David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Jun 22, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 07


"Hi, Sis, how's school going?"

"Hiiii, David! Oh, it's hard work but I manage to squeeze in some fun things too. How about you?"

"About the same. I called to ask if you are coming home for Spring Break."

"Well, why wouldn't I?"

"Oh, I don't know, you might be like some of the other college kids and take off for Florida or Acapulco."

"Oh, right! And where will I get the money for that, may I ask, from your piggy bank?"

"Too late! I needed the money to buy some chewing gum." David laughed at the inference that his petty cash was depleted.

"So there's you answer. John and I'll be home in a few weeks, why?"

"Well, there's something I have to ask you, that's all."


"Kinda; to me it is." David admitted.

"Okay, is that it?"


"Well then, see you in a few weeks."

"Bye." David replied and placed the handset back in the cradle.

David left the high school and began walking to the parking lot. Track team practice was scheduled to start Tuesday after school. The new crop of sophomores would be trying out and David was interested in getting a look at the `talent' in the shower before the initiation.

As David approached the parking lot he noticed two black guys leaning up against the driver's side of his car. He didn't recognize them at first. `Are those guys waiting for me or are they just using my car as something to lean on?' David thought. He felt the tension rise and his senses intensify. When he was close enough to see who the two men were, he recognized them as members of the track team and began to relax somewhat.

"Hi DeJuan, Derrick." The two large men nodded. DeJuan was a senior and Derrick, a junior, was DeJuan's cousin. "You waiting for me?"

"Yeah." DeJuan replied.

"We know wha cha been doin'." Derrick added. David tensed; the hair stood up on the back of his neck. The fight-or-flight' syndrome had him in its grip. Maybe they found out about me and Danny and they are here to off me.' David feared.

"An, we wanna thank ya." DeJuan said. Now David was totally confused. He cleared his throat hoping to speak without showing fear.

"Thank me?" His voice cracked." I don't understand. What for?"

"You been readin' to da kids after school. We think that's great." DeJuan continued.

"You a good man." Derrick added.

"But that's not why we here." DeJuan said. David decided he should keep his mouth shut and let these men do all the talking.

"Ya see," Derrick continued, "DeJuan's brother Marcus is a sophomore this year and he's gonna be on the track team. We know what's gonna happen in a couple weeks and we wanna ask a favor."

"Sure!" David replied, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. "What can I do?"

DeJuan picked up the conversation here. "We wanna ask you to initiate my brother Marcus."

David stood frozen like a statue for several moments. "Uh, isn't that something you guys would rather do, like family business?"

"Can't do that. It's a family thing." Derrick responded.

"I don't understand. Why me?"

"You got respect." DeJuan answered. "We respect you and people in our community know who you are and they respect you. Also, we know you're big... down there," DeJuan glanced toward David's crotch, "Marcus, he's a big kid and most other, uh... guys (David understood white guys') might, uh... you won't feel so intimidated." David had to suppress a chuckle. The word intimidated' just didn't seem right coming from DeJuan's mouth.

"Gee. This is one hell of a surprise. I'm not sure what to say." David responded.

"You already committed to someone else?" Derrick asked in a slightly threatening tone.

"No! Not at all." David glanced back and forth between the two big men, assessing his options, then extended his hand. "It'll be an honor." He said strongly and proudly. They shook hands. "Are you going to tell Marcus ahead of time?"

"No, that's not right. But, I'll tell Jim Wilson, the team captain and he'll know to put you with Marcus." DeJuan said.

"Okay, I guess I'm your man," David assured DeJuan and Derrick.

They shook hands again and the two men left. David unlocked the car door and slid behind the wheel. His hands began to tremble as he let out a loud sigh, grasped the top of the steering wheel and rested his forehead on his hands.

`What on earth is going on here? I really don't understand this! What do I do now? What if Marcus gets suspicious? What if he really turns me on? I'm not sure if I can handle getting my hands on black cock but this is a public ritual. Should I try to make him cum early; should I try to get off early? What will it feel like in my hand? DeJuan said Marcus was big. I assume he means a big cock. How big is big? Should I smile while I'm jacking him or look serious? If we smile at each other like the rest of the guys, perhaps it won't seem so serious, more like straight-guy fun. Oh shit, what if Marcus is gay! Is that possible?'

`STOP THIS, David Baker! Get your act together. This is what you are going to do. Tomorrow you'll check Marcus out in the shower. Later you'll ask DeJuan to introduce you. For the next two weeks you will try to stay close enough to Marcus that he kind of gets to know you, just a little. Then, when initiation day arrives you'll follow him to from the field to the locker room and alert him just like John did with you. Maybe it will be okay. Pray for it.'

After track practice the next day, David was able to catch Marcus in the shower and did his best to surreptitiously survey the landscape of Marcus' crotch. Wow! He was big! The kid must have had almost seven inches of flaccid meat, and it was about as thick as David's cock was when it was hard. David had to turn away quickly to avoid getting an erection. During practice on Thursday, David found DeJuan and asked him to make introductions. DeJuan looked around the field and found Marcus on the ground stretching.

"Marcus! Com'ere!" Marcus stood up and jogged over to his brother. "This my man David. Say hello."

"Hello," Marcus complied and David watched as Marcus looked him up and down.

"David's a good man. He got respect. You got questions, he got answers."

David extended his hand. "Nice to meet you, Marcus."

Marcus stood quietly for a moment then hesitantly extended his hand, grasped David's hand firmly and shook it. "Same here." Then he released his grip. "See ya round," he said then turned and walked away.

"He'll be okay; he's a little shy at first," DeJuan explained.

"Thanks DeJuan, I won't push him... except on the track," David replied with a smile.

DeJuan smiled back. "Yeah, push him hard on the track; he need that."

The following week David made sure he found himself on the track with Marcus as often as possible. As David occasionally offered Marcus hints to improve his technique, Marcus began to see noticeable improvement. Slowly the ice around Marcus began to melt. By Friday, Marcus seemed quite comfortable in David's presence and frequently asked questions and even laughed a little. As practice ended, David hung around until he saw Marcus walking up the steps to the gym. Thankfully Marcus was walking alone so David made his move. As he approach Marcus from behind he couldn't help but notice the fine steel buns moving under the fabric of Marcus' shorts. Quickly he diverted his eyes from such an appealing target and redirected his attention to the task at hand.

"Just look straight ahead, Marcus. Don't let on that I am talking to you." Recognizing David's voice, Marcus seemed to catch on and did not turn around. "In a few minutes all you sophomores are going to be initiated into the track team. You may find it embarrassing as hell but I'll make sure you are not hurt; trust me. Just keep smiling and laughing like you are having fun." David was now past Marcus and continued toward the gym. Marcus must have caught on because he made no effort to reply.

Once inside the locker room, David watched as the coaches chatted with Jim Williams then departed. Jim locked the door behind them. When Jim nodded his head to a few of the upperclassmen they gathered around him and the other juniors and seniors followed. They were all naked.

"Alright 'ladies'," Williams began, "In a couple of days we will have our first track meet. Before we do, there's one test you all have to pass. Now, if anyone has any reservations about or will be embarrassed by being touched and want to withdraw, now is the time to do it. Once this induction begins, nobody will be allowed to leave and everyone will be sworn to secrecy. Is there anyone who wants to leave now?" All the sophomores stood silently in various stages of undress and glanced around to see if anyone was going to leave. David watched Marcus to measure his reaction, hoping the alert David had given him had been sufficient to allay any fears he might have. After about a minute of silence it was obvious no one was going to leave. "Okay!" Williams said. "Raise your right hand and repeat after me, 'I promise never to disclose to anyone outside this room the proceedings that take place here tonight.'" Just like the previous year, all the young men, including the seniors and juniors raised their right hands and repeated the promise. "Let the induction begin! All you sophomores finish undressing, get into the shower room and line up along the wall facing forward and leave approximately three feet of room behind you. NOW MOVE!"

The sophomores hurriedly finished stripping, scurried into the shower room and lined up as they were instructed. David and the other juniors and seniors followed them and took their assigned positions. As he stood facing Marcus, he could easily detect the concern and uncertainty radiating from his subject. He also noted that DeJuan stood to his left facing another black sophomore and Derrick was behind that young man. David wondered if being so close to his brother and cousin made the situation easier or harder for Marcus. David also noticed that Danny was standing to his immediate right. Danny's sophomore subject appeared to be quite nervous and looked very innocent. Danny's junior assistant standing behind the young sophomore was the bad-boy junior David had seen Danny hanging out with in the halls. His name was Marvin.

"Okay, Ladies," Williams began, "The purpose of this induction is to establish that we have real men joining our team. That means you are going to demonstrate the one thing all real men can do, EJACULATE! This is a team effort and everyone participates."

"Ready, begin!" Williams commanded. All the juniors and seniors facing their sophomores reached out and wrapped a hand around the sophomore cocks in front of them. David felt Marcus jumped when he slid his right hand around Marcus' poll. David did not look down; he continued looking into Marcus eyes. Marcus stared back at David and together they smiled. Marcus hadn't moved so David took Marcus' right hand and placed it around his own cock. David observed the expression on Marcus' face change to one of uncertainty and concern then back to a smile. David figured Marcus had picked up on what everyone else was doing and decided it was safe to play along.

David began slowly stroking and evaluating Marcus' long cock. He was surprised to discover that it was not so much larger hard than it was soft. Marcus had about one half inch on David but David had expected much more due to Marcus' length when flaccid. Although Marcus was thicker than David, he was not that much thicker. David figured that must be one of the differences between cocks. Marcus' weight was very impressive. He must have weighed almost twice what David weighed. As for hardness, David seemed harder, but Marcus was still quite firm; he felt rigid yet comfortable in David's hand. David established a steady, smooth medium speed stroke. Marcus matched David's pace as they continued to smile at each other.

The first moan floated across the shower-room as someone let go of his sperm, painting his masturbater's stomach with cum. Another moan was heard, followed by another. Some guys were really getting off early. That action was enough to cause David's attention to expand and start bringing other people into his consciousness. He noticed that on his right, Danny was giving his innocent looking sophomore a good working-over. The kid looked a little scared. That's when he noticed that Danny's partner was really going to town on the kid's behind. Something seemed strange about that action when David realized the Marvin was actually penetrating the kid's ass. He was fucking the kid right here in front of (or behind in this case) all the other members of the track team. No wonder the kid looked scared.

David looked back at Marcus and caught him checking out the action between the other black kid and his brother and cousin. Then Marcus looked back at David, realized he was caught and they both grinned. This was turning into fun! David increased his speed and Marcus followed. They heard a moan to David's right and glanced in time to see the kid shoot his spunk all over Danny's six-pack. Immediately, the Marvin groaned and thrust hard into the kid's ass, filling it with cum. David knew the guy spermed the kid because he wasn't wearing a condom. Then Danny shot his wad into the kid's hand.

On the other side of them David and Marcus watched as DeJuan, Derrick and their sophomore unloaded almost simultaneously. David was beginning to marvel at Marcus' endurance because he didn't seem to be any closer to cuming than David. Ejaculations began happening more rapidly now. Before long, David and Marcus were the only two men remaining and David went to work on Marcus and began applying some of the tricks he had learned on Danny. He turned his hand over so his thumb pointed back toward his belly then used that thumb to spread

Marcus' precum around his glans while continuing to stroke Marcus' shaft. He felt his own orgasm building and hoped he could get Marcus off first. David increased his speed again and Marcus matched him. As David watched, Marcus' mouth dropped open, his face tensed, his back arched and he exhaled loudly. Hot cum splattered all over David's stomach. That was the catalyst David needed and he went over the edge and returned fire against Marcus' abdomen.

David heard a rousing cheer fill the shower room. He and Marcus were the last two men to complete their initiation and their performance brought instant recognition and repute to Marcus. He outlasted Marcus but just barely. His reputation for endurance was intact but Marcus was now the heir apparent. All the teammates gathered around to congratulate them and pat them on their backs and behinds. Everyone proceeded to pick up soap, finish a for-real shower and dress. David was slower than most everyone else and was among the last to leave. Outside he found DeJuan, Derrick and Marcus waiting. Marcus extended his hand.

"Thanks for the helping hand," Marcus said with a big grin. David grasped Marcus' hand firmly and shook it.

"Thanks, it was my honor. Welcome to the track team." David's smile was returned threefold as DeJuan and Derrick shook his hand also. David watched as the three black men turned and walked away chatting with each other. They're okay,' David thought somewhat surprised. They were straight and honest with me and that means a lot. I have to make a point of including them in the group of people I consider my friends. That means recognizing them and talking to them when I see them in the halls and around school.' Driving home, David replayed the entire initiation in his mind. He considered that next year, as a senior, he might not want to participate but he'd wait until then to decide. He was also troubled by what he saw to his right -- the kid actually getting fucked, and without a condom. David decided that was none of his business; it was Danny's responsibility. Again, he wondered where Danny was headed.

With the track team initiation behind him, David's next challenge was the Junior Prom. Now that he was a member of the Alpha Society David was invited to several parties throughout the school year. Most of the parties seemed to be at the homes of five of six of the students, primarily because their parents had lots of money and the houses were big. The parties were mostly hangout type things where kids just showed up and danced, played pool or other games and sat around talking. Alcohol and drugs were frowned upon so that problem was under control. Very few of the boys and girls were into steady dating and that helped David avoid any such entanglement. All the girls seemed to be members of the Omega Society and Tiffany Foster was always in attendance. David thought it seemed like Tiffany had laid claim to him. If he was talking to any of the other girls when Tiffany walked up they seemed to defer to her and make some feeble excuse to find something else to do. At a party the week before David called Kate and asked her if she was coming home for spring break, Tiffany asked David if he would take her to the Junior Prom. Poor David, he wasn't swift enough on his feet to think of a reason to say No' so he said Yes' and said the required words, "Tiffany, will you go to the Prom with me?" Of course she accepted the invitation. Now, David knew he had a problem and he was going to demand payback from Kate.

Kate and John came roaring into the house; spring break was here. The two of them had grown closer and closer. David wondered when John was going to pop the question. The first two days of their vacation, Kate and John were very busy with their friends. Because colleges and high schools don't coordinate their vacation schedules, David's high school was still in session and would not break for another week. After school on Wednesday David went running as usual and was cooling down on the back step drinking soda when the back door opened, Kate walked out and started to sit down next to her brother. David turned his head to the left and produced his usual Olympic belch right in his sister's face.

"Oh god, David. That's gross!" Then she began to laugh. "At least I'm glad to see some things never change. You and John are incorrigible." David began to laugh too and took another sip of his soda. "Is this a good time for that talk you asked about?"

"I guess so," David responded. He sat quietly for a few moments thinking about the best way to begin. "The prom is coming up soon."

"Oh, great. You'll love it. I had a great time." `I remember,' David thought. "Who's the lucky lady?"

"Tiffany Foster," David replied and waited for Kate's response.

"Wow! She's really a cute girl. I remember when she was initiated into the Omega Soc..." Kate stopped in mid-sentence. Her memory was quite clear. For the ladies of the Omega Society the prom served as a sort of rite of passage. And it involved masturbating their dates after the prom like she had done to Maxwell. She snapped her head to the right and looked at David who was staring straight ahead waiting for Kate's anticipated reaction.

"Ohhh, I see the problem." She was silent for a while. Her memory flashed back to what she did to David two years earlier and she blushed. No quick answers were popping into her head as she sat thinking about what to say next. "How did you get yourself into this?" Kate was stalling.

"It's a long story. What do I do?" David turned and looked Kate in the eyes.

"Damn, you don't ask easy questions, do you." Kate silently mused for a few more moments. "Is there any way you can get out of it?"

"It's a done deal, Sis, just cut to the chase. How do I do it? You know what I have to do and I don't have the slightest idea about how to do it. I've reread that owner's manual book for women several times. I need you to interpret it for me."

Kate rested her right hand on her brother's left forearm while she thought. Finally she cleared her throat nervously and began telling David things only girls share, pausing often to organize her thoughts.

"Okay, Davie," Kate began, "I'm not sure if I should be telling you this but... girls talk. They compare notes, detailed notes. I don't think guys get into the details as much as girls. So..." Kate hesitated. "What the girls talk about most is how much of a hurry guys are in.... They want sex to happen fast. Girls aren't like that, at least most aren't. Girls prefer to go slowly.... They prefer kisses that are light and delicate, on the lips, everywhere. Kisses as light as butterflies are a real turn-on.... The really sensitive areas are the neck and the breasts, just above the nipples." Kate blushed again. She took a deep breath and wondered in amazement at her frankness with her brother.

"Guys are always interested in breasts, specifically nipples.... Kissing all around the nipple without actually touching it can be devastating.... When a girl is ready for you to move to the next base she'll signal you.... If you feel her knees part and her legs open, even slightly, it's a good sign you can place your hand on the inside of her thigh.... If she keeps her knees parted she's ready for more intimacy.... Remember you are not in a race. You want slow hands -- like the song.... When you get to her panties remove them carefully, don't tear them. If she tries to help you, let her.... When you finally get your hand between her legs go slowly and be gentle.... Let your fingers very softly and gently stroke the flesh on either side of her clitoris. Be careful to avoid touching it.... Remember, anticipating being touched is far more erotic than the actual touching. So delay touching her nipples and clitoris until very near the end. Your touch should be like your kisses -- soft as butterflies.... Here, give me your left hand."

David offered his left hand to his sister. As she held it she positioned his thumb along side his index finger forming a V'. "Try to do something like this," Kate said as she placed her right index and middle fingers on either side of the V' on David's hand and began stroking very softly.

"Let me try it on you," David said as he took Kate's right hand and formed a V' shape like she had done to his. Using his right index and middle fingers David stroked either side of the V'.

His touch was exquisite. It almost took Kate's breath away.

"Th...that's perfect," Kate said as she withdrew her hand and regained control of herself. "You shouldn't have anything to worry about."

They sat quietly for several more minutes before David spoke again.

"This isn't right, Kate. I shouldn't be doing this."

"What do you mean?"

"It isn't fair. I'll be sending all the wrong signals. I have no intention of developing any kind of sexual relationship with any girl and someone is bound to get the wrong idea. I'm gay."

"Are you really sure?"

"Take my word for it. There is no longer any doubt."

Kate watched her brother's face and knew he was certain. `Okay, he's probably tried it with a guy and he's sure,' she thought.

"Then why are you going to do it?"

"Because it's expected. When I chose to fit in' with the right crowd in order to be normal', at the time I didn't think about how hard it would be to bail out without outing myself. A few of the girls are starting to hit on me and its getting more difficult to politely fend them off. If I don't handle this right I may hurt someone and I don't want to do that.

Kate knew that despite all of David's outward bravado, inside he was sensitive to people's feelings. She wasn't surprised at his comments. She had to say something to give him hope that things would work out.

"I understand, Davie. Just take this one step at a time. Now that you know what your goal is you should be able to make the appropriate decisions over time to achieve the desired outcome. If you had to eat an elephant you wouldn't swallow it whole, you'd take one bite at a time."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But right now I can really feel the weight."

Kate slid her right arm around David's neck, pulled him to her and kissed him on the cheek.

As the weeks marched on toward the Prom, another situation began developing. David noticed that during track practice Marcus stayed on him like a shadow and he couldn't avoid being suspicious. One afternoon David had just plopped his butt down in the infield for a short rest when Marcus sat down beside him.

"Hey dude, you're doin' well for a sophomore." David tried to gain the advantage.

"Yeah, tryin' to catch your ass is not as easy as I thought." Marcus laughed and David repaid him with a smile.

"Something on you mind?"

"Yeah, it is." Marcus paused then looked at David. "I'd like to get to know you better."

David felt tension surge through his body. `What the hell does he mean? Is he coming on to me? Surely he wouldn't do it out here in front of everybody else. He just doesn't seem like the type.'

"Whata you mean?" David asked trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"I want to get to know you better. What motivates you? My brother says you are probably one of the smarter guys in school but you aren't a snob about it. I wanna know why that is. I know some things already."

"Like what?" So far the tension gripping David had not diminished.

"You're from a middle class family, like me in some ways. You go to church regularly, you do community service, you're on the student council, you're in the Alpha Society, you handled my track team initiation with dignity, and you're popular, people like you. You also aren't afraid of work; you work construction during the summer. Sooo, I'm curious, what's inside you that makes that all happen?" Marcus paused.

David was dumbfounded by Marcus' statement. He began to chuckle. "Good Lord, Marcus! I'm speechless." They looked at each other for a moment then one of the coaches yelled at them to get back to the practice. After they stood up David looked at Marcus and smiled. "Now that you've knocked the props out from under me you have to give me some time to think about all this. That's pretty deep stuff, you know."

"Yeah, but if you're as good as DeJuan says, you can handle it. Let me know... soon."

"Okay, now get your ass in gear." They ran over to the track to see what the coach wanted.

Next: Chapter 8

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