping in an airline passenger seat, Tony began to stretch his arms and legs almost uncontrollably, grunting as he did. Dave gave Tony one last squeeze and a couple of love taps then removed his hand from under the blanket to his side of the armrest.

"We're about ten minutes from landing and I wanted to make sure you're up," Dave said.

"Oh, I'm up all right," Tony chuckled as he leaned to his left and kissed Dave lightly on the cheek. It was like at that moment he realized where they were and he withdrew and straightened himself in his seat. They looked at each other and chuckled at the moment.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 63: The Partnership 7

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