David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Jul 6, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

Dear reader, I know this section of the Nifty Archive is supposed to be devoted to gay sex. However, in this story I believe it is necessary for the protagonist's character development for him to deal with straight sex. If anyone objects to heterosexual scenes, this chapter may not be your cup of tea. In this chapter David comes face to face with the reality of trying to play it straight and date girls. It both broadens and deepens his character.

David's Initiation 08

"The summer between my freshman and sophomore year was when I started working in construction." David and Marcus were sitting alone in the bleachers overlooking the track. After practice David suggested they meet there and he would try to answer Marcus' question. "For insurance reasons they wouldn't let me work on real construction so I spent almost all of my time in the office. I learned a lot. For one thing, I noticed that the guys who made all the important decisions were the educated ones, they had college degrees. They were also the guys who took the most risks but they also made the most money. That's when I realized that I wanted the independence to make my own decisions on my own terms and wanted financial independence. It was pretty obvious that college was the route to that goal and that meant I had to do better in high school. Starting my sophomore year I really went to work and committed myself to getting the best grades possible. My parents don't have a lot of money so I knew I had to shoot for an academic scholarship. I've saved almost everything I've made working construction and when I get to college will probably have to carry a part time job and work during the summers. So! That's what drives me. Does that answer your question?

Marcus sat quietly for several moments looking out over the field then turned and looked at David.

"That means if I want to get out of here and do something with my life I have to make better grades."

"How you doing now?"

"Mostly Cs', a few Bs'... But I can do a lot better.

"What do you mean, you can do better?"

"Well... don't tell anyone I told you this, okay?"


"I've been holding my grades down."


Marcus looked David in the eyes for over a minute before speaking again. "If I get real good grades, the kind I need to get into college, my friends will say... never mind, you wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

"Maybe some day, not now."

"Marcus, if you have the brains you just have to go for everything you can get."

"That's what DeJuan says. He and Momma are constantly on my case to get better grades. They know I can do better."

"So, what now?" David withheld offering any unsolicited advice; if Marcus wanted it he would ask for it.

"I don't really know. I gotta think."

"Look. If you think I can help, just ask. I agree with DeJuan and your momma. You now have three of us on you side. Think about it."

"Thanks, I will."

The two young men sat quietly for several more minutes. David was waiting for Marcus to make the first move. He did, he stood up and David stood up too. Marcus turned to David and extended his hand.

"Thanks again, David. I'm going to tell DeJuan what we talked about. I'll let you know what I decide." David shook Marcus' hand and they parted, going different directions. From a distance a pair of eyes watched as the two youths parted company.

About two weeks later David and Marcus passed in the hall and Marcus gave a thumbs-up signal. David responded in kind and a big smile. This exchange did not go unnoticed.

As the end of the school year approached David often found himself lost in thought about the Prom and what to anticipate afterward. One afternoon David finished placing a book in his locker and was closing the door when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder.

"Danny!" David almost shouted in surprise. "Good to see you."

"Yeah right. Like you really care."

"Sure I do, you know that."

"So you dump me for that black dude. You like that big black cock?"

David glanced around to make sure no one else was close enough to hear.

"Keep your voice down. No... Marcus and I are just friends... we are not sexually involved."

"Yeah, right. You initiate him to the track team, jack him off, and then tell me you ain't swinging on his big black bat? Get real. I guess I'm not good enough for you any more."

"Stop it, Danny. I said it's not like that."

"Fuck you!" Danny balled up his fist, pulled his arm back and took a swing at David. He telegraphed his move far too early. David ducked under Danny's arm and at the same time drove his fist hard into the middle of Danny's chest, knocking him backward and he crashed into the concrete wall, banging his head hard.

"Don't do this Danny!" David pleaded. By now other students were becoming aware of the scuffle and started to congregate. Danny stood motionless for a few moments staring at David then dropped his arms, turned and ran out of the building.

"What was that all about," one of David's classmates asked.

"I haven't the slight idea. Maybe someday Danny will tell me."

Prom night arrived. David nervously finished tying his tie then stepped back to get a look at himself in the full-length mirror. `Not bad, if I do say so myself.' He almost croaked when he had to pay for the tux rental. Then there was the cost of the flowers for Tiffany. He wondered if the entertainment would be worth the money. He heard a car horn honk and knew that would be Stan. David and Tiffany were double dating with Stan and Brenda again. At least Stan was sexually interesting. The two couples proceeded to the Prom and really had a good time, much better than David had expected. But the moment of truth was near.

Stan, Brenda, Tiffany and David left the Prom with Tiffany and David in the back seat. David sat quietly, contemplating how and when to make the nest move when Tiffany beat him to it. As Stan drove to the popular make-out parking spot Tiffany placed her arms around David and began kissing him. Surprised, David responded properly. The next thing he knew, Tiffany had pulled him down so they were lying face to face, Tiffany's back against the back of the seat. As Tiffany's hand began unbuckling David's belt he decided he'd better start doing something himself so he began softly kissing Tiffany, first on her lips, then working down to her neck. His kisses were soft, like butterflies. Tiffany tilted her head back to give David better access to her neck. As David continued, Tiffany hastily unzipped David's pants and slid her hand inside, searching for his cock. She was definitely on a mission and the invasion of a strange hand caused David to achieve a formidable erection.

David's kisses were achieving results. Tiffany was definitely getting turned on. She reached behind her and unzipped her gown, then pulled the front down exposing her breasts. There was no way David could interpret that as anything other than an invitation to expand his kissing area and he continued placing light, delicate kisses all over Tiffany's upper chest and on the top of her breasts. She began squirming and breathing hard. As David systematically applied his kisses, Tiffany managed to locate David's cock and get it out of his briefs where she could wrap her hand around it and begin stroking it. Just as David was wondering if he should place his hand inside Tiffany's thigh she found his hand and placed it directly between her legs and against her panties. She wasn't wasting any time.

David had a very strange feeling wash over him. The only other times his hand had been in someone else's crotch it had held a cock and balls. This time there was nothing to hold onto. As he continued wetting his lips and lightly kissing the top of Tiffany's breasts he realized she was removing her panties so he attempted to assist her. When that was complete, Tiffany again grabbed his hand and placed it directly on her pussy, which was awash with moisture. Remembering Kate's lesson, David positioned his fingers like he was instructed and began slowly and gently stroking on either side of Tiffany's clitoris making sure not to touch it. His kisses were also narrowly missing Tiffany's nipples but he could tell they were very erect. Tiffany really wanted this.

David performed as he had been instructed and the results were near perfect. Before long he felt Tiffany shudder, inhale deeply then exhale slowly and completely. He didn't know what that meant and Tiffany didn't say anything so he continued. A few moments later Tiffany shuddered again and this time she squeaked softly but audibly but David got no indication that he should stop so he didn't. A few moments later Tiffany shuddered again and this time she squealed quite loudly, grabbed David's hand, closed his fingers, pressed them hard against her erect clitoris and continued shuddering and grunting; her breathing was quite erratic. After a few moments she calmed down and kissed David deeply and passionately, inserting her tongue deep into his mouth.

Then Tiffany turned her attention to David's erection. She wrapped both her hands around his cock, one near the base and the other above it with the head of his cock sticking out the top.

"Good Lord, David, I didn't know you were this big!"

"Yeah, it's all me." `What a dumb thing to say,' David thought, he just couldn't think of an appropriate response.

Tiffany started stroking the top part of David's cock and spreading his precum around the head. He wondered if Kate had passed that technique along to the members of the Omega Society. By now David realized the car was no longer moving which meant that they were parked at `lover's lane.' From the entertaining sounds coming from the front seat he also surmised that Brenda and Stan were trying to catch up with him and Tiffany. David knew he was some distance away from orgasm but by now Tiffany's hand and arm were beginning to get tired. She took David by surprise when she crawled over him, knelt on the floor of the back seat, rolled him onto his back and slid her lips over the head of his cock. Now this really got David's attention! As Tiffany swirled her tongue around the head of his cock David could feel his orgasm approaching and reached into his back pocket for his handkerchief which he planned to use to catch his cum. When he heard Stan emit that familiar groan associated with most male orgasms, David couldn't hold out much longer. He slipped his hand under Tiffany's forehead and tried to force her off.

"Now, Tiff, Now!" David said quietly but urgently. Tiffany's jaw released his cock from its grip and David quickly covered the head with his handkerchief just in time to catch the first volley of cum as it erupted from his member. It wasn't the best, most intense orgasm he ever experienced but it wasn't bad either. He lay quietly for several seconds catching his breath and trying to fathom what had just happened. Nothing seemed to make sense. He was jolted back to reality when he felt Tiffany's mouth close around the head of his cock and she began sucking up the remnants of his seed that coated it. That was enough for David. He struggled to sit up and reached for his briefs and pants to pull them into place. Tiffany reluctantly relinquished her vacuum on his cock and released him.

"David, they're still busy in the front seat, we don't have to stop." Tiffany whispered.

"Tiff, I have to stop, it's too sensitive right now." David whispered back as he continued stuffing his shirt into his pants.

"Okay, help me zip my dress." Tiffany asked. David reached around her, found the zipper and began pulling it toward the top of her dress. Tiffany held the front of her dress up to make sure everything was inside when the zipper closed. As David pulled Tiffany's zipper to the top she threw her arms around him and engaged him in an intimately passionate kiss. David could taste himself and started to harden again. At that moment they heard Brenda gasp loudly and issue a slight cry, indicating Stan had succeeded in bringing her to orgasm. David and Tiffany repositioned themselves in the back seat holding hands, waiting for Stan and Brenda to recover enough to start for home.

Tiffany leaned against David, pulled his head around and kissed him tenderly on the lips. "David, you were wonderful, just wonderful," she whispered. "I'd like to do this again sometime, just the two of us.

"Let's talk about it later, okay?"

"Sure. Any time. Call me."

By now Stan was starting the car as Brenda rearranged her Prom gown. Stan dropped Tiffany off first followed by David. David was sure Stan and Brenda were going to go somewhere else and continue with some heavy stuff. Upon reaching his room, David inspected his tux and was pleased to see it was not splattered with any compromising spots. He went to the bathroom, rinsed out his handkerchief and hung it in his closet to dry. Tomorrow morning he would throw it in with the dirty clothes and no one would be the wiser. He crawled into bed and fell asleep quickly, too tired to even think about what had happened that evening.

Monday David was having lunch in the school cafeteria when Marcus sat down across the table from him.

"You workin this summer?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah, construction again. And you?"

"The best I can find is minimum wage at a burger joint. Does you company ever have openings for guys like me?"

"Whata you mean, like you?"

"You know, `Like Me!" Marcus pointed the index finger of his right hand at his left forearm. The correct question was, do they hire blacks?

"Shit, Marcus, if they don't they should." David felt embarrassed. "Give me some time to check it out and I'll let you know."

"Thanks, gotta go." Marcus was out of the chair and out of the cafeteria in a flash.

David looked around the room checking to see if Danny was anywhere nearby to spy on him but didn't see him.

By Thursday, David began to feel uncomfortable. He was sure that every girl he saw was staring at him. `Nah, I must be getting paranoid,' he thought. By Friday, some of the girls in his class would walk up to him in the hall and greet him with a sing-song, "Hiii, David." Thank Heaven the weekend arrived and that meant only one more week of school. Then he could start his summer job.

The final week of school was rather disjointed; every schedule was a mess due to final exams. Still, David was convinced several of the girls were staring at him. David's last exam was Thursday morning and he was finished. The next day he went to the Construction Company to check on his job and learned his friend Joe had requested him as an intern. That meant he would be working at the main office with Joe and only visiting the work cites as circumstances warranted. While he was in the building he walked up to the secretary and asked if he could see Mr. McCracken, the owner. As luck would have it Mr. McCracken's previous appointment had just left and he was free for a few minutes. The secretary told him to go on in.

"Hi, David, how's your father?"

"He's just fine, sir."

"Your father's a fine man, I have a lot of respect for him. Now, to what do I owe the honor of your visit?" McCracken said with a grin. David knew full well the man was teasing him and at the same time paying him a complement.

"Well, sir..." David hesitated, "I was wondering if you might have any more part time summer jobs open. You see, a friend of mine needs work so he can save for college."

"I see." McCracken responded, stroking his chin with his hand. "We don't have anything at the moment, David, but in this business people come and go at a moment's notice. What can you tell me about your friend?"

"Well, sir, he's 16 years old, very intelligent and he's going to be a star on the track team next year."

"Has he ever worked on construction before?"

"I don't think so, sir."

"Well, if something comes open I'll have the secretary contact you. Anything else?"

"Thank you, sir." David turned around and started walking toward the door then stopped and looked back at McCracken. "One more thing, sir."


"Does it matter if he's... if he's black."

McCracken stared at David for a moment or two measuring his response. "No, David, not if you recommend him."

A big smile spread across David's face, "Thank you, sir, I sure hope the secretary calls me soon." Happy with himself for having the courage to approach the owner the way he did, David was in a good mood the rest of the day and all weekend.

Kate and John arrived home from college Saturday afternoon and the family had a wonderful gathering for church on Sunday morning and a big dinner that afternoon. David couldn't remember when he had been happier.

Monday, David reported to his friend Joe who outlined what his duties would be for the rest of the summer. David was to learn all he could about using the CAD (computer assisted design) program as well as many other facets of the construction business. David jumped right in and immersed himself in his new and interesting challenges.

The following Friday David was walking through the lobby of the main office when he saw Danny, he was sitting in a chair like he was waiting for something. He thought for a moment then cautiously approach his friend.

"Danny, what brings you in here?"

Danny stood up to greet David. "I came to pick up my final check."

"Your final what? What do you mean?"

"Here you are, Mr. Chambers." The secretary walked over and handed a check to Danny. "Good luck, wherever you go." She smiled warmly at Danny.

"Where are you going?" David asked, his eyes wide open with confusion.

"Can you get out of here for a little while? There are some things I want to tell you."

David glanced at his watch and noticed it was almost time for lunch. "Wait here. I'll tell Joe I'm going to lunch and I'll be right back." David disappeared through a door momentarily and returned almost immediately. "Let's go!" The two young men, all differences apparently put aside for the moment, left the office.

"Why don't I drive, then I can drop you off here when we're done."

"Good plan." David responded.

Danny started talking as he drove about two blocks to a burger place. "I'm sorry about takin' a swing at you a few weeks back. I was a little screwed up. That bump on the head I got when you smacked me into the wall seemed to clear thing up."

"It's okay. I just didn't understand why you did it. That wasn't the Danny I thought I knew. I didn't believe you really meant it. We've been too close for too long."

Danny parked the car and they went inside, ordered, then took their food back outside and sat down at a table shaded by a metal umbrella. No one else was around so they could talk freely.

"Okay, spill!" David demanded.

"Well... after that incident at school I started thinking. Graduation was just around the corner and I had no idea what I was going to do after that. I thought about us and could see we were headed in different directions, you involved in the Alpha Society and such. I just decided I needed to get out of town. This is no place for me, me being gay. Graduation came and I went back to work on construction. The more I thought the more I hated doing that. So last week I went down to the recruiting office and joined the Navy. I leave Monday."

"No way! Are you crazy? This is a joke, isn't it!" David was really taken by surprise. He sat staring at Danny, waiting for his friend to say he was joking, all the while thinking about Danny onboard ship with hundreds of horny men. Finally it dawned on him that this was no joke. "You're serious about this aren't you?"

"Uh ha."

"But why the Navy? Surrounded by all those guys on a ship for months at sea. How you gonna handle that? When they find out you're gay they'll probably make you walk the plank, throw you to the sharks, whatever they do to gays in the Navy. How did they let you in anyway, did you lie about being gay?"

"Yeah. I don't think it'll be that bad. I talked to my uncle who was in the Navy and he really liked it."

"But was he gay?"

"No... at least I don't think so."

"If we weren't here in public I'd grab and squeeze you until you got some sense into your head. Can you get out of it?"

"Too late. I signed the papers already; it's a legal commitment. Besides, it gets me out of this place and they promised me I could work on computers, that was my best subject in school."

"Yeah, right, they promised." David seemed irritated. He didn't understand why, he just seemed so. "Well... you have to promise me something!"


"Promise you'll write to me and tell me how things are going. We may be going in different directions as you say but I still care about you, you're my best friend."

For the first time since the two young men saw each other in the office almost an hour ago, Danny smiled.

"Thanks, David, that's the best thing you could have said. I promise; not every day of course, we're not engaged you know."

That comment brought a smile to David's face. "Okay, I just want to know how you get along with all those horny sailors." He laughed. "Say, I need to get back to the office." David said as he glanced at his watch.

Danny stopped the car in front of the construction office. "So long dude." He extended his hand. David grasped Danny's hand and they shook.

"I'll miss you, Danny, it's not going to be the same with you gone. And if you need to talk about, you know, call me."

"I will, I'll miss you too." And with that, David opened the car door and got out. Danny drove off and suddenly David felt lonely. This was the first time someone he felt really close to had left his life. Kate going to college was different because she was only a short drive away and was home for every holiday and summers. He turned and walked into the building.

"Oh, David," the secretary stopped him as she passed her desk, "Mr. McCracken told me to tell you we have an opening for a part-time summer job and you should call your friend."

"YES MA-AM!" David exclaimed and headed for the nearest telephone. Just that quickly Danny's memory faded and he was looking to the future. He called Marcus' home and DeJuan gave him the phone number where Marcus was working, a burger joint. He called the number and waited while someone went to get Marcus.


"You still interested in working construction this summer?" Marcus recognized David's voice.

"You bet you sweet ass I am."

"Then get YOUR sweet ass down here and fill out an application."

"Are you really serious or are you just jivin' me?

"Serious as dick cancer, dude. Now get movin." David heard the receiver crash into the holder and the line went dead.

The very next Saturday, David was sitting on the back step after finishing his morning run. He heard the door open and Kate walked out and sat down beside him.

"Well, if it isn't Casanova himself!" She exclaimed in a teasing manner.

"Whata ya mean, girl. Explain yourself." David's vocabulary was beginning to sound more adult with each day and Kate noticed. It seemed to carry a tone of maturity that she hadn't noticed last fall when she left for school. Perhaps he was adjusting to life without a big sister around and was becoming his own man.

"You mean you don't know?"

"Know what?"

"You took Tiffany to the Prom didn't you?"

"Yeah? So?"

"And I assume you followed tradition?" Finally David understood where she was headed. The thought made him blush.

"Oh, that." He tried to downplay the incident.

"Yes... That! Don't you realize you are the talk of the Alpha Society?"

"What? What do you mean, the talk of the Alpha Society?"

"Oh, David, are you really that naive? Don't you really know?"

"Come on, Kate, quite playing games. Know what?" David was beginning to sound irritated.

Kate thought for several seconds. How on earth was she going to explain this sensitive topic to her brother?

"Tell me, have you noticed the girls looking at you a lot lately, staring at you?"

"Well... now that you mention it they have seemed a little strange but that could just be normal."

Kate now knew David was clueless and she would have to be blunt. "You really don't know what you did, do you!"

"What are you getting at?" David was losing his patience.

"Do you know what a multiple orgasm is?"

"Well... not exactly."

"Forgive me, David, but I can't find a delicate way to explain this. Multiple orgasms are things some girls only dream about. And that's what you did for Tiffany. She was so proud and excited she couldn't keep her mouth shut now all the girls think you are some kind of stud and they can't wait for you to get into their pants."

"Ohhh Shit!" This is not what David wanted. "What do I do now?"

"Face it, most guys would be out hustling the field trying to score with as many girls as possible. You just happen to be different. The only thing I can think of is you'd better talk to Tiffany. She started it, maybe she can stop to it."

"What'll I say to her?"

"I don't know but I'm sure you'll think of something."

Later that afternoon David called Tiffany and asked if she could meet him for coke. Of course she could. She would have canceled an appointment with the President just a have a few moments with David. The atmosphere was tense. David explained that he felt guilty about what he had done and he wanted to apologize. He stressed that he respected her and was not proud of the way he behaved. At that moment he hit on the basis of his position, his actions were against his religious faith and he wanted to make amends. Almost everyone knew he attended church regularly. David decided to use religion as his defense for halting his `heterosexual' activities. That placed Tiffany on the defensive (temporarily) and she politely backed away. She accepted David's apology (even though she had been the aggressor) and complimented him on the strength of his faith. David hoped Tiffany would spread the word about his religious convictions and the other girls would back off also. Before they parted David told Tiffany he really liked her and wanted to remain friends. She agreed. (How could she not?)

The rest of the summer went sailing along without much excitement. Danny wrote and reported on his training. He was doing just fine. He was now in San Diego for more training and, as promised, would be doing something with computers but he couldn't tell David what the job was about. At first David saw Marcus only occasionally but eventually they began meeting after work three days a week at the high school track to run. Marcus had the usual complaints about the hard work but David could tell that, in reality, Marcus appreciated the opportunity. For the most part, the guys treated him well. Only a few assholes gave him a hard time.

The Alpha and Omega Societies continued having social activities from time to time and David detected a clear signal that Tiffany had been able to turn off the hoard of cunts chasing after him. The benefits of Alpha Society were beginning to be obvious. David was learning and practicing social graces he would need to function comfortably in polite society, like rising from his c hair when a lady enters the room or leaves the table and returns, like which fork or spoon to use for which food being served, etc. He also learned how to relate with men in formal, business situations. Certain rules of order were used to conduct Society meetings and personal conduct always seemed to be under a magnifying glass. David was soon elevated to `activities chairman', an important but not officer position.

During an informal meeting a few weeks before school David was talking to Al Champion, the Alpha Society membership chairman. David asked what the rules were for nominating someone for membership and then asked if there would be any problem if he wanted to nominate Marcus. He assured Al that he had not mentioned anything to Marcus and would not unless it would be okay. Al was a little uncertain about that but agreed to ask the other officers. The week before school started Al called and told David that his question had launched a lively discussion among the Society officers and they had even floated the idea among some of the other members. They decided it was time for a change and if it was going to happen, Marcus was the right person, BUT ONLY if he was truly interested. David had to find out exactly what Marcus' mind was on the idea and relay that back to the officers before they would decide.

When David's senior year began he found himself being elected as senior class treasurer, a largely ceremonial position but one of significant status. The first week of school David ran into Marcus and asked him if he could meet him at the track following his last class for a run. As usual, they ended their run with a sprint and Marcus came in second. He was always complaining about spending all his time chasing David's ass around the track. They always got a good laugh about it. As they continued walking to cool down David began speaking.

"You know I'm a member of the Alpha Society, what do you think of it?" David asked.

"I used to think it was just a bunch of rich, snooty, white boys who wanted to look important. But now I know they really do some good things for the community. And I know you and you're not rich and snooty... even though you are white." Marcus looked at David to see if he had gotten away with a friendly insult.

"That's one," David replied and he tapped his fist lightly on Marcus' upper arm in a gesture of friendship and smiled. "Could you ever see yourself as a member of such a group?"

"That's not likely to happen so I don't need to worry about it."

"Would it be a problem for you? And answer the question this time."

"Are you going somewhere with these questions, David."


Both men were silent for a few moments while they continued walking.

"Man, you can't begin to understand the problems something like that would cause. I mean... oh shit! I have to decide if I want to tell you this." David remained silent, letting Marcus talk. "Part of me says yes and part says no. I got to think about it. Is that okay?"

"How long?"

"How long what?"

"How much time do you want to think about it?"

"Can we talk tomorrow?"

"Sure." David clapped Marcus on the shoulder and they parted, going their separate ways.

The next morning Marcus was waiting when David arrived at his locker. "Look, David." Marcus began. "I told DeJuan about your question, how I felt and what I wanted to do. He told me to follow my instincts and that is what I want to tell you." Marcus paused for a moment to ensure he had David's full attention. "I would like to join the A. S. if they will have me."

"Marcus, if there is any, and I mean ANY possibility that you might back out, say so now."

"That means you're sticking your neck out, doesn't it!"

David hesitated for a moment. Marcus had figured it out. "You might say that."

"Then count me in. Once I start something I don't back out."

"Okay, you'll be hearing from me soon. Let's head to class."

David contacted Al Champion and filled him in on his conversations with Marcus. Al gave David the application, he passed it to Marcus, and the process was set into motion. A few weeks later Marcus was initiated into the Alpha Society. Not everyone was happy with that decision but they accepted it. David never knew but some of Marcus friends, or former friends, started giving him a hard time. That's when DeJuan stepped in and set things straight. He knew his little brother had what it took to succeed and DeJuan was committed to helping him do just that.

As the Christmas break approached David got only his second E-mail from John saying he needed David's help again and asking him to set a time when he could call. John called and explained that he and Kate had discussed marriage and agreed that is what they both wanted. John planned to give Kate an engagement ring for Christmas wanted David's help setting it up. The two men worked secretly hatching their plan. The day before Christmas John delivered a large gift-wrapped box to set beside the tree. Christmas morning David, Kate, and their parents began opening their gifts and Kate saved the big box to the end. She opened the box to find another gift-wrapped box inside. Then there was another box, and another, and another. In all there were ten boxes, the last one was about three inches square and it was empty. As Kate unwrapped the sixth box David sneaked to the back door and quietly let John into the house.

"But it's empty!" Kate exclaimed when she opened the last box. "What's supposed to be in there?"

"This!" John said as he stood in the doorway with his hand extended, a small ring box resting in his upturned palm. Kate sprang up from the floor and rushed over to John, stopping just inches from his outstretched hand. Hesitantly she picked the small box and slowly opened it. David was sure the scream of joy could be heard all over town and Kate threw her arms around John's neck and her legs around his waist then kissed him in such a passionate and seductive way David almost felt embarrassed. It must have taken Kate twenty minutes to calm down to a point where she could communicate without squealing. Suddenly she turned and looked at David with a serious glare.

"YOU!" She exclaimed. She sailed across the room and embraced her brother. "You were in on this all the time, weren't you!"

"Who me?" David answered, trying to keep from grinning. "I don't know anything about it." His attempt at maintaining his innocence was not very convincing but Kate didn't press the issue, she was much too excited to criticize her brother for helping on such an important matter.

Kate and John made the rounds at several parties so Kate could show everyone her engagement ring. She and John were the center of attention for the better part of two weeks. Before returning to school after the new year they set a wedding date in early June, just one day after David's 18th birthday.

School restarted and life settled back into a routine. Three important matters were on David's mind: selecting where to go to college, whether to participate in the track team initiation ceremony, and whether to go to the senior prom with Tiffany who would undoubtedly expect him to follow tradition.

Next: Chapter 9

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