David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Jul 10, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

******* Dear reader, please let me apologize in advance to anyone who objects to heterosexual scenes. This is the last chapter that will deal with this subject. This chapter takes David through his senior prom, his continuing desire to remain in the closet and his decision process for his future.

David's Initiation 09

"Hi David, "Sorry I haven't written for a while, I've been thinking a lot lately. I remember when I told you I joined the Navy and you asked if I was crazy. Well, at the time I thought you might be right about that. Now I know I accidentally made the right choice. For once I did the right thing. As long as I stayed at home everyone knew me from my past. I was the kid who sent a baseball through that old man's window. I was also the kid who kicked the ball into his own goal. And there were other things that you know about. When I came to the Navy nobody knew any of that stuff and I was able to start all over and become a new me. Now I like who I am. I feel free to be me. I feel liberated. Now I've found a couple of guys like me, like us. We have good times together and are very careful. "Now hang on to your ass. One of my new friends told me some of the other guys might be on to me. They suggested the only way to throw them off was to have sex with a girl so I went to town with some of them and, you are not going to believe this, I got laid. Yes, I fucked a whore. I got to tell you it wasn't easy. At first I thought I would be sick but once I got into it, it turned out okay. It wasn't any better than that time in D.C. and I'm in no hurry to do it again. Just think, now I am neither a straight nor a gay virgin. "I think of you some times and remember what a good friend you are. Thanks for being my friend. Please write soon.

"Your best friend, Dan "P.S.: The Navy let me grow up and now I'm Dan not Danny."

David was smiling as he finished reading Danny's letter. He would have to get used to thinking of him as `Dan'. He put the letter away but couldn't put away some of the things Dan wrote. He was intrigued by Dan's comments about being free to be who he was, being liberated, about finding himself.

The days marched along in rapid succession. David's ACT and SAT scores were exceptional. His excellent grades placed him in the top five percent of his graduating class. With that record he applied to and was accepted by four universities, two of them offered scholarships. He and his whole family were elated at his achievements.

The beginning of track season drew ever closer. David still wasn't sure if he should participate in the annual initiation ceremony or even run track at all. He mentioned his feelings to Marcus one day and got a lecture about how the team needed him and how he couldn't let the team down. He gave in and agreed to stay on the team, he felt committed to Marcus. After track practice began Marcus asked David who he was going to initiate and he said he would let the team captain decide where he was needed. David wanted as little involvement in the selection process as possible and he didn't really understand why. This time the initiation was a normal setup for David as he was assigned to a good-looking sophomore and a junior was assigned to help him. David decided to do all he could to speed up his ejaculation and let someone else claim the endurance honors. He managed to cum at the same time as his excited sophomore; they were somewhere in the middle of the pack. David was pleased when Marcus came in last to claim the title. Now there was only one more hurdle to jump en route to graduation -- the Senior Prom.

One afternoon David was walking through the hall after one of his classes when he saw Tiffany coming toward him, she clearly had him in her sights. He and Tiff were not an `item', had never officially dated and were not publicly going together. However, it seamed that every time there was any social function David always wound up escorting Tiffany so everyone just assumed that was the way they wanted it.

"Hi, David." Tiffany announced in her friendly, half-seductive voice. "We going to do the prom again this year?"

"I don't know, Tiff, I'm still thinking about it. Maybe you'd better get someone else."

"Oh, David, you know that isn't possible. Everyone expects me to go with you so nobody will even think to ask me. If you don't take me I can't get to go at all." Tiffany was starting to whine a little bit and that bugged David to no end.

"When's your next class?"

"I have an hour break before my English Lit class, why?

"I have the next hour free so let's go talk."


"Let's go, we'll think of someplace close," David offered. David drove to a Burger King close to the school and they ordered cokes. Sitting outside to avoid being heard David began the conversation.

"Tiff, I'm sure the prom will be a lot of fun. And I'm sure you must know I have a problem with the post-prom tradition. I respect you too much to take advantage of you, especially since we don't seem to have any inclinations toward more serious involvement. It just seems..."

"David, David." Tiffany interrupted him. You're right, I do understand how you feel about that. Please don't give it another thought. We can go to the prom, have a great time and that's all."

David looked Tiffany in the eyes trying to determine if she was being honest with him. There was something about the way she capitulated so quickly that made him suspicious. They had known each other too many years for David to accept everything she said at face value. Finally he agreed.

"Okay, as long as you promise me no after-prom tradition."

"I promise," Tiffany said happily with a big smile. David was suspicious and he had reason to be because Tiffany's hands were under the table where he couldn't see them and her fingers were crossed. Having settled that issue, they returned to school.

The Prom was great fun as expected. The wealthiest member of the Omega Society was hosting an after-Prom party for all Alpha and Omega seniors. The house was huge and plenty of adult beverages were available. There was even a local rock band playing on the patio. Approaching 1:00 AM, as Tiffany and David were dancing, she pulled him close and whispered in his ear, "Let's go upstairs." David continued dancing but pulled farther away and shot her a look that said, "Don't give me that shit!" Tiffany moved closer again and said, "Please?"

David stopped dancing, took Tiffany by the hand and led her from the dance floor down the hall to the library. Fortunately it was empty so they went inside and David closed the door.

"You promised you wouldn't ask!" David said with clear irritation in his voi ce.

"Yes, I know," Tiffany said as she led David over to a leather sofa and they sat down. "David, how long have we known each other, since third grade? Yes. And from the day we met I knew you were the nicest, kindest, most caring person I ever met. Although we haven't always been close I have always thought of you as my dearest friend. I have always looked forward to this evening; it means a lot to me. And after last year when you were so unbelievably gentle and tender I just knew you were the only one I could trust for this special occasion. You said it yourself; neither of us is interested in any long-term relationship at this time. But that doesn't mean two very good, close friends can't share some intimate time together. I just know... (blah, blah, blah...)"

David's mind began to wonder. "How could she do this? She promised. I could just tell her I'm gay and it would be all over. Yeah, it would be all over all right, in more ways than one. How can I possibly do what she asks? I'm not even sure I can get it up. However, I did manage last year so maybe it's possible. Wait, if Danny can do it why can't I? He did it with a whore but I can do it with Tiff. At least she is pretty and has a nice body. Who knows what Danny, er Dan had to endure. If I tell her I'm gay maybe she will go away. NOT! Okay, grab some courage and go for it.'

"...and I promise that..."

"Okay, Tiff, you win, let's go." He interrupted Tiffany in mid-sentence. At first she seemed almost startled but recovered quickly and kissed him gently on the lips.

"Come on, I know the way," Tiffany said as they stood and she took David's hand, leading him out of the library and toward the stairs.

Just tell her you're gay and that will be the end of it. No, it won't!' David wasn't exactly sure how he was going to pull this off. He had read lots of men's magazines that always seemed to have a never-ending supply of articles that purported to describe how a man should make love to a woman. The titles were something line "What Women Wish Men Knew," or "Women's Erogenous Zones," etc. Although he wasn't particularly interested in women, he was interested in sex so he always read everything he found. And, that's when it hit him, THIS isn't about me, it's all about HER! She doesn't give a damn about me; doing me a favor is farthest from her mind. That means I'm nothing but a male escort. Well, if that's what she wants, maybe I can do that. This will be a test. Could I be a successful escort? Let's find out if any of that shit they write in those magazines is worth anything. All I have to worry about is getting it up.'

With Tiffany leading the way, they walked up the stairs. Near the top they passed another couple walking down, arm in arm and kissing occasionally. The thought crossed David's mind that they better watch where they were walking so they didn't fall down the stairs. Tiffany opened the first door she came to and, determining the bedroom was empty, she led them inside. When they reached the bed Tiffany turned, threw her arms around David's neck and began kissing him and pressing her body, especially her hips, against him and started rubbing up and down. She wasn't wasting any time and began helping David out of his jacket. Next she attacked the buttons on his shirt followed by his belt buckle and zipper. In what seemed like a matter of seconds David was standing in nothing but his briefs and socks. He decided to wait and let Tiffany finish so he could have her undivided attention for her disrobing. When he was sure she was not going any further, David reached around behind her and slowly, very slowly unzipped her gown. Once the zipper reached its limit, David spread the back of the gown open slightly to expose her spine to the cool air of the bedroom. He placed his left hand at the back of Tiffany's head and pulled her into another kiss then gently placed the middle finger of his right hand on the back of her neck. When he was sure her attention was focused on the kiss he began very softly and very slowly sliding that finger (ensuring his fingernail was in play) down her exposed spine. By the time his finger reached the middle of her back he felt Tiffany shudder involuntarily and exhale. `So far so good,' he thought as his finger continued to the base of her spine. Next he unfastened her bra strap then slid the gown and bra over her shoulders and down. Tiffany placed one hand on his shoulder to steady herself as she stepped out of her gown. David laid the clothing over a nearby chair and turned to see Tiffany stepping out of her half-slip and hose. She tossed them on the chair with her gown then took David's hand and, as she lay down on the bed she pulled him down with her. As they lay kissing, David carefully slid his hand under the waistband of Tiffany's panties and she raised her hips to help him remove them. David tossed them somewhere in the direction of the chair. Now it was Tiffany's turn as she slipped her hand behind his back and under the waistband of his briefs and began working them down off his hips. By now, David had a soft-on, which did not interfere with removing his briefs but clearly signaled to Tiffany that he was excited. Before he could plan his next move Tiffany had hold of his penis and was trying to roll a condom onto it. David wondered where Tiffany had come up with a condom so quickly and questioned if it was big enough, it seemed a little tight.

So there they lay, Tiffany emotionally excited about what was about to happen and David logically and rationally calculating his next moves. One of David's questions was already answered. Whenever a naked young man comes in contact with another naked body, Nature takes control and prepares him for action -- he was in full erection. It wasn't the hardest or most excited he had ever been but it did feel good and would work. David began by repeating the tactics he used last year to masturbate Tiffany to multiple orgasms; he started applying soft, gentle kisses all over her neck and the top of her breasts. Tiffany lay back and relaxed, almost inviting David to continue. And he did. He expanded his territory by kissing the under side of her breasts, her abdomen, and the outside of her hips. He seemed to be locating enough erogenous zones to cause her to moan and squirm beneath him.

As his cock hardened even more, David felt the condom split at the top and open all the way down one side. "Damn!" he said softly."

"What's wrong."

"The condom just broke."

"Oh no! I only had one."

"I've got one; let me reach my pants." David climbed off the bed and found his pants. He never went anywhere without condoms, whether he expected to need one or not. Then it occurred to him that he might have been able to use the ruptured condom as an excuse to stop where they were headed but reasoned it was already too late. He tore open the foil packet and rolled the condom down his prick, this time the size was correct. He climbed back onto the bed and Tiffany guided him between her spread legs, exactly where she wanted him. David tried to resume where he left off but Tiffany apparently wanted to move things further down the road. She took his right hand and placed directly in her crotch. There was no room for misinterpretation about what she wanted.

"So, she wants me to move faster, does she! She begged me for this and, well, I'm driving this train and she'll just have to travel at my speed.' David thought as he resumed his kissing. Since his right hand was already on her pussy he began stroking it like he had last year and he got immediate positive feedback. Tiffany was definitely hot. Without hesitating, David allowed his middle finger to slip over Tiffany's engorged clitoris and into the fold of skin below it. Instinctively he bent his finger and it slid right into her vagina. He was intrigued by how hot and moist she was inside. He expected the heat but the moisture was a surprise. Tiffany moaned but did not object so David continued his kisses, moving more rapidly south, around her belly button when he slipped a second finger inside her vagina. David remembered how he had been careful to open Danny before he fucked him and assumed he needed to do the same for Tiffany. As his lips reached the top edge of Tiffany's bush he got his first whiff of femininity; it almost turned his stomach and he retreated back to her belly button. He remembered something he had heard one of the guys say once, as they sat around lying to each other, If you can get past the smell, you got it licked.' Now he knew what the guy meant. By now he had three fingers inside Tiffany and she seemed to be comfortable with it so the moment was at hand. He removed his fingers, aligned the head of his cock with Tiffany's opening and began applying pressure. He didn't think it was necessary to say anything about what he was doing, certainly Tiffany could feel it. Although the vaginal opening was tight, David encountered little resistance and the head of his cock slid comfortably inside. Tiffany became very rigid as he entered then seemed to relax somewhat. David remembered several important things he read in those magazine articles. One was that most of the nerve endings were concentrated around the opening and just inside the vagina and that was where a man should concentrate his attention if he was interested in satisfying his woman. Second, that the G' spot was located just inside the vagina near the front wall. And third, when a man drove his penis against a woman's cervix it created a sensation similar to a man getting kicked in the balls. David proceeded on that basis of information.

Once he was inside, David leaned forward and kissed Tiffany softly on the lips. She responded by taking his head in her hands, mashing their lips together and driving her tongue deep into his mouth. That almost caused David to plunge his cock as far into Tiffany as he could but he was able to stop about half way in. Then he began a slow fuck motion, trying to concentrate on hitting her `G' spot while softly kissing her face, neck, and breasts.

Okay, this isn't so bad. It's not Danny but it isn't bad. Let's see what I can do.' David was completely focused on bringing Tiffany to a successful orgasm as soon as possible so he accelerated his thrusting, keeping them shallow. Sooner than he expected, Tiffany began moaning loudly and squirming beneath him then he felt her body shudder and she gasped. That's one! How many more does she have before she tells me to quit?' David thought as he continued thrusting. Several minutes later Tiffany shuddered again, gasped and emitted a soft squeal. `Two!' David said to himself and continued thrusting at a slightly increased pace. By now, David began to feel an increased arousal in his groin. Perhaps he could complete this challenge normally. He continued thrusting. A few more minutes passed, Tiffany still gave no signals for David to stop, and she again shuddered, squealed more loudly and kissed David hard on his neck.

Unknown to either 17-year-old, the bedroom door opened slowly. The light in the hall had been turned off so there would be no tell tail shaft of light ent ering the room. Two, then four, then six heads filled the slight opening in the door and watched as David's two white globes bob up and down.

David could feel his approaching orgasm and wanted to get Tiffany off one more time before he came. Supporting his weight with his left arm he placed the fingers of his right hand on top of Tiffany's push, as close to where he thought her `G' spot was (he read that in a magazine) and began pressing. Tiffany responded by grabbing David's chest with her fingers extending under his armpits. Her intent was to help David increase the pressure and friction on her clitoris and in so doing, she inadvertently positioned her thumbs directly on top on David's nipples. This proved to be a stroke of luck because David's nipples were hard-wired directly to his orgasmic center. Everything seemed to come together all at once. Tiffany almost screamed as her fourth and most powerful orgasm took total control of her body and she tightened her legs around David's waist, driving him deep inside her while she bit into his shoulder and dragged her fingernails up and down his back. David's orgasm was in full play at the same moment and he could no longer control his thrusting, with the help of Tiffany's legs his hips drove his tool all the way to its base and his seed rushed forward, filling the latex barrier covering his penis. There were several aftershocks, or afterthrusts, and then both youths lay quietly for several minutes. The door to the bedroom closed quietly.

"Thank you David, you were wonderful, just wonderful. Oh, God. I can't believe how good this was." And Tiffany kissed him hard on the lips again.

"That was pretty awesome, Tiff. You're pretty wonderful yourself." David did the best he could, trying to stroke Tiffany's feelings and make her believe it was really good for him. He still wished it had been a guy. He remembered something he heard one of the guys say once, "The worst piece of ass I ever had was pretty wonderful." `Well, I guess I can place this in that category,' David thought. He rolled off of Tiffany, got out of bed and went into the bathroom to flush the condom down the toilet and get cleaned up. Walking back into the bedroom Tiffany was finishing dressing.

She turned around and said, "Zip me up, will you?"

"Sure," David said as he grasped the zipper and lifted it to the top of her dress. Tiffany turned around and scanned David's nude form.

"Damn, David, you're some hunk. How come I never noticed before now?"

"Tiff, don't get carried away." David did not feel the least bit embarrassed. He thought that was strange; he should have been. He turned to get his clothes when Tiffany grabbed and kissed him, running her hands up and down his back and fondling his buns.

"Maybe we should do this more often."

"Tiff, I need to get dressed," David insisted as he gently separated from her grasp and picked up his briefs. As he finished dressing and was putting his shoes on he noticed the failed condom lying on the floor. He picked it up and placed it in his pocket for disposal later then the two of them proceeded down stairs to join the rest of their group.

David got home sometime after 4:30 AM and slept until about 10:30 AM. He was tired when he awoke but decided to go for a run to try to clear his head. After emptying his bladder he dressed in running shorts and T-shirt and headed out the door. About an hour later he was sitting on the back step cooling down with a Gatorade, his T-shirt thrown over his left shoulder, when Kate exited the house and started to sit down on his right side. Kate was already home from school making final arrangements for the wedding. She paused.

"Wow! What happened to you?

David looked around. "What do you mean?"

"Have you looked in the mirror this morning?"

"No, why?"

"Well, you must have run into a real tiger last night, your back is all scratched up. And look at that hickey! And there are bite marks on your shoulder. My God, David, did Tiffany do all that? What on earth were you do..." Kate didn't need to finish her question, she knew the answer. She sat down and looked into David's eyes. She saw nothing there. He wasn't embarrassed, he wasn't ashamed, and he wasn't in love. There just weren't any feelings showing in his eyes.

"First and last time, Kate!" David's voice had a very matter-of-fact emphatic tone to it.

"Davie, you don't owe me any explanation. Just be sure to wear a shirt with a collar for a few days, okay?"

"Yeah!" David said with a guilty smile and chuckled lightly.

"Especially for the wedding next Saturday, okay?"

"You got it, Sis. While you're hear, I need your help."

"Sure, David, you know you can count on me."

"I made a decision this morning and I'm going to need some support with Mom and Dad. You see, I've decided to enlist in the Army." Before Kate could interject he continued. "I really need to get away from this town and all the people who know me, or at least the people who think they know me. I have to try to find out who I am and I think the Army will give me that chance. I checked all the services a couple of weeks ago and the Army can offer me a special deal, only two years and I'm out."

"What about college?" Kate asked.

"Well, if I go to college now I'll be there with a lot of kids from high sc hool and they will expect me to be who I've always been. If I take two years off, then those kids will be two years ahead of me. Some of them will have flunked out and the others will have moved on and be with new friends. I shouldn't have to live up to their expectations. I've already talked to the universities; all four say they will accept me in two years. The only loss might be the scholarships. One school was right up front and told me it was now or forget it. The other said they would reconsider when I reapplied and that it's possible I might be even better qualified after finishing a tour in the Army. So, I'm going to sign the papers after the wedding, I'll be 18 by then, and will probably be gone when you and John return from your honeymoon."

"Oh, David! Oh, David. You're breaking my heart. I'm going to miss you so much." Tears began streaming from her eyes.

"Hey, hey, now stop that. I'm not going to Mars! We'll probably get to see each other as often as we do now. Besides, you'll be married and have to look after your man."

Kate had hold of David's right arm as she looked up into his eyes, "Oh, I know, it's just the thought of you being in the Army; it kind of frightens me. And... what about their policy on gays? Doesn't that bother you?"

"No, I can live with that, just like I've been living with it so far. By the way, does John know about me, I mean me being gay?"

"Not unless you've told him. I believe that is something you should do when you are ready."

"I will. Now is not the time. I don't want any dark clouds anywhere near your happy day. I'll tell him some day down the road, okay?"

"You know? That's really nice you feel that way. Some day you'll find the right time for that."

The brother and sister continued this conversation a while longer then David went into the house and got cleaned up, making sure to wear a shirt with a collar. As he was checking the pockets of the tux before returning it, he found the failed condom. Holding it in his hand, he examined it closely. Why that bitch,' David thought, that cunning little cunt! She cut the tip off the reservoir and that caused it to fail. What was she trying to do, trap me? I guess rubbers prevent more than STDs.'

Graduation came and went and then the wedding was upon them. It was a big one as weddings go in the town; almost everyone was invited. The following Monday, David went down to the Army Recruiter's office and signed the necessary papers. That evening over dinner he told his parents. His mother was distraught but his father accepted his decision, even if somewhat reluctantly. David explained his situation regarding college and assured his parents he would get an education upon finishing the Army. The next day he went to visit Joe and Mr. McCracken and tell them he would not be working for them for a while. They both wished him well and Mr. McCracken told David to come see him in two years if he wanted a job and David thanked him and left. Two days later David left home on a new adventure.

Next: Chapter 10

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